Thursday Jul 20, 2023
Thursday Jul 20, 2023
Thursday Jul 20, 2023
Given the recent release & fanfare surrounding the remixed and remasterized 40th anniversary edition of LIVE EVIL, the “first official” live album from metal founding fathers BLACK SABBATH and the last official album to feature RONNIE JAMES DIO on vocals (until 1992 anyway), we felt obliged to share our own personal experiences regarding LIVE EVIL, from our first listen until now.
With a setlist including a balanced mix of classic Ozzy era tracks blended with the more recent Dio era tracks from MOB RULES & HEAVEN AND HELL, it’s certainly a live album that any fan of Black Sabbath, Ronnie James Dio, and/or live concert albums in general, should have in their collection.
Being that this is a “LIVE DIVE”, this episode is definitely BIG. Prepare to discover what might just be “the perfect beer” and understand that there’s definitely a BIG difference between “Brewering and Breuering”. Get ready to “poon the peen” as you bear witness to the latest collab between “Ron Jeremy and Sammy Hagar” and find out how little it takes to entertain us in a BIG way. Call up your “fluff person” for some BIG “bonus hole” maintenance and JOIN US in the Bunkerpoon as we reflect on 40 years of LIVE EVIL from the mighty and powerful (and also BIG) BLACK SABBATH.
Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode
Leave us a Voicemail to be played on a future episode: 980-666-8182
Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – metalnerdery.com/merch
and kindly leave us a review and/or rating on the iTunes/Apple Podcasts - Spotify or your favorite Podcast app
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Email: metalnerdery@gmail.com
Can’t be LOUD Enough Playlist on Spotify
Metal Nerdery Munchies on YouTube @metalnerderypodcast
Show Notes:
(00:01): #bonushole / “That’s the pooned peen…” / #aftermarket #transam #bonushole / ***WARNING: #listenerdiscretionisadvised *** / #thisepisodesclinkyoftheepisode #thekraken #blackroast / ***WELCOME BACK TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST!!!*** #bunkerpooninternational / #thisepisodesbeeroftheepisode / #GoldenRoadBrewing #MangoCart #daydrinkingbeer #fourpercentABV / “This has the refreshment factor…Every time I have this beer, I smile…” / “It’s the finish…” / #subtletyisyourfriend (“Like the bass on …And Justice For All…”) / #brewering and/or #Breuring / “I would pair it with…” / “He’s got THAT, we’ve got beer…” / “I look good in pink btw…” / #miamiviceextra #facetattoo #fannyfloss / “Is that difficult?” / #RussellsReflections regarding the recent #ActusReus and #SillyGoose show at #SmithsOldeBar / “Did your balls tingle a little bit?” / Stop, drop, and ROW! / #ilikebeer #alcoholismASMR / “Just keep doing it!” / “What if he doesn’t want to?” / #SillyGoose OUT OF THE PICTURE #RageAgainstTheLimpThreeElevenBizkitMachine / “It’s a good pairing…”
(20:02): “I do have an email…” / ***HIT US UP AND SEND US AN EMAIL AT metalnerdery@gmail.com or check us out on the socials *** / “Did your haunted potty yell at you for your pee-pee?” / “Y’know, they do have #ectoplasm…” / #livingectoplasm / So NOW do you want to do #thevoicemailsegment? ***GIVE US A FUCKIN CALL AT FUCKIN 980-666-8182 AND LEAVE US A FUCKIN VOICEMAIL!!!*** #ThanksRocky (“You all look SO different from what I imagined…”) #TravelersRest / Radio DJs and their face vs their voice (“We all have #radiofaces”) / “I can’t drive…” / #96RockInTheDaytime
(26:52): #TheDocket / METAL NERDERY PODCAST PRESENTS: BLACK SABBATH – LIVE EVIL / The timing of the release of #LiveEvil (from #BlackSabbath) and #SpeakOfTheDevil (from #OzzyOsbourne) / “The brains and the tits…” / “It’s the aftermarket shit I’ve got issues with…” / Speculation, gossip and rumors regarding #RonnieJamesDio departure from #bolth #BlackSabbath and #Rainbow / “Have you ever #cockedup anything?” / #Shoutout regarding #GeezerButlersAutobiography #IntoTheVoid / E5150 (#scaryviolins) / NEON KNIGHTS #killeropener / “No more evil down there, I promise…” / Recorded in multiple cities at multiple venues and crafted into a single seamless show / “btw they all have #allthecokelines …”/ N.I.B. (“It’d still be a little odd…”) / “He could sing the dictionary…” / #MetalNerderyConspiracyTheory #threenames (“Hold on, stay with me now…”) / #phonebook / “See, he’s a #serialkiller…” / “Me and #FuckinSlayer” / #JFKASMR
(42:55): “The very first time I ever heard this song was this version…” / CHILDREN OF THE SEA #mistymorningASMR / “Anytime there’s a #No…” / “It’s a skill…one you don’t have…I hope.” / #thedance / “What we’re gonna do…” / The difference between the #LiveEvil live version vs the #HeavenAndHell studio version / VOODOO #justsayno / “First we’d like you to say hello to #TonyIommi…” / BLACK SABBATH (“I thought this was a weird intro, but it totally works…”) #beerme #cantbeloudenough / “That was unintended…” / “Get ready Bill…” / #NO / #BigBlackShape #dontdenythepowerof #getready #LMAOASMR / “Sometimes our #entertainment means more…” / “Have you ever done that?” / #gravy / The album tracking vs cassette tracking / WAR PIGS (NOTE: Sorry, we forgot to include the #drumsolo part…) / The conundrum and/or conflict of a new vocalist performing #backcatalog songs from an established band… / “Unless you’re at a porn shoot…” / #recordfluffer / “Sadly, now, I WANT to talk about this…”
(1:01:17): IRON MAN (#killeropener on the #cassetteversion) / “It almost sounds slower…heavier…” / “Ohhh come on!!!” MOB RULES / #RussellsReflections regarding #IronMaiden with regard to this particular tune / “It’s big…and Black…Sabbath…” / HEAVEN AND HELL #stagebanter #OnAndOn (Has anyone ever seen the video of the #LiveEvil concert? If so, send us an email at metalnerdery@gmail.com and give us your feedback!) / The similarities between #RimeOfTheAncientMariner and #HeavenAndHell / “It’s the thimbles…and his mustache…” / #TonyIommiGuitarSolo (“That’s cool as shit!”) / “Get ready for #mouthshapes in 3-2-1…” / ***Be sure to go check out the 40th anniversary #deluxeedition of #LiveEvil*** / THE SIGN OF THE SOUTHERN CROSS/HEAVEN AND HELL #shiver #HeavenAndHellReprise #ohwell #readthoselyrics / “If my balls are golden and they fall…” / PARANOID (“I must be blind…I can’t see…”) / “You can’t do that…” / “Unless that thing is real long…” / #killercloser CHILDREN OF THE GRAVE (Mosh?) / FLUFF (“All the best, goodnight.”) / Other great songs to close out #LiveEvil / “That’s what makes our show our show…” / #SAGAFTRA strike (“Why do we still have unions?”) / #ballsarefull / The coolness of the #albumcover (which corresponds with each track on the album) & the lightning / ***THANK YOU FOR JOINING US!!!*** #untilthenext / ***STOP BY THE #BUNKERPOONGIFTSHOPPE AND PURCHANDISE YOUR MERCHANDISE AT metalnerdery.com/merch *** / #outroreel #goodstuff #bigblackshape
Thursday Jul 13, 2023
Thursday Jul 13, 2023
Thursday Jul 13, 2023
QOTSA, aka QUEENS OF THE STONE AGE, began back in the late “Nineteen Hundreds” in Seattle, Washington following the breakup of Josh Homme’s former band, desert metal legends Kyuss. With a wide array of sonic textures, layers, and sound design sorcery ingrained within their music, as with Kyuss, QOTSA is another prime example of a band whose albums should be listened to and enjoyed via headphones (and if we’re being honest, since “this show is about honesty”, a healthy infusion of relaxers will help to further enhance this experience).
It’s time to realize which nationality’s coitus “sounds delicious” and understand that the pain of regret from a disappointing high gravity brew rivals the pain of regret that comes from copping a squat “on your balls”. Prepare to bear witness to one of the greatest alcohol “collabs” ever imagined and discover the powerful allure of food truck fare when you JOIN US as we get outside the desert and go inside the metal with none other than QUEENS OF THE STONE AGE.
Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode
Leave us a Voicemail to be played on a future episode: 980-666-8182
Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – metalnerdery.com/merch
and kindly leave us a review and/or rating on the iTunes/Apple Podcasts - Spotify or your favorite Podcast app
Listen on iTunes, Spotify, Podbean, Google Podcasts or wherever you get your Podcasts.
Follow us on the Socials:
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Email: metalnerdery@gmail.com
Can’t be LOUD Enough Playlist on Spotify
Metal Nerdery Munchies on YouTube @metalnerderypodcast
QOTSA on the Interwebs: https://qotsa.com/
Show Notes:
(00:01): “You guys missed a BUNCH of stuff…” / #moneyshot / “There’s a #DallasTexasBased #ACDCTributeBand #BackInBlack (Wait, Axl Rose!? Seriously!?) / “He can do BOLTH voices perfectly!” / “If I was Mr. AC/DC…” / “That’s when all the cool shows happened…” / “He sat on his balls…” / #happyfourth / ***WARNING: #listenerdiscretionisadvised *** / ***WELCOME BACK TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST!!!*** #tothelandoftheyeah #bunkerpoonunlimited #inthebunker / #thisepisodesbeeroftheepisode (“I’m still trying to power through mine…”) / “That’s what this show’s about…it’s about honesty…and metal.” / #hihoneyASMR / #thisepisodesbeeroftheepisode / #SweetwaterGummiesIPA #ninepointfivepercentABV (“that’s the only thing…”) #onmicburp (“tastes like #badcoughmedicine sans narcotics”) / “This is not one of them…” / #markthetime / #GoldenGreyGoose (“Dude, they should have a #collab!”) / #GoldenGoose / #ASMR / “I can never go to a camera store again ever…” / #businessplanning and #jokecollabs and #tshirts / #tourshirts #withdates #tshirtdesignASMR (“Did they just play that album?”)
(09:25): #Pantera on tour…good turnouts & favorable reviews / #No / “I think the only way I would have loved that…” / #GeritolTheater (“Do they show tits at #TheCureConcerts?”) / “Dude, Italian intercourse sounds delicious…” / #scampi #gahlic #spicygahlicscampi / #foodtrucks / #bakedpotatoes (“You can do so much…and they’re good for you…”) / #potatobomb #ChernobylFarms #massivepotatoes #yuge (“I’ve got #foodbone right now… I can’t stand it…”) / #runningoutofboner / “The whole #nipflashing thing…” / #thesnaps / #markthetime / #RussellsReflections #TheCureInConcert #TheCureASMR #SadMusicForSadPeopleASMR #ExpensiveVices (“…for 2 drinks, this size!”) / “What kind of fucking shit is that!?” / #dontworryaboutit (“I’ve seen #TheGodfather” …)
(20:00): #secretmenu #realmexicanpizza (“Not that fuckin’ fake bullshit…”) / #TheDocket / METAL NERDERY PRESENTS: QUEENS OF THE STONE AGE – INSIDE THE METAL (#QOTSA) / Exceptionally good with #relaxers / “Lots of desert, stoner stuff…” / “It’s basically 90’s metal.” / #hugepubes #yugepubes #corporationarena (“I thought that she was…”)
(23:32): Queens of the Stone Age (1998) / “I like the way he says #boobs (and/or #bewbs)” / #killeropener #firstnewalbum REGULAR JOHN #crooningASMR IF ONLY (“A little before it’s time…”) / The perspective of time and 23 years: 1977 to 2000 vs 2000 to 2023. / Seeing the passage of time (“In the 1900’s…”)
(29:43): #bunkerpoonthememusic Rated R (2000) / FEEL GOOD HIT OF THE SUMMER (“I think I’m like 6 for 7 on that list…”) / “Nobody could ever tell me…” / #euphorichallucinogenic #yes / THE LOST ART OF KEEPING A SECRET / QUICK AND TO THE POINTLESS (“I don’t even know…what…I’m doin’ here…”) / BETTER LIVING THROUGH CHEMISTRY (“This is creepy…”)
(36:54): “It came out of nowhere…” / #phenomenon #breakoutalbum Songs for the Deaf (2002) / GO WITH THE FLOW / #screenoftits (“that’s the name of our first album, dude…”) / A SONG FOR THE DEAF / “Go to about the ½ way mark…” / #darkandcreepyASMR / “#youguys #ericcartmanASMR / “You could basically imagine it with that…” / “Have you noticed…?”
(43:38): Lullabies to Paralyze (2005) / “I know it sounds petty…” / LITTLE SISTER (“Hello Doro…”) / “was it #thehotcarlsonreview?” / “If I’ve gotta talk you through it…the moment’s ruined.” / BURN THE WITCH #fuzzybass / “I gotta request, man…” / YOU GOT A KILLER SCENE THERE, MAN… / How to improve your blunts…
(48:45): Era Vulgaris (2007) / #retrovibe SICK, SICK, SICK / MAKE IT WIT CHU / TURNIN’ OF THE SCREW #veryfuzzy / …Like Clockwork (2013) /Great Fauci impression… #DanaCarveyASMR (“He’s like our generations’ #RichLittle”) / I SAT BY THE OCEAN (“Remember your training…”) / MY GOD IS THE SUN / “Wait…wasn’t “Villains” somewhere in there?”
(56:46): “that was when I was still working & functioning and…gobbling those things down like #PEZ” / “Eyeballs in the fists…” / Villains (2017) / #killeropener (“Excellent buildup…”) FEET DON’T FAIL ME #greatatmosphere / Regular lights vs black lights / THE WAY YOU USED TO DO #seventeenASMR / “He was straddlin’ it…” / FORTRESS #relaxersASMR (“Definitely has a 70’s thing going on…”)
(1:04:56): “Is it fucked up that I wanna order a pizza and THEN go do the #foodtruck thing?” / In Times New Roman… (2023) / PAPER MACHETE #leadoffsingle / “That one looks good…” CARNAVOYEUR (80% of the #cokelines) / “You have to listen to the whole album…” / “My balls are very full…and my stomach is very empty…” / #QueensOfTheMomScrewin and/or #QueensOfTheStoneAge #QOTSA / #ohmy / ***THANK YOU FOR JOINING US FOR THIS EPISODE OF METAL NERDERY PODCAST!!!*** #untilthenext ***VISIT THE BUNKERPOON GIFTSHOPPE AT metalnerdery.com/merch AND PURCHANDISE SOME MERCHANDISE!!!*** / #outroreel
Thursday Jul 06, 2023
Thursday Jul 06, 2023
Thursday Jul 06, 2023
This episode is dedicated to one of a handful of times in thrash metal history where the first two albums have two totally different singers, giving the illusion of two totally different “first new albums”. And since this is an episode of firsts, we felt that diving into BONDED BY BLOOD (the first album with Paul Baloff on vocals) and PLEASURES OF THE FLESH (the first album with Steve “Zetro” Souza on vocals) together would be an excellent way to compare and contrast the mighty thrash power of Big Five Thrash Masters EXODUS and offer the perfect opportunity to hear the evolution of the band’s sound (from first to first, as it were) and get a better feel for the profound stylistic progression between these two uniquely distinctive debuts (with Baloff & Souza, respectively).
It's time to understand what happens when you’re “hangin’ your dangle” off the boat to “air dry” while simultaneously adjusting your “shutter speed” and aperture. Hopefully “the sheilas” and the djentlemen are both listening so they can behold the “gummified” horror that unfolds “when the bag of syrup is almost out” and JOIN US for this double dive of EXODUS firsts, with Baloff’s BONDED BY BLOOD & Souza’s PLEASURES OF THE FLESH.
Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode
Leave us a Voicemail to be played on a future episode: 980-666-8182
Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – metalnerdery.com/merch
and kindly leave us a review and/or rating on the iTunes/Apple Podcasts - Spotify or your favorite Podcast app
Listen on iTunes, Spotify, Podbean, Google Podcasts or wherever you get your Podcasts.
Follow us on the Socials:
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Email: metalnerdery@gmail.com
Can’t be LOUD Enough Playlist on Spotify
Metal Nerdery Munchies on YouTube @metalnerderypodcast
EXODUS on the InterWebs: https://exodusattack.com/site/
Show Notes:
(00:01): “Oh wait, we’re rolling!” / #airdrythewang after a #coldshower #thekraken / #Noyist / “I wanna see all the #deadlyanimals” #chamberofcommerce / #thesheilas ***WARNING: #listenerdiscretionisadvised *** / ***WELCOME BACK TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST!!!*** / #gummified / “My bathroom is #hauntedagain” (It’s #ghoststorytime) #paranormalASMR #hauntedtoilet #markallthosetimes / #orbs / #thisepisodesbeeroftheepisode #Schofferhofer Grapefruit Hefeweizen 2.5 / #mixedmessages (“More alcoholic goodness? Or less?”) / “The bag of syrup is almost out?” / “Usually…” / “I don’t know how to feel about it…” / “That’s what I’m gonna call my balls from now on…” / “I never got the whole #sparklingwatertrend man…” / “It’s missing the bag of syrup.” / #waterflavorizer / “Unsweet tea?” / *** IF YOU’D LIKE TO GIVE US A CALL AND LEAVE US A VOICEMAIL YOU CAN GIVE US A CALL AT 980-666-8182*** / #voicemailsegment #thetripsix #gday #metalconspiracyASMR #jameshetfieldvocalASMR (“What two bands would you like merged together?”) #Beatallica SGT. HETFIELD’S MOTORBREATH PUB BAND / GARAGE DAYS NIGHT / #TheBurningQuestion #metalmashups / #RockSugar DON’T STOP THE SANDMAN #softintro (“We’ll get through it…”) / #waitforit #JourneyMetallicaMashupASMR #StevePerryASMR #yeah / “This is terrible…” / “That’s all he does is say ‘yeah’!” / #No / ***WE GOT A #FACEBOOKRECOMMENDATION FOR #METALNERDERYPODCAST!!!*** #ThankYouForThat / #happybelated (an #email from The Darius: you can email us at metalnerdery@gmail.com if you’ve got questions, inquiries, or feedbacks) / “Does it let you slip through the spiritual atmosphere a little easier?” #astralglide / #Evile REAP WHAT YOU SOW (“Riff wise, it’s almost like a modern sounding combination of Slayer & Metallica…”) / “Fuck, I forgot to do #thejingle” / WE’LL PLAY YOUR SHIT-TAH!!!
(22:22): “We went and sat through 2 and a half hours of #TheCure” / “That’s a box set!” / #offmicburp / “If you’d like to be sad…” / “No!” / “So, it wasn’t a show…” / #RussellsRecommendations #movieedition #basedonatruestory / Creepy, RI & Haunted, HI / “Cockfeelers?” (“I bet there is.”)
(27:20): #TheDocket METAL NERDERY PRESENTS: THE FIRST TWO FIRST NEW ALBUMS WITH THE FIRST TWO FRONTMEN OF EXODUS: ALBUM DIVE DOUBLE-HEADER!!! BONDED BY BLOOD & PLEASURES OF THE FLESH / #doubledive / “They released their first album the latest of #thebigfour / “I do remember they used to play this on #WREKage” / “You cannot unhear that.” / #1985echo / “Aren’t they all kinda ugly?” / #theshirts (“I don’t know if their tits are out or not…”) / BONDED BY BLOOD #tittlee #killeropener #timemachine #backto1985 #allthecokelines (“Sounds a little like Four Horsemen…”) / “It’s their #ExciterMoment” / EXODUS (“It’s kinda tragic that it didn’t come out sooner…”) / “But then, he’s Ozzy…” / Reflecting on #heavymetalculture and the various #thrashbandscenes across the country, including our own personal experiences
(37:26): AND THEN THERE WERE NONE (“That echo is so weird…”) / “Wow, I did not know that…” / “They didn’t do anything in the 90’s…” / “No…” / #mouthfarts / A LESSON IN VIOLENCE (“This might be one of the fastest ones yet…”) / “If this came out in ’83, I believe #TheBigFour would be shaped very differently…” / #killercloser #sideuno METAL COMMAND / “It sounds like 1985…” / #backingvocals #dontdenythepowerof
(46:16): #killeropener #sidedos PIRANHA (“That’s a cool riff…”) / “That was an #eviler sounding laugh…” / #diarrheareflectionsASMR #facingyourfears / NO LOVE (#softintro) / “Sounds like love to me…” / They were what a lot of people would call #mavericks / “It was raw…” / DELIVER US TO EVIL (“No bro, one song. That’s it.”) / #RussellsClarifications #JohnTravoltaImpression and #AndrewDiceClay / “The ‘away’ part is pretty important…” / STRIKE OF THE BEAST / #killercloser / Words, stuff, things, and whatnots…
(56:58): One of my favorite moments in all of metal! #killeropener
2nd Exodus album, 2nd Exodus Singer, first new album with the first new singer (Pleasures of the Flesh: 1987): The transition from Paul Baloff to Steve “Zetro” Souza / “Have you ever wondered what we taste like?” / “He had a pretty good marblin’ to him…we raised that boy #wagyu” / DERANGED (#bestintroever) #killeropener #killerriff / It’s as big a jump as Kill ‘em All to Ride the Lightning / ‘TIL DEATH DO US PART (“Sounds a little #TestamentIsh” / #seealsoLegacy / PARASITE (“That sounds like a blend…”) / “Was that an edit? Or is that how it is?”
(1:05:50): BRAIN DEAD (#allthecokelines #yeahyeah) / “It’s very them…” / FASTER THAN YOU’LL EVER LIVE TO BE #killercloser #sideone / “The riffs have definitely stepped up…” / #uglychords / PLEASURES OF THE FLESH (“What ‘they’ said…#bumblebeetuna”) / #guitarharmonies (the riff is reminiscent of Deathamphetamine) / 30 SECONDS (“When your butthole had more power…”) #shudderspeed #LMAOASMR #wrongpipeASMR / SEEDS OF HATE (That almost sounded a little like “Scrum” from Slayer…interesting) / Rob Halford vibes / CHEMI-KILL (#flahns) “I don’t remember that riff being that busy…” / “Gotta be careful with that one, though…” / CHOOSE YOUR WEAPON #killercloser (“Is that 4/4?”) / “Even for a bass player…” / “He was an ally…” / “Remember all the horror shows with #piranhas in them?” / “It’s like hangin’ your dangle off the boat…” / “I can’t say that anymore…” / “Diven?” / #untilthenext #thelastword #ghostofthebunkerpoon #No ***Stop by #MetalNerderyPodcast #BunkerpoonOutfitters located next to the #BunkerpoonGiftShoppe at metalnerdery.com/merch *** #outroreel #goodone (“A huge what?”)
Thursday Jun 29, 2023
Thursday Jun 29, 2023
Thursday Jun 29, 2023
If you’re gonna describe a riff to somebody…”
There are a multitude of MOUTH SHAPES that exist all across the rock & metal landscape, many of which we’re pretty certain you’ve never heard of before in your life.
Sure, there’s the typical FLAHNS & DJUNTS. (And thanks to Pantera, there are even super djunts!).
But did you know about the muns, the buns, the duns, the luns, and the uns?
What about the waows and the baows? The dans and the dons?
The ban-nah-nahs, the dahn-nahs and the lahn-nahs?
We realize this is A LOT to process, but here’s a few “rules” to consider that might make comprehension of this lunacy a little easier:
- Sometimes if it’s too fast, regardless of how heavy it is, there’s just no time for djunts.
- Generally speaking, ALL clean guitar stuff (which includes anything played with a bow) is considered a flahn.
(The only exception being Slayer, as their clean riffs are strangely devoid of any flahninity.)
- Melodies (as a general rule) are also applicable to proper MOUTH SHAPE classification as they’re kinda riffs (but not really) and they’re also kinda solos (but not really).
- Beavis & Butt-Head are the original pioneers that first brought the heavy metal mouth shape movement to mainstream awareness back in the early 1990’s.
It’s time to grasp which kinds of holes we “don’t like talking about” and find out “why the girls don’t listen” even after our collective acknowledgement that all high quality “stripper lotion” used by “shooter girls and bottle girls” is the best because “it has glitter in it.” Get ready to “get up in there” and have some fun, remember the meaning of “NO means NO” and JOIN US for our in-depth, investigative report regarding DJUNTS & FLAHNS & OTHER MOUTH SHAPES.
Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode
Leave us a Voicemail to be played on a future episode: 980-666-8182
Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – metalnerdery.com/merch
and kindly leave us a review and/or rating on the iTunes/Apple Podcasts - Spotify or your favorite Podcast app
Listen on iTunes, Spotify, Podbean, Google Podcasts or wherever you get your Podcasts.
Follow us on the Socials:
Facebook - Instagram - Twitter
Email: metalnerdery@gmail.com
Can’t be LOUD Enough Playlist on Spotify
Metal Nerdery Munchies on YouTube @metalnerderypodcast
Show Notes:
(00:01): “Are we rolling?” #justhittheredbutton #dontdenythepowerof #BlackberryZombie (#fireonthemountain #RMRose) #HappyFathersDayASMR (“Could I get one…to go?”) / Diff’rent strains for diff’rent brains / The difference between creativity and in-da-couch… #indacouch / #paranoiaselfdestroyer / #Shoutout to #Shazzys / #nonamesASMR / “Wait a minute…” / “A friend slipped me some…peanut butter fudge.” Always read the note BEFORE consumption… / #peanutbutterfudge #alcoholinducedamnesia #paranoia #nobueno / “The paranoia that came with that high was not worth it” / ***WARNING: #listenerdiscretionisadvised *** / ***WELCOME BACK TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST WITH LOADS OF ANESTHESIA!!!*** / #olanmills #pictureday #thisepisodesbeeroftheepisode / “We’ve had beer from this brewery before…” / #RobZombieImpressionASMR / “It’s more endearing…” / #CatawbaBrewingCompany #killeralbumcover (“They’re basically the same.”) / #fuckcetera / #TheVerdict / “I won’t use the word delicious…” / “You were cool before it was cool to be cool…” / #budlightboycottASMR #parentcompanyASMR / “We can’t have that…” / “If you’re looking for gift ideas…that fits.” (#oxysuppositories for “down there” are totes apropos. / #notafanofdickholes / #catheter #pissbag / “I’m aware of what a ‘#foley’ is…”/ #movieASMR #BeverlyHillsCopASMR / #snortlaughs
(10:53): The voicemail segment…now with vocal burn…/ ***GIVE US A CALL AND LEAVE US A #VOICEMAIL at 980-666-8182!!!*** / Sidecast…or fakt Czech? (The latter) / #theReturnOfThePost #clarification / “That person was a doofus?” / ***LET US KNOW WHAT YOU WANNA HEAR FOR THE Episode 200 PARTY EPISODE!!!*** (including a voicemail from a #naturalbornbirthfemaleexclusive: “came out of the hole with a hole…” / #DarylsWhammyBar requested, perhaps some #Exodus / “riding the wave of the voice of the Paul Baloff”. / “That’s a category unto itself…” / #familyguyreference / “OH!!!“/” Gimme a minute on this…y’all talk about something interesting…”
#CirithUngol (#futureepisodeidea) / “No but it sounds awesome!” / #RussellsReflectionsASMR (“Paired?”) #bolthbolthbolthbolthbut / “The #MachoMan?” / Long story longer…with a happy(ish) ending. / “I wanna clear something up real quick…” / “I feel like the shooter girls and the stripper girls have the same perfume…for your body (it’s got glitter in it).” / “Somewhat local…#southeast #sweden #southeastsweden / “He gets all his power from his dreadlocks…” / We’ll Play Your Shit-tah…Sorcerer (proggy doom). / “Dark metal” …a local “dark metal” band confused with a Scandinavian progressive doom metal band. / A great OFF-mic burp… / #Sorcerer / Atlanta, via Stockholm / “She should be a stripper now…” / No stripper Body lotion doesn’t not have glitter in it… #stripperbodylotionASMR #progpower / WHEN DEATH CALLS (#Sorcerer #BlackSabbathCover, from Headless Cross, 1989) #TonyMartinEraSabbath #badass #progressivedoommetal #diodoomy #cokelinerating / THE HAMMER OF WITCHES (#Sorcerer) / “This sounds like #vikingmetal…” / #doomprog #progdoom #futureepisodeidea (“We’ve got shred!”) / This doom prog band literally has everything! / “Are shooter girls and bottle girls the same?” / #shootergirls vs #bottlegirls / “Oooh…with an I” …? / “Oooooh, you know what the “I” stands for, right?” /” This is why the girls don’t listen…” / #fetishkink #markthetime #freebie /
(28:50): The Docket: (There’s NO appeal on #TheDocket …) METAL NERDERY PRESENTS: Flahns & Djunts & Other Mouth Shapes /” There’s more to life than just #flahns & #djunts…there are “multiple mouth shapes”” / “That’s the name of our new band.” / #multiplemouthshapesASMR / “There’s some #duns and #muns and #buns…and #waows” (i.e., Electric Funeral) / “Baw…” #turnitoff (“Is that a #baw?”) / “To all you #darrellwhammybars… “/ #EXODUS: FABULOUS DISASTER (Right now there’s #djunts & #flahns…a mix of #bolth). NOTE: Flahns seem to be absorbing most of the hatred & attitude. / “That’s a ban-nan-nah…”/ “A good definition of a #perfectflahn…with all #djunts right in the middle.” #LEDZEPPELIN: KASHMIR / (“Get up in there…”) / “It’s a flahn-djunt…a hybrid.” #cantbeloudenough / “Ironically, this is from side one of Led Zeppelin IV” … / “It’s uhns and flahns…or fluhns…it’s flahn-nuhns…some flahn-djunt hybrids. / #NO
Just say “NO!” / “Its all #djunts…” / The perfect example of djunts, courtesy of WJNT radio: #PANTERA: DOMINATION (#superdjunts) / #amazingstereovocaldjuntlery / “Is the solo part just a high pitched flahn?” ***(Melodies kinda get a pass because they’re kinda riffs but not really, and they’re kinda solos but not really…”) *** / “That’s considered #darkweb …” / #NO!!! / “That was pure radio magic right there…”/ #WHITESNAKE: STILL OF THE NIGHT / “The beginning IS #djunts…” / “Those are #duns right there…” / “Those are all #flahns…bows create #flahns…” / “D-O-DOUBLE-G…” / “It’s amazing… / “That’s just djunts all day long…” / #djuntposterchild / “A #dun or a #flahn?” / “There’s #djuntsattheend for sure…” / #HELMET: IN THE MEANTIME / “Those are #dahns and #djunts…”
(42:03): “Just write it off…with your #stripperlotion” / “A good example…” / #ZZTOP: LA GRANGE (“It’s #flahns until the distortion kicks in…”). #Flahns and #dahns…/ “Yeah, it’s all #duhns.”
/ #justbeingdifficult #LMAOASMR (“I gotta pee”) / NOOOOOOO!!! / “What do you guys think about this one?” / #RUSH: TOM SAWYER (“I think they’re ‘#duhns’…is that a #bahn?”) / “I might come across this table…” #markthetime / “I’ve tears in me eyes…” / “It’s #flahns at the beginning and #alldjuntsafter” #STORMTROOPERSOFDEATH: CHROMATIC DEATH (#nahnahs) / #RIGORMORTIS: BODILY DISMEMBERMENT (“I don’t think there’s any #djunts in Rigor Mortis”) / (“If it’s that fast, there’s no time for #djunts…”) / #stringinstrumental / “No #djigs or #djunts…just #flahns… #flahnahnah (“I hear the #nah, the #buh, or the #duh…”) / #recordscratch #fulldisclosure / #FYI: we are not on anything other than our regularly scheduled (and yet wildly ironically, #unscheduled) U.S.D.A. recommended daily allowance of relaxers. / #BLACKSABBATH: ELECTRIC FUNERAL (“#Wahs…”), “#Waws and #duhns” / “Is it safe to say that all clean stuff is #flahns?” / “#Flahns at the beginning…and #djuntslater / “Stop it with your #flahns…” / “A perfect example of #flahns and #djunts, living in harmony.” / #METALLICA: …AND JUSTICE FOR ALL / “Bahn-nah-nah-nah…” / “No doubt… #tonsfdjunts” / HAILS to Metallica for incorporating all the mouth shapes. / #mouthshapeASMR #seriously
(56:09): #KORN: PREDICTABLE (“Is that #djuntsorduns?” “It might be a new category…”) “I think it’s #bahnsandduns.” / “We know for a fact that Slayer’s got djunts everywhere…”/ “Does Slayer have any #flahns?” / #SLAYER: EPIDEMIC (“#duns & #luns…”) / #IRON MAIDEN: NUMBER OF THE BEAST (“That’s #donsnotdjunts…”) / “It’s #dunsanddjunts…no, they’re duns.” / “I’ve gotta side with Russell…” / #IRON MAIDEN: WASTED YEARS (“That single note melody is kind of a #flahn…”) / #LightDjunts… #BeavisImpressionASMR / “As opposed to this one…” / #IRON MAIDEN: PROWLER (“It’s got the #waws in there for sure…is it #bahnnahnahs?” / #bananas (“Is it bahns and duns…?”) / #JustSayNOOOOOOO
(1:02:14): #ACDC: FOR THOSE ABOUT TO ROCK (“The beginning feels a little #flahnish”) / “I hear the #flahns…” / “It’s #dahns…” / “Just a sample…” / #noscent #StretchArmstrong…” / #PRIMUS: MY NAME IS MUD (#bawbaw, or #bdawbdaw?) / “We’ve almost covered all the #mouthshapes…” / “Very #aggressiveflahns …” / #VANHALEN: HOT FOR TEACHER / “The drums automatically default to #duns…”
“It might be #flahnnahnahs” / “Those are #dahnnahs” / “We are NOT doing Hanson.” / #tellmewhy / “I hope we don’t lose ALL of our subscribers…”
(1:08:08): #newfavoritething / #BucketsTheDrummer ***Go check it out on #YouTube*** #showercurtainASMR / Our new favorite thing: Buckets The Drummer…lots of duhns…for sure. / “I’m running out of boner…WTF?”/ “I’ve never been so turned on…” / #Shoutout to Buckets The Drummer (“That’s why…”) / #ilovetheinternet #ablaughtertherapy / “It was productive…we’ve learned some things.” / “Let’s do a NO on 3…” / #NOASMR / “One last good #closeoutdjunt…” / #SLAYER: RAINING BLOOD (“It’s got #djuntsforsure…”) / “I think it’s the #dahnnahs…” / “Those are #lahnnahs…” / ***THANK YOU FOR JOINING US FOR THIS EPISODE OF PURE UNADULTERATED UNFILTERED AND UNSHAVED HILARITY!!!*** / #thelastword / “We’re gonna give it to The Ghost of the Bunkerpoon…” / #metalnerderygiftshoppe ***GO PURCHASE YOUR MERCH AT THE #bunkerpoongiftshoppe located at metalnerdery.com/merch ) / #outroreel / #billsmegamix / #NO!
Thursday Jun 22, 2023
#200 AC/DC - HIGHWAY TO HELL - Album Dive
Thursday Jun 22, 2023
Thursday Jun 22, 2023
July 27, 1979
Perhaps one of the most brilliant & haunting albums of AC/DC’s 1970’s output, HIGHWAY TO HELL shows the band at their peak with the most polished production of their career thanks in no small part to the production genius of Robert John “Mutt” Lange. Not only is it the perfect finale to the Bon Scott era of the band, but it perfectly portrays everything the band had evolved to up to this point in their career, including some of the most vividly visual lyrics and darkest, heaviest riffs ever captured on tape.
Get ready to start “hittin’ the hair” as we’ve “technically, literally, seriously” made it to Episode 200! Prepare to find out which brand spank QOTSA song briefly pays tribute to AC/DC, which song is AC/DC’s “Slayer moment” and discover what it means to be “pushing marshmallows”. It’s time to “mark the time” a lot of times, “check all three box holes” and JOIN US as we celebrate our 4th anniversary, our 200th episode, and the most favorite AC/DC album (for some of us) from the Bon Scott era: HIGHWAY TO HELL.
Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode
Leave us a Voicemail to be played on a future episode: 980-666-8182
Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – metalnerdery.com/merch
and kindly leave us a review and/or rating on the iTunes/Apple Podcasts - Spotify or your favorite Podcast app
Listen on iTunes, Spotify, Podbean, Google Podcasts or wherever you get your Podcasts.
Follow us on the Socials:
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Email: metalnerdery@gmail.com
Can’t be LOUD Enough Playlist on Spotify
Metal Nerdery Munchies on YouTube @metalnerderypodcast
AC/DC on the InterWebs: https://www.acdc.com/
Show Notes:
(00:01): “Forty ounces of what?” / “The general punchline and/or theme of the story: #twophrases #tobefair #marshmallowdick #vulgaroldladies #happyfathersday / ***WARNING: #listenerdiscretionisadvised *** / #thisepisodesclinkyoftheepisode #thekraken #blackroast ***WELCOME BACK TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST WITH NO ANESTHESIA!!!*** #recordscratch / #ballmaintenance / #thisepisodesbeeroftheepisode (“Look at that…timing”) #NewBelgium #1985IPA (“It looks like 1985”) / “Kinda like…the same material…as the #glovesofshame” / #TheVerdict (“Good beach beer and good #daydrinkingbeer”) / Time for Wheeler’s #Refrections (#storytime) / “People say it’s real salty…sometimes they just spit it right out.” / “One of my favoriteist things in the world…” / “It was like pushing marshmallows…” / “Old folks that curse a lot and talk shit are funny…”/ #onmicburp / “We’ll ALL be like that…” / #blessyourheart / “I’m gonna keep this short…” / #RussellsRecommendations #AvengedSevenfold #NewAlbum #LifeIsButADream (“Weird how?”) / “Let me show you a weird one…” #markthetime / “I couldn’t get it all the way there…” / “G” (#DreamTheater meets #FrankZappa meets #MahavishnuOrchestra) / GAME OVER / “You have to listen to the album…” / #QueensOfTheStoneAge #NewAlbum #QOTSA EMOTION SICKNESS (#allthecokelines) / “Shot down in flames!” #sorta #usethoseheadphones / PAPER MACHETE / #futureepisodeidea #backshadowingASMR #foreshadowingASMR / “Technically, literally, seriously…” #EpisodeTwoHundred #HappyAnniversary #MetalNerderyPodcast #FourthAnniversary #instavag #instadick #FaceGram #email us at metalnerdery@gmail.com or GIVE US A CALL AND LEAVE US A VOICEMAIL AT 980-666-8182!!!
(20:39): “For me to go to Atlanta, it’s gotta be #Kreator…” / “The Fourth Nerd…” / Upcoming concerts in the tri-county Atlanta, Georgia area / “Really? You think #Ghost is like #KISS times a thousand?” / “Have you ever seen Tori’s Amos?” / “I feel like we’re stalling for time…” / “That’s a great song to make babies to, even if you’re shooting blanks…” / #turdbabies & #imagery / ***GIVE US A CALL AND LEAVE US A VOICEMAIL AT 980-666-8182!!!*** / #ThePostWithTheMost #PissingPostASMR and a comment regarding the #Painkiller album by #JudasPriest / “Hello there…and goodbye there…”/ #vocalburnASMR #thejourney / “You could really just roll down the window and hang ‘em out the window…” / #propertechnique for handling #cremains / #finalwishes to check all three #boxholes
(31:16): #TheDocket (Russell’s favorite #ACDC album) METAL NERDERY PODCAST PRESENTS AC/DC’s HIGHWAY TO HELL / #markthetime (“Now he’s holding it…”) #firstgarten / Can you imagine hearing THIS album as your very first ever AC/DC experience EVER!? / #MuttLangeProduction (“Their Master of Black Album? Or The Master of Justice?”) / #analysis #analogies / Released July 27, 1979 / “Powerage was the link between the older albums and Highway to Hell” / #noteven / “You’re bloody well right…” / “H-E-double hockey sticks” / “He’s drunk…” / #prephotoshop / “He looks like a #honeybadger you don’t wanna fuck with…” / #killeropener HIGHWAY TO HELL (“Even the #gangvocals sound better…”)
(41:11): “If I’m going left, stop trying to push your ass right…” GIRLS GOT RHYTHM / “I want THAT guy again!” / “He’s like the Aussie Ozzy…” #AussieOzzy #seewhatididthere / #alltheballs WALK ALL OVER YOU (“Take off the high heels, let down your hair…paradise ain’t far from there…”) / “It sounds so much heavier than anything they’ve done prior…” / #yepdurp ***Check out our Bon Era episode*** / “I’ve gotta step up my blood and my fire game…” / TOUCH TOO MUCH (“I asked for shaved ham and you gave me Arby’s”) #hugeflaps / The tuning of the #HighwayToHell album and the impact on the heaviness of the sound / #killercloser #sideone (“Hittin’ the hair…”) #hittingthehair #OhWell #FleetwoodMacASMR (“This guitar riff is #prethrashthrash”) / “It’s sorta close…it’s kinda the same shape.” / BEATING AROUND THE BUSH / “All over the bread around the roast beef…”
(56:38): #sidetwo #killeropener (“I used to be a musician, now I play bass…”) / SHOT DOWN IN FLAMES (“I said baby, what’s the going price? She told me to go to Hell…”) / ***NOTE: Everything said for the next several seconds actually applies to THE NEXT SONG after THE NEXT SONG! *** / #recordscratch (“I totally missed it, totally fucked it up…”) / “Just fix it in post, it’s fine…” / GET IT HOT (“I like this riff…that’s such a good riff.”) / #noteven / #snotrocket #nostriltorpedo (“Just blow your nose in your hand…it’s already up to room temperature.”) / Okay so THIS is the one I was talking about earlier… / “So he was leaving merch…”/ IF YOU WANT BLOOD (YOU’VE GOT IT) #recordscratch (The part right after the guitar solo) / “Go to the very end…” / #thesamemistake / “We #bolth fucked up on #sidetwo
(1:08:43): Kinda sounds like a weird title… / LOVE HUNGRY MAN (“This is their ‘I Was Made For Lovin’ You’”) / “Those are all flahns too, there’s no junts…” / #flahnsandjunts #nunsandduns “Turn it off” #mouthshapes (“Put it on the list”) #jahnsandflunts / #killercloser (“Kinda creepy…”) NIGHT PROWLER (“We’ve gotta get to the end…”) / “One more verse, why not?” / #RussellsRequestASMR #MorkAndMindy / A moment of misunderstanding… / #reverseworkingout (“You’ll never look like this!”) #MetalNerderyFitnessCorner (“Seven pounds of clothes?”) / Tracking changes (if any) / “Anywhere you put it…” / #dontdenythepowerof #MuttLange / #bionicarm #AI / ***HAPPY 200 EVERYBODY!!!*** Please note that there will be an OFFICIAL #EpisodeTwoHundredCelebrationEpisode / ***THANK YOU FOR JOINING US!!!*** #untilthenext #bunkerpoongiftshoppe (“Come #purchandise some #MetalNerderyPodcastMerchandise at metalnerdery.com/merch “) #hehahuh #hittinthehair
Thursday Jun 15, 2023
#199 JUDAS PRIEST VOL. II: The 80’s
Thursday Jun 15, 2023
Thursday Jun 15, 2023
Prepare to travel back in time and embrace the dayglo technicolor of the 1980’s, a time when Miami Vice impacted fashion, the PMRC became the best promoters of heavy metal in the world, and JUDAS PRIEST achieved mainstream success and popularity with a shift towards bigger, heavier, more modern metal soundscapes which has become their calling card (with the exception of that one keyboard & synth laden album from ’86 that always seems to draw flak, even from fans).
Get ready to “drop the needle” on some quality 80’s metal loaded with “extra junts” while learning the consensus regarding “slimy gray meat sliders” and fix yourself a “PB&KY sandwich” (to go) before you ride off on the dot matrix “printer paper road out into the sunset” while trying to comprehend why the PMRC co-founder’s husband “talks like Paul Stanley” YET does not wear the gloves of shame. Prepare to give “old stretch” a workout before reaching the “Love Zone” (which is right next to the “birth hole”) and JOIN US for JUDAS PRIEST VOL. II: The 80’s.
Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode
Leave us a Voicemail to be played on a future episode: 980-666-8182
Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – metalnerdery.com/merch
and kindly leave us a review and/or rating on the iTunes/Apple Podcasts - Spotify or your favorite Podcast app
Listen on iTunes, Spotify, Podbean, Google Podcasts or wherever you get your Podcasts.
Follow us on the Socials:
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Email: metalnerdery@gmail.com
Can’t be LOUD Enough Playlist on Spotify
Metal Nerdery Munchies on YouTube @metalnerderypodcast
Show Notes:
(00:01): “And we’re live!” / #liveundead #forwardbackshadowing / “It’s got so many layers…” / #Hatebreed #GhostsOfWar (***Go listen to that now…***) / “It’s time for shots, girls…” / #trulees (“A #whiteclaw with a different title…”) / #Ooohhhh #TheWalMartWhiteclaw / ***WARNING: #listenersidscretionisadvised *** / ***WELCOME BACK TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST!!!*** / #thisepisodesclinkyoftheepisode #Anesthesia / #thisepisodesbeeroftheepisode / #twohundredbackshadowing / “Have you ever done a #pickleshot ?” / #bolthbut / #thisepisodesbeeroftheepisode #olanmillsASMR #gritandglory #6666 (“Four’s better than three…”) / “Established in 1870…” / #fivepointzeropercentABV #daydrinking / “These are KING hops!!!” / #AndTheVerdict (“Easy drinking…”) / “Take a case and a big radio…” / “I witnessed this…” / #SAT (“that’s brilliant how you tied that in…”) / “A stack…a pyramid…a mountain…” / #budlightblowoutASMR / “Our major competitor…”) / “They had an episode…very similar to #TheChronicles…” / #theyrepayingattention / “…thirty years ago…” / “#Krystal, yay or nay?” / “There’s a time for it…” / #slimysliders (“It’s the steam…”) / “Something happened during #thepandemic…” / #blessingsandprayers / “It’s a food pill for me…” / “It’s a beginner job…” / #jobopeningsASMR / #BillHicksASMR / #RussellsReflectionsFastFoodFuckeryASMR / #AI #Skynet #AIVideo #TypeONegative HALLOWEEN IN HEAVEN (***Obviously, you’ll have to go WATCH this on #YouTube, because we can’t broadcast visuals via audio without spraying the atmosphere with #LSD***) / “It’s a little terrifying…” / “When’s it gonna be ‘too late’?” / “No politician should be a #multimillionaire” / #termlimitsASMR / #SteelPanther on #AGT/ “Why are they not? If you’ve ‘got talent’…” / “She’s so hot, dude…” / “That’s all I got…”
(19:19): #TheDocket METAL NERDERY PODCAST PRESENTS: JUDAST PRIEST, Vol. II: THE 80’S / #literally (“Which year…is the world gonna end?”) / #Y2K or #2KY (“Go get extra #KY”) / A #PB&KYSandwich / “You betchyour #sweetass…” / POINT OF ENTRY (1981) / “All three of ‘em…” / “The 90’s are BACK!” / “The album cover change…why?” / #alternatealbumcover (“Dude, we’re in #SouthAmerica dude…”) / #printerpaper #soundfxnoises (“It looks like a wing, kinda…”) / #dotmatrixprinterpaper #dildoship (“Everything’s a dildo…”) / #homelesscovidaids / “Don’t lick the rail…” / #killeropener HEADING OUT TO THE HIGHWAY & DESERT PLAINS (“Riding on the #printerpaper out into the #sunset…”)
(28:23): “Before they broke!?” / The “breaking” of #JudasPriest during the 80’s and the growth of their #popularity / SCREAMING FOR VENGEANCE (1983) / #coughbutton #AndrewDiceClayASMR (“He’s the best troll…”) / A bunch of #killeropening bands for Priest on this tour… / It’s their ‘I could never hear that song again and be happy…’ song / “He added extra junts, basically…” / THE HELLION/ELECTRIC EYE (“Skip to the next one…”) / RIDING ON THE WIND / “That’s the only one with #cokelines…” / “That’s worth the price of admission…” / #tigervoice (“That is fucking bullshit!!!”) / SCREAMING FOR VENGEANCE #hehahuh (“that’s metal!”)
(37:53): “If I buy music, I buy vinyl…” / #physicalmusic #artwork / “I love the whole #Transformers #motif…” / “Unicorn lion with #tanklegs” / #docicorn or #bicorn? / “See? Tank legs…” / DEFENDERS OF THE FAITH (1984) #marketinggenius #thankyouTipperGore #TipperGoreASMR #PMRCASMR (“Masturbating with a magazine…”) / “I didn’t know that was about #masturbation…” / “That’s true…” / #killeropener (“Dead yet?”) / “You ever notice that?” / #theglovesofshame / FREEWHEEL BURNING (“Easily, early thrash…”) / EAT ME ALIVE (“Yeah, yeah…”) / “He’s probably talking about emptying his balls…” / #oldstretch
(48:18): TURBO (1986) / “How is this #glammetal?” / (“I’ll show you…”) / “That was before all that was common knowledge, right?” / “Love who you wanna love & fuck who you wanna fuck…” / “Not that there’s anything wrong with that…” / “It is kinda heavy on the keyboards…” / #TheOmni (#PriestLive was a #1987 release and was recorded in #AtlantaGeorgia) / “This was on #Footloose for sure…” /#killeropener TURBO LOVER (“There it is…”) / “It’s like a different band…” / What’s got the next, most #cokelines OUT IN THE COLD #sidetwo (“Everybody went #keyboardy around this time…”)
(53:15): RAM IT DOWN (1988) / “Well, holes…” / RAM IT DOWN #tittleetrack HEAVY METAL (“This Saturday, at #GuitarCenter…”) / BLOOD RED SKIES #birthhole (“Those are flans, all day long…”) / JOHNNY B. GOODE #ChuckBerry (Why was that included anyway?)
(1:00:02): PAINKILLER (1990) / #killeropener #tittleetrack #totalthrash PAINKILLER (“and then the balls come in…”) / #TheOmniColiseum (“What’s the difference between a coliseum and a theater and an arena?”) / “And I wanna hear the scream…” / TOUCH OF EVIL (Just a touch…) / “It’s after the solo, I think…” / “You’re possessing me!” / “I don’t need ‘em…I’m done.” / “It’s all your fault.” / ***Go check out the #Fight albums that came out in the 90’s*** / #weedlywoos / “That was enjoyable…” / ***Go check out the #Death and/or #ControlDenied version of #Painkiller*** / “Also, no #backingtracks” / “It’s a fucking BASS!!! / #itsbass #itsfourstrings #cmonbruh / ***THANK YOU FOR JOINING US!!!*** #untilthenext #dontdothatSanDiego / ***COME PURCHANDISE SOME MERCHANDISE AT THE BUNKERPOON GIFT SHOPPE LOCATED IN THE MATRIX AT metalnerdery.com/merch *** / #outroreel #thelovezone #dontlicktherail #ilovethehole #grabone #abigjuicybutt #hehahuh #barracuda
Thursday Jun 08, 2023
#198 Year of Our Riff Lord: 1987
Thursday Jun 08, 2023
Thursday Jun 08, 2023
“Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!”
- 1987. That sounds like a very long time ago, but here’s a few events that will provide some perspective. 1987 marked the time of the Black Monday stock market crash, the FDA approval of Prozac, the first sighting of The Simpsons on television, WrestleMania III at the Pontiac Silverdome, and the release of Guns N’ Roses debut album, Appetite For Destruction. Additionally, many of us were deep in the throes of our own budding pubescence (and/or pube-essence) in 1987.
1987 also marked a time when the popularity and intensity of thrash began to grow ever more popular, clawing its way to the top of the mountain as one of the most transformative and powerful subgenres in all of heavy metal. And in 1987, our heavy metal horizons were just beginning to blossom and expand, gradually guiding us towards heavier, faster, and darker metal music than we had ever experienced before.
Discover the most perfect example of a “flan” from 1987 and listen to the sexiest backmasking you’ve ever heard in your life (courtesy of the “hi-fidelity ghosts” that haunt Bunkerpoon Manor). It’s time to take out your “squid dentures” and get “razor tight” while learning about our “guilty pleasures”, including the reasons why $18 is (sometimes) too much and there’s no such thing as “free bags” in the less fortunate parts of the planet. Get ready to know our “third favorite ‘South Paw’ guitarist”, come hang out with your wang out and JOIN US in The Bunkerpoon Retro-Lounge as we celebrate The Year of Our Riff Lord: 1987.
Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode
Leave us a Voicemail to be played on a future episode: 980-666-8182
Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – metalnerdery.com/merch
and kindly leave us a review and/or rating on the iTunes/Apple Podcasts - Spotify or your favorite Podcast app
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Can’t be LOUD Enough Playlist on Spotify
Metal Nerdery Munchies on YouTube @metalnerderypodcast
Show Notes:
(00:01): “Steady bone…” / #donttouchtherail / “It was that…” / “That’s what colds are…” / “I died all 3 times…” / #hifighost / ***WARNING: #listenerdiscretionisadvised *** / #thisepisodesclinkyoftheepisode #thekraken #blackroast / ***WELCOME BACK TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST WITH NO ANESTHESIA!!!*** / #thisepisodesbeeroftheepisode #Ironshield #everythinghesaid #sevenpercentABV #MollyHatchet / “My mouth moves faster than my brain sometimes…” / #goodfoundationbeer / “Technically yes, but…”
(06:11): ***IF YOU WANNA GIVE US A CALL AND LEAVE US A VOICEMAIL YOU CAN DO SO AT 980-666-8182!!!*** / #TheVoicemailSegment #DariusASMR ***What are your #guiltypleasures with regard to other genres of music that are not metal? *** / #markthetime #bobbinandnoddin / “Sometimes…when I can’t listen to the screaming anymore…”/ #PinkFloydKaraoke / #RussellsReflections and #WeddingMemories in Jersey / “Where are the bags?”/ #nofreebags / “For ONE pack!?”/ “Witnessing a #viralmoment from #Paramore …” / #Bleachers (not buh-leech-ers) / “I just bored the fuck outta myself…” / #RussellsReflectionsCountryClubEdition #minibeefwellingtons (“Rock the #cashbar…”) / “It’s like a buffet…” / #thepastatable / “We went to the Rocky stairs…” / “It was exhausting…and offputting…and irresponsible.” / “I think I’m done.”
(25:00): #TheDocket METAL NERDERY PODCAST PRESENTS THE YEAR IN METAL: 1987 / #magicalpieceofpaper / Hearing about all these underground metal bands in 1987 as children…and the profound effect it had on us. / “It could be #bolth” / #Savatage HALL OF THE MOUNTAIN KING (“It’s like #dungeonmetal”) / ***Go check out the plethora of episodes we’ve covered from 1987!!!*** / #BlackSabbath GLORY RIDE (“Fuzzy but crispy…”) / “This is not evil…” / ETERNAL IDOL (“It sounds like #DioSabbath”)
(35:45): #Destruction RELEASE FROM AGONY #squiddentures #1987ThrashMetal / “Razor tight.” / #Metallica THE WAIT (“I wish they would produce EVERY album like this!”) / “Do you send somebody a #HallmarkCard for…#bolth of those things?” / #OzzyOsbourne BELIEVER / “Man, I wore that album OUT in ’87!” / #Pentagram WHEN THE SCREAMS COME & EVIL SEED (“Real American hero…”) / “NOT fucking in the basement…” / #CelticFrost (“Oooh!”) MEXICAN RADIO #allthecokelines INNER SANCTUM (“This…just sounds like #WREKage”) / The ever-elusive search for the Celtic Frost song that can be remembered yet somehow can never found / “That would be terrible…” / #killeropener #softintro #BloodFeast MENACING THUNDER & KILL FOR PLEASURE (Very #TheAccused ish) / “That’s definitely ’87…”
(56:05): #GrimReaper ROCK YOU TO HELL / “He’s like my third favorite…” / “This is more hair than happy…” / #UDO ANIMAL HOUSE (“Right into the sclera…”) / #dontdenythepowerof / “It’s fun to learn new things…” / People underestimate the power of influence Metallica has had on the metal purchasing public / #MCTentacleChoice #Sodom #killeropener NUCLEAR WINTER (“Exactly!”)
(1:04:06): #Overkill POWERSURGE (“That’s fucking 1987!”) & IN UNION WE STAND (Thrash plus power metal) / “We’re in the record store, it’s 1987…what are we getting?” / #Necrodeath #killeropener …AGONY/THE FLAG OF THE INVERTED CROSS #allthecokelines / “Should we finish strong?” / #honorablementions / “Crust punk stench core…” / #hotranch / “Your imagery…can ruin someone’s day.” / #SuicidalTendencies WAR INSIDE MY HEAD / “What do you think the TOP song was in 1987?” / “I can’t hear that song without thinking about #AmericanPsycho” / “We zigged and zagged at the same time…” / ***THANK YOU ALL FOR JOINING US FOR THE TRIP BACK TO THE YEAR OF OUR RIFF LORD, 1987! *** / “Before that it was just a feeling…”/ #untilthenext ***BE SURE TO STOP BY THE BUNKERPOON GIFT SHOPPE TO PICK UP YOUR #MetalNerderyPodcastOuterwear at metalnerdery.com/merch *** / #outroreel (cream, cocaine & shiny dicks)
Thursday Jun 01, 2023
Thursday Jun 01, 2023
Thursday Jun 01, 2023
“You are Number 6…”
There’s a t-shirt somewhere that perfectly sums up the philosophy of life, which is as follows:
“You can only trust yourself and the first six Black Sabbath albums.”
After 4 brutally brilliant albums of heavy metal doom & gloom, and one with a greater focus on more progressive music and experimental soundscapes, BLACK SABBATH finally managed to blend every facet of their sonic sorcery together into a single work that perfectly represents the epitome of their signature sound on their 6th studio record, SABOTAGE.
It’s time to “forthcomingly” break out “the good gummies” and find out which creamy condiment is even worse than mayonnaise (“That’s different!”). Prepare to go “Junt Huntin’” for the gals with the “Junt Jorts” and discover what it means “When the Levee Breaks” on a date after embracing your bucket list “a little bit” and JOIN US as we dive into the culmination of every good thing about BLACK SABBATH captured in one place with their 6th record, SABOTAGE.
Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode
Leave us a Voicemail to be played on a future episode: 980-666-8182
Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – metalnerdery.com/merch
and kindly leave us a review and/or rating on the iTunes/Apple Podcasts - Spotify or your favorite Podcast app
Listen on iTunes, Spotify, Podbean, Google Podcasts or wherever you get your Podcasts.
Follow us on the Socials:
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Email: metalnerdery@gmail.com
Can’t be LOUD Enough Playlist on Spotify
Metal Nerdery Munchies on YouTube @metalnerderypodcast
Check out Sabbath on the InterWebs: https://www.blacksabbath.com/
Show Notes:
(00:01): “We were talking about #shavingballs…” #echo / #synchedup (“If you do that downstairs…you are screwed!”) / #showerscene #psycho #carrieattheprom #heavyflowday / “It’s a bad day…” #elevatorscene #TheShining (“Don’t tell her that…”) / “That’s like a hotdog with ketchup down a hallway…” / “I’ve got no problem…but I’m NOT gonna go downstairs…” / ***WARNING: #listenerdiscretionisadvised *** / ***WELCOME BACK TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST WITH ABSOLUTELY NO ANESTHESIA!!!*** #thisepisodesclinkyoftheepisode (“You could just pour that over ice and sip it…”) / #TheKrackenBlackRoast #KrakenRum / #perfectsegue (and the delayed introduction) #forthcomingly / “Dude you never hold my hand, man…” / #markallthetimes / #thisepisodesbeeroftheepisode #nationalchampionship #sportswords #footballdawgs #TerrapinBeerCompany #WakeAndBake #Imperial (“We had a late night last night…”) / #CoffeeOatmealImperialStout / #AndTheVerdict #ninepointeightpercentABV (“You got any #flatmaxies handy?”) / “So here’s a question…” / #cultured / “I don’t mean that in a bad way…” / #properdecorum (“Yeah, I was right over there…”) / #overallthongs #buttcheeksqueezer
(07:51): “Maybe we’re reaching people…” / “Maybe they’re just big #FastTimes fans…” / “Does it bring you back to THIS show?” / “I think it was Rat’s mistake…” / “Code for when a women gets REALLY…down there.” / #stripclubmetal / Still reeling from the #2023KlashOfTheTitans concert at #TheMasquerade in #AtlantaGeorgia / #recordscratch / “On par with…2016…” / #thefirstshowsince #toptierawesomeness #ItsNormal (“Nobody talks like that in Georgia, dude…”) / #GetToTheChopper #Exactly / “That’s some athletic shit!” / “Next time I’m probably gonna look for the #VIPPackage” / ***THEY’RE STILL ON TOUR: SPIRIT WORLD, DEATH ANGEL, SEPULTURA, AND KREATOR*** / “There’s no WAY!!!” / #bucketlistASMR #alittlebit
(15:51): “We know a guy…” / #localwrastlin #smalltown #musicvideoideas #frayedends / #RussellsReflections #Strychnine (the poison) / “Kinda like cuttin’ a fart…” / “I heard a bartender call it #soapoperaformen (regarding #professionalwrestling)” / “I want #MeanGene…” / “Maybe he spells it weird…” / #dangole / the intersection of & relationship with Wrestling & Metal / “A little lady…”/ “You could be the taller man…” / “I didn’t know that was a thing…” #JohnCenaASMR / “The time is now” #entrancetheme #JohnCena / “So he’s Donald Trump?” #patriotism / #thelethaldose
(25:24): #TheDocket / “In life, you can only trust yourself and the first six #BlackSabbath albums…” / #TheDocket METAL NERDERY PODCAST PRESENTS: BLACK SABBATH – SABOTAGE (1975) / “It’s a little less Nazi…” / The old 70’s Sabbath #albumcovers and #artwork (“Projecting their image into the void…”) / Freaky album artwork / “No nudes…as far as I know…” / #foundation / #futureepisodeideas #fuckedupalbumcovers / “C’mon dude, #Thundercat with a thong on?” / Ozzy as Mrs. Roper / “All he’s missing…is the hat.” / #boom / “A little disappointing…” / ***Go read the #TonyIommi and #OzzyOsboure #Autobiographies*** / #DickTaintlerAudiobookASMR / The unspoken etiquette regarding a #bookontape or #audiobook for an #autobiograpies / “A typical opening act…” #makesmesad / #specialguest #KISS / “Can you imagine having to go up AFTER #thehottestbandintheworld every night?” / “I wonder if that later became the Omni…” / #myhonk / “That would be a rad show!” / “Adjusted for inflation…” / #InAmerica / #conveniencecharges #addoncharges #whatarewepayingfor
(36:38): “You can tell it’s gonna be loud…” HOLE IN THE SKY / “This is the beginning of #stonermetal” / DON’T START (TOO LATE) / This transition is the best… / SYMPTOM OF THE UNIVERSE (“Still gives me bone…”) / “This part…” / “What did you think about the last transition…?” / #smoothjazzsounds (“That’s 1975, that’s what you do…”) / “Say what you wanna say about #TheDoobieBrothers…” / “One of the creepiest and heaviest on this album…” MEGALOMANIA (How many vocal tracks are on that?) #killercloser #sideone / #stingme (Kinda…wait, this was before…) / Ever increasing phaser… / #suckme #creepyphaser / July 28, 1975 / “For me, that’s a fall album…”
(49:51): “The first six of Sabbath and #LedZeppelin is the fall…” / The fall aesthetic / #killeropener #sidetwo THE THRILL OF IT ALL / “C#? That’s low, man…” / A frickin’ eviler Disney… / SUPERTZAR (“They might have ‘touched’ on it…”) / #waitwait / “It keeps edging the creepy up, little by little…” / #Disnacula / “The worst Black Sabbath song ever…a little bit?” / AM I GOING INSANE (RADIO) #PinkFloydVibes #Psychedelic #LateSixtiesASMR / Radio is like…mental? / “that’s what insanity sounds like…” / THE WRIT (“I love the way this builds up…it’s super creepy.”) / “Just for you…” / “You’ve changed a lot since you began…” / #pullitbackASMR #bassphaserASMR #backshadowingASMR #chroniclesparttwoASMR (You hear the cymbals…backwards?) / “How do you do that live?” / #recordscratch / “There were no flans or junts…”
(1:03:03): “Those are kinda synonymous with the junts…” / ***GIVE US A CALL AND LEAVE US A VOICEMAIL AND LET US KNOW AT 980-666-8182!!!*** / #burritoASMR #foodbone (“Has it got #mayonaise in it?”) / “Let me live in denial…” / “That’s different…” / “It was your ‘Reborn’…” / #blongs / In a weird way… / “It sounds fucking creepy…” / “Here’s a question…” / “You can’t help but be influenced…” / Definitely the #mostprogressivealbum / “Early early #progressivemetal?” / “We’ve gotta do The 70’s, Vol. II” / “I’ll bring the banana pudding in…” #markthetime #andgoodnight / Hope everyone had a wonderful #MemorialDay (“Get your #junts in”) / #junthuntin for gals with #juntjorts / ***PLEASE PROCEED TO CHECKOUT AT THE BUNKERPOON GIFT SHOPPE FOR ALL YOUR METAL NERDERY PODCAST APPARELL AND MERCH NEEDS AT www.metalnerdery.com/merch *** / #untilthenext #outroreel #bolthbuttreprise
Thursday May 25, 2023
Thursday May 25, 2023
“It was everything I loved about my teen years…”
The 2023 KLASH OF THE TITANS NORTH AMERICAN TOUR (featuring SpiritWorld, Death Angel, Sepultura, and Kreator) which recently graced the stage at The Masquerade in Atlanta, Georgia is easily one of THE most perfect thrash shows we’ve ever experienced. It was “100% bone across the board” and that rating applies to EVERYTHING: the venue, the merch, the bars, the bathrooms, the sound system, the lead-up music, and (without question) the line-up, featuring 3 of the biggest names in thrash to come out of the 80’s that are still kicking copious amounts of buttocks today.
It’s time to submerge yourself into complete thrash metal “feroshness” and embrace your “inner caveman” as we reminisce about the “Night of the Doppelgangers” and the reason you “don’t touch the rail”. Prepare to receive guidance regarding your post show meal (because “creamy bad”), discover the identity of “The Atlanta Metal Druid” and JOIN US for the most comprehensive concert review in the metalverse as we pay homage and give thanks to the KLASH OF THE TITANS.
Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode
Leave us a Voicemail to be played on a future episode: 980-666-8182
Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – metalnerdery.com/merch
and kindly leave us a review and/or rating on the iTunes/Apple Podcasts - Spotify or your favorite Podcast app
Listen on iTunes, Spotify, Podbean, Google Podcasts or wherever you get your Podcasts.
Follow us on the Socials:
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Email: metalnerdery@gmail.com
Can’t be LOUD Enough Playlist on Spotify
Metal Nerdery Munchies on YouTube @metalnerderypodcast
Do NOT miss this Tour
Check out all the bands on the InterWebs
Show Notes:
(00:01): Drinking tips (#nocreamy) / #postshowreview / “That’s what it felt like waking up this morning…” / #DeathAngel #Sepultura and #Kreator (#KlashOfTheTitanS concert) / “I thought those PBR’s were getting you a little bit…happy.” / ***WARNING: #listenerdiscretionisadvised #MetalNerderyPodcast *** / #thisepisodesclinkyoftheepisode #TheKraken #BlackRoastCoffeeRum / ***WELCOME BACK TO THE #METALNERDERYPODCAST WITH ABSOLUTELY ZERO ANESTHESIA!!!***
#thisepisodesbeeroftheepisode #Monster #TheBeastUnleashed (“…but only when it’s hard though…”) #peachflavored #PeachPerfect #sixpointzeropercentABV #TheVerdict (“It’s a peach soda with alcohol in it…”) / #MetalNerderyMaltLiquorCorner / #firstpostcovidconcert / The #NewMasquerade at #UndergroundAtlanta is incredible! / “Feeling like I touched all the homeless COVID AIDS in the stairwell…” / “It doesn’t have the ghost in the walls like the old one did…” / #ExcellentSound (Like standing in front of a ginormous stereo system). / “I think you’re wrong dude…” / #TimHurd #AtlantaMetalDruid (“It’s not an #AtlantaMetalShow unless he’s there…”)
(12:21): “It kinda had that feel of being back in high school in the 80’s…going to metal shows” / #DougStanhopeDoppelganger / “Every time they DESTROY!!! (#DeathAngel)” / “Anybody there could have headlined…” / “It wasn’t gold, silver, and bronze…they were ALL gold.” / #hotdogdownahallway / A brief summary of the #Godsmack show from the night before #KlashOfTheTitanS / #SoulsAtZeroASMR #WrathchildAmericaASMR #ASMRASMR / “Ahhhh…I’m with MY people.” / “Please don’t touch me with your armhair…” / Excellent layout of the merch table / #twohats (Looking like #SherlockHolmes) / “Okay, doors open at 6:00 pm, show starts at midnight…”
(24:07): #killeropener #Sepultura ISOLATION #cantbeloudenough #markthetime (“My tits aren’t big enough…”) / “For a minute, I thought Roger Waters was on bass…” / #NightOfTheDoppelgangers / Ferociousness or Ferosheness? #StonedFerosheness / Connecting with your inner caveman… / “I’ll give you a good #YelpReview” / Killer lead-up music / “It’s like a massive auto-suck…” / Well worth the money; an incredible value for a stellar lineup of incredible thrash metal
(36:29): “Everybody’s energy was through the roof…” / Death Angel absolutely destroyed; they set the bar extremely high. / “Tuck and roll…” / #DeathAngel #killeropener (which was played near the end of the show) HUMANICIDE / “I’m just trying to cut out the middleman…”
(41:32): “No way!” / “He was like the Death Angel of Germany…” / #fortyyearsofthrash (“He didn’t look that old…”) / The size of a #handful is completely relative / #djunthands / “#PigglyWiggly is awesome!” / “That aura…” #evilocity / “We’ve gotta make it like a once a quarter thing…” / #Kreator SATAN IS REAL (“Those riffs are sick as fuck!”) / “I’m gonna give it…100% bone.” / The new way of designing concert venues / The entire concert experience, including the merch table and the bar and the sound was outstanding at #TheMasquerade #Heaven / #ABCDEFuckOff
(55:25): “You thought wrong, man…” / Upcoming tour dates for #KlashOfTheTitanS / Parting advice regarding “one more round” / #ViolentMind is the #drumtech / “It’s probably inflatable…” / #markthetime / #thelastword #SpiritWorld (“Just pull the one with #themostcokelines…”) / #SpiritWorld DEATHWESTERN (Get to the venue EARLY!) / #untilthenext / ***COME PURCHANDISE SOME MERCHANDISE DOWN IN THE BUNKERPOON GIFT SHOPPE AT metalnerdery.com/merch *** / #outroreel #hehahuh
Thursday May 18, 2023
#195 MESHUGGAH - Inside The Metal
Thursday May 18, 2023
Thursday May 18, 2023
“They’ve got HUGE djunts!”
MESHUGGAH, the Nordic Godfathers of Djent (“Djunt”) hailing from Umea, Sweden, sound like the logical evolution of extreme metal to emerge out of the early 90’s thrash scene. Tempered with their own surgically precise, ferociously complex, polyrhythmic brand of math metal genius, MESHUGGAH have carved out their own unique place in metal by blending their unmistakable signature style with all the best elements of thrash metal, death metal, and extremely technical, progressive, groove metal into a potent new subgenre known simply as “djent” (or “djunt” as it is lovingly known in the Bunkerpoon).
Get ready to enjoy “a perfect pour” and more “djunts” than you can shake a stick at as we decipher some “mind-blowing” misheard lyrics from the King of Pop while enjoying some al fresco dining at “The Front Door Café”. Prepare to experience the most horrifically ironic yet comedically perfect timing in history (because “you can’t like everything”) and understand that there are some albums where “you just don’t skip” a track. JOIN US as we plunge deep INSIDE THE METAL to better understand why Count von Count is the world’s biggest superfan of the 3-plus decades of brutally progressive djent genius known as MESHUGGAH.
Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode
Leave us a Voicemail to be played on a future episode: 980-666-8182
Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – metalnerdery.com/merch
and kindly leave us a review and/or rating on the iTunes/Apple Podcasts - Spotify or your favorite Podcast app
Listen on iTunes, Spotify, Podbean, Google Podcasts or wherever you get your Podcasts.
Follow us on the Socials:
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Email: metalnerdery@gmail.com
Can’t be LOUD Enough Playlist on Spotify
Metal Nerdery Munchies on YouTube @metalnerderypodcast
Show Notes:
(00:01): Upcoming #blockbustermovies / #Nefarious and #EvilDead (“There’s no #treerape?”) / #EvilDeadRise (The ONLY thing good about California… #pissingpost) / “I always at least pay for it once…” / ***Have you ever gone to a movie by yourself? *** / #fingerbangASMR (“In your teens?”) / “Order the #bigplate” / #thisepisodesclinkyoftheepisode #SeisDeMayo / “I’m not scared, I’m just not a fan…”) / #getthatbottlegoing / #Djunt (the appropriate spelling) / #markthetime (“Would you just look at it?”) / #aperfectpour ***WARNING: #listenerdiscretionisadvised ***
(05:55): ***WELCOME BACK EVERYONE TO THE ADVENTURES OF METAL NERDERY PODCAST!!!*** / #postsmoregasmsippy / Some reviews of previous episodes… ***THANK YOU for your feedback!!! Please continue to LEAVE US A REVIEW AND/OR A RATING AND/OR SOME EMAILS AT metalnerdery@gmail.com or ON THE SOCIALS at #metalnerderypodcast on #bacefook and #instavag #facegram / “You can’t have a #NewZealand without an #OldZealand” (#OldYork and #OldJersey) / “Yeah?” / “Oy mate, yeah?” / #thisepisodesbeeroftheepisode (#screamfromtheballs #InsaniaWine #noir #gris) #buttonrub / #sportswordsASMR #CreatureComforts #Tropicalia #sixpointeightABV (“And the verdict…”) / #newcarpetsmellASMR (“Might be a bit depressed, yeah?”) / ***IF YOU WANNA GIVE US A CALL AND LEAVE US A VOICEMAIL YOU CAN DO SO AT 980-666-8182!!!*** #TheVoiceMailSegment #VoicemailASMR #ThePost #Djentlemen #misheardlyrics (Wait, was that #Thundercheeks or #Thunderchief?) / “We’ve done a lot…” / #duringthedaytimeonWKLS96Rock / #MisheardMichaelJacksonASMR / #futureepisodeidea #misheardlyricsASMR / “He’s #TheBossOfNoOne” (I don’t know WHY he’s “The Boss”) / #everythingsucks / “WHY does it suck?” / “It’s a good feeling…” / How could you shit on your favorite album? / “If I don’t have access to the button…it’s fine.” / “Nope.” / “Two to the #motherfuckingshea” / #VejaDu vs #DejaVu
(20:35): A message from #PhelixxLake / #solometalcore (“Intense and emotional…”) / “#SouthAfrica is okay right?” / #weapologize / DEVASTATING OUTCOMES (#horribletimingASMR) / “I’m gonna compare…” / We got a #drawing (#SlayerMontageArt) / “It’s just the way I see it…” / “They’re at least a little bit ahead of Georgia…” #legalweed / #palettecleanserASMR #Slayer REBORN (#HellAwaitsVibes) / “I don’t hate it…however…” / #snotmyfavorite / “I prefer the #frontdoorcafe” / WE JUST PLAYED YOUR SHIT-TAH!!! / “You can’t like everything…” / #genre and/or #jeanwree (which is how South Africa pronounces genre…at least, we think) / “And he’s got a boat…” / #FostersOilCan plus #PBRTallBoy #downthere / “It’s WIDE…you might get stopped!”
(29:35): Not really a departure, but definitely something different… / #TheDocket MESHUGGAH INSIDE THE METAL!!! / “#Djent should be respelled #Djunt” / #newbandname #DjuntCunts (“that would be a great band name.”) / “I thought you dudes would dig some of their riffs…” / “They’re from #Sweden…” / Seven and Eight String guitars / #djuntballs (by #Meshuggah) / #customamplification
(33:28): Contradictions Collapse (1991) / “Hold on…did I fuck up?” / #killeropener #thefirstnewalbum PARALYZING IGNORANCE (“That’s thrash!”) / “You can tell #Metallica had an influence…” / GODS OF RAPTURE #killercloser (See also #NoneEP) / “1991 me would have loved this!” / “Can you count it?”
(41:23): Destroy Erase Improve (1995) / “It’s basically #BuildBackBetter but it sounds cooler…” / #killeropener FUTURE BREED MACHINE (Super progressive thrash) / “How many riffs do YOU put in YOUR songs?” / “What do y’all think so far?” / #killercloser SUBLEVELS
(47:03): Chaosphere (1998) / “It’s a globe with #pointyscaffolding” / “There’s a part at the end…that’s #greatwithrelaxers” / “I’ve got the #timestamps on it…” / NEW MILLENIUM CYANIDE CHRIST #allthecokelines / ELASTIC (around the 9-minute mark…fast forward to 11:19 for #thebigrelease) #herewego (“That’s a big ole fart…”) / “It’s the ONLY way you could pull that off!”
(52:00): Nothing (2002) / RATIONAL GAZE #allthecokelines / “Straws?” / STRAWS PULLED AT RANDOM (Can you count that?) #TheCountsFavoriteBand / CatchThirtythree (2005) “All the songs have #allthecokelines #killeropener AUTONOMY LOST (“That’s actually not real drums…” #Toontrack #EZDrummer #drumkitfromhell) / SHED
(59:00): “I’m not gonna say it’s their #BlackAlbum…” / ObZen (2008) Get ready to count… / #killeropener COMBUSTION / Listen very closely to the guitars and the double bass drums… BLEED (“I’ve heard this one…”) / “That’s a #shitload of #junts!!!” / “My wrist gets tired just playing #airguitar to that” / “Lars up top, Lombardo down bottom…” / Koloss (2012) #killeropener I AM COLOSSUS #alltheballs (“They’ve got HUGE junts!”) / #verythrashy THE HURT THAT FINDS YOU FIRST (“He probably could…”)
(1:06:47): “Reason is in a coma…” / The Violent Sleep of Reason (2016) (“Is it cinnamon?”) / BORN IN DISSONANCE (“His talking voice is totally normal…”) #WeedASMR / Immutable (2022) / The most all-encompassing album…(?) / #theblackdog / “It’s not cock…” BROKEN COG #alltheballs #killeropener / PHANTOMS / “I should have went to music school…” / BLACK CATHEDRAL (“The weirdest instrumental I’ve ever heard…”) #djentblackmetaldemoASMR / (The #perfectblackmetalsong) / #MilitantDonaldDuckASMR I AM THAT THIRST / Proggy thrash / “I’m gonna change the #genrename to #djunt” (Ladies, it’s a great name…) / #theworsttimingintelevisionhistory / “WHAT?” #tastetherainbowASMR / ***THANK YOU FOR JOINING US FOR THIS EPISODE OF INSIDE THE METAL FEATURING THE MIGHTY MESHUGGAH!!!*** #baggingZzzs #airhornASMR / ***GO PURCHANDISE SOME MERCHANDISE AT metalnerdery.com/merch at our UNDERGROUND BUNKERPOON GIFT SHOPPE!!! / #untilthenext #outroreel