Thursday Sep 28, 2023
Thursday Sep 28, 2023
Thursday Sep 28, 2023
Who: King Parrot, Lamb of God, & PANTERA
What: One of the finest heavy metal concert experiences EVER
When: Tuesday, September 12, 2023
Where: Ameris Bank Amphitheater - Alpharetta, Georgia
Why: For the celebration of The Abbott Brothers history & legacy
On this night, thousands of loyal Atlanta metal fans made the pilgrimage to behold the spectacle of King Parrot, Lamb of God, and PANTERA absolutely blowing everyone’s mind with one of the finest (and certainly one of the HEAVIEST) heavy metal shows to EVER bless the stage at Ameris Amphitheater!
Truly a “family reunion for metal”, it was one of the most powerfully transcendental events of community, reverence, and sheer sonic bliss ever experienced in a single place on a single night. The collective energy of these three extreme metal juggernauts elevated the entire audience to an almost frenzied level of controlled chaos & palpable glee. It was, without question, one of THE best metal shows to come to Atlanta in recent years, bar none. And for a few fleeting hours on that night of “Metal Magic”, it felt just like the old days all over again, in the best way possible.
It’s “story time” in the Bunkerpoon, which means it’s time to “hang tight” and “have some cocktails” with the “three black sheep” and find out “what happens to dudes who can’t handle their White Claws” while trying to comprehend how talking to someone on a cell phone at a concert is as futile and pointless as peeing into a tornado.
Prepare to learn which two letters equal the letter ladies sit on, discover the proper way to pronounce King Parrot, dine on the finest post-show cuisine at the Waffle House and JOIN US as we reflect on one of the most important nights of heavy metal to have blessed Atlanta in recent years as we reflect on the details of the PANTERA LEGACY TOUR POST GAME WRAP-UP featuring King Parrot, Lamb of God, and PANTERA on the Atlanta tour stop to honor and celebrate the legacy of the brothers, Darrell & Vinnie Abbott.
Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode
Leave us a Voicemail to be played on a future episode: 980-666-8182
Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – metalnerdery.com/merch
and kindly leave us a review and/or rating on the iTunes/Apple Podcasts - Spotify or your favorite Podcast app
Listen on iTunes, Spotify, Podbean, Google Podcasts or wherever you get your Podcasts.
Follow us on the Socials:
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Email: metalnerdery@gmail.com
Can’t be LOUD Enough Playlist on Spotify
Metal Nerdery Munchies on YouTube @metalnerderypodcast
PANTERA on the InterWebs:
More PANTERA Episodes HERE https://www.metalnerdery.com/pantera
Show Notes:
(00:01): ***WARNING: #listenerdiscretionisadvised / #RMRose #FireOnTheMountain #NewLogo / ***WELCOME BACK TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST!!!*** / #thisepisodesbeeroftheepisode (“It tastes like autumn…”) / #gluttonfree and/or #glutenfree #AtlantaHardCider (“Hand picked by…people? Machines?”) / #buttonrub #texturedforyourpleasure #firstdayoffall (“I could drink a bunch of those…it’s definitely dry…”) / “That’s a better term than #flaccid…”
(03:20): Feel free to email us at metalnerdery@gmail.com and/or hit us up on #Instagram or #Facebook or #YouTube OR ***GIVE US A CALL AND LEAVE US A VOICEMAIL AT 980-666-8182!!!*** / #thevoicemailsegment (Darius is back…) / CD’s vs Vinyl / #storytime / “May I retort?” / “You could tell
#Alexa to play #MetalNerderyPodcast “/ #ultraquadraphonic / “They’re kinda coasters…” / #shuffle / “You’ve got the #FBI listening to you, but I don’t care…” / #onemore (“To clarify…”) / #ninjafrisbee / “Also to clarify…I called you fellas #thethreeblacksheep and said #hangtight in Polish…” / #dietpepsi vs #dietcoke #RussellsReflectionsASMR
(10:24): “You haven’t given us your thought of the day…” / “Apparently THAT was a winner!” / “If you thought getting a foley inserted was bad…” / “Enjoy your dildos and loneliness…” / “Was it a skink?” / #speciesist / “Snakes with legs…freak me out!” / Finding lizard carcasses in your home / #drylizardgulch / “That’s my spirit animal…” / #batzapper
(15:35): #TheDocket METAL NERDERY PODCAST PRESENTS: THE PANTERA POST-SHOW REVIEW (from 09/12/2023 in Alpharetta, GA) / #KingParrot #LambOfGod #Pantera / “That week…was so weird…it wasn’t just me…” / “They slow the rotation…” / #They / “It’s like an LP spinning in space…” / “It’s pizza shaped…” / The leadup to the show / Parking at the venue / “We were 40 thick…” / The #ActusReus boys were there / “It was a #familyreunion for metal…” / ***Check out everyone in the #groupphoto on our #Instagram and #Facebook pages *** / Ticket prices for seating vs lawn (“When I bought mine, lawn seats were NOT available…”) / “I looked like a #drunktoddler …”
(24:00): The structure of the show, including the #homevideofootage from the various #PanteraHomeVideos back in the day / “That was the first show I’ve been to in a minute with pyro…” / “Was that the same venue where you saw #Godsmack and could barely hear it?” / “I was WAY off on the opener…” / #soundczech / Some of the more surprising song choices in the setlist
(28:41): #TheSetlist (“I lost my shit on that one…”) / “I got a little teary when that came on…” / The incredible turnout of old school fans vs new fans who were just seeing #Pantera for the VERY first time on a tour for a band without a brand new album / “Speaking of bass…” / #TheEncore / “Let’s make it official…” / Predominantly the #Vulgar and #Driven albums / #speakingofbassparttwo (“Every time they showed Rex…”) #AirheadsStuntDouble / “That shape is weird…it’s an #SGV (or the Devil V)” / #squealies / A #barefooted Phil Anselmo / “The only thing that’s depressing about it…” / “Eventually…” / #docuseries / “That’s the worst part about running out…”
(36:03): “How long did it take y’all to get out of the parking lot?” / The #postshow #WaffleHouse excursion / “They weren’t warned…” / “That waffle is always amazing…every time” / #deathrowmealsASMR / “The funniest thing on the way back…was a comment about ‘sitting on the W’…” / “I can see your W…” / “It was in my #TopTen …” / “I was drunk on the music…I was dancing like nobody was looking…” / “The only thing that would have made that show better would have been #TheAbbottBrothers “
(42:42): “They had a lot of fire…” / “I did figure they would have played more from #ReinventingTheSteel …” / “If you think about it…” / “I rode that high for a few days…” / “I’ve been listening to a lot of Lamb of God lately…” / ***If you spotted Tim Hurd at the show, send us an email or let us know!*** / #PrinceAlbert (“He’s not gonna put it back in, is he?”)
(45:53): “This is not related to #Pantera but…” / “NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!” / #No / “I need to see this…” / #standupcomedyASMR / “They don’t know that you’re like this all the time…” / The weirdness of 9/11 week / #GodHatesUsAll and #Repentless were #bolth released on #nineeleven / Perfect stuff for #TheTriangle / “Both would have made me giddy, one would have made me really happy…” / “No, it was Regular People…”
(49:35): “There was some dude who can’t handle his #whiteclaws and was being a #superdouche to his girlfriend…” / “The good definitely outweighed the bad…” / “Sorta homeless but not really…” / #peoplewatching and #battlejackets / “It might have a built-in vagina…” / #vaginajacket or #penisponcho / “Musicians will get this…” / The opposite of #OldeFaece / #PanteraDoomASMR #dadheavy #gutatronic / The physical toll of performing live as you age / #dementiainchief / #dontdenythepowerof #sexdrugsandheavymetal / “Danglin’ by the dangle…” / “We need two of those a year…” / Concert ticket prices and #pricegouging and the impact on crowd sizes / “It absolutely was a family reunion…these were OUR people…” / “I wonder if people will notice…” / “If you have two V’s together, that makes a W…” / ***THANK YOU FOR JOINING US!!! DON’T FORGET TO STOP BY THE BUNKERPOON GIFT SHOPPE AT metalnerdery.com/merch !!!*** / #outroreel #untilthenext
Thursday Sep 21, 2023
#213 LAMB OF GOD - Inside The Metal - Pre-Game part 2
Thursday Sep 21, 2023
Thursday Sep 21, 2023
“That’s something you could remember to forget later…”
One of the most profound things about heavy metal is its natural evolution over time. It’s never forced and somehow everything just flows together with perfection, like some intelligently designed, supernaturally endowed, cosmic jigsaw puzzle.
Similar to the way Pantera picked up the baton for metal in the early 1990’s, LAMB OF GOD became the new “stop gap” for metal fans and the evolutionary “next wave” of extreme metal (a.k.a. the New Wave of American Heavy Metal (NWOAHM)) with their own unique brand of sonic vengeance containing the perfect blend of blistering speed, scalpel-like precision, and devastating ferocity.
It's time everyone understands the vast differences between “bukkake and bulgogi” while discovering the “six scientific reasons” highlighting the “terrifying” similarities between elasmobranchology & gynecology. Never underestimate the persuasive appeal of the perfect “LinkedIn profile”, don’t deny the power of “The Triangle”, and JOIN US as we go INSIDE THE METAL with one of the most brutally heavy bands ever to emerge from the Commonwealth of Virginia as we celebrate Richmond’s own LAMB OF GOD.
Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode
Leave us a Voicemail to be played on a future episode: 980-666-8182
Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – metalnerdery.com/merch
and kindly leave us a review and/or rating on the iTunes/Apple Podcasts - Spotify or your favorite Podcast app
Listen on iTunes, Spotify, Podbean, Google Podcasts or wherever you get your Podcasts.
Follow us on the Socials:
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Email: metalnerdery@gmail.com
Can’t be LOUD Enough Playlist on Spotify
Metal Nerdery Munchies on YouTube @metalnerderypodcast
LAMB OF GOD on the InterWebs: https://www.lamb-of-god.com/
Show Notes:
(00:01): “Stick around…” / #voiceactors and #hilarity / “That’s what it sounds like when I pull it out…” / “It’s not the same…” / #STOP / “No wonder…you’d have to love somebody an awful lot…” / #strapon / ***WARNING: #listenerdiscretionisadvised *** / “Ooh, what was that?” / “It sounded gross, and it looked gross…” / #QTipASMR #NO / “Those words don’t go together…at all.” / ***WELCOME BACK TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST!!!*** / #thisepisodesbeeroftheepisode #whiteclawASMR #episode213 #BlueMoon #WheatBeer #buttonrub (“What’s regular beer carbs like?”) / #theverdict #daydrinkingbeer / “Your other favorite band…” / “This tastes a little beachy…” / ***You can email us at metalnerdery@gmail.com and reach us on the socials at #Instagram and #Facebook and #YouTube *** COME VISIT THE UNDERGROUND BUNKERPOON GIFT SHOPPE AT metalnerdery.com/merch *** / ***GIVE US A CALL AND LEAVE US A VOICEMAIL AT 980-666-8182!!!*** / #thevoicemailsegment #ThePost #spinoffshow (“So much potential…that shit cracks me up.”) / #electionyear2024 (“They didn’t work then, they don’t work now…”) / “You look stupid and you’re helping no one…” / “Do we wanna attach that…?” / “How about just a vagina?” / #redwhiteandbluevagina / #TheTriangle / “I wonder if pubes will come back in 2024?” / #hugepubes / “The initials guy…” / #onemorevoicemail (“It’s a doozy…It’s Ken from Connecticut…”) regarding the #SomewhereInTime episode / #markthetime / (“Loved the #Mastodon episode…”) #ThankYouForThat / “You can’t say that word…” / #sloweddown (“I think that’s worse…”) / ***Go check out our Top 3 Maiden Albums episode regarding Ken’s voicemail and #RussellsReflections *** / “Let’s see…I’m 15 pounds down…” / “Hold on…are you backed up?” / “Is that what it sounds like when you shit?”
(19:43): #TheDocket / “Educational and part 2 of the #PanteraPreGame episode…” / #KingParrot is opening (before #LambOfGod) and is also featured in this edition of WE’LL PLAY YOUR SHIT-TAH!!! / “Y’know what…I just had a reflection…” / “I don’t know what to say now…if he’s not going outside to have #projectilediarrhea …” / #outsideperiodASMR / BITE YOUR HEAD OFF / SHIT ON THE LIVER (More #blackmetalish) and NEED NO SAVIOR (sort of a #TodayIsTheDay vibe) / “It’s like #grindcore meets #blackmetal…” / Thinking back to the #LiveStream when King Parrot opened up for #PhilipAnselmoAndTheIllegals during the #VulgarDisplayOfPantera livestream / ALL HAIL THE GRUB (“A lot of #uglychords in there…”) / “Technically it’s also accurate… (“It is #sharkweek at my house, btw…”) / A terrifying fact of nature…/ #dontdenythepowerof #Elasmobranchology
(28:33): The Docket: Part 2 (“That’s fucking terrifying!!!”) / #bestheadlineever “Now it makes sense…” / #lovethemefromJaws / METAL NERDERY PODCAST PRESENTS: LAMB OF GOD – INSIDE THE METAL (Pre-Game Edition) / Initial impressions regarding #LambOfGod back in the day, in terms of style and sound in the early 2000’s / “Dude, can you say #jeanwree just once? C’mon, do it the right way…” / #MCTentacleChoice and a cover of #TheAccused (“The Accused with good production…”) / “Okay, NOW some things are making sense…” INHERIT THE EARTH (#BurnThePriest) / NOTE: He believed wrongly… / We’re gonna go see #LOG / “Here’s the original (from #TheAccused #MaddestStoriesEverTold) / “If you were #Superman you could do it…”
(37:24): Going in reverse… / Omens (2022) / #cokelines / #killeropener NEVERMORE (“that’ll make you smile right there…”) / DITCH (#markthetime) / “When you can make feedback a note…” / Time to go shopping… / ***Does anyone buy #compactdiscs anymore? ***/ #markthetime / “It’s the #KKFs…”
(43:21): New American Gospel (2000) / #killeropener BLACK LABEL (“It has the feel of being in a jam room…”) / TERROR AND HUBRIS IN THE HOUSE OF FRANK POLLARD (#PanteraNegative or #TypeOTera) #uglynotes (featuring #SteveAustin from #TodayIsTheDay on #guestvocals) / “This is now connecting a lot of dots for me…”
(47:56): As The Palaces Burn (2003) / “It might be their Puppets for me…” / A DEVIL IN GOD’S COUNTRY / “A little bit of #Slipknot but with old school thrash riffs…” / #NewWaveOfAmericanThrashMetal #NWOATM and/or #NewWaveOfAmericanHeavyMetal #NWOAHM / Randy Blythe’s imprisonment and the #documentary that came out about it… #AsThePalacesBurn / “I was kinda hoping he still had ‘em…” / “This is for the lawn…” / 11th HOUR (#allcokelines #allthetime) / “Jump ahead about a minute or so…” / “Ever again and again and again and again…” / “that’s what he’s doing there…” / “I was gonna give away a taco…”/ “I ate it longingly…out of spite.” / #beggarscantbechoosers / “Bulgogi is what you’re looking for…”/ “I didn’t need to see that…you made a face…and you made a noise…and I didn’t like it.”
(56:56): Ashes Of The Wake (2004) / “He’s okay…if you’re into it…” / #guitarbone / “My current #LinkedInProfile …I’m giving you #thestarfish …” / LAID TO REST (#Testament and #Dimebag energy) / “That’s gonna be the most metal show #Ameris has ever seen…” / OMERTA (“I’m a fan now…”) / “Totally different appreciation for them…”
(1:02:18): Sacrament (2006) / REDNECK / “It’s like…they took over where #Pantera stopped…” / #tobefair / #stopgap / DESCENDING (“This god that I worship, this demon I blame, conspire as one, exactly the same, it’s exactly the same!”)
(1:07:59): Wrath (2009) / “We can totally #grabsack this one…” / “This album’s got a LOT of #cokelines…” / IN YOUR WORDS (“It’s almost like Blackened a little bit…”) / “Everything about that production is good…” / #MrEd (“They’re gonna google it…”) / “What was the beaver?” / #TheTriangle / “It’s gotta be…dude, put that on a shirt!”
(1:12:12): Resolution (2012) / GHOST WALKING / THE NUMBER SIX (ironically, also track six on the album) / ***Go buy some #LambOfGod *** / VII: Sturm und Drang (2015) / #stormandstress / “The ‘other’ down under…” / #AceVenturaASMR / “It doesn’t take much to make us happy…” / ***Stick around for the #outroreel on each #MetalNerderyPodcast episode!!!*** #productiongenius / 512 (#allthecokelines) / “I was close…” / #notreally / #guestvocals featuring #ChinoMoreno from #Deftones / “I think there’s an unwritten law…” / #awwwmannn / “Who’s got the highest low sounding voice in metal?”
(1:20:45): “Is this like their Black Album?” / Lamb of God (2020) #selftitledalbum #eponymous #RestInPower / #RussellsReflectionsHealthCareEdition / Well wishes and good vibes / “I had leg surgery and my throat was weird…” / #nocokelines ROUTES (featuring #ChuckBilly from the mighty #Testament) / “Almost sounds like a Testament song…a little bit.” / #killeropener MEMENTO MORI #allthecokelines #softintro (“I feel like it’s gonna come in hard…”) #markthetime #TypeOTera (“Wake up, wake up, WAKE UP!!!”) / A brief reflection regarding the #UnholyAlliance tour w/ #Slayer headlining and #Mastodon and #LambOfGod opening / #mmmkay / Speaker cabinets in the shape of #ThePetrineCross / “You were probably there…” / “That’s something you could remember to forget later…” / The last #pregame #tailgateshow before #Pantera #ForLegacy / #untilthenext / “In the meantime…” / ***COME ON DOWN TO THE BUNKERPOON GIFT SHOPPE AT metalnerdery.com/merch to purchandise some #MetalNerderyMerchandise ***/ “It’s not as evil…” / “It’s a new strain… / #laserlady (“Looks like a shark’s vagina…”) #thelastword / #outroreel
Thursday Sep 14, 2023
Thursday Sep 14, 2023
Thursday Sep 14, 2023
“Awww mannn…”
As of the recording of this episode, we were hyping ourselves into a frenzy to get fired up and ready for the upcoming PANTERA show (with King Parrot and Lamb of God opening) at the Ameris Amphitheater in Alpharetta, Georgia on September 12th, 2023.
And as of the publishing of this episode, we will have already borne witness to the awesome display of power which made PANTERA the quintessential metal band of the 90’s (more on that later…), and for that, we give “bigly tremendous” thanks and our utmost respect to both Charlie Benante and Zakk Wylde for joining Phil Anselmo & Rex Brown in the global crusade of preserving the memory, sharing the music, and highlighting the timeless legacy of The Brothers Abbott, as well as showing the younger generations of metalheads why PANTERA was, is, and always will be so incredibly special to the world of heavy music.
(Again, more on that later…)
Get your “fish chicken” ready because it’s time to get “boned up about the wings” and prepare to understand why “mosquitos” are evil and “eminent domain” should be outlawed. Discover “the best Metallica album that Metallica didn’t release”, get your “PhD in balls” and JOIN US as we fire up the barbie, enjoy some relaxers, and wax nostalgic while preparing to behold the metal legacy of the band that dominated metal in the 90’s with the biggest djunts this side of the Rio Grande as Metal Nerdery Podcast proudly presents the PANTERA PRE-GAME.
Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode
Leave us a Voicemail to be played on a future episode: 980-666-8182
Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – metalnerdery.com/merch
and kindly leave us a review and/or rating on the iTunes/Apple Podcasts - Spotify or your favorite Podcast app
Listen on iTunes, Spotify, Podbean, Google Podcasts or wherever you get your Podcasts.
Follow us on the Socials:
Facebook - Instagram - Twitter
Email: metalnerdery@gmail.com
Can’t be LOUD Enough Playlist on Spotify
Metal Nerdery Munchies on YouTube @metalnerderypodcast
PANTERA on the InterWebs: https://pantera.com/
Show Notes:
(00:01): “Fish chicken?” #Ficken or #Chish / #koreanbarbecue / “They lay it all up on your grill…” / #sexjokes / “It took me a while to figure that out…” / “I just can’t figure why the sewage and the playground are in the same place…” / #soberoctober (“I think I may have to by law…”) / #extrabass / “That’s almost enough to hire a #homelessprostitute …” / #quittingsmoking / ***WARNING: #listenerdiscretionisadvised*** / ***WELCOME BACK TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST!!!*** / #latestart / “You know that feel of panic…” #phonecall #tobefair (“I almost kinda forgot…”) #ninenineenergy #PrePanteraEnergy #angelnumbers / #thisepisodesbeeroftheepisode #Yuengling (“We can’t ever do that with the cans…”) / #lowcarbbeer / The computer guy is now a beer guy… / #mosquitos #conspiracytheoryASMR (“Put something good in there…”) / Ways to make people more open to taking the #covidvaccine / #legalcartel / “The only thing that sucks about it…”
(09:19): An awesome social media comment regarding our Danzig episode / You can email us at metalnerdery@gmail.com or hit us up on #Instagram #Facebook and #YouTube or you can GIVE US A CALL AT 980-666-8182!!! / #voicemailsegment #JohnnyO and a shoutout to #BigDaddysBBQPit / “You’re still just #bonedup about the wings…” / #BBQFoodPorn (“It’s my third day job…”) / “Ball state?” / “I’m the king of balls…” / #markallthetimes / Another voicemail from a caller at the #M72 show in Los Angeles / “He’ll be fine…” / “I remembered that he was coming, I forgot when it was…” / “That’s the number 3 podcast, btw…” / #TheOsbournesPodcast / “It’s gonna tip over like Guam…” / #firesale #eminentdomain / #conspiracytheoryASMR (“This is an experiment…”) / #KKF / “Isn’t that weird how that works?” / #herewego
(19:33): “We’ve got something pretty cool coming up this week…” / #awwwmannn / “You that shit can get in your eye, right?” / #onehundredpercenteffective / “You don’t wear ‘em like long pants dude…” / “That’s when you wear #Depends to a concert…” / #dedication #onmicburp / #TheDocket METAL NERDERY PODCAST PRESENTS: PANTERA PRE-GAME / “I haven’t seen #Pantera…since they played with #Slayer at #TheTabernacle / “We are as old as our balls…” / Reflecting on Pantera shows back in the 90’s, specifically with #WhiteZombie at the International Ballroom / “I still like tits…” / Predictions regarding the #setlist for the upcoming show in Atlanta on Tuesday, 09/12/2023 / #ForLegacy and The Celebration of Pantera’s legacy / #No / #PanteraDjuntsASMR (“They’re #djunts all day, dude…”)
(29:29): “Here’s how you make wings better…” / Shoutout to #HotOnes re: #crispywings and #RussellsReflections regarding wings / “You cannot shake wings in cold sauce…” / “You know what an #airfryer is?” / “It’s like the #UAP of ovens…”/ More on our predictions for the #killeropener / #No / #totallyworthit / “You laughed a little too hard at that…” / #MandelaEffectASMR and #concertposters / “He’d give me the glove…they gave ‘em to kids…” / “Down by the airport…” / #HotBrown (At least it wasn’t #HotCarlson) / PRIMAL CONCRETE SLEDGE (“And to think this was their Paranoid…”)
(38:00): “Here’s the story…” #RussellsReflections (“That’s a great impression…”) / “They took Metallica…and made it better?” / “It’s the best Metallica album that Metallica never released…” / #thenextwaveofmetal / The Metallica of the 90’s (and/or The #LedZeppelin of the 90’s) / “That was their decade…” / THE ART OF SHREDDING / Iommi, Hetfield, Dime: #TheRiffTrinity / “I’d like to find out…” / P.S.T.’88 (from #PowerMetal) NOTE: the vocals are courtesy of #Dimebag and the guitar solo is fucking EPIC!!! / “Tight or time?” / “If you think about it…it’s kinda like an 8…” / GODDAMN ELECTRIC (“Still never gets old…EVER.”) #BiglyTremendous / “So Thursday the 12th?”
(49:23): RISE (“There’s gonna be so many faces…”) / “They don’t have #deepcuts really…” / Reflecting on the #CFH tour when Pantera played new shit off of #VulgarDisplayOfPower before the album was released. / FLOODS (“Don’t Russell…”) #DimeBoneAllDayLong (“Simple…but effective.”) / “I think it’d be rad if they played SUICIDE NOTE PT. II…” / “I hope they play this one…” SANDBLASTED SKIN (“You know the banter is going to be unbelievable…”) / “It’s on sale at the dollar store…” / Bass players vs musicians / “But just THOSE guys…” / #squealies / #BikerViking / A moment from the #SteelPanther roast regarding #pussychunks #clotsinthevelvetroom
(1:00:30): The #toiletghost is back (unless it’s #sleepwalking) / “I roofie myself every once in a while…when I want to get laid.” / #PropertyOfBallState (“Don’t mark that time…”) / Scrotums and pool tables / SHEDDING SKIN #uglychords / BECOMING / “It’s my #PrinceAlbert…”/ HELLBOUND (“Terry Date is how you get that sound…”) / Remembering when Dime was murdered on stage / HERESY (“Rise above the lies…”) / “They CAN lick my sack…” / Thus far, it’s one… / We know what WILL be played. / “I doubt they’ll play WALK…”/ “We’ve gotta hear just a touch…” POWER METAL / “I’m gonna go NOT smoke…” / #globalclimatewarmingchange / Two pre-game shows and then a post-game show / ***THANK YOU FOR JOINING US FOR THIS EPISODE OF METAL NERDERY PODCAST!!!*** / ***Come on down to the Bunkerpoon Gift Shoppe and purchandise your merchandise at metalnerdery.com/merch *** / #untilthenext #outroreel
Thursday Sep 07, 2023
Thursday Sep 07, 2023
Thursday Sep 07, 2023
September 29, 1986:
By this point in time, nearly 2 years had passed since the release of Powerslave and nearly a year had passed since Live After Death was released, commemorating the World Slavery Tour of 1984-1985 that cemented IRON MAIDEN as one of the most legendary bands in all of metal. And just like with any other advancements forward impacting time and technology, SOMEWHERE IN TIME, their 6th studio album (and the first to include, wait for it: guitar synths) proved to be a quantum leap forward into the future sound of their brand of progressive metal, with enough ambiance and atmosphere to give the album a sound that feels very futuristic and modern, yet also sounds perfectly at home in 1986.
Always remember to take an “insurance pee” before engaging in any time travel activities and be sure to “slow down” and take a moment to “pump your own gravy” (even if you felt “barely bothered” to do so at the time) and JOIN US as we dive into one of the most “timeless” albums in Maiden’s history, complete with guitar synthesizers and more multi-layered guitar harmonies than you could shake an interdimensional scepter at as we dive into the wormhole of metal and travel elsewhere (and elsewhen) with IRON MAIDEN, SOMEWHERE IN TIME.
Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode
Leave us a Voicemail to be played on a future episode: 980-666-8182
Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – metalnerdery.com/merch
and kindly leave us a review and/or rating on the iTunes/Apple Podcasts - Spotify or your favorite Podcast app
Listen on iTunes, Spotify, Podbean, Google Podcasts or wherever you get your Podcasts.
Follow us on the Socials:
Facebook - Instagram - Twitter
Email: metalnerdery@gmail.com
Can’t be LOUD Enough Playlist on Spotify
Metal Nerdery Munchies on YouTube @metalnerderypodcast
Show Notes:
(00:01): “It’s at least…” / #microlength / “Two weeks in a row…” / #ageless / #timetravel / #birthdaymonthASMR / “Oh boy…oh geez…” / #thisepisodesclinkyoftheepisode (“What the heck is this?”) / #colamoonshinewhiskey / #colaflavoredmoonshine / ***WARNING: #listenerdiscretionisadvised *** / “Carbs, I can taste ‘em…” / ***WELCOME BACK, EVERYONE, TO BUNKERPOON INDUSTRIAL UNDERGROUND PRODUCTIONS…AND THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST!!!*** #rightsquareintheYEAH / #specialguesthost #markoneera (“Yeah?”) / #introsandsuch / “Yeah?” / #thisepisodesbeeroftheepisode / “I’m still on the old diet, here…” / #MonsterEnergyDrink #BeastUnleashed #sixpointzeropercentABV #scaryberries #ninetycalories (“There’s no fat in it either…”) / “that’s a soda right there…it tastes like #diabetes” / #supersweet #dangersugar / “It tastes like #AMonster…” #markthetime / “It does make it better…” / “That one had hair on it…” / ***RUSSELLSREFLECTIONSMARKONEASMR*** / “I feel smarter…” / “We’re gonna get through this…” / “I’ve been overwhelmed in the #bunkerpoon…” / #priorcharacters #oldschoolepisodes #projectilediarrhea (“Yeah!”) / #aggressivearnold / #markthetime / “We need one more…like THAT!” / “Thirty bucks, #atthedoor…” / #bargainentertainmentdollar / “Yeah, they killed, for sure.” / Excellent setup at #TheMasqueradeATL / #logisticsASMR / “So many faces…” / #backshadowingASMR / The last time #IronMaiden came to Atlanta…/ #familyreunion #senseofcommunity #metalcommunity #hailtoyouall (“Pantera is NEXT week…at this point!!!”) / #antirelaxers (“No we’re getting #LambOfGod”) #KingParrot / “She’s kinda hot…” / “I know a dude…” / #nontangentional #spankbankASMR #furtherbackshadowing / See also #PhilipAnslemoAndTheIllegalsLiveStream during #theplague / #furtherbackshadowing (“Matt’ll remember this…”) / #twanglified / #whateveritsfine / “Those 3 bands…at #MSG…” / #adjustedforinflation / #evenfurtherbackshadowing #goodseats… / #adjustedforinflationASMR
(14:19): “I’m sorry…” / “I was barely bothered…” / #imsorry / “He was barely bothered…” / #recordscratch / “Tell ‘em…” / “they were really big…” / #hahaha / Umm, wait…what? / “The tickets cost me through the fuckin’ roof!” / #nonsmokingRussellASMR / #MCR / #MyChemicalRomanceASMR / #RussellsReflections (NOTE: Remember, Russell plays BASS now! Just remember that.) / “I’ll put a little pale ale in their fore you…” / #pumpyourowngravy / #markthetime / “That’s actually better…” / ***We have ZERO filler from YOU guys…we MISS you!!!*** Feel free to follow us on the #instagram #facebook and #instatits and #instavag and #facegram or email us at metalnerdery@gmail.com or follow us on the #YouTube channel. / #motherfucker / “Our listenership is going up…” / “They’ll come back…” / #noteven / “Did we look up this band, #TornSoul ?” / #shoutout to #localboys #ActusReus #localAtlantaMetal / #RussellsReflectionsReprise #elbowtoelbow #balltoball / #markthetime / “His mustache is so epic…don’t you think, Adam?” / #notburntreynolds #inabow ***SEND US A YOU-TUBE OR SOME KIND OF LINK OF MUSIC OF WHOEVER YOU THINK SHOULD BE KNOWN WORLDWIDE…AT THE ABOVE EMAIL…OR ON THE SOCIALMEDIAS!*** / #WellPlayYourShittah / #RussellsEnunciationOfThought / “Sounds like #BelaFleck…” / “You can hear it in the #fingering…” / #BrentHindsASMR (“The sounds of #Mastodon”) / “I can tell…by the shapes and the phrasing…” / #SteveMorseASMR / #BurntReynolds
That’s a bit extreme Russell, but whatevs… / #TornSoul (#rightinthebutthole) / #soulbutthole / “Is that the name of the song?” / “Now I’ve GOTTA hear it!” / UNEARTHED #deathcore (“Is that like a 37-string guitar!?”) / “You can see the #djunts in the strings!” / “That’s an 8-string, dude…we’ve got to do a whole episode of THIS!” / #atlantametal / #headlessguitars and feedback
(29:49): ***I can totally play with madness, dude…*** #TheDocket METAL NERDERY PODCAST PRESENTS: IRON MAIDEN’S 1986 PROGRESSIVE MASTERPIECE: SOMEWHERE IN TIME!!!*** / Local guitar teachers of our youth / “I always liked this record…” / “Whatever his fucking name is…” / #youknowwhatimeant / “People got all weird…they’re using #guitarsynths” / #moreprogressive / The increase of #heavythrashmetal in the dominant headspace over the more melodic, progressive style of metal like #IronMaiden at the time / #nostalgic #1986 / “A hot thirteen-year-old, back then…” / “Not age appropriate…” / #notenough / The #oldschooltourshirts #tourshirtdates / “I’ll have to ask him when he gets here…” / #BirthdaySessionsPartTwoASMR / #markthetime / #backtotheshow
(36:45): #recordinginTheBahamas / #beauty #No / “Real quick…” / “In the moment, on that show…” / #thatno (“That IS the No.”) / #whatisaidwas #overproduced #bobrockASMR / #insurancepee / “You gotta get BACK…in time!” / “Of all of them…it’s probably…” / #bestironmaidenalbumcover #vinylalbums #fullsizedLPalbums / “There’s all kinds of references…” / #deepcut #IronMaidensBatman / #insertridiculousanalogyhere / “There’s a whole fucking KEY!” / #spitfire #whistle #heck #clutchedthepearls / “It IS the #Batman…” / #walkways #killeropener #thirtysevenyearsago #noteven (“Dude, we’re all accidents!”) / “There needs to be a switch…” / “I’m just trying to educate people about #science…” / “It’s a #threewaytie …” / “It’s gonna be awesome…” / CAUGHT SOMEWHERE IN TIME #guitarsynths #progressivemetal / THAT is the good stuff! / #borderlinethrash #NWOBHM #NWOBHMASMR / “TIME! Is always on my side!!!” / “You can hear EVERYTHING!” / #toptiermetal #topnotchmetal /
(47:01): “What do you think their streak was?” / “A different flavor…” / #BlazeBayleyIronMaiden / “…saw them at #TheOldMasqueradeATL…” / “What time did they start?” / #tomorrow / “I’ve gotta hear THAT part!” / WASTED YEARS #bassplayerASMR / The buildup section before the #guitarsolo / “I never thought about that, but I could see it…” / “It’s very busy…” / “Maybe we should do that during #TheNextChronicles…” / #highsingin #maidenandforbidden / “NOW? It’s SO good!” / “You can have the evil and the melody…” / #darkhorsesong #deepcut SEA OF MADNESS (“You’ll remember it…”) / “Give me like a teeny splash…” / “Like the eagle and the dove…” / “This might be the heaviest song on this album…” /
(56:26): “It’s got that #oomph to it…” / “It might be a #grower for me…” / “a little defensive…how much of a grower does it have to be?” / #noteventhreefifteen / #notevenhalfbone / HEAVEN CAN WAIT #proggyintro / “That’s pretty busy…” / “It’s almost #thrashy…” / #snapyourhands / #AtlantaMetalLegend #TimHurd / “If he’s not at the show, it’s not an #AtlantaOfficialMetalShow …” / #HailToTimHurd #HailToAtlantaMetal / “that would have been REALLY cool!” / “We saw ‘em like 9 times on that tour!” / “Evidently, there was #somebeef…” / #atleastitsnotcoviddude / “Yeah you can, you really can…” / #asstard #slowdown #fireextinguisher (“You’re #slowingdownthefire”) #fireretardant / THE LONELINESS OF THE LONG DISTANCE RUNNER (“This is almost #thrashspeed…”) / #melodicthrash #guitarharmonies (“They did more of that on this record than ever before…”) / #layeredharmonies #harmonicperfection (“Too many harmonies!? #NotEnough ”) / “The way it finishes…” / #outroharmonies #multilayeredharmonies #fourpartharmonies (“Ooooh…”) / “Ooooh, You know what the I stands for, right?” / “Oh, sorry…” / #sharingiscaring (“She’s #older than we are…”) / “You’re WAY off…” / “That’s a cool name…” / “That’s the one musician in the whole band!” / #markthetime
(1:09:38): “Something happened…” / “Damn…” / #badroadstories / STRANGER IN A STRANGE LAND #easy (“that’s pretty close, also…”) / Eye of the Tiger or Heaven and Hell? / #CustomGuitarSynth / “This song has one of my favorite guitar solos ever…” / “It just got prettier…” / “Shut your mouth…Adrian is soloing…” / “I might say…” #No / #PinkFloydVibes / “It’s my favorite one…except…” / #fifteenpartharmonies #harmonybonerASMR DÉJÀ VU (“Speaking of beef…”) / Either three part or four part harmonies during that part / “It’s a little warm and sticky, but it’s fine…” / “I had no idea…he was inside Eddie…” / Drummers can radically impact the entire sound of a band.
(1:25:44): #killercloser ALEXANDER THE GREAT (“I got that tattooed on my balls actually…”) / #progressivemetal #Macedonia #Babylon / “I like the thickness…” / “He died of fever in Babylon…” / “When I finish, it’s never that glorious…” / Tracking changes? / ***Go check out our Top 3 Favorite Maiden Albums episode!!! *** / “The Powerslave of the #newera of Maiden…” / “Bill loves that song more than he loves KISS…” / #tobefair / ***Which #albumcover do you prefer on #NumberOfTheBeast: the blue or the black? *** / Various feedback regarding the various Iron Maiden album covers over the years / #MaidenIsAwesome / “A slow, slow burning Hell…” / Whores vs Hoors vs HOAs / “Since it's your birthday… / #Helmet has a new album coming out soon called “LEFT”! HOLIDAY / “The best venue in Atlanta, by far…” / #RussellsReflectionsExtendedRemix / #markthetime / “When Helmet came up, it was balls out?” / ***THANK YOU FOR JOINING US FOR THIS EPISODE OF METAL NERDERY PODCAST!!!*** / Head on over to the #BunkerpoonGiftShoppe at metalnerdery.com/merch and purchandise your #MetalNerderyMerchandise / #outroreel #markthetime
Thursday Aug 31, 2023
#210 DANZIG - Inside The Metal
Thursday Aug 31, 2023
Thursday Aug 31, 2023
If you were to blend the dark, heavy riffs of Sabbath & Zeppelin with the straight-ahead power of AC/DC and then add the incredible vocal crooning style of The Doors’ frontman Jim Morrison, mixing everything with a generous infusion of punk rock angst and Halloween themed, gothic horror vibes to tie it all together, the end result would be DANZIG, the “modern classic” sounding “horror metal” band fronted by GLENN DANZIG (formerly of Misfits & Samhain).
Prepare to enjoy yourself some quality horror croon from deep within the Bunkerpoon and head downstairs for some “dingle, dangle (followed by a liberal dose of ‘mind bleach’)” so you can finally comprehend what “between your cheek and gum” actually means while “making mugshots great again…so they can nay-nay” when you JOIN US as we dig deep into “The Johnny Cash of Metal” and dive into the eerie, inky-black darkness of DANZIG - Inside The Metal: The 80’s & 90’s.
Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode
Leave us a Voicemail to be played on a future episode: 980-666-8182
Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – metalnerdery.com/merch
and kindly leave us a review and/or rating on the iTunes/Apple Podcasts - Spotify or your favorite Podcast app
Listen on iTunes, Spotify, Podbean, Google Podcasts or wherever you get your Podcasts.
Follow us on the Socials:
Facebook - Instagram - Twitter
Email: metalnerdery@gmail.com
Can’t be LOUD Enough Playlist on Spotify
Metal Nerdery Munchies on YouTube @metalnerderypodcast
Show Notes:
(00:01): “God, you’re old!” / “Now I #dangle…and I’m about to be a #flailer in a minute!” / “If you can have #curling…you can have #flailing…” / “Ooooh, is this the maple?” / ***WELCOME BACK TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST!!!*** / ***WARNING***: #listenerdiscretionisadvised #warningASMR / “A lotta sugar in that!” / #almosttasteslikebreakfast #smokedmaplewhiskey / #specialguestnerd #thefourhorsemenoftheNerdery ***BREAKING NEWS***: #RIP #BobBarker #HailToBobBarker #TheBettyWhiteOfGameShowHosts / “Talk about casting a shadow…” / “Wait, that’s cool?” / #youllneverforgetit #thatBobBarkerisaBlessin / “We can’t ‘officially’ call this a beer…” / #dietingnonsenseASMR / “If Russ is on a diet…” / #veryunselfless / “It’s big…” / #ChungsPackage / #loverboy (“You’re not comfortable…”) / “Did you have THAT shirt on?” / #NO / “At least it’s fucking cold!” / #DeathRowRecords #HappyDads #HardSeltzer / #admonitions / “It’s weird…” / “It tastes like a #FantaGrape without the #sugarsyrup” / “H’Ayll Yay-uhh!!” / “I’m used to it now…” / “I’ll just start drinkin’ more…” / #hangovernutritionASMR / “Just order the bloody mary…” / #charcuterie (“that’s a bagle…a popsicle!?”) / #thedrinkthatdrinkslikeameal / “If you give ‘em just a little bit of space…” / Is there a #chickenandwafflesbloodymary out there?” / “I didn’t actually ‘come’ there” / #memoriesofBob / “He’s a talented fucker!” / “The place is where my place used to be…” / #jazzandblueshousebands #artisticquality / #MatthewsReflections / “Life goes on…long after the thrill, of living is gone…like how MUCH longer, JCM?” / “Just to work it up…it’s at 10 o’clock, what else do you need? I can’t get it #fromsixtomidnight “/ #thatseventeenyearoldfeeling / “If she’s willing to be patient and just lay there…” / #justpretend /
(15:04): “It was just fucked up…” / #fakenews / #voicemail ***GIVE US A CALL AND LEAVE US A VOICEMAIL AT 980-666-8182!!!*** / #thereturnofthepost #djentleman #thepost / “It was a whole to-do…” / ***WHO IS THE GREATEST “METALLY METAL” DRUMMER OF ALL TIME!?!?!? *** #weloveyoutoo / Our (not so) brief assessment of various #metaldrummers who have transcended metal, music, and perhaps even genre. / “That’s a tough question…” / ***Check out our 3 BadAss Drummers episode for reference*** / “It’s odd…” / “That dude’s ridiculous…” / #woodpaneledwall #orangeshagcarpet #woodpaneledcarpetmetal / ***IF YOU WANNA EMAIL US YOU CAN DO SO AT metalnerdery@gmail.com ***/ #socialmedia #instagram #instatits #instavag #facegram #metalnerderypodcast / “Only if they’re ‘into it’ dude…” / #undownloads and the words of #fuckbag / #coviddeniers / “He came back…” / “Bill got another year older…and Russell’s getting smaller…” / #wewentnuts / #somelikeithot “I could just roll around in that shit naked…” / #notinthepeehole / #smokefreeASMR / “You just saved yourself a lotta damn money!” / “You got it? I got it.” / “Wait, where do you PUT the pouch?” / “Wait, there’s a ‘gum’ down there?” / #theinsideofyourbutthole / “It’s a #robotdick “/ It’s really not even close to the same… #IYKYK / “It’s just #reconditioning the way you are in the world…” #stopsmokingASMR /
(27:15): “I’m done actually…” / “I don’t wanna get political or anything…” #herewego / #arrested #arraigned #booked (“Yeah, but for…what did he do?”) #theyllfigureitout / “They match, dude…” / “that #mugshot is great” / #makingmugshotsgreatagain #makemugshotsgreatagain #thebestmugshot / “I’m still waiting for one…just ONE…word of praise…” / “He can’t find the front…” / #MatthewsPoliticalCorner / #HateUberAlles / “Learning how to #emptynest” / “This is what you get for being up at 2 ‘o’clock in the morning / #dingledangle / “You’ll be #flailin” / #mindbleach
(31:41): The best #Crooner in Metal / #MetalCrooner METAL NERDERY PODCAST PRESENTS: DANZIG – INSIDE THE METAL: PT. 1 – The 80’s and 90’s / “It’s kinda like #BlackSabbathMeetsTheDoorsMeetsACDC ”/ “That’s a pretty metal tune…” #whyisthisonWREKage / “This was certainly NOT thrash…” / Acceptable artists outside of thrash, back in the day. / The sound of #Danzig back in the day, relative to the rest of the #metaluniverse at the time/ #BlackAria / “If I’m remembering the right show…” / #Danzig and #Samhain #doubleduty / The sonic sorcery of #RickRubin / Thinking back on past #DanzigTours … / “Is that a fart?” / Close encounters of the Danzig kind… / #backstage #meetandgreet / “Loose-uh-fudge” #lucyfudge #chocolatebutthole / Clarification of the parameters of this episode… / “That’s how tall my wife is…” / “That’s just all I can see now…” / #bestfriends (5’12” at LEAST!) / “Don’t you get it?” / “If we ARE gonna go back to #TheMisfits I wanna hear some WHERE EAGLES DARE (1979)” / But first… LAST CARESS (1980) / “It’s weird to hear #crooning over #punkrock / #horrorpunk / “That almost sounds like #QOTSA…” / “Easy fella…” / “Next was #Samhain (or “sou-wain…”) / #usephonetics #itsdumb #seriously #literally / “I don’t know of any…” / “Can you imagine what it would be like!?” / BLACK FLAME
(47:07): “Twist of Cain was the first song I heard…” / Danzig (1988) / Backing vocals courtesy of one #JamesHetfield / “Because I did this, nothing got spilt…” / TWIST OF CAIN #seventiesstyle (“Not a lot of #cokelines”) #feelinboobies / “Typical…” / POSSESSION (“It’s probably his ‘Enter Sandman…”) / THE HUNTER (#callme) / “Don’t use the #LoveGun …” / END OF TIME #creepysoftintro (“It’s not this one…”) / EVIL THING (“I think this might be it…”) / “I know where you’re going…” / #WhiteZombieComparison / SHE RIDES (“You make me feel…”) / “Wait, no next MONTH!” / #allkillernofiller / #thefirstevershufflealbumdive #birthdayextravaganza (“So that’s what comes out?”) / “Maybe that’s what happens…” / “You got any mayonnaise or bacon grease…or an egg?” / #noforeplay / “If you ever flail when you’re doing that, then you’re doing it wrong…” / #bonerknowledgeASMR
(1:00:51): “I’ll bet when #Danzig was a young man…” / #coolandcreepy #oldschool #creepydoowop #creepyandold (“You can play triangle…”) / #looseafudge / The “update” regarding #bassplayers and #musicians / “He’s a musician first…” / “I just go in there and hide…” / #familymath / “He almost got punched in the fuckin’ face the other night…” / #RussellsReflectionsASMR #LiveActionDemo #FingerSqueezer / Danzig II: Lucifuge (1990) /The way Russell says it, it sounds like “loose a fudge”…it is what it is…) / #socialdistancerepriseASMR #ElectionYearASMR #DanzigAsAUnitOfMeasurement #forthegreatergood #justbeingabsurd / “Or a speed bag…” / Some sort of drama between Danzig and another band… and full on #fisticuffs / This is why you have stage & house management to direct these sort of “disagreements”…) / “Did they ever open for #KISS?” / #TheSecondChroniclesASMR / HER BLACK WINGS (“A little more balls in the production department…”) / “That riff is totally #ZeroTheHero …” / #pinchharmonics (There’s definitely a finesse to it…) / #markthetime / “No, that’s goin ‘in!” / #itsmarked / #killeropener LONG WAY BACK FROM HELL #IommicVibes #Recordscratch / “More of an #RJDSabbathRiff?” / No, it’s not that… / I’M THE ONE #bluesy #hellbillyASMR / “A snick eyed boy…”
(1:14:14): Our respective #endpoints in the catalog / Danzig III: How The Gods Kill (1992) / “He named it #Elvis?” / #werenotbestfriends #NAMM (“a war we weren’t even supposed to be involved with…”) / GODLESS #weird (“that’s definitely MORE metal!”) “That’s just eerie as fuck!” / ***NOTE: the “bottle clink” sound at the end of the song goes on for a count of 18…*** / #creepybottleclinkyASMR / DIRTY BLACK SUMMER / #refrigeratorhauntingASMR / “that’s kinda what it sounds like…” / HOW THE GODS KILL (“When this one kicks in, it’s really, really cool!”) / “Scorpions with a side of DIO” / #RonnieJamesDanzig / “He’s playin’ all the ‘Dream On’ notes…” / “Does this one kick in?” / #softintro #mediumbone to #midnightbone #pinchharmonics / #theuglynotes #diabolicaldoowop / “It was the hair…” / #LessThanZero #LifeFadesAway (“Usually…”) LIFE FADES AWAY #actualsize
(1:29:01): “We’ll go halfway…” / Danzig 4 (1994) / #killeropener BRAND NEW GOD / More punk vibes… / LITTLE WHIP #allthecokelines (“So they can #naynay”) / “It’s everything I like…” / #TheJohnnyCashOfMetal / How did people buy albums in the 70’s? / “we had the same photographer…I remember the shoot.” / #healwayshadicecream / “I found boxes…”/ “I was like 11…” / #RussellsRegretsASMR #RussellsReflectionsASMR / Danzig 5: BLACKACIDDEVIL (1996) / HAND OF DOOM: version #BlackSabbathCover (“The vocals are a little different…”) / “The bass sounds very flatulent…” / #industrialmetal / “Like your favorite band, #KISS when they did the #discoalbum…” / #RussellsReflectionsExtendedProgSuperMixEditionASMR / “That was nice…” / “Okay, cool…” / BLACKACIDDEVIL #flailermetal / “This is his Load…” / #dontyouworryaboutit / “I call it an inhaler…” / “Do the 6:66 Satan’s Child (1999) / “There’s a vag…” / #alternatecover #limitededition #zombiepuss #hugehangar FIVE FINGER CRAWL / “I was, once…” / “a little #Elvis?” / “we still refer to it as having to frost…” / Danzig Sings Elvis (2020) / ALWAYS ON MY MIND #creepy (#TwinPeaksSoundtrackVibe) #markthetime ONE NIGHT / “Our time has come upon us…” / ***THANK YOU FOR JOINING US!!!*** Happy Birthday Billiam and thank you Adam for joining as well!!!*** / #nextweek #thelastword / ***COME GET YOUR MERCH FIX AT THE BUNKERPOON GIFT SHOPPE LOCATED VIA www.metalnerdery.com/merch and purchandise your #metalnerderypodcastmerchandise / #outroreelmegamix #theresnosoundinspace #legendary #thankyouforthat #werenotbestfriends
Thursday Aug 24, 2023
#209 RUSH - Inside The Metal, 70’s Style
Thursday Aug 24, 2023
Thursday Aug 24, 2023
The 1970’s is one of the greatest decades in the history of the development of modern metal. Back in the 70’s, it was not at all uncommon to get 2 albums from the same artist within the same year! During the 70’s, you’d drop the needle on the record, turn on the lava lamps and the black lights, indulge in your preferred relaxer of choice, and be instantly transported to an alternate dimension of sonic bliss where, again, it was not at all uncommon to have the entire first side of an album consist of one song, especially when listening to RUSH and their trailblazing, early progressive metal output from the 1970’s.
Get ready to hear “one of the angriest riffs of 1976” while enjoying one of the most mind blowing “one take wonder” epics of all time with a massive “priapism of percussion” (aka “drumbone”). Prepare to learn about our 3-point plan to make the world a better place (including “fireproof trees”) and JOIN US as we extend our gratitude to the Godfathers of Progressive Metal hailing from the Great White North: the multi-instrumental, multi-tentacled (and multi-lingual) genius of Geddy Lee, Alex Lifeson, and Neil Peart: the “Holy Triumvirate” aka the Toronto Prog Wizards known collectively as RUSH, as we go Inside The Metal, 70’s Style!
Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode
Leave us a Voicemail to be played on a future episode: 980-666-8182
Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – metalnerdery.com/merch
and kindly leave us a review and/or rating on the iTunes/Apple Podcasts - Spotify or your favorite Podcast app
Listen on iTunes, Spotify, Podbean, Google Podcasts or wherever you get your Podcasts.
Follow us on the Socials:
Facebook - Instagram - Twitter
Email: metalnerdery@gmail.com
Can’t be LOUD Enough Playlist on Spotify
Metal Nerdery Munchies on YouTube @metalnerderypodcast
RUSH on the Interwebs https://www.rush.com/
Show Notes:
(00:01): #thinlymixed / #TheBanksBoysBand / #heavythin / “Is that #Sanka or #Folgers?” / #instantcoffee #commercials / #BlackRoast / ***WARNING: #listenerdiscretionisadvised *** / “Hittin’ me straight right in the YEAH!” / ***WELCOME BACK TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST WITH BLESSED AMOUNTS OF ANESTHESIA!!!*** / #notglee / #eightouncecup (***”aren’t we approaching…the one year anniversary?”*** / #thesecondchronicles / “Let’s see what happens…” / “It’s all of ‘em…” / #thisepisodesbeeroftheepisode #nationalchampionship #sportsdogwords #TerrapinBrewery #BerlinerStyleWeiss #TeaTime #giveitacrack (#solidbeachbeer) / “You’d have…the perfect blend…” / #unsweetteaflavor / “If it had just a touch of sweetness…it’d be perfect.” / #PulpFictionAnalogies #BigKahunaBurgerASMR (“Some #pigface…”) / “I’ve done that…it’s not bad.” / #itsnotracist (“How the fuck are they on fire?”) / #HAARPASMR / NOTE: we are NOT being facetious… / “So everything burned down…but the trees?” / “Obviously…anyway…” / #badlandmanagement / “Purple fire?” / “Purple SMOKE?” / #Seriously / #RussellsReflections #wedidntask / “We counted and left…” / “My favorite are…” / “Everybody was on coke…” / #brotherexponential #brotherbrother (“The Dark Side of the 90’s”) #TheViperRoom / “#SteelPanther when they were #MetalShop”/ #prenineeleven #pre911 / “The power’s in his #dreadlocks bro…” / “everybody needs fire…and explosions…Bill knows!” / #TheChroniclesPartTwo #TheReChronicles #KISSALIVESUPERDIVEASMR #NONONO / “The REALLY obnoxious #hairmetal…” / “Reflections in #WheelersWorld…” / #StewieASMR / #KillTonyASMR/ “I don’t know this for a fact…but every episode I’ve watched…” / #somethingsomethingnews / ***NOTE: There are exceptions…*** / “I almost…get more of a thrill…at seeing how fast I can make people leave…” / #helpingtheworld #feedthehungry #overonehundredpages #itshuge (“Last weekend?”) / #RussellsReflections regarding #SublimeLyrics #TheWrongWay / “Ohhh, speaking of…” / #PeteOPhayisle / “A waft of smell…” / “Everything…” / #thatsactuallyacrime /
(20:23): “Do we have any #shittah?” / #email (you can email us at metalnerdery@gmail.com ) #YonderWaysMetalFestival #EmberingEffigy (“Oh, that dude?”) / #redditnotification and the mystery of #responsemessages / #dangole #groovethrash #seekingdrummer #workingband / “The sound of local metal…” / “He’s a big fella…” / #coollogo / “It’s like #blackmetal but you can still read it…” / #WellPlayYourShittah
(25:52): #TheDocket METAL NERDERY PRESENTS: RUSH – INSIDE THE METAL (70’S STYLE) / “It makes just as much sense…” / ***Check out our #CanadianMetalEpisode!!!*** / The transition from the debut album to Fly By Night / “They’ve got the biggest sound of ANY 3 piece!” / #instrumentaltentacles (“It’s a little weird…”) / Initial reflexes: “Is that #LedZeppelin?” / RUSH (1974): FINDING MY WAY (“I don’t know how he does it…”) / WORKING MAN #96RockInTheDaytime #Bigly #separatevocaltracks (“Those guys are good at doing that…”) / FLY BY NIGHT (1975) / No pressure… / #romanticproggers / ANTHEM #earlymetal #earlyprogmetal (“I wonder if they KNEW…”) / #seventiesphaser (“He’s playing THAT bassline…and singing!”) / BENEATH BETWEEN & BEHIND (“That’s a LOT of work!”) / “I’m either #chugging or #strumming…” / “To be fair…” #herewego (“It’s affected his mind…”) / FLY BY NIGHT #radiosong #hitsingleASMR
(40:08): CARESS OF STEEL (1975) / “It’s quite a bit to digest…” / Artists from back in the day… / #killeropener BASTILLE DAY / “It does take a minute to get started…” THE NECROMANCER #progmetalgenius #earlydoomprog #megamix #soundtrackofrelaxersASMR / “There’s not a lot of music like that anymore…” / ***DOES ANYONE LISTEN TO FULL ALBUMS ANYMORE!?*** / “Don’t talk like that…” / #motivationalmememoment / “This was the #breakthroughalbum…” / 2112 (1976) / One of the greatest facets of album rock from the 70’s: one song as an #albumside / 2112 #blackholeish (“It sounds like this, dude…”) / #echochamber #IYKYK (“that’s an #angryriff for 1976…”) / “Please…and thank you.” / “Floyd was also #progressive…not as heavy as #RUSH” / “It’s fuckin’ weird…take a sip…” / “He’s had it 4 times…” / #TheVerdict (“I don’t know if I like it or not…”) #Gosa #SpicyMargarita (“You can taste the pepper immediately…”) / “I kinda like the pepper though…” / #beeroftheepisodeparttwo #TerrapinSpicyMargarita (“I think I like it…”) / TWILIGHT ZONE (“It grew on me…”) / SOMETHING FOR NOTHING (“That’s where all the action is…”) / “They’re not playing straight…” / “Bass players may not understand this…”
(1:00:19): What a track record… / A FAREWELL TO KINGS (1977) / “Apparently… #onetake….” #onetakewonders / XANADU #pleasuredome #veryvisual (“You gotta have robes, man…”) / #heldwithinthepleasuredome (“To break my fast on #honeydew”) / CLOSER TO THE HEART (“Philosophers & plowmen…”) / #NO / ***What was the first #progmetal album? *** / ***Go check out our 70’s Metal episode for a walk down memory lane! And our #CanadianMetal episode as well!!! *** / “This is definitely a #headphonealbum #thiswholealbum CYGNUS-X1 #gradualfadein #thisnextpart (“This is so badass…”) / #soundsofspaceASMR #moog #basspedals (It’s like pre-thrash…”) / #drumbone #trumpbone / CYGNUS-X1: BOOK TWO: HEMISPHERES (1978) / “There’s a chord that Rush has…in all of their music. It’s very specific…” / “It’s only 18 minutes…” / “Balls in the way?” / CIRCUMSTANCES (#killeropener #sidetwo) / “They’ve got FRAUNCH right there in the vocals!” / TREES (“I feel smarter, after I listen…”) / The transition of Rush’s progressive sound from the 70’s into the 80’s / “I would kinda argue that it is…” / ***THANK YOU FOR JOINING US FOR PART 1 IN OUR QUEST FOR ALL THINGS RUSH!!!*** / #thelastword ***WELCOME TO THE BUNKERPOON GIFT SHOPPE!!! PLEASE COME PURCHANDISE ALL OF YOUR #METALNERDERYPODCASTMERCH AT metalnerdery.com/merch / #outroreel #theresnosoundinspace
Thursday Aug 17, 2023
#208 METALLICA Garage Inc Album Dive
Thursday Aug 17, 2023
Thursday Aug 17, 2023
“Let it ring out…okay turn it off now…”
Way back “during the late 1900’s” (1998 to be precise), METALLICA released an updated volume of various cover songs by various artists of their youth via GARAGE INC., a 2-disc set (that’s compact disc, btw: those were still pretty popular “during the late 1900’s”) including one disc of brand new cover tunes and one disc including the original $5.98 EP: Garage Days Re-Revisited, along with a various assortment of B-sides, one-offs, and previously unreleased material from throughout their career.
Get ready to hear what happens when A. Listener engages A.I., discover “a rare Lars guitar solo” that we previously missed, and find out how long it takes to become “completely annoying” (apparently, it’s not as long as we’d thought). It’s time to know what happens whenever you sip water “with a bone in it” and prepare to be “blinded by the YEAH!” as you witness the power of the “secret missile” and JOIN US for the 2-record set that redeemed METALLICA for The Loads as we dive into GARAGE INC.
Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode
Leave us a Voicemail to be played on a future episode: 980-666-8182
Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – metalnerdery.com/merch
and kindly leave us a review and/or rating on the iTunes/Apple Podcasts - Spotify or your favorite Podcast app
Listen on iTunes, Spotify, Podbean, Google Podcasts or wherever you get your Podcasts.
Follow us on the Socials:
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Email: metalnerdery@gmail.com
Can’t be LOUD Enough Playlist on Spotify
Metal Nerdery Munchies on YouTube @metalnerderypodcast
MORE METALLICA Episodes: https://www.metalnerdery.com/metallica
METALLICA on the InterWebs: https://www.metallica.com/
Show Notes:
(00:01): “…AND there it is…” / #lettuce #gettuce some #alcoholicbeverages / #newkindacoffee / “He’s unscrewing with us…” / #cheersfellas #outwiththebad / ***WARNING: #listenerdiscretionisadvised *** / “I want #icecream made out of that…” / ***WELCOME BACK TO THE #METALNERDERYPODCAST #ADVENTURE *** / #multipletitles / “Let’s get into this before it gets ‘room temp’…” / #thisepisodesbeeroftheepisode #GummyBandit #greenapplesour #StillFireBrewing #GuardiansAlbumCover (“You’ve gotta read all the stuff…”) / Do it, Russell…do them shits!!! (“that’s got a good pop…”) / #surprisinglytolerable (“Just before…”) / Dude, Russ, THANK YOU for minimizing your selection of sours…my #tastebuds thank you! / “A lot of tits & tang…” / #ActsofGod #weatherproblems / (“Six or seven…all plugged into one #powerstrip…”) / “Way back…in the #1900s …” / “No dad, that movie is a hundred and TWENTY years old!” / #approximations #happyanniversary to the mighty and powerful #Metallica #TheBlackAlbum #thirtytwoyearanniversary / Upcoming concerts… / “It’s like playing #Beth at the very end…” / #offmicburp (“there was no chunks in that…relax…it was smooth.”) / “Gee, thanks for letting us know…WE could have gone…” / “He’s pretty gawddang close” / #hepoundswithpower / #behindthefourthwall / #TheDocket / #GotHim / #ItsBeenAWhile / ***You can email us at metalnerdery@gmail.com or check us out on the socials at #InstaTits and #InstaVag and #InstaBook and #FaceGram at #MetalNerderyPodcast and you can GIVE US A CALL AND LEAVE US A VOICEMAIL AT 980-666-8182!!!*** #VoicemailSegment #TripSix #Yeah (#cockedup #brilliant) / “See you next Tuesday thing…” / #RussellsRemix #RussellsWarning #Trip6 / The beauty of #artificialintelligence (“How high do you gotta be?”) / #Extensively #threepointseveneightninefive / “At least you’ve got something to talk about…” / #officialissue
(14:14): “I tell you what we’ll talk about…” : METAL NERDERY PODCAST PRESENTS: METALLICA AND GARAGE INC. (1998) / The upgrades and additions from #1987 #GarageDaysReRevisited / B-sides and bonus tracks / “Stone crowed crazy…” / “I think that was his first band…” / “Alright, this sort of makes up for #TheLoads …” / “I can tell you this, it was never #96Rock…” / “Isn’t it supposed to be the same number?” / #dreadlockpower (“I don’t wanna be a mean asshole…”) / “That’s like the #worstsongever”/ #shudderingnoises #sighsofregret (“I wonder if #Metallica would ever cover…”) / Don’t fuck with the penguins… / “Stay away from the #icewall…” / #FallingOffTheEdgeOfTheWorld / #thetruestory #DinsosaurPingPong
(21:01): ***GO CHECK OUT OUR GARAGE DAYS ALBUM/EP DIVE EPISODE!!!*** / #consolidated / “This was almost…a sigh of relief…” / #balls / November 1998 / “Okay, they got their balls back.” / “This is when they gave radio a couple more songs to play…” / “Just leave that one alone…” / FREE SPEECH FOR THE DUMB (#Discharge) #discone #songone #trackone (“that crunch is just nasty…”) / #guitarsolobylars (“That’s how it #identifies”) / #onemore / #freefuckinspeech / “It was Kirk Hammett mocking Lars Ulrich playing a guitar solo…” / IT’S ELECTRIC (#DiamondHead) #cantbeloudenough / #bassASMR (“I almost thought I heard a touch of #autotune”) / “I’ve got all the room in the world now…” / “Literally & figuratively…” / SABBRA CADABRA (A NATIONAL ACROBAT) (#BlackSabbath) #yeah (“Here it is…”) / “I like how they did it…” / “Yeah? Right then.” / “Especially the bass…” / #unbelievablyhuge #mylastwords (“that’s pretty stupid…”) / “Just give it like one second…” / TURN THE PAGE #thereyougo (“You know it, WE know it!”)
(33:08): DIE DIE MY DARLING (#Misfits #beepingtempoASMR) / “It has the energy of the original #GarageDaysEP…” / #JimBreuer and #Metallica #MTVIcons / #metalforchildren / LOVERMAN (#NickCaveAndTheBadSeeds) / #thankyouforyourparticipation / “Yeah…” / “You’ve got a M.F. song…” / #ThereIRuinedIt #PulpFiction / “We’ve gotta jump around on this next one…” / MERCYFUL FATE MEDLEY (#MercyfulFate) / “You can peen the poon but you can only peen it so much…” /“They have a gift for #medleys …”
(43:43): “There’s #twoversionsoftheoriginal …” / “There’s more than just reapers and zillas…” / ASTRONOMY (#BlueOysterCult) / “Check out #SecretTreaties and #Imaginos by #BOC…” / WHISKEY IN THE JAR(0) / “That’s how most hits start…” / #100percentwokefreebeer (Budweiser is “suffering”…) / The whole #BudLightBacklashBackstory / #Americana (“If you think about it…”) / “She made it…” / “In this day and age, you have to say which side you’re on…” / #silentbutviolent #snoutraped / “Doesn’t it seem wrong…?” / #transams and S’s / “Don’t let P’s be part of the club…”
(51:57): TUESDAY’S GONE (#LynyrdSkynyrd) / “I immediately think of “Dazed & Confused”, the movie…” / #DazedAndConfused / THE MORE I SEE (#Discharge) / “I think it’s kinda juicy…it’s not as crispy…” / #hotwings #HotOnes (“I want wings…”) / “They sound crispy AF…” / The trick to #crispywings (“Like a glaze…”) / “I like to rub ‘em…” / ***Go check out our $5.98 EP: Garage Days Re-Revisited episode!*** / #bsidesandoneoffs / “I’ve got a lot of edits to do…” / Disc 2: BREADFAN (#Budgie) / “You can tell…” / THE PRINCE (#DiamondHead) #perfectlytimedburp (“That’s BASS!!!”) / CRASH COURSE IN BRAIN SURGERY #Budgie (“That’s such a good mix…”)
(1:03:21): STONE COLD CRAZY (#Queen) / “Did y’all know…” / “That water had a bone in it…” / #chokingonsalivaASMR / SO WHAT? (#AntiNowhereLeague) / “Good gang vocals…” / “She’s got a mouth on her…” / “Well I guess they could…” / #RussellsRealizations/ “There might be a dude…” / KILLING TIME (#SweetSavage) / The measure of artistry / #LemmysBirthdayASMR #itsfine OVERKILL (#Motorhead) / “Shut up…or #Shoff?” / “Rocketing my way down…” / #bottom / “It’s not MY fault…” / #echochamberASMR / “That’s a great call…” STONE DEAD FOREVER (“That’s fair…”) / “Let it ring out…okay turn it off now…” / “Based on the lyrics I was reading…” / From absolutely out of nowhere, a #NightRanger reference that Russell managed to work into the conversation / “Six Flags?” / “Keep on diggin’…” / “Alright, real quick…” THE WAIT (#KillingJoke) #bigly (“It’s #tremendous…”) / ***THANK YOU FOR JOINING US FOR THIS EPISODE OF METAL NERDERY!!!*** / ***HEAD DOWN TO THE BUNKERPOON GIFT SHOPPE AT metalnerdery.com/merch to pick up YOUR #MetalNerderyMerch / #outroreel #secretmissle / #yeahsauce
Thursday Aug 10, 2023
#207 MASTODON Inside The Metal (ATL-Edition), Chapter 1: The Aughts (2000-2009)
Thursday Aug 10, 2023
Thursday Aug 10, 2023
It’s always a treat to talk about “hometown” metal, especially when it’s one of the heaviest, most modern, progressive metal bands in the entire genre. Actually, to call them “prog” might be a bit misleading, although “progressive” is certainly an apropos descriptor for the shared artistic odyssey which Brann Dailor, Brent Hinds, Bill Kelliher, and Troy Sanders (collectively known as MASTODON) had embarked upon more than 20 years ago and are still going strong with no sign of stopping any time soon.
Perhaps the more accurate description of MASTODON is “Atlanta’s own shamans of megalithic, caveman powered, super technical, stoner sludge prog metal” (and any other applicable subgenres we might’ve missed).
It's time to get “in the loop” and fully comprehend the best way NOT to drive down Blood Mountain to minimize vehicular induced toddler vomitus whilst mentally preparing to welcome “B.G.” to the “T&T Main Stage” as we do our best to “MRFA” while screaming excerpts from “Brave Tales of Taintler” into the “echo chamber” as you JOIN US for the “pure girth” of MASTODON Inside The Metal (ATL-Edition), Chapter 1: The Aughts (2000-2009).
Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode
Leave us a Voicemail to be played on a future episode: 980-666-8182
Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – metalnerdery.com/merch
and kindly leave us a review and/or rating on the iTunes/Apple Podcasts - Spotify or your favorite Podcast app
Listen on iTunes, Spotify, Podbean, Google Podcasts or wherever you get your Podcasts.
Follow us on the Socials:
Facebook - Instagram - Twitter
Email: metalnerdery@gmail.com
Can’t be LOUD Enough Playlist on Spotify
Metal Nerdery Munchies on YouTube @metalnerderypodcast
Show Notes:
(00:01): “He just pushed that button, man…” / #AlphaDamnRetta / #ColaMoonshine #sameproof (“The uncorking…”) / The true definition of #highball / “All drawed up…” / #uhoh / #callofdutyshoutout #impressionsASMR / #HerbertASMR (“Was it YOU!?”) / “WHOA!!!” / “The abbreviated version…” / “…it still means the same thing.” / #letsdothis #outwiththebad ***WARNING: #listenerdiscretionisadvised / ***WELCOME BACK TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST!!!*** #verysubtle #citygate #colamoonshine (“Expeckin’…”) / #aftertaste / “…the narcotics of candy…”/ #bringbacktheoriginaloriginalformulaofcocacola / #kolanuts (#powerfulnuts) / “BEST ENERGY DRINK EVER!!!” / “Experience…International…” #BulgariaASMR (Umm, WHAT?) / “That’s gonna be my theme music…in my mind…” / #thisepisodesbeeroftheepisode / #TerrapinBeerCompany #AthensGeorgia #NationalChampionship #SportsDogWords / #UpHighIPA #HaHa #CitriHoppedIPA (“Sit and wonder at the AWE…”) / “And the verdict…” / #colderisbetter / “This is gonna sound personal…” / #downthereechoASMR / “It’s almost too much fun…” #specialladyfriend (“She’s actually kinda cool…”) / #NoNickelbackHate #NoJasonAldeanHate / “I think that would be my thing…” / “Maybe not…that’s the reality…” / #halfacenturyofmetal #OzzyOsbourne / Shoutout to #CreedenceClearwaterRevival #CCR #TheCreedence / #RussellsReflectionsASMR / “How perfect was that?” / “The dementia is not that bad…” / #ZZTopDocumentary #Netflix / “Hint…the irony…” / #bathingsuits #drunks (“Actually, the drunks are usually the best audience…if they’re on your side.”) / “Last week…” / ***If you’d like to send us YOUR SHIT-TAH, your MUSIC-AH…send it to us and we will play it on a future episode!!!*** #emailus at metalnerdery@gmail.com #instagram #facebook (“This is who we are!”) / #thejingle #No / ***IF YOU’D LIKE TO GIVE US A CALL YOU CAN DO SO USING YOUR TELEPHONIC DEVICE BY DIALIING 980-666-8182!!!*** / #bravetalesoftaintler (“Oh it’s not gonna be a #childrensbook…”) / #MRFA #makereadingfunagain / “The guy who looks like Thor…” / #publishedauthor (“You used the word #patina, that’s like a $20 word.”) / “What the fuck is that?” / “She’s gotta get it warm…” / #markthetime
(23:10): “Far, FAR overdue…” / #atlantametal METAL NERDERY PODCAST PRESENTS: MASTODON – INSIDE THE METAL (CHAPTER 1: THE AUGHTS (2000-2009) / “What the fuck is that?” / #loopy / The first and earliest knowledge of #Mastodon as one of the most powerful forces in #progressivemetal / #TodayIsTheDay (#PreMastodonASMR) IN THE EYES OF GOD (“Let’s give it the #30secondchallenge”) / “Have you seen those guys from Alpharetta?” / Call Of The Mastodon (2006) / 2001 via 2006 (***see also #LifesbloodEP *** / SHADOWS THAT MOVE / “Here’s a question…” / #stumpfuckinASMR (“Pure girth…”) / SLICK LEG / “Pretty much all of ‘em have all of ‘em…”
(34:12): Remission (2002) / “The very beginning…” / CRUSHER DESTROYER #thefirstnewalbum (“Bring on the #ballrockin”) / “There are different #SoundsOfMastodon …” / MOTHER PUNCHER #ballsASMR (“They sound like their band name…”) / #cavemanmetal (“Very primal…”) / Shoutout to the #GameOfThrones reference / Leviathan (2004) #specialguestvocalist #Clutch #NeilFallon BLOOD AND THUNDER #cantbeloudenough (“Ohhhh yeah maybe…”) #StAngerTour / “You know it’s a ginormous MEGA shark!” / #MEGASMR / “You’d hit it…you know you would…” / #inappropriaterecollectionsASMR / MEGALADON (#musictrivia) #yeehaw #namethatriff (“Nope!”) / “I’m gonna pretend you’re…”
(47:11):” Don’t care…it could be #friedcatasshole” / Blood Mountain (2006) / “Betcha have…” / “Is it haunted?” / #RussellsReflectionsASMR #parenthoodmomentsASMR #vomitfactory / “I wasn’t thinking about it…” / #followupquestion (“It was a #learningmoment…”) / ***INTERMISSION*** / “We can pause it…” / “And…we’re back.” / #Impressions and #GhostBusters (“That’s gonna be the name of my strip club… #titsandtang #bonergarage) #killeropener THE WOLF IS LOOSE (“a little more refined…”) SLEEPING GIANT (“I like it when he sings…”) / #fuzzybass / CIRCLE OF CYSQUATCH (“Try this…”) / #readthoselyrics #howmanyriffs / “I really like that…” / “It’s a lot…” / BLADECATCHER #singalongASMR / COLONY OF BIRCHMAN “…has the #cokelines…” #JoshHomme #QOTSA #tangentional “Run with Death…” / “super technical sludge prog…” / “everybody except that dude…they’re almost like #KISS” / #No
(1:01:53): “They’re not part of the ‘teens’…” / Crack The Skye (2009) #killeropener OBLIVION (“It’s totally huge…it’s #biggly”) #alldjuntsallthetime / “That’s the drummer btw…” / “It actually opens with a little bit of banjo…” DIVINATIONS #evilbanjo / GHOST OF KARELIA (“You’ve gotta listen to this on a stormy night with black light posters and relaxers…and a comfy couch.”) / #blacklightposters (“It was #Murray”) / The subtle refinement of Mastodon’s sound over the course of the decade, becoming more progressive in exchange for the insane fast and heaviness of their early catalog / “I might have just offended a bunch of…” / #FrancicanFood #HamAndCheeseCroquetteBurrito / “that’s her…same girl.” / #prettylady (“Watch her do #ThePot”) / “She’s not even a #bassplayer…” / “We all know what they say about #bassplayers…” / #upcomingPanteraShow ***IF YOU’VE SEEN #PANTERA ON THIS TOUR, PLEASE LITERALLY SERIOUSLY GIVE US A CALL AT 980-666-8182 OR SEND US A TEXT OR HIT US UP ON THE SOCIALS!!!*** / ***THANK YOU FOR JOINING US!!!*** #noteven (“Her eyes flicked…”) / ***COME BEHOLD THE AWESOME FARE AT THE BUNKERPOON GIFT SHOPPE LOCATED AT metalnerdery.com/merch ) / #outroreel #imsorrywhat
Thursday Aug 03, 2023
Thursday Aug 03, 2023
Thursday Aug 03, 2023
With a little guidance from Loudwire’s Dumbest Best Metal Band Names listicle, we decided to take the offramp into the offbeat and investigate the most off-kilter, ODDBALL metal bands with the most outlandish names and over the top aesthetics ever to bless metal.
Whether it’s the band’s look, their theme, or the simple hilarity of “what’s in a name” (including, but not limited to: band name, album name, and/or song name), there’s certainly some incredibly wonderful, warped weirdness which dwells along the wild & wacky fringes near the outskirts of mainstream metal.
Get ready to discover the shared sensibilities of ladies and bowling balls and find out who should definitely NOT go swimming during Shark Week (especially if they are “experiencing their own personal shark week”). It’s time to get yourself a “vacation rental” and get ready to “put on your Magnum P.I. shirt” and pick up some crabcakes from that “hole in the wall” place further down the beach and JOIN US as we rundown Loudwire’s Dumbest Best Metal Band Names listicle and explore some of the most glorious ODDBALL WEIRDNESS in all of metal.
Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode
Leave us a Voicemail to be played on a future episode: 980-666-8182
Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – metalnerdery.com/merch
and kindly leave us a review and/or rating on the iTunes/Apple Podcasts - Spotify or your favorite Podcast app
Listen on iTunes, Spotify, Podbean, Google Podcasts or wherever you get your Podcasts.
Follow us on the Socials:
Facebook - Instagram - Twitter
Email: metalnerdery@gmail.com
Can’t be LOUD Enough Playlist on Spotify
Metal Nerdery Munchies on YouTube @metalnerderypodcast
Show Notes:
(00:01): “Just to get it out there…” / #theuncorking / The #JasonAldeanControversy #offendedAF #HearMeOut (“…trying to be a country band…”) / #poursomesugaronmeASMR / “No, THAT’s offensive…” /#outlawcountry #outlawcunttree / #NickelbackASMR / #letsdothis #clinky / ***WELCOME BACK TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST!!!*** / ***WARNING: #listenerdiscretionisadvised *** / #smokedmaplewhisky (Thank you, Billiam…and #CityGate…and #StAugustine) #notsugary (“The smoke is there…”) #thisepisodesclinkyoftheepisode / #introsandsuch / #newthememusic (“I took a guess and I was wrong…”) / #relaxersrevisitedASMR / “Can we just change it?” / “If I was a #billionaire…” / #billboardmemesASMR / #FUMoney vs #FEMoney / #spacerocketsASMR / “Like you could see through #TheMatrix…” / “Don’t drive distracted…” / #dontdrivedistracted #heavysigh #ingrowntainthair (“Like in your taint?”) / “Ooooh, that’s like right where you walk…” / “You can put those down there…” / #markthetime / #repeatbeeroftheepisode #GoldenRoadBrewing (“I like it better when you say #brewering…”) / #theperfectbeer / “Do we have any #correspondance?” / ***IF YOU’D LIKE TO GIVE US A CALL AND LEAVE US A VOICEMAIL YOU CAN DO SO BY RINGING US AT 980-666-8182!!!*** / #HailToDarius #Solicitate #FemaleMetal #FemmeMetal (“It just depends…”) / Shark week parallels… / #superabsorbant (“They can smell…”) #differenttuna / “I mean it COULD…” / #anythingispossible / ***Send us some email at metalnerdery@gmail.com ***/ “We should hear it…” / #DariusAgainASMR #putintang (“Is that Vlad’s harem?”) / #HailToYou (Go check out our #QOTSA episode…with the appropriate relaxers…).
(12:22): #homedepotbuckets #RedneckEngineeringASMR #HVACASMR (“Okay, I follow…”) / #itsscience #apocolypsesis (“Did you swim in the beach?”) #thesame #StAugustine (“It’s supposed to be #haunted yeah…”) / “The best beach day is…” / #magnumPIshirt #holeinthewall #crabcakes (“Especially with #gout, it’s awesome…”) / #RussellsReflectionsASMR #AdventuresInDayDrinking (“I’m sorry, what’d you say?”) #onmicburpASMR / “Who’s that?” / “that’s what I call ‘em dude…they’re #rentals…” / #fistme #markthetime #fistbump / “Did you do #sunscreeneverytime?” / “#Pantera is not far away now…” / #futureepisodeideas (“We have not…”) / “iPod, really?” / “When she puts it in reverse…” #markthetime #backupangelsASMR (“My car doesn’t do that…”)
(21:46): “Don’t cut it out if it’s good…” / “We’re due…” / #TheDocket METAL NERDERY PODCAST PRESENTS: ODDBALL WEIRDNESS IN METAL!!! / “What’s the #weirdestband you’ve ever seen live?” / #dotcom / #MetalMcDonald IT KEEPS YOU RUNNING (TO THE HILLS) / “Uhhh, #relaxers…” / “A little get it?” / #MacSabbath PAIR-A-BUNS (“That Grimace is creepy…”) / #wornout / #OkillyDokilly WHITE WINE SPRITZER (“That’s too many #mustaches for me…”) / #TheMetalShakespeareCompany TO BLEED OR NOT TO BLEED (“They’d be perfect…for a #Renfest”) / #markthetime / “They cut ‘em in half…” / #Alestorm #piratemetal #napalmrecords DRINK (“I believe I will…”) #readthoselyrics #thefuckedupanthem / “It’d be awesome…til your liver gave out…”/
(36:54): “I can’t wait to hear this…” #Hatebeak BIRDSEEDS OF VENGEANCE / “My pee smells like gravy…” / #Nekrogoblikon BONES (“Kinda got a #KingDiamond vibe there…”) / “Bowling balls and women have a lot in common…” / “Aren’t these low?” / #BeerOfTheEpisodePartTwo #millerliteASMR #fourpointtwopercentABV (“For a LIGHT beer?”) / “What about their red recipe?” / “This band name is amazing…” / #Loudwire #DumbestBestMetalBandNames #BrutalSphincter MAKE GOREGRIND GREAT AGAIN (“I know what’s gonna happen…”) #freecandy (“There’s almost not enough relaxers…”) / #Killitourus MARRIED WITH CHILDREN / #AbortedHitlerCock TWO BLACK EYES AND A STOMACH FULL OF SEMEN (“The name of their EP…”) / “I just thought about it and I’ve gotta mention it…” / #XXXManiak ATTENDING THE GRADUATION OF SOMEONE I FUCKED 10 YEARS AGO
(51:19): #IWrestledABearOnce (“That’s the weirdest band…title…name I’ve ever heard of…”) / #thatsnotmetaldude YOU KNOW THAT AIN’T THEM DOGS’ REAL VOICES #melodicmetal #melodicprogdeathaggrocore #metalcore / “I mean, aren’t they all…?” / #TheTonyDanzaTapDanceExtravaganza YIPPEE KAY YAY MOTHERFUCKER (“Super ultra #mathcore…”) / #vaginalpenetrationofanameluswithamustycarrot #vxpxoxaxaxwxaxmxcx (from #Austria) #pornogrind (“that video looks like it’s gonna give Russell nightmares…”) MASS SUICIDE WITH A RUSTY COMB #thejourney (“Is that even words?”) / #vaginafartsASMR / #PreschoolTeapartyMassacre LIEUTENANT MIKE HARRIGAN (“I’m sorry, what was that?”) #No / #WeButterTheBreadWithButter (#shoutout to The Hodges for addressing this early on…) / “That’s a little weird…” / #germandeathcore (“That was perfect…”) / #DestinyPotato (“Why not?”) LOVE SONG (“Angelic pop…and djent…”) / “It’s like #sexyAI…” #No / “I know a good way to close it out…” / #GWAR BLACK AND HUGE / “The guys in Gwar…” / #metalfamilyties #SuicidalTendencies / #RussellsReflectionsRepriseASMR #STASMR (“Is that a problem?”) / “I’m gonna send ‘em a letter…” / #corporatewhorearenadotcom (“When they win, everybody loses…”) / “I think you’ve done this before…” / #insertvomitnoisehere (“At least we know he swallows professionally…”) / #thedumbestbestmetalbandnames from #Loudwire / #untilthenext ***THANK YOU FOR JOINING US!!!*** #youtube #instatits #instavag #facefuckdotcom #voicemaildotcom #metalnerderydatingdotcom / #untilthenext ***COME CHECK OUT OUR MERCH STORE DOWN IN THE FRICKIN’ BUNKERPOON GIFT SHOPPE AT metalnerdery.com/merch *** / #outroreel #stickaround (“Oh shit, how long?”) / “That’s like…”
Thursday Jul 27, 2023
#205 LED ZEPPELIN II - Album Dive
Thursday Jul 27, 2023
Thursday Jul 27, 2023
Less than a year after the release of the crushingly heavy & near flawless masterpiece known as their self-titled debut album, LED ZEPPELIN released their sophomore follow up, LED ZEPPELIN II, on the 22th and the 31th of October 1969 (in the US & UK, respectively). While something of a departure from the blues-centric focus of their debut, LED ZEPPELIN II included a significant refinement and enhancement of their overall sound, including new instrumental arrangements, song structures, lyrical imagery, and most notably: a guitar solo AND a drum solo!
Prepare to learn the identity of “The John Bonham of Thrash”, discover why “Juicy Banana” would have been a more anatomically accurate song title (unless it was more about girth than length) and why “magma hoof” sounds incredibly hot, exotic, and dangerous. It’s time to turn that “hammer knockin’” stereo all the way to loud, crank up the black lights and lava lamps in the mancave, break out your bowl of relaxers, “bring back the ‘original’ original formula” and JOIN US as we dive into the sophomore slam that is LED ZEPPELIN II.
Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode
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ZEPPELIN on the InterWebs: https://www.ledzeppelin.com/
Show Notes:
(00:01): “Fuck the foreplay, get to the penetration…” / #shownotes #thedocket / #OakRidgeBoysASMR #Elvira / “What? Really?” / #bewbs or #boobs / “You’ve got the second best boobs…” / ***WARNING: #listenerdiscretionisadvised *** / #thisepisodesclinkyoftheepisode #thekraken #blackroast / ***WELCOME BACK TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST!!!*** / #interdimensionalpodcast / #thisepisodesbeeroftheepisode (“Snotta beer…”) / #SunnyDVodkaSeltzer #hammerknockin #theverdict (“You could #daydrink that all day long…”) / “It’s not your #whiteclawweekend…” / #AmericanBeverageCorporation www.sunnydcocktails.com #fourpointfivepercentABV / #NO / BUT…If we DID…***YOU COULD LEAVE US A VOICEMAIL AT 980-666-8182!!!*** or you could email us at metalnerdery@gmail.com / ***IF YOU’D LIKE TO PURCHANDISE SOME MERCHANDISE YOU CAN GO TO metalnerdery.com/merch ***
(07:41): #RussellsReflectionsASMR #whitewaterrafting #teambuildingevents / “I didn’t want Mexican or barbecue until you said that…” / Remember school pizza? #pizzarectangles / “As we’re going down… “ #markthetime (“During the boring parts…”) / The home of #CocaCola #Pemberton / “Guide-Duh…” / #likeafuckinboss (“The morphine isn’t working…”) / “Dear Coca-Cola people…” #scarfacecoke #bringbacktherealthing / “Totally Coked out…in Columbus…” / #andnowyouknow / “You’ve gotta eat first…” / #RussellsWorkaroundsASMR / “Like John Bender’s abusive dad…” / “I gave him a pillow…” / “It’s the same argument…” / “We DID have some #shittah…” #NativeAmericanMetal #BlackBraid (Very cool artwork and cool sounding band name and description) / “Some of the best mixed #blackmetal…” THE SPIRIT RETURNS (“Thanks Bobby!”) #blastbeatASMR / #bandcamp / #jingle WE’LL PLAY YOUR SHIT-TAH!!!
(20:45): #TheDocket METAL NERDERY PODCAST PRESENTS: LED ZEPPELIN II / Early experiences with #LedZeppelinII / Someone should bring back #MidnightMovies with #TheSongRemainsTheSame / #FUS vs #FUK / Led Zeppelin II: The first Zeppelin album with the most radio hits? / #misheardlyrics (“Those English people have different words…”) / “If you hear one without the other…it’s weird.” / Never played live? / #coffeetablebook #LedZeppelinExpandedEdition #MartinPopoff / “Dave had this room…” / #posterized #blacklightposters (“The ultimate #mancave…”) / #spoileralert / “Every time…I find something new.” / #yeah / October 22th and October 31th, 1969 / “That’s my new favorite way…” #clarification #theywerenot / “I’m gonna go shower now…” / “I win…” / How about a… WHOLE LOTTA LOVE #thebreakdown (“Don’t come yet!”) / “The heaviest part during a guitar solo…” #djuntdjunt / #turnitoff / WHAT IS AND WHAT SHOULD NEVER BE #snaps (“You could not take out any of those four…”) / “Here we go…this part!” #usethoseheadphonesASMR / “Hey ho!” / “He was good about scattin’…” / #unpopularopinion / “If you remove one…it’s not the same.” / The magic of the combination of musical elements and the impact of Bonham’s drums and Jones’ bass & keyboards on Jimmy Page’s guitar sound / #challengeaccepted / “Who do you think the modern-day equivalent of #JohnBonham is? Or is there one?”
(44:04): “Maybe he’s like #TheJohnBonhamOfThrash?” / THE LEMON SONG (“I should have quit you…a long time ago…”) #leadbass (“He’s like Geezer…he’s all over the place!”) / “She likes a LOT of lemons…” / “That’s pee…” / “So lemons are kinda small, right?” / #thebananasong #juicybanana / “People get #educated in a number of ways…” / #weddingsong #firstdance THANK YOU (“That’s two or three guitars, layered…”) / “Isn’t that the worst thing you could say to a woman?” #nobananahandlintonite / HEARTBREAKER (“The bass is HUGE…it makes the sound on this album.”)
(55:50): Thoughts on the guitar solo… (on “Heartbreaker”) / Perspectives regarding Jimmy Pages’ solos vs his riffs / “Those missed notes add personality…” / #unintendedbrilliance #accidentalgenius (“It’s RILL.”) #guitarsolo / “With a purple operator and a 50-cent hand…” “I don’t think about #MaryPoppins…” /#bartstinkslikeamotherfucker / “She’s got a Cadillac?” / LIVING LOVING MAID (SHE’S JUST A WOMAN) #talltales #complexbasslines / “You’re not JPJ…” / “This one has apparently never been played live” #autumnvibes (“It reminds me of fall…”) RAMBLE ON / “A lot of moving parts…” / #JohnHenryBonham MOBY DICK #airdrumkaraoke (“You can hear how loud he plays…”) / “There’s an idea…” / #usethoseheadphonesASMR #drumsolo / BRING IT ON HOME #magmahoof (“Still gives BIGNESS to the sound…”) / “You just leave it alone…” / #NO / “If you’re looking at the #LedZeppelinCatalog , where does Zeppelin II fit for you?” / Further analysis required… #futureepisodeidea / A fitting (albeit horrific) analogy… / “Like Sabbath and Paranoid…” / “Especially NOW… “/ #snakeprincess #easyfella #LMAOASMR (“Desperately Seeking Slytherin…”) #snaketeats / a free plug to #JayWardComedy and #thursdaynightsatnine #DarkTimesComedy #SweetwaterBarAndGrill #nightpoops #misheardlyrics / “And a baked apple pie…yeah!” / ***THANK YOU FOR JOINING US!!! *** You can email us, voice mail us, and dot com us after you .com us.*** / #untilthenext #byeguys / ***GO CHECK OUT OUR MERCHANDISE at metalnerdery.com/merch AND MAKE A PURCHANDISE FROM THE BUNKERPOON GIFT SHOPPE!!!*** / #outroreel