Wednesday Feb 14, 2024
Valentines Day Massacre Vol II
Wednesday Feb 14, 2024
Wednesday Feb 14, 2024
The Bunkerpoon is all about passion and “Love Excretions”. Enjoy all the likes and the loves of this year’s Valentines Day Massacre and Happy Valentines Day to all!
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Leave us a Voicemail to be played on a future episode: 980-666-8182
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#MetalNerderyPodcast #ValentinesDayMassacre #HappyValentinesDay
Thursday Feb 08, 2024
#233 DEATH MATCH - Vol 1 South of Heaven vs ...And Justice For All
Thursday Feb 08, 2024
Thursday Feb 08, 2024
“In THIS corner…”
Throughout the thrash community, there’s always been a battle line drawn between the progressive, harmony laden sensibilities of METALLICA and the darker, eviler shades of SLAYER. For many of us, the two albums from these two thrash titans that are most synonymous with summertime and high school are Metallica’s …AND JUSTICE FOR ALL and Slayer’s SOUTH OF HEAVEN, two undisputed thrash classics released in the Year of our Riff Lord, 1988.
Discover why the only thing more “off-putting, irresponsible, and exhausting” than hearing your friend say: “your mom was hot” is hearing them say: “I wear a speedo and I eat mayonnaise”. Always remember that “you know it’s funny when you get tickled before you can even get it out” and find out how to look 15 years younger even if some people find it “terrifying”. Learn how gauges can add a whole new dimension to your OnlyFans “career” and why “size” does not necessarily equal “potency” when you JOIN US for the first half of this heavyweight, 1988 HEAD-TO-HEAD DEATH MATCH, featuring METALLICA’s …And Justice For All and SLAYER’s South of Heaven.
Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode
Help Support Metal Nerdery https://www.patreon.com/metalnerderypodcast
Leave us a Voicemail to be played on a future episode: 980-666-8182
Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – metalnerdery.com/merch
and kindly leave us a review and/or rating on the iTunes/Apple Podcasts - Spotify or your favorite Podcast app
Listen on iTunes, Spotify, Podbean, Google Podcasts or wherever you get your Podcasts.
Follow us on the Socials:
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Email: metalnerdery@gmail.com
Can’t be LOUD Enough Playlist on Spotify
Metal Nerdery Munchies on YouTube @metalnerderypodcast
SLAYER on the InterWebs: https://www.slayer.net/
METALLICA on the InterWebs: https://www.metallica.com/
Show Notes:
(00:01): #bigfourthrash #classicthrash / “I thought it would be like Trump’s tits…”/ “I don’t recognize that bottle…”/ #MrBlack #thisepisodesclinkyoftheepisode #coffeeliqueur / ***WARNING: #listenerdiscretionisadvised ***/ ***WELCOME BACK TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST!!!*** / “I Loaded my face…”/ #cleanshaven #angrybuddhababy (“You look 15 years younger…”) / “Dude, that’s terrifying…you look so innocent.”/ “You’re too hard on yourself…”/ #thisepisodesbeeroftheepisode #RebelHardCoffee #TwelveFive #fivepercentABV / #MandelaEffect / “This tastes like…”/ “That should be the regimen from now on…”/ “You know who posts the best memes?” / “That’s where it comes from, right from the nipples…”/ “You know it’s funny when you get tickled before you can even get it out…”/ #weirddream (“You should stay the course and do what you’re gifted at…”) / “Dude you shouldn’t be selling shoes…”/ “What do y’all think of when you think of #foodblasphemy ?”/ “I wear a speedo and I eat mayonnaise…”/ #correspondence ***Check us out on the social media at #metalnerderypodcast or email us at metalnerdery@gmail.com or SEND US A VOICEMAIL AT 980-666-8182!!!*** / #pissingpost #ObscureMetal (“Favorite obscure metal?”) / #TheAccused #RigorMortis #WrathchildAmerica #Handsome #Nailbomb / “Goblin Cock?”/ “If we had internet back then…”/ “When I think of obscure now, I think about high school…”/ “Super uh-scure…”/ “I like the fact that Mojo got some love…”/ “We’re already number 2…”/ WE’LL PLAY YOUR SHIT-TAH!!! / #TheRisingTide #deathcore #NewZealand THE HOPE WE DIE FOR / #ultraballs (“It’s like #Meshuggah with a huge boner…”) / “It makes them more down under than Down Under…”/ “Think of what that could do for your porn career…”/ “Bigger than China…”/ “That’d be a great name for a Cure tribute band…”/ “I literally look like a dick with glasses…”/ “Can we look that up real quick, Jamie?”/ #minions
(26:38): #TheDocket #1988 METAL NERDERY PODCAST PRESENTS: 1988 HEAD-TO-HEAD DEATH MATCH: SLAYER’S SOUTH OF HEAVEN VS METALLICA’S …AND JUSTICE FOR ALL / #HeadToHeadDeathmatch #Slayer #Metallica #SouthOfHeaven vs #AndJusticeForAll / “You gotta remember what we’re following up after…”/ “They’re the heavyweights…”/ “Even minus the bass…”/ “Those two albums define high school and summer…”/ “I think we’ve done an ’88…” / #1988Metal / “Starcourt, I had to look that up…”/ #shopliftingwithmoney / “Don’t we have 9 songs and 9 songs?”
(31:51): “Take a damn step back…look at that album cover…”/ #iwilltellyou / “Anything Slayer does is more eviler…”/ “You always looked like a big dude to me…”/ “He basically maximized the brand that was the band…”/ “Jason Newsted was the Steve Harris of #FlotsamAndJetsam …”/ Release dates: which one came out first? July vs August / Reflecting on when #WREKage first played South of Heaven / “Actually…”/ “Georgia doesn’t have 2 things…”/ #summertimevibes / “I kept waiting for the bass…”/ “We played his parents pool party…the parents were hammered…” / #yourmomwashot
(39:39): “You’ve gotta go chronologically…” / ***Go check out our album dives for South of Heaven & …And Justice For All*** / SOUTH OF HEAVEN (“Early doom?”) / “That was good…kinda cajun, a little bit…”/ “Dude you’re funnier now without the beard…”/ “That was a chunky 7…”/ BLACKENED #letsgo (“I always think of Seattle ’89…”/ Harmonics…or harmonies? / “It’s a killer opener!”
(46:44): #tobefair / “Dude you can totally pull it off…”/ SILENT SCREAM #onmicburp (“2nd best 2nd track ever…”) / “It’s 3 times as big as this…”/ …AND JUSTICE FOR ALL #bigdrummix #unbelievable #nobass (“That’s a GREAT riff…it’s just odd.”) / “If we’re going by size…”/ #reprise / “Okay, they won…they won right there.” / The tally, so far…
(55:01): “This next one is too hard for me…” / #markthetime / “And you’re the #Metallica boy…”/ #noteven / “To me, that’s the weakest song on the album…”/ “It’s their Stairway to Heaven, dude…”/ “Aww, it broke…”/ EYE OF THE BEHOLDER (“That’s the best riff right there…”) #readthoselyrics #usethoseheadphones / “I’m gonna show you a moment…”/ “I think the next one’s already got it…”/ LIVE UNDEAD (“This defines #Slayer this song…”) / “That’s bass, by the way…”/ #TheBestSlayerSong / “That’s just dark…”/ “It’s unanimous…”
(1:03:11): “This one we’re gonna fight over…” / “Put in about three and a half…”/ ONE #markthetime / “I have a feeling I know where this is gonna go…”/ BEHIND THE CROOKED CROSS / “That’s a bold statement…”/ “It doesn’t count…”/ “As far as track 4…”/ “Do we wanna give it a tie?” / #hockeysoccer / #tainttonguer / “It’s a draw…”/ “How about we do this…?” / ***STAY TUNED FOR THE CONTINUATION OF THIS HEAD-TO-HEAD DEATH MATCH ON THE NEXT EPISODE!!!*** / #untilthenext / ***COME ON DOWN TO THE BUNKERPOON GIFT SHOPPE AND PICK UP SOME METAL NERDERY PODCAST MERCHANDISE AT metalnerdery.com/merch *** / #outroreel #LMAO
Thursday Feb 01, 2024
#232 STUCK MOJO Inside The Metal
Thursday Feb 01, 2024
Thursday Feb 01, 2024
Back in the early 90’s (along with hometown thrash titans Ghost Story, Akathesia, and Nihilist) one of the most unique bands to have dominated the local metal scene and trailblazed the path for rap metal before it was even a genre was Atlanta cross-over, groove metal pioneers, STUCK MOJO.
Armed with the aural onslaught of Rich Ward’s behemoth guitar sound and the “no bones about it” ferocity of Bonz’s rhymes, STUCK MOJO were definitely THE band to experience live, with one of their most memorable shows transpiring when “The Duke of Metal” and company performed inside a record store at Gwinnett Place Mall during peak business hours, resulting in a joyful noise for the fans who gathered and a case of “instant regret” for mall management who didn’t realize what they’d committed to until it was too late (“Stranger Things” indeed…).
Get ready to comprehend why hyperinflation and over-monetization have transformed “toothless & stinkless” into premium upgrade options, always be accommodating enough to say “They” if you’re unsure of how to address someone and don’t know if “They” are actually “a dude or a chick…or a group of people”. Find out why some of us are “almost too overqualified to be a bass player”, always remember that “waterboarding takes a lot out of you”, prepare a plate of “guitar pasta”, enjoy our “diet tribes”, and JOIN US (until the very end for “a taste of Doomsicle”) as we go INSIDE THE METAL, Atlanta style, with the unparalleled STUCK MOJO.
Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode
Leave us a Voicemail to be played on a future episode: 980-666-8182
Support Metal Nerdery - https://www.patreon.com/metalnerderypodcast
Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – metalnerdery.com/merch
and kindly leave us a review and/or rating on the iTunes/Apple Podcasts - Spotify or your favorite Podcast app
Listen on iTunes, Spotify, Podbean, Google Podcasts or wherever you get your Podcasts.
Follow us on the Socials:
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Email: metalnerdery@gmail.com
Can’t be LOUD Enough Playlist on Spotify
Metal Nerdery Munchies on YouTube @metalnerderypodcast
Stuck Mojo on the InterWebs https://www.facebook.com/StuckMojo/
Show Notes:
(00:01): “Now it’s official…” / #extendedplay vs #longplay (How is that shorter?) / #tunacan vs #oilcan / “I think we were really nice to Bill today…” / “Grandma and baseball…”/ #Doomsicle / ***WARNING: #listenerdiscretionisadvised ***/ ***WELCOME BACK TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST IN BUNKERPOON STUDIOS INTERNATIONAL!!!*** / “And the fella who’s NOT here…”/ #thebassplayerofdrummers / ***if you wanna go straight to the meat of the episode, check the #shownotes for #thedocket ***/ “I wanna fuck with a metronome…”/ #RussellsReflectionsASMR / “This is completely unrelated…you know how EVERYTHING is #monetized now?” / #hookerupcharges / “That’s an extra $400…”/ #noteeth (“She wasn’t 90, don’t worry about it…”) / “And you put your dick in there?”/ #uhhhkay / #thisepisodesbeeroftheepisode / “Am I doing it?” / #AlcaChino #thirteenpointfivepercentABV (“That’s cocoa, not cocaine…”) / #HowiesSpiked / “I feel weird doing your thing…”/ #cuckholdASMR / “Get some more of these for the next session…”/ “That’s a great name…”/ #DoomsicleDebut / “Give everybody a foreplay boner…”/ #onetakewondersessions / “You’re a pretty damn good guitar player…”/ “And the #waterboarding …”/ “It’s like a reverse baked potato…”/ “I think that might have been from the #LiveEvil episode…”/ #Patreon (“As in a patron…”) / “Do we have correspondence?” / #stickitin / “Oh it’s jackin up, bro…”/ #FacebookMalfunction #uhhhkay (“WTF, man?”) / “NOW it’s there…”/ “I’m gonna say ‘they’…”/ #BlastFemur WE’LL PLAY YOUR SHIT-TAH!!! / “He or they or she or it…”/ GUESS I’LL JUST DIE (“I like this…”) #oldschoolstyle / “I gotta go to that place…I feel like it’s a dildo wholesale warehouse…”/ “If it makes the labes wet, good for them…”/ ***You can hit us up on the socials at #metalnerderypodcast or email us at metalnerdery@gmail.com OR YOU CAN LEAVE US A VOICEMAIL AT 980-666-8182!!!*** / #TripSix #ILoveGoblinCock #diettribes (“To hastily…greedily scarf down penis?”) / “For the record…”/ #GoblinCock FLUMED (“It’s like Quicksand meets Tool…”) / STUMPED (“We’ve gotta do a Goblin Cock episode…”) / “That’s gotta be a button…”/ #onemorevoicemail #KenFromConnecticut and #ArmoredSaint #PunchingTheSky / “Donald Trump speaks from the tits…” / #DonaldTrumpChinaSupermix / “It’s #bigleague and NOT #bigly …”/ #billionsandbillions / “This is gonna be the episode of nothing but correspondence…” / ***Would #Pantera have gotten back together if Dimebag were still alive?*** / “The older you get, the ego goes away…”/ “Y’all saw that they’re playing #MadisonSquareGarden in February, right?” #222 / “He’s gonna need crackers…” / #fingerease #guitarlube / “New bass strings never seem to go out of tune, new guitar strings…all the time.”/ “That seems like the weirdest pasta ever…” / #guitarpasta
(31:20): #TheDocket METAL NERDERY PODCAST PRESENTS: STUCK MOJO – INSIDE THE METAL (ATL EDITION) / #localmetal / Looking back on our earliest #StuckMojo concert experiences… / #TheWreckRoom / “Did you see them when they played at #GwinnettPlaceMall ?” / #instantregret (“It was glorious!”) / Reflecting back on #LilburnDays and playing S.O.D. in front of a bunch of older, small town, country folks / “Did you plan to piss everybody off?” / “I’ve got the article with the pictures and everything…”/ “I’m the drummer man, I can’t turn anything down…”/ Reflecting on the #Atlanta local metal scene back in the late 80’s, early 90’s / “Their live show was so much better than any recording they’ve ever made…”/ “I used to have a deal where I’d buy somebody’s ticket so they’d drive and I could get hammered…”
(40:40): Snappin’ Necks (1995) / #killeropener NOT PROMISED TOMORROW / “His tone is ridiculous…” / “Rich Ward has #TheRichWardSound “/ 2 MINUTES OF DEATH #groovemetalASMR / “It doesn’t do it justice…like the first three #KISS albums compared to #ALIVE! “/ #phenomenon
(44:33): Pigwalk (1996) / A big jump in production quality…like going from Hell Awaits to Reign in Blood / PIGWALK / (HERE COMES) THE MONSTER / “Can we hear The Sermon?” / THE SERMON (“Dearly beloved…”) / “The alternative to the alternative…”/ VIOLATED (“How does EVER #Marshall sound completely different!?”) / “That’s Devin Townsend by the way…”
(51:18): Rising (1998) / “Maybe we should watch the video for that one…”/ #NealBoortz / INTRO (“The United States in 1997….with the President of The United States, a crooked figurehead”) / CROOKED FIGUREHEAD / “Here’s the #officialvideo for RISING…” / #DDP (“I think they did this inside The Masquerade…”) / “Before we get off this one…”/ “I’m looking for Sweet Leaf…” / BACK IN THE SADDLE (“That’s what the #Bunkerpoon needs…”) / “They didn’t have ‘The Hit’…it’s just weird how it works.”
(58:52): Declaration of a Headhunter (2000) / “It was like their Far Beyond Driven…”/ #markthetime / #uhhhkay / LESSON IN INSENSITIVITY/HATE BREED #allthecokelines / “A little melodic…” / RAISE THE DEADMAN #usethoseheadphones / #futureepisodeidea
(1:04:04): Violate This (2001) / Not a proper album…but a #compilation / Marks the end of the #Bonz era / “Allegedly…”/ WRATHCHILD (“It’s clipping…”) / SHOUT AT THE DEVIL #allthecokelines #yeah / “I kinda like the rawness of it…”
(1:07:11): Southern Born Killers (2007) / With new vocalist Lord Nelson (who replaced Bonz) / OPEN SEASON / “More like a Chuck D, Public Enemy style…”/ “That kinda sounds like mid-late 2000’s…”/ #PsalmsOfTheWard #TheDukeOfMetal / METAL IS DEAD (“That’s thrash…”) / “I dig that dude, man…he fits.” / #markthetime #letsfist #worthyfisting / “I hate it when bands who are killer don’t get their due…”
(1:11:48): The Great Revival (2008) / “I used to be married…it was a thing…”/ “This is loaded with #cokelines …”/ THE FLOOD #waternoises #prewaterboarding #moist (“Somebody’s getting waterboarded…”) / “That’s fucking doom, dude…”/ “I did not expect any of that…”/ COUNTRY ROAD (“You don’t think it’s THAT one, do ya?”) #JohnDenver #anthemmetal / “I like it…it’s good.”/ 15 MINUTES OF FAME #technicaldifficulties #pleasestandby
(1:17:50): Here Come The Infidels (2016) / “A font…like Helvetica…”/ #RedWhiteAndBlue like #TheTriangle #Unredacted #Unfiltered / #allthecokelines RAPE WHISTLE / “It’s like Mike Patton, Chuck D and Bonz, altogether…”/ CHARLES BRONSON / “All that new stuff…I had no idea.”/ #nicesurprise / “When #timetravel happens…” / “You’re almost too overqualified to be a bass player…”/ #punchingdown / “I feel like you could do more…”/ “And it’s NOT good…”/ Comedians who are #multifaceted / #CharlieChaplin and #TheToothbrush / “It wasn’t tape…it was a moustache.”/ “He was born in the 1800’s, dude…”/ “He cut it off after Adolf fucked it up for everybody…”/ “It still does…”/ “A tablespoon of olive oil a day is supposed to be good for you…” / ***THANK YOU FOR JOINING US!!!*** / #DoomsicleTeaser #justthetip #untilthenext / ***COME ON DOWN TO THE BUNKERPOON GIFT SHOPPE AND PURCHASE YOUR METAL NERDERY MERCH AT metalnerdery.com/merch *** #outroreel / #AlbatrossASMR
Thursday Jan 25, 2024
#231 BACK IN BLACK Album Dive
Thursday Jan 25, 2024
Thursday Jan 25, 2024
Eleven years before Metallica released “The Black Album”, AC/DC released “The FIRST Black Album”, BACK IN BLACK, their seventh studio album overall and their first album featuring new vocalist Brian Johnson following the tragic and untimely passing of former frontman Bon Scott.
While AC/DC always had an aggressively intense, hard rock sound throughout the 70’s on their rise to glory during the Bon era, BACK IN BLACK is arguably the first “official” heavy metal album that AC/DC ever released, a perfectly produced classic from front to back and arguably one of the few albums in heavy metal history that flows just as seamlessly from Side 2 to Side 1.
Go ahead and crack open some “wine coolers” and prepare to get primed before we “unleash the bear”. Keep an eye out for the “Metal Nerdery Mankini” at our merch store, remember that “red velvet cake” is “not the same as dipping your wick in the blood bank” and JOIN US in the Bunkerpoon as we dive into “The Black Album before The Black Album ever Black Albumed” and fully embrace one of the biggest albums in music history with AC/DC’s legendary tour de force of heavy metal perfection, BACK IN BLACK.
Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode
Leave us a Voicemail to be played on a future episode: 980-666-8182
Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – metalnerdery.com/merch
and kindly leave us a review and/or rating on the iTunes/Apple Podcasts - Spotify or your favorite Podcast app
Listen on iTunes, Spotify, Podbean, Google Podcasts or wherever you get your Podcasts.
Follow us on the Socials:
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Email: metalnerdery@gmail.com
Can’t be LOUD Enough Playlist on Spotify
Metal Nerdery Munchies on YouTube @metalnerderypodcast
AC/DC on the InterWebs: https://www.acdc.com/
Show Notes:
(00:01): “Ever step into period panties?” / “I’m just asking if it ever happened to you…”/ ***WARNING: #listenerdiscretionisadvised ***/ “I need to buy a bottle of that…and just makes that breakfast…”/ ***WELCOME BACK TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST!!!*** / #thisepisodesbeeroftheepisode ***IF YOU WANNA SKIP TO #THEMEATOFTHEEPISODE JUST JUMP AHEAD TO #THEDOCKET ***/ #IronMonger (“Lots of 6’s on the back…”) / #MurphDogIrishRed #IrishRedAle / “You can almost taste the iron in there…”/ “In case somebody missed the last episode…”/ #onmicburp / #RussellsReflectionsBreweryEdition #liftitup / “Which is exactly what you want when people are drinking booze…”/ “That’s gonna leave a mark…”/ “That’s all it was…it was fat.”/ #ribeye / “I cannot eat it that way any longer…”/ “If I’m gonna do that…”/ #steaketiquette / “That’s where the juicy and the flavor comes from…”/ #uhhhkay / ***If you wanna correspond with us on #socialmedia look for us at #metalnerderypodcast or email us at metalnerdery@gmail.com or YOU CAN LEAVE US A VOICEMAIL AT 980-666-8182!!! / #TheVoiceMailSegment #TripSix #BunkerpoonArchives and #HumorMetal / #WineCoolersRule / #BatMetal / “You do it now for the same reasons…”/ #homemademoonshine #drunktubing
(14:18): “Tell everyone you know about #themerch …”/ #metalnerderymankini / “I think they’d rather see the bear…”/ WE’LL PLAY YOUR SHIT-TAH!!! #ChemicalValleyMutants #PortHuronMI #hardcorepunk #crossover / #Yes #No CHARLES BRONSON & PORT HURON WHORE (“That’s way old school…”) / “I’m gonna go with he’s probably a sir…”/ #wrongbutton / #uhhhkay #woetoyou / “It’s just not a show unless that comes out…”/ #ClotsInTheVelvetRoom / #StandupComedyASMR / “It’s shit…”/ #tobefair / “Well he’s Spanish dude…”/ “One of the first Spanish words I learned…”/ “I don’t speak Mexican, dude…”/ “We’re poor planners…”/ #procrastinationnation / ***Did anyone catch #Tool when they came to Atlanta?*** / “Hard to believe #Pantera was 4 months ago…”/ #microdose / “We’ve got to do another #Chronicles soon…”/ “There’s an art behind that kind of humor…”/ “They were on #AmericasGotTalent #AGT / #SteelPanther BUKKAKE TEARS / #MetalShop #MetalSkool / “I don’t care if she’s a little thick in the britches…”/ “Sexy and beautiful are two mutually exclusive things…”/ “My voice is beautiful but yours is sexy…”/ #gearporn / “You should make it happen…”
(37:49): #TheDocket METAL NERDERY PODCAST PRESENTS: AC/DC – BACK IN BLACK / “I think I heard this first and went backwards…”/ ***What’s YOUR earliest memory of #BackInBlack *** / Released July 25, 1980 / “To me this sounds like Christmas…”/ “Polished…and then turd.”/ “Maybe that’s the magic…dude, we should do an episode from the Bahamas…”/ “To me that’s the first official #BlackAlbum …”/ “Aww dude, that was by accident!”/ “It’s Enter Sandman…”/ HELLS BELLS (“It sounds so creepy and evil…”) / “Is this the evilest song by AC/DC?”/ The difference between the #BonScottEra and the #BrianJohnsonEra of #ACDC / SHOOT TO THRILL (“It is kinda like Fly On The Wall…it’s the same riff.”) / “Women and pills…hell yeah!”/ “I always thought this was a completely different song…”/ “In the bottom?”
(51:44): “What was the first AC/DC hit song?” / #onmicburpASMR / “As a kid I didn’t understand…”/ WHAT DO YOU DO FOR MONEY HONEY / “I didn’t even know what kicks were either…”/ The difference between listening to music as a child vs as an adult…listening to the lyrics vs the music / “Not a big fan of red velvet cake…”/ “Dipping your wick in the blood bank?”/ GIVEN THE DOG A BONE / “This was their Black Album…this was their Black Album before The Black Album was The Black Album” / “This was their Slippery When Wet…”/ LET ME PUT MY LOVE INTO YOU (“This has strip club vibes all over…”) / “Let’s hear the part about cake…” / #RussellsReflectionsTikTokASMR
(1:02:36): BACK IN BLACK (“Still don’t get tired of this one…ever.”) / #allthecokelines / “This might be their most iconic song…”/ “We can skip this one…” YOU SHOOK ME ALL NIGHT LONG (***Go check out our Overplayed & Underrated episode***/ HAVE A DRINK ON ME (“This is for all you bartenders out there…”) / “They’re kinda like vaginas, buttholes, and titties…”/ “I didn’t know that was a thing you could do with drinking…” / #getstoned / SHAKE A LEG (“Might be my favorite on the record…”) / “You’re never gonna hear David Gilmour using Slayer riffs…” (re: Shoot To Thrill vs Fly On The Wall) / ROCK AND ROLL AIN’T NOISE POLLUTION / “So get off your arse and come down here…”/ “I can’t imagine Bon Scott singing that song…”/ One of the few albums in metal history where you could start on Side 2 OR Side 1 and it would be equally perfect either way. / “You chugged that thing earlier, right?” / “That’s like from here to California…”/ #oceanboner / ***THANK YOU FOR JOINING US!!!*** #untilthenext #TheTriangle #Unredacted & #Unfiltered #DoomSickle / ***COME PICK UP SOME METAL NERDERY MERCHANDISE AT THE BUNKERPOON GIFT SHOPPE LOCATED ONLINE AT metalnerdery.com/merch ***/ #outroreel
Thursday Jan 18, 2024
Thursday Jan 18, 2024
Thursday Jan 18, 2024
When addressing the concept of the THRASH FAMILY TREE, there should be a handful of bands and musicians which immediately come to mind. This week’s docket is a reflection on the vast interconnectedness of the THRASH FAMILY TREE, consisting of The Big Five of Thrash and beyond.
Whether we’re talking about musicians snatched up by other bands, replacements for original members, or “hired guns” with the chops, credentials, and expertise brought in to make a tour or an album a reality, the branches are always intertwining and interconnecting, often with spectacular results and to the great delight of dedicated thrash fans everywhere.
If you’ve ever played a “Lee Guitar” (or even know what that is) we’d love to hear from you, because it’s time to “leave The Four Horseman behind” and prepare to weather the “Clots in the Velvet Room” with the knowledge that “if it’s good enough for Dracula it’s good enough for you (unless it’s clumpy)”. Get ready to embrace the sonic majesty of “The Burp Chronicles” and JOIN US as we begin to trace the ever growing and ever blossoming branches on the trunk of the THRASH FAMILY TREE.
Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode
Leave us a Voicemail to be played on a future episode: 980-666-8182
Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – metalnerdery.com/merch
and kindly leave us a review and/or rating on the iTunes/Apple Podcasts - Spotify or your favorite Podcast app
Listen on iTunes, Spotify, Podbean, Google Podcasts or wherever you get your Podcasts.
Follow us on the Socials:
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Email: metalnerdery@gmail.com
Can’t be LOUD Enough Playlist on Spotify
Metal Nerdery Munchies on YouTube @metalnerderypodcast
Check out Embering Effigy - local ATL Thrash on Spotify
Show Notes:
(00:01): #prelude / “Oh fuckin’ A…damn!” / “If you think about it…”/ #tobeornottobe / “A perfect pour…”/ “I clamped down on that thing when I grabbed it…”/ ***WARNING: #listenerdiscretionisadvised ***/ ***WELCOME BACK TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST!!!*** / #thisepisodesbeeroftheepisode ***TO SKIP THE NONSENSE AND GO #STRAIGHTTOTHEMEAT OF THE EPISODE, GO TO #THEDOCKET ***/ #AkademiaBrewing #Skal #SkullGoblet (“Brewering…”) #goblingoblet / “Okay, I have a question…”/ ***Check us out on the #socialmedia at #instavoobs #instavag #instatits #facefuck #youboobs @metalnerderypodcast *** / You can email us at metalnerdery@gmail.com OR LEAVE US A VOICEMAIL AT 980-666-8182!!! / #VoicemailSegment #JohnnyO (“Now that he’s a bass player…”) / “Built-in #autovag …”/ #uhhkay / #easilyentertained / WE’LL PLAY YOUR SHIT-TAH!!! / #EmberingEffigy #ConyersMetal (“Is it a dildo dealership?”) / “Aunt Flo’s in town…” / #plateletinfusedlube / “He’d have to turn into a bat…”/ #upcomingshows for #EmberingEffigy EMPTY PROMISES (***You can check them out on #Spotify …***) VORTEX / #staybrutal / #onemorevoicemail from #thepost “Do you think Cliff Burton…he was the best bass player, right?” / “Bargaining on your bed?” / “One of his last interviews…they asked him what he saw in Metallica’s future…”/ “Maybe SHE was a #LoadLover …” / #squirting (“Is it piss?”) / “You don’t need a sledgehammer to drive roofing nails…” / #RussellsReflectionsNYEEdition / “Dale or Dell?” / “It sounds like a combat zone on New Years…”/ Go check out the #MatthewPerryMemoir / #GameOfThrones vs #HungerGames / “Most movies were books at one point…”/ “You could…I don’t know why you don’t…” / #voiceactingASMR #audiobookASMR (“Was he a chemist or an alchemist?”) / “Lots of boobs…and #flaccidpenises “/ #Cred #SouthParkASMR #EricCartmanASMR (“He’s got a little dinky…”)
(27:56): #TheDocket METAL NERDERY PODCAST PRESENTS: THRASH FAMILY TREE / “We need a visual…”/ #TheBigFive / #genres vs #members / “I think you start with #Metallica…” / #classiclineup / #CliffEmAll / “Hired gun types…”/ #interviewASMR #LeeGuitar (“What’s a Lee guitar?”) #thefirstmetallica / #Megadeth MECHANIX (“I’ve never understood the lyrics…”) / #superburp / NOTE: There was no Bonded by Blood version of Impaler / “Were it me…I would not do it.” / #Metallica TRAPPED UNDER ICE (“I was totally wrong…”)
(41:07): “How about a little bit of the old Duke’s Era Exodus?” / #Exodus RAZE / “This is gonna be the #BurpChronicles …”/ #deathmetalburpalbum / “We’ll save that…”/ ***A heavy rock-metal two-fer…*** / #Slayer PRIDE IN PREJUDICE (***Go check out the video…***) / “Even if he only had one ball…” / #oneballball and/or #oneeyeball / #IMDB / “Sounds like a porn name to me…”/ “THAT sounds like a porn name…” / #JackReacher / “He’s NOT those things…”/ “What’s X?” / #ten / #FastTwitter / “Put a drive thru at a drive-in…” / #spoiler / “There’s a movie for everybody…”/ #TED #RussellsReflectionsTVEdition (Ted the Teddy Bear, NOT the Talk)
(57:06): #SuicidalTendencies YOU CAN’T BRING ME DOWN / “I’d make mayonnaise against the law before I’d make THAT against the law…” / “Unless its clumpy…”/ “You’ve gotta play Forbidden…” / #Forbidden CHALICE OF BLOOD / #Testament THE FORMATION OF DAMNATION (Has The Gathering vibes…) / “Of course you’ve gotta play…” / #SOD #StormtroopersOfDeath CHROMATIC DEATH & UNITED FORCES / “I think they’ve got The Ballad of Dio, don’t they?” / #MOD #MethodOfDestruction THE BALLAD OF DIO & BUBBLE BUTT
(1:08:26): #NuclearAssault CRITICAL MASS / “Not a thrash band…but he went on to sing for Anthrax…” / #ArmoredSaint REIGN OF FIRE / “We should hear some John Bush Anthrax…” / “It’s really full and thick…”/ #Anthrax RANDOM ACTS OF SENSELESS VIOLENCE / “It sounds nothing like Anthrax…” / #MrBungle RAPING YOUR MIND (“It’s not THAT Mr. Bungle…that was the previous Mr. Bungle…”) / “That’s 1986 all day…” / “This could go on and on for ages…we could have a 4 hour show.” / ***THANK YOU ALL FOR JOINING US FOR THIS EPISODE!!!*** / #clotsinthevelvetroom / “We need a click track…”/ #uhhkay / “Let’s just do a whole episode on #merch …”/ ***YOU CAN PICK UP YOUR METAL NERDERY PODCAST MERCHANDISE AT THE BUNKERPOON GIFT SHOPPE LOCATED AT metalnerdery.com/merch *** / #outroreel #untilthenext
Thursday Jan 11, 2024
Thursday Jan 11, 2024
Thursday Jan 11, 2024
As of this episode, we will have covered each and every era of every EXODUS vocalist, from Paul Baloff to STEVE “ZETRO” SOUZA to Rob Dukes (and back again) to ZETRO. As the 2nd vocalist for EXODUS, STEVE SOUZA’s voice gave the band a distinct sonic ferocity which set them apart from their “Big Five” counterparts, spewing forth some of the most brutally savage lyrical imagery in all of thrash. While we’ve already touched on a couple of ZETRO era albums in earlier episodes (which you can locate in the “sizably girthy” Metal Nerdery Archives), we thought a brief refresher might be in order before proceeding onward through the remainder of the catalog.
It’s time to find out what the best “new R.E.M. Podcast” has in store before we flip “the whole script” and get “waterboarded” after unveiling which Pink Floyd tune had the biggest influence on Jonathan Davis’s singing style. Prepare to reckon with “The TMZ of Metal”, learn which day is “the taint of the week”, discover exactly how Kirk Hammett and Metallica factor into Exodus lore, and be ready to take it “right in the face, tits, and balls, all at the same time” when you JOIN US for a look back on the STEVE “ZETRO” SOUZA ERA of EXODUS.
Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode
Leave us a Voicemail to be played on a future episode: 980-666-8182
Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – metalnerdery.com/merch
and kindly leave us a review and/or rating on the iTunes/Apple Podcasts - Spotify or your favorite Podcast app
Listen on iTunes, Spotify, Podbean, Google Podcasts or wherever you get your Podcasts.
Follow us on the Socials:
Facebook - Instagram - Twitter
Email: metalnerdery@gmail.com
Can’t be LOUD Enough Playlist on Spotify
Metal Nerdery Munchies on YouTube @metalnerderypodcast
Exodus on the Interwebs https://exodusattack.com/site/
Show Notes:
(00:01): “That popped right in there…”/ #RussellsReflectionsShitfacedEdition / “You could be a sponsor…”/ #cigaretterehab / ***WARNING: #listenerdiscretionisadvised ***/ #RussellsReflectionsCocktailRecipeASMR / #saltednutroll / ***WELCOME BACK TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST!!!*** / #thisepisodesbeeroftheepisode ***IF YOU WANNA SKIP TO #THEMEATOFTHEEPISODE GO TO #THEDOCKET*** / #collegedropout #fivepointthreeABV / #hookersandblow / “I’m gonna five it…”/ #123123 #onetwothreeonetwothree / “That would be hell…”/ “Didn’t that dude sing for Megadeth, man?”/ “There’s not even one you like?” / #NO / “We’re changing formats, bro…”/ ***If you wanna send us your shit-tah to be played on a future episode, please email us at metalnerdery@gmail.com or hit us up on the socials at #metalnerderypodcast ***/ “The worst song Slayer ever did…?” (“Aren’t they the TMZ of metal?”) / #notourpresidentASMR / “I guess I’m an old person…” / #doesthatcount / #waterboarded / #metoo / #Slayer FINAL SIX / “It’s the whole choking on my spit thing, man…” / “Check it out, we have at least ONE female listener…” / #Sheila / ***GO CHECK OUT SOME OF OUR EPISODES ON THE #YOUTUBE ***/ ***Please go check out the BUNKERPOON GIFT SHOPPE at metalnerdery.com/mech ***
(16:42): “I could do the joke if you wanna hear it…” / #alphabetcommunity (To #peenthepoon or to #poonthepeen ) / #BruceCaitlyn (“It’s all about the touch…”) / “I don’t know how you can do it on yours…” / #RussellsReflectionsLSDEdition #Opal #claymation / #PinkFloyd SEVERAL SPECIES OF SMALL FURY ANIMALS GATHERED TOGETHER IN A CAVE AND GROOVING WITH A PICT #psychedelicsoundtrackASMR #usethoseheadphones / “This came out of somebody’s mind…” / #quickinsert / “If you wanna make Black Sabbath more eviler…so it sounds like SLAYER” / “He drowns girls when he comes…” / #Nein / “I’m gonna be there…just for that.” / #erectionyear / “Let’s just start paying #Congress $2.13 an hour and let them figure it all out on less than minimum wage…” / “That’s what I call it when I…” / #fairuse / #teaser regarding #DoomSickle / “My right arm is my dominant arm…” / #boobs (“It’s not the same…”)
(29:52): #TheDocket METAL NERDERY PODCAST PRESENTS: EXODUS – THE SOUZA ERA / ***Go check out our prior #Exodus episodes !!!*** / #coitalsweating / “Wait…what are we doing?” / “We don’t get to eat or drink anything that makes us happy to be alive?” / “I wanna be able to go down an escalator without breaking a sweat…”/ #TheSouzaPackage / CHEMI-KILL (from Pleasures of the Flesh – 1987) / “It’s got a sidewinder feel to it…” / DERANGED (“Would you hand me that ashtray?”) / “It never gets old…” / “Is she single?” / #thegreatesthits #thedeepcuts (“I’m trying to get some new material…”) / THE LAST ACT OF DEFIANCE (from Fabulous Disaster – 1989) / “Am I my brother’s keeper?” / #alltheballs / “Right in the face, tits, and balls, all at the same time…” / #BruceCaitlyn (“Is that its name?”) / “Every opening song is always killer.”
(42:17): IMPACT IS IMMINENT (from Impact Is Imminent – 1990) / “Right in her cervix…” / LUNATIC PARADE (“That’s fuckin’ S.O.D. all day!”) / “It’s like S.O.D. meets Slayer…” / THRASH UNDER PRESSURE (“Get some of THAT!”) / #chromaticdeath (“I was so close…”) / “Cream cheese was made for one thing…” / Guidance for #jalapenopoppers / #pepperjam / DIRTY DEEDS DONE DIRT CHEAP (from Good Friendly Violent Fun – 1991)
(50:43): Force of Habit – 1992 / “This is the taint of the year…”/ #thetaintoftheweek / “Have you ever seen people literally fucking in public?” / “I gotta be comfortable…” / “I got the whole script and everything…” / #slideitin / #cleanyourplate / GOOD DAY TO DIE (“More heavy than thrashy…”) / THORN IN MY SIDE (“I wonder if this is when Gary Holt had #dayjobhair ?”) / “You might get laid…”/ #steampunk #twirly (“That could be your 2024 Matt…”) / “It’s called the standard American diet…”/ “Did you guys know…? / #decriminalized #scheduleII (“Ironically, it’s #saferthanalcohol …”)
(58:48): Tempo of the Damned – 2004 / “Andy Sneap produced this album…” / “You’re not still in your 40’s…grow up!” / “You’ve gotta be ultra talented to be in metal…” / SCAR SPANGLED BANNER / “What’s the #cokeline inventory look like?” / BLACKLIST (“Metal guitar should sound like this…”) / “He’s always had a very unique sound…” / IMPALER (***See also Bonded By Blood and/or TRAPPED UNDER ICE***) / “I actually like it…a little better.” / #thefamilytreeofthrash
(1:07:41): Blood In, Blood Out – 2014 / #killeropener BLACK 13 #usethoseheadphones (“That’s distorted on purpose, right?”) / “I still hear a little something in there…”/ “What the fuck is that?” / SALT THE WOUND (“It just went away…”) / “It’s back…”
(1:12:10): Persona Non Grata – 2021 / #killeropener PERSONA NON GRATA #holdmybeer / THE BEATINGS WILL CONTINUE (UNTIL MORALE IMPROVES) #leadoffsingle / “We can’t put him on the album, Brian…” / “I think that’s Metamucil gone wild…”/ #backhole / #SouzaCentricExodus / “What’s your favorite Exodus #Era ?” / “This will be our 5th Exodus episode…”/ THANK YOU FOR JOINING US!!! / #nowaterboarding #untilthenext / ***COME ON DOWN TO THE BUNKERPOON GIFTSHOPPE AND PICK UP YOUR METAL NERDERY PODCAST MERCH AT metalnerdery.com/merch *** / #outroreel #snoutnoisesASMR
Thursday Jan 04, 2024
Thursday Jan 04, 2024
Thursday Jan 04, 2024
If you thought this episode was going to be all about early Metallica, early Anthrax, or early Slayer, SURPRISE, it’s not! While the above bands do in fact belong under the same umbrella, CLASSIC METAL (relative to today’s heavy metal landscape) falls right in that sweet spot from the late 70’s through the 80’s, when hard rock began its transformation into something darker, heavier, and more aggressive than anything before it.
Prepare to brush up on your “ball caller” skills because it’s time to “call the balls” for our virtual CLASSIC METAL bingo, where we will address a variety of provocative topics such as “one hit wonders” (both inside and outside of metal), the ongoing debate as to whether or not the Black Cadillac was in fact “slick” or just “big”, as well as “the most popular classic metal song” which still holds up and is just as relevant today as in the CLASSIC METAL days of yore.
Discover which band was formed on Christmas Day 48 years ago, grab some more “boner gum” and bust out your “laser phasers” when you “clear the room” after sharing the details of your “Trans-Siberian” date night experience. Find out what “getting feelings” (down there) from out of nowhere actually means, embrace your middle school metal memories, fire up the “scary devil synthesizer” and JOIN US as we plunge deep into a wellspring of CLASSIC METAL.
Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode
Leave us a Voicemail to be played on a future episode: 980-666-8182
Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – metalnerdery.com/merch
and kindly leave us a review and/or rating on the iTunes/Apple Podcasts - Spotify or your favorite Podcast app
Listen on iTunes, Spotify, Podbean, Google Podcasts or wherever you get your Podcasts.
Follow us on the Socials:
Facebook - Instagram - Twitter
Email: metalnerdery@gmail.com
Can’t be LOUD Enough Playlist on Spotify
Metal Nerdery Munchies on YouTube @metalnerderypodcast
Show Notes:
(00:01): #ballcaller and/or #ballcollar (“Apparently with #bingo you have to #calltheballs …”) #bingoballcallerASMR / “Just the fact that there’s balls involved in bingo…”/ #benign / ***WARNING: #listenerdiscretionisadvised ***/ #NYE / ***WELCOME BACK TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST WITH ALL THE BALLS!!!*** / #metalnerderypodcast / #thisepisodesbeeroftheepisode / ***TO SKIP THE NONSENSE AND GO STRAIGHT TO #THEMEATOFTHEEPISODE JUST GO TO #THEDOCKET ***/ #BlueBandito #StillFireBrewing #daydrinking #fivepointthreeABV #theverdict / “That’s a simple…even keeled…nice beer.”/ “This is the post #Christmas episode…”/ #christmaswrapup / “You cooked your mom and one of your wife’s friends?” / #wrappedinbacon / “It makes me look smarter and I need all the help I can get…”/ “Why are there #onehitwonders …?” / “He looks like #Lemmy …”/ “Eileen must be crispy…”/ “How many one hit wonders are there in the world of metal?” / “Big Black…?”
(10:00): Check us out on the #socialmedia or email us at metalnerdery@gmail.com or LEAVE US A VOICEMAIL AT 980-666-8182!!! / #thevoicemailsegment #TheDarius #favoritepodcast (“I want 2 episodes a week…you need a sponsor…”) / #bonergum / “I think it’s kinda like #FruitStripe …”/ Some comments from our #YouTube channel / “Wow, dude!” / #RussellsReflectionsASMR / “I think 2024 is gonna be the #fitnessyear …” / #carnivore #markthetime / “Did you do any #standup …did you clear the room?” / #buttclenchingcomedy and Matt’s style of comedy / “If you really believe that…they’d still be cleaning…with a toothbrush…” / #braindetail / “This one slides…”/ “That’s like 5 handfuls of lube…”/ #theburpchronicles
(16:16): #TheDocket / METAL NERDERY PODCAST PRESENTS: CLASSIC METAL!!! / What’s considered “classic”? / The 70’s and 80’s…/ The difference between oldies and classic / #thenewclassic / The definition of #classicmetal (“It’s more metal than rock…”) / Some various examples of classic metal / “#IronMaiden formed on #ChristmasDay in 1975…”/ “What’s the most popular classic metal song?”/ “Which one?” #thatdumbsongbyKISS / “I lost my credit…”/ Ways to tell if someone is thinking about you…sexually… / #highlightreel / #BlackSabbath TRASHED (“Production wise, it’s very strange…”) / #QuietRiot METAL HEALTH (BANG YOUR HEAD) / “It aged well…”/ SLICK BLACK CADILLAC (“Slick Black, NOT Big Black…”) / #stereoboner #cantbeloudenough
(28:38): “What do you think about #DefLeppard (up to #Pyromania)?”/ ROCK OF AGES (“Listen to how thick that is…” / “It is a #drummachine …”/ Early cassette purchases / “You’ve gotta fuck…” / #futureepisodeidea / “I’m gonna add that to the list…”/ #Dokken BREAKING THE CHAINS / “It’s the beginning of #Poison …”/ #MetalChurch METAL CHURCH (#ExciterMoment and/or #BlackSabbathMoment) / “That album…it’s solid.” / #urinelove / #Ratt BACK FOR MORE (“This is #middleschool for me…”) / Recent RATT album news / #MotleyCrue LIVE WIRE (NOTE: we never did this one, but you can check out our #ShoutAtTheDevil Dive) / #alwaysremember
(40:47): “Which one’s the classic?” / #JudasPriest BLOODSTONE #deepcut (“Frickin’ laser phasers…”) / “You can just tell those guitars are loud…” / #DIO STRAIGHT THROUGH THE HEART / “That, my friends, is classic metal.” / “One day I’m gonna figure out which song that is…”/ #CelticFrost THE USURPER #ough #TomGWarriorASMR (“Vocals remind me of #Coroner …”) / The #ough and the #yeah / “They were little blue pills…and they gave my soul a boner.” / #soulboner (“That’s a good band name…”) / #buttaids or #fluaids or #flubuttaids (“That shot’s not gonna save ya…”) / #DoroASMR / #UriahHeep THE WIZARD (“That sounds like #progmetal…”) / GYPSY / #Savatage 24 HRS. AGO / See also #TransSiberianOrchestra / “I’ve never met a #TransSiberian have you?”/ #heavymetalnutcracker / “I guarantee you…all she sees is triangles and letters and math…”
(54:28): NOTE: That comment was regarding Randy’s rhythm tone, NOT his solo tone / #OzzyOsbourne FLYING HIGH AGAIN / #Anvil 666 (#devilsynthesizer) / “Have y’all seen the Anvil movie?” / #TheStoryOfAnvil / “A heavy metal story?” / Would Back in Black count as classic metal? / #era / “That’s how you know you’re getting old…” / #Leatherwolf RISE OR FALL (“This sounds like high school…”) / #guitarbone
(1:04:31): “You just can’t play the normal stuff…” / “How about some of this? Circa #1980 “/ #IronMaiden IRON MAIDEN / “I want you to sing 2 words for me…”/ “You know the beginning of Mandatory Suicide? Same concept…” / “That’s totally literally, seriously…”/ #Accept SON OF A BITCH #allthecokelines (“It’s got a Priest vibe to it…”) / “I was literally about to mention what Bill just typed in…” / “October 31st…” / #Venom DON’T BURN THE WITCH / #productionquality
(1:12:48): #LizzyBorden GIVE ‘EM THE AXE / “That would be perfect…” / “Who are the dudes that wear the loincloths?” / #MetalNerderyCalendar / #Queensryche QUEEN OF THE REICH (“This was the first time I really heard Queensryche back in the day…”) / “What happened to these guys?”/ #screamfromtheballs / “I’ll help you write the forward…I’ll write the book.”/ “He is to #Manowar as Hodges is to Maiden…” / #Manowar BATTLE HYMN #softintro & MANOWAR / Go check out the video for #SailsOfCharon / “Really, anything off of Stay Hungry…” / #TwistedSister S.M.F. / #RussellsReflectionsTwistedSisterEdition / #WeAreTwistedFuckingSister / The case of the disintegrating phone case / #electricblanketjacket / “I’d wait until I had a new one…” / ***THANK YOU FOR JOINING US AND HAPPY NEW YEAR TO EVERYONE!!!*** / #untilthenext / ***COME GET YOUR POST HOLIDAY SHOPPING FIX AT THE BUNKERPOON GIFT SHOPPE LOCATED AT metalnerdery.com/merch ***/ #outroreel
Thursday Dec 28, 2023
#227 OZZY BARK AT THE MOON - Album Dive
Thursday Dec 28, 2023
Thursday Dec 28, 2023
November 18, 1983
Put your ’83 hat on and travel back to the days of yore when OZZY OSBOURNE was still a relatively new solo artist struggling to bounce back after enduring the tragic and untimely demise of guitarist Randy Rhoads following The Ozzman’s first 2 legendary albums, Blizzard of Ozz and Diary of a Madman.
Enter Jake E. Lee, Rhoads’ successor, and the debut of his shred skills on Ozzy’s 3rd studio release, BARK AT THE MOON. While perhaps a departure from those first 2 records with Rhoads, BARK AT THE MOON has a more keyboard centric, pop-oriented sound that left some fans confused, yet it was just another example of OZZY rising from the ashes like a phoenix and reinventing himself once again.
Always remember to never write a song in the “afterglow” that you’ll ultimately grow “So Tired” of. “Slow Down” before being aurally assaulted by some overly emphatic keyboards because it’s time to get “laminated” and take “One Up The B-Side” after you “wash the evil off”.
Find out what happens when you get “plastic surgery to look older”, embrace your “Olde Faece”, summon up your playlist of farts, and brace for the onslaught of our upcoming OnlyFans cooking page when you JOIN US as we dive into the “Centre of Eternity” that is BARK AT THE MOON.
OZZY on the InterWebs: https://www.ozzy.com/
Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode
Leave us a Voicemail to be played on a future episode: 980-666-8182
Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – metalnerdery.com/merch
and kindly leave us a review and/or rating on the iTunes/Apple Podcasts - Spotify or your favorite Podcast app
Listen on iTunes, Spotify, Podbean, Google Podcasts or wherever you get your Podcasts.
Follow us on the Socials:
Facebook - Instagram - Twitter
Email: metalnerdery@gmail.com
Can’t be LOUD Enough Playlist on Spotify
Metal Nerdery Munchies on YouTube @metalnerderypodcast
Show Notes:
(00:01): #orgasmnoise (“One out of a thousand? #thepowerofvag “) / #uncorking / #playtheodds #theruleofodds #deduction / Pick up lines for the 21st century: Flying planes into buildings, hope you don’t make it home tonight. The power of vag. The rule of odds. “She’s teenager, dude…’there’s nothing okay about that.’” / “that’s pretty dark…”/ #bornnaked / #clinky ***THIS IS METAL NERDERY!!!” *** #warning: #listenerdiscretionisadvised ***/ #markthetime “You cannot do that when I’m taking a shot.” / #salsaspaghetti #RussellsRecipeASMR (“Fix it in post, it’s fine.”) / #TennesseeHoney (and #DynastyHoney) / “It’s nothing but sugar so far…”/ #WilfordBrimley (“You put that much sugar in it, it’s gonna be good…”)/ ***WELCOME BACK TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST EVERYONE!!!*** / #postchristmasedition #prenewyearsedition / “Hey!” / #postscrotalwrapup #SantasSack / “I’m still weird about the fact that they’ve got a hair pill…” / ***TO SKIP THE FOREPLAY NONSENSE, GO TO #THEDOCKET OR SKIP AHEAD ABOUT 20 MINUTES! BUT YOU’LL BE MISSING ALL THE FUN, SO DON’T BE A STEAK-UMM…STICK AROUND…” / #justleaveitindude / “You will not regret it…”/ “At least do yourself the favor of…#testdriving one of those…/ #unplugged #OlanMillsASMR (“It’s got a good #buttonrub too…”) / #thisepisodesbeeroftheepisode #wedidthewelcome
(06:22): #thisepisodesbeeroftheepisode #SoProBrewing #Mississippi (“It’s a weird name…”) / #CrowdControl #fighterpilot #NeverSayDie #BlackSabbath #HimilayanHiker #foundationbeer (“The good news…”) / #theverdict (“It’s an IPA for sure…”) / #carpetvibe (“that last one tasted like #bourbon…”) / “I keep looking for these #ACDCBeers …”/ “One thing I hate about getting older…” / #christmascake #healthinformation #waferthin (“You’re thinking about my cake…”) / “Don’t they have a ½ cake you can order?” / #alottacake / #blessingsofbakers / #lemonpoundcake (“I’m tryin’…”) / #fivepounds (“Can you imagine…?”) / #RussellsReflectionsASMR #floaters #intheeye (“Like three inches or something…”) / #kaleidoscope / “It was the weirdest fucking thing…”/ #nevergoogle / #OR / “Could be a #flashback…”/ NOTE: That’s exactly what dudes do. / “They got snubbed…”/ “I feel like #CharlieBrown right now…”/ Excited for #michiganmetal / #shitstirrerASMR / “So #Georgia is only a 2 time…back-to-back #sportsdogchampionwords / #footballASMR / (Wait, football or #boatrace? Not smart enough to understand #RussellsSportsWrapUp ) / “It’s not LONG in the paint…”
(15:10): ***CHECK US OUT ON THE #SOCIALMEDIA AND EMAIL US AT METALNERDERY@GMAIL.COM AND LEAVE US A VOICEMAIL AT 980-666-8182 !!!*** / #voicemailsegment #mauiwowie (“We can tell…”) / #ILY / #AustrianDeathMachine (NOTE: It is MOST excellent!!! #gettothechopper ) / #thankyouforthat / ***Check out our #humormetalepisode …sorry…”/ #buttaids / “Nothing but farts…” #playlist / #onlyfanspage #onlyfanscookingpage #marinated #roastbeef #itsnotjustbuttholes / “I’m even more shocked that we came up in the search…” / #twelfth / #firstpageresults / “We’re not all the way there but we’re close…” / ***Check out the #VanHalenEpisode *** / 2023 in review…/ #healthier / #zerogreenery #nonada (“Maybe twice…”) / “My dreams have come back…stronger than ever…#hypervivid …”/ #dreams / #intensedreams #fourthquarter / “I double dog dare you…”/ #steakummmlabes / “Could have been worse…” / #legally / #makingchanges #positivechanges / “Do you think you eat more?” / #appetitesuppressant / “I cannot stand being around them anymore…” / #notracist / “Can’t do it…”/ “What does that mean?” / “Does it still blow your mind as a parent?” / “Just wait…” / A non-parent reflecting on the experiences of parents / “Hopefully 2024 will be better for #BigDaddysBBQPit (***See also #onionbaconbombs ***) and #MetalNerderyPodcast and #TheTriangle #Unredacted “/ #foodporn (“It’s just gravy…#lumpsin) / #armpitsandbuttholes (“There’s no deodorant there’s no soap…” / “Up until about the 1950s…” / #WarCurse #shoutout
(26:49): “Christmas holiday grab sack…” / METAL NERDERY: WE’LL PLAY YOUR SHIT-TAH!!! / #totallysigned #MickMars RIGHT SIDE OF WRONG / “That melody sounds very familiar…(very hooky, very nice)”/ #juicytone (“Sorry…it’s always food.”) / #foodpornmonthly / #songsaboutvag / “Is there any love songs in there?” / “I love #Skindred…” / #reggaemetal / “Upstrokes…(versus)…downstrokes.” / #totallyseriously / #disappointedvag #verticalvag / EYE OF THE TIGER (?) / “Little purple bastard…”/ “I could hear this in a strip club…”/ #ElectricAvenueASMR / #ErectricAvenue / “Any new #KerryKing as of yet?” / #StoneKnot #SlipSour BEYOND / “Wasn’t there something else that came out…?” / #thegibsontune / “Just produced…” / “#Slower is supposed to be coming out with an album soon…”/
(34:38): #TheDocket METAL NERDERY PODCAST PRESENTS: BARK AT THE MOON !!!/ #blankcassettetapes and recording off the radio… / #BarkAtTheMoon #musicvideo / “Happy #belatedbirthday to #OzzyOsbourne …” / #biggestmistakeevermade / “Why not just be yourself?” / “I’m just not…”/ #justbeyou / “The problem is they’re reading the comments…” / #fuckbag / Released 11/18/1983 / “Forty years!? HFS!!!” / #jakeelee / “Maybe my favorite #OzzyGuitarist “/ “How would YOU like to be…coming up on the heels of #RandyRhoads?” / “Even with #ZakkWylde …”/ #tremendous / #oldefaece / ***CHECK OUT OUR OLD METAL NERDERY EPISODES, PARTICULARLY WITH THE HASHTAG #OLDEFAECE *** / “He was 73 when he was 25…”/ #killeropener (“Wanna watch the video?”) / BARK AT THE MOON (“that’s almost thrash…”) / “Creepy with the horses…”/ #squealies (“This is so 1980-something…”) / #usethoseheadphones / “Ozzy was 35 here…”/ “There was two songs on here that got #radioplay …”/ YOU’RE NO DIFFERENT #keyboards #progozzy #prozzy / “Very 80’s…that definitely sounds 1983…”/ #hidethesausage NOW YOU SEE IT NOW YOU DON’T (“My way still works though…”) / “That riff sounds familiar…”/ “Balls?”
(46:35): “This one got some #radioplay …” / ROCK AND ROLL REBEL #albumcover (“I don’t know if I heard it on the radio…”) / #ultimatesinASMR / Second favorite on the album… / CENTRE OF ETERNITY #churchbells #creepyASMR / “The atmosphere…”/ #unpopularopinion / “The big difference between Ozzy & Sabbath…”/ “A little more formulaic maybe…”/ SO TIRED (“May I have this dance…”) / “This is like #BillyJoel …”/ #uglybumpin (“C’mon Ozzy…”) / #alrightdarling / #postsexOzzy / “That’s how it works, bro…it’s about imagery.” / SLOW DOWN (“Kinda got that S.A.T.O. vibe to it…”) / “What the…?”/ “Whoa! WTF was THAT?” / “I think they were listening to #KISS a lot…”/ “I can’t get it out…”/ #productionnotes / #darktimes
(57:28): “Definitely that last one…” / #duranduran / WAITING FOR DARKNESS #killercloser (“Turn me loose…”) / #detectivemovie / #nicepairing #riffsandkeyboards / “That’s a good riff…”/ #trackingchanges / #bonustracks / SPIDERS (“Sounds like a porn, cop movie…”) / “That’s a fair swap, man…”/ ONE UP THE “B” SIDE (“Is that about anal?”) / “What does that even mean?” / “Those are the only 2 moments you could cut out and it’d be fine…”/ #highpoints / #magicpenis / “I like all the shame…”/ “Wash the evil off…”/ #laminated / #allergiesASMR / Of the first three albums, “Diary…” has it…it’s perfect / ***Check out our Ozzy Vol. I (The 80’s) episode***/ “Diary’s darker and has its own vibe…”/ #Hellraiser / “I don’t wanna extend my trip…”/ #TSAASMR / #buhtthole / “It’s not a buh…”/ #bureaucrats / “Don’t you say what I think you’re going to say…” / #dresses and #weirdbeards / “They’re all white…”/ “Did you know that ‘technically’…” / “She must have been a real piece of work…”/ #peaceandquiet (“Let’s make it a go…”) / ***THANK YOU FOR JOINING US!!!*** / #untilthenext #happy2024 #thetriangleunredacted ***COME ON DOWN TO THE BUNKERPOON GIFT SHOPPE FOR YOUR POST CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY SHOPPING FIX AT metalnerdery.com/merch *** / #outroreel / #obviousobsourne #fakeobviousosbourne #oldschoolstyle #metalnerderypodcast #uhhhkay
Thursday Dec 21, 2023
#226 VAN HALEN I Album Dive
Thursday Dec 21, 2023
Thursday Dec 21, 2023
Not only were VAN HALEN effectively “the Black Sabbath of shred” but they ultimately paved the way for the L.A. hair metal shred scene that exploded during the 80’s. Not only is this episode an ALBUM DIVE into the first VAN HALEN album (by none other than the mighty VAN HALEN), but If you’re into “reading books with your ears” then check out the audiobook “Van Halen Rising” as it provides some interesting insights into the origin story of the legendary band, including their rise to power, their earliest musical influences, and how Edward Van Halen’s signature brand of two-handed tapping virtuosity forever revolutionized guitar playing in the late 70’s and beyond.
Remember, it’s never too early for ice cream, even if it’s “warm” and comes out of a “one eyed banana”. Go ahead and trim up that “Greek mythology bush”, get ready for the “super mix” and discover the sound of magic that was a game changer in the world of heavy metal when you JOIN US as we dive into the self-titled, debut album from the best backyard party band to come out of Pasadena: VAN HALEN.
Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode
Leave us a Voicemail to be played on a future episode: 980-666-8182
Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – metalnerdery.com/merch
and kindly leave us a review and/or rating on the iTunes/Apple Podcasts - Spotify or your favorite Podcast app
Listen on iTunes, Spotify, Podbean, Google Podcasts or wherever you get your Podcasts.
Follow us on the Socials:
Facebook - Instagram - Twitter
Email: metalnerdery@gmail.com
Can’t be LOUD Enough Playlist on Spotify
Metal Nerdery Munchies on YouTube @metalnerderypodcast
VAN HALEN on the InterWebs: http://van-halen.com/
Show Notes:
(00:01): “I hate it when people don’t get obvious analogies…” / #arbysdoublestuff vs #hamsandwich #downthere / #superarbys / “You know what I’m talking about?” / “I’m trying to make this show interesting…” / “Don’t worry about it…”/ #strangerinthetub / #chainofcustody / ***WARNING: #listenerdiscretionisadvised ***/ #NOLA #coffeeliquer / “That might be #Christmas for me…”/ ***WELCOME BACK TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST!!!*** / “It’s mighty but powerful…but miniature…”/ ***If you wanna skip the nonsense and go #straighttothemeat just go to #TheDocket or fast forward about 20 minutes…***/ #OlanMillsASMR / #thisepisodesbeeroftheepisode #PipeWorksBrewing #RudolphVsUnicorn #TheVerdict / “That’s gonna get you drunk…”/ “It came in a 2 pack…”/ You can find us on the #socialmedia at #instatits and #instavag and #facefuck and #youboobs at #metalnerderypodcast OR you can GIVE US A CALL AND LEAVE US A VOICEMAIL AT 980-666-8182!!! / #thevoicemailsegment #tripsix and #thesourceoftheyeah #DaleCarnegieASMR #KISSAvatars (“Tennessee? Or Dynasty?”) / #notjustbuttholes #onlyfans (“Metal Nerdery came up 12th…”) / #voicetotext / “I think that’s the proper way to say Dynasty…” / #KISSbootleg / “In this case, #KISS could go back to 1977…”/ “Watch this fucking thing…”/ “The entertainment industry is jumping the shark…” / “Why not? / “That’s some preparation for a phone call…” / You can email us at metalnerdery@gmail.com / #endlessyeahs / #alltheyeahs / “apparently, the darkest #MetallicaAlbum with #zeroyeahs is…”/ #yeahless / NOTE: Umm, that was on Kill ‘em All, bro… / #machomanrandysavageASMR
(14:00): “Did you guys like #theoutro of the last one?” / #ummmkay / “That was all you, brother…”/ #positiveenergy / “I gotta tell y’all a weird, supernatural, dreamish kinda thing…” / #pissingpostASMR / #Sleigher / #RussellsTShirtReflections / #dreamscapeASMR / “Were you jerkin’ off?”/ #notinpublic / “Like a cross between Tarantino and the kid who played John Connor in T2…”/ #insanelydescriptive #imsweatin / “I guess because I live the dream every day…” / #RussellsReflectionsASMR / “I’ve been watching gladiator films…”/ “A whole lotta gay…and lots of bush…”/ #markthetime / “Like in the arenas and coliseums?”/ #noteven / “If you like watching shirtless men kill each other…”/ “I kinda miss bush…it adds some mystery…”/ #greekmythologybush / “You were right the first time…” / #leavetheworldbehind / #easyfella / “Do you think it’s diet and consumption or good genes?”/ An email from #darrylswhammybar regarding #Exodus and #AnotherLessonInViolence / #dayjobhair / “What that dude said…” / Take a #getreadypill for #metalnerderypodcast in 2024
(24:58): #TheDocket / “It’s like a #christmaspresent to me…”/ METAL NERDERY PODCAST PRESENTS: VAN HALEN I / #tracklisting / The difference between the actual album tracking and what’s on the back of the album / #VanHalenConspiracyASMR / “Once you see that, you can’t unsee it…”/ “Oh I’ll put it in…” / #albumcondom / #debutalbum / “The #BlackSabbath of #shred …”/ #VanHalenRising #audiobookASMR / The downward trend in popularity of rock bands in the late 70’s / “In this book that I’m listening to…”/ The dawn of #disco and #newwave / Notable albums from 1978 / “Reggae is the exact opposite of thrash…”/ #upstrokes vs #downstrokes / “What’s that?”/ #multiplevocalcordsASMR / #TenYearsAfter I’M GOING HOME (“You can hear that influence a little bit…”) / #boogiewoogie / #Cactus PARCHMENT FARM (“Yeah, you can hear the shuffle…”) / #deepcutresearch and #KISStangentionalality / The #GeneSimmonsFromKISS connection to #VanHalen
(38:20): “You can’t go by that…” / #killeropener RUNNIN’ WITH THE DEVIL #creepycarhorns (“I’ll tell you all about it…”) / “That’s probably the simplest #EddieVanHalen solo in #VanHalenHistory …”/ #TedTempleman / #isolatedDLRvocals / #sexnoisesoundtrack / Track 2 needs no introduction… / ERUPTION (“None of those effects are post production…”) / “But wait…there’s more…”/ “That sounds like magic…”/ The tapping mastery of #EVH / “You okay over there?” / “This is #greatradio …”/ “EVH became THAT dude…”/ WHOA! / “THAT’s fucking great radio!” / #unclamped #unredacted #technicaldifficulties (“It fell out of the hole?”) / “Leave it in, dude…make it raw.”/ YOU REALLY GOT ME (originally done by #TheKinks and made into something completely unique by #VanHalen ) / #sorcerysteakummm / “That’s the name of our band…”/ When Ice Cream Man was ALWAYS on the radio…on #96Rock
(52:07): AIN’T TALKIN’ ‘BOUT LOVE (“The single strings sound so thick…”) / “If so then yes, if not then no…” / #coughmedicine / #lingering / “I’m due for the 2nd vacuuming of the year…”/ #sideonecloser I’M THE ONE / “The #DimebagDarrell of the 70’s…”/ Paycheck amounts per gig / Concerts in the 70’s / #krell (“That sounds like shampoo…or tooth polish (or hand sanitizer).”/ JAMIE’S CRYIN’ / “Is Jamie a dude…or a chick?” / “That dude’s got a vagina…”/ #favoriteVanHalentrack ATOMIC PUNK (“I always thought this would be a cool one to thrash up…”) / “Not a buh, a bomb…”/ “It was like a rackmount before rackmounts were rackmounts…”/ #innovativeinnovator / “You can’t say that word on airplanes…or at the TSA checkout…”/ “Don’t they just seem like elitist music pricks?” / “Who is he the boss of?”/ “It’ll get wormed…”/ #doingthecarlson
(1:04:25): FEEL YOUR LOVE TONIGHT / “I can’t wait to feel your VAG tonight…”/ Where there’s LOVE…it’s VAG. / #whycantthisbevag #LMAO / LITTLE DREAMER (“It’s got (sleazy 70’s) strip club vibes all over it…”) / “The #vagsupermix …” / ICE CREAM MAN (“Dedicate one to the ladies…”) / “Hold on, one more…” / “Seems kinda early for ice cream…”/ “How many different flavors do you have?” / #oneeyedbanana #misheardlyrics / ON FIRE #killercloser (“Sorta like Atomic Punk…heavier and darker.”) / “Good God, y’all…”/ “Let’s go get some coke and hookers…” / “That one sounds very different from the rest of them…”/ #tangentionalality / #fancyclothes / “They gotta be able to shake their steak-umm…”/ #trackingchanges relative to #thebackofthealbum / #TedTTTempleman / ***THANK YOU ALL FOR JOINING US!!!*** / #untilthenext / ***COME GET YOUR LAST MINUTE HOLIDAY SHOPPING DONE AT THE BUNKERPOON GIFT SHOPPE LOCATED AT metalnerdery.com/merch !!!*** / #outroreel #imsweatin
Thursday Dec 14, 2023
Thursday Dec 14, 2023
Thursday Dec 14, 2023
Relative to earlier ANTHRAX albums, PERSISTENCE OF TIME has a more aggro sound than any album before it. The darker mix and overall vibe represent a departure from their previous albums, with an infusion of S.O.D. along with more progressive sounding elements. Perhaps the most memorable things that stand out about this album in the persistence of ANTHRAX’s history are their appearance on “Married…With Children” and Christopher Walken’s keen production advice resulting in a generous helping of “more cowbell”.
We usually advise our listeners to jump ahead about 20 minutes or so to get to “the meat of the episode” but for this one you’re gonna wanna double that number, as this episode was longer (and perhaps even girthier) than usual. Prepare to learn “the difference between pink & purple” and find out “the new name for Valentine’s Day” (because ”the goat wasn’t enough”). “Keep a 12 of High Life on board”, discover the name of “the next Pantera album dedicated to algebra”, get ready to hear some “super slap bass” done with “steak-umm labes” and JOIN US as we time travel 33 years into the past to arrive at the dawn of the 90’s with ANTHRAX and PERSISTENCE OF TIME.
Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode
Leave us a Voicemail to be played on a future episode: 980-666-8182
Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – metalnerdery.com/merch
and kindly leave us a review and/or rating on the iTunes/Apple Podcasts - Spotify or your favorite Podcast app
Listen on iTunes, Spotify, Podbean, Google Podcasts or wherever you get your Podcasts.
Follow us on the Socials:
Facebook - Instagram - Twitter
Email: metalnerdery@gmail.com
Can’t be LOUD Enough Playlist on Spotify
Metal Nerdery Munchies on YouTube @metalnerderypodcast
ANTHRAX on the InterWebs: https://www.anthrax.com/
Show Notes:
(00:01): #lungbutter / “You know what’s gross…is it just me?” / “We were just talking about buttholes and #OnlyFans a little while ago…”/ #worstwoodyallenimpression / “Metal makes everything better…”/ “This should go well with this as well…”/ ***WARNING: #listenerdiscretionisadvised ***/ “I think I’ve found my holiday drink…” / #thisepisodesclinkyoftheepisode #StGeorge #NOLA #CoffeeLiqueur / ***WELCOME BACK TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST!!!*** / #thisepisodesbeeroftheepisode (“This is NOT #daydrinking …”) / ***To skip the nonsense and get #straighttothemeat of the episode, jump ahead about 40 minutes…***/ #DuClawBrewingCompany #SweetBabyJesus #ChocolatePeanutButterPorter (“This one’s gonna be thick…”) / “Hey man, you know what purple looks like?” / #RussellsReflectionsBeerEdition / “I kinda almost feel like that’s karma, dude…”/ “I don’t like that flavor unless it’s got #painkillers in it…”/ #RussellsReflectionsASMR / #downunder / “I didn’t realize that was about anal until much later…”/ PRIMUS – XANADU (as originally performed by #RUSH ) / “He’s not just a bass player!?” / “It’s Les but it’s not Les…It’s Les but with less Les…”/ #noteperfect / “I wanna hear him sing about honeydew…”/ #afarewelltokings
(14:41): ***IF YOU WANNA GIVE US A CALL AND LEAVE US A VOICEMAIL YOU CAN DO SO AT 980-666-8182!!!*** / #superfist / #TheVoicemailSegment / #BobFromOhio #chocolatestarfish #ahorseseyewinking (“Bunkerpoon must be amazing…I get good vibes from it.”) / #legalizedrelaxers (“That’s like a midwestern butthole…”) / “It kinda does…”/ #WHOA / #sidetittat (“Like a #steakumm that wasn’t quite done…”) / #titvag #antibutthole / #pissingpostASMR / “Was it Christmas or Boxing Day?” / #ChristmasEve / “People used to live 900 years and had babies in their 90’s…”/ #paganrapeday (“There’s a chance…”) / #Lupercalia (“The goat wasn’t enough…”) / “Let’s just call #ValentinesDay #FuckDay …”/ #DariusASMR #CollegeFootballWager #keepitthrashy / #tangentional / “Gimme a high tentacle…”/ #honorablemention #MauiWowieASMR (“The smell of that room…”) / “What’s the difference between pink and purple?” / #onelinerASMR #nymphysema / #burntrubber / “Usually it breaks first…”/ “Isn’t it sad what age does?”/ “Is it for all dudes?” / “It’s for hims and theys…”/ “Hims is for Dudes…”/ #Keeps / #HatsOffToHims / “I feel like I scare girls when I come…”/ “We went Squatch hunting…”/ #hugepubes (“I squatched over the weekend…”) / “It’s not just for buttholes anymore…” / #whateverthefuckingfuckdotcom / “Put us on their first…”/ “It gets more ludicrous as we go…”/ “I wanna see Russell as a TV preacher…”/ “It’s not usually a recommended part…of the diet.”/ The common denominator among #cultleaders / “You had me at the dressing and turkey…”/ “No it wasn’t a stinkbug…” / “It was when the smell hit me and suddenly I could taste it…”/ “You got any beer?”
(36:30): A recommendation from Darius…/ #AchooASMR (“One more…they always come in threes…”) / #Chaunch / #WarCurse SHADOW GODS (“You wear panties dude?”) / “That’s a changeup…” / ASYLUM (feat. Glen Alvelais, formerly of #Forbidden ) / #dudeband / “Does that make her better?” / “If she could do slap bass with her…steak umms?” / “Probably bots…”/ “I did that to my marriage too…”/ “They do stop growing…”/ “You’ve NEVER thought about that?” / #RedWhiteAndBlue / #TheDocket - METAL NERDERY PODCAST PRESENTS: ANTHRAX – PERSISTENCE OF TIME / #HeadbangersBallTour / “They got the bronze…”/ #futureepisodeASMR / #deathmatchASMR / “It’s supposed to be #notfair …”/ Summer of 1990 (Released 08/21/1990) / “This is kinda their South of Heaven…it’s darker and more aggro…”/ #AllisonAnthrax / “It’s later…” / “Remember ‘Steppin’ Out’ in the 80’s?” / TIME (“Listen to this with headphones…”) / “Totally different than State of Euphoria…”/ “There’s no lack of bottom…”/ “Okay, I’ve got a question…”/ #toomuchbutt #superbutts (“I don’t got enough meat to get around the cheeks…”) / BLOOD (“The mix is darker…”) / #BrotherRon / “Is that stealing…in comedy?” / “Does he do drums AND comedy at the same time?”
(1:00:41): “It’s the heaviest song…” / #nocokelines / “It’s the darkhorse…”/ KEEP IT IN THE FAMILY #balls (“A little S.O.D. mosh feel to that…”) / “Thanks Ed for the inspiration…”/ “Kinda has a Sabbath feel to it…”/ “Before they were…setting pubes on fire.” / #chicksdigit / IN MY WORLD (Remember when #Anthrax was on #MarriedWithChildren ?) / “That’s the sound I want…”/ “I kept gettin’…”/ “I never really had a sophomore year…”/ #summerschool and #dumbness / “When have you ever used algebra in your life?” / #thenextpanteraalbum / “Solve for X…”/ “How does math have letters and shapes in it?”/ “I can’t help you…”/ “Math has numbers in it…when you have shapes and letters and sentences…it’s a logic problem.”/ #SouthParkASMR / #bluecollar vs #whitecollar (“Nobody knows how to do shit anymore…”) / “The word is #tradeschools kids…” / #magicalpieceofpaper / #pursueyourpassion / “This is the next level of education…”
(1:15:58): GRIDLOCK (“It’s a long time coming…”) / “I’ll bring you a pack of crackers…”/ “That’s almost as good as #alltheveins …”/ Side 2 (on #cassette) / INTRO TO REALITY / “I saw a picture the other day of Dan Spitz and Chris Holmes…”/ #ASMRASMR #WhisperFightASMR #ThatsWhatYouDoASMR #WTFIsGoingOnASMR (“Alex!”) / BELLY OF THE BEAST / “Unpopular opinion…”/ “It was their #BlackAlbum …”/ GOT THE TIME (Their version and the #JoeJackson version) / “That’s way more punk than Steppin’ Out…”/ “Do you ever feel weird for listening to pop songs?” / #newwave / “You know how much of a dumb ding-dong doofus I am?” / “Sounds like a sea shell song about a prostitute down by the beach…”/ H8 RED (“This could have almost been on State of Euphoria…”) / #RussellsReflectionsAnthraxEdition / The clean vocals and the #powermetal vs #thrashmetal argument / “We’re so stupid…/ ONE MAN STANDS (“Sounds like they’re hitting a piano string…hard.”) / “For the record…”/ “I was about to hit play and I decided not to…”/ Songs with hooks relative to other Anthrax albums and metal in general / #unpopularopinion (“Hook equals pop”) #hookermusic (“It…pulls you in…and forces you inside.”) #hookycatchy (“Technically they are…”) / #ballgame / DISCHARGE (“There’s some light hooky moments…) / “I get the whole point of the grab…”/ “You want a hook that looks like a U, not a J…” / #sportsrelated / “I feel like you’ve done that…”/ #funfact #redflag (“She was hot too…”) / “We’re never gonna get any female listeners…”/ #adultentertainment / “I mean…I gotta pee.”/ #untilthenext ***GO GET YOURSELF A #METALNERDERYPODCAST HOODIE FOR CHRISTMAS FROM METALNERDERY.COM/MERCH !!!*** / #BunkerpoonGiftIdeas / #outroreel #uhhhkay