Thursday Jun 27, 2024
Thursday Jun 27, 2024
Thursday Jun 27, 2024
May 3, 1988, may just be the biggest, red-letter, landmark date in all of progressive metal, as it marks the release of QUEENSRYCHE’s 3rd studio album OPERATION: MINDCRIME, one of the finest concept albums in all of metal. It’s very much a “Pink Floyd meets heavy metal” style and vibe, and is quite a departure from their two previous albums (The Warning & Rage For Order), with a very “in your face” mix, some power metal overtones, and perhaps the most aggressive bass sound on a metal album EVER, which is weirdly ironic considering that QUEENSRYCHE was the weirdest opening band choice to open for the biggest thrash metal band on the planet (at the time) who had just released an album that, conversely, had the most absent bass sound on a metal album EVER. (Sometimes life is just way too weird…)
Remember that $25 was a small price to pay in 1988 to become “a happy man” even though “only YOU can make YOU happy” (because “you rent ‘em, you don’t buy ‘em”). Prepare to find out the answer to “which would be worse?”, discover where to go for any “gift ideas”, learn the identify of Matt’s doppelganger and hear about Russell’s “Mr. Miyagi moment”, including the resulting “truck trim” prior to making his transition from guitar player to bass player. Remember that “any band who mentions two thrash references on one album can’t be all that bad”, go get yourself a summer “skinjob” and JOIN US as we dive into one of the most world-renowned rock operas in all of metal with OPERATION: MINDCRIME.
Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode
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Leave us a Voicemail to be played on a future episode: 980-666-8182
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Show Notes:
(00:01): “I had another dream…” / #RodStewart #Roxanne #SteveMartin #Dicknose #Cocknose / “Wasn’t there a movie with #DanAkroyd?” / #bigdicknose (“Was that what it was?”) / “Now you’re just reaching…”/ #controlF / “Maybe he gives good nasal…”/ #penisnose #dicknoseish / “Is it more noble to be a grower or a shower?” / #transformers / “What if girls’ tits were like that?” / “She’s gonna have back trouble…”/ #Cumbersome / ***WARNING: #listenerdiscretionisadvised *** / #MrBlack #blessing / ***WELCOME BACK TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST!!!*** / #anathesia #canyons / “Why am I always sucking things?” / “Don’t skip…”/ #beatupbuick / #Napster #spoof #Metalacoloypse #ItsHuge #Dethklok / “I’m surprised you don’t own all the DVD’s just for that…”/ #watchparty / #thisepisodesbeeroftheepisode #ASMR #NewRealmBrewingCompany #Kickflipper #IPA / “It’s gotta dolphin…”/ “What’s up with the knees on that dolphin?” / #sevenpointzeroABV / #theverdict “Not bad…a little green…”/ “I hope he’s alright and I hope he also heard the #DeathMatch …” / #DariusImpressionASMR / “Is it manifest or manifestated?” / #PatreonShoutout / “He’s the #OGP #OriginalPatreon …”/ #samething / #makemeyours (“I mean, a while back…”) / “Dude you rent ‘em you don’t buy ‘em…”/ #financee / #thedatinggame / “They just stay until they find a new dick that’s interesting…”/ “What if the woman’s husband is kind of a douche?” / #bangaway / “If she needs a cock to cry on…”/ “I don’t wanna be a #homewrecker …”/ “Is it?” / #onlyyoucanmakeyouhappy / “I guess that’s what happens…”/ “Is it athlete or athalete?” / “Those girls know how to fuck…”
(17:17): “What’s the #Tarentino movie with the vampires?” / #FromDuskTilDawn / #RussellsReflectionsASMR #TheGentleman (“A show based on the movie…”) / “Who would you get to play you?” / #pigvomit (“He’d play me…”) / #JasonStathamASMR / #JackBlackASMR / “Did you take your drugs today?” / “He’s one of my favorite human beings…he will always make me laugh.”/ #pickleball #dipshot #notarealsport / #fitasafiddle / “It’s called #doublestandards dude and women do that ALL the time!”
(23:23): #TheDocket METAL NERDERY PODCAST PRESENTS: QUEENSRYCHE – OPERATION: MINDCRIME / ***Check out our #Knotfest episode which includes a brief #ProgMetal section…*** / #conceptalbum / “What kind of metal is it?” / “That was such a weird match up…” / #Metallica #AJFA tour / “Wouldn’t that be like having #PigDestroyer opening up for #DreamTheater?” / “This was really before the #DreamTheater …”/ “What was the #PinkFloyd song they did?” / Released May 3rd, 1988 / #handmedowncar / “Back then you took whatever #handmedown you got…”/ #autoreversetapedeck / “I know you got a LOT of pussy because of that truck…”/ #RussellsReflectionsASMR #TruckEdition #MattsDoppelganger #GeeoffTaint / “It only had like 30,000 miles on it…”/ #MrMiyagiMoment / #trucktrim / “I used to be kinda jealous a little bit…”/ “I knew it wasn’t your guitar playing…this was before you transitioned…”/ “God, they don’t let you do anything…”/ #bassplayerhateASMR
(32:37): The synopsis and plot line of #OperationMindcrime / #UltraMK or #MKUltra / I REMEMBER NOW (“Is this the United States calling, are we reaching?”) / “Is that #morphine?” / “Sweet dreams…you bastard.”/ ANARCHY-X (“The mix is very in-your-face…”) / REVOLUTION CALLING (“It’s calling right now…to you…”) / #yeahyeah / #youreadick / OPERATION: MINDCRIME #screamfromtheballs (“That bass is aggressive as fuck…”) / #skinjob / “Bill’s got a skinjob…”/ SPEAK #speakfromtheballs #powermetal #DeathAngel / “See, how do you like that?” / #Queensryche with #Anthrax and #DeathAngel references / SPREADING THE DISEASE / “25 bucks a fuck and John’s a happy man, she wipes the filth away and it’s back on the streets again…”/ “With inflation, that’s about $8,000 today?” / “Everybody could do #Reagan …”/ #speakfromthetits
(43:53): THE MISSION (“Sounds like #JamesBond shit right there…”) / “It does have a #Floydian kinda vibe to it…”/ “It would almost sound like #Maiden …”/ NOTE: See also #OperationMindcrimeII with #RJD / “I’ll fix it in post…”/ SUITE SISTER MARY #epicprogmetal #creepyvibes #atmospheric #eerieASMR #KingDiamondASMR / “Why does he sound #NotAmerican?” / “Who’s the woman?” / #PamelaMoore / “I love this part…”/ NOTE: I wonder what is being sung in #Latin in the background?
(51:34): “Apparently there is a name of a vodka and/or bourbon called #FightingCock …”/ #OneFootLong / THE NEEDLE LIES (“You can’t walk away now…”) / “that shit must be really good…”/ “Which is more addicting: meth or heroin?” / #allegedly / “I’ve got more boner fantasies with pain pills than pussy…”/ “This is almost as good as the #hogstory …”/ #cocaineandviagra / #giftideas / “I just like the word…” / ELECTRIC REQUIEM / “Here’s my only beef…”/ “It’s also fun to be able to skip it…”/ “It’s a cool thing that the band you like did…”/ BREAKING THE SILENCE / “He’s doing a higher harmony over that harmony…” / #guitarsound (“As a #bassplayer who used to identify as a #guitarplayer…”/ “It’s not delivery, it’s #DeGarmo …”/ #aunch / #snortfromtheballs / I DON’T BELIEVE IN LOVE / “Is this on #Footloose?” / “Geeoff Taint is his own #barbershopquartet …”
(1:05:36): “Can we do #KISS #AliveII?” / WAITING FOR 22 (“Definitely has #Floyd vibes for sure…”) / MY EMPTY ROOM #markthetime (“that sounds like an empty room, doesn’t it?”) / #ShutTheFuckUp #STFU / EYES OF A STRANGER (“It’s very 80’s…THIS was on #Footloose…”) / “Why am I here? And for how long?” / #REVOLUTION (“I remember now…”) / #usethoseheadphones / “Yeah maybe not, I don’t know…”/ “Which would be worse…”/ #KISSwouldbeworse / “Is it fair to say…?”/ #toopretty / #majestical / #futureepisodeidea / “People that hate metal like #Metallica …”/ “Oh that’s coming…”/ ***COME ON DOWN TO THE #METALNERDERYPODCAST UNDERGROUND BUNKERPOON GIFT SHOPPE AT metalnerdery.com/merch TO PICK UP YOUR #METALNERDERYMERCH !!!*** / #outroreel
Thursday Jun 20, 2024
Thursday Jun 20, 2024
Thursday Jun 20, 2024
AC/DC’s follow-up to Back In Black, 1981’s FOR THOSE ABOUT TO ROCK (WE SALUTE YOU), seems to have a heavier, darker, and doomier vibe than its legendary, multi-platinum predecessor. FTATR (WSY) is all about dynamics, as Robert John “Mutt” Lange’s production masterfully blends the sounds of Highway To Hell & Back In Black with just a touch of the old school Bon era, resulting in an album that’s louder, crispier, crunchier, and overall, pure FIRE! (Not to mention, it’s got frickin’ cannons on it!). And similarly, as with Back In Black, there is almost an interchangeable quality to it, as you could just as easily listen to Side 2 first and then listen to Side 1 (though, to be fair, Side 2 might actually be better than Side 1).
Always remember that there’s no such thing as “fat vampires” and “you can’t change your name once people are used to calling you what they’re used to calling you”. Get ready to do some “binge listening”, try to avoid doing “all that weird flippity stuff”, be sure to “have a nice June” while you’re “rubbing the canyon” and JOIN US as we dive into what may just be the finest album of the Brian Johnson era of AC/DC with FOR THOSE ABOUT TO ROCK (WE SALUTE YOU).
Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode
Help Support Metal Nerdery https://www.patreon.com/metalnerderypodcast
Leave us a Voicemail to be played on a future episode: 980-666-8182
Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – metalnerdery.com/merch
and kindly leave us a review and/or rating on the iTunes/Apple Podcasts - Spotify or your favorite Podcast app
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Email: metalnerdery@gmail.com
Can’t be LOUD Enough Playlist on Spotify
Metal Nerdery Munchies on YouTube @metalnerderypodcast
Show Notes:
(00:01): “Have you ever noticed that there are no fat vampires?” / “Tyko YTT?” / “I feel like you’re just making up words, now…”/ #fatbats / “There’s a movie…and then he made a show…”/ #energyvampire #STFU #whatisprobrem? / ***WARNING: #listenerdiscretionisadvised ***/ “That was in stereo…”/ ***WELCOME BACK TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST!!!*** / #thisepisodescideroftheepisode #Blakes #BerryCider #glutenfree / “That sounded wet…”/ ***IF YOU WANNA SKIP THE NONSENSE, GO TO #THEDOCKET *** / “That’s what everybody does…”/ #RussellsReflectionsASMR #Lollapalooza #allegedly #No #uhhhkay (“So bands nobody really cares about…”) / “And then it basically turned into #Ozzfest …”/ #TheGodfathersOfHardCore / “Did you lift weights after?” #BillsDill
(11:00): #PatreonShoutOuts (“I hope he does…”) / ***Go to patreon.com/metalnerderypodcast to join us there!*** / “Back to the show…”/ #correspondence If you wanna leave us a voicemail give us a call at 980-666-8182 OR you can email us at metalnerdery@gmail.com AND/OR hit us up on the #socials at #Instagram and #Facebook and #YouTube at #metalnerderypodcast / “Is that better?” / “As a matter of fuckin’ fact…”/ #bingelistening / “I think that’s how Rogan has so many episodes…”/ “I told you I bought some more #GameStopStocks …”/ #smoothbrain (“Are you smoothbrain?”) / “He was watching the #Hedgies …”/ #markthetime #memelingo / “He’s causing what’s called a squeeze…”/ “What is he doing different from…#membersofcongress ???” / “I took the week off…here’s where I get a little irked…”/ #thelist #vengefuck #toldya / “He’s not sure what he wants to be called…” / “If somebody’s used to calling you what they’ve called you forever and ever, it’s gonna take a minute to get used to that change…” / “You were talking about #comedy and I remembered something…”/ “If you fall asleep during a comedy show…that’s terrible.”/ #HailToTheMightyMixon
(25:55): #TheDocket METAL NERDERY PODCAST PRESENTS: AC/DC – FOR THOSE ABOUT TO ROCK (WE SALUTE YOU) / #slathering (“Rubbing the canyon?”) #cannon / #YasssQueen / #ByeFelicia #HaveANiceJune / “There’s something about the first three (#ACDC albums) with #BrianJohnson …”/ “I never owned this one…”/ “On you…or in you…”/ Released November 20, 1981 / “This is still #classicrock I guess…”/ #premetal #killeropener (“I think that’s what it’s called when a girl squirts…”) / “So many people know that dude…”/ #sixdegreesofseparation / #Everclear #NoReaction #TikTokASMR / #DDayMemorial #PresidentPoopyPants #Babysitter / FOR THOSE ABOUT TO ROCK (WE SALUTE YOU) / “I think it’s mixed louder…” / “We gotta get up to where the #canyons go off…”/ #FIRE #Woe / “That’s #heavymetal …”/ #BackInBlackPlus / PUT THE FINGER ON YOU (or IN you?) / “That scene’s gotta have boobs in it…when did #FastTimes come out?” #CameronCrowe (“No relation to Russell?”)
(43:47): “The next one got all kinds of radio play on #96Rock in the daytime and the nighttime…”/ #boners LET’S GET IT UP / “We might have to go #HeadToHead one day…”/ “Almost sounds like #DefLeppard …”/ “Didn’t #MuttLange produce #Pyromania?”/ The heaviest one thus far…/ “It’s kinda like cutting cakes with knives…now I get it.” / INJECT THE VENOM (“No mercy for the bad if they want it…no mercy for the bad if they plead…”) / “Almost sounds like a different guitar…”/ #readthoselyrics / “I never used to know what that meant…”/ SNOWBALLED / “Angus’ pick slides always had an #eviler vibe…”
(54:13): #killeropener #SideTwo EVIL WALKS (“I sometimes wonder where you park your broom, heh-heh…”) / “That seems like perfect strip club music, does it not?” / “Still gets me every time…”/ #InTheEventIGoMissing #BidensBowelBlunder #BidenomicsASMR (“As the stench of #Bidenomics fills the air…”) #DrEvil #cropdusting #chode / “You have to see the video…”/ C.O.D. (“I might even like Side 2 better than Side 1…”) / “The tone on this one seems different…”/ “We’re gonna have to go #HeadToHead on that one…”/ BREAKING THE RULES (“Those regulation fools with their regulation rules…”) / “I think I figured it out, guitar wise…Highway To Hell’s guitar tone and Back In Black’s production…”/ “It’s like Flemming Rasmussen with #Metallica …not to go off on a tangent…but here’s what bothered me about it (…AJFA) / “She’s still pretty hot…and #Canadian / #mapleleafflaps / “She don’t listen…”/ NIGHT OF THE LONG KNIVES #TheNaziPurge (June 30, 1934)/ #DrFeelgood (“It’s more #MotleyCrue than #Poison …”) / “That was back before the internet…”/ #OperationHummingbird / “Who’s your Judas? You don’t know…”/ #killercloser SPELLBOUND (“It’s a darker mood than Back In Black…”) / “I got my hands in the fire…”/ “This one does have a doomier vibe to it…”/ “Like he said…”/ “Favorite song(s) on the album?”/ “Was it…? What about…?” / “Which one is the You Shook Me All Night Long on this album?” / “Have y’all ever had a dream that you could…?” / “Technically…it’s not attached.”/ “If we’re sewn together…that’s still not attached…”/ #blackdog / ***THANK YOU FOR JOINING US!!!*** #patreonexclusive / “If you can do all that weird flippity stuff…”/ ***COME ON DOWN TO THE BUNKERPOON GIFT SHOPPE AND GET YOUR #METALNERDERYPODCAST MERCH AT metalnerdery.com/merch ***
Thursday Jun 13, 2024
Thursday Jun 13, 2024
Thursday Jun 13, 2024
We’ve already tackled Side One of our ’86 HEAD-TO-HEAD DEATH MATCH featuring MOP & RIB (“Puppets & Blood”), and now it’s time to go through Side Two in order to reach our final verdict. As usual, there were difficult decisions to be made, and the deliberation was not easy, but we did it, and the only thing we can really say that will make any sense at all is that it’s really hard to compare two such incomparable albums that are as equally incredible yet vastly unique as tacos and spaghetti.
Get ready to find out how “left-handed guitar picks” can impact your playing and discover the mythical metal legend known as “Ozzy Dio”. It’s time to learn which song is “Slayer’s Enter Sandman” and become more familiarized with some of the more commonly used “country sayings” in the South that may or may not also apply to “fruit flies”. In short, “don’t be a fricker” and JOIN US for the nail-biting conclusion to our ’86 DEATH MATCH featuring Side Two of MASTER OF PUPPETS & REIGN IN BLOOD.
Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode
Help Support Metal Nerdery https://www.patreon.com/metalnerderypodcast
Leave us a Voicemail to be played on a future episode: 980-666-8182
Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – metalnerdery.com/merch
and kindly leave us a review and/or rating on the iTunes/Apple Podcasts - Spotify or your favorite Podcast app
Listen on iTunes, Spotify, Podbean, or wherever you get your Podcasts.
Follow us on the Socials:
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Email: metalnerdery@gmail.com
Can’t be LOUD Enough Playlist on Spotify
Metal Nerdery Munchies on YouTube @metalnerderypodcast
More METALLICA Episodes: https://www.metalnerdery.com/metallica
More SLAYER Episodes https://www.metalnerdery.com/slayer
Show Notes:
(00:01): “This one, and that one, and those ones…”/ “We found one that looked just like yours…”/ #theanswerisno / “That’s coming from a bass player…”/ “It’s the best…”/ “They’re like THAT long…”/ “At least you can admit it, bro…”/ ***And the moral of this episode is NEVER get rid of your music gear!!!***/ “We used it in the studio…where #BlackSabbath recorded #SeventhStar in #AtlantaGeorgia …”/ #thimbleblessings / “I did come a little bit…I feel like you’re reaching now, bruh…”/ “Whatever…I was gulping his #ghostfarts …”/ #youwin / “It’s not even the same dude…”/ ***WARNING: #listenerdiscretionisadvised ***/ “My favorite part of that is ‘exhausting’…”/ ***WELCOME BACK TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST!!!*** / #happyfifthanniversary / “Part one was kind of a nail biter…”/ #boxingsoccerhockey (“Those are sports you can tie in…because they’re not real sports.”) / #lefthandedguitarpicks / “I make the notes with my left hand…”/ “He gets ALL the poon…”
(09:43): Check us out on the #socialmedia at #Instagram and #Facebook and #YouTube at #metalnerderypodcast or send us an email at metalnerdery@gmail.com or GIVE US A CALL AND LEAVE US A VOICEMAIL AT 980-666-8182!!! / #voicemailsegment #PissingPost / “I’ve got a story for that one…”/ “Now how did she know?” / #chuggindugans / “That’s not too young…”/ “It made as much of a difference as…’oh, he likes guacamole on his nachos…’” / “Have you guys seen the movie #Rockstar?” / #SteelDragon / “You would say that…”/ “She must have tucked well…”/ “Here’s what bothers me MORE than someone’s sexuality…”/ “Sometimes you have to reconcile what you hate about someone you love…”
(17:33): #PatreonShoutOut / “Dude, I wanna go to #Australia…where everything wants to kill you.”/ “Who would win between a kangaroo and a crocodile in Australia?” / “It just takes one…”/ #SabbathDio #OzzyDio #idontfeelverygood / #Doomsicle #fuckyeahversion ALBATROSS #COC #Deliverance #CorrosionOfConformity #cover (“It sounds meaty…”) / “My arm was all palsied up…”/ “As in ice cream not like a scythe…” / #BlindDogBilliam #BlindDogMalmsteen / “The cool thing about #Pantera …”/ #ScottIan #audiobook (“They’re just books for blind people…”) / “He’s got the pipes…”/ #MrBunghole (#MrBungle) / “While he’s looking that up, this is #tangentional…”/ #alltheholes / LOSS OF CONTROL / “Here’s another #tangentional…”/ #WASP & #ArmoredSaint / “Were they the ones in the #loincloths back in the day?” / #SymbolOfSalvation / “They sounded just like how they did back in the day…”/ #homelessAIDS #NewMasquerade / #Possessed vs #Obsessed
(31:41): #TheDocket METAL NERDERY PRESENTS THE FABULOUS CONCLUSION OF THE 1986 HEAD-TO-HEAD DEATH MATCH!!! M.O.P. & R.I.B. (Puppets & Blood) / “It’s almost like 2112…”/ “It’s an opera…it all goes together…”/ #Metallicalations / #SideTwo / “There’s no way side two could be better…that whole album is a builder…”/ #tobefair / “Leper Messiah is the Reborn of #MasterOfPuppets …”/ #markthetime #youreadick / DISPOSABLE HEROES #markthetime (“They make Lars sound good…”) / “He wasn’t using it…”/ #onmicburp / “Again with the fullness…”/ “Almost has a #RandyRhoads vibe…” / #victorymetal / “A side one ending and a side two beginning…”/ #eighttrackflashback / CRIMINALLY INSANE / And now, the voting for the #killeropener for #sidetwo / #draw #uhhhkay / “Fucking #markthetime …”/ “Over the years, I’ve grown to like it more with time…”
(47:17): “It doesn’t classify as thrash…” / “I need to use one for like 40 seconds…”/ LEPER MESSIAH / “It’s got a lotta #djunts in it, for sure…” / “We gotta jump ahead to that faster part in the middle…it’s like a completely different song…”/ #weedlywoos / “His solos always had a bluesy component…”/ “Don’t be a #fricker …”/ REBORN / “I’ve got a shocker…”/ “It’s like a 6.5 or 7 in a room full of 10’s…”/ “If I find that, I’ll marry it…”/ “It’s kinda weird to pay a prostitute to do that…”/ “It’s the Escape of Master of Puppets…”/ “It’s similar…you know the drill…you weren’t trained…” / #boop / “In China they just call them food restaurants…”/ #seriously #wordsalad
(57:14): “This one’s gonna be difficult…” / ORION / “You didn’t know that was bass?” / #kungfumetal / “That was back before Lars started chewing gum…”/ “Sounds like it should be in a movie…”/ #JamesHetfieldGuitarSolo / “Think #Powerslave era…”/ #thisisnotontheboat / “That’s the sound of weed…”/ “That’s what #Slayer doesn’t have…”/ “Do they even have an instrumental?”/ EPIDEMIC / “I love the part right after the solo…”/ “I listened to that every day we were trying to #FlattenTheHerd …”/ “Once you get fixed…the gravy’s got no giblets in it…it’s like a broth…”/ #upcloseprettyfront / “They’re nothing alike…”/ “Because you’re a guitar player…”/ “He might be differently acclimated…”/ “The bouncing ball is to you, sir…”/ #markthetime
(1:09:26): “When we deliberate, this is gonna take forever…”/ #killercloser / DAMAGE INC. / “Seeing a vag doctor, are ya?” / #dilated / “Never gets old…ever.”/ “We’ve gotta hear that middle section…YEAH!” / “The power of the right hand right there…”/ “Fuck it all and fucking no regrets…”/ “This is gonna be exhausting and offputting…” / POSTMORTEM (“Slayer personified…”) / “It’s ‘frankly, tiresome’…”/ #SlayerShuffle / RAINING BLOOD / “Awaiting the hour of reprisal, your time slips away…”/ “You’ve gotta let it get to the thunderclap…”/ “Now the most evil guitar solos in the history of all of metal…”/ “You can almost hear the bell…”/ “I have a feeling I already know how this is gonna go…”/ #markthetime / “It’s Slayer’s Enter Sandman…”/ “Let’s tally it up here…”/ #cricketsASMR / #whatisprobrem? / #TheVerdict / “4 draws, 18, and 17…”/ “They’re like tacos and spaghetti…”/ #ReignInPuppets #MasterOfBlood / “I think the other one was too…”/ #countrysayings / “It’s hard to grab the legs…” / #LMAO / ***THANK YOU FOR JOINING US FOR OUR 5TH ANNIVERSARY, HEAD-TO-HEAD- DEATH MATCH SPECTACULAR!!!*** / #outroreel / ***BE SURE TO COME DOWN TO THE BUNKERPOON GIFT SHOPPE AND PICK UP YOUR METAL NERDERY GEAR AT metalnerdery.com/merch ***/ #outroreelreprise
Thursday Jun 06, 2024
Thursday Jun 06, 2024
Thursday Jun 06, 2024
For those who haven’t been following the bouncing ball(s), we’ve been discussing the ’86 DEATH MATCH since we did our ’88 Death Match a few episodes back (which was a complete bloodbath all on its own!) so we decided “What better way to commemorate our 5th anniversary as ‘The Number 2 Podcast Ever’ (behind Rogan) than to pit the two finest albums in the totality of thrash metal history against each other…to the death!?”
If you thought our ’88 Death Match between …And Justice For All and South Of Heaven was brutal, you’d better take a “get ready pill”, because you ain’t seen nothing yet. As with each matchup in our HEAD-TO-HEAD DEATH MATCH series, the stakes are raised ever higher & the carnage escalates exponentially, and our ’86 HEAD-TO-HEAD DEATH MATCH featuring Metallica’s MASTER OF PUPPETS and Slayer’s REIGN IN BLOOD is undoubtedly no exception. This was certainly not an easy task. In truth, it was quite “hard…rigid…difficult…” and given the sheer enormity of the task at hand, it was also downright “girthy”. From the most unbelievably legendary album openers (and closers) to the most haunting album art of any albums in thrash history, one thing remains clear with both of these ferocious audio offerings: “the bar is set”.
Get ready to “mark ALL the times” and remember, even though this episode might be a tough pill to take for some, whatever you do, “don’t spit it out, just swallow it”. Prepare to “flatten the herd” and brace yourself for “moments of assholism” as we discuss “an eternal force that goes on forever” when you JOIN US for a day of celebration as we commemorate 5 years of Metal Nerdery madness with some “special guesteses” in The Bunkerpoon and go deep inside the octagon with our 1986 HEAD-TO-HEAD DEATH MATCH featuring “the most powerfully majestic” metal of MASTER OF PUPPETS and the “Picasso devil” infused, thrash evilocity of REIGN IN BLOOD.
Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode
Help Support Metal Nerdery https://www.patreon.com/metalnerderypodcast
Leave us a Voicemail to be played on a future episode: 980-666-8182
Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – metalnerdery.com/merch
and kindly leave us a review and/or rating on the iTunes/Apple Podcasts - Spotify or your favorite Podcast app
Listen on iTunes, Spotify, Podbean, or wherever you get your Podcasts.
Follow us on the Socials:
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Email: metalnerdery@gmail.com
Can’t be LOUD Enough Playlist on Spotify
Metal Nerdery Munchies on YouTube @metalnerderypodcast
METALLICA on the InterWebs: https://www.metallica.com/
SLAYER on the InterWebs: https://www.slayer.net/
Show Notes:
(00:01): “We’ve got…” / “This is a #celebrationday fellas…” / #fiveyearanniversary of #metalnerderypodcast / “There’s a reason you got an invite…”/ “You’re supposed to save ‘em…”/ “This episode will air on 6/6/24…”/ #specialguesteses / “Am I supposed to hear myself in this?”/ “Which one’s bigger?” / #itsdefinitelynotyours / #growershower / “It’s the same…”/ #markthetime / ***WARNING: #listenerdiscretionisadvised ***/ “It’s so awesome…it’s weird, right?” / “It’s where the power comes from dude…”/ ***WELCOME BACK TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST, FIFTH ANNIVERSARY EDITION!!!*** / #pipes / “I’m usually the #deepvoiceguy …” / #markthetime / #BarryWhiteASMR / “I’ve got your #bigness buddy…”/ “You have allergies?” / #tangentional / “that’s a much better, superior word…”/ “Your usage was spot on…”/ #fromthetits / #thisepisodesbeeroftheepisode / “Went simple today…” / #RedStripe #fourpointsevenABV / “Are they like the #Budweiser of #Jamaica you think?” / “They’re selling #pastis on the beach, mon…”/ #twentyyearsago
(6:01): “You can hit us up on the socials…” / ***IF YOU WANNA SKIP TO #THEDOCKET YOU TOTALLY CAN…***/ “Drop acid…foreplay…” / #instavag #instatits #instagram #instagood #facebook #youboobs #youtube / “The definition of a #zaddy …” / “The thimbles were smokin’…”/ “We’re sponsored…sorta…kinda…”/ #Manscaped / “I’m a simple man…”/ #VoicemailSegment ***GIVE US A CALL AND LEAVE US A VOICEMAIL AT 980-666-8182!!!*** / #BobFromOhio #MarkTheCalendar / “I will buy you drinks if you’re there…”/ #GodBlessYouBob / “It’s October…”/ “Remember when we saw #Prong …with #FlotsamAndJetsam ?” / “I saw an #ActusReus video that I haven’t seen yet…”/ “It’s our only #BehindTheMetal …”/ ACTUS REUS #thenextgeneration #extrasack / “We would have killed to have production like that…”/ “The music does not match the video…”/ “They were hilarious when they were here…” / #postBlackAlbum #postPuppetsHuge / “I feel like you’re saying that with a little too much pride, dude…”/ “#Nickelback is fucking good, dude…” / #nickelnight / “Let me see your nickels…”/ #AnimalFarm was so good…/ “Is that an Indian guy?” / #SkinDeep / #KennyLoggins (“Who wrote more movie songs than Kenny Loggins?”) / #uncorking / NOTE: that was #LindseyBuckingham / #nevermind / “I’m curious here…”/ #secondclinky / “If we’re gonna be curious…get ready to mark ALL the times…”/ “Remember when #thepandemic hit and EVERYONE had a podcast?” / #flattentheherd or #flattenthecurve or #flattentheherve #clinkosaurus (“NO!”) / “Don’t spit it out just #swallowit …”/ “Doesn’t that mean you’re about to throw up?” / “Not yet…there’s a first time for everything…”/ #betweenmylegs / #mentalimage
(19:33): “I had a reflection earlier…” / #RussellsReflectionsASMR / “He hit all the notes…”/ #RockForce / “They played #UncleTomsCabin …”/ “They do that to artists, they turn them into whores…”/ “She’s got the pipes…” / #LzzyHale & #SkidRow / #flattenthecurve / “I’ve still got A-cups…” / #innie and the #outie / “See also weirdest compliment ever…”/ #Penisd / “I owe you an apology, sir…I talked all over your #MobRulesEpisode …”/ #brandspankle / #pregamed / #upcloseprettyfront / #youreadick / “It’s like a palette of food…some people love #mayonnaise and those people are wrong…”/ “that’s what mustard does…”/ #PatreonShoutouts / ***Be Sure to JOIN US on #ThePatreon at patreon.com/metalnerderypodcast ***/ “There’s a couple of comments in here…”/ You can email us at metalnerdery@gmail.com / #MOP and #RIB / “I don’t know what that means…(yeah you do?)” / “Did Russell turn Japanese on the #AriseEpisode ?” / #whatisprobrem
(27:02): “Whenever we do #Dokken it’ll be the #DokkenDocket …”/ #GeorgeLynchASMR / “Gives me goosebumps…” / “Before we get into #TheDocket I just have to ask one question…” / #pointedquestion / “Which band did you like playing bass in better?” / #nopressure / “Y’all were a more technical band…”/ “It has the thing because it was the first…”/ “It’s NOT because you were the shittiest guitar player…”/ #herewego / “That’s a good move…”/ “The knife’s not all the way in…”/ #bolth / “Your mic is hot as shit…his mic has #bigtits…”/ “Can you roll your R’s, dude?”/ #MarvinTheMarvin or #MarvinTheMartian / #TheDocketRevisited #tangentional / “It’s just impossible…”/ METAL NERDERY PODCAST PRESENTS… / “They were both considered #thrash in 1986…it’s gonna be tough…”/ “BTW we did do an ’88 #DeathMatch too…”/ “Since we’re here…”/ “I have moments of #assholism in my youth…”/ “We were in the #HUD …”/ “that’s where the hood is dude…”/ “Yes you are, sir…” / “Dude, they do #livepodcasts now…”/ #RockNPod / “We should probably try and go…”
(34:57): #TheDocket METAL NERDERY PODCAST (STILL) PRESENTS: 1986 HEAD-TO-HEAD DEATH MATCH FEATURING METALLICA’S MASTER OF PUPPETS AND SLAYER’S REIGN IN BLOOD!!! / #MOP and #RIB #Metallica and #Slayer #MasterOfPuppets and #ReignInBlood / “The ’88 #DeathMatch was a #squeaker …”/ “Song by song…ooooh…”/ #tobefair #illsaythis / “The most unbelievable #opener and the most unbelievable #closer in #thrashhistory …”/ #nofiller / “Which did you hear first?” / #Purpets / “It came out in March; the other one came out in October…”/ “I was into #Anthrax before I heard #Metallica OR #Slayer …”/ “we happy?” / “They were dude…according to Bill…”/ #TheGate (“Y’all never seen ‘The Gate’?”) / #easy / #kiddish / “that’s what a nerd looks like when they get head…”/ #autosuck / “that’s my orgasm look…”/ “It’s Lydia…”/ Album Cover comparison and analysis / “Looking at #ReignInBlood is almost terrifying…” / #picassodevil / “The first official-ish #SlayerLogo …”/ “It’s missing the bottom…unlike the #MetalNerderyLogo …”/ “there’s 2 spots where we can combine 2 songs…”/ “Maybe the last 2?”
(43:10): #powerfullymajestic / “That was powerful and majestic…”/ “Just for reference…” / “What’s up with the lack of #cokelines?” / “That’s just a #dickmove…”/ “See? You learn something new every day…” / BATTERY (“This is Metallica?”) / “I could feel the tension…listen to how pretty this is…”/ #ShelbyHun / #anthem / “the fastest right hand in metal…”/ “the middle section?”/ “Kirk Hammett at his best, right here…”/ “Right here…”/ #cantbeloudenough / “Okay, this is what I’m gonna say…” / #Ilovegoblincock / “I left you an opening…”/ “Once you hear that, the bar is set…”/ “The biggest, most mainstream, underground thrash band…”/ “They opened for #Ozzy …”/ “When’s the first time you heard Metallica and how did you hear them?” / “This is actually THE first Metallica I ever bought…”/ “Oh this is it?” / #gameon / “Both hill, up ways in the snow…”/ #upcloseprettyfront / “He pulled this out…”/ #allthecokelines / “those are the prettiest ones…all the other ones are the humble looking sixes…” / “There’s a sink up there…just put some lemon juice and some ice cubes in there…”/ ANGEL OF DEATH (“The first Slayer song I heard…”) / #orgasmnoise / “Just let it go…”/ “Your timing is impeccable…”/ “It’s hard to turn this song off…”/ #youkindahaveto / “I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks that…”/ “It’s not fair…we’ve gotta judge…”/ #nodresses / “Y’all going to have tea or something?” / “Do you remember the #graduationparty for your year?” / “I wasn’t there because I wasn’t invited…”/ #hunchpunch / “Did anybody get violated?” / #helicopterASMR / #BilliamsReflectionsASMR / “that’s a straight up movie moment…”/ “I was probably not getting laid working at #Kmart for sure…”/ “Who gets the point?”/ “there’s no wrong answer…” / #instantgratification / “It’s distilled down more…”/ “It’s got one of the baddest screams ever in metal…” / “It’s just a little bit more #eviler …”/ “I gave it away to somebody…”
(1:07:38): “The point for track 1…”/ “This is their #Stairway kinda…”/ “Moments of length and girth…” / MASTER OF PUPPETS (“How?”) / “To me, this is what separates Metallica from a lot of bands…”/ #progressivemetal / “They were in the pool…”/ “that’s what made them the #LedZeppelin of now…”/ “there’s a lot of parts to this song…”/ #triumphmetal #victorymetal / “Lars ain’t great, but he’s good…”/ #timeless / “that was a mistake…”/ “Except, not really…”/ “Music influences music…”/ #frickinairquotes / “You remember that, Matt?” / #JesusSaves #introriff / “Technically, it was a different riff…”/ #presentcompanyexcluded / “Speaking of peace…”/ PIECE BY PIECE / “And GO!” / “Oh, the next part…that’s just brutal.”/ “that’s what made that so vicious…”/ “I kinda think this isn’t fair…”/ #killercraftedriffs / “This is a little bit more fair than I thought it was gonna be…” / #thankyou / Metallica vs Slayer in concert / #markthetime / #emptynest #adulttimedotcom #theverdict (“It’s hard, it’s rigid, it’s difficult…it’s girthy…”) / “That’s the only way you can leave…”/ “I don’t want it to be a draw…”/ “Mixon is throwing shit right now…”
(1:24:00): “How does the draw count for #voting?” / “It’s a no brainer…”/ NOTE: check out #InTheMouthOfMadness for a good #HPLovecraft influenced movie / “I learned how to do that with porn…”/ THE THING THAT SHOULD NOT BE (“The most #evilest Metallica song ever…”) / #TheHeaviestMetallicaSong / “This is straight up metal…”/ “Can we real quick jump ahead to the solo? I read something about this…”/ #theyrelistening / “This is gonna be pretty easy for me…” / NECROPHOBIC (“It’s a #DeathMatch …”) / “I like #Necro a lot…”/ #markthetime / “This is the one where I jump ship…”/ “I can’t deny the chug…”/ “It’s a #blowout …”
(1:33:11): “To be fair…let us note…”/ #sideone / “That math will work out…”/ “Have any of y’all ever heard it referred to as ‘Welcome Home’?” / “We’re a metal band, not a pop band…”/ WELCOME HOME (SANITARIUM) / “Dark, creepy, atmospheric vibe…”/ #tremoloASMR #thebusiness / “The #Mastodon part…” / #uglynotes #Rush / “That’s straight up #progmetal …”/ “When I listen to this album, it takes me back to that time…when I listen to Reign In Blood, it’s like yesterday…”/ “It’s just an eternal force that goes on forever?” / #Amen / “So now we’re gonna double up…”/ ALTAR OF SACRIFICE #tableofshelb #dontdenythepowerof / “Wait, turn it back up real quick…”/ “This part is #tremendous …”/ JESUS SAVES (“Here’s the riff…it was not exactly like that though…”) / “One of the best chugs in metal right there…”/ #crispythin / “That’s so Slayer…”/ “It’s like going to a spa and a chiropractor all at the same time…”/ “It’s time to vote…” / #cliffhanger / #sexworkerhouse / “To recap, so far…”/ #blowout / “Right now we’ve basically got a tie…”/ ***THANK YOU FOR JOINING US AND STAY TUNED FOR PART 2!!!*** / #untilthenext / #outroreel / #markthetime / #justswallowit / ***COME ON DOWN TO THE BUNKERPOON GIFT SHOPPE AND GRAB ALL THE #METALNERDERYPODCASTMERCH YOU CAN HANDLE AT metalnerdery.com/merch ***
Thursday May 30, 2024
Thursday May 30, 2024
Thursday May 30, 2024
Definitely “angsty” and undisputedly heavier, more aggressive, and focused than punk, NEW YORK HARDCORE (NYHC) emerged at a time when punk was on its way out and thrash was on its way into the heavy music scene, ultimately becoming a “de facto” bridge between the thrash and punk scenes and eventually bringing them both together to bless the metal world with the new genre known as crossover (insert “shameless” United Forces reference here).
It’s time to learn the best way to “lift weights” in the weight training community and discover how to avoid an unwelcome “updraft waft” that in no way resembles “a spring mountain day in Scotland”. Find out which band is “the Sabbath of thrash and the Zeppelin of metal” and behold the best Manscaped advertisement ever produced (which should hopefully keep us from becoming any more “off-putting and frankly, tiresome” than we already are) when you JOIN US as we look at the genre that helped to bridge the gap and unite the forces of punk and thrash: NEW YORK HARDCORE.
Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode
Help Support Metal Nerdery https://www.patreon.com/metalnerderypodcast
Leave us a Voicemail to be played on a future episode: 980-666-8182
Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – metalnerdery.com/merch
and kindly leave us a review and/or rating on the iTunes/Apple Podcasts - Spotify or your favorite Podcast app
Listen on iTunes, Spotify, Podbean, or wherever you get your Podcasts.
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Email: metalnerdery@gmail.com
Can’t be LOUD Enough Playlist on Spotify
Metal Nerdery Munchies on YouTube @metalnerderypodcast
Show Notes:
(00:01): “I think people are letting us know that they’re listening…without letting us know…” / #lettingusknowthatyourelistening / “Well #Forbidden shared one of our posts…which makes us #famous …”/ “Atlanta comic, hail…” / #nickmurphy #punchline #atlantacomedy / “I think if I was a thinner man I could get close…”/ “I guess we could be monogamous…”/ “We were just listening to #CharlieDanielsBand #TheDevilWentDownToGeorgia / “I can only hear the #CDBVersion …” / #countrymetal / #andbegin / ***WARNING: #listenerdiscretionisadvised *** / ***WELCOME BACK TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST EXPERIENCE TELETHON!!!*** / “Pouring the goodness…sucking it down…also choking it down.” / #cannotdoit #fireball / “You know when you do shots of vodka?” / “that’s the same… (not so much) …”/ #rewind #trashcanvomit (“Without a mixer, it’s #horrendous …”) / #RMRose #FireOnTheMountain #thisepisodesclinkyoftheepisode / #propoleneglycol / “This episode brought to you by…MEAT!” / #meat #skiptothedocket
(05:35): “As long as they don’t go to #hotranchmode …” / #Manscaped #BallDeodorant (“It’s a waft I don’t mind…”) / #updraftwaft / “It’s like a spring mountain day in Scotland…” / “Do it in #DrEvilerVoice …” / #ManscapedPromo ***GO TO METALNERDERY.COM/MERCH TO GET YOUR METAL NERDERY MERCH!!!*** / ***This episode brought to you by manscaped.com where you can use #promocode #METAL (“That’s #promocodeMETAL …”) for 20% off and FREE SHIPPING on your entire order!!!*** / #postproduction / “My nose hairs are getting out of control…”/ “The #GarySineses ?” / #readingisimportant / #bestfathersdaygiftever #ManscapedDotCom (“If nothing else, get the undies and the ball deodorant…”) / “they have a really nice package…”/ “that’s not ‘drawers’ that’s ‘draws’…”/ #RussellsTestimoniesASMR / “It does say that it’s #waterproof right?” / #allegedly #noshocks (“Manscaped: No shocks…”) / #dontplugitin / #listenerdiscretionisadvised / “Nice and clean…and shorned and sheened…” / “It felt good when it was goin’ on…” / “I’m catching a good #waft …”/ “It’s got #stayingpower …because it sticks around for hours…” / #hotbleucheese / ***GO TO MANSCAPED.COM AND USE PROMO CODE ‘METAL’ FOR 20% OFF AND FREE SHIPPING ON YOUR ENTIRE ORDER!!!*** / #yourballswillthankyou
(12:47): “Do you think there’s a marinade…?” / “Like that tangy, underarm smell…”/ #meatmarinade / #correspondence / #RussellsReflectionsMoviesEditionASMR / “#KingDiamond if you’re listening…I want to make that a movie…” / #Abigail / “There’s a little girl, 12 years old…”/ #darkcomedy / #morebloodthan / “that’s accurate, dude…”/ #theresblood / “It’s like an #explosion of #plateletinfused goodness…” / #instantcarrie / “Carrie?” / “a million woman march…” / “Oh wait…” / “I’m not letting you get away with that…” / #yeah / #youreadick / #laughlungnoise / “that literally moved me to tears of laughter…”/ #WellPlayYourShittah #EltonJohn #Metallica #FuneralForAFriend #LoveLiesBleeding / “Metallica makes every song THEIR song…” / #TheYellowAlbum / FUNERAL FOR A FRIEND / LOVE LIES BLEEDING / #CatScratchFeverASMR / “Until I got to here…I didn’t really recognize it…”/ “Even back in the day, that riff is just rad…”/ “Standing orgasm? I hope I get one of those one day…” / #standingorgasm / “Would you wanna be known as…?” / #thedogslikeMetallica / “Best #thrashband or best #heavymetalband ever? / #biggestmetalbandever / Influence vs sheer size / #TheSabbathOfThrash and #TheZeppelinOfMetal / “that’s old…guess what? We’re old.” / #birthdaybeer #theft #TheHodge (“He’s a Nerd…”) / #legaladults #allegedly (“that’s ballsy…”) / #tobefair (“Wait a minute…”) / “I don’t wanna see him lose it…when nice people lose their shit…” / #flippingtables #allwasmaderight / #RussellsReflectionsAsANonBassPlayer / “We were all dipping in that beer cooler…” / #shameless / “I was getting concerned and I don’t even drink beer…” / #entitled (“It’s not thought about…”) / “This is OUR beer…it just magically appeared…”
(26:26): If you wanna get in touch, check us out at the email at metalnerdery@gmail.com or the #socialmedia at #metalnerderypodcast #instagram #facebook #youtube / “I got a little…hardened…” / “Offputting and frankly tiresome…” / #swedishdoommetal #genre #Candlemass (“Totally huge…”) / #hespayingattention / “Thank you, Tim…” / #offputting and #franklytiresome / “Oh we got #voicemail now?” / ***IF YOU WANNA BECOME A PATREON GO TO PATREON.COM/METALNERDERYPODCAST WHERE YOU CAN HEAR THE EXCLUSIVE #HOGSTORY …” / “that’s a great name…”/ ***YOU CAN GIVE US A CALL AND LEAVE US A VOICEMAIL AT 980-666-8182!!!*** / #voicemailsegment / #metalnerderyvoicemail #whoareyou #TheDarius / “Can you guys give me a six degrees of separation to get from #modernthrash to #stonerdoom …?” / #sixdegreesofseparation / NOTE: we DO have 6…unless VI is 5… / ***Check out ALL the #StonerDoomMetal episodes at www.metalnerdery.com/episodes ***/ “It’s totally doom...”/ “Let’s put that on the list…”/ penis.com / #whateverthefuckingfuckdotcom / “Doomy and thrashy…”/ “All the while…” / #morevoicemail #BobFromOhio #DayThree #SonicTempleFestival / “I’m #patreoning next week…” / “Bob’s a great dude…”/ “It can’t always be a #nutmelter …”/ “It was our #StAnger …”
(35:58): “So we’re 85 hours in…” / #TheDocket METAL NERDERY PODCAST PRESENTS: NEW YORK HARD CORE THRASH CROSSOVER METROPOLITAN TRI-COUNTY METAL!!! / #NYHC #weighttrainingplus / “Lift weights…” / “Which is part of your mind…”/ “that was the whole clash, right?” / #genre #NewYorkHardCore #crossoverthrash / “The next iteration of punk…and the next iteration of hard core…”/ #GodfathersOfHardcore #AmazonPrime (“It’s on Prime…”) / “You watch your mouth…”/ “In 1983, there was an album called…#NewYorkThrash …”/ #jeanwree / “It included #BeastieBoys …” / “Before we had #LicensedToIll …”/ RIOT FIGHT & BEASTIE / #earlyAccused / “They’re not just rappers…”/ “How ‘bout a little #Cromags ?” / #AgeOfQuarrel WE GOTTA KNOW (“This has got a lot of intro to it…”) / “That’s #NYHardCore right there…” / #theyearofmagic / “that’s a solid riff…”/ “I have a request, and kind of a question…” / “Just a hair…” / WORLD PEACE (“that’s thrashy…in a way.”) / #titshair #solidAcups #Metroplex / “The group that was there that night…”/ “It was kind of a #crossover night…” / #SAZ #SoulsAtZero #sixtsix #BadBrains I AGAINST I (“That’s definitely different than the Souls At Zero version…”) / “It’s a unifying thing…”
(52:00): “Are y’all familiar with #Crumbsuckers?” / BRAINWASHED (“Did you hear the squealie?”) / “We’re only doing New York Hardcore today…” / “Jamie could you pull that up…?”/ “Just so everybody knows…”/ #tobefair #yousureaboutthat / “I’m just being a dick, dude…”/ “#Ludichrist is from #NewYork so that’s fair…”/ #MCTentacleChoice #BillyJamie / IMMACULATE DECEPTION / #AgnosticFront GOTTA GO #famouslastwords / “The cool thing about #thedocumentary …”/ #DIYCulture / “Copyright?” / “Now I wanna hear S.O.D. AND M.O.D.” / “I hope he gets his due…”/ “Like a bad mustache and a shitty haircut?” / #spikesandleather / #RussellsReflectionsAnthraxEdition / #rambling #LOL / “I just whispered that in…”/ #passionate / “Did you know the earth is like a disc?” / #MOD #METHODOFDESTRUCTION NO GLOVE NO LOVE (“that’s so 1989…”) / “You can hear the #hardcoreinfluence in that sound…”/ “Only in it for the fun…” / “Do you do a separate #tentacleworkout?” / #SOD #STORMTROOPERSOFDEATH (“It’s got a #hardcorecrust …”) / “We could do a #DiveAfterDive …” / “we just fisted…”/ “When the world got locked down for basically no reason…”/ FIST BANGING MANIA (“This needs to be a #Doomsicle …”) / “It never gets old…”
(1:08:35): “It’s horrible…” / “Mel supremacy? ‘Shut up, Dingy..’”/ #Carnivore MALE SUPREMACY (***see also #TypeONegative ***) / #dogteeth / “One more…”/ JESUS HITLER (“We’re gonna get all the #hatemail now…”) / “this is balls right here…”/ “Sounds like Type-O…and a little bit of RigorMortis …”/ “Like I did but I didn’t…but I did…” / #Helmet IRON HEAD / “Oh, Venocity?” / #Quicksand DINE ALONE (“They had a video for that…”) / #angsty / “Please say please…why is that the #magicword?” / #Biohazard PUNISHMENT (“Unless you’re into that…”) / “Seven years!?” / #governmentschools / “That’s what all streaming services need to do…”/ #Madball DOC MARTEN STOMP (“that guitar sound is incredible!”) / “we’re learning some stuff here…”/ #learntoswim / #SickOfItAll (“they don’t rate ‘em by #cokelines dude…”) / #killeropener BLOOD SWEAT AND NO TEARS / “It’s like they out #ReignInBlooded #ReignInBlood …”/ #diapersponsor / #MurphysLaw A DAY IN THE LIFE #yousureaboutthat #maybeitis / “Can we close it with #GorillaBiscuits ?” / #RussellsReflectionsTapeShoppingASMR / “they’ve got an #ExciterMoment …”/ GORILLA BISCUITS / “Wasn’t that the #slangterm for #quaaludes? / NOTE: it’s #discobiscuits / #Scatterbrain DON’T CALL ME DUDE / “We’ve gotta do an #InsideTheMetal on #Scatterbrain …”/ ***THANK YOU TO THE PATREON FOLK AND ALL THE OTHER FOLK FOR LISTENING TO OUR NONSENSE!!!*** #untilthenext (“Could you use an #outhouse with another dude in there?”) / #gettingoldsucks / ***COME ON DOWN TO BUNKERPOON GIFT SHOPPE EMPORIUM AND PICK UP YOUR #METALNERDERYPODCASTMERCH AT METALNERDERY.COM/MERCH ***
Thursday May 23, 2024
#248 SABBATH MOB RULES - Album Dive
Thursday May 23, 2024
Thursday May 23, 2024
“Is this the GOOD Sabbath or the BAD Sabbath?”
We know what you’re thinking: “Wait, didn’t they skip a few albums in there somewhere? Did they put them all on Patreon or…what happened?” Rest assured, nothing has been skipped, however, we did jump ahead a little bit because “some of us” have been jonesing to fast forward through the BLACK SABBATH catalog by 3 albums or so and time travel straight to 1981 and the release of MOB RULES, the final studio album (at the time) from the legendary Ronnie James Dio era of the band.
There’s a certain distinctive sonic difference between Heaven And Hell and MOB RULES, primarily with regard to production. While Heaven And Hell tends to have a more “Rainbow meets Ozzy Sabbath” sound to it, MOB RULES sounds much more like the first three Dio solo albums from the early 80’s, so much so that it almost sounds like it could pass as a Rainbow, BLACK SABBATH, or even Dio record. But, at the end of the day, if you had to say, “THIS album sounds like BLACK SABBATH with Dio”, the only correct answer would be MOB RULES.
Always remember that the difference between “hot ranch and ‘the smell of’ hot ranch” is as vast as the difference between a “frenulum piercing” and a “frenum piercing”. It’s high time we “right the wrongs” from a few episodes back and get “up close, pretty front” in order to understand that “the gravy’s got no giblets in it” when you JOIN US as we celebrate the most Ronnie James Dio sounding BLACK SABBATH album in heavy metal history as we dive into MOB RULES.
Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode
Help Support Metal Nerdery https://www.patreon.com/metalnerderypodcast
Leave us a Voicemail to be played on a future episode: 980-666-8182
Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – metalnerdery.com/merch
and kindly leave us a review and/or rating on the iTunes/Apple Podcasts - Spotify or your favorite Podcast app
Listen on iTunes, Spotify, Podbean, or wherever you get your Podcasts.
Follow us on the Socials:
Facebook - Instagram - Twitter
Email: metalnerdery@gmail.com
Can’t be LOUD Enough Playlist on Spotify
Metal Nerdery Munchies on YouTube @metalnerderypodcast
Show Notes:
(00:01): “That’s a recoil…” / #brother / #darkchocolaterum from #Roatan / #RussellsReflectionsCocktailEdition / #deadmansfingers #thisepisodesclinkyoftheepisode / #andbegin / ***WARNING: #listenerdiscretionisadvised *** / “That was a hardcore song…”/ ***WELCOME BACK TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST!!!*** / “Servin’ it up and suckin’ it down…” / #thisepisodesbeeroftheepisode #MangoCart #GoldenRoadBrewing / #McJonalds / “It’s how women jerk off…”/ “You don’t wanna skip…that’s a waste…”/ #moneyshot / “That’s probably my least favorite porn…”/ “I need a plot and a story and a director…”/ “The new things…for you kids today…”/ #Manscaped #FathersDayGiftIdeas / “Dude, what if he’s got Magnum P.I. pubes?” / ***Go to manscaped.com and enter promo code METAL for 20% off and free shipping!!!*** / “I’m just gonna be myself…and read this.”/ “He’s got #sideburns on them balls…”/ #thetotalpackage / “What’s a #zaddy ?”/ #seedlessseed / “The gravy’s got no giblets in it…”/ #testimonies #facepubes (“This is a very well used instrument in my bathroom…”) / “I thought about putting that other places…”/ “I went a little bit further…”/ #yourballswillthankyou / “Sometimes it just takes one word…” / “Are you fucking kidding me!?”
(12:00): #PatreonShoutout #MetalNerderyPatreon / “That’s a good band name…”/ #loveyoumeanit / “Patreon should get the first listen to the #Doomsicle tracks…”/ “That is a killer segue into The Wizard…”/ #Albatross & #IommiWorship / #newpiercingtechnology (“I saw it on 2 different ladies…”) / #markthetime (“You’ve got something in your teeth…”) / “The one I saw was in the butt…”/ “It was in the 2nd hole…”/ “Did you get your teeth pierced?” / #frenulumpiercing #smileypiercing / “Where does it stop?” / “Ask yourself, is that Patreon material?” / “This was obviously the before picture…”/ “Dude, this was NOT coffee, brother…”
(20:02): “We have something to share…”/ “Basically, we played the wrong band…” / #Imminence #BeyondThePale / “We’re gonna right the wrongs…” / “They’re from the Netherlands…I think they’re #Dutchish …”/ #BeyondThePale STORM EN DRIFT #subtitles (“They’re on top of a building…”) and THE AGE OF THE PARIAH (“It’s kinda hooky…that riff.”) / #melodicdeathmetal / Hail to #bolth the song & the band
(25:13): ***IF YOU’D LIKE TO GIVE US A CALL AND LEAVE US A VOICEMAIL YOU CAN DO SO AT 980-666-8182*** or check us out on the #socialmedia at #Instagram and #Facebook and #YouTube or you can email us at metalnerdery@gmail.com / Ken from Connecticut and some clarification regarding the whole #BeyondThePale incident / “You could kinda say it’s their #BlackAlbum …”/ “You could totally do comedy dude, it’s literally that easy…”/ “If you’re a #pianist …it sounds like #penised #pasttense …” / #tromboner / #RussellsReflectionsComedyEdition #TheNewPunchline #PunchlineComedyClub (“There’s probably still coke residue on the walls…”) / “I think he’s kidding…he’s trolling…he thinks it’s all done.”/ #LandmarkDiner / “The overall experience was just sad to me…”/ “That’s how you get better…”/ #thehits and #oldbits (“If it’s funny, it’s funny.”) / #upcloseprettyfront (“Up close, pretty front…we were pretty close up front…”) / “The way that finished…we’re gonna get canceled…”
(36:05): #TheDocket METAL NERDERY PODCAST Presents: BLACK SABBATH – MOB RULES / #BlackSabbath #MobRules #MobRulesBone / #RainbowSabbath / “To me, Mob Rules sounds like #Dio …”/ “Is this the GOOD Sabbath or the BAD Sabbath?” / “It’s not #OzzySabbath …”/ “No, it’s different…” / #VanHalen vs #VanHagar / “I’m the guy in the middle of the argument…”/ #caughtinthemiddle / “Who had more hits?” / “But, fuck…”/ “That’s #JourneyVanHalen …”/ “That’s what we should do…split up the whole thing…” / “Martin Birch produced it…” / #tangentional / Released November 4, 1981 (“It sounds more modern than 1981…”) / “After all that buildup…”/ TURN UP THE NIGHT / “It kinda almost sounds like Neon Knights Part II…”/ “It chugs…”/ “I’ve heard it pronounced so many ways…” / “One of the weirdest riffs…” / VOODOO (“Sounds like #DeepPurple…sounds like #Rainbow…”) / “Rainbow…Sabbath…or Dio?”
(49:50): “The next song is one of the best songs ever written…” / THE SIGN OF THE SOUTHERN CROSS (“that sounds like it was recorded ‘on a misty morning’…”) / “That sounds like #doommetal … / “From the book the word is spoken, whispers from forgotten song…”/ #ShelbysBalls / “I heard the first 3 Dio albums first, and THEN heard this…”/ “You are all…useless…”/ E5150 (or EV150) / “If evil and anxiety had a baby…”/ “Evil in #romannumerals …”/ “And now you’ve ruined it…”/ “This reminds me of the movie #HeavyMetal a little bit…” / #HeavyMetalSoundtrack / THE MOB RULES (“Ohhhh, come on!!!”) / “I’m gonna vomit my thoughts…”/ #DioVsOzzy #IronMullet / “They enter the ring, and one of them is dead (snaps) instantly…”/ “I like when you get excited…”
(1:01:34): “Can she make good cornbread?” / COUNTRY GIRL #killeropener #sidetwo / “That’s a Sabbath riff, for sure…”/ “The next one…has a bass solo, guitar solo showdown in the middle…”/ SLIPPING AWAY (“This is 80’s all day…I hear #Zeppelin…”) / “Metallica should do that on their next album…”/ “They could have kept that going a little while longer…”/ NOTE: the #LedZeppelin song in question was actually Custard Pie, not The Wanton Song / #deepcut FALLING OFF THE EDGE OF THE WORLD (***Be sure to check out our #DioEraSabbath and #RonnieJamesDio episodes…***) / “Like a clean tiger…or a shiny diamond.”/ “This next riff is fucking crazy…”/ #nimblethimbles / “Can you #markthetime so I can make sure and talk over it?”/ OVER AND OVER (“Oh who’s talkin’ now!?”) / #outrosolo / “That was angsty…”/ “It reminded me of that part on #MasterOfPuppets …it was an accident.” / “I think they were married for like a week…”/ #yousureaboutthat? / #allegedly / “Briefly engaged…different than married.”/ “You know what that’s never happened with, ever?” / #drugpsychosis (“This makes you different…”) / “The biggest dick move of your life?” / “Usually that comes with a price tag…”/ “Historically speaking…I’ve got a low blow tolerance…but I’ve never gotten #blackoutstoned and thrown a bong at somebody’s face before…” / ***THANK YOU FOR JOINING US!!!*** / ***Come on down to the #BunkerpoonGiftShoppe and get your #MetalNerderyPodcastMerch at metalnerdery.com/merch *** / #outroreel
Thursday May 16, 2024
Thursday May 16, 2024
Thursday May 16, 2024
The “Bunkerpoon After Dark” is a bit different than the usual Metal Nerdery Podcast format. It’s stripped down, bare, naked, and not unlike “The Triangle”, it’s unredacted, unfiltered, and completely raw. There’s not a lot of production quality, no shittah, no clinkies, and no beers of the episode, but it’s pure unbridled Metal Nerdery madness at its finest.
Think of this as a sample of the sort of “South American adult entertainment” you can expect from our Patreon episodes (which includes the now infamous “Hog Story”).
So, give this a listen, give us a call at 980-666-8182 and tell us about the most defining metal moments in your life and JOIN US (here AND on Patreon) for a taste of the Metal Nerdery Podcast “Bunkerpoon After Dark” Patreon Preview.
***Go to www.patreon.com/metalnerderypodcast and JOIN US there to unlock the summary and show notes for this episode!!!***
Thursday May 09, 2024
#246 - Metallica Covers
Thursday May 09, 2024
Thursday May 09, 2024
After catching Damage Inc. live in concert a few weeks back, we felt inspired to investigate the vast conglomeration of artists who have performed their own cover versions of songs originally written by the biggest cover band to have ever blessed heavy metal, the mighty METALLICA.
Even though METALLICA have come a long way from their old school “dirty thrash” sound, modern artists continue to create their own interpretations of songs from throughout METALLICA’s vast catalog. Whether it’s completely reimagined with an entirely different arrangement or a faithful, note perfect rendition of the original all the way down to the production nuances, there are endless possibilities as to what you might hear.
Always remember that “you eat and then shoot” because it’s important to “follow the instructions” to ensure things don’t “get out of hand”. Learn why “rolling your R’s” is an important social skill (especially when ordering at certain restaurants), get ready for some “brisket tips”, remain calm anytime you run out of “crème fraiche” or “the triangles are turning into rhombuses” and prepare to activate your laugh wheeze (“assuming we don’t get cancelled”) when you JOIN US as we give a listen to a veritable plethora of METALLICA COVERS.
Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode
Help Support Metal Nerdery https://www.patreon.com/metalnerderypodcast
Leave us a Voicemail to be played on a future episode: 980-666-8182
Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – metalnerdery.com/merch
and kindly leave us a review and/or rating on the iTunes/Apple Podcasts - Spotify or your favorite Podcast app
Listen on iTunes, Spotify, Podbean, or wherever you get your Podcasts.
Follow us on the Socials:
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Email: metalnerdery@gmail.com
Metal Nerdery Munchies on YouTube @metalnerderypodcast
Show Notes:
(00:01): “You know what’s bad? It’s when you do shit backwards…” / #followtheinstructions (“You wouldn’t do the beer before the clinky…you eat and then shoot.”) / “We’re not judging at all…”/ “I’m flexible…” / “I’ve never done it on purpose…maybe by accident…”/ #imsorrydude / #cheersfellas / ***WARNING: #listenerdiscretionisadvised *** / “I’m gonna have to take it home because the wife is real particular…” / #darkchocolaterum / #RussellsAlcoholReflections / ***WELCOME BACK TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST!!!*** / #MattsJokeEarlier / “I might have done the latter part…”/ NOTE: I think it’s Cranston / ***IF YOU WANNA SKIP TO THE MEAT, GO TO #TheDocket ***
(03:53): #thisepisodesbeeroftheepisode #virginlips #Blakes #TheVerdict / “That’s actually really good…I don’t think it’s that spicy.” / #watermelonASMR / “You’re not getting the heat? Take another swig…” / “It finishes in the throat with a little heat…” / #markthetime / “Are your balls loved today?” / #broughttoyouby #Manscaped #WithLoveFromManscaped / “My balls have never smelled fresher…” / #itfeelsamazing #itsmellsamazing / “Like #nudeunderwear …” / #cradled / #thepackage (“That’s when I went to work…”) / “Its very effective…” / #waterproof / “I always just shaved over the trash can…” / #straddleandshave / #noshocks / #nickingtheballs / “Have you tried the smoother attachment on your balls?” / “That sounds like the weirdest vagina…” / “Now I’ve gotta hear #BulletBoys …” / ***GO TO MANSCAPED.COM AND USE PROMO CODE “METAL” FOR 20% OFF & FREE SHIPPING ON YOUR ENTIRE ORDER!!!*** / ***Hit us up on the #socialmedia at #IG and #FB and #Instagram and #Facebook and #InstaGood and #YouTube and #elsewhere #instatits #instavag #facefuck #youbewbs #youvoobs at #metalnerderypodcast …*** / ***GIVE US A CALL AND LEAVE US A VOICEMAIL AT 980-666-8182!!!*** / #wellplayyourshittah #femalevocalist #BeyondThePale IMMINENCE (“Holy shit!”) / “I would never guess that was a female singer…” / “That is so hot…it’s super-hot.” / “When a chick can sound more manly than a dude…” / “Everything gives you bone…” #invisiblewind / #MonumentInTime comes out on April 27, so by the time you hear this and/or read this, you can go buy this… / “It’s pretty good…I think it’s gonna happen.
(15:53): “It’s not really metal…but it’s hilarious.” / “I tried to tell ya…I’m gonna tell ya once…”/ “Probably, that’s fine…would you do it?” / #thatsnotmything / “I just want a playlist…”/ “I want you to talk about how much you worked out before you read it…”/ “You guys are more “preserved” than I am…” / #AwwwMannnn / “He’s in the best zone, he’s in #thehealthzone …” / ***You can send us your #shittah to metalnerdery@gmail.com …a #YouTubeLink will suffice and any copy you think might be useful to any potential fans*** / “We’re coming up on 5 years…and our numbers are going up exponentially every day…” / #RussellsReflections / “You’ve got a whistle in your nose…” / “That’s my lungs, not my nose…” / #CityBBQ / “When you walked in you #smelledthebrisket …”/ “I wanna try the okra, I wanna try the mac and cheese…”/ “Weirdly enough…” / “Now I wanna know where there at, around me…” / “It’s like #abagofkrystals …” / “The lesson I learned about #brisket …” / #notasloppyjoe #thatsoundsgood #RussellsFoodPornReflectionsASMR / “I’m a little hard after that…that’s my favorite porn and my favorite bone…” / “That gives you bone…” / #servicebone #abigdill
(26:09): #TheDocket METAL NERDERY PODCAST PRESENTS: METALLICA COVERS (COVERS OF METALLICA SONGS) / Reflecting on #DamageInc from last weekend’s wrap up (***check out the #SuicidalTendencies and #1994 episodes for more insights…*** / “They could do a whole tour and play nothing but #coversongs …” / #motorheadcovers / “#Motorhead covered #Metallica …” / WHIPLASH (“It sounds right…”) / “It’s a Motorhead song…” / #thisgivesmebonetoo / “Damn, that sounds good…”/ “Hotel rooms and motorways…never stop, never quit, we are Motorhead!” / “They did to a #Metallica song what Metallica did to EVERY cover song THEY ever did.” / “It was #dirtythrash …” / “Yes, yes…” / #gnarlyvoice #distortion #unclean #thrash / “I don’t like to use violence…” / #glovesofshame #withmydick (“You totally nailed it…”) / “I kinda wanna hear this…” #Disturbed FADE TO BLACK (“I have good feelings…”) / “I like the acoustic…there’s some…symphony & strings back there…” / “There IS no chorus…” / “Just enjoy the show LIVE (not on your phone, when you’re NEVER gonna actually watch it…” / #totallyhuge / “They’re playing something different…”
(39:00): “Awwww…” / “I know this one’s good…”/ #Korn ONE #MTVIcon (“21 years ago!? DAMN!”) / “I’ll never understand how he gets that bass sound…”/ “It’s like the #antiAJFAmix …”/ “It sounds ballsy as shit…” / “I know, right?” / #frontguy or #frontback / “I fucked it all up…” / #InFlames EYE OF THE BEHOLDER (see also #MetalMilitiaATributeToMetallica ) / “It’s a little faster…yeah.” / #cleansinger #welldone / “Like…nuances…”/ “Oooh…” / #Vader FIGHT FIRE WITH FIRE (#BombsAreTired #WeAllShallDie) / “sounds bad ass!!!” / “You can hear him say it there…”
(45:49): “That’s weird, ‘cos #misers are just greedy people…” / “Is that a #Load or a #BlackAlbum?” / #DarkTranquility MISERY LOVES COMPANY (“That sounds like #BlackAlbumQuality …”) / #WonderTwinPowers (“Form of…”) / “Production wise, it almost sounds Black Album #perfectproduction …” / “This one is VERY interesting…” / #Hatebreed ESCAPE (“already an A+…”) / “It’s definitely got balls for sure…” / #veryheavy (“I like the extra heaviness…”) / “That almost sounds like James!” / #doublebassASMR / “I think I like that version better…” / “dude, you know what I meant…I just used a fancy word for #balls …” / #RodrigoYGabriela BATTERY #heavyacoustic #unpluggedpercussion #acousticthrash #thrashcoustic / “That’s impressive…”/ “Let me get my #watermelonthing real quick…” / #flavorcrystals #downtown #awordofwarning #hotwings (“You will send her to the hospital…”) / “That’s why you’ve gotta have ranch, dude…” / #Primus THE THING THAT SHOULD NOT BE #firstlisten #HFS (“It’s nose surgery…or rhinoceros surgery…”) / “That’s pretty accurate…”/ “That sounds like ’86…”/ NOTE: If you layered these over each other, they would line up exactly… #onemansopinion
(56:50): #Chimaira DISPOSABLE HEROES (“that’s why I practice, bro…”) / “Yeah, it’s gonna be ridiculous…” / “Almost James, almost death metal…” / #mathhomework / #metalvocalsASMR / “You’re welcome…” / #ChrisCornell ONE (“Wait, is this #U2?”) / “All the math is falling apart…the triangles are turning into rhombuses…” / “I’m not sophisticated enough to understand…” / “I like #LzzyHale #Halestorm RIDE THE LIGHTNING / “I like the way she pulled that off…” / #Sabaton FOR WHOM THE BELL TOLLS (“I like their #albumcovers they’re always super metal…”) / “Definitely #djunts , #noflahns it’s #flahnfree …”/ “Those might be #djunts or #dunnahs …”/ #Rrrrunnn #rollingtheRs / “I like the rolling the R’s…”/ “That’s one thing my wife can do that I can’t do…” / “How do you order at a Mexican place?” / “I can’t wait for #CincoDeMayo
(1:08:38): #BulletForMyValentine WELCOME HOME (SANITARIUM) / “They’re a #HotTopicBand …”/ “They’re pretty…right…those dudes…” / “So it’s #gothglam in a way…” / #lightbeergothglam / “Doesn’t #FeliciaNevada sound like a #VegasStripper ?” / #leftfield #burritotalk / “so far, everything’s hitting the boxes…”/ “They’re metal for 13-year-olds…” / “What’d you do this weekend?” #standupbass vs #electricbass / “This will come out right in time for #MothersDayWeekend / “I think you just described it…” / #antishred / #Apocalyptica HARVESTER OF SORROW (“That sounds #darkasfuck …”)
(1:17:42): #bigsneeze / #MachineHead BATTERY (“That’s glorious…”) / “Balls all day…”/ “They nailed all the nuances…” / “It never made sense to me…”/ #soloriff (“The math is just a tad tweaked…the math behind the solo riff…”) / #heisablessing / #Ghost ENTER SANDMAN #RollingTheRsASMR / #whatisprobrem / “Don’t you…NO!” / “I think everybody’s a little tired of it…”/ “I feel like #GordonRamsay shitting on metal…” / #cremefraiche / “That song tugs at the #heartstrings…” / #MileyCyrus #EltonJohn NOTHING ELSE MATTERS (“It makes me cry a lot…”) / “That’s from the album…” / “The sound of garden?” / “Let’s do NO REMORSE to close it out…” / #CannibalCorpse / “He articulates better…” / #PaulMazurkiewicz #DrumsAndPercussion #deathmetallegend #standupcomedy (Might be a Z in there…) #deathmetal / “I enjoyed the #MetallicaCovers …” / “Dude, he is talented…”/ “The trrrriangles are turning into rrrrhombuses…” / #knockknockjoke / #pizza #plain (“No planes flew into that one…”) #emotionalsupportbuilding / #AlexJones or #JoeRrrrogan / #untilthenext (“Assuming we don’t get cancelled…”) / “I gotta pee so bad…” / #youreadick / #LMAO / ***COME CHECK OUT OUR WARES IN THE BUNKERPOON GIFT SHOPPE, WHICH YOU CAN ACCESS REMOTELY via METALNERDERY.COM/MERCH *** / #outroreel
Thursday May 02, 2024
#245 - SLEEP - Inside The Metal
Thursday May 02, 2024
Thursday May 02, 2024
Before OM and High On Fire, there was the marijuana infused, Sabbath worshipping, stoner metal power trio hailing from San Jose, California known as SLEEP. Just saying the name transports you to a land filled with THC infused riffs, the sweet aroma of sinsemilla, and enough smoke to indicate that the pyramid sized bong is fully loaded and ready to transport you to another dimension of audio stonerdom.
Imagine Black Sabbath (circa Master of Reality) time traveling to SLEEP’s jam room in the early 90’s and bestowing upon them the knowledge of “the riff filled land” over a freshly ignited bowl of greens. Now add some retro sounding equipment boosted with the power of modern-day technology, tune the guitars and bass down even further, add way more fuzz and balls with a generous portion of freshly harvested relaxers and you’ve got the modern-day equivalent of Black Sabbath in their prime. SLEEP is such a powerful force that they are one of the few bands in the history of stoner metal to have sonically recreated what being supernaturally high actually sounds like.
Prepare for the Weedian pilgrimage across the endless desert of time toward “the riff filled land” with the cannabis caravan, complete with “all the shag carpet”, “all the wood paneling” and a jam room that likely resembles a “rumpus room” and “smells like 1976”. Find out what happens “when you’re expecting bubbles and you don’t get bubbles”, get ready to “go bumpski before the show”, and discover why getting “frontloaded” on “the most safe ‘less safe’ drug” is the only way to properly prepare when you JOIN US for a green tinted, smoke-filled trip INSIDE THE METAL with San Jose’s pioneers of stoner metal, SLEEP.
SLEEP on the InterWebs: https://weedian.com/
Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode
Help Support Metal Nerdery https://www.patreon.com/metalnerderypodcast
Leave us a Voicemail to be played on a future episode: 980-666-8182
Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – metalnerdery.com/merch
and kindly leave us a review and/or rating on the iTunes/Apple Podcasts - Spotify or your favorite Podcast app
Listen on iTunes, Spotify, Podbean, or wherever you get your Podcasts.
Follow us on the Socials:
Facebook - Instagram - Twitter
Email: metalnerdery@gmail.com
Metal Nerdery Munchies on YouTube @metalnerderypodcast
Show Notes:
(00:01): “Watching him destroy people makes me smile…” / #femalecomics / “That’s one of my favorite bits…”/ ***WARNING: #listenerdiscretionisadvised *** / “It’s like coffee infused rum…”/ ***WELCOME BACK TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST!!!*** / #thisepisodescideroftheepisode (“He’s already had 4 of ‘em…”) / “It’s 4/20, bro…”/ #BlakesHardCider #CherryLimeade / “It’s kinda like a soda…” / Ciders vs Sours / #sixpercentABV / #greatradio / “It’s gluten free…”/ ***You can skip to #TheDocket if you wanna skip all the fun and get #straighttothemeat …*** / “It’s just 20 inch meat…”/ “We’re recording 2 weeks in a row…” / #pregamingASMR / “You’d better tell the person what you bought them…”/ “It came out of my nose…”/ “I need to know what I’m doin’…”/ “When you’re expecting bubbles…and you don’t get bubbles…”
(07:53): “Let’s talk about your balls…” / “In a nutshell…today my balls feel loved…thanks to #Manscaped …” / #balldeodorant and #boxerbriefs / “I don’t know if this is what’s in there, but it’s got the perfect blend of…”/ “It’s tingly…and manly.”/ ***Go to manscaped.com and enter promo code METAL for 20% off your entire order PLUS free shipping!!!*** / #promocode #metal / #ManscapedTestimonial / #Lawnmower / “I think it’s multipurpose…it’s Manscaped it’s not #ballscaped …”/ “Don’t forget the #Weedwhacker …”/ “It could be like an off label thing…” / #uhhhkay
(12:58): “It’s 4/20…”/ #legalweed #deltaninegummies / “It’s too much of a commitment…”/ Looks like we got some #shittah …/ We got an email from Mike (#EmberingEffigy) #SEVERD #nusludgecore (“Are these boys playing at the #YonderwaysMetalFest?”) / “And it’s kind of a fun game, too…”/ #matchgame / #Yatesville / “I’ve been there, it’s very nice…”/ #HocusPocus FOCUS (“They only had 5 minutes to play a 7-minute song on TV…”) / “His faces get better every time…”/ “I think he’s had some extracurriculars…” / “Dude, let’s go #bumpski before the show…”
(20:45): “I heard a weird story…It’s gonna sound like a joke but it’s not…” / #chickenproblems / #freshkilledchicken / “There’s something in OUR chicken…”/ “The joke there…”/ “That’s not a joke and don’t fucking do it…you didn’t have to go there…”/ #blacksheep (“If you shave them all away, they’re black underneath…”) / “I’m trying to say it without saying it and now I can’t say it…”/ #extrabigleague #PuertoRican
(23:50): #TheDocket METAL NERDERY PODCAST PRESENTS: SLEEP – INSIDE THE METAL / “You say the name and you hear the sound of bongs and you can smell weed…”/ “They do drive slower…”/ “And by these people, I mean stoners…”/ “This episode brought to you by #SealAMeal …”/ #lesssafedrugs (“How are they testing it?”) / #theyreguessing / “They’re judging your eyes…”/ “Less safe drugs!?” / “I don’t know about addictive…maybe withdrawals…”/ “Just legalize it and be done with it…and we’ll still be the last state to do it.”/ “The devil loves the alcohol…”/ “Wouldn’t it be weird…?” / “Every time I see that it makes me smile AND gets me hard a little bit…”/ #selfimmolation #conspiracytheorist #ponzischeme / “Have you seen #AmericanConspiracies on #Netflix?”
(31:00): “They don’t have a lot of albums…” / The modern-day equivalent of Sabbath / #educationalepisode / A quick rundown of the #Sleep catalog / “Click THIS link…”/ #wesaveballs / “Why speed it up if it’s gonna happen anyway?” / “Is it fair to say…?”/ (1991 - Volume One) STILLBORN (“That’s scary…”) / “It’s an Australian wallaby caller…”/ #awwwwmannnn / #doommetal / “All the shag carpet…all the wood paneling…it smells like 1976…it sounds like a jam room…” / “This does remind me a little bit of #TypeONegative …”/ THE WALL OF YAWN #slowitdown (“That’s a weird mix…”) / “Maybe that’s when the weed kicked in…”/ “It’s like a dark green room…” / NUMB (“That sounds like old school Sabbath…”) / “That’s not possible…”/ #harmonicaASMR / “This sounds way more doomy than Holy Mountain…” / “What do you think would be hotter?” / #tattoos vs #notattoos / “It kills my boner a little bit…it doesn’t help my boner.”/ “I’m not talking about that with you…”/ “For me, tattoos are not a #bonerenhancement …”/ “Technically that’s what Popeye is…” / #veganseaman / “It’s like the tan line…”
(48:29): 1992 – Sleep’s Holy Mountain / More about #tattooedfemales / “When you’re as perfect as we are…”/ “It’s such a rarity…” / “She’s light skinned (down there)…” / #asseenonTV #bonergarage (“That was on the other leg…”) / “The neck stuff is almost too much…”/ “Is she a post dude?”/ “Why are we doing this?” / “Look at that #albumcover …”/ “That’s because they had the hair…I didn’t have hair, I had ‘sense of humor’…”/ “That happens when you get older…”/ #LMAO / “This is gonna be one of the best episodes ever…” / #killeropener DRAGONAUT #SabbathWorship / “You can hit play and immediately smell weed…” / #Pavlovian / THE DRUID #IommiTone #hardcorestonermetal #busybass / “It sounds like #stonerbluegrass …” / SOME GRASS / “I was getting some Bron-Y-Aur vibes…” / HOLY MOUNTAIN / Custom bass inlays / “It probably smells like weed…” / “Why do you have to shut up though?” / #Listenerville / SNOWBLIND
(1:05:05): 1999 – Jerusalem / Dopesmoker / “If you wanna know what weed sounds like…”/ #usethoseheadphonesASMR / “Proceeds the Weedian…Nazareth…”/ “I think they all owe royalties to #BlackSabbath …”/ “Shot some steroids full of weed into it…”
(1:13:10): 2018 – The Sciences / “In stoner terms, it DID just come out…”/ THE SCIENCES (instrumental) / “Delay and distortion…and toggle switch…”/ “Green or orange shag carpeting?” / “It’s like the #rumpusroom carpet…”/ MARIJUANAUT’S THEME / “I think that’s pronounced ‘geetha’…” / “Apparently they’ve got blue tongues…”/ “I wonder if skinks are the skanks of the lizard kingdom?” / #skinksandskanks / GIZA BUTLER (“That is a really odd bass sound…it’s so far back.”) / “There’s no way you record this sober…”/ “Almost sounds like #Tool …” / #spacey / “Great news, guys…”/ “He’s helping to fight it by adding to it…”/ “Here’s the analogy…” / “If you can just print money, why pay taxes AT ALL?” / “Pretty soon the dollar is gonna become the peso…”/ #expensiveMcDonalds / #thebigfour / “The stock market is way up…so is inflation…”/ #doge / “I did the #GameStop thing a few years ago…”/ “Here’s the really, really, super sad part about this story…”/ #cryptocurrencyASMR / “What does that do, does it spend itself?” / #MorganSpurlock and #BitCoin / “How do you mine something that doesn’t exist?” / “I don’t understand it, but it exists…”/ #PatreonShoutOut / “Too hard to find?” / #synchronicity / ***THANK YOU FOR JOINING US AND DON’T FORGET TO GO TO manscaped.com AND USE PROMO CODE ‘METAL’ FOR 20% OFF AND FREE SHIPPING!!!*** / #untilthenext ***Go grab you some #MetalNerderyPodcast merch at metalnerdery.com/merch *** / #outroreel
Thursday Apr 25, 2024
#244 - 1994 Metal and Thrash Albums
Thursday Apr 25, 2024
Thursday Apr 25, 2024
Ahhh, the joys of 1994 and the youthful days of yore. Y’know, there was a time when 1994 actually seemed relatively “recent”, like maybe a couple of decades ago, but we’re actually 30 years beyond 1994, the year when Jeff Bezos founded Amazon in his garage, Quentin Tarantino released an ultra-vulgar display of cinema with “Pulp Fiction”, Sony forever changed the gaming landscape with the PlayStation, Slayer returned with a new drummer and a newly “manscaped” look (for some), and Pantera released their most extreme album to date that went to Number 1 on Billboard and forever changed the mainstream perception of metal.
It’s time to line up the “flavor crystals” and grab yourself some “chickle & waffles” before you pick up “a waft” and get “thumb blasted” while going “full clean (with an arrow)”. Discover why “the hair of the dog” is an essential part of getting “detwanglified”, find out what “became a thing” (and who’s “a little bit jealous”) and JOIN US as we continue marching through time towards Episode 250 and the 5th anniversary of “Metal Nerdily” as we travel back in time “30 years and 30 seconds” to The Year of our Riff Lord, 1994.
Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode
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Show Notes:
(00:01): “Last night…yeah, you got pretty #twanglified …”/ “He was fuckin’ hammered…”/ “I thought his house was haunted…”/ #theuncorking #deadmansfingers #coffeeflavoredrum #thisepisodesclinkyoftheepisode (“A little splash…”) / “I think the #doghair is finally starting to take effect…or #thehairofthedog …”/ ***WARNING: #listenerdiscretionisadvised ***/ ***WELCOME BACK TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST!!!*** / “Trying to get #untwanglified …”/ “What are you talking about?” / “I might have been a little bit…jealous.”/ “It’s part of #metalnerdily …#flavorcrystals…” / “You don’t really wanna skip…”/ #possibly #maybe #allegedly #crickets (“Long pause…”) / “Who’s she?” / “I’ve gotta talk to you about something…”/
(05:43): “Dude this thing is #lifechanging …” / #Lawnmower #Manscaped / “I wonder if I could use it for my #tithair ?”/ #fullclean #landingstrip (“With an arrow?”) / “That’s how you know you’re getting old…”/ #ballpouch / “Nostril hairs OR ear hair…”/ “I always used to think that nosehairs were part of the mustache…” / #MagnumPI / “You want your balls to smell their very best…”/ “You’re getting a waft of my balls right now…”/ ***Get 20% OFF and FREE SHIPPING when you go to manscaped.com and use Promo Code METAL *** / #ManscapedPromo #PromoCode #METAL #MetalNerderyPodcast #Discount #TwentyPercentOff #FreeShipping / “Your balls will thank you and love you…”
(11:20): Some correspondence…/ #PatreonShoutout / “You’ve gotta watch this thing…” / #SlayerGoesToChurch / ***You can hit us up on #instagram and #facebook and #youtube at #metalnerderypodcast or you can email us at metalnerdery@gmail.com or you can GIVE US A CALL AND LEAVE US A VOICEMAIL AT 980-666-8182!!!*** / #voicemailsegment #whoareyou / “I hope you score some poon out there, my brother…”/ “Just for reference…”/ “Dude I want you to get laid so bad…”/ “You’re not gonna be funny anymore…it’s gonna cut the edge off…”/ #carrytheload / #onemorevoicemail #trivalent / “What do you guys think about the trend with #gueststars on albums?” / #keepitthrashy / “Just get Sebastian back…that’s what the fans want.”
(19:00): “We got any #shittah …?”/ #RussellsReflectionsASMR (“Do you know who started the band #Puscifer ?”) / #metaltrivia / “I heard it was glorious…”/ Some upcoming metal shows…/ “We got the #YonderwaysMetalFest …we need to go to that…”/ #YatesvilleGeorgia / “I’ll bet that town is scared to death…”/ #Yersin THE SCYTHE IS REMORSELESS (“I don’t remember hearing this…”) / “For a minute I thought that dude’s shirt said Moist…”
(25:44): “I gotta take a quick break…” / #TheDocket #DocketThirty / “Let’s go back in time about 30 minutes…or 30 years…”/ METAL NERDERY PODCAST PRESENTS: 1994 – YEAR IN METAL / #ChickleAndWaffles / “We did all that, dude…”/ “We were in our early 20’s…”/ “You know what we gotta start with…” / “There’s just no way it could get any heavier…let’s start it out right”/ #Pantera STRENGTH BEYOND STRENGTH / “It was 2021 I think…”/ “You fingered it…at least…you #thumbblasted it…” / “Wow, you just made that gross…”/ #Nailbomb WASTING AWAY (#Supergroups) / “You know we’re almost to 5 years?” / #Episode250 will be right around our #FiveYearAnniversary / #EightySixDeathMatch #ComingSoon / “It’ll be a squeaker for sure…”
(35:25): “I kinda wanna hear a little bit of #Fishdick (“That’s the album…the band is #AcidDrinkers …”) / “It’s a #SouthPark episode…”/ ACE OF SPADES (“It’s all covers…”) / WHOLE LOTTA ROSIE (“I think he’s #Fraunch …”) / “I was kinda curious about fucking the tiger…”/ ANOTHER BRICK IN THE WALL / “Maybe I’m just hammered again…” / “Hamburgers are fucking expensive!” / “I don’t wanna do that to my burger…” / #Forbidden DISTORTION (“That guy could use #Manscaped …”) / “I forgot #Korn came out in ’94…because I got it in ’95…”/ “But first…”/ #MachineHead DAVIDIAN (“Let freedom ring with a shotgun blast!”) / “Nasty and heavy…heavy and nasty…” / #bolth / “The Betty came out in ’94…a little #NIN …” / #Helmet WILMA’S RAINBOW (“The weird snare works here…”)
(47:41): “How’s your drummer doing?” / “I got my dudes mixed up…”/ “I always liked those dudes…I don’t know how to classify them…”/ “Have we ever heard any Bolt Thrower?” / #BoltThrower REMEMBERANCE / “It’s very aggressive…it’s very deathmetally…”/ “How about that guy?” / “Even porn has to have something to offset the fucking…”/ #YngwieJMalmsteen SEVENTH SIGN / “He always gets those singers…kinda proggy…”/ “How about some GWAR?” / #GWAR SADDAM A GO-GO / “I was pulling up the old Overkill…” / #Overkill WHERE IT HURTS (“The bass is gnarly…”) #classicthrash / “I love bands that don’t stray off too far from the farm…” / #hiphoptechnocountryalbum / “You could be #Belgish or you could be #Germanish …” / #Sodom GET WHAT YOU DESERVE
(58:49): “There’s 2 obvious ones we’ve gotta play before we end this…”/ #vomitcrunches #goodexercise (“You should do it a lot…”) / #Slayer DITTOHEAD (“He said it…he said 1994…”) / “I still remember that when they were at #TowerRecords at Gwinnett…”/ “We gotta work through this…” / #KoRn PREDICTABLE (“Is that the bass or the drums?”) / “The bass is super clicky…”/ “Seem like he dropped a lot of weight at one point…”/ #CorrosionOfConformity #COC CLEAN MY WOUNDS (“Knock it down!”) / Top “hits” of 1994 / “I wonder if R-Kelly used to party with Diddy?”/ “Was that ’94?” / Top movies of 1994 / “It gets funnier every time I watch it…”/ “Those came out in the same year?” / #WoeToYou / ***THANK YOU FOR JOINING US AND DON’T FORGET TO USE PROMO CODE ‘METAL’ WHEN YOU GO TO manscaped.com *** / ***And ALSO go get your #metalnerderypodcast merch at metalnerdery.com/merch ***/ #outroreel