Thursday Feb 04, 2021
076: Megadeth Peace Sells...But Who's Buying Album Dive
Thursday Feb 04, 2021
Thursday Feb 04, 2021
There’s a saying that “the best revenge is living well”.
Well, someone forgot to give Dave Mustaine that memo. Because as far as we can tell, Dave’s “best revenge” was to form Megadeth, a band assembled with a very specific mission: to be faster, darker, snarlier, and MORE technically proficient than his previous band from which he’d been unceremoniously sacked (that means “fired from Metallica without warning” in Americanese).
Megadeth’s sophomore slam PEACE SELLS…BUT WHO’S BUYING? is a razor-sharp refinement of the “revenge” originally presented on “KILLING IS MY BUSINESS…” only with greater vitriolic commentary and exponentially greater virtuosity and musicianship (that means “Dave Mustaine needs a cape!”)
Block out your afternoon (just tell the boss you’ve got a “client meeting”), roll another bowl of your favoritest relaxer and JOIN US as we dive into Megadeth’s PEACE SELLS…BUT WHO’S BUYING? and try to better understand what Dave was trying to convey with his specific rhetorical questioning (which translates to “Whaddya mean ‘Whaddya mean?’” in Mustainese).
Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode
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Show Notes:
(00:00) – #whosnorted ? / Megadeth, their sound & their place in Thrash and among The Big 4 / Kudos, Kommendments and Kondiments (and also Kroutons) for improved production quality and the refinement of the Megadeth sound / Future episode idea #CBFE / ***Laryngitis wants you to BUY METAL NERDERY GEAR!!! (which you can do, HERE) and Geezahh wants you to LEAVE US SOME FEEDBACK AND RATINGS!!!***
(07:26) – Going back to our first exposure to Megadeth (see also MTV News theme) and extreme Viking lore (see also #scrotumgoblets) / Turtle’s Records & Tapes flashback / Smart Metal? High Brow Thrash? The Rush of Thrash? (Alex gives his interdimensional #ooooooh of approval) / Megadeth’s riff complexity and overall technical proficiency relative to other thrash bands.
(15:30) – 09/19/1986…capturing the “perfect sound” at different locations / THE TRACKS: Wake Up Dead (Listen to all of those frickin’ layers… #whaddyamean?) ONLY Dave Mustaine could be the voice of Megadeth / The Conjuring (someone Czech the #drugtracker), complete with flangey, snakey sounding vocals / #OBEY (hahahaha, #NO!) and the “Creepiness” of the riffs.
(23:17) – “Time for the News” …PEACE SELLS (#whaddyamean?) / chock full of #crunchyballriffs (and apparently our first #blackalbumreference for 2021) / #fakken is coming to Amerika in 2021 / Devil’s Island (thinking back to #rocknpod, looking forward to #RockNPod2021) / #sharks and #shittake
(30:40) – Good Mourning/Black Friday (Clean intro, track 1, side 2 if you’re following along on vinyl or cassette) / WTF is this? (It’s called ‘fasterness’…or ‘jazz’…or “megajazz”?) / Feel that swing in the rhythm section… / Bad Omens (#creepyintro but not a #softintro) / Sacrificing Froot Loops? (#readthoselyrics) / Ummmm….headphone mics?
(38:00) – Blind Dawg Mustaine (I Ain’t Superstitious) and Dave’s interesting cover tune choices / My Last Words (and Metal Nerdery’s latest installment of #waterbottleASMR) and Russell’s “brief rant” regarding Rolling Stone (“a great piece of paper to have”?) and the lack of tangentionally applicable guitarists (Super Dave specifically) that should have been on that list / GOOD NEWS on the Megadeth front (***NEW SHIT SOON!!!***) and Lars’ gum endorsements for the next Metallica album (that, for the record, will definitely NOT be anything remotely like the Black Album)
***THANK YOU FOR LISTENING AND FOLLOWING AND SUPPORTING (and telling all of your friends, families, wizards, shamans and any and all other tangentionally relevant associates about) METAL NERDERY***
Thursday Jan 28, 2021
075: ANTHRAX Spreading The Disease Album Dive
Thursday Jan 28, 2021
Thursday Jan 28, 2021
As you will recall, we wrapped up 2020 with a trip back to 1985. Of the MANY masterpieces that were released that year, Anthrax’s SPREADING THE DISEASE (or “S.T.D.” for short. Don’t deny the power of acronyms. L.O.L!) had a markedly different sound than the other 75% (that’s 3…) of the Big 4; full of hooky, memorable melodies and a gracious super-sized order of Crunchy Ball Riffs that far exceeds the “normal” Recommended Daily Allowance of Crunchy Ball Riffs that are ESSENTIAL for optimal Thrash Metal enjoyment and overall well-being.
Go ahead and put your “Out of Office” notification on (because nobody else is really working anyway), roll another bowl of your favorite relaxerole (because…do we really have to tell you!? NOT! C’mon man…) and JOIN US as we dive into Anthrax’s “S.T.D.”; an album that has proven to be essential listening for anyone and everyone wanting to understand how important this album and Anthrax as a band were to the developing sound of what we NOW refer to as the Original Wave of Old School Thrash Metal (OWOOSTM).
Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode
Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – metalnerdery.com/merch
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Show Notes:
(00:00) – Altered relaxer regimen for 2021 and a promotional message to “BUY OUR SHIT!” from our local Scotsman (which you can do at www.metalnerdery.com/merch) / Butts & Loins or Poppin Chubbies? Or #bolth? Russell talks about his meat prowess (which on some primal level, is tangentionally tangentional to metal… a #shotofbacon sounds delicious…Pre-Front-Load-BBQ party…#poppinchubbies #idigest
(06:50) – Revisiting the year of our Riff Lord 1985 to dive into the Sophomore SLAM that was Anthrax’s Spreading the Disease (S.T.D. hahaha how ironically fitting #blistertacular) / The power, melody and clarity of an 80’s pop singer singing over thrash: HAIL to Joey Belladonna #reoanthraxwagon / Fistful of WHAT!? Reinventing the WHAT!?
(12:21) – Released Halloween Eve, 1985 (shout out to Alex Paralysis, or Perialas) / Released through Megaforce Records (HAIL! R.I.P. and Cheers to Marsha Zazula and alsoTHANK YOU!!!) / The reason for shaving during COVID / The Tracks: A.I.R. #rightthere and our various experiences regarding Anthrax and their place in thrash relative to the other ¾ of The Big 4 / “Coming to the MAIN Stage…” #kissreference / #latebloomer with regard to enjoying concert #relaxers / The “Big 3” show with Anthrax, Megadeth, and Slayer in 2010 / “Not to bring it back to me but…” / Keep an eye out for our future “Influencers” episode.
(25:50) – Lone Justice (Frank Bello’s bass sound is still punchy and aggro but not Dan Lilker aggro) / Killer gang/backup vocals and Anthrax’s “Escape” #LOUDER / Madhouse (now with even MORE #crunchyballriffs ) / The accessibility of Joey’s singing style: #reospeedthrax
(31:00) - S.S.C./Stand or Fall (#hooky #hashbongs) and the power of #motormaiden / The “sound” of Spreading the Disease and S.O.D. Speak English or Die / Lars sends his love and urges you to BUY OUR SHIT!!! / The Enemy / Aftershock (The Monkey) / Armed & Dangerous (complete with patented acoustic-clean intro that was basically a requirement on ALL thrash albums back in the day / What’s a Harp Sea Cord? #ilovecaprisuns #slowdance #softintro / Channeling burp demons and loud ass plastic water bottles (thanks Steve!) #metalnerderyASMR
(43:17) – Medusa (Thanks Russell for now making everyone think of Loverboy whenever they hear Medusa…now everybody’s working for the weekend! #footloose #snakeface / Time to Rally…GUNG-HO! (check out the ending, it’s very #1776 and very #REVOLUTIONARY sounding) #cantbefastenough #fastaf #FaF #thatendingtho #NOT / a final word from the dumb nameless Frenchman and THANK YOU FOR CONTINUING TO LISTEN, SUPPORT AND SPREAD THE WORDERY ABOUT METAL NERDERY!! (and Goodnight!)
Thursday Jan 21, 2021
074: #NWOOSTM - New Wave of Old School Thrash Metal
Thursday Jan 21, 2021
Thursday Jan 21, 2021
There’s an old proverb that says: “Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery”.
No matter which realm of Metal it refers to, that’s music to our ears! Because (supposably), to quote David Lee Roth: you can’t get that stuff (“that stuff” in this case, being Old School Thrash Metal) no more. But thankfully, DLR was WRONG! Because you CAN get that stuff yes more, thanks to an acronym that your humble Nerderers stumbled upon in our quest for greater Metal knowledge:
The New Wave of Old School Thrash Metal (Or NWOOSTM for short. And YES, it is just as awesome as it sounds!).
New Thrash bands playing Old School Thrash Metal with modern day production quality.
Put your meeting on mute, roll a big, delicious bowl of relaxerole and JOIN US as we sample some of the offerings of this brand-new genre of glorious Thrash Metal that we’ve recently discovered.
Happy NWOOSTM’ing Everybody!
Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode
Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – metalnerdery.com/merch
and kindly leave us a review and/or rating on the iTunes/Apple Podcasts - Spotify or your favorite Podcast app
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Show Notes:
(00:00): NWOBHM-uh…(STFU!) / What’s happening in Thrash Metal these days? / Previously: NWOBHM. Now, NWOOSTM (New Wave of Old School Thrash Metal): New Bands playing music that sounds like what WE listened to back in the 80’s & 90’s (www.heavymetalculture.com) ***See also NWOTHM (New Wave of Traditional Heavy Metal)***/ An anonymous Midwesterner gives some honest feedback on the NWOOSTM.
(04:44): Task Force Toxicator (Reborn in Thrash) #1986remastered #brandspank (#nwoostmstock) / Sadic (Blood Splattered Bride), Nice old school thrash harmony styles (and guitar solos) that even your canines will love (and some sage advice).
(08:44): Quantum Void (Out of the Void) / Comander (yep, just 1 “M”) – Sway of the Hatred (co-starring Lars’ St. Anger snare) / Listen to that crispy crunchy goodness!! We love THRESH (and THRASH ass well) metal! / Storm Siege (Techno World Wars)
(15:13): Voltaic (Frail Existence) – That’s gonna be a solid YES from us, dawg! (Chock full of more and more #crunchyballriffs for maximum enjoyment) Please COME… on our page! www.metalnerdery.com / Faust (with the Umlaut aka “Motorhead dots”) – No Sleep ‘til 007 / Madsher (Devil’s Alley) / Even the album cover has that old school 80’s thrash feel.
(22:02): Biowarfare (Human Waste) #cantbefastenough (a beautiful Thrash Metal Behbeh) / Have you heard of A Serbian Film? Kobold (Masterpace) / Old School Arcade Games and Sadistic Messiah (High Voltage Demons) with the nice reverse harmony guitar intros (and the quintessential 1988 thrash guitar tone)
(28:00): Swine of Dissent (An Uprising) / Trying to “translate” how the NWOOSTM bands fit in with the ACTUAL Old School Thrash from back in the day / Ascendor (Circle of Violence) #malta Sounds like old school WREKage / Extended Plays yet Pretty Short / Verbal Razors (By Thunder and Lightning) In the crossover-skatethrash-D.R.I. space / #snotnostrils
(33:48): Torment (The War They Feed) / Does Powertrip fall into the NWOOSTM category? (***For a good time, Check out our Tribute to Riley Gale episode***) / Thrashletics (Ravager) – BEHOLD that album cover!! #rifflicious (definitely #CBFE) / ***GO CHECK OUT ALL THE NEW NWOOSTM BANDS*** WE ENJOYED the #NWOOSTM!!
Thursday Jan 14, 2021
073: 1986 Year In Metal
Thursday Jan 14, 2021
Thursday Jan 14, 2021
1986. The Highlander. The Challenger. Reign in Blood. One of THE most critically important years in Thrash history (and honestly, I would argue that for ALL Metal, but as Russell would say: I digest). Thanks to the glorious excess of the mid-1980’s (Thanks Reaganomics and cocaine!), metal fans were treated to some of the finest, most incomparably superb moments in metal history that would likely NEVER be bested. Period.
You know what time it is! It’s 2021: time to leave the polished turdity of 2020 behind you, assemble a various and sundry cornucopia of your favorite relaxers to be consumed however you feel most comfortable and JOIN US as we stroll through The Year of Our Riff Lord 1986.
Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode
Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – metalnerdery.com/merch
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Email: metalnerdery@gmail.com
Show Notes:
(00:00): Cheers! HAPPY 2021! And Happy New Year in Metal / #pestilence and #recollection of #nothing (no wads & negative) / Hot Wings contest winner!! Feeling #weird and #drugged / fallen #sarsrevenge wishes
(05:26): The Year in Metal 1986 (Where were YOU in 1986? ***Hit us up on the Socials on FB & IG***) #keepingitloose #gently / Iron Maiden – Somewhere in Time (Wasted Years) / #MOP & #RIB / #ilikethetool #ilovethehelmet
(11:20): Megadeth- Peace Sells… (But Who’s Buying?) / #fakken and a message from Milley’s backline tour support for #fakken2021 / Flotsam & Jetsam (Doomsday for the Deceiver) (#preblackalbum #blackalbumreference) / Sepultura (Morbid Visions) / Metal Church – The Dark/ Fates Warning – Awaken the Guardian / Motorhead – Orgasmatron (Mean Machine, NOT the Green Machine) / a word from Geeoff Taint and his 2021 ad for #screamfromtheballs : Scream From the Balls 2 (NOW showing in all theaters with the Patented “DualScrote Taintnology” label) / Limited number of tentacles available / #slipperywhenwet #lmao #jazz / #backforewardaftshadowing Ozzy Osbourne – The Ultimate Sin #ozzyrules (Truck Driver in Drag hahaha) /#waitwhat #CBLE
(23:21): A different name for Yngwie J. Malmsteen’s Trilogy / Manilla Road (how many tentacles does THAT drummer have!?) #ehhhhhhhhhh / Cirith Ungol – One Foot in Hell / Black Sabbath – Seventh Star (#deepsabbath or #blackpurple ?) and MAYBE…a “haunting” / Nuclear ASS(ault) – Game Over / The “Beyond the Gates” Possessed album cover / W.A.S.P. (between KISS and DIO) / Cinderella – Night Songs (Somebody Save Me) – NOTE: we almost made Billiam recycle his lunch at the mere mention of Bon Jovi, Slippery When Wet and/or/bolthreee his favorite band, the hottest band in the world: KISS!!); this was a compromise. #blackdog
(33:33): Judas Priest – Turbo (and the “keyboard” backlash of the mid 80’s) / Van Halen-5150 (check out our Tribute to EVH!) / DLR – Eat ‘Em & Smile / Cro-Mags – The Age of Quarrel (Hard Times) and the night Russell almost got #shaved / Sodom – Obsessed by Cruelty (Death Like Silence) / Warlock / Angel Dust / Tesla – Mechanical Resonance (#itsnotkiss #justkidding) / Onslaught (The Force – check out our 1985 episode)
(41:22): King Diamond – Fatal Portrait (Haunted) NOTE: it was Timi Hansen, NOT Hal Patino on bass / Angel Dust (Into the Dark Past) #creepyintro (it was worth it) / Tankard (Zombie Attack) and the Teutonic 4 / The Accused: The Return of Martha Splatterhead and the tangentionalality with GnR / A quick word from Ron and a HAIL to #Doro
(51:10): Venom – Eine Kleine Nachtmuzik (WTF!?) and then War Pigs (#ultimateintro) / #noteven / Hallows Eve (Georgia) / St. Vitus (Born too Late) / Newly formed bands in 1986 / #akkadakka Who Made Who / Angel Witch (and The Gum confessions) / Tony MacAlpine – Edge of Insanity (#supershredder) / Exciter – Unveiling the Wicked / Guns N Roses – Live (Like a Suicide) / NOT #sacredreich, #sacredrite / Vinnie Vincent Invasion (Boyz R Gonna Rock…just the #softintro part) ***WATCH THE VIDEO***
(1:01:52): Satan (Into the Future) sounds like #motormaiden but not “satanish” enough for the monicker / Do you think the Tygers of Pan Tang had other plans for their name? /Bill’s closer for 1986: Slayer – Raining Blood #SlayerASMR and Tom with the forecast / THANK YOU for beginning 2021 with us! KEEP SUPPORTING METAL, KEEP SUPPORTING US, GIVE US SOME FEEDBACK AND RATINGS AND CONTINUE TO SPREAD THE GLOBAL WORDERY ABOUT THE METAL NERDERY SORRY FOR SCREAMING OH YEAH, LARS SAID TO MAKE SURE AND BUY OUR SHIT WHICH YOU CAN FIND AT WWW.METALNERDERY.COM/MERCH. OKAY I’LL TURN IT OFF NOW.
Thursday Dec 31, 2020
072: 2020 Year In Review
Thursday Dec 31, 2020
Thursday Dec 31, 2020
JOIN US for a look back at 2020 as we discuss some of the more memorable moments in Metal that are actually worth remembering and otherwise bid a (NOT) fond farewell to the year that can only be described as a diarrhea filled dumpster fire built like Mike Tyson that will not stop constantly hammering you right in the tenders.
Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode
Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – metalnerdery.com/merch
and kindly leave us a review and/or rating on the iTunes/Apple Podcasts - Spotify or your favorite Podcast app
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Email: metalnerdery@gmail.com
Show Notes:
(00:00) – seemingly tangentionally metal moments in cinema / #hasselhoff and impressions and #whatthefuck #michaelmcdonald #metalmcdonald / Gifted Child Musicians and Them Crooked Vultures / 2 minutes to late night and various #colloberrating opportunities during #lockdown / “Jumper cables to the tits of Metal”
(10:46) – New Years Eve 2021 #2020holdmyrelaxer / Dashed show plans in 2020 #ball2ball #tampans / NOW he does the business (sigh)…fucking Lars…BUY OUR SHIT: www.metalnerdery.com/merch
(14:00) – 2020: The Dumpster Fire of a Year in Review (NOT such a bad year for Metal though!!) / The Star Wars Metallica Fan Conundrum / S.O.D. & Mr. Bungle / Entertainment’s evolution (?) during “Lockdown” / The various live Metallica Shows and the return of the “Drive-In” shows
(21:37) – the year of “finding our voice” and discovering new (uncharted) facets of metal / Ozzy Osbourne (Under the Graveyard) / Pre or Post Malone Grunge Thrash Core? / No love for #Ohms
(28:37) – Testament (Titans of Creation) #tittens of creation (Children of the Next Level) / Cirith Ungol (Forever Black – The Call/Legions Arise) / Butcher & 666 Goats Carry My Chariot (#woe2you) and Iron Bitch #ironhalen / #nwoostm (New Wave Of Old School Thrash Metal) #oooohhh #Alexapproved
(37:49) – Mr. Bungle (Raping Your Mind) ***WATCH THIS VIDEO!!!*** / Anvil (Legal at Last) / Always on My Mind (Danzig doing Elvis) / Marilyn Manson and the rules of Absinthe / Pig Destroyer (The Octagonal Stairway) and #redemption for #jennifer as well as your daily dose of #crunchyballriffs
(48:00) – The impact of Celtic Frost(ing) and Tom G. Warrior(ing) on 2020(ing) / Stoner Doom Goodness in 2020, brought to you by Metal Nerdery ASMR / #thickerisbetter Orchid (Capricorn) and the proliferation of “Mini-Me” bands that are reflecting the power of their metal forefathers
(55:12) – Some R.I.P.’s in 2020 and the theory regarding “undisclosed reasons” / Albums RELEASED in 2020 / Code Orange (Underneath and Swallowing The Rabbit Whole) – INTERMISSION
(1:05:00) – AC/DC (#akkadakka Demon Fire from #PWRUP) / Other not so great things about 2020 that we shan’t discuss / #iliketool / The normalization of the #shitstorm that has been #2020 / Metallica’s cover of Alice In Chain’s “Would?”
(1:16:40) – The Assley Paradox (#crickets) / #heavyhasselhoff David Hasselhoff (Through The Night) / A great porn name / Shortest Straw (#turnitoffnow) / Napalm Death (Backlash Just Because) #pallettecleanser / HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL OF OUR FELLOW METAL NERDERY METAL NERDERERS
Saturday Dec 26, 2020
Bonus: Outtakes and Nonsense Vol. I
Saturday Dec 26, 2020
Saturday Dec 26, 2020
Please enjoy some Metal Nerdery Outtakes and Nonsense from prior shows.
This wont be the last one of these as we have accumulated many snippets of gold over the last 70 shows.
We have a ton of fun with this Podcast and thank you all for coming along on this ride with us.
Show Your Support for Metal!!
We Love you All
Thursday Dec 24, 2020
070: Down II Album Dive
Thursday Dec 24, 2020
Thursday Dec 24, 2020
There’s something downright mysterious about DOWN II. Something about the vibe of the album sounds like it was recorded and produced by Roger Bain in some haunted, abandoned church in an alternate dimension during the early 1970’s and then teleported back to 2002 for a boost in production value and loudness thanks to the generous spell of a wizard who loves Metal.
But that’s not what happened.
No, there was something else that amplified and enhancified the mystique presented on DOWN’s sophomore effort DOWN II: A Bustle In Your Hedgerow. Something more organic, more natural, and even more mystical and powerful than interdimensional teleportation and wizards:
The swamplands of Louisiana, home to NODFERATU’S LAIR!
JOIN US (in an alternate dimension. Yeah, you’re gonna need a LOT of relaxers…) as we dive into the 2nd DOWN album and marvel at their uncanny ability to create the most delicious Skynyrd Fried Sabbath Crunch Casserole (with Riff Gravy) platter you’ve EVER experienced in your life.
Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode
Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – metalnerdery.com/merch
and kindly leave us a review and/or rating on the iTunes/Apple Podcasts - Spotify or your favorite Podcast app
Listen on iTunes, Spotify, Podbean, Google Play or wherever you get your Podcasts.
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Email: metalnerdery@gmail.com
Show Notes:
(00:00) – A spring release with an autumn vibe: DOWN II: A Bustle In Your Hedgerow (#paradise & #gold) / #blackalbumreference / BUY OUR SHIT: www.metalnerdery.com/merch / Check out our shit: world.wide.web.metalnerdery.com / Come find us on the socials / #stretchmarks / Production credits / The producer’s role and the artist’s role / #relaxers in abundance (most probably, yes!) #itsDOWN
(06:21) – DOWN II: The “flow” and feel of this one vs NOLA / What were YOU into in 2002?/#riffcasseroll (with an extra crispy DOWN crust) / #broadstroke / Jamming with some dudes and getting hammered…for 28 days! #goodtimes #redcirclemagic
(13:48) – The personnel of DOWN / The “Roxy” and a shameless #blackalbumreference / The Tracks: Lysergik Funeral Procession (#alberthofmann) and the sound of a modernized Black Sabbath / There’s Something On My Side (it’s called Stoner Skynyrd gravy to go with your Southern Fried Sabbath) / www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for a little “something extra” to tickle your brain / #relaxers
(21:54) – The Man that Follows Hell (is probably out of relaxers) / Stained Glass Cross (Southern Fried Sabbath with a side of Hammond organ #70sVibe / Ghosts Along The Mississippi (#readthoselyrics) DOWN (Now with a full ½ of Pantera) / Learn From This Mistake #nightnighttime
(29:16) – The Beautifully Depressed #iwillsaythis / Where I’m going (check out the Interview with Phil Anselmo at Loyola University in NOLA for context #justsayno #dontdenythepowerof ) #rollanotherbowl with Ron and head on DOWN to the Doobinterlude (and HAIL to Jimmy Bower! Master of VIBE!)
(35:53) – New Orleans is a Dying Whore (#crunchyballriffs now with extra #balls) / ***THE POWER OF THE RIFF COMPELLS ME!!!*** The Seed #rollanotherbowl / The “style” of a left turn in Canahhdahh / #cancerboogers / Lies, I don’t know what they say but… (#idiot #welldeserved) DOWN II is definitely a “relaxer” album / Did DOWN Time Travel back to the 70’s to record DOWN II? / Flambeaux’s jamming with St. Aug (#ridiculous consumption of multiple #relaxers) and theories as to the song’s title / Dog Tired
(46:11) – Landing on the Mountains of Meggido (***check out also En Minor, which is tangentionally related***) #metalnerderyASMR and Careless Whispering and that Black Dog / Coming to the Main Stage, it’s Tympani!! / What’s in the future realm for DOWN? / #butbutbut / DOWN IV: Parts 3&4? / ***MERRY CHRIST MASS*** #dontdenythepowerof #Christmas #krampus and French Satan #nuts #neverforget
Thursday Dec 17, 2020
069: Tribute to Dime
Thursday Dec 17, 2020
Thursday Dec 17, 2020
I awoke on December 8th and felt a little “off”. It felt heavy. Oppressive. Like a spiritual hangover. And then I remembered why…
16 years before was the day that we would forever mourn the loss of one of THE G.O.A.T.’s of Metal’s current generation: our modern-day Riff Lord that we know and love (and HAIL!) as Dimebag (Diamond) Darrell, or simply: DIME!
DIME was a force to be reckoned with in Metal, he could do it ALL! Killer intros, killer riffs, killer solos…what’s NOT to LIKE!?
ALL Killer, NO Filler! It’s the ONLY way that dude rolled.
So tell your boss you’ll be “meditating” for the next hour or so (technically that’s true), fix yourself a Black Tooth Grin (or eight; whatever feels right for you), slice & dice & roll another bowl of your favorite relaxer (because why wouldn’t you?) and JOIN US for this edition of Metal Nerdery’s Memorable Moments in Metal with DIME as we listen back to some of the highlights from his career with Pantera and discuss some of our favorite moments of “Power Metal Magic” (sorry. Okay, I’ll turn it off now…) from our favorite thrashtastical power groove shredder from Texas.
Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode
Consider supporting us at Patreon - patreon.com/metalnerderypodcast You'll find some extra goodies there too!
Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – metalnerdery.com/merch
and kindly leave us a review and/or rating on the iTunes/Apple Podcasts - Spotify or your favorite Podcast app
Listen on iTunes, Spotify, Podbean, Google Play or wherever you get your Podcasts.
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Email: metalnerdery@gmail.com
Show Notes:
(00:00) – Black tooth grins and pre-drunken tangentionally related rambling / Wait…WHAT!? / December 8th (R.I.P.) Dimebag Darrell Abbott (#DIME): The Swiss Army knife of Metal / How could you have a 2nd guitarist when you’ve got DIME? / Check us out on FaceGram
(13:00) – And NOW, Metal Nerdery’s Memorable Moments in Metal with DIME / Domination and #rocksoldiers (hahahaha!) / ***Go procure the Pantera 3 Vulgar Videos from Hell!!!*** / Van Tera and Thrash Halen / The Dime Contest / Power Metal (pre-CFH) & Metal Magic (pre-Power Metal), the Big Budget Intro and Sexy Magic Panther / The evolution of Dime’s riffs and chops over time (aka “Finding one’s creative voice”) and the evolution and development of their style and voice until they BECAME Pantera / #dontdenythepowerof #DIME
(31:31) – The Swing of Sabbath, the aggression of 80’s thrash and the fun of Van Halen / Cemetery Gates and the #mariahcarey harmonics of #metal / The Art of Shredding (#bulky) and “rules” that Russell is making up on the fly (e.g. #thefrostrule) #cantbeloudenough and what a killer closer!
(42:12) – By Demons Be Driven (such incredible tightness!) / Rise (#cantbefastenough #hammerdown) Hollow (#crunchyballriffs) / Capri Suns and Helmet / Message in Blood & The Sleep / I’m Broken (every time after I eat at Karl’z Juniour)
Thursday Dec 10, 2020
068: Combat Records
Thursday Dec 10, 2020
Thursday Dec 10, 2020
Back in the day, there were certain criteria on the back of every cassette and compact disc that were critical to ensure that the piece of thrashtastical goodness you were about to consume was WORTHY of your entertainment dollar.
One of the most important criteria to look for was the record label.
Back then, the independent record labels were what really helped to launch the entire Thrash Metal movement and community, thanks in large part to the power of networking (we’re talking pre-internet, pre-Black album kinda networking here).
You would know within a fraction of a second if the album was of quality or not. If it said COMBAT Records anywhere on it, there was no question: it was DEFINITELY quality, and DEFINITELY worthy of your investment.
So go back through your old cassette tape and compact disc collection, put on one of your old black tour shirts from high school, roll another bowl of your favorite relaxer and JOIN US as we talk about COMBAT Records, their recent rebirth, and go through some of the COMBAT roster from back in the glory days of Thrash (as well as check out some of the new COMBAT artists).
Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode
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Email: metalnerdery@gmail.com
Check out Combat Records at Combat Records - Combat Records (combatrecs.com)
Show Notes:
(00:00): Sound Czechs and afterlife options / COMBAT Records and #LarzGumASMR / Our THANKS to our listeners for listening and giving us kudos and commendments, and for that, we give you OUR thanks (as well as our kudos and commendments) / The Jeopardy #ooooh (the Alex Trebek seal of disapproval and wrongness) #itstaysup #metalpriapism / ***PLEASE LEAVE US A RATING AND SOME COMMENTS!!!*** / 45 Star Rating!!! / This week’s custom #hashtag: #metalballs
(07:50): The Tangentionalality of RockNPod, COMBAT Records and Junior (and another brush with Metal Greatness) check out our RockNPod Trip Summary / A word from the chainsaw roadie / The early COMBAT Days #okayturnitoffnow / The escalating intensity of the various thrash label names / #dontdenythepowerof COMBAT Records (or The Mighty Megadeth, or to the David Ellefson for RESURRECTING COMBAT Records!) www.combatrecs.com / FTL #blacksachbak #nwot
(19:17): The COMBAT label in the context of 80’s Thrash Metal / Metal Nerdery presents COMBAT Artists from back in the day (at some point we will do a full Accueauxed Overveaux) / #savatagebrothers
(23:27): Blind Illusion: Blood Shower (Technically, it’s Primus before Primus was actually Primus) Listen closely for Mr. Les Claypool #slappindahbassmon / #sportsball What’s the equivalent in Metal of blowing a 28-3 lead? / The Crumbsuckers / Dark Angel-Darkness Descends (and more #sportsballspeak and lesser yet amply moderate sized #balls…and NO, that intro was NOT Dark Angel)/ #moreabsorbent #cuethecrickets / Still Dark Angel, Darkness Descends (take DOS!) / Still MORE Dark Angel (Leave Scars) / Chuck Schuldiner’s philosophy on #metal (#metalismetal) / #ehhhhhhhh the Metal Nerdery #hairmetal episode (with absolutely ZERO anesthesia…***COMING SOON***)
(37:19): Death (Denial of Life) / ***Be sure to try #crunchyballriffs for breakfast (now with marshmallows!)*** / #alwaysdugthedeath / Pull the Plug (how had Ultimate Revenge) and HAIL to old school #WREKage / Pull the Plug is like the perfect #riffcasseroll of Metal #allkillernofiller / Exodus (Open Season) /#meatcandy delivered courtesy of #Doro (#porkbellies) #MetalNerderyASMR #AtherosclerosisASMR #bigdaddysbbqpit (The small ones melt in your mouth)
(47:58): Forbidden (As Good As Dead) #CBLE (check out our Forbidden Dive; like episode5 or so) / The Heroin of Food, the Truffle of Meat (WHERE does it melt!?) / Ludichrist (Powertrip) and the tangentionalalityism with Scatterbrain / A mouthful of meat…/ Megadeth (Devil’s Island)
(57:12): Mercyful Fate (The Oath) #bigbudgetintro #listenwithheadphones #readthoselyrics / The weird “baby opossum” incident #dontdenythepowerof #satanpossums / #blessed
(1:02:14): Nuclear Assault: Sin (Elker, the Lodger) / #metalnerderyXLR / Powermad (Terminator) #noteven / Savatage (The Dungeons Are Calling) Early Prog-Thrash D&DMetal / #mybuggy (***should contain Metal Nerdery MERCH!!***) / Carcass Reek of Putrefaction (#albumcover) / Pig Destroyer’s Jennifer/Cheerleader Corpses was definitely NOT a hit for the Russell (or the Mrs. Russell) / #BBQ #ASMR
Check out Combat Records at Combat Records - Combat Records (combatrecs.com)
Thursday Dec 03, 2020
067: Metal Massacre II
Thursday Dec 03, 2020
Thursday Dec 03, 2020
Sometimes you have to be reminded of history to understand bolth where you come from and why things are the way they are today. Thanks to Brian Slagel and Metal Blade Records various Metal Massacre compilations, we’re able to gain a greater glimpse of the Metal landscape as it was at that time; a sound that was slowly transitioning from hard rock into what we know and love as heavy metal.
JOIN US as we turn off the Coleco Vision and pour another bowl of our favorite relaxers and time travel back to the early 80’s and peruse through Metal Blade’s Metal Massacre II.
Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode
Consider supporting us at Patreon - patreon.com/metalnerderypodcast You'll find some extra goodies there too!
Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – metalnerdery.com/merch
and kindly leave us a review and/or rating on the iTunes/Apple Podcasts - Spotify or your favorite Podcast app
Listen on iTunes, Spotify, Podbean, Google Play or wherever you get your Podcasts.
Follow us on the Socials:
Facebook - Instagram - Twitter
Email: metalnerdery@gmail.com
Show Notes:
(00:00) – Wait…WHAT!? / #HAIL2TheDuke / A word Laryngitis Oldrich / A Metal History Lesson: Metal Blade’s Metal Massacre II / NOT “our” Overkill
(07:17) – Wait, WHO wore the loincloths!? Armored Saint or Manowar!? Codpieces vs Loinclothes and #cosplaymetal
(11.11) – The Tracks: Lesson Well Learned (Armored Saint) / 3rd Stage (Mind Invader) #D&DMetal #dungeons&dragons and early prog metal (similar to the early work of the Savatage Brothers)
(17:57) – Surgical Steel (Rivit Head) sounds like a KILLER Judas Priest cover band with just a drop of Motorhead and Mercyful Fate for good measure / #anythingbroccoli / Obsession (Shadows of Steel; more Priest influence in the riffage)
(24:42) – Savage Grace (Scepters of Deceit aka Magic Stiq of Deceipt) / Who needs the BIGGEST scepter? King Halford or Rob Diamond? / Overkill (No Holds Barred; not No Holes Barred); definitely NOT the Jersey version (#ehhhhhhh) #noteven close / Warlord (Lucifer’s Hammer, and the never ending #cowbell) / And then we go off the rails into a conversation about KISS and the lesser known characters from KISS) / #kitty #beak #beaq
(35:05) – Trauma (Such a Shame), #foreshadowing of the future #thrashlegend #cliffburton Pre-Metallica) Heavy Hasselhoff? Dietrich (It’s Alright) / #davidleehasselroth / Molten Leather (Inversion) #heavyHendrix
(42:04) – Hyksos (and the meaning of the name, as read by Russell (The Kings)) Mercyful Fate meets Rush #dontdenythepowerof #metalnerderyASMR / Aloha (Heavy Metal Virgin), pre-Cacophony pre-Megadeth Marty Friedman / #smartness / #dontdenythepowerof #judaspriest coming up on a #future #episode