Thursday Jan 20, 2022
126: Speak of the Devil Album Dive
Thursday Jan 20, 2022
Thursday Jan 20, 2022
“We’re gonna do a number now…which was the very first song I ever wrote in my life…”
After 2 successful solo albums with his solo band (Blizzard of Ozz), OZZY OSBOURNE was set to release a live album consisting exclusively of songs from his former band, Black Sabbath.
“Wooo! Wooo!!”
SPEAK OF THE DEVIL is a double-live album of classic Sabbath tracks from the storied Ozzy era of the band throughout the entirety of the 1970’s. As if that weren’t enough, SPEAK OF THE DEVIL also contains some of THE most thoroughly entertaining stage banter in all of heavy metal, courtesy of The Prince of Darkness.
“Let’s make it a good one.”
Get ready to put on your “Olde Faece”, don the “plug balls”, polish off the “hop stick” and JOIN US on this episode of Metal Nerdery Podcast’s “Live Album Conspiracy Theories” as we dive into SPEAK OF THE DEVIL and indulge in a few of our favorite things: Ozzy and his brilliant between-song banter, 70’s era Sabbath, and the contents of Saint Bernard Neck Barrels.
Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode
Leave us a Voicemail to be played on a future episode: 980-666-8182
Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – metalnerdery.com/merch
and kindly leave us a review and/or rating on the iTunes/Apple Podcasts - Spotify or your favorite Podcast app
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Can’t be LOUD Enough Playlist on Spotify
Show Notes:
(00:01): #realasfuck #love to the #clinky #courtesyof #fireonthemountain #DillardGeorgia #ByGod #fellas #saintbernardneckbarrels #cheers #clinky #fuckovevilspirits #toughguy #howmany #woetoyou #andbegin #zilch***WELCOME BACK TO METAL NERDERY PODCAST!!!*** #yummy #boyohboy #blessing #onmicburp / #alcoholsuperstore #megabeverage / #missedintro #halfintrobone #reprise #relaxerreprise #andbegin / #zero #zilch / #thisepisodesbeerofthepisode #readyokay #gratitude #pointofreference #markthetime #indeedly #stonerstyle (with a #cauldron?) #WizardStonerBaboon #HopStick #HopStaff #moltenenergy #vivid #TrippingAnimalsBrewingCo out of #DoralFlorida #ThirdTripAroundTheSun #tripleindiapellell #twentyproofbeer #pellell #verygreen #paleale #hopstick #weedtangentionalalityismnessesque #imnotanexpert #neonplaid #ournumberonecompetitor #relaxers #noteven (#relaxersuppositories) #littlecocks like that #fucking #nightlight #soft hard is like the #shotglass #prettyclose #WTFjusthappenedASMR
(08:00): Not just #relaxers…here’s what’s on the #docket!!! This is a #LIveAlbumDive of #OzzyOsbourne #SpeakOfTheDevil #stagebanter (basically an Ozzy fronted, #Sabbath #tributeband that, ironically, is what Sabbath kinda morphed into re: having ONE original member. That’s tangentional…) / #recollections and not understanding that #soloOzzy was different (and yet related) to #BlackSabbath. #Wrestling or #wrastling #LearningTheRopesOfMetal #alwaysbeprepared #heswrongASMR #ifyouregonnagettechnical #turtlesrecordsandtapes / The #albumcoverart for Speak of the Devil #steaktartare or #mensesmarinara / The #gatefold and the way the old #doublelivealbums were / #runes #thattattooisstillcreepy #dontdefacerecords #iknowhesbeingstrong #projecting / “Ultimately, it’s my fault…” #really / Recorded at The Ritz #TheRitz September 1982 and #thelineup and definitely an #elcectic album. / ***Five Days to learn the songs and prep for the tour***and the #circumstances behind the live album to offset the tragic loss of #RandyRhoads the year before. #alreadyinthehopper and a nod to Ozzy’s #Tribute #fiveyearslater / #allyoupeople ***Metal Nerdery Banter Project: to capture all live Ozzy stage #banter and compile into one master #track !!!*** And the concept of “Ozzy as Black Sabbath” and a great #marketingmove (great for youngsters like us who were unaware of the #tangentionalality of Ozzy to Sabbath) / Ozzy’s #distinctivevoice #LIVE #heshuman #howdareyou #anoddopener #futureepisodeidea #1982hat
(20:52): SYMPTOM OF THE UNIVERSE #killeropener #noteperfect ***Who hasn’t #RudySarzo played with?*** Thanks to the bizarre tracking/editing of many live albums, you have to go to the end of the prior track to hear the #stagebanter for #thenexttrack whereas it makes far more sense to make the banter be at the beginning of the next song, for tracking purposes #themadmanisback #weregonnadoanumbernow SNOWBLIND #cocaine #comeon #nopressure #phleghmy #cackaww #letmeseeyourhands #bewhoyouis #fansaredicks and yet how do you reconcile that with #superfans / #dontbeanasshole #besupportive #loadsandloads #markthetime
(29:54) #theveryfirstsongieverwroteinmylife BLACK SABBATH #GodBlessYouAll #nodogs #stillcreepyasfuck #thatsanoverdub #sorrythatwasweird #phleghm #hahahahaha #cawww #creepy / #imjusttellinya #punchinginlivetracks to help ensure the #souvenir and/or #takeaway of seeing the band #liveinconcert and that magical time when live albums often had better production than most studio albums. #twomicrophones #dryandwet #itsmarked #imnotshittingonanybody / #thankyou for that #Russell
(36:12): #selfburn #weregonnadoanumbernow FAIRIES WEAR BOOTS #letsmakeitagoodone #nice / #hail to #oldefaece #clapyourhands #alrightnow #cantbeloudenough / the #cracksandpops of #vinyl and the entire “physical media” experience (including #compactdiscs #cassettes and #tapes and #eighttracks vs #streamingmedia/ #justimagine #markthetime #smokinandtrippin #forwhomthebelltollsASMR / #werehavingfunright #Ozzystagebanterissoawesome WAR PIGS #itsfine #uhhyeah #youcanhearit #stillawesome #thickens #moreswole #OhLordYeah and some #BradGillis #squealies #cricketmotivationalASMR #onmicburpcore #dodrugsandfuck and #eatwhatyouwant
(46:32): #thankyou #cheers #1972 #theoldfillmoreeast THE WIZARD #goodversion (EDIT: Umm, the Fillmore EAST is #intheeast: It’s in New York, NOT #Caulifoekneeyuh!!!) / #notontheboat #perfect #tangentionalburpcore #feedback #spreadinghismagic #nevergetsold #indeedle / MORE on the Ozzy playing Black Sabbath tunes almost like a cover/tribute artist instead of as a former member of the band and the different vibe / #plugballs and #nightlights #rotisserie / #isntthisfun #letshaveariot #dontsaythat N.I.B. #ohyeah #straightin / #natural #thinlayer #notnegative and the continued #debate regarding Ozzy’s vocals and “potential” #overdubbing in the studio. ***JOIN US ON THE NEXT EPISODE OF METAL NERDERY LIVE ALBUM PRODUCTION CONSPIRACY THEORIES!!!*** #doubler it’s pronounced #chorus #liar ***GIVE US A CALL AND LEAVE US A VOICEMAIL AT 980-666-8182!!!*** #beertwoofthisepisode #rebeeringthebeeroftheepisode #AutumnBlaze #CaptainBrewingLawrenceCompany and/or the #CaptainLawrenceBrewingCompany and also something from #GonnaNeedABiggerPontoon #PontoonBrewing #BunkerpoonPontoon #comeonnow
(57:57): #stagebanterASMR #raven #okay SWEET LEAF #DutchASMR ***If you haven’t read it yet, go read the Ozzy #autobiography!!!*** #pictureofhealth / #sidethree which is #sideA of #albumdos / #keeponsmokinit #thelastnumber NEVER SAY DIE (***NOTE: This was the first time for some of us actually hearing some of these #Sabbath songs…#memories***) / #alright #pauseitrealquick a #newimpression #hey SABBATH BLOODY SABBATH #getinthere / Olde Faece is keepin’ it mellow in the #inbetween #camerasnotrolling #pictureprompt #wooo #notasheavy #waitwhat #killeroutro #onmicburpcoreASMR #creepyoutro
(1:10:47): #weregonnadoanumbernow #familiar IRON MAN (with a brilliant #segue into…) CHILDREN OF THE GRAVE #medley #digtheharmonics #ihaveaquestion / #performingfornoone and other #bizarre #trivia regarding the #recording of the #liveshows for the album. #hardtofollow ***someone call #RodSerling*** / #greatpractice/ #herecomesangryMatt
(1:20:25): #killercloser #trademark PARANOID and some contradictions of prior assertions #whoops #unfamiliar #yourethegreatestpeople #thatsitfolks #thataudience ***GO BUY THIS ALBUM!!!*** #notstreaming #cLevel #blackdog #33rdFloorInvertedUndergroundBunkerPoonStudios #TriCountyArea www.metalnerdery.com/merch BUY OUR SHIT!!! #prettygood / THANK YOU FOR JOINING US AND FOR CONTINUING TO LISTEN TO US AND SUPPORT US!!! #9806668182 #anothervoicemail #ohhhnooo #TheVoiceMailSegment #hatemail #gracias to #PissingPost #ismellthat #thathadanodor #microvomit #untilthenext #theend #notyet #wait / #outtakes #holyfuckingfuck #outtakebarrage #ifuckingloveyouASMR
Thursday Jan 13, 2022
Thursday Jan 13, 2022
Thursday Jan 13, 2022
Without RIFFS, we’d be without METAL, because “the riff” represents the foundation, the anchor, the “meat” if you will, of the song. Irregardless (and/or regardless) of the artist, whether it’s Sabbath, Maiden or Slayer, the power of the riff (according to Jimmy Bower) is indeedly compelling and critically important to creating catchy, MEMORABLE, timeless metal tunes.
It’s a New Year of nonsense here at our 33rd Floor I.U.B.P. Studios, so you know what that means: It’s time to understand the greater repercussional implications of “getting bleached” and “more boned” whilst battling extreme “Hage”, put on your “Olde Faece”, shave off those “crispy pubes” and JOIN US as we dive into Vol. 1 of some of the most MEMORABLE METAL RIFFS ever!
Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode
Leave us a Voicemail to be played on a future episode: 980-666-8182
Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – metalnerdery.com/merch
and kindly leave us a review and/or rating on the iTunes/Apple Podcasts - Spotify or your favorite Podcast app
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Email: metalnerdery@gmail.com
Can’t be LOUD Enough Playlist on Spotify
Show Notes:
(00:01): #tonguerolling #waitforit #decorkment and #apologies for #toomuchqword due to #hage (vs #hangry) #hangryisplayedout / #deepbreath #andbegin ***WELCOME BACK TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST!!!*** #preshowclinky #clinkiness #broughttoyouby #FireOnTheMountain #idareyou #markthetime #intros #youweresaying (a moment of #tangentionality #theyrelistening #werenumbertwo) #HappyNewYear to #Everyone!!! #soundsofcombat #combatsoundtrack #soundsofthingstocome / #firearms vs #fireworks #defygravity #snotthirty #bepositive or #benegative #justbe and #STFU / The general weirdness of #NewYearsDay #thedayafter #NYE and the #christmasday #chinesebuffet / #fallingapart #thisepisodes #beeroftheepisode #radnewsegmentthememusic #chompchomp from #TheBrewingProjekt #sourale (#sourell) / #milksugarcreamcheesepowder #HellIsASweetPlaceToBe #oral #theverdict #youvegotto #thenewcocaine #crococheesecakegator #sweet #dessertish #sixpointnineabv #gotto #itsfine #choppy #IUBPStudiosDanceMixASMR #boom***GIVE US A CALL AT 980-666-8182 AND LEAVE US A VOICE MAIL TO BE PLAYED ON FUTURE EPISODES!!!*** #VoiceMailSegment #incredible #kudos and #commendments from #PissingPost and also #Hail!!!*** #thisonegoestoMatt #thanksSteve #touche #juicy #gypsy and the #Dio video (and things you cannot #unhear) #revveduplikeadouche / #narcissistic and things got #tooweird with the #cuntometer and the #firearmfellatio #bit and #impression #finishing / now for #lighting and #dockets
(10:30): #MostMemorableMetalRiffs… (What makes it memorable?) / Some of them are #earworms and you can never get rid of them! Establishing the #guidelines for what we’re looking for and/or #memorableness (“Even if you didn’t know the song, if you heard it, you’d KNOW it.”) / #popsoff #evaluating (#volumeoneofmany) #bolth #yeah #multipleinterpretations #cumulate #comeyoulate #culmulation #alltheobviousones #thenatureoftheriff #somegoods #MCTentacleChoice #BlackSabbath SYMPTOM OF THE UNIVERSE #fuckingmemorable #killeropener for #theshow and a moment of #tangentionalality to #SpeakOfTheDevil #essentialbackshadowingASMR #solostuff #hesajazzplayer #complexicated #iwontguarantee #abigone #markthetime #itsmarked #allofit ***(“Simple and effective.”)*** #ACDC DIRTY DEEDS (DONE DIRT CHEAP) #cantbeloudenough #thisismetal #JudasPriest BREAKING THE LAW #waitwhat #chkachka #audiodiscoveries #iwouldloveone #justgrabtheoneatthedoor #thunderlord #lordthundercock #lordoflightning #suckingatthis #DeepPurple SPACE TRUCKIN #fuzzy #stonerprogmetal #walkdown #comeon #insidethemetal #genre / #crossfade (a not so epic live version, to soon be replaced with the studio version…sans #phaseredition) #AliceCooper I’M EIGHTEEN a #liveversionasheardthroughafan #phaseredition #tentaclefillinmoment and a reference to getting #moreboned and #gettingbleached…go read the #urbandictionary definitions #hahahaha / the relative #formula for #songwriting in terms of #arrangement / #ivegotone #stayintheold #thatsagreatone #Nazereth HAIR OF THE DOG and/or #RockOfAges #OhMyDamn and a #tangentional #BrianJohnson vibe #differentbutsimilar #cowbell and #ChristopherWalking (#volumeunoofcuantos there’s no WAY we could cover all #memorableriffs in one episode without it being 88.8 hours long!)
(31:32): We’re gonna have to have some #breakout #episodes to dive deeper here’s a #memorableriff from #circa1986 #IronMaiden WASTED YEARS #uptheirons #handgestures and #snupturns / a “relative” definition of #riffs, is it more #chords or #singlenotepassages? Or #bolth? #dontworry / #MotleyCrue #nosoftintro LIVE WIRE #thefirstnewalbum #killeropener / #ivegotoneforya #Motorhead ACE OF SPADES #multipleriffs #bassriff and #guitarriff / The #joy that is #Dime and #Pantera #dontdenythepowerof A NEW LEVEL #comeon #ifitsnottoohard WALK #HoadRouseBlues #HeavyRoadHouseBlues / #Conquering #new #frontiers in the world of #podcastery similar to #rerecording a #previousalbum / #Anthrax CAUGHT IN A MOSH #uhhyeah #multiplememorableriffs #guitarriffs and #bassriffs and even #drumriffs #majesticburpcoreASMR / #everyoneshouldknow #StormTroopersOfDeath #SOD MARCH OF THE S.O.D. #onandon #ironical #tangentionalality
(43:53): #killeropener #toptenforsure #OzzyOsbourne OVER THE MOUNTAIN #earlythrash from 1981 and a real, #purposeful #chockful human being #9806668182VoiceMailASMR / #awwyeah #Death PULL THE PLUG and the later realization that Death was #nextlevel #thrashplus #newwaveofthrash before it was #deathmetal / #Metallica FIXXXER #softintro very #NINish #heavy #stonerdoom #killercloser from #TheLoads #newsongASMR and CREEPING DEATH #fastestwristinthewest #downpicking and the weird #pickhandling of various #guitarplayers #veryweirdfingering (Remember #OldeFaece?) / Being able to play with a pick and with #additionalfingers
(53:26): #AreYouReady? #Korn BLIND #uglynotes and a #sidemoment of #tangentionalality that’s undeniable / #whoohoo / Definitely a lot of #memorable #KISS #riffs!!! #TentaclePowersActivate #TentacleOvertime #isolatedburp #isolatedguitartrack #fuckingcrazy #HAIL to #EVH #VanHalen I’M THE ONE #solosong / #iknowwhathesdoing #Slayer ANGEL OF DEATH #unforgettableriffs ***go check out the #AOD #misheardlyrics #video…it’s #hilarious!!!*** #worsethanjuicy #onemore #wereyouaware of #SabbathBrewingAtlanta #CrispyPubes #MarkTheTime and a note about #beardoil and #pubeoil MANDATORY SUICIDE #thankyouforthat #HailToBobRoss #sickharmonyriffsorcery and some #tangentional #pastacore / ***THANK YOU FOR JOINING US FOR THIS “SMATTERING” OF SOME OF THE MOST MEMORABLE RIFFS IN METAL, Vol. 1…WE’LL CERTAINLY HAVE MORE VOLUMES, DON’T YOU FRET NONE!!!*** metalnerdery.com/merch #doubleentendres #outrocricketabsentmoonbullshitcoreASMR
Thursday Jan 06, 2022
124: 2021 Year End Metal
Thursday Jan 06, 2022
Thursday Jan 06, 2022
Time to tear open a sack of salt and vinegar “California Potato Chips”, get ready to “get bleached”, and prepare to become “more boned” whilst “choking it down” as you JOIN US for a gratuitous abundance of tangentional burp core from deep within the luxurious (albeit cavernous) bowels of our 33rd Floor Inverted Underground Bunkerpoon Studios as we conversate, postulate, and perhaps even “percolate” about all of the delicious metal that was unleashed upon the world during the Year of Our Riff Lord, 2021.
Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode
Leave us a Voicemail to be played on a future episode: 980-666-8182
Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – metalnerdery.com/merch
and kindly leave us a review and/or rating on the iTunes/Apple Podcasts - Spotify or your favorite Podcast app
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Email: metalnerdery@gmail.com
Can’t be LOUD Enough Playlist on Spotify
Show Notes:
(00:01): #spanktangular #sansspanking #boneus #episode / #timetravel and The gifts of 2022 #mynewapp #overlywhitewhiteness #whiteprivilegeapp #canismellyourbox #getinthere #welcomeback ***WELCOME BACK TO METAL NERDERY PODCAST EVERYONE!!!*** #flyingbytheseatofourballs / #Thanks to the #tentacles of #Billiam!!! #boneus #notboneus #hedidnotsaythat #yeah #2021postmortemASMRcore #2021wrapup #californiapotatochips #slang #saltandvinegar #sorta #dontplagiarize #plagaristssuck #bigbut #theresadifference #anassholeisanasshole #bleached (oh damn, that was an actual “rim shot”) / #newyearsevebone (that’s worth getting a bone over!) ***Epical NYE events in rock & metal***#pretenditsnewyearseve #jizzypearl not #razzle, actually, flip that; #razzle, not #jizzypearl and/or #precome/ #itsgonnaberough #relearning #hail #nogifts #abusive #douchetastical #itsfine #itsallfine
(10:27): #2021 / some #goodreleases and #next…and #movingon and / #IronMaiden #Senjutsu #HeavyMetal1981 #HeavyMetalMovie #sanstheholidayhatred / #blessed / #relaxersonfilm #RedFang #didyoufilmit? #moreboned #grazed #9806668182 ARROWS (#RedFang # fuzzy #muchly) #stony #doomy #stonerized #goodness #stonygoodness #doomygoodness #jointventure #ChongDogg #conspiracytheroyASMR #bonginfusedstonermetaltechnology #markthetime #thatshow #giftfromGod #yourewelcome
(16:26): #LimpBizkit (Is it SO WRONG that we actually want to hear it?) #whatstheirdeal #megapoop #justgrabone #killeropener OUT OF STYLE #limpbizkitsucks #stillsucks #outofstyle #hardtohate #hintsofdjent #idontwanttolikeit #butokay #uhyeah #WesBorland #Hail and a moment of #tangentionalality to #Ministry / #Carcass TORN ARTERIES #Tittlee #sometimesyoujustneedtoholdit #letmebeclear #holdiuntiltheswellinggoesdown #holditinside / #Fearfactory (Aggression Continuum) #killerintro #magictentacles #dontdenythepowerof #faithfultentacles RECODE #herewego #strapin #somuchyes #badassASMR #earlydjent #alittlemoreplease #ThankYouForThat #powerburp and a #tangentional #vocalanalogy
(26:26): #Chartreuse of #Metal and the “sound” of metal (or rather, adjusting our perception of the greater #tricountyarea #MetalNerderyReality) / #WPCH Live: Yes, Studio, not so Much. (EDIT: I was not #overlyrelaxered: #Slipknot did indeed release #TheChapeltownRag) #nottangentional / #GreatMichaelMCDonaldImpression #CannibalCorpse #ViolenceUnimagined #killeropener MURDEROUS RAMPAGE #fuckyesplease #fuckindudes #waitforit #RealAtlantaFalconsFans are like #RealCannibalCorpseFans: they show up and support. #waitwhat #chokeitdown #chokingitdown #markthetime #whoopsie #chokingitdown #Helloween #powermetal #victorymetal MASS POLLUTION #leadsingerdisease #wherewasthatat #waterisgoodforpoops #Mastodon SICKLE AND PEACE #waitforit #Yes #ProgMetal (***go check out our Prog Metal Episode!!!!***) #supportlocal #ATLMetal #AtlantaMetal #Mastodonrocks #locallysourcedmetal #tastesbest and is #themostfreshestness #readthoselyrics
(42:10): #notreally #GenghisTron #Industrial PYROCENE #yeahimgood (***HOW did we get here!?***) #nobone #stillnothappenin / #justgrabone #nonchalant #reachdown #instantdry #homemadelube #mucuslubejarASMR #Trivium COURT OF THE DRAGON #ridiculouscore #newgenre #hail #metalstirfry / ***Looking back on shows attended during 2021.*** And the #absurd #nonsense that goes with #gettingolder (#adulthoot #blows #exmagine) #really
(48:58): Some big losses in Metal in 2021 and a #tangentional #Whitesnake #moment with #TawnyKitaen / #schtick #full #MikeHowe #MetalChurch AGENT GREEN #almostmadeit #bileburpodorASMR #Slipknot WAIT AND BLEED #pinchenada DAYS OF FUTURE PAST #MaidenEssence #momentsoftangentionalality #Slayer WAR ENSEMBLE #justgrabone #Repentless #Killology #areyousureyoureready / #boneus #noclinky #nobeeroftheepisode THANK YOU AGAIN FOR CONTINUING TO LISTEN TO AND SUPPORT METAL NERDERY PODCAST!!! HAPPY 2022!!! #sizzlereel #goodstuff #easedintothatone #outtakereel #MetalTurdery #herewegoagain #alittlebitisfine #new2022cricketavenue
Thursday Dec 30, 2021
123: DIO Holy Diver Album Dive
Thursday Dec 30, 2021
Thursday Dec 30, 2021
May 25th, 1983.
After fronting Rainbow and Black Sabbath during the 70’s and early 80’s, it was time for RONNIE JAMES DIO to assemble his own band of genius musicians to forge and unleash upon the world one of the greatest debut albums in all of metal (if not in all of existence): the seminal masterpiece known throughout the metal realm as HOLY DIVER.
It’s the end of the year. Time to raise your T-Rex arms and lift your swords (if you’re able), begin “rubbing the top” and prepare to be “totally stretched out” (yeah, it’s about to get super weird!) as you JOIN US for the Metal Nerdery Podcast New Year’s Eve Eve celebration (from deep within our luxurious, 33rd Floor I.U.B.P. Studios) as we dive into DIO’s HOLY DIVER.
Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode
Leave us a Voicemail to be played on a future episode: 980-666-8182
Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – metalnerdery.com/merch
and kindly leave us a review and/or rating on the iTunes/Apple Podcasts - Spotify or your favorite Podcast app
Listen on iTunes, Spotify, Podbean, Google Podcasts or wherever you get your Podcasts.
Follow us on the Socials:
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Email: metalnerdery@gmail.com
Can’t be LOUD Enough Playlist on Spotify
Show Notes
(00:01): #educationalASMR #noteven #foodcountries #dontdenythepowerof #NewYearsEveEve #fuckedupfuckedupness #editingnightmare #rightthere #swallow #andbegin ***WELCOME BACK TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST***#HappyNewYearsEveEve from #MetalNerderyPodcast33rdFloorInvertedUndergroundBunkerpoonStudios / #HallelujahASMR /The power of incredible #comedytiming / #trexclinkymoment brought to you by #Smirnoff #PeppermintTwist #vodka #peppermintflavored #italwaysdoes and the #difficult part of #duality #itsawfullyhard #ijustcantstop #sick #thisisntabouthim / The #priorepisodesbeerofthepisode #priortothe #ingestment and THIS Episode’s BEER of the episode #thisone #thisbeeroftheepisode #ThinLizzyDualMicrophoneHarmonySweaterASMR #thisepisodesbeeroftheepisode #rubbingthetop #broughttoyouby #MagnanimousBrewingTampa (Tampa: See also The Capital of #Deathmetal!) #LordOfLightning #looksmetalasfuck #elffarts #hoppedupdrugbarista #possibly #eightpointfiveabv #verygreen #verygood #takeitslowly #easydrinking #hesgotthekeys #beerclinky #bongbeercore #thenewecore #nailedit/ ***LEAVE US A VOICEMAIL AT 980-666-8182!!!*** #tangentionalburpcore #doublethecore ***EMAIL US at metalnerdery@gmail.com!!! *** #oversegued #andnow #thevoicemailsegment #request #inslomo #manyrelaxers #manycrickets #redlobstersaladbartour2022 #hahahaha #itried and the #flashlightchallenge #relaxered #waymorerelaxed vs #notasrelaxed #thisepisodesmomentoftheepisode
(12:43): It’s the #MetalNerderyPodcastNewYearsEveEve #spectacular / ***But first…a moment of #terror and potential #existentialcrisis (#tangentional to a #Foghat show!) #thirteenthanniversary #superstition #growlmetal #aboutlastnight #poorlytimedimpression #abusiveredneckcunt #fuckbag #itsstillvegan #becarefuloutthere #smileyoureoncamera #bonelessbeer #wrongpipe #swallowedwrongASMR #beardhairball use a #fakename #amomentofeternity #theentiretyofmostofmankind / ***If you’re with an #abusive #asshole, please #exit #immediately.*** #cuntcounterASMR #DomesticViolence #GetOut #NoContact #JusticeWillPrevail #RealBravery / #seekcounselingifneeded #mortalitystaringyouintheface #blackoutmurderrageASMR / #sharingiscaring #worknoisesforsome #howaboutthat #firearmfellatio #IDGAF #SickFuck #giveusacall #9806668182 #darkness and #light
(27:00): #RJD (check out our #InsideTheMetal #RonnieJamesDio episode!) metalnerdery.com/archives / #bakedpotatoASMR #sourcreamrules #mayosucks / #MetalNerderyHolyAlbumDiverCore #itsalot #itsamouthful #markthetime #totallystretchedout #sometimes / #NoFalseMemories The very #firstnewalbum by the #DIO band, HOLY DIVER #totally #markthetime #implied / #MandelaEffect #onmicburp / One of THE best #albumcovers ever in #metal!!! ***Does anyone have the #blacklightposter of #thealbumcover for #HolyDiver? *** And remembering when HOLY DIVER came out in the early 80’s and digging backwards to Rainbow and Sabbath / #CableTelevision was an #indulgence for #richfolks! / Early memories of #musicvideos and #MTV and the #metallandscape in 1983 and #NWOBHM and the gradual move towards heavier, darker, more #metal #fuckingA #albumorgy #orgyofmetal / ***Remember the #musicvideos for #HolyDiver and #RainbowInTheDark!?*** #swords #notacircusfreak / #memories #notthatmany #notallme but #balancing #karma and #redemption #LGB #deeplytangentional #perfect #motivationalselfstarterASMR
(38:38): #Debut #SoloAlbum for #RJD after departing #BlackSabbath (the BAND was called “DIO”, kind of like how Ozzy’s solo band was called the “Blizzard of Ozz”) #giftfromGod / #lounge is not the same as #doowop #lovepains (and a brief summary of the #Dio #resume up to this point) / #MurrayTheDioMascotDude / #turnthelogoupsidedown and it spells #Devil / #backmasking #planning or #geniusmarketing / #someonekeeptrackofthecuntcounter #tinklebreak #pissfilledballs #justgoman #itsfine #canyouhearitnow #okayturnitoffnow #andwereback / #myballsarenowempty #killeropener (***go check out our Killer Opener episode and our #ThunderGodsAndBassWizards episode!!!) / STAND UP AND SHOUT #cble #cantbeloudenough / The strange dichotomy between the faster Dio songs vs the slower, heavier songs… / Review of the #Personnel on #HolyDiver #noteven #awwman
(46:30): ***Get your swords ready!!!*** #soeighties #gowatchthatvideo HOLY DIVER #timeless #slowandheavy #swordvision #cleantigers and #shinydiamonds #andnow a #bettersword #fuckingedited / #Fun with #misheardlyrics #allegedly #allegedcrickets #waitforit #juicy #noteven GYPSY #unstoppablepower #killermashup #thewhatifguy #dontdenythepowerof #RonnieJamesDio / CAUGHT IN THE MIDDLE (and the #culmulation of everything great DIO learned and brought with him from Rainbow and Black Sabbath) / DON’T TALK TO STRANGERS #cantbeloudenough #thatsmetal #metalfaces and thinking back to the #rift between Ronnie and Vivian Campbell #totallyofftopic but still slightly #tangentional / #shitty to #notgetpaid #your #royalties #duetoyou #whereareweonthecuntcounter?
(1:01:00): #thatswhatsimportant #side2 #hatredismypeace STRAIGHT THROUGH THE HEART / #mouthimpediment caused by #relaxers and/or #LordOfLightning #PerfectDioBeer / INVISIBLE #verymetal #NWOBHMASMR / A moment of #tangentionalality with #RJD and #JakeELee (can you imagine the possibility?) #allyoupeople #whooo #comingsoon / #prepareyourswords RAINBOW IN THE DARK #gowatchthisvideo #recordscratch #wheresthelightning and #handcuffkeys? (NOTE: #melody and #medley are NOT the same thing!) #notheydonot #demonsarepersistantfuckbags #comeon #doglove
(1:12:41): #killercloser SHAME ON THE NIGHT #killergrower vs #killershower #dontbeweird #shameonthenightASMR / The placement of “outside the box” style tracks at the end of a record / #onandon #heavy #killeroutro #doyourememberlaughter #allofyou #hahahahahaha #allblessings and #sources of #joy / #ItalianNames and #Pasta #thatsnotracistright #noteven #cuisinist #associast #tease/ #ThePreNewYearsEveEveSpecial ***THANK YOU FOR JOINING US AND CONTINUING TO SUPPORT METAL NERDERY PODCAST!!!*** / #rimshot #waitwhat #censored #happyendingto2021 #MetalNerderyPodcastASMR #leavingallthehatein2021 #comingcancellation / #AlterEgo I spell it with a Q… / #GodIHopeSo #threeyearthreesome / #outstandingoutroreel #pigmoment #alookback #rearviewof2021 (***special thanks to #Billiam and his #tentacles for all #MetalNerderyProductionExcellence***)
Thursday Dec 23, 2021
122: AC/DC Side 2: The Brian Johnson Years
Thursday Dec 23, 2021
Thursday Dec 23, 2021
Not only was BRIAN JOHNSON charged with the extraordinary task of filling the void left behind by the passing of legendary AC/DC lead singer, BON SCOTT, but he also helped to propel the Aussie juggernauts to breathtaking new highs over the span of their extensive ½ century long career.
(Yeah, that’s definitely a LONG one!)
Oy! All you Metal Blokes and She-Blokes, it’s time to decorate the Holiday Relaxer “tree”, have yourself a holiday appropriate clinky before getting your stockings stuffed and “accidentally” feeding the reindeers those “special” holiday cookies your hippy uncle brought over and JOIN US, because we’re talking about Side 2 of AC/DC: The BRIAN JOHNSON era, on this Metal Nerdery Podcast Christmas Eve Eve Special.
Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode
Leave us a Voicemail to be played on a future episode: 980-666-8182
Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – metalnerdery.com/merch
and kindly leave us a review and/or rating on the iTunes/Apple Podcasts - Spotify or your favorite Podcast app
Listen on iTunes, Spotify, Podbean, Google Podcasts or wherever you get your Podcasts.
Follow us on the Socials:
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Email: metalnerdery@gmail.com
Can’t be LOUD Enough Playlist on Spotify
Show Notes:
(00:01): #letsgetintoit #deepbreath #andbegin ***WELCOME BACK TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST!!!*** #noanesthesiaedition #bullshitedition / #MIA #regularpreshowclinkyroster #pinchhitter for the #preshowclinky, brought to you by #Smirnoff #PeppermintTwistVodka #whatwasthat #badRussianaccent #postshotnoisesASMR #howyoudoin #markthetime #fatandjuicy #candycanecome / #tricountymetalnerderybergville / #thisepisodesbeeroftheepisode #perfectsegue #coolGreekfont #AkademiaBrewingCompany #hugebeard (EDIT: There IS a stoner/doom band called #DrugBeard!!! Go check that shit out and report back with #backshadowing feedback!!!) #Robots3Humans0Part2 #skynet and #agoodsour #longone #usecaution #umbrellas #conclusion #backtoyou
(04:42): It’s time for #Side2 of #AkkaDakka with Brian Johnson #wrongimpression #coming #justice #puppets #metalogies #ACDC and the different dimensions of AC/DC’s sound with Brian Johnson vs Bon Scott (***Be sure to check out our #Side1 episode!!!***) / #TheVoiceMailSegment ***GIVE US A CALL AT 980-666-8182!!!*** #pissingpostASMR #Hail #aww #recordscratch #hey #oy #contactus #messagefromSantaNerdery*** #itsfine / Adapting your sound with a new front man after the passing of your original front man. #bigchange ***The #backstory about #BrianJohnson and #Geordie and a fantastic #TomJones #impression #perfectpausemoment #scarvesofmetal / The #tangentional connection between Bon Scott and Brian Johnson #BonApproved #appendicits #metalasfuck / What’s a #femalebloke called? #lass #cockney as opposed to #cockknee #imokay #prevomitASMR #aroma #noteven #soup or #bisque or #bolth
(15:00): The song that began the Brian Johnson era and past #ChristmasMemories tied to the “Back In Black” album #ChristmasTangentionalality #stillholdsup / HELLS BELLS (from “Back In Black”) that’s an #evilbellbong / The masters of building dynamics and momentum with riffs #singingaboutdogs / A #recordbreaking #album #adarkershade #interjection with #Fozzy #shoutout and #hail #ADHDASMR #indeedly SHAKE A LEG (and going #backwards through a band’s #catalog (from the Brian Johnson era back to the Bon Scott era: from side 2 to side 1) #backgroundburpASMR #nobullshit #blessin #popularkid #ontopofit and childhood friends who had #metal and #rock #records back in the day.
(24:30): #fortyithanniversary of “For Those About to Rock (We Salute You)” and the irony that it takes SO MUCH longer to record albums today than it did 40 years ago! / The loss of a #tremendous #adcampaign #dickpillanthem #toomuchhardness #naturalboner and #pushingthecart / the subtle #sprinkling of #darkerimagery in the #lyrics and #music / #fairy #angel #dust #justthefeelofit EVIL WALKS #drumstickspinner #itnevergetsold #semi #fiftypercent / #dontdenythepowerof #cannons #fire #putthefingeronme LETS GET IT UP #cleandistortion #letsgetsomebone
(32:45): “Flick of the Switch” (coming after 3 incredible albums and tours #backtobacktoback) #onmicburp FLICK OF THE SWITCH ***980-666-8182*** #thatriff #dirtiermix #oldschoolstyle / Comparing “Flick of the Switch” to “Fly on the Wall” and the progress of an artist’s development over time / GUNS FOR HIRE #waitforit #awesomeness #bestintroever
(39:20): “Fly on the Wall” and the change in the band’s sound and an #offmicburp (re: the #oldACDCsound vs #thenewACDCsound) #deepcut #MCTentacleChoice SEND FOR THE MAN #yeah and SHAKE YOUR FOUNDATIONS #ayeayeohh / What’s up with #Flick, man?
(45:03): “Blow Up Your Video” and the further evolution and change in AC/DC’s sound (*see also the sound of older vs newer ZZ Top*) HEATSEEKER #anthemrock #itsfine #fartscapesgoesplatinum #onmicburp #deepcut #killersidetwoopener #thatclimb #syncopation NICK OF TIME #hooky / #noteven They still “sound” like themselves but each album sounds just a tad different…
(52:02): “The Razors Edge” #largestASMRever and a recommendation for #sportsvenues to #update their #jockrockplaylist #trackfive MISTRESS FOR CHRISTMAS #deckherhallsswithyourballs #holidaysongs #christmassongs #thewhomadewhodude #notKeithMoon GOT YOU BY THE BALLS #huevos #revveduplikeadouche #jonbonblowmi
(59:43): Fast forward five years… (EDIT: #WhoMadeWho was kind of a #GreatestHits album and/also a #soundtrack album…***GO CHECK OUT our #soundtrackmetal #episode) / “Ballbreaker” (NOT #ballbuster) and the return to the #classiclineup of #AkkaDakka HARD AS A ROCK #erectionballs #verydrymix and an #offmicburp CAUGHT WITH YOUR PANTS DOWN #whynot #weirdmix #ultracompressed #gated #nobreathingroom #letitringout #armchairfeedbackASMR #wheresthestank? #wedidnot #soweird
(1:07:07): Another five years… “Stiff Upper Lip” #onmicburp #gettingolder #taketimeoff #justgrabone #southparksnooky (#JerseyWhores from the #JerseyShore) #killersidetwoopener CAN’T STOP ROCK N ROLL (and a return to the #oldschoolproduction) ***Everything that’s old is new again…*** and #watchingyourwords #iknowwhatyoumean
(1:12:37): Fast forward eight years… “Black Ice” #foursides #doublealbum #markthetime #thatsafuckingbigone #organic #nonmeat #tofuislikemeth #veganassassins #crickets BIG JACK and #theformula and #numerocinco WAR MACHINE / Staying in your own #artistic #wheelhouse and/or #lane and utilizing your own #palette (***Can you imagine AC/DC #unplugged!?***)
(1:21:24): “Rock or Bust” (it’s AC/DC’s #RIB) #dangole #ballsofwar #flancack DOGS OF WAR #misheardlyrics #fortythanniversary / #drinkingisstilldrugusage / #deepandcreepy “Power Up” DEMON FIRE and WITCH’S SPELL #coolbasseffect #usethoseheadphones / #afterAxl and the #justification for the #anticipation behind the release of “Power Up” /***THANK YOU FOR JOINING US!!!*** #albumdive #comingsoon #pissfilledballs / #MerryChristmasEveEve #MerryChristmas and #HappyHolidaysASMR #noKISSrecords #enjoyyourtime #dontfuckthereindeer #turnitoffnow #ohboy #itsallbullshit
Thursday Dec 16, 2021
121: Thunder GODS and Bass WIZARDS of METAL
Thursday Dec 16, 2021
Thursday Dec 16, 2021
Sometimes life just isn’t fair. (Actually, most times it’s not…but I digest.)
Sure, the vocalist and the guitarist get the lion’s share of groupies and love. And yeah, occasionally, even the drummer might get some of the “leftovers”, but what about the BASS PLAYER, man? Because without BASSISTS to add the depth, dimension, and definition to the band’s sound, “heavy metal” would just be…well it would just be sad…and, quite frankly, rather “bottomless”.
It’s time to learn proper shot etiquette according to Irish Booze Shamans, discover the maddening effect “chewing with your mouth open” has on others’ mental health, find out additional applications for “beard oil”, squeal like a satiated pig and JOIN US as Metal Nerdery Podcast salutes the unsung heroes of the rhythm section, the masters of “filling in the bottom end”:
Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode
Leave us a Voicemail to be played on a future episode: 980-666-8182
Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – metalnerdery.com/merch
and kindly leave us a review and/or rating on the iTunes/Apple Podcasts - Spotify or your favorite Podcast app
Listen on iTunes, Spotify, Podbean, Google Podcasts or wherever you get your Podcasts.
Follow us on the Socials:
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Email: metalnerdery@gmail.com
Can’t be LOUD Enough Playlist on Spotify
Show Notes:
(00:01): #itsfine and #shitting all over the #bassplayer #okayturnitoffnow #onthatnote / ***WELCOME BACK TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST!!!*** #notomicronASMR #zerocompletebullshitASMR and #relaxercookies and #potentialASMR /#awholeweek #timefortheclinky #trexpowersactivate #thankyou to #FireOnTheMountain and a quick #sidebar regarding #shotettiquette #tapthetable equals #oneforthehomies GIVE US A CALL AT 980-666-8182 / Checking www.brobible.com for the #explanation regarding the #demonglasstap #irishboozeshaman #fookthedemons / And now, Russell will address the #tricountymetalnerderybergvillearea with #thisepisodesbeeroftheepisode #thisepisode #thisone #confirmification #PipeworksBrewingCompany #alltherightreasons #BloodOfTheUnicorn #whatsthat #meaty #anicebigsixteenouncer #spewedinhisface #markthetime (check out that #albumcover) #instereo #sendusfreebeer #myfavoritepart is the #journey (waiting for the #MetalNerderyPodcastTributePodcast #noteven #antisexy #antihot #transformers #notenoughburps and the #implementation of #harmonyburps / #ThinLizzyBurpSoloASMR #ASMRBurpHarmonyCore #TheNewCore #coint / #crazyhair and #hope and #apathy #allseven #IDGAFAnymoreASMR and #comedyhair #atleastseven #underpassready and #thedustbowl #IDGAFAASMR #glare and #fiberoptics
(10:33): #SlappingTheBass #ThunderGods (NO, this is not a #GodOfThunder #KISS #Episode!!) and the power of #thebottomend #MetalNerderySalues #GreatMetalBassists / A major component of #therhythmsection / Metal Nerdery’s Preferred and Favorite #bassists / (EDIT: Jack Bruce, NOT Ginger Baker!) and various other #ThunderGods / ***Just imagine…*** #JohnBonham plus #BlackSabbath equals #heavierthanballs and a #deeplytangentional moment and some #cringingcricketASMR #basscentric #fitting
(16:22): “Bass Solos, Take 1…” #CliffordBurtonTheBigRedBassWizard #CliffBurton from #Metallica ANASTHESIA (PULLING TEETH) #onmicburpsolotakeone (***GO BUY CLIFF ‘EM ALL if you haven’t already!!!***) #thejimihendrixofbass / A brief summary of our respective top 3… #uhhyeah #GeezerButler from #BlackSabbath #ijustlearnedsomething and #rapscallioneyes to Russell #markthetimeASMR #perfectASMR #cantbeloudenoughASMR #wtfwasthatASMR BASSICALLY (aka: the #softintro to N.I.B.) #allovertheplace and the bassist as an extension of the drummer to help #fillintheholes to improve the #sonicsoundofthesong #somanyunneededwordsbutdontworryaboutit
(24:12): #SteveHarris from #IronMaiden #blessin #MCTentacleChoice WRATHCHILD #louder #dontdenythepowerof #thebassplayer #theresalotgoingonbackthere / #LemmyKilmister from #Motorhead (definitely a different method of #bassplaying) #soundsexactlythesame #atleastthreefingers and the various types of bassists / #abit #whenitsexcellentdoesitmatter #ohshit #allovertheplace ACE OF SPADES #legendary (see also bass as rhythm guitar) / And now, #Doro our #specialguest #christmasitisASMR #christmasjunky has infiltrated #MN33rdFloorInvertedUndergroundBunkerPoonStudios #chewingwithyourmouthopenASMR ***Is it annoying when I do this?*** #annoyingasfuck #deliciouscookies #markthetime #immature #markthetime / #RexBrown from #Pantera MEDICINE MAN #goodchoice #busybass
(35:18): #RobertTrujillo from #InfectiousGrooves #waytootalented VIOLENT & FUNKY #superbusy and #theoriginalIG #fingerplayer #markthetime / The difference between playing bass with a pick vs with a finger (***remember when Jason Newsted joined Metallica!? The whole pick/finger debate…***) / #FlotsamAndJetsam #indeedly #JasonNewsted (***NOTE: the song we were searching for with the incredible #bassshreddery was “Metalshock” from the “Doomsday for the Deceiver” album…around the 4:24 mark***) DOOMSDAY FOR THE DECEIVER and HAMMERHEAD #notwasis / #DavidEllefson from #Megadeth #justgrabone #iconic #loadher PEACE SELLS #whaddyamean / James’ #yeah vs Dave’s #yeah
(44:00): #MCTentacleChoice #DanLilker from #StormtroopersOfDeath SPEAK ENGLISH OR DIE #thankyouforthat #unsungthrashhero / And some additional #tangentionalality #GeezerHarris equals #FrankBello from #Anthrax LONE JUSTICE #Yes #youvegottoloveit / #LesClaypool from #Primus JOHN THE FISHERMAN and the wide world of #whatthefuckdom that is Primus and MY NAME IS MUD #scrotal and #heavyasballs #percussively and some additional #potential #tangentionalality with the mighty Metallica and some friends of ours from #backintheday who were #musicnerds and a joy to watch play #HFS #ubertalented
(51:26): Not a virtuoso, but definitely an anchor #TomAraya from #Slayer DDAMM / #Fieldy from #Korn BALL TONGUE #pingpongballs (definitely a #changeofpace) / #itsnotatoilet / #JustinChancellor from #Tool SCHISM #blessin #cleanbass / #JimmyBain from #Dio STAND UP AND SHOUT #presence and some #RogerGlover from #DeepPurple HIGHWAY STAR (***EDIT: part of #TheUnholyTrinity of #British #HardRock and #HeavyMetal, including Deep Purple, Black Sabbath and Led Zeppelin***)
(1:00:27): #BobDaisley from the #OzzyOsbourne #BlizzardOfOzz band #itsfine #yeahsauce FLYING HIGH AGAIN #whaddyawannahear #keeponsmokinthemjoints #nouse and an #honorablemention / #youdontremember #thefirsttime and a bit more #BobDaisley #tangentionalality / #GregChristian from #Testament PERILOUS NATION #agreatsummer #noteven #enjoythetime / #IanHill from #JudasPriest (and an almost immediate #tangentional #Horshack moment) THE RAGE / and a #quickie #MCTentacleChoice #wet #awwwman #MattCamacho from #Forbidden OFF THE EDGE
(1:10:15): #SteveDiGeorgio from #Death OVERACTIVE IMAGINATION (***also check out our Death episode!***) / #AlexWebster from #CannibalCorpse HAMMER SMASHED FACE #isgreghere #isthattheredorthewhite #glorious / #dontdenythepower of #DDVerni from #Overkill HEAD FIRST #waitforit / #pissfilledballs / #TopSixBassists per each #MetalNerderer / #TheMetalNerderyTopSix / #waitwhat #hello GIVE US A CALL AT 980-666-8182 #nohatred / #RudySarzo from #QuietRiot METAL HEALTH #waitforit #fourstringgoodness #soundsjustlikethat #mycrowd
(1:25:50): Best Bass Guitar songs #okay #seriously #burp #rageagainsttheconfused with #sticks or #icedicks #VikingFrostCockCore #itsgoininthenotes / What’s the #dangole answer? #markthetime #TimCommerford from #RageAgainstTheMachine BULLET IN THE HEAD #igotlucky / #RageAgainstTheSoundMachineGarden / #newlevelofsuckASMR and looking for #abigfinish #thankyouforthecookies THANK YOU FOR LISTENING AND JOINING US!!! #SteveHarris from #IronMaiden PHANTOM OF THE OPERA #theresyourbigfinish / #untilthenext #itsfine #grossmouthnoisesASMR check out our #enhancedfeatures #seeyounextthursday #gumhabit and #mansionhabit #talldenmarkianGFY / #beardoil and #pubeoil / #thebigfinish #relaxingsoundsASMR #threefingers #sogross #openmoutheatingASMR and #MetalNerderyASMR #oinkpig #sexpig #sexualnoises #oinkgasm #hahahahahaha #pigfuckerASMR #baconbangerASMR #theresnomoon #what
Thursday Dec 09, 2021
120: Exodus Persona Non Grata Album Dive
Thursday Dec 09, 2021
Thursday Dec 09, 2021
It’s been a minute since we’ve had any new EXODUS blasting in our CD and/or MP3 players. But thanks to the Bay Area Thrash Lords’ latest offering of sonic devastation, PERSONA NON GRATA, that problem has been swiftly (and effectively) remedied. And for the record, everyone who’s saying “It’s fine” are WAY off and could not be more wrong! PERSONA NON GRATA is far beyond “fine”: it’s absolutely SICK!!!
Time to stop all your “diddlin” and “get back” to the jam room for some “copper flavored flan”, embrace your inner, old school “thrash bone” and JOIN US “all day every day” as we Dive into the divine thrash bliss that is EXODUS: PERSONA NON GRATA.
Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode
Leave us a Voicemail to be played on a future episode: 980-666-8182
Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – metalnerdery.com/merch
and kindly leave us a review and/or rating on the iTunes/Apple Podcasts - Spotify or your favorite Podcast app
Listen on iTunes, Spotify, Podbean, Google Podcasts or wherever you get your Podcasts.
Follow us on the Socials:
Facebook - Instagram - Twitter
Email: metalnerdery@gmail.com
Can’t be LOUD Enough Playlist on Spotify
Show Notes:
(00:01): #pissandcopper #deepbreath #andbegin ***WELCOME BACK TO METAL NERDERY PODCAST!!!*** #totalandcomplete #smoked and #fried and #basic (#asitshouldbe) / it’s #preshow #clinkytime courtesy of #FireOnTheMountain and the #alcohololympics #markthetime #itismarked / It’s time for #thisepisodesbeeroftheepisode #PontoonBrewing #SandySpringsGeorgia #DoubleCupAquaBerryFist (#waitwhat) #twocupsonefist #berliner #needssomecaptainmorgan #7point6abv #itssour #marktheteime #thisone
(05:03): #TheLatestAndGreatest #weakburpgame ***The New #Exodus #album #oldschool #compactdiscjunkyASMR #PersonaNonGrata (***NEW EXODUS: PERSONA NON GRATA!!!***) and waxing nostalgically with #CDPLayers #FiveDiscCDChangers and the #CDJukebox / A lot of #firsts here at #33rdfloorIUBPStudios including #behindthemetal and #insidethemetal so now we’re doing the #antimethodicalmethod #noteven edition of the #albumdive by doing a #brandspank #newrelease / #BarryWhiteVoiceASMR #youmadeitweird #doubledisc #handjob / #getback and a brief #tangentional #departure with regards to #behindthescenes #behindthemetal #type #documentary #film #movies and #TheBeatles #eventoincludethesinger #evenRingo #diddlin #markthetime and #beinglucky in #rockandroll
(11:33): #backtothemetal #fistthemetal / #numbereleven #theeleventhalbum PERSONA NON GRATA: Released 11/19/2021 (first Exodus record in 7 years! ***Be sure to also go check out BLOOD IN, BLOOD OUT!!!*** All of the #lyricvideos that have been released have been incredible! Definitely a great #promotionaltool #readthoselyrics #special / #begentle #pushback / Recorded at #whatshisface studios (that would be Mr. Tom Hunting’s home studios…) / The #GalagaComplex and the concept of Exodus #pickingup all of the #SlayerFans that have been left wanting since Slayer #disbanded. #fillingthevoid #tangentionalalityismness #tourrecommendations
(16:39): The Tracks and #weakness and a #chunkyvurp / #titletrack and #killeropener #nosoftintro PERSONA NON GRATA (#Definition: an #unwelcome or #unacceptable #person) #glorious #calgontakemeaway #awesome #indeedly / Other reviews regarding the new album #itsokay #itsfine #nojoy and the new perspective for 2021. “It’s okay” is the modern-day equivalent of “it’s fucking awesome!!!” / The similar “feel” of #PersonaNonGrata and #FabulousDisaster (***check out our #FabulousAlbumDive***) / #NerderyFarmsRemembers and the old school #PepperidgeFarm #cakes
(22:22): R.E.M.F. #thatswhatitstandsfor #weirdtiming and some incredible vocal #tangentionalality to #Overkill (it’s like a fantastic #Metal #twoforone with #BlitzTangentionalalityASMR #motherfuckers #glorious) #verynice / The Exodus “sound” and where “the sound” comes from #GaryHoltSoundsLikeGaryHolt / SLIPPING INTO MADNESS #thrashboner #alldayeveryday #warondrugs #addiction #fireupthehive #fuckingoldschool #howcanyounotlikethat #itsfine (adjusted for #hyperinflation) #chickentits #rubbingandfisting #inslomo
(29:17): ELITIST #riffsfordays #oldschoolthrashmetal #groovemetal and the #neverendingelement of #oldschoolthrash #fuckingbadass / PRESCRIBING HORROR (#favorito) #evilasfuck #excellent #softintro #evilaf #evilasfuck #badass #badassriffs #crunchyballriffs #waitforit #ExodusFarmsRemembers #readthoselyrics (***check out the extremely tasty middle part!!!***) #brutal #neozetro #glorious
(34:34): #thebighitsingle THE BEATINGS WILL CONTINUE (UNTIL MORALE IMPROVES) 1…2…3…4…1234,1234 #badass (NOTE: this would have also made a #killeropener!) #waitforit #untilyoulikeit / #skateboarding and #pause and #crossover (#editingparallelluniverses) #thealbumcover (#cleanthegun and #clearthechamber #wtfdidhejustsay #prostatehealth #masturbatorybreak #fistme) #insectlizardpeople and #galaga and #noteven #spaceflies and #spaceraid and a brief moment of #backtangentionalality regarding Mr. Lee Altus and an inquisition regarding the other half of #TheHTeam / THE YEARS OF DEATH AND DYING #ZZSabbath #recordscratch #thebass (you can really #feelitinthebottom) #downthere #markthetime #thebasssoundthatandjusticeforallshouldhavehadASMR
(43:33): ***How could anyone shit on #PersonaNonGrata?*** / People need to adjust their expectations accordingly (stop being such #thankless #feckless #overlycritical #assdouches) and the downside to having literally EVERYTHING at your fingertips and the #internettoughguy #douchebagfactor of the #ageoftheinternet and a #defacto #return to #TheBigFour (learning to appreciate #sacrifice) #backinmyday #VHS #CliffEmAll #LiveAfterDeath #onmicburpASMR #thatsgonnahavesomesmell / CLICKBAIT #hornetsnestpinataASMR #edged but not quite #finished
(50:07): The #softintro #acoustic #instrumental #SabbathStyle #FabulousStyle #dinnertimeASMR COSA DEL PANTANO (i.e., #swampthing or #quagmirething, nothing to do with noses) / LUNATIC-LIAR-LORD #thosefuckingriffs #dangole (you can’t outrun a #methedupcrocigator #voicechange / THE FIRES OF DIVISION #itsfineASMR #oldschoolthrashboner
(57:09): ANTISEED (#thedepartmentofheavy) ***Shout out to Ron and #TheRibLoungeDancers*** #fullinthebottom #killercloser #marcmaron and #ridingitout / A brief review of Gary Holt’s gear & rig and the debate regarding #LesPaulGuitars with a #FloydRose and #LesPolish / #onmicburpskills and another #leftturn in #MetalNerderyHistory #thatswhatithought #uglyguitars and #guitaryouready and #ugly vs #beautiful and #beauty is in the #eyeofthebeholder / ***Googleize “Ugly Guitars”*** #FlyingG #TheUglyTruth / ***THANK YOU FOR JOINING US AND PLEASE PURCHASE PERSONA NON GRATA!!! If you want to leave us some feedback regarding #PNG or #MetalNerderyPodcast leave us a voicemail at 980-666-8182!!!*** BUY OUR SHIT!!! www.metalnerdery.com/merch / #goodnightbitches #pissballsASMR #untilthenext #lotsofextras including a #revelation about #flan and #theladies
Thursday Dec 02, 2021
119: Left Turns In Metal
Thursday Dec 02, 2021
Thursday Dec 02, 2021
In traffic, LEFT TURNS are often far more dangerous than right turns, often resulting in far more accidents that sadly, many never fully recover from.
Somehow, the same rule holds true in Metal* (and potentially, even this podcast!) as well: some LEFT TURNS are legendary. But as is (sadly) far too often the case…many LEFT TURNS, not so much.
Prepare for a lot of “marking the time”, find out who “smelled like a peach”, brace yourselves for some moments of “being up cool” tangentionalality* that are barely hanging on by a wispy string of sameness snot and JOIN US “up against the rail” in a “dry diaper” as we touch on BOLTH the recent Atlanta Metallica tour stop and some extremely notable (and legendary) LEFT TURNS in Metal.*
*Metal is tangentional to everything and everything is tangentional to metal. Don’t worry about it.
Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode
Leave us a Voicemail to be played on a future episode: 980-666-8182
Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – metalnerdery.com/merch
and kindly leave us a review and/or rating on the iTunes/Apple Podcasts - Spotify or your favorite Podcast app
Listen on iTunes, Spotify, Podbean, Google Podcasts or wherever you get your Podcasts.
Follow us on the Socials:
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Email: metalnerdery@gmail.com
Can’t be LOUD Enough Playlist on Spotify
Show Notes:
(00:01): #dontfuckwithtradition #thatsthesound of a #highfiberasshole #waitwhat #assjealousy #waterbutt and #opera #ilovethehelmet #Pavoratti #MarkTheTime (and a viable, #scientific #theory yet to be #disproven regarding #moderndaybutthole #farttechnology using #balloons as an #analogy) #lettuce #dothis / ***WELCOME BACK, 100%!!!*** #zerobullshit #zerototalcomplete and also #bolth #complete #onehundredpercent #bullshit #hail to #fireonthemountain #toomanydetailsASMR #insertitlater /#prematureculmulation ***DON’T FUCK UP THE ROTATION!!!*** #maskshadowing and/or #backshadowingASMR #maskshadowingASMR #markthetime #premature #culmulation #outoforder (sorry, take 2 guys, okay, take 2…a #leftturn) /#maskshadowing or #backshadowing #thirstythursday #introshot #clean #myhonk #smelledlikeapeach “Settle down Beavis. #rewind” / #waitwait #fuckingdamn #backup #rewind #backmasking #backmaskingshadowing / #thisepisodesbeeroftheepisode #supportlocal #oohyeahhh #mondaynightbrewing #atlanta #georgia #popthattop #doctorrobot #drrobot #souriscorrect #markthetime #blackberrylemonsour #fivepointzeroabv #gratitude #bolth #notyetfruited #markthetime #uberpucker #markthetime #bolthways #tart #refreshing #fruited #tartglands #markthetime (***#WTF is up with the #albumcover!?***) #robots and #fruit #trexarms #dangerwillrobinson #STFU / #tart I think he means like #LandOfTheLost or #DangerWillRobinson) / ***Leave us a #voicemail at 980-666-8182!!!***/ #weheartrelaxers #wereallyheartcomplimentaryrelaxers
(06:43): #hetoldtusbolth #hetoldtus / The Blasting Sessions: Bolth, and the Left Turns in Metal #leftturnsinmetal / ***working definition of a #LeftTurn in Metal as required for the #context of this episode*** / #whoreable or #horrible or #badass or #redemption or #damnation #andor #bolth #thatwasdeep #markthetime #pancreaticbowelburp #notintermittentfasting #insertcricketshere and #lastnight #hints on #intermittentfasting and Matt’s #DietTips #perfectlyrelaxed /***HEAR YE, HEAR YE!!! (that’s just to satisfy Russell’s eternal ego boner. j/k, bro #lmao #egoboner That’s worth #millions #hahahaha) #dimension #otherbetterhalf Recent show feedback regarding the recent #Atlanta #Metallica #show #2021 #menaresimplecreatures #ability and #talent and #tits and #wiles #alsotits / The first time The Russell took the #offspring to see Metallica in #ATL / #itscalled #goahead #dontberidiculous #upagainsttherail #done #nodiapers #sweatitout #herewego #strandedatthefrontrow #sss #markthetime / Relishing the #primospot at a Metallica show (because why would you not!?) / When you’re #committed to #frontrow, you don’t get to get beer / #nodiaperneeded #wifetalent #markthetime #sweatpiss #pisssweat #intelligentcreation #crisscrossapplesauce #idonthavekids #hellaoffensive #yogastyle #indianstyle #itiswhatitis / #beervendors and #abundance #beingupcool #markthetime #beingupfront #peace #waybettersound #thewifewenttoseeMetallica #twoshittyopeners (relative to prior shows, also referenced) / #GrettaVanFleet or #GrettaVanFleek or #bolth #alittleweird #ivegottainsertthis #markthetime ***GIVE US A CALL AND LEAVE US A VOICE MAIL AT 980-666-8182!!!*** #outfitchanges #wtf? #howmany? #indie And a few #fun #trivia #facts about #Kentucky / #CageTheElephant #roamfree #youdknowitifyouheardit #what #airquotes #indieKentuckyCollegeBand NO REST FOR THE WICKED (double up your relaxer regimen, and #prepare for #painfulasshole / #dialated and #tingly and #vulnerable ) ***wait for Russel’s Rationalization Wrap-Up*** #codeforthisisgonnasuck #justplayit #wow #maybealittleharsh ***We’re going to HAVE to do a #KISS episode NOW!!!*** #singlefingersalute
(20:34): #MetalNerderyPodcast is like #psychology for #metalheads and #themetalcommunity #noteven / ***The concept of opening bands for a Metallica tour*** #theresisareason #no #yeah #ohboy #ohgeez #thepartimafraidof #afraid And a moment of super #indeedliness regarding the #perfectopener for #Metallica (and Russell’s theory regarding the #roster) / #fanboners (could you imagine seeing #Exodus open AT a Metallica #concert? That would be #sonicbliss and a #fanfavorite #RussellsRant #theirownheadliner but it would have been killer #exposure and #legendary and a #necessary #historylesson in #metal #TheBigFiveAmendment and/or more in the #targetmarket i.e. other #upandcoming #thrashbands / #MetallicaHasNoBoss #yeah #andwolfsteakdinnersforall #WrestleMania for #Metal #Yeah / #openyourmind #takewhatever #thinkaboutit / Taking a band out because you LIKE them and are fans vs taking them out because it’s strictly a #marketingtour with #zerocommonality / #theyhavenoboss #kings and #ropes #ororor #STFU #fallinline (***recent show memories from the recent Metallica show recently in Georgia***) #ivotedforbrandon and guys holding #ropes and #zeig #PTSD #reversemotivation #longwinded #everyone (***the #punchline to #RussellsLongWindedStoryASMR***) #anyway #thecoolendingtothestorythatnevercomesfromRussell #hahahahaMetallicahumor #thankyouforthat / #othermotherfuthers # (To see who Russell’s #otherhalf is, check out Metallica’s #Facebook page!) #MarciasFirstMetallicaShow72ASMR #seventyfivethousand (#forrillz) #smelleddelicious #oooohhhyeahhhh #wolfsteakalert and a moment of #relaxerinfusedmetallogies #themeatoftheleftturnepisodeASMR #waitforit #thethrashcommunityfamilytree #tangentional
(32:18): LEFT TURNS IN METAL (#beforeandafter-like differences in extremes…keep listening 😊) : #Metallica (from “Ride The Lightning”, which was a left turn from “Kill ‘Em All”, as well) FIGHT FIRE WITH FIRE #cantbeloudenoughASMR #thankyouforthis (***Go check out our #RideTheLightningAlbumDive #lookssotired***) #misheardlyricsASMR / from THAT #yumminess to….2X4 (From “Load”) #leftturn #triangular #YourLoad #ZZMetalliSabbath and #TheLoads #yeahhh #SabbathSeasonedWolfSteak #iknow #forfun / #theotherway #markthetime #ifyoureinterested LEAVE US A VOICE MAIL AT 980-666-8182 #noteven / #lettuce #markthetime #forewarning #triggeralert and a #moment of #tangentionalalityism to the #mighty and #powerful #Pantera #nohate #muchrespect #SkidRow (note that they did once tour with #Pantera) I REMEMBER YOU (#braceyourselves; #ladies, you’ll enjoy this) #markthetime #morerelaxersplease #scratchon #scratchoff #earworms #noyoudidnt #agreatsetup / Go from THAT to SLAVE TO THE GRIND #definiteleftturn #redemption #cantbeloudenough #leftturntheotherway #better #cricketASMR #noteven
(42:13): ***The Other Side…(I know where he’s going…) #VanHalen (from “Fair Warning”) MEAN STREETS (***Be sure to go check out our EVH Tribute episode!!!*** #leaveittoRussellASMR #WTF #deviantseptum #notdeviated WHY CAN’T THIS BE LOVE? #thisisaleftturn #imnotgonnalie #myrtlebeachmemories #handy #French / ***And now, some #MCTentacleChoice #backtothethrash #thefirstsnewsong from #thefirstnewalbum #Pantera #flaccidintro #hugelysoft (from “Metal Magic”) RIDE MY ROCKET #stop #bestalbumcoverever #whereshisdog #dontworryaboutit #theunknownthundercat HARD RIDE (from “Power Metal”) #markthetime #Please and #HolyBalls and #ThankYou for #Redemption #MCTentacleRedemption GODDAMN ELECTRIC (from “Reinventing the Steel”) #instantreplay #extremegaspASMR #markthetime #instantreplay #iwentsolimp #threeleftturnsmakearight #thankyou #gratitudeASMR #onmicburpASMR #hardright (to #thebetterway)
(51:19): Still trying to recall that #mystery #CelticFrost song #markthetime #scrotumscroll (from “Into The Pandemonium”) CARESS INTO OBLIVION #perfecttiming #timetoFrost #ooohhh #TomGWarriorASMR #versus #threeorfive #itscalledsongtitlesASMR #ooohh (and the left turn for The Mighty Frost…): #WREKageFlashback #whatgenre? #whichbox? “Cold Lake” SEDUCE ME TONIGHT #notetven #PoisonFrost #checkthisout #dontdenythepowerof #oxycodone #frosting #awesomeness #oxycontindocumentary #noteven #perfectsegue / #awwwFuckYes!!! #JudasPriest SCREAMING FOR VENGEANCE #thatsfuckingmetal #screamfromtheballs #prettymetal #spikedcockring ***NOTE: Screaming for Vengeance is the one title track that sounds exactly how the album cover looks!!!
***And NOW, the #leftturn…going “the bad way”…TURBO LOVER #aldonovabutnotaldonova #andbegin ***Go listen to the #PriestLive! Version of this tune; it’s WAY better!!!*** #miamivicemetal #topgunsoundtrack #waitwhat #playthatone JOHNNY B. GOODE (from “Ram it Down”) #johnnybgoode #ramitdown #ohboy #ohgeez and a perfectly placed #onmicburp #leatheroverdose #numerodose
(1:04:42): #BlackSabbath is even #notimmune #testicleexcrement #makethejump #thelastandthenthefirst #readthoselyrics THE WRIT (from “Sabotage”) #thelasttrack #thefinalsixofthefirstsix #relaxers #dickshitting and some #backshadowing #tangentionalality #thefirsttrack BACKSTREET KIDS (from “Technical Ecstasy” and/or “Testicle Excrement” as referenced by Russell) #backstreetkidsASMR (***check the #drugtracker for #justification and #explanation***) and some interesting #tangentionalality to Ozzy’s (soon to be #booming #solo career). / #Anthrax GOT THE TIME (from “Persistence of Time”) #vurp #genius TIME #killeropener #usethoseheadphones (and then on up the road, you’re gonna wanna take a #leftturn) ONLY (from “Sound of White Noise”) ***FUN FACT: Dave Jerden produced this album. He also produced “Dirt” by #AliceInChains***
(1:15:05): Evolving and growing beyond #diaperchangetime ***mixing it up…*** #DefLeppard (they were still #NWOBHM at this point...) #1981 HIGH N DRY #titletrack from “High N Dry” (#andnowforsomethingcompletelydifferent) #thatpieceofshit #totalfuckingleftturn POUR SOME SUGAR ON ME (and an #abruptrecordscratch…definitely NOT #NWOBHM at all!!!) / Def Leppard is like #NewCountryMusic #lyricsbyRussellASMR / ***NOTE: Metal Nerdery Podcast will only endorse and approve of any and all #outlawcountry. Period. Nothing else. Carry on.*** / Time for some cleansing… #DeathAngel ROAD MUTANTS (from “Frolic Through The Park”) #turnthatallthewayup #andido… and then… A ROOM WITH A VIEW (from “Act III”) #DeathAngelUnplugged see also VEIL OF DECEPTION #dontclenchuponme #stillaleftturn #adifferenttaste
(1:24:19): #nomayo #thatgoodranchdressing #MCTentacleChoice #Sepultura MORBID VISIONS (#andthen) #deathmetal #grindcore (kinda…) / “From THAT to…” #waitforitASMR / SPIT (from “Roots”) #justataddifferent / #ivegotafunone (Going from #thenotgoodway to #thebetterway) #Revengeahhh #Ministry REVENGE #getataste #waytoomuchofthat #notmyMinistry #scratch #ohboy #ohgeez #mistaken #fromthattothis (a total #leftturn) JUST ONE FIX #thatsprettycool ***check out the video for this track as well!!!***/ #MotleyCrue (the #selftitledalbum) SMOKE THE SKY (w/ John Corabi on the vocals, vs #myhonk) ***Enjoy the delicious #middlesection #breakdown #gloriousness*** #prettyheavy #HereWeGo LOUDER THAN HELL #igotdryhumped #myhonk and something totally different / RAISE YOUR HANDS TO ROCK (that was instantly stopped…) #failureworksASMR #drugsandpussyandmoney (it’s called #extractionofresources)
(1:36:23): A good formula to abide by / #Rush and their biggest #leftturn #nosoftintro TOM SAWYER (from “Moving Pictures”) #killeropener and #skatingrinkmemories (and then a bit later…) SHOW DON’T TELL (from “Presto”) #heavyclean #notfair #theyrethey (just a bit different than 8 years prior…) / Old Show memories and local bands and various #localleftturns / #MCTentacleChoice from #thefirstnewalbum #tittilating #teaser #PinkFloyd ASTRONOMY DOMINE (from “Piper At The Gates of Dawn”) ***Not really “metal” per se, however, without Pink Floyd, we’d not have #progressivemetal, see also #Voivod*** and then #thefirstnewalbum of the #DavidGilmour period (and a definite left turn) #heavier and #darker ONE OF THESE DAYS (from “Meddle”) #doublebass #noteven #Skippy #iseewhatyoudidthere #readthoselyrics and some discussions of other #EssentialPinkFloyd listening and/also #missedopportunities to see the mighty & powerful Pink Floyd / #LettuceConclude (Do y’all like when WE get “weird”?) / #itmaynotbe #mightbelater #postTurkelSalutations #untilthenext BUY OUR SHIT metalnerdery.com/merch #burpgagging #itsmarked / #extragoodness #allovertheroad #theresnomoon #tartglands #threeleftturnsmakearight #burpingandgagging #sleepyballs and #itsallbullshitASMR #crickets
Thursday Nov 25, 2021
118: Some Old School Thrash
Thursday Nov 25, 2021
Thursday Nov 25, 2021
It’s time to break out your old jean jacket (the one with the patches and buttons), head to the mall to hand out flyers for your next show (wait, do malls actually still exist?), brace for the imminent tsunami of “Olan Mills” style Thanksgiving pictures arriving on Black Friday (fun fact: “Olan Mills” roughly translates to “Uncomfortably Awkward”), discover which band is the “Galaga” of thrash (it actually makes perfect sense), and JOIN US for some premium, “South American Adult Entertainment” (technically, that’s not wrong) on this very special Thanksgiving Turkel Day spectacular as Metal Nerdery Podcast gives thanks for all things OLD SCHOOL THRASH.
Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode
Leave us a Voicemail to be played on a future episode: 980-666-8182
Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – metalnerdery.com/merch
and kindly leave us a review and/or rating on the iTunes/Apple Podcasts - Spotify or your favorite Podcast app
Listen on iTunes, Spotify, Podbean, Google Podcasts or wherever you get your Podcasts.
Follow us on the Socials:
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Email: metalnerdery@gmail.com
Can’t be LOUD Enough Playlist on Spotify
Show Notes:
(00:01): #IUBPStudios #overbyder ***WELCOME BACK TO METAL NERDERY PODCAST!!!*** #preshowclinky and the #tricountyMetalNerderyArea #thisepisodesbeeroftheepisode #beeroftheepisode #thisepisode #greenvspurple #alottafruit #AkademiaBrewingCompany (#coolalbumcover) #SourSyllabus #GreekLookin #color #fruit and #sour #bothways #markthetime #TheCountyFairShakeUp #lactose #haveafew #holysour #pineappleupsidedowncake #III or #111 or #lll #alealeale / #theweekinreview #dontdenythepowerof #mexicanfood #relaxered
(04:30): Time to head back in time to some #oldschoolthrash!!! Break out the #jeanjacket with the #buttons, put on the black and head to the #mall to hand out #flyers for an #upcomingshow / #veryniceonmicburp / #pointers #vinylqualitytoday ***Ahhh the nostalgia of #TurtlesRecordsAndTapes*** and updated #vinyltechnology #noteven / The quality of #vinyl today vs #vinyl in the #1980s / #really / the concept of #thepicturedisc / #stillsomething #adjustyourexpectations #relaxerlessmask #genius #nohate for #geniuses and their #rawassets and/or #rawessence #justanaroma #markthetime #itsmarked #withastick #editing
(09:50): #TheVoicemailSegment ***GIVE US A CALL AT 980-666-8182 AND LEAVE US A VOICEMAIL!!!*** #pissingpostASMR #sorelaxed #GripInc #Ostracized (***Note: Grip Inc. was Dave Lombardo’s project post #Slayer from the mid 90’s…sorry…my hearing sucks and there were many relaxers, which is why I missed it the first time. And/or thought he said “With Ink” ***) the key to hitting those #higher #registers #grandma #notafantasy #noteven #canigetmyway
(12:43): #killeropener and the #definition of #oldschoolthrash / Build it up and give us some #backstory / #donutholes make no sense #makeitmakesense #nonholeitem #crickets and #ageverification and #moredeliciousholes / #Metallica HIT THE LIGHTS (from “Kill ‘Em All”) #oldschoolthrash and #nope and #TheRollingStones of our generation / #pregum (***go check out our #MetalMassacre episode***) / Back to that #inbetween #transitionphase of #hardrock and #heavymetal in the early 80’s #genre (***don’t forget #Motorhead either, and also don’t forget to check out our Motorhead episode!!!***) / #thrashbone and #oldschoolthrash
(19:02): #doththouknowwhomispeak #thisone #Anthrax A.D.I./HORROR OF IT ALL (from “Among the Living”) #heavyacoustic #soundsjustlikeit #thankyouforthat / #MCTentacleChoice #thankyouforthat #veggie #SacredReich THE AMERICAN WAY (from “The American Way”) and see also SURF NICARAGUA (from “Surf Nicaragua”) #andbegin / We hope you enjoy your #SouthAmericanAdultEntertainment
(29:27): #DeathAngel THRASHERS (from “The Ultra Violence”) #soundedweird #thefirstnewsong from #thefirstnewalbum #thrashchildren / #science and #chemistry #classes are #important (especially when trying to #synthesize #relaxers) #toomuch / Rants about #insurance #noscrotalinsurance and a great #rebuttal / #Sodom AGENT ORANGE (from “Agent Orange”) one of #TheBigTeutonicFour #oneofthesedays #markthetime #hardtobeat
(37:07): Shout out to some #oldschool #AtlantaThrash #Nihilist THIRD WORLD LIE / Still eating some Sweet, delicious holes / #ArgonneForest (more #oldschoolAtlantaThrash #localmetal #localoldschool) / #Whiplash STAGE DIVE (from “Power and Pain”) #onmicburp #gratitude #burplove #belchsquelch #getoffthephone / #Pentagram #justgrabsomething #markthetime (odd, to be on an old school thrash list, considering Pentagram have always been more doomy…might not be the same Pentagram) SECRET MISSLE (#heybaby) #softtomediumhardintro (***EDIT: NOT actually the #doommetalband “Pentagram” of the same name, but Mezarkabul, which means #Pentagram in #Turkey and/or in #Turkish, which makes this even more perfectly appropriate and #tangentional to #Thanksgiving***. Same but different. #dontdenythepowerof #thesecretmissile). Go check out “Last Days Here”, the Pentagram documentary. #dontdenythepowerof #wrongband #stillkindacooltho / #wronganger #tangentional and remembering the #discount #cassette #table at #themallrecordstores
(50:20): #CelticFrost #oooh PROCREATION (OF THE WICKED) #stonerblackmetalcore and A DYING GOD COMING INTO HUMAN FLESH #intothemeatcurtains #avantegardesoftintrocore #longsoftintro #soundtrackofthefrost / #whaddyawannahear / Send all of your #tentaclecomplaints to 980-666-8182 and the #helpdesk / #godofholes #hailtotheholes #whoards and #phoenetics and #inappropriatelyracialhumor / #Kreator SATAN IS REAL (from “Gods of Violence”) #modernday #oldschoolthrash #badass / ***from the latest last album to the earliest #firstnewalbum …*** #Kreator TOTAL DEATH (from “Endless Pain”) #eightyfiveecho / #Sabbat (from “History of a Time To Come”) #tentacledamagecontrol #phoneconsultations #thefirstnewalbum A CAUTIONARY TALE
(1:02:47): Thrash or Power metal? #grabone #juston #markthetime #bolth #AgentSteel UNSTOPPABLE FORCE (from “Unstoppable Force”) #speedmetal or #thrashmetal or #bolth / #Megadeth SET THE WORLD ON FIRE (from “So Far So Good…So What?”) #VicRattlehead is the name of the #mascotdude #remix #InvertedUndergroundBunkerPoonMegaMix and a slightly critical (and slightly petty) statement regarding the remix & remaster of the #Megadeth back catalog, #sensingabigjuicybut #odetorelaxers #checkthedrugtracker / #reaching (WTF?)
(1:11:11): Production notes / #Destruction STATE OF APATHY #krautthrash #brandnew and the phenomena, exponential improvement in production quality from the 80’s until now #fortyyearson / #voiceacting / #NuclearAssault BRAINWASHED #markthetime (from “Survive”; took us a minute to figure out which album it was on.) / #MCTentatcleChoice YOU CAN GIVE US A CALL AT 980-666-8182 #Slayer #letsgoBrandonASMR THE ANTICHRIST (from “Show No Mercy”) and #anotherone #Forbidden MARCH INTO FIRE (from “Forbidden Evil”) #requiredlistening #cantbeloudenough #bolth #ForbiddenEpisodeASMR #Soah
(1:19:17): #Metallica EYE OF THE BEHOLDER (From “…And Justice For All”) #tentaclefaith #marinateyourwolfsteak #tweaked and #remasterized and #remixified / #Assassin and a great #TedKnightImpression courtesy of #comedyhair #icecreamtruck and the #twelveinchdancemix FORBIDDEN REALITY (from “The Upcoming Terror”) Still Assassin btw… ***We need cameras for that*** #NastySavage NO SYMPATHY (see also McDonald Land Massacre) / Realign with your septum / #TheAccused BETHANY HOME #keepinitloose and BULLET-RIDDEN BODIES
(1:31:37): #Exodus DERANGED (from “Pleasures of the Flesh”) and the #galaga #Slayer #reference #facevoice / ***Side note regarding the new upcoming #Ozzy album*** #Decimation (courtesy of #twothirdsofthenerds) BLACK CURTAINS and the #downsides of #aging and #escalators #MCTentacleChoice #gooddecisions #eitherorbolth #Testament (from “The Legacy”…go check out our Dive) THE HAUNTING #creepyguitars #predroppage / #olanmills and #pictureday / THANK YOU FOR CONTINUING TO LISTEN TO AND SUPPORT US!!! Buy our shit! www.metalnerdery.com/merch #untilthenext #takecarenow #byebyethen / ***go to www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for prior episodes!!!*** / #outtakeradioeditdanceravemix #nocultureclub #comeoneileen #donutholeballsleepage
Thursday Nov 18, 2021
Thursday Nov 18, 2021
Thursday Nov 18, 2021
November 18, 2021: Metal Nerdery Podcast releases an episode dedicated to HARDWIRED…TO SELF DESTRUCT on the 5th anniversary of this (double) album’s release and, coincidentally, on the 24th anniversary of the release of RELOAD (which represented the 2nd of “The Loads”, which was kind of a double album as well). Let’s just call November 18th “METALLICA Day”, to be filled with loads of positive affirmations.
Prepare your wolf steak & “space lettuce wraps,” consider the subtle, stoner-doom presence found in “The Loads,” put some boom back in your boom, get ready for a whole lotta “YEAH!” and JOIN US as we dive into HARDWIRED…TO SELF DESTRUCT, the massive 10th studio (double) album from Bay Area metal titans, METALLICA.
Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode
Leave us a Voicemail to be played on a future episode: 980-666-8182
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Can’t be LOUD Enough Playlist on Spotify
Show Notes:
(00:01): #vegans and #exlax / #mediumchub #pullitup #nomovement #accurate #boom #yeah / #pulpfictionizedstyle #clinkies #deepbreath #andbegin #arewerolling #wearewelcoming #noteven ***WELCOME BACK TO METAL NERDERY PODCAST!!! #excellent / #holidayseason and #nopresentsforchristmas / ***THIS DATE IN METAL (as of this podcast: 11/18/2016***/ Touring for years on end…The Mighty #Metallica and the #power of #wolfsteak / #thisepisodesbeeroftheepisode #thisepisode #beeroftheepisode #markthetime #MondayNightBrewing #yeah SPACE LETTUCE (8.1 %) #highgravitybeeralert #reeferbeer #marcpottersonsfavoritebeer #headystickyintergalactic #veryloudbeer #thisbeercantbeloudenough #strongIPA #hoppy #eflat #notyet but #soon and #hails #oohyeah
(06:03): The tour for #Hardwired ends as of the date we are recording THIS episode deep within the depths of #MN33rdFlrIUBPStudios #synchronicitymuch / #shoutout to #ActusReus and dominating the #twitchstage at #Rockville / #greatexposure #careerbooster #buckleupboys #spacelettucewrap #deliciousness / First thoughts on #Metallica “Hardwired…to Self-Destruct” #justjackinit #markthetime and the production difference between Death Magnetic and Hardwired to Self-Destruct #cominginhot #brickwalled / 5 years of touring on the same record #legendary / The sixth to #debutatnumberone
(11:37): #headphonevibes #headphonebone #igotafeelin #holdonloosely #thirtyeightspecialrules #ilovethehelmet #fdaholes #reload #yeah #boomyeah #bootsandcatsandbootsandcats / ***Some memorable metal “anniversary” dates ***/ #damone any #thirtyeightspecialtickets #holdonloosely / #CODA (thoughts?) / #dontdenythepowerof / #personallisteningparty and #enjoyment / #everythingbagel #metallicaalbum / #reallyrics #goodone #onmicburp #warmandfuzzies and all of the different dimensions of the sound of the mighty Metallica / The artist’s “palette”… with regard to sound and writing #retrospective #style / #differerent as in #unique and reorienting yourself with a band you’re not currently familiar with / #youarenumbersix #reactionary may not be the right descriptor, but it also kind of is…hahahaha
(18:47): From Hardwired’s release date until the release of this podcast: five years. #riffcasserol / #KerryKing and his #feedback regarding #theblackalbum #pissedalf #ha #isthatcreepy #nouhh #notkerrykingimpression #understatedasshole #ablessing and some #solitary #finediningexperiences / #Accolades regarding #HardwiredToSelfDestruct #thereturnofmetallica and #eddietrunk #thatmetalshow ***PLEASE COME BACK ON!!!***
(23:16): #GrammyNomination: Who won? / #ohman / The producer (what happened to #thepirate #buyourshit metalnerdery.com/merch #chewyapp #talldenmarkian666). / Charts (lots of #1s) and #obscuremetal / #platinum (what’s the #exchangerate for #platinumalbums across the world?) and still #relevant #indeedly / #albumart and Russell’s unpopular opinion #markthetime for #distressedholes / #anewkindamonster #yeah / Where’d all the solos go? #majorloss #kindof and the concept of the #soloriff #musicianbyproxy #squigglysquealie
(31:00): The covers from disc number 3 of the #specialedition of #hardwiredtoselfdestruct / The joy of hearing and seeing #GarageDays stuff live… / ***And now, Matt’s impression of the not so soft intro to “So What”*** #spacelettuce #dontputitin #sofuckingwhat #markthetime HARDWIRED #smile #cooksomewolfsteakyeah #youcanHEARthatbass / ATLAS RISE #morebeerplease #waitwaitwait #surprisemeASMR #thatsnotbeer #veryMaiden and also #veryMetallica with the #harmonyguitars #victoryharmonies #victorymetal #kindof
(41:00): NOW THAT WE’RE DEAD #readthoselyrics (Hints of #Danzig and #BlackSabbath in the #riffs?) #markthetime #rebuttle / MOTH INTO FLAME #oldschoolstyle #readthoselyrics #readandheed #moneyfollowspassion #moneyfollowspassionASMR #ilikeitalot / #youhearthebass #markthetime #meatyinthemiddle #markthetimeagain (***the evolution of the band’s sound over the first 4-5 albums and the maturation of them and their sound and the change on their sound over 4 decades. ***) #similar
(50:32): Reaching a point of #plateau as an artist, where your sound and voice stabilize, and you find that unique niche and the various elements of old school Metallica present in their modern-day sound. /
DREAM NO MORE #MetallicaDoomMetalASMR #verySabbath #dogapproved and a moment of #tangentionalality with #cthluluASMR #positivefeedback / ***Do the slower Metallica tunes have more of a #stonermetal or #doommetal vibe than we gave them credit for previously?*** HALO ON FIRE #almostlegendaryonmicburp #readthoselyrics #timetofrost #creepy #creepyclean and that killer #middlepart #backshadowing from #thebackcatalog #gurl / ***Artists enjoy some of their periods more than others…just like the fans do.*** / The #encore at the #ATL show
(1:04:10): Disc Dos: CONFUSION (aka: Am I Evil? Pt. II: #amiconfusion?) #indeedly #parttwo ***Some of the riffs have a very Sabbathy, doomy quality to them…#ooohyeahyeah*** The unintended result of looking at Metallica’s slower material in a different light…#donermetal and #stoommetal or (#rewind), how about #stonermetal and #doommetal? #thoseriffs #ballmanicurist / MANunKIND #veryMaidensounding #notonthisboat #verydoom #verysouthernfriedSabbath #verystoner (even the vocals are in the #stonervocalrange frequency) / The #progressivemetal element of Metallica’s sound… / ***Billiam is Metal Nerdery’s Bob Rock*** #productifying #tranjectifying HERE COMES REVENGE #yeah #oooh #downmygullet #whatsthatnoise #creepy #trigger
(1:16:07): Why “slower” Metallica tends to be more commonly associated with #TheLoads / #markthetime #atsomepoint #coveredinloads #igotyouboo #southamerican #adultentertainment AM I SAVAGE? #verystonery #yesiam #zerosameness / Matt’s #unpopularopinion and the problem with the #Metallogy #markthetime (and Billiam’s clarification…) ***Go check out the #HeadbangersBall page on #Facebook!!!*** / ***comparing the “formative years” of a band (in your experience) vs their sound and catalog later on down the line*** / #itstoofast #headbangersball #headbangersballASMR #theylovetheloads a better #analgy / #thisintermission brought to you by #CelticFrost / MURDER ONE and #hail to #Lemmy #readthoselyrics (very #articulated and very clear vocals) / The speedy, the groovy, the harmony-y and the true definition of #harmonygrits #killercloser #thelistASMR / SPIT OUT THE BONE #thatriff #cantbeloudenough #morebeerplease #waitforit #harmonies and #heavyasballs #goodness
(1:35:13): ****BONUS DISC*** The Ronnie Rising Medley: A LIGHT IN THE BLACK / TAROT WOMAN / STARGAZER / KILL THE KING (#seealso #Rainbow) and the “Metallica treatment” of cover tunes. (Aka the #Metallicizing of cover tunes) #transtangerenal / #killerintro REMEMBER TOMORROW (#seealso #IronMaiden) / HELPLESS (live) ***Go check out our #GarageDaysEpisode*** #fuckingaround / James’ voice has maintained well over the years. #what / DO NOT scream from the throat!!! (#screamfromtheballs) #wolfsteakalert and a complete #leftturn in #convo / you’ve got #onefuckingjob and the importance of staying in shape if you’re the vocalist #myhonk #RussellsRant and some #MotleyCrueHate / #rightbehindRogan #thricenoteven #untilthenext #whatarecurlies / from all of us at Metal Nerdery HQ 33rd Floor Inverted Underground Bunker Poon (IUBP) Studios…THANK YOU FOR CONTINUING TO LISTEN TO AND SUPPORT METAL NERDERY PODCAST!! metalnerdery.com/merch / #outro regarding #smokedturkey and #deepfriedturkey #BigDaddysBBQPit #ASMR #untilthenext and some #outtakes #outrotakes #itsallbullshit #theresnomoon #cricketzen