Thursday Mar 31, 2022
136: Testament The Gathering - Album Dive
Thursday Mar 31, 2022
Thursday Mar 31, 2022
There’s no denying that the drummer in a band can radically impact (good or bad) the overall dimension, weight, and power of a band’s sonic palette. And when that drummer is DAVE LOMBARDO, and that band is TESTAMENT, and those two forces join together, it results in the most dynamically brutal album of their entire catalog.
Testament’s 1999 opus, THE GATHERING, is the first and only album (thus far) to feature Dave Lombardo (Slayer, Mr. Bungle, Fantomas, Grip Inc.) behind the drums. Now that Dave is officially back in Testament again, we can reflect on this thrash masterpiece and begin to genuinely appreciate (and anticipate) the crushing level of awesome that the next Testament album will possess.
You’ll want to have “King Krug” help with the uncorking (“remember when we used to gulp?”) before you get your boots and spurs ready for “riding the slug” (hey, there’s a first time for everything…*gulp*) and find out “The New Core” that’s been officially sanctioned for this episode by none other than “Elvis Anselmo” as you JOIN US for a dive into the brutally glorious, sonic ecstasy that is Testament’s eighth studio album, “THE GATHERING”.
Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode
Leave us a Voicemail to be played on a future episode: 980-666-8182
Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – metalnerdery.com/merch
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Show Notes:
(00:01): #innit #STFU #wordvomit #arewerollingjimmy #theuncorking #theanticipation #squeakygoodness #climax #spokealloverit / ***WELCOME BACK TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST!!!*** #onehundredpercentuncorked #pourinitup #choppinitdown #vibratorASMR and #phonemysteries (#Skynet is #fuckingstupid!!!) #masking #magic #smokin #thisepisodesclinkyoftheepisode #FireOnTheMountain #HailAndFareWell #TaylorHawkins #trexarmsunite #clinky ***HAIL AND FAREWELL TO TAYLOR HAWKINS AND POSITIVE ENERGY AND UPLIFTING VIBES TO THE FOO FIGHTERS!!!*** #hailandfarewell #TaylorHawkinsRIP #FooFighters / A #Studio666 #moviereview #shocker courtesy of Russell… #dontdenythepowerof #Krug #ItsFine (***Go check out #DreamWidow!!! It’s like #Probot on #steroids!!!***) #continuity and the beauty of #streaming
(07:04): Surprise guest / #segue / #thisepisodesbeeroftheepisode #whatdidimiss (#seealsofat instead of #portly) / #SlightlyMighty #DogfishHeadBrewery #ummm #firsttimeforeverything #monkfruit ***not bad for a lite beer*** #shotgun and #beerchugging #Vergina #noswallowingforme #rememberwhenweusedtogulp #theartofgulping and #adultshit (#Parents are #ridiculous!!!) #dontworryaboutit #thosewerethedays #waitwhat (and a #newsegment: #RussellRecalls) / #TheVoicemailSegment #asamatteroffuckingfact ***GIVE US A CALL AND LEAVE US A VOICEMAIL AT 980-666-8182!!!*** #olympicgrade #didithaveodor #burpbouquet #what!? #Blessing (***Make it make sense!!!***) #markthetime #SpartanRaces and #healthconsciousness (as a choice!) #Whostherealassholehere?
(13:48): An #email from #pissingpost regarding #TheUnending (we think, anyway)…#channelling #relaxerinfusion #dontdenythepowerof #herewego #pissingpostimpression #taketwo (#ThanksRon) / #addtreatment #foreducationalandinstrucionalpurposesonly #safer #paynoattention #gingerburger / #LEGALIZEITALREADY (and let those #dominoes fall…) #skunkfarm or a #skunkorgy / ***THANK YOU, PISSING POST!!!*** / An #email from Trevor regarding the #LegacyOfTheBeastTour ***EMAIL US AT METALNERDERY@GMAIL.COM *** / #thatsoundsprettygood #chicharron ***Check out our alternate upcoming tentative #FoodNerdery #podcast!!!*** #chunkyburps and #herewego #wearegonnareadit #ThankYou #somethinginyourbeard
(21:55) #ournewsegment ***A NEW METAL NERDERY SEGMENT!!! WE’LL PLAY YOUR SHIT!!!*** #PoonDoom #listencarefullyforinstructions / #MetalNerderyWillPlayYourShit #WellPlayYourShit: The artist is Salvations End: The song is MONARCH (#SalvationsEnd) #HellAintABadPlaceToBe #Eh #fromearth #fuckyeah #badass #KingDiamondPowerProgThrash #Hail #loadsofriffs (***HOLY FUCK…GIVE US A CALL, GIVE US YOUR FEEDBACK!!! LEAVE US A VOICEMAIL AT 980-666-8182!!!***) / Also, there are hints of #Nevermore and even #Sanctuary #Testamentesque and #Forbiddenesque #getsome / #jingle
(28:06): #whatisprobrem #Fonzi / THE DOCKET: DAVE LOMBARDO IS BACK WITH TESTAMENT!!! HAIL AND REJOICE!!! We’re diving into 1999’S “The Gathering” (The mix is incredible…#elephantscrotumcore #TheNewCore) and the transition of Testament’s sound from “Souls of Black” to more the “Low” and heavier era… / **Are you familiar with #TestamentsBlackAlbum?” ** #moredeathmetaly #moreheavy / A giant side of #extragravy / #BookEndsOfGreatness / The personnel (and relative tangentionalality to #JudasPriest and also #Sabbat) / #SkolnickTheJazzMan / #crispybois #crispyballs / #theopener and #blacklight #galaxies / #killeropener D.N.R. (DO NOT RESUSCITATE) #laypeople #inclusivepositiveASMR and the #playthings of #laythings #cantbeloudenough (***BUCKLE UP CHILDREN!***) #joyfulnoise / A “different kind” of Testament (now with #DaveLombardoChili) / The change in Chuck Billy’s vocal style, and the ever important #vocalballs
(39:40): Killer second track energy: DOWN FOR LIFE (#killertone) / Very cool incorporation of groove with Thrash. (#ThankYou #Pantera!) 😉 / A “deeper” version of Chuck (#postvocalballdrop) / #howdoyoufeel #onoraround #handsonmyhorn / You can completely alter an album with the same album mix. / #softintro EYES OF WRATH #doomy with shades of #doommetal #creepy #eerie #hashtagprojectilevomitous #itsfine #readthoselyrics (EDIT: That’s Dragon LORD, not FORCE! Sorry, it was #relaxers) / TRUE BELIEVER (NOT the “Nightstalker”). Dude, #CharlesBronson vs #CharlesManson would be rad! / #mayismellyourbox
(48:32): #verver #era #ElvisAnselmo #awwmannn 3 DAYS IN DARKNESS (#alltheballs) #earlyVikingThrash #drumbone vs #guitarbone / The “least best” Testament album per #MetalNerd (and #applicableanalogies) #ehhhhh / #ashortone LEGIONS OF THE DEAD #TheManIsAMachine #violentthrash #likethegoodolddays (Side 2 #killer opener or no? With regard to the #cassette).
(54:24): CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR #canyoupickupwhatimlayingdown #swing and #shuffle (***Definitely listen through headphones. Very nice! ***). Was Pantera the Black Sabbath of the 90’s? #isaidit / ***Go check out “The Dark Roots of Thrash” Double Live album…most excellent!!!***) / #ridingtheslug RIDING THE SNAKE #oldschoolsound (*Go check out our Legacy / The New Order Album Dive episodes! *) #awwmannn / #newgenre ALLEGIANCE #heyeverybody #groove
(1:00:27): SEWN SHUT EYES (#deathgroove) *Updated production techniques…* / FALL OF SIPLEDOME #antarctica #flatearthbros #spaceisdark #howcomespaceisntbrightasfuckingfuck #volcano #pubesacrifice #buckleupchildren #nothingbutgoASMR #cantbeloudenough #newfavoriteTestamentalbum #veggieveggie / Favorites #markthetime and a reasonable #analogy (or, as we say here in the bowels of our 33rd Floor Inverted Underground Bunker Poon (I.U.B.P.) Studio complex / #Oreos and various “colour combinations” / Tracking? / Production credits and the re-release with #differentalbumcover for #TheGathering / #amomentofrant #FuckVlad #nottheimpaler #untilthenext #illenditwiththis #tits and #thelastword #youvegottawantit #igaveittoyoulasttime #teaserino #outroASMR
Thursday Mar 24, 2022
135: Sabbath Covers Vol. I
Thursday Mar 24, 2022
Thursday Mar 24, 2022
Since this is our initial excursion into unfamiliar territory (specifically bands covering songs by a specific artist), we figured what better way to kick things off than for us to pay homage to the artists who have paid homage to the Founding Fathers of Metal, the almighty BLACK SABBATH!!!
The beauty of cover songs is the myriad of unusual ways in which they can be performed. Some artists stay faithful to the original down to every last nuance and detail, while others go completely off the reservation altogether and create something uniquely their own while still capturing the spirit and essence of the original. None of that really matters to us: if it’s anything Sabbath, we’re intrigued and interested. Full stop.
JOIN US as we get “uncorked and unfiltered” with our cover-to-cover coverage of the first volume of covers by the Godfathers of Metal.
It’s time to explore BLACK SABBATH COVERS: Vol. 1.
Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode
Leave us a Voicemail to be played on a future episode: 980-666-8182
Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – metalnerdery.com/merch
and kindly leave us a review and/or rating on the iTunes/Apple Podcasts - Spotify or your favorite Podcast app
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Email: metalnerdery@gmail.com
Can’t be LOUD Enough Playlist on Spotify
Show Notes:
(00:01): #opening #arewerolling #what #titfreeze and #beerjizz (prior week wrap up in #tropicalweather vs #winterstormwarningweather in #ATL) #haarpASMR and #DickTaintler #behindthescenes #justenough #topusoff #letstartthisshit / #MetalNerderyPodcast is: #recorking #uncorked and #unfiltered!!! ***WELCOME BACK TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST!!!*** #markthetime #BirdDogChocolateFlavoredWhisky #goodshit #takemybreathaway #WhiskyMagnate #operationsfunding for #MNHQ33rdFloorInvertedUndergroundBunkerPoonStudios / #segue into #thisepisodesbeeroftheepisode #segment #exciting #episode135 #IngengiousBrewing #HumbleTexas #ImperialMilkStout (***listen to the description!!!***) #StoutChocula #wheredyoureadthat #tenpercent #shortone #chocolatewhisky and #chocolatebeer #youcantasteit #chocolatesoda / ***LEAVE US A VOICEMAIL AT 980-666-8182!!!*** / #brokethefourthwall #liftingthecurtain
(07:09): #newsegment: ***MUSICIANS AND BANDS, SEND US YOUR SHIT, EITHER BY EMAIL, THE SOCIALS OR VIA DM’S…LISTEN FOR #INSTRUCTIONS!!!*** #listenerfeedback / #HannibalDeathMachine (#FrenchLyrics #ModernMetal) #tenpercent (#waitwhat?) / Russell’s incredibly #detailed and #longwinded reflections regarding a #podcast hosted by our #numberonecompetitor / #smartasfuck #funfact ***10,000 hours of doing something makes you an #expert!!!*** #howmanyhours / #dontdenythepowerof / #stillonthissegment #HannibalDeathMachine MON CADAVRE (“My Corpse”) #doomy #MyDeadBody ***GIVE US A CALL AND GIVE US YOUR FEEDBACK AT 980-666-8182!!!***
(17:47): #slipofthetongue #HFS #WTFJustHappened ***BLACK SABBATH COVERS, VOL. 1 OF AN UNKNOWN INFITIE NUMBER!!!*** / Like #nafta but #haveta #youbetcha #blackdog / ***What was the first #SabbathCover you heard?*** #gettingallovereachother #nooksandcrannies / #FaithNoMore WAR PIGS (from “The Real Thing”-1989) #relaxercentric #allbonedup #OhLordYeah ***go check out the #liveversion of this!***
(27:36): Each Nerd’s top #coupla picks… / #markthetime #putyourdiaperson and #getready #adultbabydiapers / #Anthrax SABBATH BLOODY SABBATH (From “I’m The Man” EP- 1987) #thatpart / #SystemOfADown SNOWBLIND (from “Nativity in Black II”-2000) #thissongisCOCAINE #cocaineASMR / #HedPE SABBRA CADABRA #newgenre #relaxermetal #thatswhatitstandsfor #justapeck
(39:56): #Slayer HAND OF DOOM (still from #NativityInBlackTwo – 2000) #changeup #darker and #eviler *Have you ever tasted #GoddamnElectric?* / #Neurosis CHILDREN OF THE GRAVE (from “Times of Grace” – 1998) / #bigwords #satiationaltitillation *Hey man, wanna get #titillated?*) / The difference between #Aussies and #UKFolk #cricketcentral #covidmath / #Fozzy FAIRIES WEAR BOOTS #letsmakeitagoodone #vocaldoppelganger
(52:30): #Godsmack SWEET LEAF (#NativityInBlackDos) #coughintro / LORD OF THIS WORLD (from #multiplesources) #CorrosionOfConformity #COC (*you can practically smell that jam room. *) and #Helmet #ILoveTheHelmet #adifferentgroove (and the way that artists will adapt a song to their own style…very cool). / #Ozzy and #conventionalwisdom / #Sepultura SYMPTOM OF THE UNIVERSE (from “Nativity in Black” – 1994)
(1:01:45): #FatesWarning THE SIGN OF THE SOUTHERN CROSS (and the #RJD era; this was from “Holy Dio”) / ***CONGRATULATIONS to Dave Lombardo and Testament for reconnecting!!!*** / #itsfine / #Bongzilla UNDER THE SUN (from “Stash”-1999) #awwwmannn #differentshapes / #Venom MEGALOMANIA #bigpinkskullhelmet (from “Prime Evil” -1989)
(1:11:45): A coupla more… #DeathAngel HEAVEN AND HELL (from “The Dream Calls for Blood” – 2013) #wheezy #itsfine / #Overkill CORNUCOPIA (from “Coverkill” – 1999) and a somehow #tangentional #blackalbumreference that Russell slipped past the goalie. / #nopressure #Acidthrone (from “The Philosopher’s Stoned” - 2021) A NATIONAL ACROBAT #neverpunchdown #alwayspunchup #doublecheekedupass / *THANK YOU FOR JOINING US!!! #Untilthenext a few friendly #reminders, #cricketASMR #wheezy
Thursday Mar 17, 2022
134: Death Angel - Inside The Metal
Thursday Mar 17, 2022
Thursday Mar 17, 2022
It should come as no surprise that we’re releasing an episode celebrating one of the finest (and also, one of the youngest!) bands ever to emerge from the thrash metal mecca known as “The Bay Area” (located near the fabled “Emerald Triangle”) on Saint Patrick’s Day, a day when NOT wearing green will get you pinched by that Lucky Charms dude (and/or that drunk chick at the bar that needed your help “drowning the shamrock”).
Not only did DEATH ANGEL have the power of youth on their side, forming when they were practically children, and releasing their debut album when they were just teenagers, but they also had the incredibly fortunate blessing to be coming of age right smack dab in the middle of the burgeoning Bay Area thrash scene of the early to mid-1980’s.
Time to find out what happens when the “ground hong” doesn’t see its shadow, whilst embracing the splendor of our incredibly “crispy bois” and gazing lovingly at the adorable “hellhound Viking puppies” “The Kurgan” picked up at the animal shelter on his way home from pillaging. It’s time you finally found out the difference between “a jar” and “a gape” before you and your loaded leprechaun friends JOIN US as we delve deep Inside The Metal with the “young whippersnappers” of the Bay Area thrash scene, DEATH ANGEL.
Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode
Leave us a Voicemail to be played on a future episode: 980-666-8182
Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – metalnerdery.com/merch
and kindly leave us a review and/or rating on the iTunes/Apple Podcasts - Spotify or your favorite Podcast app
Listen on iTunes, Spotify, Podbean, Google Podcasts or wherever you get your Podcasts.
Follow us on the Socials:
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Email: metalnerdery@gmail.com
Can’t be LOUD Enough Playlist on Spotify
Show Notes:
(00:01): #crispibois of the #groundhong #unscrewingASMR ***WELCOME BACK TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST!!!*** with #zeroanesthesia and 100% #totalbullshit #taketwo #lostsession #Twist / #thisepisodesclinkyoftheepisode #doubleclinky #CaptainMorgan #OrangeVanillaTwist #babyaspirinmuch / #blackdoginnuendo #wheresmyhand / #thisepisodesbeeroftheepisode #IngeniusBrewingCompany out of #HumbleTexas Booberry Fluff (or #BooberryFluff from a #hashtagperspective) / #WTF is #CrispiBoisBedsheets #sixpointeightabv (***Wait, is that Wood or Would?***) #crispywood #fuckwood #crispibwah #connectingthedots / #rightuphisalley #swoleaf #swoleasfuck #onmicbeerburp
(08:00): A #newsegue into a #newsegment (***but first, a comment regarding the #fartspray video from our last episode***) that is #bolth #tangentional to #TheVoiceMailSegment (CALL NOW: 980-666-8182!!!) and also a #promotionaltool for bands wanting to promote their music on our platform and get the feedback of our listeners / #TheUnending ***go find them on #Instagram!!!*** THE POWER OF ONE (***Is #Metalcore modern #Thrash?***) #BringOnTheBreakdown ***GO BUY THEIR SHIT!!!*** #moderndaythrashmetal #jalapenocheesepastaASMR #gooddayeh
(15:23): The Docket: It took us almost 3 years to get to #SacredReich, and as such, it has taken us almost 3 years to get to #DeathAngel (***We might have touched on Death Angel during the 1988 episode…or even our Obscure Thrash episode***) / #mathmaticalkarma / ***Time to #PulpFictionize this #episode a smidge with the #titlee from their latest “Humanicide” (2019)*** HUMANICIDE (a Death Angel #GrammyNomination) #oldschool #rad #vocalmaturity #oldefaecevoyce #fanbone #veggie
(21:35): Now let’s go back to the beginning of Death Angel…back when they were #children / #BayAreaThrash ***go check out the “Death Angel: A Thrashumentary” documentary on You-Tube*** / #bannedonfacebook / The old-school punky, hard-core sounding edge to Death Angel’s music / #markthetime (and some #tangentionalality to seeing #Prong) and a quick tour update regarding #SacredReich and #Sepultura and #Crowbar / Early Death Angel days and the #MetallicaConnection #dontdenythepowerof #networking (#tapetrading and #innovation)
(29:10): “The Ultra-Violence” (1987) I.P.F.S. (*you’ve gotta love those #cryptic #acronym song titles back in the day. #hahahaha*) #thefirstnewalbum MISTRESS OF PAIN (all band members under 20 years of age as of the release of #TheUltraViolence) / “Frolic Through The Park” (1988) ***The “Bastard” album and how bands use different musical genres and styles to enhance, expand and #innovate their own sound*** #howthefuckdoyourememberthat #incrediblememory / #GeorgiaTech #WREK (the #collegeradiostation) and #WREKage and remembering playing in the WREK studios and the #RodneyKingRiots #iwanttosayheytomygirlfriend #whichone #RussShitstirrer is no match for #investigativereporter #DickTaintler / OPEN UP (#stride and #pride) #thatsnotthrash and 3RD FLOOR #killeropener #thatsthrash
(40:50): And now, their #majorlabeldebut album: “Act III” (1990) ***What do you call multiple #hiatuses? #hiati? *** / Their first album with some #acoustic #unplugged sounding songs (and the last album until 2004) #killeropener SEEMINGLY ENDLESS TIME #timeforaswim #cantbeloudenough / #killerdrumintro (can you play it?) DISCONTINUED (and the perfect blend of thrashy, heavy and funky) #swallowitall #beercum
(49:00): #ajar and #agape / ***During the #hiatus, some of the band members formed #TheOrganization and put out “The Organization” and “Savor The Flavor”*** and some interestingly tangentional stories regarding #AliceInChains, the #ClashOfTheTitansTour, and Death Angel / #FastForward 14 years to 2004… and “The Art of Dying” (2004) #stayontrack on #yourownuniquepath / #PhysicalTherapists are the worst #personaltrainers #therapynoises / #killeropener THROWN TO THE WOLVES (odd #softintro, note that the burp was #notontheboat and also #notonthetrack) and the difference between their #oldsound and their #newsound / LAND OF BLOOD (with Dennis Pepa on #thevocals) and the reason why bands sometimes have different singers on certain songs. / #SteelPanther in the #champagneroom / #agerestrictions on #livingfast and #hookersandblow / #tweetbattles #myhonk #GroundHonkDay #recordscratch
(1:02:03): #BlackDogLove and #Wacken (not #Whacking) “Killing Season” (2008) SONIC BEATDOWN #balls #oldschoolthrash / Another potential #newsegment: #futureshowideas and picking a song based on the #songtitle #nameonly #MCTentacleChoice GOD VS GOD (***kinda #numetalish***) #crispibois / “Relentless Retribution” (2010) with some new #personnel #killeropener RELENTLESS REVOLUTION #wallofsound #alltheballs DEATH OF THE MEEK / Starting with this album, they’ve got #HellhoundWolfVikings on their #albumcovers, like if #TheKurgan (from #TheHighlander) had #puppies #markthetime
(1:15:06): “The Dream Calls For Blood” (2013) #justgrabone #reachinthereandgrabit SUCCUBUS #everythingfitsbetter #itsmarked (***thinking back to the #fuckingglorious show in 2016 with Death Angel, #Anthrax and #Slayer at #TheTabernacle***) / “The Evil Divide” (2016) #executivedecision #trackseven #kissnoises #knobslobbinASMR / HATRED UNITED\UNITED HATE (feat. Andreas Kisser from #Sepultura) #killerbreakdownASMR / “Humanicide” (2019) OF RATS AND MEN #killercloser (***The correct answer was #ChildrenOfBodom***). / #HFS Apparently Death Angel has their own #beer!!!! #AbsenceOfLight #ImperialStout deathangel.us/beer / #tenincher #untilthenext THANK YOU FOR JOINING US!!!!! GO SUPPORT DEATH ANGEL AND BUY THEIR SHIT!!! And don’t forget to check out #TheUnending and leave us your feedback for their track at 980-666-8182!!! ***And the last word is…*** #grazedbytheballs of #crispibois #donutholes
Thursday Mar 10, 2022
133: Sacred Reich - Inside The Metal
Thursday Mar 10, 2022
Thursday Mar 10, 2022
Sometimes it’s imperative to “step away” in order to continue evolving. While it seemed that SACRED REICH had permanently stepped away and slipped into thrash limbo during their hiatus, the thrash quartet hailing from Phoenix, Arizona was working towards their comeback and, quite literally, putting the band back together to record 2019’s “Awakening”, their first new album in over twenty-three years.
Prepare to dispatch the “helicopters and spotlights” before tuning in for some quality “adult entertainment”, including the reading of entries from “Dahmer’s Joke Notebook” as read by Metal Nerdery junior correspondent, Dick Taintler.
JOIN US as we go Inside the Metal with Phoenix thrash legends, SACRED REICH.
Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode
Leave us a Voicemail to be played on a future episode: 980-666-8182
Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – metalnerdery.com/merch
and kindly leave us a review and/or rating on the iTunes/Apple Podcasts - Spotify or your favorite Podcast app
Listen on iTunes, Spotify, Podbean, Google Podcasts or wherever you get your Podcasts.
Follow us on the Socials:
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Email: metalnerdery@gmail.com
Can’t be LOUD Enough Playlist on Spotify
Show Notes:
(00:01): #thedecorking #juryduty and #gangbangs #hairlessdog #clinky ***WELCOME BACK TO METAL NERDERY PODCAST!!!*** #thisepisodesclinkyoftheepisode #RMRoseCompany from #DillardGA #peachandlemonwhisky #breakfastbeverage #markthetime / #ThisEpisodesBeerOfTheEpisode (Not totally #beer) #DurtyGurlTransfusion #DuGu #DGMixers #bringonthestrangeness / #SipAndSwine #recap #shitfacedASMR and the #DaysOfTheDead #HorrorCon weekend highlights / #adultentertainment / Free #WahlBurgers plug and the difference between #MikeMeyers and #MichaelMyers and great #DoomMetalBandNames and #HumVeeBeards / #FartSpray #Binaca and #WorkNoises
(15:35): #wearerolling #waitwhat #saythatagain ***GIVE US A CALL AND LEAVE US A VOICEMAIL AT 980-666-8182!!!*** #TheVoiceMailSegment / Check out #TheUnending on #Instagram (you #hosers) #onmicburpASMR / #PissingPost asks “What’s the wildest/craziest story from our days being in bands?” #highschoolgraduation #parties and #tangentional #momentsofmetalgreatness #fartghosts / #stretchingyourlubedollar and #jokenotebooks and #feedingthehungry
(24:07): How the fuck did we not talk about #SacredReich before this point in time? (And why isn’t #Phoenix pronounced differently?) / You KNOW Sacred Reich is awesome based on their coverage of #BlackSabbath tunes / The “other” #NORML / Recalling the story of Sacred Reich at #TheMasquerade after a #poweroutage (#TheOldMasquerade) / Some bands take long hiatuses and come back stronger / The #originalalbumcover and the #alternatecover from “Ignorance” (1987) / #killeropener DEATH SQUAD #itsfine #titlee IGNORANCE #ignorancemeansdeath
(37:27): “Surf Nicaragua” (1988 EP) #tittleetrack #adayatthebeach SURF NICARAGUA (and the obligatory #WipeOut reference in the middle) / And while we’re here… WAR PIGS (#killercover) #alrightnow #ohlordyeah / “The American Way” (1990) and a momentary diversion regarding #Ukraine and their motto of #GFY towards #Russia…it’s like #FightClub meets #Braveheart/ #titlaytrack #notruth #nojustice THE AMERICAN WAY / #chemtrailmix and #cocaineclouds and #ragespeech (and a #tangentional connection to #MetalBlade) / Faster songs vs slower songs
(51:00): “Independent” (1993) INDEPENDENT (and the growing presence of groove within thrash) / the proper way to say #yeah / SUPREMACY / “Heal” (1996) WHO DO YOU WANT TO BE? #OingoBoingo and also THE POWER OF THE WRITTEN WORD #cantbeloudenough / Do you even math, bro? #twentythreeyearslater “Awakening” (2019) #titletrack AWAKENING and MANIFEST REALITY / A quick review of the lineup and past members / #letitout #awesomeintro (1995) #Hempiliation #FreedomIsNORML SWEET LEAF #superfuzzy (confirmation of the upcoming #Atlanta #DOWN show) #wolfsteakburgers #dumbdelusionalpissballs / #untilthenext THANK YOU FOR JOINING US!!! PLEASE GO SUPPORT SACRED REICH AND BUY THEIR SHIT!!! (and #buyourshit too at metalnerdery.com/merch) / #outtakereel #downdowndown
Thursday Mar 03, 2022
132: ...And Justice For All - Album Dive
Thursday Mar 03, 2022
Thursday Mar 03, 2022
…AND JUSTICE FOR ALL (or AJFA if you’re an acronym fan), the 4th album from METALLICA (and the last album before “The Black Album”) was a strange yet glorious time for fans because it marked the beginning of a new era, with Jason Newsted taking over on bass duties after Cliff Burton’s tragic and untimely demise during the Master of Puppets World Tour.
Some people call AJFA “The Last Great Metallica Album”. Some people call AJFA “The ‘Pre-Black Album’ Black Album”. Metal Nerdery Podcast people call AJFA “The most progressive thrash metal album ever released by the biggest thrash metal band on the planet”. Maybe we’re wrong, maybe those other people are wrong, but one thing’s for certain: there is no other record in metal that sounds anything like AJFA!!!
It's time to “take all your get ready pills” and enjoy a “crispy fried wolf steak” taquito before you “get spit roasted” and JOIN US for our dive into one of the finest moments in progressive thrash metal and celebrate the rifftactical, juggernaut that is AND JUSTICE FOR ALL.
Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode
Leave us a Voicemail to be played on a future episode: 980-666-8182
Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – metalnerdery.com/merch
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Can’t be LOUD Enough Playlist on Spotify
Show Notes:
(00:01): #soundsofoldpeople #breath #era #deepbreath #andbegin ***WELCOME BACK TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST, EVERYONE!!!*** #thisepisodesclinkyoftheepisode #captainmorgancherryvanilla #goodness #HAIL to #Doro and #Robo (Mixes well with #coke) Strange feedback moment…#itsprettyfuckinggood #gobuytheirshit #limitededition #boozeohol / the weird #philosophy around #collectors and items which become highly #collectible (#weird is relative… #enjoyyourweird)/ #childhoodtoys #collectorsitems and #HulkHogansDeathMetalAlbum #Brother (***and a #factually #tangentional reference to #Studio666 with #DaveGrohl***) in theatres #everywhere #relaxerhands #allmybitches #leftandright #Wristina
(05:55): #quicksegue into #thisepisodesbeeroftheepisode #thelounge of #33rdflrInvertedUndergroundBunkerPoonStudios #snozberries #BerlinerStyleWeisse (and now with #lactose #dontbeintolerant) #salivaryspitulation #balloonknotface #PontoonBrewing #Pleasefundouralcoholismformoney ***LEAVE US A VOICE MAIL AT 980-666-8182*** #TheVoiceMailSegment : #pissingpost ***WHO’S YOUR FANTASY BAND LINEUP?*** (Boy, this is a hell of a #rabbithole…we could do multiple volumes on #fantasybandlineups) #somuchgreatness (We had to include #keyboards because it broadens the sound…plus, why the fuck not?) #ERA and #theEraOfNow #onmicburgerburpASMR #toggling ***WAIT, there’s #anothervoicemail*** #seriousquestion #MetalNerderyPodcastRoast #bringontheroasting #itsgreatformaterial #rebuttleepisodes #rebukalepisodes #numberfour and #numberthree #wearenumbertwo #manifestation and #crumbs and #beermoney / #nontangentionally related items #RIP #BonScott #HailAndFarewell and an #INCREDIBLE customer review as well as an incredibly powerful #display
(19:11): #thealbumbeforetheblackalbum (*aka The Pre-Black-Album-Album*) and an analogy that just didn’t connect regarding #Maiden / #PostCliffMetallica #PreBlackAlbumMetallica …AND JUSTICE FOR ALL (The Album) by METALLICA #TheLastGreatMetallicaAlbum #theeighties and #childhood and #thealphabet #ohno / Jump in the time machine that is Russell’s mind. #oldschooldays #ooohofdisapproval / #oldman #markthetime / #iwasconfused / #bassbeef (A #justifiable bass-beef, given the #nonproduction shown on #garagedays #imjustsayin) ***A definite curve ball relative to #Puppets and #GarageDays in production and structure*** #whereisthebass #theguitarnotthefrequency #thebestsounding (#somehowitsperfect) / #theunpopularopinion #justiceforjason (and the differences between Jason’s style vs #CliffBurton #RIP) #thelowendisthere #thebottomisthere #thebassisnot / #RussellsADDConspiracyTheorySegment #jackedoff
(34:20): Regaining control of #masters and #BlackenedRecordings / One on One studios (where #TBA was also recorded…and yes, that’s #theblackalbum) / #Breadpan (not #Breadfan) / Brief memories thinking back over AND JUSTICE FOR ALL #AJFA / #stillbitter about the #1989GrammyLoss / Reflecting on when #Metallica played #TheGrammys (***getting into “the zone”, particularly as a performer***). ***The moment that everything changed at the ’89 Grammy’s*** / Article from #loudwire regarding #AndJusticeForAllFacts (***wore out the cassette*** #walkman) / #8xplatinum / Mike Clink #drumcredits / #Large / ***The #mostprogressive and #mosttechnical Metallica album (certainly a major #progressivethrashalbum) #Justice is like Metallica’s #Hemispheres
(43:33): #burgerburpASMR #enjoy / BLACKENED #fastandsharp (*James Hetfield stacks riffs like #crispyfried #wolfsteak, #layersandlayersofgoodness) ***Go check out the Seattle show from the #LiveShitBingeAndPurge package!!! Talk about #killeropener*** / #Queensryche with Metallica seems like a strange tour. #picturetime #OlanMillsTime #dontcutitout #dogspeak #andwereback #fancydog #tittleytrackASMR (A grow-er or a show-er?) / The strange magic with the #tracklisting …AND JUSTICE FOR ALL (***that riff is definitely not your #runofthemillriff***) #waitwhat #songruiner (That cool middle part including and after the solo…) #faintlybassly #manylayersofguitars #triumphmetal #expresshyourshelf
(58:30): EYE OF THE BEHOLDER #cantbeloudenough #backshadowing (and the #faintpresence of #JasonsBass) / ONE #dudemanbro ***Go check out the #musicvideo! That was a #gamechanger for them! *** #youcanhearalittlebass / #goulash / #everytime #darkness #thatpart #fuckyesmoment
(1:07:20): #Side2Intro if you’re following along on #vinyl or #cassette SHORTEST STRAW #youcanhearveryslightbassforlikeasecond ***There was definitely some heavier sounding riffs on this one…slower and heavier.*** / A different vibe: #AlexOoooOfWTF HARVESTER OF SORROW and the various slower Metallica tunes / A weird #WizardOfOz bit of #tangentionalality #themiddlepart the #snowlo #cocainesolo #cokeboomwolfsteak FRAYED ENDS OF SANITY #grandehuevos #MetallicaFanBone #thatmiddlepart #thoseharmonies #andthen #classicriff ***There’s NOTHING wrong with #MetallicaBone!!!***
(1:20:50): The last bit of #writingcredit #tangentionalality from #thelategreat #CliffBurton #HAIL #RIP TO LIVE IS TO DIE #possibleoldCliffriffs #theloads #themiddlepart with #theviolins (those are guitars, btw). ***On lead guitar, Mr. James Hetfield! *** / Looking back on whenever James would do #guitarsolos)
(1:28:40): #favorite #fastasfuck #killercloser DYERS EVE #getready #soundsweird and #contextisimportant #keepgoing #bookingalonghella #judges #itsfine #usethoseheadphones #notyet #futureshowideas #ifhereallylovesher #madeupforit #letsgoemptyourballs #itstimetodotheloads #loadsofloads #ReinventingTheLoads and #NetflixSpecial #technically #notthelastwordASMR #Era #oldman #gettingbig #LOADS #Era #StillGotTheLastWord #UntilTheNext
Thursday Feb 24, 2022
131: NWOBHM ”New Wave of British Heavy Metal” Vol I
Thursday Feb 24, 2022
Thursday Feb 24, 2022
NWOBHM is the “New Wave of British Heavy Metal” that followed the “The Unholy Trinity of British Heavy Metal” (TUTOBHM? Wait, that can’t be right…) comprised of Black Sabbath, Deep Purple and Led Zeppelin. As stated on a previous episode, the blues were to Zeppelin as NWOBHM is to Metallica, and if you’re even remotely familiar with Metallica (especially those first four albums), then you’re already familiar with NWOBHM.
It’s time to discuss one of the most important acronyms in heavy metal history while ruling out the difference between a black “metal” album and a “black metal” album. What we’re trying to say is that we’re “running out of time” and we really need to get to the “all-you-can-eat-steak-buffet” before you JOIN US for a strange, yet enlightening trip through the brief era in metal known as “THE NWOBHM”.
Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode
Leave us a Voicemail to be played on a future episode: 980-666-8182
Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – metalnerdery.com/merch
and kindly leave us a review and/or rating on the iTunes/Apple Podcasts - Spotify or your favorite Podcast app
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Can’t be LOUD Enough Playlist on Spotify
Show Notes:
(00:01): #welcometopornphone #deepinsideASMR #gettingthirsty #recordscratch ***WELCOME BACK TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST!!!*** #theuncorking #thisepisodesclinkyoftheepisode #variant #originalvariant #ooooh with a #complimentary #harmonyooooh #likePriest #pinkish #markthetime #DillardGA #RMRoseCompany #fireonthemountainvariantASMR #GoodNeighbor #PeachAndLemonWhisky #TRexArmsUnite #cheers #evilspiritsbegone / #segue into #thisepisodesbeeroftheepisode #thisone #thisepisodes #TheBrewingProjeKt and #pufftartmonth here at #33rdFloorInvertedUndergroundBunkerPoonStudios / #fuckfruit #previousmodel #pinkish #mangopassionfruitandplum #marshmallow or #marshmellow #onpar #sourell #eightpointsixabv #passionfuckfruitASMR #asignfromtheuniverse #wellendorseforbooze / The #SuperBowl #ValentinesDay #WrapUp and #RussellsVacationBliss ***How many bands can you think of that utilize the term “CRUISE”?*** #poopdeck #offthebow #plague #bathingsuit (***can you imagine seeing the plague in a #bikini? I mean…#justsayin***) / #NOTthrowawaysASMR #loads and #NOTDecaprioASMR #dancemonkey #russellWTFiswrongwithyou #takesomeadderallandSTFUASMR #KISS #whoahyayEEE / #KipWinger and the #ShipRocked #cruise and #misunderstandings
(12:34): #alotofrelaxers and deciphering #russellsrants without #antirelaxers or #ADDMedication (EDIT: #MonstersOfRockCruise) / #TheVoiceMailSegment ***GIVE US A CALL AND LEAVE US A VOICEMAIL AT 980-666-8182!!!*** #recordscratch #monsters #pissingpostASMR and a #ForbiddenTestimonialASMR #untilthenext #successstory #onemore #relaxervisionASMR #noworkingfilter #untilthenext #leanintoit #emeraldtriangleASMR #fortherecord (to clarify a recently previously made statement along with the band itinerary, as read by our very own #Russell. / #whatyousaid #stuntminister #fastervaginacat #thatone #shittyJimFlorentineASMR #genre #mystyle #NWOAM
(18:56): the #scenery of the #genre #allaccess #imgood #steakbuffet / ***How did y’all let us get this far without asking a single question regarding #NWOBHM (aka: The #NewWaveOfBritishHeavyMetal) / The connecting tissue between the late 70’s heavy rock scene and the literal next wave of British Heavy Metal…think #PostSabbath #PostZeppelin and #PostPurple aka #PostTheUnholyTrinityOfMetal (at least those were the roots). #Teenbone and the #wronglittlebluepill #markthetime) / a brief rundown of some various #NWOBHM bands as displayed by #AI / #Scandinavia and/or #Danish is not #British #geographyASMR #DanishIsDelicious #ismorist #GFY #Nein #calltoconfirm #9806668182
(25:30): #blatantlywrong / These names are fucking AWESOME!!! (Obviously, you have to include #Rainbow!). #Stanssister
***Who began the #campaigntowardsNWOBHM!?*** / #TygersOfPanTang (not #TygersOfPoonTang) / Other defining factors for the #NWOBHM #genre. ***Late 70’s to early 80’s (it’s #veryspecific) *** / #AngelWitch ***#unt*** #greatPeterImpression ANGEL WITCH (on Angel Witch!!! #excitermoment) / #UppityPriesty / #PrayingMantis and a quick #ReinventingTheMetal #shamelessplug #killeropener CHEATED and #jinglemetal and #Damone and the #FastTimes feel (oh, it’s a #KinksCover…) #itsgonnakickin #superprogmetal #Maidenish #TopGunASMR / #allmygoods and that #interimperiodofmetal between the late 70’s and early 80’s #talkinafan #NWOAHM #Saxon (Judges: #Raven also counts as #NWOBHM). #whitehair #WheelsOfMetal #WheelsOfSteel MOTORCYCLE MAN (#powermetalbonscott) and the #titlee WHEELS OF STEEL (very #badboyboogieish. The note here is that it sounds like Bad Boy Boogie #kindasortalike #LetThereBeRock).
(43:12): How about some #DiamondHead? #onmicburpASMR (“Lightning For Nations”) LIGHTNING FOR NATIONS (Diamond Head’s “almost” #ExciterMoment) #oneorsomethin HELPLESS #fuzz #earlystonermetal #bubblesthewalrus / #DefLeppard #markthetime #ohmydamn #slidingglassdoor / #anotherwaytolookat #selfmurder (“On Through The Night”) #noearwormsplease HELLO AMERICA #ThatsAmericaAsFuck #thefirstnewalbum / NOT #PoonTang (It’s the #TygersOfPanTang) #panpoon or #poonpan #spicy #nowwithextracrazy #hotterthanhellmisheardintro DO IT GOOD #backthentheywereyounger
(54:44): #WitchfinderGeneral (#aftertaste #thatsgonnasmell) / #boobies WITCHFINDER GENERAL #fuzzy #stoner #Swordstyle #heavydoom #moderndaystonermetal #wayaheadoftheirtime #productiontits / #Samson (Bruce Dickinson’s #fitness #fitnesscrickets T&Y) band prior to #IronMaiden) #noteven #alotofmembers #markthetime BICEPS OF STEEL #WelcomeToTheMetalNerderyConcierge / #recordskip #familiarsounding #perfectonmicburp #djburpgenius #wheresthevocals #BruceMeatloafInson or #MeatloafDickinson
(1:05:00): #Venom (***see also Black Metal***) #productionquality COUNTESS BATHORY #ultraspooky BLACK METAL #earlythrashmetal / Daemon or Demon? Which one is #eviler? #cannotconnect / #Holocaust THE NIGHTCOMERS #consolidation #sevenincher #soloartist and the joy of 45’s #bbqwolfsteakyeah / #maybenot / #GrimReaper ROCK YOU TO HELL #HeadbangersBallFlashbackASMR #powermetal
(1:15:47): #SweetSavage KILLING TIME (see also #garageload) #oddmix and a brief #tangentional moment of upcoming #backshadowing / #Satan THE DEVIL’S INFANTRY (***a tad outside the “date range” …Yes, that was in fact Satan…but it wasn’t necessarily from the NWOBHM period). LEGIONS HELLBOUND (again, not in the “acceptable” #daterange for NWOBHM scholars, but we digest). BLADES OF STEEL (that’s #metal!). #Pissfilledballs time to #emptyout ***THANK YOU FOR JOINING US AND PLEASE CONTINUE TO SPREAD THE GLOBAL WORDERY ABOUT THE METAL NERDERY!!!*** and #untilthenext #thelastword #hahaha #Istillgotthelastword #wait #waitforit #waitalittlemore #wearealmostthere #okay #what?
Thursday Feb 17, 2022
130: Pantera REINVENTING THE STEEL: Album Dive
Thursday Feb 17, 2022
Thursday Feb 17, 2022
With the release of REINVENTING THE STEEL, the 9th (and final) PANTERA studio album (and 6th consisting of the “classic lineup” of Phil Anselmo, Rex Brown, and the brothers Abbott: Dimebag Darrell and Vinnie Paul), it seemed as if the southern metal lords were set to begin yet another decade of heavy metal domination in not only a new century, but also a new millennium. After consistently releasing album after album of heavy, grooving, brutal sonic bliss throughout the 90’s, the band managed to combine the essence and energy of each of those albums, coalescing into one final masterwork that would serve as the perfect coda to the band’s storied career and tremendous output.
It's time to stop by the relaxer room for a pre-show pick me up before “running in flip flops” down “Chunky Bum” Boulevard on your way to our 33rd Floor I.U.B.P. Studio Lounge to JOIN US as we celebrate the band and dive into the album that helped bring in the new millennium with one hell of a bang!
Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode
Leave us a Voicemail to be played on a future episode: 980-666-8182
Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – metalnerdery.com/merch
and kindly leave us a review and/or rating on the iTunes/Apple Podcasts - Spotify or your favorite Podcast app
Listen on iTunes, Spotify, Podbean, Google Podcasts or wherever you get your Podcasts.
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Email: metalnerdery@gmail.com
Can’t be LOUD Enough Playlist on Spotify
Show Notes:
(00:01): #hippychemopatient #newclinky #screwingASMR and #flipflopsrunning #thisepisodesclinkyoftheepisode #RevelStrokeNutcrusherPeanutButterWhisky #killeralbumcover #mycuprunnethover #allinsidemahqwerty and #clinkybone and a #vulgardisplayofalcoholabuse #thehealthiestmetalnerd #toomuchclinky #trexarmsunite #cheers / ***WELCOME BACK TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST!!!*** More #peanutbrittle flavored than #peanutbutter (There’s a working squirrel with a #sawzall on the #albumcover). #aimforthenuts ***Thanks be to #Doro for assisting with this segment.*** #salttherim #markthetime for #saltynuts #markthetimeagain #fillupyourthermos ***If you’d like to sponsor #MetalNerderyPodcast you can email us at metalnerdery@gmail.com or ping us on the socials (#notthefbiASMR) or GIVE US A CALL and leave us a #voicemail at 980-666-8182***
(06:43): And now the #segue into #recordscratch #thisepisodesbeeroftheepisode (#rewindingtime now…standby) #TheBrewingProjekt #payustodrinkyourbeerASMR #PuffTartXL #extralarge (a #magnumbeer). #babyarmswithboxinggloves #gothim #theverdict (WAYYY too tasty!) #Wheresthecocaineroom? #OneOfTheBestFuckingBeers and #HailToTheBrewingProjekt #lookatyou / BUY OUR SHIT at metalnerdery.com/merch / Greetings from #TheLandDownUnder #gdaymate #skinnyface #MetalNerderyAnonymousASMR (and the #MetalNerderyMissionStatement) #pastashred and a #listenerinquiry: ***Who’s the BEST band YOU guys saw LIVE in the 80’s and 90’s?*** #PanterA #MotleyCrue and #publicboobies , #Slayer at #TheCivicCenter (see also “ripping up the chairs”) and #Testament and #WrathchildAmerica and #Annihilator (Testament came through town many, many times!!! And for that, we give you thanks!) And the #JOY of discovering a brand-new band at a concert!!! PanterA and #WhiteZombie at the #Ballroom (which was fucking #EPIC!!!) And the #shoeshow #VanHalen at #TheOmni and #Metallica #aneveningwith (What was described sounded like #TheLoads and not #TheBlackAlbum tour, but #IDigest) #StoneTemplePilots #SoulsAtZero #Forbidden (and entirely too much #radness) #CaptainCrustyPants and #KoRn LIVE from the #earlydays (***see also, new KoRn either coming out soon or just came out!!!***) #fifteenminutesofbullshitASMR
(23:22): #ACDC from #1978 (it’s either called a #romper or a #jumper) #angrymom #RIP / #verballychallenged And another message from #DownUnder regarding our recent #Forbidden #InsideTheMetal #episode (***Can there really EVER be too much #thrashfanbone!?***) / The mystery of #vegemite and/or #marmite #assholeflavored #toolow #nochunks from a #chunkybum and/or #chunkybung and the definition of #betrothed and a secret way for #dudes to get laid more often and also #pussyrepellent/ #threegoodyears vs #multipledecadestogether
(30:18): On THIS episode’s #docket: #ringcameras #PanterA was the #Pantera of the #nineties (and/or also the #LedZeppelin of the 90’s, and/or/and/or/also #Pantera was the #Metallica of the 90’s) / #LegalAdvice #legallyallowedtolieASMR and a shit ton of #math / #TrendkillReprise / It’s time for #ReinventingTheMetal ***REINVENTING THE STEEL*** (and the perfect #PanterA platter with all of the various elements of their entire catalog). #adifferentreference / #getchapull / #killeropeners and #calgon / ***Go check out our #TrendkillDive!!!*** The never-ending river of rad riffs courtesy of #Dime and the sound of #Reinventing relative to the rest of the catalog (and a shuffling of the order of release based on #heaviness). #ReinventingTheSteel is #FarBeyondDrivenPlus #pissfilledballs / ***#TWILIGHTZONEASMR and also #WTFASMR!!!***#wheresthepreviousload? #putitbackin #NoPayload #WhereDidTheLoadGo #TheLoadIsThere ***WELCOME BACK (again) TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST!!!***#lightningstrikes #technicaldifficulties and #todoshuevos #alltheballs #tryingtositupASMR
(40:50): #fortyfiveminutesofnothing and now we’re getting back to Reinventing #TheMetal (Reinventing the Still) #sunvomit and #coronalmassejections #dontdenythepowerof #productiontentacles #notbitter #killeropener HELLBOUND (and a great reminder of Pantera and #Slayer at #TheTabernacle in #Atlanta, which was actually BEFORE #GodHatesUsAll was released: on #Friday 3/30/2001, I have the #ticketstub) #PerfectPanteraBone #boldstatement / GODDAMN ELECTRIC #cantbeloudenough #never #killeroutro thanks to #KerryKing and #SlayerTangentionalalityCoreASMR #hard
(47:57): #livinginthepresent because YESTERDAY DON’T MEAN SHIT #norewindingtime and the subtle #stoner vibe to Dime’s riffs. #oldschoolthrashshapes #DimebagIsOurSpiritAnimal #ThatDimebagIsABlessing / YOU’VE GOT TO BELONG TO IT #crazyriff #absurdlymetal #evilocity #fingernailsofmetal #TheDimebagStonerSlide #PanteraPissesExcellenceCore #TheNewCore / #myfavoriteriffinmylife REVOLUTION IS MY NAME (***check out the #video for this tune, it’s #awesome! ***). #namechanger #REVOLUTIONismynewname #PanteraBone #editing #nointro #RexAndDimeSynchronicity #HAIL to #Dime #Vinnie #Rex and #Phil (***How many levels of #tangentionalality to other #Metal #artists can you spot in the video? ***)
(58:50): Throwback to #Trendkill #allballs #todoshuevos #cantbeloudenough #turnthatallthewayup DEATH RATTLE #cantbeloudenough (***#FastPantera vs #GroovePantera, which do you like better (if not #bolth)? ***) / WE’LL GRIND THAT AXE FOR A LONG TIME #andisayagain (that fucking middle part…#HFS, or #HolyFuckingShit if you don’t understand #acronyms!!!) /The Joy of #Panterajaculation #thesmellintheair / The magic of the PanterA #classiclineup (and a “maybe” not so accurate #analogy back to #Ozzy and #Sabbath). ***#NoApologiesNeeded: This is a #safespace*** #MetalMotivation
(1:05:37): #inthroughtheoutword #toomuch #sorryaboutthat and songs that “may not quite be” a #favorite (“Initially…”) / #grower vs #shower #waitwhat #playthesong UPLIFT #verygroovy #9806668182 and a #newsegment #ThisEpisodesPanteraMomentOfTheEpisode (#toomuchmath) and the #resurgence of #MetalEdge #tunedWAYdown #veryveryheavy #absolutelyzerobullshitASMR IT MAKES THEM DISAPPEAR (***Tuned down to D, with the low E string tuned down to C!!!*** #DropC) #PanteraBoneASMR (almost #stonermetal) #alltheballs #todoshuevos
(1:12:57): How about #PrimalConcreteBalls for $500, #Alex? (***Hypothetical question: #ChongDogg yay or nay? The #crickets say #yay) and quite the collection of #deadsoldiers I’LL CAST A SHADOW (Pantera definitely has a #stonermetalessence) / #BoneUs #BonerTrack #BonusTrack (on the #Japanese version) and a completely unrelated #DireStraits moment: HOLE IN THE SKY (That’s #BlackSabbath #btw! Surely, you’re well aware of this!!!) ***go check out the #NativityInBlack #SabbathCovers compilation albums***) #tuneinturnondropout #Pantera and #Pufftart for #Pfebruary / THANK YOU FOR JOINING US AND PLEASE CONTINUE TO SPREAD THE GLOBAL WORDERY ABOUT THE METAL NERDERY!!!
metalnerdery.com/merch / #thelastword #untilthenext #theoutrosection #loadsandloadsofoutrocore
Thursday Feb 10, 2022
129: TENACIOUS D - Inside the Metal
Thursday Feb 10, 2022
Thursday Feb 10, 2022
Letters are important. As children, we learned how letters combined together can form words. As adults, we unlearned all of that “logical absurdity” and broke words back down to individual letters because words are “exhausting and off-putting” and often are offensive and hurtful, whereas letters somehow don’t hurt and are usually “perfectly safe.”
Unfortunately, that means you can really only have twenty-six words, one for each letter in the alphabet, which represents a tremendous conundrum for acronymphiles everywhere. For the purposes of this episode, we only care about two letters in particular, and as far as we know, these particular letters aren’t currently being used for anything else ATM (“at the moment”).
Those two letters are:
The Z.
And The D.
The Z is for JONNY ZAZULA (aka Jonny Z), the “Godfather of Thrash Metal” and co-founder (along with wife Marsha Z, also R.I.P.) of Megaforce Records, THE most important record label in thrash metal history. At the risk of catastrophizing, you might say that without JONNY (and Marsha) Z and Megaforce Records, there would likely be NO thrash metal as we know it today. And without the Zazulas, Megaforce Records, and thrash metal, there would likely be NO Metal Nerdery Podcast* as we know it today either.
The D is for TENACIOUS D (aka “The D.” See how things just work out sometimes?), the seminal “unplugged” comedy metal juggernaut team of Jack Black and Kyle Gass (aka: JB and KG, btw) who have helped elevate the entire tri-county metal community’s acceptance of the “acoustic metal” subgenre. “The D” made it okay to include acoustic guitars and recorder solos in metal. “The D” is like jury duty: you have to experience it at least once to fully appreciate it. **
Time to wake up and prepare your daily regimen of “anti-relaxers”, do a few “pushups”, “un-gape your jaw”, and release that first “stink pickle” of the day as you JOIN US for our brand new “tea-worthy” split-episode of TENACIOUS D: Inside The Metal, featuring one of “the greatest and best” Metal bands in the world (“The D”) and a brief “Tribute” to the dearly departed, legendary thrash metal visionary that is JONNY ZAZULA (“The Z”).
*We’d probably be a Nickelback podcast or something. I know what you’re thinking: “WTF!?
**I mean, who knows? You might actually really, really enjoy it. Or you might be like “GFY!”
Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode
Leave us a Voicemail to be played on a future episode: 980-666-8182
Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – metalnerdery.com/merch
and kindly leave us a review and/or rating on the iTunes/Apple Podcasts - Spotify or your favorite Podcast app
Listen on iTunes, Spotify, Podbean, Google Podcasts or wherever you get your Podcasts.
Follow us on the Socials:
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Email: metalnerdery@gmail.com
Can’t be LOUD Enough Playlist on Spotify
Show Notes:
(00:01): #markthetime #myfacehurtfordays / #clinkytime #deepbreath #trexarms #thankspeter ***WELCOME BACK TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST!!!*** It’s time for the #JuryDutyChronicles!!! #notheroin #stereo #popthetop And now it’s time for #thisepisodesbeeroftheepisode #beeroftheepisode #thisone #BurialBeerCompany out of #AshevilleNC (#BlackMetalBeer) #BlackMetalAlbumCover #TotalDisbeliefInAllReality #IndiaPaleAle (Killer #albumcover) #PellEll #DeadDeerGulch #seventpointfiveabv #UriahHop #easydrinkin #postbreakfastrefreshments / #GingerBurger and #hyperinflation and a #tangentional #BlackAlbumReference #TheBlackAlbumMeal and things which are #exhausting and #offputting / Getting picked for Jury Duty and that whole experience #notnumbersix / #OpeningArguments are the #SalesPitch of the attorneys / #haterhombus and #lovetrapezoid #goodbyefidelityroad and the things we “couldn’t” talk about (until now) / #notlikeCSI #alacartelaw #shittyVegas #sensorydeprivation / #keeptheunabomberdudewiththeMetalNerderyPodcastmask #crazycomedyhair #tentacles #everybodyshoulddoitonce
(12:03): #letsdrinkbeerandbullshit / #HAIL and #RIP and #Farewell to #JonnyZazula (and a brief #Tribute to #MegaforceRecords and #JonnyZ and also #MarshaZ) / #superfanbone and the legendary greatness that later became the mighty Megaforce Records (***btw, go check out our Megaforce episode!!!***) #episodethirtytwo #EastCoastSlagel #RestInPower #JonnyZ / #WalkingByFaith and #HavingAVision / And now #thefirstsongtheyeverwroteintheirlife (definitely NOT Whiplash!!!)… #pleaseungapeyourjaw #Metallica HIT THE LIGHTS (#demo / #MetalMassacre version) #highvocals #firstpress #preballs and that #oldschool #NWOBHM sound. #multipleepisodesASMR #gumpirate ***BUY OUR SHIT AT metalnerdery.com/merch and also go BUY THEIR SHIT AT megaforcerecords.com !!!*** / #TheVoiceMailSegment and #crickets and GIVE US A CALL AT 980-666-8182 and a loving message from #OurManInTheStreet #PissingPost #UntilTheNext #Hail and a dedication to #reverserelaxers (very #unrelaxered & #adderalled)
(21:53): The evolution of #Metal to include #acousticguitars and “a little D” …TENACIOUS D!!! #shotglassoffury / The sheer joy and beauty that is #TenaciousD and a brief discussion recounting when we first heard of “The D” (#beautifulpoetry courtesy of #JackBlack) and a brief recollection of going to see #TheDiceMan (that’s #AndrewDiceClay btw) #markthetime / The first Tenacious D album is definitely a #desertislanddisc for sure / Dave Grohl and his #rohl in Tenacious D and also, as a separate note, produced by #theDustBrothers (and YES to the #FightClub reference!) / #barbequeboutique #DaveGrohlIsMetal #inbetweenies
(28:12): #TheGreatestSongInTheWorld TRIBUTE (it’s time for the BEST part!) #wearebutmen / #vocalsolo and #TheGreatestMetalPodcastInTheWorld #dontblameBobby #numbereight #itsfine #nodeetabeetit DIO (and #wildebeasts and #danger) and COCK PUSHUPS #notatfirst #oneisallyouneed / #numberfour WONDERBOY and #themuckymuck (definitely an extremely 70’s sounding #progrock style) and a moment of #tangentionalality with #RJD and the intro to the PUSH #musicvideo (which you should totally go watch, because it’s #HeavenAndHell but #different!!!) ***Go check out our #Dio episode as well!!!***
(38:50): The back story about JB and KG early on and their #creativechemistry (see also #MrShow), which ties in nicely to the plotline of #ThePickOfDestiny / The D won a #Grammy for their cover of Dio’s LAST IN LINE (from “Dio: This is Your Life”) #acousticmetal (courtesy of #DickWoodensteele) #rebarrivet/ KICKAPOO (go watch that video as well!) and a mini tribute to the mighty #Meatloaf #RIP #slicedcockles #shootaloadASMR #whatsachoad? / ***How do you ever match the magic on your #debutalbum? *** #theresalwaysexceptions “Tenacious D and The Pick of Destiny” #soundtrack (go check it out!!!) #TheStrawberryRiver / #TrackSix #PersonalMantra THE GOVERNMENT TOTALLY SUCKS #BringBackTheUSA / #killercloser THE METAL #cantbeloudenough
(52:31): The #albumcover for “Rize of the Fenix” THE ROADIE (***check out the music video!!!***) / “Post Apocolypto” (and perhaps an upcoming Tenacious D tour) #theplague #thegreatestwordintheworld #fromtoptobottom POST APOCOLYPTO / #TrackFifteen and the tale of the #stinkpickle #preludetoastinkpickle TURD WHISTLE
(1:00:54): “Jazz” (***don’t use spoons…sporks are way more effective***) SIMPLY JAZZ #shitonapiano #teaworthy #recordersolo / There’s a LOT of D out there! Really get out there and ENJOY more D in your life! Go buy some D, enjoy some #VitaminD #untilthenext ***THANK YOU FOR JOINING US!!!*** #objectionyourhonor #speculation #cuttingroomfloor #tentacleouttakes #alloftheD #ifuckingloveyou #cricketcore
Thursday Feb 03, 2022
128: Forbidden - Inside the Metal
Thursday Feb 03, 2022
Thursday Feb 03, 2022
Love is a complex, multi-splendorious thing. Especially our love for thrash, and MOST especially, our love for Bay Area Technical Thrash Wizards, FORBIDDEN.
In fact, if FORBIDDEN doesn’t make you “swollen and girthful” (“hard” btw) with their uber precise, mathematically challenging brand of techno-thrash shock and awe, then clearly YOU don’t love FORBIDDEN as much as WE love FORBIDDEN.
JOIN US to understand “the reason for the screaming” (“Put it in and do it again…”) as we unveil “the first song they ever wrote in their life”* while savoring the flavoring of “Saturday morning cartoon cereal”, as Metal Nerdery Podcast goes DEEP Inside the Metal of one of our most favorite bands in the entire thrash metal genre: the mighty FORBIDDEN!
*We’re fairly certain it probably was “the first song they ever wrote in their life” …but we’re also fairly certain that we’re probably wrong.
Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode
Leave us a Voicemail to be played on a future episode: 980-666-8182
Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – metalnerdery.com/merch
and kindly leave us a review and/or rating on the iTunes/Apple Podcasts - Spotify or your favorite Podcast app
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Email: metalnerdery@gmail.com
Can’t be LOUD Enough Playlist on Spotify
Show Notes:
(00:01): #cocainejizz #recordscratch #blizzardofnahhhh #comingofthesnow #markthetime #funguy and #teatime #putitinandoitagain #toucheswhat #praises #better #processimprovements #chimein #Unike (and/or #Unite) ***WELCOME BACK TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST!!!*** #begoneevilspirits #knockinatyourbackdoor #holes #snowdisappointment (and what makes snow “real” especially in the south,) #whiteroads #reversecocaine and #snowcoveredroads and a recent #shoppingexpedition / The #teaparty of #yahtzee and #fistsize #snowflakes (or #snowballs?) #hard #fullthree #fantasydate #sametime #synchronized #ohboy #buckleup #noteven #funnywomen are #hot #wellthat #hahahaha #joyfuljealousyASMR / #fuckindamnitfuck #almostforgot #thisepisodes #beeroftheepisode (and Bill’s #movierecommendations) and #plansfortonight #goingofftherails #thisone #PontoonBrewing #SandySprings #Georgia #PontoonBunkerpoonASMR #beercumASMR #thisepisode #PBJammin (as in #PB&J) #coolalbumcover #schlitfaced #manchild (or #manchi) #snortlaugh #pronounced #thedill (***The taste is like #saturdaymorningcartooncereal!!!*** #lactose #theythemthose #tasteslike #goingofftherailsagain #MetalNerderyRelaxerMathASMR #thegina #ihopeso #theresthreeactually #derailed #overrelaxered
(17:47): I might have the power… / ***We covered the first 2 #Forbidden albums “Forbidden Evil & Twisted Into Form” shortly after we began…but they have an entire glorious catalog that needs to be exposed as well (as they’ve yet to be properly exposed)***/ #deepinsidethemetal of FORBIDDEN #passionate #highgravitybeers #weirdnoises #notbitter #truelies and #oxymorons #giveittome #definitelycheaper / #russellafterdark #itgetsbetter #snort #astroglow and #radioactiveproperties of #analbleaching #fuckbagreprise and #thewizardofozpinkfloydsynchronization / ***SHOUT OUT to the #MetalNerderyTriCountyArea #thetimeismarked #itisnoted #fieldtrip***
(25:00): #fullchub the first two albums (sorry…it took us this long to actually get into this). We covered those with The Hodges, but we haven’t covered the rest of the #catalog…thus, it’s time to go #insidetheMetal with the Forbidden. #bigly / A brief overview of the band’s early formation. ***Go CHECK OUT the new #VIO-Lence #ViolenceBand*** #tangentional #cricketwhisperer #alittlebit #weare CHALICE OF BLOOD #itnevergetsold #slowish (I saw what he did there…) THROUGH EYES OF GLASS #fuckingrad (***that solo is absolutely ridiculous! ***) #1988 #rad #aslongasitfits #thatstrue / “The Big 5…WHO? #TheBigSeven #rimshot #noteven #itsfine #TheBigFourPlus (***Imagine a #Woodstock but for #thrashmetal***) #herewego #erotichighschoolASMR
(39:24): “Twisted Into Form” ONE FOOT IN HELL #excellentchoice #killercloser #blessing #heavy #gimmetheanswer #whosansweringthebell (***the production differences between the first 2 records***). #preloud #prepackagedloud #fromthefactory / “Distortion” (#1994) #nodiapers #thesong #itslong HYPNOTIZED BY THE RHYTHM and RAPE #thechorusriff #ugly and #uncomfortable #clashingfrequencies
(51:49): “Green (#1997) #genre ***LEAVE US A VOICEMAIL AT 980-666-8182 RE: “Genre” *** #JeanWree #ijusthadathought #podcastpimp #Pansentera #ReinventingTheMetal #MetalNerderyRequest #itsonthelist / FACE DOWN HEROES #cantbeloudenough #thrashplus #industrialinfluence and also OVER THE MIDDLE #youtalkaboutahit #boom #fumble #sodifferent #nineinchnells #pissfilledballs ***FROST BREAK***#andwereback
(1:00:00): Forbidden on tour with #Overkill on the “Omega Wave” tour (#2010) at the #OldMasquerade in #Heaven / #thirteenyears #notaletdown #MarkNotMike #stillprettycool #killeropener FORSAKEN AT THE GATES #cantbeloudenoughASMR #baskintheglory of #perfection #nextlevel #crazychords and an applicable #steakanalogy / OVERTHROW #overthrow #overtake #readthoselyrics #oldschool #yahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh #dasheddreams #vegancunttree / #backtothemetal BEHIND THE MASK #ultratechnical #raisingthebar #itsnotfair #motivational #bebetter / OMEGA WAVE #thetitletrack #squealiefengshui #fuckingrad #gratuitousburpcoreASMR #yousaythatalot #filledwithjoy #joytotheballs #myballsrunnethover and looking back on Forbidden back in the day (and through the years). / Going back through the Forbidden roster / #sumpin #uhhyeah #thehillsarealivewiththesoundofcrickets #overlypassionate #markthetime #girthful / THANK YOU FOR JOINING US AND FOR LISTENING!!! BUY OUR SHIT!!! metalnerdery.com/merch #dontdenythepowerof #relaxers #greatimpression #itsfine YOU CAN LEAVE US A VOICE MAIL AT 980-666-8182 Until the next…#extremelyrelaxered #dontbeangry #antihumor #extremehageASMR #screamforme #actuallydontscream #cancelling #cancelculture and #cancerculture #unwind #relax #voicemaildotcom #notreally #lastword #giveitashot #putitinandoitagain #itsallbullshit #nomoonforthecricketsASMR
Thursday Jan 27, 2022
127: 70’s Metal
Thursday Jan 27, 2022
Thursday Jan 27, 2022
Thanks to stylistic innovations such as the dawn of punk, the proliferation of shock rock, and the ever growing prominence of guitars in riff writing, the sound of 70’s rock music gradually morphed into the grittier, grungier and heavier realm of sonic bliss that would become heavy metal, a genre of music as LOUD as (if not LOUDER than) the gaudy home décor and fashions of the day.
It’s time to crack open that Costco sized drum of relaxers, climb into the time machine and set the controls for the 70’s, because we’re going back in time, back to a time of brown wood paneling and orange shag carpeting. A time when NO ONE was more badass than Evel Knievel, Barney Miller had the most far out theme song on television, and teenagers would congregate in their rumpus rooms and frequently indulge in copious amounts of relaxers while playing Space Invaders on their Atari 2600 and blasting Foghat on their hi-fi.
JOIN US as we travel back to one of the most fabled times in the origin story of all things heavy, loud, and fast.
It’s time for some 70’S METAL!!!
Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode
Leave us a Voicemail to be played on a future episode: 980-666-8182
Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – metalnerdery.com/merch
and kindly leave us a review and/or rating on the iTunes/Apple Podcasts - Spotify or your favorite Podcast app
Listen on iTunes, Spotify, Podbean, Google Podcasts or wherever you get your Podcasts.
Follow us on the Socials:
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Email: metalnerdery@gmail.com
Can’t be LOUD Enough Playlist on Spotify
Show Notes:
(00:01): #laezerfaece #proceed ***WELCOME BACK TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST!!!*** #zeroandcomplete #bullshit #waitforit #fullyuncorked and #readytogo #delayedhey /#nonaysaying #likealot #Fireball and #toxiccontents and #rimshots / #dontfuckuptherotation #timefortheclinky #evilspiritsfuckov #cheers / #thisepisodesbeeroftheepisode #thisweeksbeeroftheepisode #thisone is brought to us by #PipeworkBrewing #RedIndiaPaleAle #RedIndiaPellEll #JobForACowboy #shoutout #ImperialBloodOfTheUnicorn and a #killeralbumcover / #greatforwashingaway you #nurture #hangovers #tasty #redpellell #redpaleale #ninepointfourpercentABV / #itwillallmakesensesoon ***PLEASE LEAVE US YOUR RATINGS AND FEEDBACKS AND STARS WHEREVER YOU DOWNLOAD METAL NERDERY PODCAST!!!*** #itsfine #MetalNerderyNegativeReviewRebuttle #baselesscomment ***Doing our best to fight #cancerculture, based on our first #onestarreview #weareonourway *** / A lotta #holes in this review along with a touch of #professionalism / #whichepisode #thirtythousandplus #thankyou #usetherightpronoun #wearedudes #wearenotthey #hehishim #thankyoufuckbag / Please send your #vocal #hatemail and/or #lovemail to metalnerdery@gmail.com OR leave us a #voicemail at 980-666-8182!!! / #TheVoiceMailSegment #ManOnTheStreet #update from #PissingPost #ILikeYourShirt #riddlejokes and #trickquestions #untilthenext #LemmySaves #welldone #thankyouCostco #gratitude
(11:33): #whatsfirst? #thisorthat #letsdothatfirst / ***Time to jump into the #MetalNerderyTimeMachine , children, because it’s time to go back to the 1970’s, when rock music was becoming heavier, darker, and more “metal”.*** #athletes #preaggro /#attitude It’s time to embrace some #SeventiesMetal (or, as we refer to it over here at #MNIUBPStudios…#ProtoMetal) #ifinisheditoffinyourdriveway / A #gratuitious #reading of various bands that #Skynet felt qualified to be included in the list of #NineteenSeventiesMetal #1970sMetal / #futureshowideas like #CirithUngol / Yeah, I thought #Y&T meant something #verydifferent #notyet #nottheeighties / A bit of #backshadowing and #showmemories with regard to #AliceCooper and #IronMaiden shows of #yore and #firsttimes and #coheadlining and #shockrock and even #somewherefurtherbackintime #youngandstupidhappens / #bang and #suck and Some more #greatlynamed #SeventiesMetal bands.
(23:11): #UFO is #onthelist / The joy of #timetraveling and starting off with #modernmetal and working your way backwards to #theoriginstory of #metal / ROCK BOTTOM (the #UFO version, not the #KISS version) Definitely a cool #stoner vibe with style #technicality #earlytechnicalstonermetal / #AliceCooper BILLION DOLLAR BABIES definitely has a vibe that’s #familiar #RobZombie kinda vibe #enhancify #itsfine #itsgood #whoablackbetty . / #Mountain MISSISSIPPI QUEEN #earlystonermetal #LeslieWest #heavy #youveheardthatsong #cowbell #cantbeloudenough #earlystonermetal #idontwanttoberelaxed #forserious #sayitaintso
(31:03): #MC5 KICK OUT THE JAMS #earlypunk #earlyhardcore / #TheRamones BEAT ON THE BRAT #GodfathersOfPunk #OhYeah (*Remember, without #punk and #hardcore, we would not have #metal as we know it today*). ***Are The Ramones “possibly” the beginning of #poppunk? *** / #ACDC #akkadakka ROCKER #wannajivehoney #LittleRichardTurnedUpToEleven ***Go watch the AC/DC “Let There Be Rock” concert movie!!! It is #glorious!!!*** / #MCTentacleChoice #blessin #claps #BlackSabbath AFTER FOREVER #illbethereforyou #cantbeloudenoughASMR #hearingthingswrong / #morefutureshowideas / #earlydoomandpowermetal #awwwmannnn
(38:58): #Necromandus DON’T LOOK DOWN FRANK #itsthename #timetroubles and #releasedates and extreme #tangentionalality to #LordIommi #ProgSabbath #letstryonemore #justincase #rereleased #melikey (Think AC/DC + Sabbath!) / #letthetentacleswork see also SCREAM (from #Necromandus) #waitwhat similar to #Ghost and #onemore #creepypianointro #earlyblackmetal #doesanyoneremembertheoldFillmoreEast? #Wtf GARGOYLES AWAKE (Seems to have a very #MahavishnuOrchestra #FrankZappa #Opeth kinda vibe)
(46:00): #LedZeppelin THE WANTON SONG / #Rush WORKING MAN and the beginning of #ProgMetal ***Go watch #BeyondTheLightedStage if you haven’t thus far. #yourewelcome*** / #LeafHound FREELANCE FIEND (A groovier, stonier version of Zeppelin) #allseventiesmusicisstonermetal #thesaltdude / #TedNugent #cricketculture and the impact of an #incrediblelackofrelaxers in Mr. Nugent’s #attentiondeficitdisorderASMR #straightedge #how #rockandrolldiet #savant QUEEN OF THE FOREST #PoorDicksPub #WKRPInCincinnati #flashback #tangentionalality #alert / A #bigly #exclusive #MetalNerderyPodcast #metalconfession and #tangentionalality to #AlterBridge
(57:40): #interjection #moremoronicfaceholenoises #ItsTime #Ithadtohappen #ItsGonnaBeOkay ***If you have to #frost, then now is the time*** #KISS SHOCK ME #dontdenythepowerof #AceFrehley #TheSpaceMan #TheKISSArmy and #TheKISSStageShow (Go check out ALIVE! And ALIVE! 2 !! and also check out #CarnivalOfSouls to hear a #killerKISSalbum) #brandinggenius #marketingforce / #MCTentacleChoice #redemption #consolationsongASMR #bynameonly #LucifersFriend RIDE THE SKY #earlypowermetal with a #hornsection #protodoommetal #orangeamplification #verySabbathy / #UriahHeep STEALIN’ #earlyprogmetal and THE WIZARD / #Aerosmith SEASONS OF WITHER (***go purchase “Get Your Wings”!!!***) #cantbeloudenough #usethoseheadphones #creepysoftintro with a #creepyoutro #thatendingthough
(1:14:20): #stonalmetal #newgenre #bonermetal and the word is #jeanwree (and a mini moment of #tangentionalality with regard to the #SpeakOfTheDevil episode; thanks and shoutout to #yepyepthursday) #chickentits and #roostermohawks #AtomicRooster FRIDAY THE 13TH #whatsthat #AtomicRoosterTits / #LynyrdSkynyrd THAT SMELL and GIMME BACK MY BULLETS and some #radicaltangentionalality / #Blackfoot TRAIN TRAIN #harmonicaASMR /#howdareyou #JudasPriest THE GREEN MANALISHI (WITH THE TWO PRONGED CROWN) ***See also Hell Bent for Leather and also See also #FleetwoodMac***
(1:28:07): Entirely #toomuch #killermusic from #theseventies #GoshDamnIt (and some #honorablementions that we forgot to touch on that we’ll touch on in the future). #BlackSabbath CHILDREN OF THE GRAVE #itnevergetsold #earlythrash #soblessed #greedleech #andwiththat ***Stay tuned for #futurevolumes!!!*** THANK YOU FOR JOINING US AND LISTENING TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST!!!*** #theQword not #theballoonknot ***GO BUY OUR SHIT AT metalnerdery.com/merch #buyourshit*** #protometal #untilthenext #outrohijinks #waitwhat #comeagain #dowhatnow #theresnomoon #itsallbullshit