Thursday Jun 09, 2022
146: Megadeth So Far So Good.. So What Album Dive
Thursday Jun 09, 2022
Thursday Jun 09, 2022
While many outside the tri-county metal multiverse would be absolutely mortified to have the MEGADETH leader as the “Commander In-Chief,” many feel it’s the only way to ensure that America (along with the rest of the planet) stays metal (and awake) forever.
With the release of their third album (1988’s SO FAR…SO GOOD…SO WHAT!), Megadeth continued to hone and diversify their sonic palette, staying true to their blisteringly articulate thrash fury and passionately vitriolic vocal commentary on key issues such as total nuclear annihilation, reckless driving, and profound personal loss (just to name a few).
(Oh yeah, they also covered the most famous one-album, pop-punk boy band in history.)
Get ready to unleash your inner snarl and “give the crickets some space” while “unscrewing” because we have another incredible “Johnny Depp impression” which pairs well with our most recent one-star review (which most closely resembles the smell of moist, mouth-fart “body spray”) and JOIN US as we dive into one of the most pivotal (and also, one of the most overlooked) albums of the early Megadeth administration, SO FAR…SO GOOD…SO WHAT!
Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode
Leave us a Voicemail to be played on a future episode: 980-666-8182
Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – metalnerdery.com/merch
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Show Notes:
(00:00): The Return of #BeavisAndButthead and #rejoicefulnews / #tambourineflavored #industrialvodka #unscrewingsucks ***WELCOME BACK EVERYONE TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST!!!*** #deepbreath #andbegin #zeroanesthesia #onehundredpercent #bullshit #mathproblems / #showday #gigday #timetravelingtoalabama #lowbudgettimemachine #magical / #thisepisodesclinkyoftheepisode #DeepEddyPeachVodka #yummy (***You can definitely taste #bolthree!!!***) / #austintexas #healthyspeedballs #sweet / Time to #segue into #episode146 #thisepisodesbeeroftheepisode #wellknownbrewery #StoneIPA #StoneBrewing #yeah #sixpointnineabv #Gargoyle #alcoholdispensaries and #supplyshortages / ***There are multiple #heavymetalbeers!!! Go drink ‘em all!!!*** / #dinosaurs and a #definition of #Gargoyle #flavornotes include #dank #weedbeer #sameplantfamily #beerweed #enjoyslowly #markthetime #thankyougoodnight
(07:13): The “next” segment & show #choreography #organization / (*What about #corporate?*) #WWJD #cantsayit #steppingovertheline / #theemailsegment #synthsssthsss #hail / ***GIVE US A CALL AND LEAVE US A VOICEMAIL AT 980-666-8182!!!*** / #onestarreview #agreatone #thereturnofthesonoffuckbag #theaxebodysprayofpodcasts #FrankZappaTriviaHour #dontbeapussy about #mouthfarts #notprofessional #boom #exhaustingandoffputting / #thevoicemailsegment #thankyouforthat *Thank you #PissingPost for your updates from the #tricountyarea!!!* #9806668182/
WE’LL PLAY YOUR SHIT! #wellplayyourshitah #postproduction / ***Go check out STONEDHENGE!!! Local Atlanta Metal!!!*** #stonedhenge #georgiametal #tricountymetropolitanarea ***They’re playing at #SweetwaterLive in #DuluthGeorgia!!! They also host #standupcomedy there #btw!!! SATURDAY, JULY 2ND, 2022 at SWEETWATER LIVE IN DULUTH GEORGIA!!! It’s the #WreckRoom of the #suburbs…#greatfood #killervenue / Trying to recall the list of #stonermetalbandnames for the #MetalNerderyPodcastStonerMetalHouseBand TAKEN CONTROL #timeforrelaxers #awwwmannn #StonerDoomClutchStyle ***LET US KNOW WHAT YOU THINK AT 980-666-8182!!!*** #sometimesyoujustfeelit / #metalimpressions / *Remember #FruitStripeGum? *
(22:00): #JenniferAnnistonAlabamaASMR / #RestingBitchFace vs #RestingDickFace / #QuickOneLiner #bonelessdays #thewayofthemonks / #TheDocket: MEGADETH: SO FAR…SO GOOD…SO WHAT?: An important (and oft overlooked) transition from Peace Sells… to Rust in Peace… / #thrashbinge #tonguevacuum #darkhorsealbum / *NOTE: There is a method to all this madness…* / #axebodyburpspray #itsnotcovidASMR / Looking back on when we first heard #SFSGSW…what was YOUR first #listeningexperience like? / The 2004 #remixification and #remasterization of the entire #Megadeth catalog and the greater impact on the drums… / #metalconspiracytheory #neuterization #AJFA #drumtreatment / **The original version was mixed by #PaulLani / #Beavis
(30:22): Where we’re headed… being #faktczeched #thatsodd #iwonderwhy #fuckingweird #foodshortages ***Also, WTF happened to #themostdangerousplagueever? *** #chinesedoorknoblicker #onemorethingonthat #locationlocationlocation #armwrastlin / *Wait for that #PSA* / INTO THE LUNGS OF HELL #visual #aftercessor / Listening to #cassettetapes and enjoying the faint #backmasking #dontinterruptthecrickets
(37:53): #PaulLaniMix #itsbetter SET THE WORLD AFIRE and #metalconspiracytheories #deep #loadsofcrunchyballriffs / The “last” thrash album by Megadeth? / #thedrugtracker / Angry #DaveMustaine / #BigAnniversary / #onmicburpASMR #Swanch / #FutureEpisodeIdeas #whaddyamean #fluflavors #flavoredmucus #fingerspressingbuttons #triggeralertASMR / #rightnow ANARCHY IN THE UK (See also #SexPistols but don’t worry about #TheBollocks) / “The unpopular opinion…” / #poppunk and a reasonable analogy…
(49:49): Never mind the #balls…or the #bollocks / #poppunkboyband / #Swanch #superrelaxers #showerafterwards #inotherwords / MARY JANE #imgoingcrazy #readthoselyrics #soyoumustbe #JeanWree / The development of songwriting over time and the impact on an artist’s sound.
(58:22): #pullovershithead 502 #eightiesguitarheroics (**If you listen really closely, you can hear #AliceCooper #UnderMyWheels before the siren…and the crash. **) #nexttimeitsgonnabeyou / Perfect reference / Power ballad? Or Dirge? Or #bolth? / ***Go watch #MetalLords!!!*** / #iforgotwhatiwasgonnasay / Image vs content / “The Decline of Western Civilization Part II: The Metal Years” / IN MY DARKEST HOUR #noodlynoodly #tensecondslonger / **Remember how the “original” intro was? ** / LIAR #readthoselyrics #FasterWango #BangWango #badass #anothergreatsongruined #itstheendoftheworldasweknowit
(1:12:53): A great marketing technique: add #Nickelback to everything! / #killercloser HOOK IN MOUTH #freedom #readthoselyrics #thenewnationalanthem #PMRC #perfecttiming #notambourine / James’s #yeah vs Dave’s #yeah / Listen for careful instructions… / ***check out the #MegadethBeers*** / Tracking alterations and changes / #everythingisnotpolitical #whaddyamean
(1:20:45): #RussellsReflections regarding a #fanmadevideo for 46&2 by #Tool and the #tangentionalality to #PansLabyrinth ***Go check out the video! *** / Another great #impression of #JohnnyDepp #NoShit #watchthisthing #itiscreepy (not a great combination of words… or #hashtags) #pissfilledballs / THANK YOU FOR JOINING US ON THIS EPISODE!!! #untilthenext #thisepisodeslastwordoftheepisode #pepperjam #PepperjamBass #StonedPepperjam #9806668182 BUY OUR SHIT AT metalnerdery.com/merch / #softoutro #tidbitsofnonsense #listencarefully #outroentendreASMR #thelasttwoseconds
Thursday Jun 02, 2022
Thursday Jun 02, 2022
Thursday Jun 02, 2022
It’s time to embrace the sound…of Skynet! Obviously, “Skynet Core” isn’t a thing (yet), but INDUSTRIAL METAL certainly IS!
Nothing else in the heavy metal multiverse sounds quite like this ultra-modern, mechanical subgenre of metal which most closely resembles a symphony of machine sex augmented with synthesizers, sequencers, sampling and (obviously) a ton of tambourine!
Prepare to check-in to the Metal Nerdery Industrial Metal Complex and behold “some of the best South American adult entertainment you’ve ever heard”, including a fantastic “Johnny Depp impression”, a brand new “handy” technique, and some exhausting & off-putting “conversational circumcision” buried beneath a barrage of tambourine as you JOIN US in trying to grasp “the rise of the machines” and their role in (and impact on) INDUSTRIAL METAL!!!
Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode
Leave us a Voicemail to be played on a future episode: 980-666-8182
Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – metalnerdery.com/merch
and kindly leave us a review and/or rating on the iTunes/Apple Podcasts - Spotify or your favorite Podcast app
Listen on iTunes, Spotify, Podbean, Google Podcasts or wherever you get your Podcasts.
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Email: metalnerdery@gmail.com
Can’t be LOUD Enough Playlist on Spotify
Metal Nerdery Munchies on YouTube:
Show Notes:
(00:01): #iwasborn / the #reuncorking #slapslapslaperoo ***WELCOME BACK TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST (with absolutely ZERO anesthesia!!!)*** #numbertwo #ponytailmagic #ilovegoblincock #theneverendingbutton #itdidnot #thatsano #thisepisodesclinkyoftheepisode #SlipknotNumberNineWhiskey #yumminess #makesadultingeasier #swallowed #blacklightplanetarium / #thisepisodesbeerofthepisode #mockyeahingyeahbirdyeahyeahyeah #themostannoyingsoundintheworld Flying Machine (*Skull=Metal) / Lager Mountain Brewery, Wilmington North Carolina #WilmingtonNorthCarolina “Escape from Lager Mountain” / “Lots of words…” / #FlyingMachineBrewingCompany #fivepointtwoabv #Swanch #madeinUSA #dangole #YEAH #ricelager #theverdict #delicious (Like a not so IPA, IPA…served by a lovely Bavarian woman with big #breasticles and #hippses) #exhausting and #offputting #FlyingMachineBrewingCompany #conversationalcircumcision / #impressions / ***hit us up on the socials, on #instagram and #facebook and #YOUTUBE!!! #MetalNerderyMunchies ***Check us out on You Tube for the #fullyuncorked #experience!!!*** GIVE US A CALL AND LEAVE US A VOICEMAIL AT 980-666-8182 ***WE’LL PLAY YOUR SHIT (Industrial Ultra-Huevos Extended Tambourine Mix)*** / #shoutouts and #RussellsReflections #timetofrost #genre #jeanwree #thankyou #HailAndFarewell #GainseVegas #RedneckBuckhead / **Have you seen the new #MetallicaTurnTable?** / #superthicc #itismarked #GainesvilleGeorgia #AtlasPizza #theserver #timetofrostagain #squatsegment #yogapantbuttocks
(15:20): #professional moment #thesamething #Shitah #yeah “Becoming Death: STOP IT” #BecomingDeath #StopIt #IndustrialMetal #RelaxerTimeASMR #whisperASMR #StopThat ***GIVE US A CALL AND LEAVE US A VOICEMAIL AT 980-666-8182!!! *** #YEAH #runitthroughcorporate #thevoicemailsegment #thepost #cougaralert #graduationattire you can PURCHASE yours here at metalnerdery.com/merch / #graduationceremonyattire and #ballloads / #punchupideas #unpopularopinion #ilovegoblincock #ilovethehelmet #ohyeah #early (and how to #rebrandTheLoads) #taintloads / “Don’t be a #fuckbag!”#grouphug #hugitout #JustBeKind #DontBeAnAsshole #vulnerablemoment #JohnnyAndAmberASMR / The aging of bands over time and the longevity and dedication of #musicfans / #comedycovers (How is that possible? Or IS it possible?) ***COME OUT TO #HAPPYHOURCOMEDYCLUB Saturday June 4, 8:00 p.m. CST @MrWheelersMind on #instagram!!!*** #newformula #usedtoshitalot #nowidie / Metallica’s #nopemoment on #MTV #ooohnooo #yeah
(30:10): An expansion on our #GenreCore episode: INDUSTRIAL METAL! #TheMetalIndustrialMetalComplex #genre #jeanwree / The “change” in the music atmosphere when #IndustrialMetal came into play… / “The Black Sabbath of Industrial Metal…” and other bands that don’t seem to fit #thatbox #hitthegreenbutton #imgonnagoemptymyballs / #welcomeback / **Who was “First” on the Industrial Metal scene?** / The original #origination of the terms #IndustrialMetal #ThrobbingGristle #smile #TBH #southamericanadultentertainment #imreadyforsomethrobbinggristle #itsmarked HOT ON THE HEELS OF LOVE #digitalvomit *See also #NewWaveHookers and #RevengeOfTheNerds* #Industrial #Dustrial / New Wave bands and the influence on #IndustrialMetal / #comedypimping HAPPY HOUR COMEDY CLUB IN ANNISTON, ALABAMA, Sat. June 4, 8:00 p.m. CST / #punkandnewwave #Chrome CHROMOSOME DAMAGE
(40:15): “What’s the first industrial metal song you ever heard?” / #Ministry vs #NIN (or #NineInchNails if you’re into #longhand) **Where do you draw the line with Industrial Metal? ** #theskynetofmetal #skynetcore #markthetime / A #loose #workingdefinition of #IndustrialMetal per #Skynet / #sequencerlines #seealsoRush (“Anything can be #industrialmetal if you’re brave enough.”) #Ministry THIEVES #butterflyhand #newtechnique #thesoundsofskynet #canismellyourbox / Still Ministry… BURNING INSIDE (“The Led Zeppelin of Industrial?”) and the continuing #evolution of Ministry’s sound JUST LIKE YOU #earlyMinistry #visualization / “How would you describe #SkinnyPuppy?” /#infinitybong #StillMinistry JUST ONE FIX (People vs Machines) **Does that melody sound familiar? **
(54:35): Some names that seemed “out of place” in the #IndustrialMetalList . . . / #NIN #NineInchNails HEAD LIKE A HOLE #thetricountyarea #computerorgynoises #godmoney WISH / #StrappingYoungLad #markthetime #reproductivefluid #JohnnyAndAmber ALL HAIL THE NEW FLESH #yesplease #readthoselyrics / also #StillStrappingYoungLad UNDERNEATH THE WAVES #moreindustrial #samples
(1:04:42): The first song #FearFactory ever played in their life from their #firstnewalbum / #SkynetJizz MARTYR #sufferbastard #tambourinemania #tambourinesampleASMR #industrialdeathmetal #bastardbone #burningpermanentimages *See also Martyr: #sufferbastardmix * / #KMFDM A DRUG AGAINST WAR #quitemetal #ExciterMoment / #WhiteZombie ELECTRIC HEAD, PT. 1 (The Agony) #fromthebeginning #cantbeloudenough #killerfollowup #softintro #waitforit #TambourineCore #totaltambourineness #kindathesame #BringBackGoblinCock / #Filter HEY MAN NICE SHOT (and some #NIN #tangentionalality) #SkynetASMR #heymannicecock *Killer #stonermetalbandname #StonerCock* #thickness #keepbuilding / #stillFilter WELCOME TO THE FOLD #heavier
(1:20:34): #StopItRon #GravityKills GUILTY #electricaltape and #marketsaturation #greedycuntasauruses / #keyboardsuspension #anoddthingtosay #theinside #SkinnyPuppy ADDICTION #nocampsforme #thesoundofsmell and/or #thesmellofsound / My new #soloproject will be called #bitchshifter / #alittlebitofyou #sauces #juicy ***“YOUR Dreams CAN come true!!!” *** #Daath SUBTERFUGE #AtlantaMetal #IndustrialDeathMetal #ohwow / #Genitorturers 120 DAYS #killeropener ***#TheOldMasquerade vs #TheNewMasquerade
(1:33:17): #HanzelUndGretyl SS DEATHSTAR SUPERGALACTIC #waitwhat / #Prong CUT RATE #sampling (*NOT laughing at Prong!!*) / #FudgeTunnel #fastacting SEX MAMMOTH / #Rammstein ENGEL #dripdrop #fireenthusiasts #GermanyASMR / #aliendrugtechnology #comparisons and #analogies and #tentacles #minitentacles / #MarilynManson THE BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE #unpopularopinion #BlackAlbumMoment/ “Which band springs to mind when you hear ‘Industrial Metal’?” / #JohnnyDeppImpression / ***THANK YOU FOR JOINING US FOR ANOTHER EPISODE OF METAL NERDERY PODCAST!!!*** #slugsalter / And #thelastword goes to … / #untilthenext BUY OUR SHIT AT metalnerdery.com/merch / #hahaha #softoutro #outrogoodness #notthesofthardshow #outtakefun #thoselastfewseconds #hehahuh
Thursday May 26, 2022
144: SLAYER Seasons in the Abyss Album Dive
Thursday May 26, 2022
Thursday May 26, 2022
“Which of The Big Four ‘Black Album-ed’ first?”
It’s a delicate subject, one which SLAYER fans will be unable to refute or deny, but SEASONS IN THE ABYSS (as genius as it is) IS actually (kind of) “Slayer’s Black Album”.
Do you want proof? Well, there’s hooks (wait: hooks?), there’s melody (that’s right: melody), and there’s the perfect sonic coalescence of their four prior studio albums, making it the perfect climax to their legendary 80’s output and the ideal way to close out their inaugural “decade of aggression”.
Stop “delaying your diarrhea” and prepare to “ROR” in the “blacklight planetarium” at the handmade “supernova” formed from the “natural biological adhesive” generated by our “guaranteed pickup line” and JOIN US as we dive into The Black Album that was “technically” The Black Album before The Black Album was even The Black Album.
Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode
Leave us a Voicemail to be played on a future episode: 980-666-8182
Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – metalnerdery.com/merch
and kindly leave us a review and/or rating on the iTunes/Apple Podcasts - Spotify or your favorite Podcast app
Listen on iTunes, Spotify, Podbean, Google Podcasts or wherever you get your Podcasts.
Follow us on the Socials:
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Email: metalnerdery@gmail.com
Can’t be LOUD Enough Playlist on Spotify
Metal Nerdery Munchies on YouTube:
Show Notes:
(00:01): #themoreyousayitthelessithurts #supportdetwanglificationforall ***WELCOME BACK TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST EVERYONE!!!*** #theuncorking “The Goose is Loose” #fancyboutiquevodka #gourmetdirt #GreyGoose #Strawberry #Vodka #thisepisodesclinkyoftheepisode / A perfect #segue into #thisepisodesbeerofthepisode #albumcoverdescription #oldcodger #StrawberryZombieWhiteAle #CatawbaBrewingCo #alittlecreepybutwelldone #perfectharmonization #theverdict #fivepointthreeabv #seasonal **Hailing from #MorgantonNorthCarolina** #CatawbaValleyBrewingCo / almost #threeyearsin #numbertwopodcast #wrongjingle #greatbutton WE’LL PLAY YOUR SHIT-ah! #newjingle #humannoisegate #listenforinstructions **This submission is a #local #AtlantaMetalBand #AmericanTerror END OF AMERICA #superballs #detwanglification** There is some #tangentionalality to #DavidEllefson #EMPLabelGroup DENIAL #sevenstringpoppunk #brandnewsong #upcomingrelease END OF AMERICA #upcomingalbum #julyeighth / #gothim #twentysecondsoftwanglage #newgenre **A whole bunch of #namebrandfolks!** Located near our 33rd Floor I.U.B.P. Studios Corporate Campus in the beautiful downtown, metropolitan #Atlanta #tricountyarea ***GIVE US A CALL AND TELL US WHAT YOU THINK AND WHY YOU THINK THAT AND LEAVE US A VOICEMAIL AT 980-666-8182!!!*** #ihopeyourbabiesarebornnaked #ilovegoblincock / #SunsetStrip (Not Grille…that was Don Henley. Sorry…back to the show). #NotJustinTimberlake **Thinking back and giving thanks to #HotCarlson!!! Thank you for the bass gig! ** #Birmingham #roadshow #BreakingBenjamin and #Seether #blackdog #aheavytool #markthetime #itiswhatitis
(19:10): **Mini #concertreview of #DOWN in #Atlanta courtesy of the Billiam ** / #dontdenythepowerof #PhilipHAnselmo #metalroyalty #noteven #catharticpositiveforce #presence (Sorry, a moment of #profiling…we’ll find a way…) / *Confusion regarding the Coca Cola Roxy and the Buckhead Theater #mathtime #newandold #naturalbiologicaladhesive #californiapotatochips #blacklightplanetarium / The DOWN (Phil) #banter #whatdoyallwannahear #clapyourhands #BlackSabbathStyle and a mini-mini review of #IllNino (#theopener) #currentmetal #modernmetal #nomorecovidrestrictions #updateyourwebsite (And suddenly…GONE!) #themoreyouknow *HAIL to DOWN!!!* #overlytwanglified
(27:27): #motherfluckin ***IF YOU’D LIKE TO LEAVE US A VOICEMAIL YOU CAN GIVE US A CALL AT 980-666-8182!!!*** #thevoicemailsegment #thepost and some #punchupideas for the #wellplayyourshit #jingle (thank you for that!). ***If you’d like to email us you can do so at metalnerdery@gmail.com ** #theemailsegment #hail and #goodjob #learntointernet (*and now, this section will be read by #TheKeyMaster*) #BravesStadium #ShitiBank #elevenminutes vs #threeminutes and an analogy regarding #drivethru #banking (#youredelayingmydiarrhea) *And now, a totally unnecessary #MontyPython reference*
(34:30): Back to Russell’s original question: The Docket – Slayer “Seasons in the Abyss” #SlayersBlackAlbum #kinda / #SlayerStew / #Y2KY argument / Initial impressions of “Seasons” upon first listen (back in the day). The #sonictexture of “Seasons” relative to “Reign in Blood” and “South of Heaven” / *Is “Seasons” the most #melodic Slayer album? * #themostaccessibleSlayerAlbum of the early era / NOTE: The #titlee track was the very first #musicvideo that #Slayer ever did! ***See also #SeasoningTheObese from #SOD !!!*** #forks #blackout #tangentional #justexactlynotlikeit
(42:00): A #guaranteed #pickupline to secure maximum #poon… #metalnerderydating / WAR ENSEMBLE #killeropener #SlayerQuiche (*see also #tacosoup for #breakfast*) #nochives / BLOOD RED (a tad #hooky and #groovy / SPIRIT IN BLACK #changey #classicSlayer #readthoselyrics #where #andGO / **Which Slayer album had the most sales?** #aha #spoileralert #thankyouandgoodnight #era #init #yeah
(52:13): EXPENDABLE YOUTH #mostaccessible #WhoBlackAlbumedFirst? (You can hear elements of the #groovemetal) / I*s it #MrKing or is it #MrGein?* #ultracreepy (Just some good old fashioned, creepy #Slayer) #markthetime #purecreepy #fronttoback (easily the most #melodicsolos on an album) / The Metal Nerdery #objective for each episode / *Remember #120minutes?* and the brief #coma that #metal fell into for a few years? / #genreduet #thankyou / #youcantkillthemetal #timetofrost #wellserved (aka #twanglified) #thatguy #RussellsReflections #roadtripedition #Birmingham #highfiveintheface
(1:04:32): HALLOWED POINT #killeropener #sidetwo / #themostmelodicSlayerAlbum #justsayit SKELETONS OF SOCIETY (*#blackalbumhashtagoverdose*) #poppy #intrusivethoughts #hellogoodbye #groovybabyyeah / The natural progression of Slayer’s sound from album to album / TEMPTATION (and 2 approaches to the #vocals that resulted in doing #bolth) #growershower #notontheboat #singalong #round #rowrowrowyourboat / #ROR and the resulting #aftermath #werordreallyhard #LegalDeltaNine #soundsgreat #betterpronoun / BORN OF FIRE #hangwithme #herewego #moreabsurdanalogies #hereitcomes #andthereitis #iknewit #groovybaby #boom #tighter / SEASONS IN THE ABYSS *The only song to ever be heard at a #memorialservice* (and also the #firstmusicvideo of Slayer’s career) #funeralsoundtrack #creepybutmelodic #amiwrong / #SlayerGuitarHeroSoloASMR / **Favorite tracks** / A more reigned in, polished approach to songwriting and guitar solos. #Thefartequivilent
(1:26:10): #justforfun ***BONUS!!! #boneus SEASONING THE OBESE #tangytangsauce on the #pussywings #lmao #tangentional ***THANK YOU FOR JOINING US ON THIS DIVE OF SLAYER’S BLACK ALBUM: SEASONS IN THE (BLACK) ABYSS (ALBUM) #newinsights #pipergetsthelastword **GO BUY OUR SHIT AT metalnerdery.com/merch ***/ METAL NERDERY PODCAST IS NOW ON YOUTUBE!!! #MetalNerderyMunchies #checkitout / #hiddenoutro #eastereggness #waitwhat #hehahuh #hard
Thursday May 19, 2022
143: JUDAS PRIEST: Vol I - 70’s
Thursday May 19, 2022
Thursday May 19, 2022
Talk about problematic procrastination: only twenty-three years AFTER they were first eligible to be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, JUDAS PRIEST will FINALLY have their day!
Few bands in the history of metal have matched the long, prosperous, and influential career of JUDAS PRIEST, who have been collectively “screaming for vengeance” and “defending the faith” (as it were) for more than ½ a century, continuously honing, evolving, and intensifying their trailblazing, twin-guitar, “rapid fire” metal sound for over 50 years. For the sake of preventing our discussion from getting out of hand and turning into a 29.5-hour “megalathon” episode, we decided to break things up by decade, starting with the first full decade of the “Metal Gods”.
Behold the transformative power of twanglification, cowbell, and harmonica. It’s time to discover which Priest album has two names (Because “snowflakes” much?), find out what constitutes “the metal girl scent” (there’s really, like, two “main ingredients”), enjoy a listener’s “bucket list request” (oh we definitely gotta!) and JOIN US for an introduction to the legendary, twin-guitar metal attack hailing from Birmingham, England as we tour the 1970’s with JUDAS PRIEST: Volume 1.
Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode
Leave us a Voicemail to be played on a future episode: 980-666-8182Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – metalnerdery.com/merch
and kindly leave us a review and/or rating on the iTunes/Apple Podcasts - Spotify or your favorite Podcast app
Listen on iTunes, Spotify, Podbean, Google Podcasts or wherever you get your Podcasts.
Follow us on the Socials:
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Email: metalnerdery@gmail.com
Can’t be LOUD Enough Playlist on Spotify
Metal Nerdery Munchies on YouTube:
Show Notes:
(00:01): #timetoenjoy ***WELCOME BACK TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST!!!*** #thisclinkyoftheepisode #RMRose #PeachAndLemonWhisky #cheers / #deadlegtentacle / #thisepisodesbeeroftheepisode #TerrapinBeerCompany #Luau #sixpointfiveabv #letsgobacktothebeer #recordscratch and #wordpower #barforama and #pukesounds and #talkies and #pornnoises #jogginginflipfops (and the #transformativepower of #Twanglification) #andtherewego / WEL’LL PLAY YOUR SHIT! / #industrialmetal and the smell of #metalgirls / #adderallmuch #crushed GIVE US A CALL AND LEAVE US A VOICEMAIL AT 980-666-8182!!! #ThePost and #makeawish #ohwegotta #lmao #ror / #inthenow and more with #RussellsReflections and #dragracing and #rail and #funnycars and even more #RussellsReflections and the importance of #roomservice (***Keep an eye on that #whitematter***) #pronk #hearsayyourhonor #whaddyamean / Update on the Ozzy stage banter project that’s yet to be started (I’m getting too #twanglified again!) / ***#METALNERDERYPODCAST IS NOW ON YOUTUBE!!! LOOK FOR “METAL NERDERY MUNCHIES ON #YOUTUBE!!! Like & subscribe!!!*** / #thekeymaster
(20:53): The Docket: JUDAS PRIEST (the 70’s) #nwobhm and the further evolution of the sound of #heavymetal and #progressivemetal / *Why the different naming convention for “Hell Bent For Leather” vs “Killing Machine”?* #init #yeah / *Some quick high points through some of the 70’s Priest records* (Rocka Rolla-1974): ROCKA ROLLA #titlee #twinguitarmetal (*A discussion of some of the most prominent twin guitar “metal” bands in the 70’s*) / #ireland vs #greenland vs #iceland #nobroccoli CHEATER #cowbell #harmonica (*a necessary accessory for any stoner band: a harmonica*) #igottasayit
(34:21): The difference between fans of bands who span several decades #onmicburp / Sad Wings of Destiny – 1976 #softintro VICTIM OF CHANGES / #trickquestion regarding #alabama and #england / #comedygoals THE RIPPER (definitely #earlypowermetal)
(42:43): Sin After Sin – 1977 #notthesameone #onmicburp DIAMONDS AND RUST #discoburps / It’s not THAT different…but it IS a little different / DISSIDENT AGGRESSOR #killercloser #softintro #weirdintro #weirdsoftintro #heavyaf #nwobhm #alltheballs / #dontdenythepowerof #sneezefit
(49:09): Stained Class – 1978 #flatballs #ExciterMoment #killeropener EXCITER (definitely early power metal) / BETTER BY YOU, BETTER THAN ME (*go look up #backmasking*) / See also the #BillHicks joke regarding the #JudasPriestTrial #spookytooth #cover BEYOND THE REALMS OF DEATH #waitforit #badcompany #noteven SAINTS IN HELL #psychedelicstonermetal ***If you’d like to give us a #stonermetalbandname suggestion, hit us up on the socials or leave us a voicemail at 980-666-8182!!!*
(58:47): Killing Machine / Hell Bent For Leather – 1978 #killeropener DELIVERING THE GOODS #theballsdepartment HELLBENT FOR LEATHER #godfathersofpowermetal #fleetwoodmac #cover THE GREEN MANALISHI (WITH THE TWO-PRONGED CROWN) #yeahyeah
(1:07:39): #technically #partoftheseventies #killeropener BRITISH STEEL – 1980 BREAKING THE LAW #earworm #tracklisting METAL GODS #whichone #heavier GRINDER / ***Prepare to celebrate the induction of Judas Priest into the #RockAndRollHallOfFame!!!*** #hoveringcardinals and #vagrantdeers #natureweirdness #newwingflavors ***GO SUPPORT THE MIGHTY JUDAS PRIEST!!!*** Also, #MetalNerderyPodcast is now on #YouTube!!! Go check out the #metalnerderymunchies on #thetube*** #thefinalword GO BUY OUR SHIT AT metalnerdery.com/merch / #outrobloopage #goblincork #letmeenjoy
Thursday May 12, 2022
142: Randy Rhoads Tribute
Thursday May 12, 2022
Thursday May 12, 2022
With the release of “RANDY RHOADS: Reflections of a Guitar Icon”, we felt compelled to take a closer look at the brief yet mythical career of one of the most gifted guitarists in the history of heavy metal and a true “game changer” in the realm of heavy metal guitar playing, RANDY RHOADS (of Quiet Riot and Ozzy Osbourne’s Blizzard of Ozz).
Grab yourself a handful of some “special van candy”, get ready to “play the tuning song”, find out the true meaning of “bone movies” and prepare to be “fully decorked” before you JOIN US for a look back at some of the most incredible guitar shred wizardry the world has ever known, made possible by one of the most legendary guitarists to ever master the instrument: MR. RANDY RHOADS!!!
Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode
Leave us a Voicemail to be played on a future episode: 980-666-8182
Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – metalnerdery.com/merch
and kindly leave us a review and/or rating on the iTunes/Apple Podcasts - Spotify or your favorite Podcast app
Listen on iTunes, Spotify, Podbean, Google Podcasts or wherever you get your Podcasts.
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Can’t be LOUD Enough Playlist on Spotify
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Show Notes:
(00:01): #documentary #slurry / #theuncorking #yeah #thisepisodesclinkyoftheepisode ***WELCOME BACK TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST!!!*** #strangerinthetub #beefcorn / #thisepisodesbeeroftheepisode Hugs On The Beach #HiWireBrewing #threeringbrewingcompany / What’s the deal with lactose? Particularly when so many are “intolerant” of and/or to lactose? / #areyoudone / #predocket #remasteredjingle for WE’LL PLAY YOUR SHIT #listenforinstructions in the #tricountylisteningmultiverse ***GIVE US A CALL AND LEAVE US A VOICE MAIL AT 980-666-8182!!!*** #insidethecheek #vancandy #brandnewbrand / #theemailsegment **You can email us at metalnerdery@gmail.com *** #MetalNerderyStonerMetalBandASMR #metallords (*Have you seen Metal Lords?*) #hehahuh / ***ANNOUNCEMENTS: (for the #newpeople) and an #analogy to #sex and #warmingup and #theopeningact / #TheVoiceMailSegment and a question regarding the music of the Metal Nerderers ( #Decimation and #Ascension ) #imsosorry #onmicburpASMR #thetuningsong / #outtakes and #monetizations
(23:12): MR. RANDY RHOADS!!! (**Go check out the “Randy Rhoads: Reflections of a Guitar Icon”**) / And now, time for a moment of #RussellsReflections and thinking back to when we first heard #RandyRhoads and our early guitar experiences and #soulequity / *How many guitarists actually double track their solos, note for note?* #reallythick ***METAL NERDERY PODCAST is NOW on #YOUTUBE !!! #MetalNerderyMunchies!!! #MetalNerderyPodcastIsNowOnYouTube #checkitout / OVER THE MOUNTAIN #strikewhiletheironishot #panning
(36:08): Hollywood vs Los Angeles? / A terrible impression / LAUGHING GAS (some #oldschool #QuietRiot complete with the Randy Rhoads #guitarsolo) **Notice anything familiar?** #markthetime (For early guitar delay effects, check out the history behind the #EchoPlex) / SUICIDE SOLUTION (with the guitar solo) from the “Tribute” album / #weregonnadoanumbernow #ringtone (and an #abundance of #onmicburpASMR) ***Note: the guitar solo starts at 4:56 into this version of “Suicide Solution”***
(56:38): The Randy Rhoads tone / #OzzyOsbourne #BlizzardOfOzz / I DON’T KNOW (#TributeVersion #Live) / Randy’s various guitars and the #polkadot #FlyingV / #excusedfromschool but not from #RussellsReflections or the #callofnature (line 1) #timetofrost / #jollyOzzy / DEE (the outtake version from #Tribute) #oops #okay
(1:10:47): MR. CROWLEY (Tribute version) #twodimensionalballs #defcon1 / FLYING HIGH AGAIN (#studioversion) #youbet or #youbitch #multitrackedguitarsolo / Thinking back to what #96Rock used to play / *What’s in a “Bone Movie”?* / The first Quiet Riot studio album and RR writing credits on #MetalHealth SLICK BLACK CADILLAC #alottoswallow #backballs #untilthenext THANK YOU FOR JOINING US FOR ANOTHER EPISODE OF METAL NERDERY PODCAST!!! / ***Don’t forget to check out Metal Nerdery Munchies on the You-Tube!!!*** #buyourshit at metalnerdery.com/merch / #waitforit #outroballs #thelasttwoseconds
Thursday May 05, 2022
141: Grab-SACK - just reach in and grab one..
Thursday May 05, 2022
Thursday May 05, 2022
Don’t get all “twisted up and twanglified” that we were so all over the road on THIS episode, because THIS is our very first “official” GRAB-SACK episode!
Since the GRAB-SACK is a potluck of metal (and being “the number two” podcast that we are), we went out of our way to be inclusive of ALL metal currently available in the greater, Tri-County listening area, navigating through a veritable cornucopia of metal bands, some of which we’ve NEVER talked about until now (and some of which we’ll NEVER talk about EVER again!). Some newer stuff, some older stuff, some unheard-of stuff, some similar sounding stuff, and (again, we can’t stress this enough!) some stuff that we’ll NEVER talk about EVER again (regardless of any real or otherwise implied tangentionality).
Time to discover “the Poison of the 2000’s” and learn what kind of beverage will truly “put some balls on your hair” after you finish licking the “green ketchup” off the “guacamole lizard” at this year’s Cinco De Mayo festivities. Get ready to “suck the bottom out” and JOIN US from deep within our 33rd Floor Inverted Underground Bunker Poon Studios (I.U.B.P.S.) and prepare to “just reach in and grab one” from the GRAB-SACK!
Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode
Leave us a Voicemail to be played on a future episode: 980-666-8182
Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – metalnerdery.com/merch
and kindly leave us a review and/or rating on the iTunes/Apple Podcasts - Spotify or your favorite Podcast app
Listen on iTunes, Spotify, Podbean, Google Podcasts or wherever you get your Podcasts.
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Email: metalnerdery@gmail.com
Can’t be LOUD Enough Playlist on Spotify
Show Notes:
(00:01): #attentiontricountyarea / #terminaldiagnosiscelebration #givingup #Wilson #SlipknotNumberNineIowaWhiskey (***sounds a lot like #ayahuasca if you say it real quick and real drunk…or maybe “kinda” drunk***). / #ballsonyourhair #fourthwallisbackup #onmicburpASMR (***Seriously, go buy their shit! It’s delicious. And serious! ***). / LIVE From our 33rd Floor Inverted Underground Bunker Poon Studios Complex!!! / #thisepisodesclinkyoftheepisode / #thisepisodesbeeroftheepisode #upcomingmushroomshow #triponthis #HailToYou / #psilliness #laughfromtheballs #heisaprofessional #ablaughterASMR #laughfromtheabs #greatcoreworkout #exhaustingandoffputting #recordscratch #antirelaxers / #TrimTabBrewing Martin Denny Complex #MartinDennyComplex #Birmingham #Alabama #ImperialSourAle / #infinity #markthetime #alotdifferent #weallhadit (a touch of marshmallow would make it perfectly balanced…please send us your prototypes for our professional testing and feedbacking! 😊). / #TheVoicemailSegment #asamatteroffuckingfact #therightamountofrelaxers #listenerrecommendation #ThanksRon #Hail /#newjingle #bobmuttlangerockrubin WE’LL PLAY YOUR SHIT(ahh)!!! #wellplayyourshit #channeling (The reference from Ron was with regard to our voicemail number which you CAN CALL AT 980-666-8182 AND LEAVE US A VOICEMAIL!!!) #twanglified / Also, a #Messenge from Bobby (#thankyou): Question: NYC Hard Core Scene (was it always #NewYorkCunt and we missed it before?): #LifeOfAgony #Unsane #VisionOfDisorder (#futureepisodeidea)
(11:49): #CroMags: (Check out “Age of Quarrel”) #grabsack #straightedge HARD TIMES #pitmusic (*sounds like the smell of #TheOldMasquerade*) #grabsack (#noballs) #Unsane SCRAPE #failogram #somuchouch #constantfail (**check out the music video!**) / #LifeOfAgony RIVER RUNS RED #audiococaine #SatanIsMyPersonalTrainer #afterparty #Shazzys wings (they’re very #delicious) / #shoutout #ShazzysHouseBand and #RussellsReflections #extendeddancemix and #perspective and #inclusive #notsorryASMRy #tamponmetal RIVER RUNS RED #upbeatTypeONegative #TypeCokeNegative / Which #Volbeat song? #godown #andthereitis GUITAR GANGSTERS AND CADILLAC BLOOD
(26:34): Still #Volbeat (*Question: How often do you think deeply about LIFE? *) #notraces #nonothin ***WELCOME TO #GRABSACK!!! It’s the #potluck of #MetalNerderyPodcast! Dig in…*** #spontaneous #deepthoughts (*Keeps the bowels of the itinerary loose!*) / #Ghost (Tobias Forge: the Dave Mustaine of Ghost) #thevoltronofmetal (The #genre is still #metal: but like early, #BlueOysterCult and a good bit more #eviler) KAISARION #triumphmetal ***Back up…*** TWENTIES (*They’ve come quite a long ways from where they started*) #dangole CON CLAVI CON DIO and then one from their #sophomore effort: MUMMY DUST (zombies and mummies are kinda the same…sorta kinda) #transcengentionally #dark
(40:06): Sometimes the best bands are the ones where they don’t sound like anyone else or fit into a nice, neat box. / Some things are meant to be experienced younger, not older. #PeruvianTea (Dear #CocaCola, bring back the “original” #originalformula) #allovereachother / #HFS #JohnnyDeppHearsayASMR #Defcunt2 #sometimes (*Remember #greenketchup? *) #guacamolelizard / #Korn (and some #tangentionalalityismness) TWIST #thebestpart (again, with a #funnyKoRnStory and #RussellsReflections…) / #justgrabone #GrabSack FORGOTTEN #burpanonymousASMR #stonervikingbongballanonymouscore #thatsalongone
(52:58): How about some #oldschool #Deftones WHEN GIRLS TELEPHONE BOYS #boom / Sometimes bands just don’t connect… / #TriCountySocialMedia / *What’s with all the #Nickelback “hate”? *
#theyweretight #oohyeahuheah / #RIP #DIME / SIDE OF A BULLET (*That’s #Dimebag on #leadguitar! *) #violated #tangentional
(1:01:12): !!!Palette Cleanser Alert!!! / #CannibalCorpse #killersongtitles #justgrabone #grabsack #killeropener MURDEROUS RAMPAGE #redemption (*Go catch Cannibal Corpse LIVE! *) SURROUND, KILL, DEVOUR (It’s always nice when you can understand the #cookiemonsterness within #deathmetal) #boong #theydonthavetoknow #fuckthefourthwall #beinginclusiveASMR #MCTentacleChoice #stonermetal #QOTSA and a #metricshittonne of #Primus #riotpoop / #Saxon #pregum #burpflavors SEIZE THE DAY
(1:12:34): Ever heard the exact same riff included in 2 different songs by 2 different artists?? / #parallelthinking #parallelriffage #exactlylikethat / This could be a new segment: A song by #TheOrganization which is #tangentional to #DeathAngel (FREE BURNING) and a #BlackSabbath song (I WITNESS) with the EXACT #sameriff #MetalNerderyConspiracyTheoriesASMR #dontchangethesubject (NOTE: #bolth songs were #killeropeners)
(1:22:10): #Destruction DIABOLICAL #fullalbum vs #fullmovie / #Meshuggah #ilovecoblingock #justgrabone #grabsack PHANTOMS and THE ABYSMAL EYE #mathmetal #thisisnormalforthem *go check out the #musicvideo * / #AlienSexToyTechnology / #Testament WWIII #trailblazing #maverick ***GO SUPPORT #THEBAYSTRIKESBACKTOUR!!!*** #suckthebottomout / The #Shadrach #GrabSack THANK YOU FOR JOINING US ON THIS EPISODE OF METAL NERDERY PODCAST GRABSACK! / *How would you seal up the #grabsack? */ “Not pendulum but…” / More #Ghost: FROM THE PINNACLE TO THE PIT #thelastwordis #balls #untilthenext ***BUY OUR SHIT AT metalnerdery.com/merch #metalnerderyoutro #softoutro #altogethernow #liplickingASMR
Thursday Apr 28, 2022
140: ACDC Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap Album Dive
Thursday Apr 28, 2022
Thursday Apr 28, 2022
The most impressive thing about the BON SCOTT era of AC/DC is that every word, every riff, every beat, and every note of every song just oozes a certain essence of sleaze and debauchery (in a good way). And let us not forget the incredible double-entendres splattered across the entirety of the lyrics for the album (umm, “balls” much?).
We’re doing our best to render “rim-shot hilarity” to everyone in need of it, located within the global confines of the Tri-County Metal Nerdery listening area. Get ready for a little “frog licking” (it’s not what you think), find out who will win the battle between “Thunder Chief” and the “Thunder Cheeks” and hear the triumphant story of an un-anonymous black dog who wanted to wear black bar anonymity sunglasses just like everyone else in the Album Cover Witness Protection Redacted Eyeballs Program and JOIN US as we dive into the 2nd album of Scotstralian genius from the boys down under and talk about some DIRTY DEEDS DONE DIRT CHEAP.
Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode
Leave us a Voicemail to be played on a future episode: 980-666-8182
Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – metalnerdery.com/merch
and kindly leave us a review and/or rating on the iTunes/Apple Podcasts - Spotify or your favorite Podcast app
Listen on iTunes, Spotify, Podbean, Google Podcasts or wherever you get your Podcasts.
Follow us on the Socials:
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Email: metalnerdery@gmail.com
Can’t be LOUD Enough Playlist on Spotify
Show Notes:
(00:00): #losers #rimshothilarityASMR #outofalignment #awwwman #thisepisodesclinkyoftheepisode: Slipknot No. 9 Whiskey / #soundsofuncorkingASMR #metalbooze #metalwhiskey #beefliquor #lickerpoquor / #thisepisodesbeerofthepisode #thatsnotthisone #ROGUE: Gumberroo #gumberroo #pigdogmonster / #thickness #filledwithfruit #WestCoastIPA ***check us out on the #instagram and the #facebook and email us at metalnerdery@gmail.com or even better GIVE US A CALL AND LEAVE US A VOICE MAIL AT 980-666-8182!!! #TheVoiceMailSegment #popcornASMRreprise #ThePoddys #numbertwo #theresmorethanone #thankyou and also #yourewelcome #itwillgetbetter
(10:00): #noteven (#hahahaASMR) #itnevergetsold / *Our impartial opinion: That Slipknot booze is REALLY good! * / #itsbetter #motherfucker #newjingle WE’LL PLAY YOUR SHIT!!! #shittah #theyspeakJames #fluentyeah / #listenforinstructions #notFraunch / SEVI (#Sevi) HATE YOU **Go check out their video (it’s the #officialvideo)!!!! / #hashtagsforbaghags /*They’ve got quite a few albums, SEVI* #futureepisodeidea / #fullandthick #tomahawksteak/ The Docket: AC/DC “Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap” / 1976 and 1981 and differing points of time regarding the Australian only version vs the International-US version / **Does nobody care about album artwork anymore?** #alternatecover / #solidarm #gangsterparrot / #InsomniaChronicles and #airbiscuitfloating #stenchwretch / Favorite #BonScottEra AC/DC albums relative to #DDDDC / #perpetualtwelveyearold / an “extra” dose of heaviness on #DirtyDeedsDoneDirtCheap
(25:00): #psychedelicfroglicker #markthetime #itwillbemarked #ilovegoblincock #hehuhhuhhh #thelastpartofthelastepisode #huhehuh #atthetailend #listentilltheend / Lawsuit over…numbers? A lady’s measurements…or someone’s actual phone number? DIRTY DEEDS DONE DIRT CHEAP #cantbeloudenough / #thunderchief or #thundercheeks? #Misheardlyrics for #DDDDC #slobber / #halfassed
(35:28): #nosmoke #notoast LOVE AT FIRST FEEL #secondtrackenergy #gangvocals (the songwriting & guitar playing was elevated on this album, riff wise and lead wise) #lightningbolts #nobottom / BIG BALLS #nutmix #titpurse #doubleentendre #allballsandnoshaft #titchest #eightiespenis #Austin #bollacksknockers (#twelveyearsoldforever) #uhyeah / And now… #RussellsReflections & the Mike Judge/Zack Galifianakis moment of incredible laughter (a full on #laughgasm) #dangole (#renovations at #33rdFloorIUBPStudios) #betweentwoferns
(49:51): ROCKER (and “Problem Child” being on two different albums; two different versions) / #extendedmix #radioedit #dancemix (Is it “cut” or “top”?) #cuttopthis #topcutthis PROBLEM CHILD / *Imagine actually playing getting to play Angus Young’s guitar rig! * / A strange analogy regarding Telecasters and SG’s (for the #tricounty #laypeople) / #sorryiassed / Other gear inquisitions, amps & sound… #Marshall #SuperLead #Wizard #Gibson #AngusYoungIsABlessing
(59:17): #SideTwo #BlackBarAnonymitySunglasses (why doesn’t the dog wear them!?) #dead #albumcoverbackstoryASMR #couldbeahe THERE’S GONNA BE SOME ROCKIN’ #bootscootyeah / “weird” potential rumor or conspiracy theory regarding the 1981 international version vs 1976 #ScotstralianVersion #fakeyourown #ifyouneedareason / AIN’T NO FUN (WAITING ‘ROUND TO BE A MILLIONAIRE) #guilty #usedtobe #longestverseever #lugeylauncher
(1:08:17): #soulful #blues and a soulful #onmicburp / Definitely a favorite… RIDE ON #oneofthesedays #theharmonicasong / #killercloser #init #thismightsoundfamiliar (*There’s got to be a ‘Squealer’ #dancemix somewhere*) SQUEALER #soundsofsleazeASMR #balled #fixedhergood #hey #itsfine
(1:18:05): R.I.P. (Rock in Peace) from the original #AustralianVersion of #DDDDC / *why do some countries get “bonus tracks” and #America doesn’t? * / #heavywalkdown #fangs / Tracking changes? / **Coming soon, a dive on Russell’s favorite #akkadakka album: AC/DC’s Master of Puppets** EDIT: actually, they’re not sonically as “totally different” as once thought…the difference between the 70’s and 80’s; #differenteras #era #fourthwallfuckitude #LGTFOOH / ***BUY OUR SHIT!!!*** metalnerdery.com/merch / #withthat #gumchoker #thefinalword ***GO CHECK OUT SEVI AND LET US KNOW WHAT YOU THINK AT 980-666-8182!!!) #goodnight #getready #metalnerderyoutroASMR #waittiltheend #thelasttwoseconds
Thursday Apr 21, 2022
139: Slipknot - Inside The Metal
Thursday Apr 21, 2022
Thursday Apr 21, 2022
“DUDE! They’re like KISS, but next level, man!”
(J/K. But seriously, NOW that we have your attention…)
Hidden deep behind the anonymity of their grotesque masks and monochromatic, prison-style jumpsuits, SLIPKNOT have remained forever faithful to the sinister, dark ambiance that permeates every pore of everything they do; sonically, lyrically, and visually.
SLIPKNOT isn’t some lame, throw-away, “Nu Metal” band from the 2000’s, but if they are to be forced inside that particular box, then they are easily the thrashiest, heaviest, and without question, the DARKEST band of that particular sub-genre (Hell, even the DJ is aggressive!!!). In essence, SLIPKNOT is the Zeppelin of the Metallica of the Pantera of the 2000’s.
Find out where there’s “more mud than big women”, make sure you lock the door on the “onesie” before proceeding with “your business” (irregardless if it’s a number 1, number 2, number 3, or “relaxers”) and JOIN US as we go deep inside the annals of metal with the 9-piece extreme metal monstrosity hailing from Des Moines, Iowa: SLIPKNOT!
Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode
Leave us a Voicemail to be played on a future episode: 980-666-8182
Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – metalnerdery.com/merch
and kindly leave us a review and/or rating on the iTunes/Apple Podcasts - Spotify or your favorite Podcast app
Listen on iTunes, Spotify, Podbean, Google Podcasts or wherever you get your Podcasts.
Follow us on the Socials:
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Email: metalnerdery@gmail.com
Can’t be LOUD Enough Playlist on Spotify
Show Notes:
(00:01): #horseradish and #wasabi #markthetime #notasauceguy #iliketotastethemeat #OPETA / ***WELCOME BACK TO THE MADNESS THAT IS THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST!!!*** / #FireOnTheMountain #RMRoseCo #thisepisodesclinkyoftheepisode / #thisepisodesbeeroftheepisode #recordscratch #thatsnotit #wherethestripeis “Clairvoyant Clown” (#tangentionalalityalert #transcengenderly #itsfine #secondshowenergyASMR #lickmyboobs and the #sleepymantitgrab #graphichonesty and #TMI #recordscratch #ridingthesybianASMR) #collaborationbeer #BrannDailor #Mastodon #HailToTheATL #newenglandIPA #WidowmakerBrewing #werenothammers #whatcolorisit #laughfromtheballs #vomitworthy ***Is that gonna have an odor?*** #potatochipfart
(07:49): ***WE’LL PLAY YOUR SHIT!!!*** Listen for the “rules” and requirements; #reallyeasytofollowinstructions for the #TriCountyArea (You can hit us on the socials on Instagram and Facebook, you can email us at metalnerdery@gmail.com or you can GIVE US A CALL AND LEAVE US A VOICEMAIL AT 980-666-8182!!!). / ARHAT (from #Ukraine) (**super death metal vibe #aesthetic***) #allplatforms #wecantread #thankyouforthat #magictentacles #pronounced “Antohah” (that’s actually #Serbian) #thankyougooguhlah / #Arhat FREEDOM #shutupBeavis #doublebassgoodness
(19:49): #faceforradio / The Docket: SLIPKNOT!!! Inside The Metal #vibratingleather #yeahlaugh #hiatusawareness (***How do nine people make choreographed metal chaos sound so awesome? ***) #HugeKISSFan (The “show” and the experience of a live concert performance vs an album performance). Tangentional connection to #StoneSour and #Slipknot / First Slipknot live experience… #RussellsReflections #futureepisodeideaASMR / The entire “creepy” Slipknot #anonymous #serialkiller aesthetic. #NextLevelKISS / *Splitting a paycheck nine ways…* #healthhashtag
(30:26): The concept of “the live concert experience” vs the album (“Slipknot” – 1999) / The difference between #numetal and #Slipknot / #thinkoutsidethebox #perfectanalogy **go check out our #Knotfest episode!!!*** #TheWhat #relaxerrequest “The Zeppelin of the Metallica of the Pantera of the Slipknot of the 2000’s” / SIC #onmicburpalert #cuethedeathmetal #bolth #uncomfortable SURFACING #readthoselyrics #metalasfuck #thefourthwallisbroken #onmicburpsolo (***The #HiddenTrack is called EEYORE ***) #gimmealittlesplash WAIT AND BLEED #primal (***Hail & Farewell to #JoeyJordison!!!*** #BeBetterGrammyAwards) / EEYORE #iamthegreatbigmouth #hiddentrack #HFS #SlipknotBone
(46:40): (“Iowa” - 2001): “Iowa” took darkness to another level. / #numerodos #uhhyeah PEOPLE = SHIT #soundsuncomfortable #onemoretimemotherfucker #peopleequalshit / #AllInOneHundredPercent ***SLIPKNOT ALCOHOL!!! IOWA WHISKEY!!!*** Slipknot No. 9 Whiskey #veganbooze / #recreationalhospice (#justfortheweekend) / #TenMinutesAndNoHangoverASMR (Y’all know what a “bigger stride” means, right?) / THE HERETIC ANTHEM (“If you’re 5-5-5 then I’m 6-6-6!”)
(56:20): “(Vol. 3: (The Subliminal Verses)” -2004): BEFORE I FORGET #hooky #awwman #synchronizedburpcoreASMR / THE BLISTER EXISTS #officialkilleropener #alltheballs #markthetime #LickItUpASMR #synchronizedStanley (“Hooky & Deep Cut” our new #productioncompany) #VikingStonerBongBallCore #thenewcore PULSE OF THE MAGGOTS
(1:06:10): (“All Hope Is Gone” – 2008): DEAD MEMORIES #question #misheardlyrics #cantbeloudenough #odor / the “technical” #killeropener and the love/hate relationship with “intro” tracks. / GEMATRIA (THE KILLING NAME) #hatemail and #hatevoicemail #readthoselyrics #goodcookiemonster #staywithme (A “not-so-accurate” analogy regarding Slipknot and #thehottestbandintheworldKISS) / #OutlawCountrySlayer/ **Promotion or demotion based on #genre? **
(1:16:15): (“9.0: Live” – 2005): #wayoff GET THIS (*A Slipknot song from before Slipknot’s #ExciterMoment*) #suckthesenuts / #timetoemptytheballsagain (“.5: The Gray Chapter” – 2014): #formedicalreasons / (#RIP #PaulGray) *New bassist and drummer for this record* #FireTheHAARPIntern #FreezingBallsInApril / THE DEVIL IN I #bitchslaptotheballs / The “intro” #track and the frustration of “Oh, 9 songs, but the first one is a bunch of noise…” vs understanding the overall #ambiance / #darkness and #mourning / #extremepettiness / AOV #approachingoriginalviolence (and a cool blend of brutally heavy and very melodic; the contrast of light and shade) / #membersmatter
(1:30:27): (“We Are Not Your Kind” – 2019): #geniusrealization *The #introtrack = #setandsetting* UNSAINTED #singalongmoment / *The continued evolution of Slipknot’s sound through the integration of the more melodic sound of #StoneSour* / #RussellsReflections (#herewego) with an awesome #MarilynMansonVocalImpression and the TELL of a Beached WELL :-D / *Authenticity and professionalism make a HUGE difference* / #bucketlist #pissfilledballs and #Shazzys #thebestbuffalowings #thelastword #moremudthanbigwomen #lockthedoorontheonesie THANK YOU FOR JOINING US FOR ANOTHER METAL NERDERY PODCAST EXPERIENCE!!! #untilthenext #buyourshit BUY OUR SHIT AT metalnerdery.com/merch / #outrosequence #waitforit
Thursday Apr 14, 2022
138: Primus - Inside The Metal
Thursday Apr 14, 2022
Thursday Apr 14, 2022
Don’t deny the power of three. Whether it’s certain “anti-relaxers”, a brilliantly executed joke, or the divinely strange shades of psychedelic metal weirdness created by the “power threesome” known as PRIMUS, three packs quite the powerful punch.
PRIMUS have always stayed in the realm of the weird and unorthodox, forging their own unique path by blending surrealistic bass driven prog metal with absurdly weird lyrical vistas and some of the strangest riffs known this side of the multiverse to create a brilliant, yet oddly eccentric, brand of metal that is uniquely theirs and theirs alone.
Time to follow the bouncing ball and decide if your preference is “one handed or two handed” as you enjoy some of the “best wings in town” while figuring out how Sammy Davis Jr. factors into all this outlandish madness as you JOIN US for a 3-piece order of deliciously weird, sonic peculiarity as Metal Nerdery Podcast goes deep INSIDE THE METAL with PRIMUS.
Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode
Leave us a Voicemail to be played on a future episode: 980-666-8182
Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – metalnerdery.com/merch
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Can’t be LOUD Enough Playlist on Spotify
Show Notes:
(00:00): #drugbeardisglorious #infiniteyes #itsbeenawhile #deepbreathandbegin ***WELCOME BACK TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST!!!*** #fireonthemountain #clinky #thisepisodesclinkyoftheclinky #nohangovers #pissedliver ***A new segment…*** #RussellsReflections #breakfasttimebeverages / There’s a way to make #handsanitizer to fight #ThePlague / #thisepisodesbeeroftheepisode #thisone #PontoonBrewing #afunnycan and a #goodpairing based on the #albumcover / #alreadypopped #AverageJoesOatmealCookie #ImperialBrownAle #eightpercentabv #killeralbumcover (and #BigBrownBeaver #backshadowing) #elle ***WTF with the #lactose bro?*** #shitturdsalldaylong #intenseanaltraffic #atastybeverage #tshirts and #freebeer or #sponsorship and if you’d like to give us some #positivefeedback you can email us at metalnerdery@gmail.com or you can CALL US AND LEAVE US A VOICE MAIL AT 980-666-8182!!!***
(05:15): Road trip food choices are always hard…when in doubt… #Applebees (at this point, the extended version of #RussellsReflections) / #InfiniteReignInBlood / #BarryWhite and #MarvinGaye and #toofuckingloud #WhatDoYouWannaEat!? #caucasianhell #whitewashwarlord (Bruh, you deserved to be mad at yourself…for that). #benefitofthedoubt / #cunt, #kunt or #qunt? HAHAHAHAHA!!! #Crazybitch (***Wait for it…***) #waitforit #BuckCherry #CrazyBitch #InfiniteRepeat #worththemoney (***Does #anal help relieve tension, #ladies? ***) / #strolled
(10:37): #asamatteroffuckingfact ***The Voicemail Segment!!!*** #TheVoiceMailSegment / #wellwellwell #ThePost #pissingpost / #killerimpression #spoton (RE: Russell’s voice also re: #smotheringchildren to have a #greatradiovoice) / #faceforradio / ***WE’LL PLAY YOUR SHIT!!!*** #weloveGoblinCock / #listencarefullyforinstructions #imnotypingallthisshitoutyoulazyfucks #justlistenplease / #numbertwopodcast #BloodRunner (#ThanksNeal!!!) #oldschool #NWOOSTM style #noflipflops and #nopoptops #killeropener WASTING AWAY (***definitely NOT from #SouthAmerica***) ***LET US KNOW WHAT YOU THINK; GIVE US YOUR FEEDBACK AT metalnerdery@gmail.com or leave us a voicemail at 980-666-8182!!!***
(18:27): The Docket: PRIMUS and their extremely #odd place in the #HallsOfMetal (and the joy of #HeadbangersBall lumping all #metalcontent together) / #angstyugly (a #tangentional connection to the mighty #Possessed) / #KeynardMaylenToolen / #Primus is its own #newsubgenre of #metal / *Another stunningly stellar #spoton #review* #OneOfTheWorst #thatstheway #tooearly #notenoughcoke #itsnotadayjob #itsalifestyle #PleaseTuneInAgain #WillSmithMotivationalMoment #KeepMyWifesBushOutYourFuckingMouth #Molly #itisanditisnt
(23:40): Initial exposure to Primus… / #BrotherLeatherFace #dogwillhunt (Remember the #CDlongbox?)
#Springbreak and the #deevolutionofMTV / #markthetime / ***BRAND NEW PRIMUS!!!*** #pulpfictionization CONSPIRINOIA #reallylong (from the upcoming album “Conspiranoid”) #intellesting #basslunacy #bassgenius #cuetherelaxers #wetfartsynthesizer and #chemtrailmix / #thenextprojectband #bandbone #howdareyou / ***Can you imagine #Buckethead playing with #Primus!?!?***
(32:32): “Frizzle Fry” (1990): ***33rd floor Inverted Underground Bunker Poon Studios #renovations*** / But first, a few notes about the band that would become known as Primus. #extremevibratorASMR ***Can you imagine #LesClaypool in #Metallica? *** / #sorryforbeingafuckfaceASMR / JOHN THE FISHERMAN #thelongbox #theheartshapedbox #thevergina #thehole / #selfdepravating ***still JOHN THE FISHERMAN #thatisontheboat #youKNOWitsLesClaypoolASMR #suicidaltendies / #everybodyknowsit HAROLD OF THE ROCKS #thereisnoEnterSandman #greathooks TOO MANY PUPPIES (***the uniquely eccentric quality of Les Claypool’s vocal style…***) #relaxermetal
(46:13): “Sailing The Seas of Cheese” (1991) / #Keanu and #TheRiversEdge #crispyballs #fireitupman JERRY WAS A RACE CAR DRIVER #nachosASMR ***Go watch the music video!!! Now imagine him on stage with Metallica…*** #stockfootage / Metal = #stagediving / #GO #dogwillhunt / Primus is like weird jazz metal… #looseinthebottom #verycrisp #cornflakes #sidemetal #newgenre / #popcornASMR #butfirst IS IT LUCK? #readthoselyrics #LesClaypoolIsABlessin (and a fucking #genius!!!) #butshewasntimpressed #ismiledandisaid / #numbertwo ***All week has been training!!!*** #TheLordsWork
(57:11): “Pork Soda” (1993): ***Primus always stays #intheweird*** Grunge probably helped to sort of “force” Primus into the Metal genre (vs. alternative) / Primus is the next #projectband / #adderallsnortinwoman DMV #readthoselyrics #pointlessASMR (Better now than then…it’s aged quite well.) #bigbottom #spatialsound / MY NAME IS MUD #extradrummer #uglybutbeautiful #Harvey and #Powder / #popcornASMR
(1:06:08): “Tales From The Punchbowl” (1995): PROFESSOR NUTBUTTER’S HOUSE OF TREATS #killeropener #perfectburpASMR (*the “extra instrument” theory*) / the evolution of Les’ style, #flamencoguitar and #properfingering #9806668182 #concretedildofingers WYNONA’S BIG BROWN BEAVER (#dontdenythepowerof #SouthPark and the #LesClaypool #Primus #tangentionalality) #frickinDoctorEvil #theweirdestmusicvideoEVAHHH #followthebouncingball #thekiwis and #professionalwomen / ***NEVER sit on your own balls!!!*** #racquetballscrote / Primus is an “album band” and not a “singles” band. A full #listeningexperience.
(1:18:29): “Brown Album” (1997): FISTICUFFS #retro SHAKE HANDS WITH BEEF #technically #notgay #astrangerinthetub #doubletracked #sickgroove / “Speaking of #tattoos …” (We actually were NOT speaking of tattoos, but okay…) ***INTERMISSION: Russell’s television show review…*** #sleevedoutgirl (and the #unpopularopinion) #inkmaster (***yeah, we’re piling on and #hashtagging the fuck outta this!!!***). #Bodypainttattoos
(1:29:05): “Antipop” (1999): LACQUER HEAD (***that fucking riff!!!***) #allstarlineup #allstarcats #allstarCAST #yeah ECLECTIC ELECTRIC (**Let the record show that Primus is, in fact, #progressivemetal**) #creepychildrenASMR #momentsoftrippyness #trippygoodness and #solvingTheRubiksCube #fiftysixseconds #twohanded vs #onehanded #markthetime / The Rubik’s cube is an #algorithm / #ThatsIncredible
(1:40:00): “Green Naugahyde” (2011): A bit of a #hiatus and the power of one musician on any band’s sound (#therulesofmusic) #sideprojects / More of Russell’s Ruminations… and #RainingBloodKaraoke / #thebestwings #Shazzys and #them #nofucksgiven #spectrumASMR / “Wings are now the thing…” #crispywings #donedone #eightminutes and #wingrules ***check out #JimmyMacsWings*** #divebargoodness/ And now, BACK TO THE PRIMUS! (Different drummer, Jay Lane) JILLY’S ON SMACK #honkysound (***Is it fair to say that we’re a #progpodcast? ***) HENNEPIN CRAWLER #onmicburpodorASMR / ***What is Metal Nerdery Podcast’s #blackalbumepisode? ***
(1:57:07): “Primus & the Chocolate Factory with the Fungi Ensemble” (2014): #percocetdrumset CANDY MAN (***check out the music video…on #relaxers! ***) #bestmusicvideoever / #toodark #undownloaded OOMPA VIOLET (It’s only four and one half thousand hours…) #makesometea
(2:04:34): “The Desaturating Seven” (2017): A very “progressive” sounding album (with a bit of #Tool #tangentionalality). THE VALLEY and a word from #TheGoblinMaster #ranch and #animals and #rainbowsauce #MCTentacleChoice THE SEVEN #timesignatureASMR #moreyeah #offmicyeah ***THANK YOU FOR JOINING US ON OUR PERUSAL OF PRIMUS, INSIDE THE METAL!!!*** #wealwaysshowup #weareconsistent #untilthenext #thankyou #untilthenext #thelastword #outroASMR #popcornrepriseASMR
Thursday Apr 07, 2022
137: Stoner Metal Doom Metal Vol. IV
Thursday Apr 07, 2022
Thursday Apr 07, 2022
Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and inhale the enticing aroma of the “jam room bouquet” while basking in the brown wood paneled, wall-to-wall orange shag carpeted, STONER DOOM jam room aesthetic (complete with a fully loaded “infinity hookah” in the middle of the room to tie it all together).
DOOM and STONER metal bands should really be classified by “strain” instead of “genre”. Some bands are more “Fuzzy”, some more “Doomy”, and some more “Stony” * than others. Hell, some of them may even be “hybrids”. Guess what: we enjoy them ALL!!! (Spoiler alert: some of them we REALLY enjoyed!).
There’s only two more weeks to finish training for the annual 4/20 Weedian Kief Run, hosted by Matt Pike and Mike Scheidt. Check out Ron’s brand new “Wolf Steak Boost Juice” that he’ll be marinading his meats in for the upcoming April 20th festivities at The Rib Lounge** and JOIN US for Vol. IV of The Marc Potterson Chronicles, as Metal Nerdery further explores and celebrates the Weedian realms of STONER & DOOM METAL!!!
*Actually, those are the names of the stoner druids pictured on the cover of Sleep’s “Dopesmoker”.
**Available exclusively at The Rib Lounge © COTLOD Blvd location.
Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode
Leave us a Voicemail to be played on a future episode: 980-666-8182
Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – metalnerdery.com/merch
and kindly leave us a review and/or rating on the iTunes/Apple Podcasts - Spotify or your favorite Podcast app
Listen on iTunes, Spotify, Podbean, Google Podcasts or wherever you get your Podcasts.
Follow us on the Socials:
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Email: metalnerdery@gmail.com
Can’t be LOUD Enough Playlist on Spotify
Show Notes:
(00:01): #waterbutt and a #strangerinthetub / ***WELCOME BACK TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST!!!*** / #thisepisodesclinkyoftheepisode #FireOnTheMountain #DillardGA (and #thisepisodesspecialguestoftheepisode: the lovely, talented and super baked, #MarcPotterson / #thisepisodesbeeroftheepisode #lowcarb #lowcalorie #DietWatch (the can has serious #whiteclawenergy)… dig the weird #analogies #BlueMoon #LightSky (and a #healthadvisory regarding #Sexercise) / #WestVergina / #Verjamas
(05:43): Our latest segment: ***WE’LL PLAY YOUR SHIT!!!*** #listencarefullyforinstructions #giveusyourbestversion and tell us: #WhoAreYou / ***You can email us at metalnerdery@gmail.com or GIVE US A CALL AND LEAVE US A VOICEMAIL AT 980-666-8182!!!*** / #TheVoiceMailSegment Feedback and #participation from #ThePost regarding #TheUnending and #HannibalDeathMachine / #GnawingHunger (sent in by Jack) THE POWERLESS ***#readthoselyrics and check out the #lyricvideo #relatable and #relevant / #politicalcolors #redwhiteandbruised / #ourlatestjingle
(15:55): The DOCKET: (courtesy of the #exhausting and #offputting trio of #fuckfaces known as the #MetalNerderyPodcast #dudes): **It’s time for the latest installment of The Marc Potterson Chronicles: STONER DOOM VOL. IV **/#andropause / #MCTentacleChoice #BlackSabbath (coincidentally, from Vol. 4): CHANGES and UNDER THE SUN / #infinitecough and #gratitude / #dontdenythepowerof the mighty Sabbath and The 1970’s
(22:22): #wecandothat / #segue into the #StonerDoom segment of the episode / #StonerDoomASMR #RickshawBilliesBurgerPatrol BOOSIN’ #DoomPrimus #markthetime #futureepisodeidea #9806668182 / Ever heard of Cough? They’re just Fuzzy, Doomy, Stony goodness #Cough CRIPPLED WIZARD #usethoseheadphonesASMR and the lovely #jamroombouquet
(30:28): #OhMyDamn #BestBandNameEver #GoblinCock STUMPED #SleepASMR / #Astroqueen SUPERHUMAN GOD #AstroQueenOfTheDeepPurpleStonedAge / #BellyButtonASMR #Unida LEFT US TO MOLD / *The #answer was #Dopelord* #iputitinthere / #Kyuss 50 MILLION YEAR TRIP #dontyoumathbro #farout #FreedomHawk #TurnItUp (***you can smell and actually visualize the jam room…***)
(41:10): (EDIT: In this case, #Vergina is actually #Maryland) / #Clutch 10001110101 and AMERICAN SLEEP #squealies #cantbeloudenoughASMR #uglynasty #oldschoolfuzzy / ***You can follow us on the socials if you’re not too terribly #relaxered*** #stonermetalnerderypodcast / A word about a #Fraunch band / #Sasquatch RATIONAL WOMAN #boom #lmaoASMR #stereobeeropeningsASMR / The “multiple styles” of #StonerMetal
(51:03): #adifferentseem #markthetime #Seemless (also, tangentionally connected to the #KIllswitchEngage) #wateringhole aka #intoxicationjunction and a #fanfuckingtastical #FamilyGuy impression #godownbro THE WANDERER / #FireballMinistry THE BROKEN (totally #FreedomRock) / ***Would YOU join a #StonerDruidWeedChurch? *** #DrugBeard #snortworthy FUCKDOZER #thehitsingle (get it? “hit” single…okay, maybe #thebonghitsingle is more fitting)) #HailFuckDozer and of course, WALL TO WALL SATAN #insidethebong
(1:01:23): #AcidWitch THE BLACK WITCH (it’s not a new core, but a new #genre: #DeathStonerDoom) / #MCTentacleChoice and #DueDiligence #UncleAcidAndTheDeadbeats DEATH’S DOOR #jamroomaesthetic #BonetteScott / Shout out to #StonedJesus (***Ten-year anniversary of SEVEN THUNDERS ROAR***) #awfulpun #VladsFuckery #Putiny I’M THE MOUNTAIN #softintro #gothic ELECTRIC MISTRESS #yeah #WolfSteakBoostJuice #innit
(1:12:42): The #stonermetal #aesthetic (especially the #albumcovers) #MarsRedSky (STRONG REFLECTION) #fuzzy #doomy #stonerGhost / ***THANK YOU FOR JOINING US AND FOR CONTINUING TO SUPPORT METAL NERDERY PODCAST AND THE GREATER METAL COMMUNITY!!!*** #untilthenext #recordscratch / #metalnerderypreoutroASMR #theflipflopsessions #backtothefront #theuncorking #harddicksandairplanes #hanginout and the #bathroomphonecallchronicles #paperwork #outroASMR