Thursday Aug 18, 2022
156: THE ACCUSED - Inside The Metal
Thursday Aug 18, 2022
Thursday Aug 18, 2022
“M” is for Many things. Madness, Meat, Metal, Merch, and Most iMportantly: “M is for Martha” Meaning Martha Splatterhead, the Mascot of Oak Harbor, Washington’s crossover Masters, THE ACCUSED.
The dudes in THE ACCUSED left their Mark on Metal with a new Mutant genre of Metal called “crossover thrash” which blended all of the best eleMents of punk, hardcore, and thrash together to Make Metal More Magnificently fun than ever. This was Most definitely a “knife and fork burger” kind of episode as it was quite a lot to digest. Who knew that “Beavis’s dad” had such a treMendous iMpact on their style?
Find out why we’re all “parted right down the Middle” and get ready to be “pegged in the face” with some exhausting, off-putting, and irresponsible coMMentary as we go deep inside the Metal with THE ACCUSED.
Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode
Leave us a Voicemail to be played on a future episode: 980-666-8182
Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – metalnerdery.com/merch
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Can’t be LOUD Enough Playlist on Spotify
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Show Notes:
(00:00): #primingthetop #nowwereready ***WELCOME BACK TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST WITH ABSOLUTELY ALL OF THE ANESTHESIA!!!*** #thisepisodesclinkyoftheepisode #DeadMansFingersRum #DMF #cheers #whoayeah #differentthanthepickle #markthetime #jerkinmegerkin #thisepisodesbeeroftheepisode #episode156 #mathtwanglification #hallmonitor #MasonAleWorks #fruitedsourale #CherryPieEdition #recordscratch #grahamcracker #albumcover (*** #TheAccused ***) #SweetCreamsAreMadeOfThese #markthetime #nodaydrinking #burpofthebeerepisode #gettinhead #gettinfoamy #infinitebeercum ***Do you have a towel over there? *** #beerjaculation / #endingitall and the potential birth of #angryAmishMatt #moreuncomfortable #antihot / “It’s still giving me head though…” / #sexwithotherpeople #drinkme
(08:15): #signsoftheendtimes #shittycustomers #coldfries and #gangsterpussyshit #theendofdays #WTF #spiritualawakening ***PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR DRIVING YOU ADDERALL DEFICIENT FUCKS!!!*** #JesusTakeAllTheWheels #frenchfryfury #coldfries #stupidpussybitchmoveASMR #noprobrem ***Did you know…*** #fourhundredfiftysevenethnicslurs #rimshot #thankyougoodnight #mayonnaisemonkey ***The sign of the #antichrist #friedmayonnaiseballs*** “Mustard is the #astroglide of #sandwichlubricant” / #MayoNerdery with #nomayo #condimentless #withoutacondiment “Fresh jalapenos are way better than pickled jalapenos”/ ***#chickensalad and #eggsalad and #hamsalad are all #fuckingdisgustingsalads / #Dennys and #callbacks and #irresponsibility / #TikTokTurderyASMR and a #UFOOlogist on our #numberonecompetitor / #COVID has eliminated all other #causesofdeath #thankyougoodnight (“Where’d the #flu go?”) #ILoveGoblinCock / #RussellsReflections and #FentanylDeaths “#Fentanyl is #allornothing” / #EndTheWarOnDrugs “#Cannabis isn’t a goddamned #narcotic!!!” #cannabisisvegan / #rabbitholeASMR / “Nobody cares about the #WNBA” #theydontsupporteachotherASMR and a positive note / “Can we please have #lingerierugby?”
(21:42): “Getting back on the wagon…” / ***IF YOU’D LIKE TO LEAVE US A VOICEMAIL YOU CAN GIVE US A CALL AT 980-666-8182!!!*** #ThePissingPost and the #LickItUpEpisode #crickets #phuckedphone #LongLiveMetalNerdery #thankyouforthat / #psilocybinASMR #nogagreflex #TheShroomChronicles and an accidental #BlackAlbumReference / We’ll Play your SHIT-TAH!!! #thenewjingle / “The definition of a #streethustler and #dudehookers” / #HelloHydra LIABILITY #ratedEforEveryone #whoa #balls / Is it #metalcore or some other #genre? #AllTheBallsProductions and moments of #exhaustingoffputtingirresponsible #dumbness / #RussellsReflections and #RobZombie and #WhiteZombie (“Incredibly racist, irresponsible, exhausting and off-putting”) / “Is #StaticX still Static X without Wayne Static?” (Would #Danzig still be Danzig without Glenn Danzig?)
(32:40): The Docket: #TheAccused (NOT the Jodie Foster movie… the band!) / The #ageofdiscovery and #upstairsbeards vs #downstairsbeards #saltandpepper / #RussellsReflectionsASMR and #RobTheGarbageman / “The obscure thrash test” / #totallydude and #crossover #goodness and #jeanwreecore #crossover #horrormetal (and/or #grindhousemetal) / “The first song you ever heard in your life by The Accused” / #MarthaSplatterhead is the #VicRattlehead of #TheAccused / Some history and backstory details…and analogies / #allovertheplace / #thenumbertwopodcastever with absolutely no #elksteak (strictly #wolfsteak for us) / The Bruce Dickinson of The Accused / #skatethrash MARTHA SPLATTERHEAD from the Martha Splatterhead EP-1985
(44:29): Their #MasterOfPuppets HALO OF FLIES from More Fun Than An Open Casket Funeral-1987 #killeropener #irresponsible / #thedeepestdeepcut #fuckbagsmomsvagina #killercloser I’LL BE GLAD WHEN YOU’RE DEAD #ohyeah #banjoequalsindustrial JUDGEMENT DAY / “an informal #Exodus vibe”/ The #RideTheLightning of #TheAccused / #insertadderallhere #southerntonalityASMR Martha Splatterhead’s Maddest Stories Ever Told-1988 #killeropener PSYCHOMANIA and a #shoutout / “The human embodiment of #cocaine and #methamphetamine” / THE BAG LADY SONG and the inclusion of #punk with #thrash / I’D LOVE TO CHANGE THE WORLD (#TenYearsAfter cover) #thebestwaytohatehippies
(55:55): WAR = DEATH ‘88 and the #titlay THE MADDEST STORY EVER TOLD and the #killercloser LIGHTS OUT #waitwhat #earwormASMR / THE HEARSE #mynewlaugh / “Maddest Story Ever Told was rereleased on #COMBATRecords (*go check out our COMBAT episode!*) / Hymns For The Deranged-1988 #notfamiliar GRINNING / “It’s like their #GarageDays” / BARRACUDA (#Heart) #totallyirresponsible #again SYMPTOM OF THE UNIVERSE #BlackSabbath #killercloser (“It’s like being back in the jam room”) #budgetdolbydigitalnoisereduction / Automatic #BlackAlbumReference / Grinning Like An Undertaker-1990 #hypodcrisy #killeropener POUNDING NAILS (INTO THE LID OF YOUR COFFIN) #technothrash “All #thrash and no #punk” #drumtentaclemachine #leftturn / “An explosion of little mini-Zetros” (see also #ArmyOfDarkness) #greatimpression/ #downloadcocainelines BULLET-RIDDEN BODIES “This one might be their Puppets” / “Listen to the whole album in its entirety.” / #titletrack GRINNING LIKE AN UNDERTAKER / DOWN AND OUT #rappyfunky / “That sounds like Beavis’s dad” / #Zippy ***Go check out #ZippysGiantBurgers!!!*** / #foodporn vs #allotherkindsofporn #lookatthatburger #burgercenterfold #bigandupclose #howmanybunsdoesithave #knifeandforkburger ***Sadly, they’ve closed permanently***#ThanksCOVID #ThanksBureaucratFuckbags
(1:16:24): #imsosorry for being #terriblyirresponsible but #wedontgiveafuckingfuck #AngryMattASMR #sundaytwanglification / “M” IS FOR MARTHA (Back to the #skatethrash) / “Do you like for to be #greatagain Boris?” #ilikeitwhenhegoesdeeper #markthetime BORIS THE SPIDER (#TheWho) / #rockandrollpants and the #cockpouch / Straight Razor-1991 #killeropener NO HOPE FOR RELIEF #morethrashy #fastgroove STRAIGHT RAZOR & SATURDAY NIGHT SPECIAL (#LynyrdSkynyrd) / “I don’t wanna like it but I like it” / #lovehate “The Accused is better than Smashmouth” / PAINT IT BLACK (#TheRollingStones) / “Grating insect voice” and #veryfuckyou / #MotivationalASMR “Don’t copy off of someone else’s #blueprintforlife”
(1:29:53): “Lots and lots of #relaxers” / #angryMattstrikesagain #checktheschedule / #safer / “The best parents are #Insomniacs” / Splatter Rock-1992 TWO HOURS TIL SUNRISE #softintro #myballscanhandleit #ScroteSwole “The scrote has a part right down the middle” / “IT or THEY?” / #recordscratch #topten #checkplease #markthetime #justgotpeggedintheface (regarding #AppetiteForDestruction and how it’s way better than #LickItUp) LETTIN’ GO / “The Iommi of The Accused”/ “Not Norwegian…” / “#MarthaSplatterhead is like an animated version of #WendyOWilliams” / The Curse Of Martha Splatterhead-2009 THE SPLATTERBEAST “It’s #StAnger time” BODIES ARE RISING (and a killer #MetalNerderyPodcast cover of all of The Accused lyrics) / “Obsessions, NOT disorders” / #goldmedalist #agreathotdogplace (#totsandfries) ***If you’ve been to Zippy’s Giant Burgers (prior to their closing, PLEASE send us a review and lettuce know how it was!*** / #VegasTots / A bit of #tangentionalality regarding the burger place, The Accused, and #GunsNRoses #onemoretime / ***THANK YOU FOR JOINING US FOR THIS EPISODE OF METAL NERDERY!!! WE APOLOGIZE FOR ALL OF OUR IRRESPONSIBLE, EXHAUSTING AND OFFPUTTING DUMBNESS*** #thelastword ***Go BUY OUR SHIT at metalnerdery.com/merch *** #untilthenext #buckleup #jawskills #ASMR #LongLiveMetalNerdery
Thursday Aug 11, 2022
Thursday Aug 11, 2022
Thursday Aug 11, 2022
With the upcoming PANTERA reunion in the works, we felt it would be reprehensibly “irresponsible” of us to NOT touch on one of the greatest live albums by one of the greatest live bands to have dominated metal during the 90’s: Pantera’s OFFICIAL LIVE: 101 PROOF.
Not only does it span the era of their catalog from “Cowboys” to “Trendkill”, but it also comes with a generous helping of between song stage banter that’s some of the best in the business, and finishes with a couple of previously unreleased, newly recorded studio tracks.
Prepare for a reading of our latest “one star review”, climb aboard the “struggle bus” to get yourself out of a pickle, catch a sneak peek of our new “Offramp Empire” motivational segment, embrace the solution for “tubular fruit boobs” and JOIN US for an “exhausting, off-putting, and completely irresponsible” Live Dive into Pantera’s 1997 concert souvenir: OFFICIAL LIVE: 101 PROOF.
Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode
Leave us a Voicemail to be played on a future episode: 980-666-8182
Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – metalnerdery.com/merch
and kindly leave us a review and/or rating on the iTunes/Apple Podcasts - Spotify or your favorite Podcast app
Listen on iTunes, Spotify, Podbean, Google Podcasts or wherever you get your Podcasts.
Follow us on the Socials:
Facebook - Instagram - Twitter
Email: metalnerdery@gmail.com
Can’t be LOUD Enough Playlist on Spotify
Metal Nerdery Munchies on YouTube:
Show Notes:
(00:00): “Metal Nerdery Podcast: #exhausting, #offputting and #irresponsible / #rubbingthebutton / “I hope you like this” #markthetime / #shoutout to #ActusReus / #thisepisodesclinkyoftheepisode ***WELCOME BACK TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST WITH MAXIMUM ANESTHESIA!!!*** / #dillpicklevodka #WTF #PickleShotDillPickleVodka #TheOriginal #ladies #gentleman #germs and #others / #identification / ***BE BETTER DRIVERS, YOU #ADDERALL DEFICIENT FUCKS!!!*** #paymoreattention #JesusTakeEveryonesWheels / #thisepisodesbeeroftheepisode (Nope, it IS 155!) / #TerrapinBrewery #mexicanstylelager #LosBravos (A tribute to our own #AtlantaBraves) #fourpointfivepercentabv #coolalbumcover
(05:41): Another #onestarreview #RussellUntwanglified #twats and/or #fuckbags / A moment of #covid and a #message / ***Go check out our #SoFarSoGoodSoWhat episode *** #coviddeniers #veryirresponsible #isitreally (We’ve got better #fivestarreviews than not) #completeoverreaction #lovewhoyouwanttolove #fuckwhoyouwanttofuck #breakingthefourthwall with a #BidenFuckbag / #LightningStrikes / #EpiphanyMomentASMR / #ThePerfectSong and #ThePerfectWoman #Unicorns / #futureepisodeidea / #RussellsReflections regarding the #ActusReusBoys / #excuseme (sorry for being #irresponsible) / #awwwman / BUY OUR SHIT AT metalnerdery.com/merch / #misternotbreakfast
(13:00): #thevoicemailsegment ***GIVE US A CALL AND LEAVE US A VOICEMAIL AT 980-666-8182!!!*** A new #genre (call it #crossover) #thankyouforthat / That was a call from #anonymous / #strugglebusASMR / WE’LL PLAY YOUR SHIT-TAH!!! Email us a link at metalnerdery@gmail.com or send it to us via #messenge in the #instagram and/or the #facebook and/or/and/or the #meta / #Throwdown HOLY ROLLER (#LambTera) #killergroovemetal #gobuytheirshit (from “Venom and Tears”)
(17:54): It’s Docket-Thirty! #Dontcomplain Pantera “Official Live – 101 Proof” / *What’s YOUR fondest #PanteraConcert memory? */ It’s time for #Pantera #SundaySchool / 1997 (Happy 35th Anniversary!) / #BlackDog “It may not be racist, but it sure is irresponsible.” #Chazzy and the #ChazTrans / ***What was YOUR reaction to the live Pantera #concertalbum? *** / “Board recordings aren’t the same as actually being at the show” / A NEW LEVEL #cantbeloudenough (Don’t forget the AMAZING between song #stagebanter!) / #perfecttiming #onmicburpASMR #thatsright
(28:35): #whatsthat #markthetime #checktheend ***Be sure to stay tuned for our upcoming #KISSNerdery #podcast!!!*** #breakthroughepisode / #lifekills WALK and #AnselmoStageBanterASMR #takeitfromthefuckingverse #cantyousee (“Pantera were definitely the #kingsofmetal in the 90’s”) / #hematoma #nohatred #exhaustingoffputtingirresponsible / ***Go check out our Far Beyond Driven album dive!!! Actually, just go check out ALL of our #PanteraEpisodes!!!*** #numberone BECOMING (Go check out “3 Vulgar Videos from Hell” for maximum entertainment and fun!!! #PanteraHomeVideos) / #offrampempire FIVE MINUTES ALONE #nastysexytone / #ournewjingle #markthetime #girthyvoice #sexappil or #sexypill / “That’s where the flavor is… “
(40:12): “The Trend is DEAD!!!” SANDBLASTED SKIN #showmesomething #alltheballs / “You won’t need that anymore. It’s on sale at your fucking dollar store!” /#fuzz #whathesaid (A great idea: #DoomTera, the ultimate #doommetal #PanteraTributeBand ) and a #lesserPanteraTributeBand / Trivia regarding the #albumcoverartwork and an incredible #PetahImpression / “Let me hear some of that fuckin’ noise we were talking about…” / #philstagebanterASMR regarding all of those #stupidfuckingexperts #yalldomeafavor “This next song is our hit…” / SUICIDE NOTE PT. II (The magic of #Dimebag and the #WhammyPedal) “Don’t just stand there!” / #maximumballs (“Every time I listen to it, I find something new”)
(48:22): WAR NERVE “That’s fucking right, y’know…” #morePhilStageBanterASMR “All you veterans out there…” / STRENGTH BEYOND STRENGTH “Fuck YOU and your #collegedream …” / “He is…He will…” / “It was recorded in a place by a dude…” / ***Go check out our #FacebookPage*** / #yeahyeah / And now, a bit of a #split: DOM/HOLLOW #alltheballs #cantbeloudenough “Answer me, do you hear the fucking bass!?” / #blackalbumreference (It had to be done) / “At some point, we’ll do interviews!”
(59:21): “I don’t have any little ones, they’re all big” #markthetime / #wentfastdidntdie / #citrusassdouche and the concept of doing medleys live / The house of WHAT? / “The prequel to #LordOfTheRingsWithTits (it’s a #gameofthronesprequel) / THIS LOVE “You all know this song, sing this motherfucker” #nomoreheadtrips #recordscratch / “Let me ask you something…” / I’M BROKEN (Now with #extrascrote) / “Hey man, where’d the audience go?” #irresponsibleASMR “Whoever felt it dealt it”
(1:11:11): “We’re taking over this town” COWBOYS FROM HELL (How many remember the very first time they ever saw Pantera LIVE?) / A nice little nod to #TedNugent and then…right back to it. / ***The unique experience of a #liveperformance that’s better than the studio album*** / Moments of #pretwanglification / Exhausting, off-putting, and completely irresponsible / #themidtermvariant and #winning / “Not a thong, but a #throng of people #readytorevolt” / Ummm, what’s a “tie-up”? / Which tits do you prefer: original factory equipment or aftermarket parts? #bananatitties #tubetits and #fakebreasteses #downstairs and the #gingerbread #cockcoozie / CEMETARY GATES #shutuppetah #prewhammy
(1:21:09): “Paul Stanley sounds a lot like Al Gore when he talks” #obscureLickItUpTrivia / #killercloser and easily the best #PhilStageBanter “What do you wanna fuckin’ hear!?” #itsokaytocurse #bullshitbreath FUCKING HOSTILE / ***New studio tracks! *** WHERE YOU COME FROM #usethoseheadphones “I can’t give a fuck!” #BeardslyVonShavenstein I CAN’T HIDE / ***What else would you expect on the #tracklisting for this one? *** /” Time to resume twanglification and empty our balls” / #poundingwater / THANK YOU FOR JOINING US and DEFINITELY #tuneinnextweek #teaser #untilthenext #theoutrosection #weirdly “The end is the beginning…” #hehahuh
Thursday Aug 04, 2022
154: KYUSS - Inside The Metal
Thursday Aug 04, 2022
Thursday Aug 04, 2022
Before QOTSA, Them Crooked Vultures, or Eagles of Death Metal, there were the godfathers of Desert Stoner Metal, KYUSS.
And before anyone gets upset, excited, or bolth, please note that this is undoubtedly our most progressive* episode yet. Because while we merely made mention of this “episode’s band of the episode” on the previous episode, this time we’re ACTUALLY talking about this episode’s band of the episode.
Listening to KYUSS is analogous to enjoying relaxers without “actually having” relaxers. It’s just heavy, fuzzy, grooving, stoner metal fueled by the power of barren, desert landscapes and an endless sea of mystical “caterpillar cocoons” ** and other, larger cacti that also call the greater metropolitan, tri-county desert their home.
Take the time to talk to “They” for any and all gift giving guidance, put on your “rock and roll pants”, and pick yourself up a “busted can of biscuits” for the weekend to help you nurse your “katzenjammer” at the extended stay and JOIN US as we go Inside The Metal*** with the desert stoner metal sonic sorcery of Palm Desert, California’s gift to the stoner metal genre, KYUSS.
*Actually, it’s not really “progressive” per se. But since we started talking about KYUSS on the last episode and got entirely too derailed and twanglified in the midst of catching up and “Just Talkin’ Shitah” and because we didn’t want to have a 4-hour show (yet) *+*, we “bifurcated” it into two sections, so consider this episode Pt. II and last week’s episode Pt. I. If that was too exhausting and off-putting, we apologize in advance for any suffering you endured.
**Peyote cactus
*** It’s time to begin your preparation (psychologically and spiritually) for the imminent arrival of our “Lick It Up” Album Dive sometime in the next month or so. Let’s just say it will be a journey of paradigm shifting, self-discovery as we lay down the foundations for our upcoming (as yet to be created) KISS-centric podcast, KISS Nerdery
*+* Check out the show notes for further insight. In fact, not only should you read the show notes for this episode specifically, but you should read the show notes for EVERY episode. To paraphrase Manfred Mann’s Earth Band: “That’s where the FUN(NY) is!”
Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode
Leave us a Voicemail to be played on a future episode: 980-666-8182
Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – metalnerdery.com/merch
and kindly leave us a review and/or rating on the iTunes/Apple Podcasts - Spotify or your favorite Podcast app
Listen on iTunes, Spotify, Podbean, Google Podcasts or wherever you get your Podcasts.
Follow us on the Socials:
Facebook - Instagram - Twitter
Email: metalnerdery@gmail.com
Can’t be LOUD Enough Playlist on Spotify
Metal Nerdery Munchies on YouTube:
Show Notes:
(00:00): #nolube #alotofblood #breakoutthetampons #tamponbloodASMR #prick #thisepisodesclinkyoftheepisode #WesternSunSouthTexasPricklyPearVodka via #SantaRosaBeach #anewstrainofweed #midtermstrain and #brandingproblems ***WELCOME BACK TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST WITH NOW MORE ANESTHESIA THAN EVER BEFORE!!!*** #thatsdifferent #thisepisodesbeeroftheepisode #SocialFoxBrewing #rubbingthebutton #NorcrossGA #SkinAlley is the road that leads to #WhoreMecca #weeklystay (and noticing #streetwalkers which somehow I never noticed before #coronavirus #novelcoronavirus #covid19 or #COVID) #bustedwhores and #glammetalhookers vs #grungehookers #bustedbiscuitbusiness #DrinkSocial (good solid #Pilsner #daydrinkingbeer) #fourpointfivepercentabv (***Production Note: consider dialing back the #sours to our #JustTalkinShitah episodes***)
(04:56): “Getting way ahead of ourselves…” / #voicemails and #wellplayyourshitah #thevoicemailsegment GIVE US A CALL AT 980-666-8182 AND LEAVE US A VOICE MAIL!!!
#MrPost #PissingPost (the #soundofgettingstoned) and a note regarding the #PanteraReunion and a #contraryopinion to a previously stated #unpopularopinion / #AaronLewis doesn’t give a fuck! #ThatManIsABlessin #Murica / ***Can you open AND close a show with the SAME song? *** Stay tuned for our #upcomingepisodes / #ITurnedItUp #rockandrollpants #Foreigner and #LickItUp #bolth and #RussellsReflections (remember #JukeboxHero? #HotBlooded?) #HereComesTheHateMail #SiCabron #opensandcloseswiththesamesong / “Wet dream side project…” / Going back in time to the 80’s, trying to remember how #onehitwonders structured their shows. / *MORE VOICEMAIL* #anothervoicemail #upcoming #albumdive and the #psilocybin #insidethemushrooms #episode #exceptthisonce and a #cantbeloudenough #shoutout #LongLiveMetalNerdery / #TheShroomChronicles ***THANK YOU ANDREW FOR BUYING OUR SHIT!!!*** “Shared” friends and #sharedinformation (“How do you handle it? Where does the line get drawn between #informative and gossipy?”) #weedeateraccident
(16:51): #toomuchtwanglification BUY OUR SHIT AT metalnerdery.com/merch #RussellsReflections and a #JimBreuer reference regarding the #magic of #liveentertainment and indulging your #innerchild / #MetalComic #OurComic / WE’LL PLAY YOUR SHIT-AH!!! #newjinglerequired #culturallyinappropriateappropriations #letsdobolth #lightandshade ***YOU CAN EMAIL US A LINK TO YOUR SHIT-ah AT metalnerdery@gmail.com or on the socials #Instagram and #Facebook*** #TotalViolation #NewZealandThrashMetal ***Super Old school!!!*** #demotapestyle like #oldschool #localmetal ***Check ‘em out on #BandCamp #titlay #ExciterMoment TOTAL VIOLATION (#futureepisodeidea regarding #TheAccused) / “EP’s are not LP’s” / And now some #juxtaposition with #CodaNova GANYMEDE (very #proggy) “I hear colors when I hear this…” #RushTheater #jeanwrees and #subjeanwrees #genres and #subgenres #AtlantaProgressiveMetal / “Bartenders are #AlcoholBaristas” ***LET US KNOW YOUR THOUGHTS REGARDING THESE TWO SAMPLES OF #SHITAH AT 980-666-8182!!!***
(29:11): #welied #justleaveitin “It’s like our very first “prog” podcast episode” / The last episode is like Blue Balls, Pt. I; but this episode is called Blue Balls, Pt. II: The #Penatrationing / The Docket: #KYUSS (Welcome to the Desert and also #WelcomeToSkyValley!!!) ***Multiple points of #tangentionalality including #QueensOfTheStoneAge #ThemCrookedVultures #EaglesOfDeathMetal #Unida #etc / #samebutdifferent #friedspaghetti / Comparing the first Kyuss album to the rest of their catalog and a little #backstory #markthetime #yeahyeah #nono (#futureepisodeideas) #blackalbumreference #IYKYK #awakening / #thenextKISSpodcast ***A great #birthdaygiftidea and a note regarding #TheHottestBandInTheWorld #KISS *** (NOOOO, it’s not KISS, we’re talking about KYUSS!!!) ***Stay tuned for our upcoming #KISSEpisode***
(35:11): 1987 #Katzenjammer #hangover #SonsOfKyuss (total #vikingmetal goodness) / It’s a very mystical name (the word you’re looking for is #paradox, not #paradigm) / “The opener of the opener” “Wretch” (1991) HWY 74 (Beginning of What’s About To Happen) #thefirstnewsong from #thefirstnewalbum #killeropener (NOTE: there is a LOT of #tangentionalality with several other #stonermetal and #stonerrock bands out there!!!) #funfacts / SON OF A BITCH #perfectlyrics (***BREAKING: WE GOT A VOICEMAIL RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF THIS SONG!!!***) / BLACK WIDOW #desertfuzzyness (Note the dual #IommiStyleSolos)
(41:56): “Blues For The Red Sun” (1992) (this is a quite bit different than the first album) #drugreference / GREEN MACHINE #usethoseheadphones #doomyandstonyASMR / “Hearing the personality and “sound” of a band, regardless of #albumproduction” #shitshot / THONG SONG #ihateslowsongs / MOLTEN UNIVERSE #cantbeloudenough (#MarcPottersonASMR) / #strangerinthetub #lefty #riffsfordays / And Now, it’s time for… the #killercloser YEAH
(48:59): “Welcome To Sky Valley” (1994) #justgrabone ***go check out #instagram #WelcomeToSkyValley*** We’re gonna start with #thekillercloser LICK DOO #itsnotunusual (Thank you for that #indulgence) / WHITEWATER (Get your #desertfungi ready for this album!!!) ***NOTE: We initially thought it was GARDENIA but turns out it was actually WHITEWATER*** / “Can you hear the #QOTSA vibes?” #futureepisodeidea / ***If you’re looking for #giftideas…talk to #they *** / 100* #vertical #bluepill / See also #QueensOfTheStoneAge and #Unida (***check out our recent #StonerMetalEpisode***)
(56:35): *How about a #KyussReunion * / “…And The Circus Leaves Town” (1995) (What’s a #zizzle?) #killeropener #drumintro HURRICANE / And now, a “short distance” dedication… ONE INCH MAN (“definitely listen to Kyuss through #headphones”) / “You’ve gotta let it build up a little bit” /
EL RODEO #notontheboat and also #notonthealbum / #longbuildup #buildupbone (listen to all those sonic textures) / #onmicburpASMR / “Remember the joys of the #hiddentrack back in the #nineties?” #endrobocalls / TANGY ZIZZLE “Is that a new strain of peyote infused fajitas?”
(1:06:40): Time for some Tarantino style #twanglification with #TheNextVoiceMailSegment #Hail to #NorthCarolina #hillbillymetalhead / Feedback regarding the Kyuss and #futurealbumdives / “It’s gonna fucking happen” / “It’s got all the things in the stuff…and the stuff in the things.”
#justwait / “This episode brought to you by all bands beginning with the letter K” / The Heaven and Hell era of KISS (and a note regarding KISS Live!) OR #KISSInsideTheMetal / #KISSFanRankings / “A fun spectacle” / ***THANK YOU FOR JOINING US FOR THIS EPISODE OF KYUSS INSIDE THE METAL*** #InsideTheButtholeOfMetal #untilthenext #waitforit #hiddentracks #hehahuh #wordstoliveby
Thursday Jul 28, 2022
153: Just Talking Shit-tah Vol.1 - PANTERA MEGADETH OZZY S.O.D.
Thursday Jul 28, 2022
Thursday Jul 28, 2022
“Why can’t you just enjoy it? Why do you gotta complain about it?”
People worldwide have been asking these EXACT same questions forever (OR, at a minimum, at least the last couple of years). Whether it’s with regard to hijacking someone else’s pleasure, enjoying some over-done meat drapes, or debating whether a band is its brand (or vice versa), these questions (along with countless others) persist and cannot be ignored or denied. And given that this episode might be a bit of a departure from our “normal” format, it might get a little weird for some of you. Then again, the last couple of years have been anything but “normal” for our entire, frisbee-globe, pyramid shaped planet, so just take your relaxers, sit back, enjoy it, and for the love of all things Iommi, stop complaining about it, you bunch of whiny, obsequient, bootlicking behbehs.
It's time to discover the kind of meatballs flat earthers prefer as we reflect on the hijacking hijinks of the “Jukebox Hero,” the powerful entertainment value of anger, and the downsides of ultra-twanglification as we engage in a polarizing discussion regarding a certain upcoming “reunion” that sparked the originally asked questions posed above. It’s time to know who the doom metal Sammy Hagar is and understand why you should always take home that last taco and JOIN US for our very first ever episode of Metal Nerdery: JUST TALKIN’ SHIT-TAH, Vol. 1.
Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode
Leave us a Voicemail to be played on a future episode: 980-666-8182
Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – metalnerdery.com/merch
and kindly leave us a review and/or rating on the iTunes/Apple Podcasts - Spotify or your favorite Podcast app
Listen on iTunes, Spotify, Podbean, Google Podcasts or wherever you get your Podcasts.
Follow us on the Socials:
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Email: metalnerdery@gmail.com
Can’t be LOUD Enough Playlist on Spotify
Metal Nerdery Munchies on YouTube:
Show Notes:
(00:01): Nonsense bullshit = content (Si Cabrone!) #nonsensecontent and the #VoodooDude (NOTE: There’s NO #Voodoo in the studio) / #startwiththeshortone / ***WELCOME BACK TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST!!!*** #somuchanesthesia / #pendingclinky /Lemon Drop Tentacle juice #theunscrewing #lemonbois (Not really…but it’s like a #lemondrop) / #HappyBirthday and #RussellsReflections regarding Quality “affordable” steakhouses located in the greater, tri-county #Throbbin metropolitan area
#Thisepisodesclinkyoftheepisode is brought to you by Deep Eddy Lemon Vodka #DeepEddyLemonVodka
(03:15): #itsnotaboutthat / #ivebeenwaiting to deliver the message of #flatearthmeatballs / #Flatearther #Meatloafballs / #thisepisodesbeeroftheepisode is brought to you by #21stAmendmentBrewery Hell or High Watermelon (Wheat Beer) / NOTE: 21st Amendment = “The ‘End’ of Prohibition”1.0 in #America. ALSO NOTE: the 18th Amendment is the one responsible for #alcoholprohibition and ALSO ALSO NOTE #theWarOnDrugs is #unconstitutional because NO #constitutionalamendment exists for it!!! / “Like if the #saltguy did #watermelonzest…” / Cool #albumcover
(07:21): #RussellsReflectionsRevisited / #FatherAndSonShots / “Don’t like it too much…” /“Just enough…(down there)” / There’s some serious #shitah to discuss this episode / Post show #twanglification at #SweetwaterLive at the #StonedHenge show / Utilize #iTouch to hijack someone else’s pleasure / “I was watching what he was puttin’ in…” #markthetime / Russell’s Intoxicated Recollections re: The StonedHenge show at Sweetwater LIVE! / #OpenMicComedyThursdaysASMR / Going from #Hopsecutioner to #somethingelse and the achievement of #peaktwanglification / #springbreakidiocy /#StonedMorose / “Doom Metal version of Sammy Hagar…” / Death Doom Stoner Metal / “Time to go…” / “A very abbreviated set…” / Thinking back to #starttimes back at #TheOldMasquerade / Don’t Start TOO late, do one soundcheck, set the levels at a “base” level…set and adjust accordingly for each band. / #RussellsRecommendations / *Are there no curfews for #metalshows OTP? * /
(19:19): A killer #Scorpions cover (THE ZOO is the tune we were thinking of)…think super doom style / #TheVoicemailSegment / “You can do it, and then I can do it, and then we’ll do it together” / ***IF YOU’D LIKE TO LEAVE US A VOICEMAIL YOU CAN GIVE US A CALL AT 980-666-8182!!! *** / Updates from #pissingpost / “Angry Matt is my favorite Matt…” #nevertoorelaxed / “Mr. McGee…PLEASE don’t make me angry. You wouldn’t like me when I’m angry.” / #PhilipInslomo and #thevodkavomitchronicles / #NoQuarter is A Dead Giveaway and also “can’t be PLAYED enough!” (The “Perfect” Led Zeppelin song) / #mygotorelaxersong / The dangerous potential of being irresponsibly #earwormed / WE’LL PLAY YOUR SHIT (ah)!!! / Email us at metalnerdery@gmail.com #ProblemWithDragons (#Accelerationist) and a mini description of the band and their sound (Thanks Robert!) / LIVE BY THE SWORD & SIX THOUSAND SPEARS & ACCELERATIONIST #titlaytrack (“Very relaxer friendly…nice and #eerie”) / #AwwwMan / Stoner Desert Doom Metal #newgenre
(31:47): Think of this episode as #Kyuss ITM: Pt. 1 (a brief description of Kyuss’s sound and style) / “Desert Psychedelic Stoner Metal” / Super Ultra Tangenionalality / ***NOT to be confused with #KISS!!!*** / *Has any doom metal band done a cover of KISS’ War Machine? * /
#PanteraReunion / The Pantera “reunion” news and a “brief” discussion and analysis of “The Band” vs “The Brand (#buckleup #herewego) / “Why can’t you just enjoy it? Why do you gotta complain about it?” / Looking back over #metalhistory when bands “reunite” with zero original members left / ***Is it weird or is it NOT weird? *** / It’s hard to not be passionate about a band you love when it’s not YOUR band anymore / “Why would it be weird?” / “There’s a difference between a BAND and the band’s BRAND” / ***GO SEE #PANTERA ON TOUR AND BUY THEIR SHIT!!!*** / #biggerthanyou and adjusting your perspective regarding seeing a band in their #heyday vs seeing a completely different version /
(44:00): ***And NOW for something completely different…*** / The origin story of #VicRattlehead
#Megadeth NIGHT STALKERS (featuring #IceT) / Perhaps THE most anticipated Megadeth record EVER!!! / #OzzyOsbourne DEGRADATION RULES (that #harmonica definitely gives it “The Wizard” energy /
“Elvis’s wart?” / #cigarboxguitars and a #bucketlistmoment (Jack & Ozzy in a motorhome across America: NOTE: it’s called “Ozzy & Jack’s World Detour”) / Monster Truck competitions but with tanks #OnlyInAlabama
(54:03): #StormtroopersOfDeath #SOD doing AREN’T YOU HUNGRY to the tune of Anthrax’s IMITATION OF LIFE #getready because it’s absolutely NOT what you’d think / #StormtroopersOfAnthrax /
“I don’t wanna talk about that…” /” Damn…Major BURN!” / “Oh, by the way…” /
The absolute most infuriating thing to destroy your vacays and holidays / “Just in time for the #midterms #WIN by any means necessary…by hook or by crook or by #mailinballotvariant / ***THANK YOU FOR JOINING US AND SPREADING THE WORDERY ABOUT THE METAL NERDERY!!!*** / #untilthenext /
#IDKAT & a #JimJeffries moment of #signlanguagehilarity / #metalnerderyoutro #waitwhat #hehahuh
Thursday Jul 21, 2022
152: Anthrax AMONG THE LIVING Album Dive
Thursday Jul 21, 2022
Thursday Jul 21, 2022
Combining the literary influence of horror legend Stephen King with the ultra-groovy, ultra-speedy, and ultra-heavy thrash metal wizardry of ANTHRAX could only result in one possible (yet ever so glorious) outcome: the 1987 masterpiece, AMONG THE LIVING.
The album is so mind blowing & perfect that had it been released in 1986, all other forms of “lesser” music (aka: everything NOT thrash) would have been immediately deleted and erased from all of existence (and from all multiverses) and The Big 4 would have reigned for a thousand years in peace, unity, and metal.
It's time to “juxtapose and accentuate” the “sound of summer” as we contemplate “mosh parts vs breakdowns”, hypothesize whether or not “boner pills would work as nipple pills” while simultaneously imagining “bald beavers and shaved tang” on spring break. “C’mon man” don’t be a “nincompoop” and JOIN US for a dive into ANTHRAX’s masterwork: AMONG THE LIVING!!!
Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode
Leave us a Voicemail to be played on a future episode: 980-666-8182
Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – metalnerdery.com/merch
and kindly leave us a review and/or rating on the iTunes/Apple Podcasts - Spotify or your favorite Podcast app
Listen on iTunes, Spotify, Podbean, Google Podcasts or wherever you get your Podcasts.
Follow us on the Socials:
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Email: metalnerdery@gmail.com
Can’t be LOUD Enough Playlist on Spotify
Metal Nerdery Munchies on YouTube:
Show Notes:
(00:01): Some…BODY!!! (#stfu) #kidsgettinghurt (*check ‘em out on #instagram*) and a brief segment of #RussellsReflections regarding #parasailing / #hestarted and #hefinished (Let’s be rill: #children are more often than not #onehundredpercent #theparentsfault) / #spaghetti / #nothingbutyeah and a #HetfieldMedley / WELCOME BACK TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST!!! #thisepisodesclinkyoftheepisode #DeadMansFingersRum #reverbagag and our #petfly / And now, it’s time for #thisepisodesbeeroftheepisode #PontoonBrewing from #SandySprings #puckerupbuttercup #Gose (not #Zeul) #Margs #sixpercentabv (“Bald beaver and shaved tang”) / #ohboi (“That’s tart!”) #onmicburp / #TheAxeBodySprayOfPodcasts or #TheAxePomadeOfPodcasts / #beardenvy (#STFU, you’ve still got a full head of hair) / #ZZTopBalls (“Upstairs beard vs downstairs beard”) / LEAVE US A VOICEMAIL AT 980-666-8182!!! #TheVoiceMailSegment #Willy (We’ll have to go back and review our song logs to confirm that we did in fact play us some #TexasKetamine) #rockon #thankyouforthat / We could sell the fuck out of some #bonerpills / “Not drinking can be good for you” / #thisepisodesshroomsoftheepisode #thisepisodespeyoteoftheepisode / WE’LL PLAY YOUR SHIT-ah!!!
#tentacleoverload #dontdenythepowerof #miraculoustentacles / ***Don’t be afraid of the #aliens when they get here because they will be #multitentacledbeings*** / #TheEmailSegment You can email us at metalnerdery@gmail.com / Check out #Bloodsimple DEAD MAN WALKING #overtenmillionstreams on #Spotify #muchlybigly #justballs / #humitbetter / #preproducedJingle and an explanation from #Laryngitis / #itsfunnycositstrue
(18:56): #knockknock and now… The Docket: ANTHRAX: Among the Living and waxing #nostalgic: #Anthrax turns 41 this year!!! / #bolth #cmonman #snortlaugh #onegoodthing #nincompoop (not to be confused with #Nickelback in terms of “N” words) / “Let’s talk for a moment about #massmurderers and #hypocrisy and #conspiracytheories” / “People who do bad things but are really talented at something”/ A conspiracy regarding the end of the #counterculture of the late 60’s and #CharlesManson / “Repurpose horrific things to be positive” / #Wormwood and #Absinthe (“Like #Jager but worse…”) / #terriblename / #blackdoglovin / #Butternuts #Anthrax #WarDance #PaleAle / #imjusttellinya #noteven
(31:46): “Among the Living is a #summeralbum for some of us / #ohforfuckssake #nope #BlackAlbumReference / “First impressions of #AmongTheLiving “/ Anthrax’s #MOP album / I would like to… / The sound of impending #thrashballs / “Coming to the #sidestage…” / “Frank Bello is the #GeezerButler of #80sThrashMetal” / #thepoltergeistdude / “Based on Stephen King’s ‘The Stand’”… / #justreadit / Absurd size comparisons (#giants vs #dwarves) #Twins
(40:24): #killeropener #penniesandpiss AMONG THE LIVING (the #inventors of #djent?) / “The #Journey of #thrashmetal” aka #ReoAnthraxWagon / “A singer is always a vocalist, but a vocalist isn’t always a singer” / #powermetalthrash and #toursupport for #KISS / #newimpression “This is what I think I sound like” / CAUGHT IN A MOSH #happynoise #theidiotconvention / #juxtapose or #accentuate (“The #gangvocals really juxtapose and accentuate Joey’s vocals”)
(50:32): I AM THE LAW #marshallballs and an absolutely #tremendous bass sound (“1982 #Marshall #JCM800”) / “You won’t fuck around no more…” / That fast part in the middle… #thrashperfection / The #genetics and #musicalgenius of the guys in Anthrax are #offthecharts / #thisepisodesensureoftheepisode / “I could care less about the #NationalFootballLeague…” EFILNIKUFESIN (N.F.L.) #noleglicking #nopenniesorpiss / “A different brand of thrash…making the #evil #fun” / “Did anyone see #TheHeadbangersBall tour?” back in the day?” / The #springbreak of thrash, lots of #fuun
(1:01:18): “A new technique…” / A SKELETON IN THE CLOSET (wait for the killer bass walk down before the guitar solo…#genius) / #AptPupil (Yet another #StephenKingReference) and a #sickbassriff #killercloser for #sideone / And now… the #killeropener of #sidetwo INDIANS (WARDANCE!!!!) / #hugenips (full #bald or #braidedpubes?) / ONE WORLD (#usethoseheadphones to better hear the extra #harmonies in the background at the beginning) / #bonovision / “#Ignorance is no excuse for #violence” / “What would Among The Living sound like with #BillyMilano on the vocals?”
(1:12:47): Loads of #StephenKing #tangentionalality on the next one / A perfect #onmicburp according to the judges / A.D.I. / HORROR OF IT ALL (#InMemory of #CliffBurton #RIP) / There’s just so many riffs / #killercloser “My favorite part is…all of it” / IMITATION OF LIFE (*See also Aren’t You Hungry from S.O.D. “Bigger Than The Devil”*) / #readthoselyrics #fuckfakeness #gofast (“Let’s do lunch babe”)
(1:20:34): The difference between #thrashmetal and #speedmetal / “The #breakdown of today is the #moshpart of the 80’s” / “Now it officially feels like summer” / #futurealbumdives / Preparing to go see #StonedHenge #StonedMorose #FirstOneDies #BloodAndBrutality at #SweetwaterLive / #mexicanfooddeliciousness / Favorite track on the album & tracking order / THANK YOU FOR JOINING US AND CONTINUE TO SPREAD THE WORDERY ABOUT THE METAL NERDERY!!! / We’re on #YouTube also!!! Check out past episode clips via #MetalNerderyMunchies!!! / ***GO BUY OUR SHIT AT metalnerdery.com/merch / #untilthenext #theoutro and a horrible #jingle
Thursday Jul 14, 2022
151: 1982 Year In Metal
Thursday Jul 14, 2022
Thursday Jul 14, 2022
- A time of momentous change in the world. The Weather Channel premiered on cable television, Sony introduced the first compact disc player, “E.T. – The Extra-Terrestrial” was released in theaters and Metallica released their “No Life ‘Til Leather” demo. (And that’s not even “everything” that happened in 1982!)
1982 METAL was morphing into something louder, faster, and heavier, helping to lay the foundation and pave the way for future generations of metalheads, ensuring that the rest of the 80’s (at least from a metal perspective) would become “the best decade ever”.
It's time to “put your ’82 hat on” and enjoy a little “armpit romance” with the “Abomnigog” you brought home from the club as you “roll one” and experience “higher education” from “The Man of the Year” before you turn off your ColecoVision and JOIN US for a tasting of some 40 year old vintage metal as we revisit 1982: THE YEAR IN METAL.
Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode
Leave us a Voicemail to be played on a future episode: 980-666-8182
Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – metalnerdery.com/merch
and kindly leave us a review and/or rating on the iTunes/Apple Podcasts - Spotify or your favorite Podcast app
Listen on iTunes, Spotify, Podbean, Google Podcasts or wherever you get your Podcasts.
Follow us on the Socials:
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Email: metalnerdery@gmail.com
Can’t be LOUD Enough Playlist on Spotify
Metal Nerdery Munchies on YouTube:
Show Notes:
(00:01): ***ATTENTION #FRESHBALLS We’ll be happy to endorse your products!!!*** WELCOME BACK TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST!!!*** #anesthesia #uncorking #unwavering and #unnerving and #unsettling and #offputting (and #exhausting) / #endofquarter / #thisepisodesclinkyoftheepisode #DeadMansFingersRum #stonerbandname / And now… #RussellsReflections re #guitars and #airbrushmistakes / #markthetime #greatneck / “Sounds like an impressive set of credentials…” / ***Guitar nerdery for those who care. For those who don’t, please proceed…but you’ll probably miss something…” ***/ #guitarnerdery #guitarporn / #guitarfever #guitarofthemonth #picturetime #olanmills #yousuckatmath / #letsreadbeforewepop #NewRealmBrewingCompany BLACKBERRY SMOKE (and some associated #tangentionalality to former #AtlantaThrashBand #Nihilist) #33rdFloorInvertedUnderGroundBunkerPoonStudiosSecurityBeeps / Reminiscing briefly about #oldschoolatlantametal / #itcouldbecolder #coldbutgood / “Does ice in a beer turn the beer into #lightbeer?” / Hailing back to #Nihilist from back in the day #AtlantaThrashMetal #OldSchoolThrashMetal / #meccaofmetal and #highschoolfuckbags and #yearbooks / School days… and yearbooks…and #problems #beepbeepbeep / #weknowitnow #hewasoneofthosedudes #sleepinortrippin / #playingthegame and an important #attitudeadjustment “You have to play the game of life.” / #ignoreeverythinghejustsaid
(12:55): #jingles #notthose #snortworthy #ilovegoblinhelmet #threesome ***GIVE US A CALL AND LEAVE US A VOICEMAIL AT 980-666-8182!!!*** #yeah /#TheVoicemailSegment #thepost #californiaisonfire and some feedback regarding our two huge #upcoming episodes!!! / #thenexttwo / You can email us at metalnerdery@gmail.com (the #theemailsegment is also #tangentional to #wellplayyourshitah) / #boards and #opticalillusions / #twanglification of #thebunkerpoon / #justtheessentials and #shamanmessengers #blessings / an email from Geeoff (and that’s NOT #GeeoffTaint!!!) / #BadAussieTongue #yih #THANKYOU ***#heoutblackalbumreferencedme*** / #episodeideas #killerdebutalbums (*It’s going on the list*) / #teachyourchildrenwell #thebestpart #greatreviews #positivevibes #glowingreviews / #MachineHead and some other #tangentionalality regarding said #email / #itsnewjingletime “Moonrider was the band!!!” #Moonrider WE’LL PLAY YOUR SHIT-ah!!!
(21:06): #newjingle #moregated #moreproduced #listenforinstructions #allofthemfolks #no1234
**Listen to THIS!** #emphasisemphasized #TheNewMoonDemos #onmicburp #whatever EMERALD FIRE #yah and also WARRIORS (*very #Sword like with hints of #Kyuss and even a touch of #SpiralArms*) / #atmospheric / ***Go check out #Moonrider on #Bandcamp and let us know what you think, either by email, by messenger, or by voicemail.
(26:29): The Docket: “1982-The Year in Metal” #spoileralert #lifebeginsatforty / ***What are YOUR memories of 1982 metal!? What were your favorite metal flavors of 1982? *** #yearinmetal #atastingoftheyearinmetal / #JudasPriest (“Screaming For Vengeance”) / #toomuchvacuuming #biannually / THE HELLION/ELECTRIC EYE #metalasfuck #thisriff #thetitlay SCREAMING FOR VENGEANCE #earlythrash
(35:20): “He’s not gonna play it…” / ***Don’t worry…we’ll make something happen regarding #KISS*** / #makepeacewithit / #Scorpions (“Blackout”) and #eyeforks #thehitsingle NO ONE LIKE YOU #cocainecredits #onehitwonder #oui #yes #Franch / #postproduction / “Some other big names from 1982” / #Accept #preballs FAST AS A SHARK (“Restless and Wild”) #earlythrash #doublebass #earlypowermetal / #Manowar (“Battle Hymns”) ***Let us know if you’re still interested in one of our #limitededition Manowar/Metal Nerdery line of #loinclothes…you can check for updates at metalnerdery.com/merch / BATTLE HYMN #victorymetal #doodoo #ManowarSME / #bringusback #MCTentacleChoice / #IronMaiden (“The Number of The Beast”) 22 ACACIA AVENUE ***Go check out our #NumberOfTheBeast #albumdive
(45:55): #nextlevel and the “transition” from late 70’s hard rock to early 80’s metal / #UriahHeep “Abominog” (and not “Abomnigog” as was previously mispronounced) #killeropener TOO SCARED TO RUN / #justataste #Survivor EYE OF THE TIGER (see also “Rocky III”) / #Aerosmith (“Rock and a Hard Place”) LIGHTNING STRIKES #heavyAerosmith #cocaine is #donewithmirrors #drugsmakeeverythingbetter #transitionaltune *Russell would make a good promoter. No point to any of this…but he knows “hooks” …and when we do our #hairmetal #glammetal episode of #MetalNerderyPodcast, just know that #RussellsReflections will be dominant)
(53:50): #onmicburps #glorious #BlackSabbath (“Live Evil”) #childrenofanything #seaordamned NEON KNIGHTS ***Hail to #RonnieJamesDio and #BlackSabbath!!!***) / CHILDREN OF THE SEA #mistymornings #putyour82haton “Sail on!!!” / #sailingacrosstheair / #Krokus (“One Vice At A Time”) #landofcheese PLAYIN’ THE OUTLAW / #bONjOHNSON #BrianScott #BrianScottBonJohnson (***Imagine how much different #ACDC would sound with the singer from Krokus? ***)
59.25: #nips #electricaltapenips #oface #Wow / “The perfect #pickupline” / #harsh (and an #ignoredwarning to Billiam re: #KISS #tangentionalality) / ***Anyone remember the first #BlueMurder album?*** / #powerthreesome (#HailToJohnSykes) / “Don’t deny the power of going #fullbeavis . . .the #MilleyImpression might be done… / #factoryoriginalwomen #Girlschool SCREAMING BLUE MURDER #titletrack / #Rainbow (“Straight Between The Eyes”) #thehitsingle ***Go check out our #albumdive of #NumberOfTheBeast*** / STONE COLD #thebigradiohitsinger #yachtrachk #yachtrock DEATH ALLEY DRIVER #amoremetalDeepPurple #putthat82haton /
1.06.16: #DiverDown and the gloriousness of #VanHalen / “But First…” / #Demon #pickthegoodone DON’T BREAK THE CIRCLE #mostcocainevotes #justdontbreakthecircle #dontokay #okay #justdont #moviesoundtrackish ***#industrialmetal #tangentionalality*** “Back to the #VanHalen & #accusations / #eitherorbolth #VanHalen (and “Diver Down”) / “Not to speak ill of the dead…” / HANG ‘EM HIGH #bolth THE FULL BUG #gonebitechoass #thatnoise #boogiethrash #thrashboogie #cocktalk #thebestpart and some #unpopularopinions / “Sammy or Dave?” / #hearmeout #icantbelieve / “Sammy vs Dave is like Ozzy vs Ronnie* #hotonehundredsingles / #overdosage of #blackalbumreferences / ***Go check out our Tribute to EVH episode! *** / “The soundtrack to summer” / #summertime #morningbones #armpitromance / “Filet vs #BeefWellingtonFilet?” / The number one songs of 1982
1.18.42: #motherfucker #HeavyLoad DEATH OR GLORY #xanaxballs #eskithor #sweden or #swedish #drumroll #fullballs / #Motorhead IRON FIST #rockandroll #ballsout #heavy #youknowme ***Go check out our Motorhead episode!!!*** / #eastereggconspiracy #patreonproject / THANK YOU FOR JOINING US FOR THE YEAR IN METAL, 1982!!! CONTINUE SPREADING THE WORDERY GLOBALLY ABOUT THE METAL NERDERY!!! / #outro #untilthenext #thefinalword ***GO BUY OUR SHIT AT metalnerdery.com/merch *** / #ilovegoblinhelmet #support #theresnomoon #MetalNerderyMunchies
Thursday Jul 07, 2022
150: BLACK SABBATH Vol. IV - Album Dive
Thursday Jul 07, 2022
Thursday Jul 07, 2022
For an album that was originally going to be called “Cocaine” (yes, you read that correctly, but the suits chopped that idea. The band even tried for “Snowblind”, until the suits bumped that idea as well), BLACK SABBATH VOL. 4 is a landmark album and (somewhat ironically) a stoner metal masterpiece built on the stony, doomy, metal foundations crafted by the band over the course of their 3 previous “volumes”, resulting in one of the finest offerings from the legendary period known as “The First Six”.
It’s “time to hear what cocaine sounds like”. Find out what sort of sonic gloriousness you can create when “the budget for blow is larger than the recording budget”, discover “the magic of marinara”, listen to “the most important riff of 1972” and pay heed to our “public service announcements” regarding “ride share rules” & “driver’s license requirements” before you break out your straw and JOIN US for a look back at 50 years of stoner metal excellence as we talk outside the lines and dive snout first into BLACK SABBATH, VOL. 4.
Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode
Leave us a Voicemail to be played on a future episode: 980-666-8182
Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – metalnerdery.com/merch
and kindly leave us a review and/or rating on the iTunes/Apple Podcasts - Spotify or your favorite Podcast app
Listen on iTunes, Spotify, Podbean, Google Podcasts or wherever you get your Podcasts.
Follow us on the Socials:
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Email: metalnerdery@gmail.com
Can’t be LOUD Enough Playlist on Spotify
Metal Nerdery Munchies on YouTube:
Show Notes:
(00:00): #awhitechristmas #thebestchristmasever #colecovision #beerbone #thisepisodesclinkyoftheepisode #splashing ***WELCOME BACK TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST!!!*** #cinnamonamonamon #fireball #sometal / #segue into #thisepisodesbeerofthepisode #episode150 #CherryStreetBrewing #chitty #IPA #JustAnotherIPAVol5 #9percentabv #sorry #giveitacrack #dontspillit #dryhoppeddoubleindiapaleale #lotsoffancyfancywords #anoteofsticky #flowers and #theverdict #verygreen (Perfect for “Quenching your inner Hetfield.”) #yeah / #weedbeer #thenextwave #thepowerofthisvolume / #cuttingtothechase #shavingofftime #segmentskips #nojinglesthisweek #nojingles #mrnojingles ***HIT US UP ON THE SOCIALS: THE #FACEBOOK AND #INSTAGRAM AND EMAIL US AT metalnerdery@gmail.com and LEAVE US A VOICEMAIL AT 980-666-8182!!!*** And also feel free to check us out on #YouTube via #MetalNerderyMunchies
(06:20): This docket’s clinky of the docket (Prepare for #popcornASMR) / #turkey #loafbread #assteeth #turdshapes / ***No fucking in public (to be confirmed) *** / #triggeralert #notreally #butforsomeofyouthough #justsayin and an #onslaught of #RussellsReflections***) #imminentsuckdom “Just enjoy the disappointment that you paid for.” / #whydiditsuck / #markthetime #heyoh #lovelycommerce and some #honestfeedback / #shoutout to #TheVortex (and #TheLaughingSkull) #foodbone #delicioushamburgers #getaloadofthis #listen #scorcher (NOW with an EXTRA side of #waterbutt!!!) / #waitwhat *Our new Stoner Metal band name!!! #AtomicWaterButt*) #RussellsReflectionsASMR #evenlonger / #digitalsalsa #wtfisthat / #overlytwanglified / #whatsthedill (Remember Judgement Night?) #andthen / #ilovethehelmet / #blastingMastodon #HailMastodon and #burgers / #tourupdates for #ATL / #djentrification vs. #twanglification / #grindhouse sounds delicious! / Old #Helmet #concertmemories #TheOldMasquerade ***#Meantime is thirty this year!!!*** / “Where the fireworks sound like gunshots…” / #thatsbig / #hereswhatithoughtabout #dontrecordscratchme #fairenough / “Make the MOST of your #rideshareexperience!!!” #Frontload at the house with some #relaxers and #enjoy the art of #pregaming
(21:56): #anyfling (***go check out our #MasterOfReality #albumdive; #episode100***) #episode150 (Planned, but unplanned…like #parenthood) / “Not #cocaine and not #snowblind…” / #yeahbutno / #thecurseoffuckbaggery / #hugeonmicburp (but NOT as huge as the #cocainebudget for #Vol4) / #1972Prices (Pay attention to your #hyperinflation #stagflation #nation) / #popcornloafbreadASMR / “Budget carefully…someone consult the #drugtracker” / #inflationcalculator / #1972 #wrongmath / “I was going for something and I blew it…” / “That’s a LOT…” / #ifimbeingreal / Strange #backstory regarding the #JohnDuPontMansion where the album was recorded / “Speaker boxes FILLED with…” / #TheWarOnDrugs #psycho / #MatthewsMayhem #AngryMatt #MasturbatoryMayhem / ***Did they follow suit with Master Of Reality, having speaker boxes of #marijuana brought into the studio via a #secrettimeportal operated by #MattPike and the #TimeDruids ?***
(32:00): “I wanna HEAR what #cocaine sounds like” / Volume 4 is most definitely one of the #finesthours of #thefirstsixalbums from #BlackSabbath (or #thesixfirstalbums) / WHEELS OF CONFUSION #cantbeloudenough #gimmethatvolume #readthoselyrics #waitforit #thebestpartiscomingup (*The Straightener is later…first, listen to this ridiculously #heavyriff!!!*) / #insertcreepinesshere #tambourine #preindustrialsabbathcore / ***“Reflecting back on purchasing Vol. 4 as a #FirstBlackSabbathPurchase” and then going back through the #backcatalog*** / NOTE: I apologize for using a terrible #StarWarsAnalogy that didn’t work. Thanks to Bill for making it make sense. / ***Reflecting back on old Black Sabbath albums and various “first purchases” back in the day.*** / #BlackAlbumReference / #eighttrackclick / Looking back on Black Sabbath during a time of being #immersedinThrash / “Don’t move it around, just open it back up…” / #animated and #twanglified / More #lookingback with #RussellsReflections and the “record buying experience” back in the day…and having that Sabbath ‘ah-ha!” moment…
(47:45): #thehitsingle TOMORROW’S DREAM #morecowbell and #moretambourine #readthoselyrics #stonermetalgenius / “A little bit personal, but here goes…” / #itsneverasgood #vulnerablemoment / #iknowwhatyouregonnasaydont / Is that sacrilege, or no? It’s a “reasonable” analogy… / Apologies for being #exhausting and #alsooffputting / CHANGES #aheartbreakingballad ***How many different versions of “Changes” have you heard? ***/ “The best song on the album…” FX #wtf #smellmybox #atotaljoke / #killercloser for #sideone SUPERNAUT #recordscratch #stfu (NOTE: We are NOT a #RollingStones #podcast!)
(58:20): The #killeropener for side 2 / SNOWBLIND (That middle section though…) / Imagine Black Sabbath with #JasonBonham on the kit / #PublicServiceAnnouncement #driverslicenses and #vasectomies / “Stairs are still out there…” CORNUCOPIA #heavyasballs #relaxeranthem #readthoselyrics #alright #peoplesayimheavy / #backandforth / A #softintro #instrumental (#justrelax) ***Has anyone ever seen the LAGUNA SUNRISE at #LagunaBeach ?*** / “Chemo #Fabio” / “Have you ever seen #Snatch ? Because it’s got a lotta #cockney in it” / The magic of #marinarasauce and #ItalianJobs
(1:10:13): ST. VITUS’ DANCE #thesummeroffun #frisbeefest (“It’s an intense two and a half minutes…”) / #youngdumbandfullofcome #yourenotsheltered / #killercloser #heavyasballs UNDER THE SUN #NeonRuss (NOTE: “Max” meaning the cover of this that #Sepultura did on the #NativityInBlack #compilation) / #skycock / “Every Day Comes and Goes” / #backwardsguitarsolo / “I kept it inside” / Tracking changes needed for future versions of Vol. 4 / “We’re like #Tower7…” / THANK YOU FOR JOINING US!!! #futureepisodeideas #backshadowingASMR #untilthenext #frisbeetime #rightround / #flossyouranus #ThankYou #waitforit #hehahuh
Thursday Jun 30, 2022
149: NEW METAL ALBUMS of 2022
Thursday Jun 30, 2022
Thursday Jun 30, 2022
As of this episode, it’s the last day of the first half of 2022, and there’s a veritable plethora of NEW METAL that’s either already been unleashed OR is scheduled to be unleashed during the second half of 2022. There’s metal we’re not as familiar with, metal we’ve been eagerly anticipating, metal we’d almost forgotten about, there’s even some incredibly “titillating” metal.
For this episode, we decided to “take the weekend off” and try something NEW. Get ready to understand the consequences of “going full Beavis” and accept the reality that a good “meat and three” is often just as powerful as an unintentional “Black Album reference” when you JOIN US for a look at some brand-spank metal that’s NEW FOR ‘22!!!
Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode
Leave us a Voicemail to be played on a future episode: 980-666-8182
Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – metalnerdery.com/merch
and kindly leave us a review and/or rating on the iTunes/Apple Podcasts - Spotify or your favorite Podcast app
Listen on iTunes, Spotify, Podbean, Google Podcasts or wherever you get your Podcasts.
Follow us on the Socials:
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Email: metalnerdery@gmail.com
Can’t be LOUD Enough Playlist on Spotify
Metal Nerdery Munchies on YouTube:
Show Notes:
(00:01): #GetTheFlapsOut #uncorking #nowwereready / WELCOME BACK TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST!!! / 33rd Floor Inverted Underground Bunker Poon Tri-County Metropolitan Entertainment Complex / #thisepisodesclinkyoftheepisode #verynice #DeadMansFingersSpicedRum #DMF ***Cornish Soul*** #ThanksDoro / #segue #thisepisodesbeeroftheepisode / #buffalonewyork #thinmanbrewery #minkydoodle #sweet #dontletherpicknexttime #itsquitetart #sevenpercentabv / #cousin / A “Papa Jacks” story (and a lesson on #patience) / #southernfood #notcomplicated #howyallduhrn #fooddixie / #RussellsReflections #nodeadlines #disrespect / #anger ***For the #bacon consumers: is there ANY other way to cook it other than #crispy and #welldone?*** / #markthetime / #Recommended #patronage (*Sounds delicious!!!*) #bigportions #point ***Why the HUGE “gap”!?*** #meatandthree #newsexposition / #Suburban #BruOysterBar ***A special #postshowedition of #RussellsReflections and #bassplayingprinciples*** / Different boots, galoshes and flops… / #Shoutout to #DancingSkullsATL #excellentroom #responsivecrowds #awesomecrowds / “The “other” #philia” / #iphiliu / #nobodywantstogofirst #unbearabletension #theperfectcomedicsetup #uncomfortablecreateshilarity #pointpounder / ***GO TO #SWEETWATER LIVE IN DULUTH, GA ON SATURDAY JULY 2ND IF YOU’RE IN THE TRI-COUNTY AREA AND WANT TO COME ROCK YOUR BALLS OFF with #StonedHenge!!!*** / *** Remembering the original smoking ban back in 2005 and the #economicdevastation
(13:50): #clammy ***NO WE’LL PLAY YOUR SHIT-AH” this week!!!*** #backupjingle #takingtheweekendoff #imnotgonnadoit / ***Listen to this: go check it out on #YouTube its #JimCarrey talking about #thrashmetal and the other video that’s synched up with #Pantera and #TheGreatSouthernTrendkill #itsexcellent #yourewelcome #hilarious #hahahaha #earlydeathmetalcomedy #JimPanterrysTrendkill #yeah #LMAO #tgstk #thegreatsoutherntrendkill #Pantera #fuckingawesome ***GO TO OUR FACEBOOK PAGE, FOLLOW US AND CHECK IT OUT!!!*** / GIVE US A CALL AND LEAVE US A VOICEMAIL at 980-666-8182 #yeah #whyyougottascream #thecheapseats #antarctica
(18:18): Time to discuss some NEW Metal (as in recent, as in the ’22: #NewFor2022): Buying CD’s NOW is like buying vinyl in the 90’s…it’s weirdly out of time. / CD’s & LP’s and #artwork / Inflation vs hyperinflation and #thepriceofvinyl / Reflecting back to cheap gas… / #noteven #inflationhasnocorrelation #newmegadeth #wellbeback #thesickthedyingandthedead #oldschool #oldschoolMegaDeth #VicRattleHeadOriginStory #Megadeth Chapter 1: WE’LL BE BACK ***GO CHECK OUT THE #YOUTUBEVIDEO for WE’LL BE BACK!!!*** #nextlevelRIP #HailToKiko #LookingForward #FuckCancer and some #hollerin from #UncleDave!!! #DaveMustaineForPresident
(24:24): New #OzzyOsbourne: The video version for PATIENT NUMBER 9 (w/ Jeff Beck on lead guitar, Zakk Wylde on rhythm guitar) #coolgraphics #adifferentkindofOzzy #popitup #thecount #JeffBeck /
#Sabaton: Wait, what? #Weirdsoftintro SAREJEVO #softintroASMR #VikingVictoryMetal #PowerMetal #TriumphMetal #TransSiberianOrchestraASMR #justaddlights STORMTROOPER (#scrotum) #vikingmetal #VikingVictoryPowerMetal #imagery #new #KoRn #Requiem #hiatus #wow THE WORST IS ON ITS WAY / #thehitsingle #psychedelicMeshuggah #greatgroove #deftonesplusmeshugguah #balls
(33:55): #Corpsegrinder ACID VAT #killeropener #respecttheneck / #Queensryche #titilated #fullnipbone IN EXTREMIS (check out the new, #unabridged version of the #ScreamFromTheBalls #audiobook) / #MunicipalWaste #onmicburp HIGH SPEED STEEL #TheRedFangOfThrash #oldschoolmetal
#MachineHead UNHALLOWED (*Go check out our Machine Head episode*)
(44:27): #LornaShore #itsthatkindofmusic INTO THE EARTH #wtf #hfs #deathcore / #AleStorm SEVENTH RUM OF A SEVENTH RUM #victorypiratemetal / #Adema VIOLENT PRINCIPLES #KoRnIsH / #Stryper RISE TO THE CALL #salvationcore / #GregPuciato NO MORE LIVES TO GO / #AliceInChains vs #Soundgarden / The origin of #Bolth and #MetalNerderyTrivia / #ArchEnemy HANDSHAKE WITH HELL #shredfordays and a completely #tangentional #BlackAlbumReference #AugustTwelfth #ihadtodoit
(58:44): #PrayingMantis CRY FOR THE NATIONS #killeropener #progmetal #powerprogmetal #powermetal / #Scorpions PEACEMAKER / #Kreator HATE UBER ALLES #FullBeavis #YESYESYES #titlaytrack / #Voivod SYNCHRO ANARCHY (Definitely not confined to a “single box”) / #Behemoth OV MY HERCULEAN EXILE #thefirstsingle / THANK YOU FOR JOINING US FOR METAL THAT IS #NEWMETALFOR2022 / #thelastword #untilthenext #andgoodnight #outromix #hehahuh
Thursday Jun 23, 2022
148: MERCYFUL FATE - Inside The Metal
Thursday Jun 23, 2022
Thursday Jun 23, 2022
Halloween Eve, 1983…
Nothing screams “early black metal” like MERCYFUL FATE!
(Correction: nothing screams “legitimate” early black metal like having KING DIAMOND, an actual satanist, as the frontman of MERCYFUL FATE!!!)
The fascinating thing about KING DIAMOND and MERCYFUL FATE is that while they are different bands, the many shared similarities between the two coalesce to form what can only be referred to as “The KING DIAMOND Paradox”, which is as follows:
“King Diamond IS Mercyful Fate AND Mercyful Fate IS King Diamond!!!”
You’re gonna wanna double up on your relaxer regimen because this was a LONG one! Gather up ye “scrotes, labes & goblins,” prepare for a “snortworthy” fun time, check and see if “Aunt Funt” with the “Olde Faece” is ready to enjoy that second beer of the episode and JOIN US as we dig down to the bowels of Hell to unearth the early black metal genius of MERCYFUL FATE.
Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode
Leave us a Voicemail to be played on a future episode: 980-666-8182Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – metalnerdery.com/merch
and kindly leave us a review and/or rating on the iTunes/Apple Podcasts - Spotify or your favorite Podcast app
Listen on iTunes, Spotify, Podbean, Google Podcasts or wherever you get your Podcasts.
Follow us on the Socials:
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Email: metalnerdery@gmail.com
Can’t be LOUD Enough Playlist on Spotify
Metal Nerdery Munchies on YouTube:
Show Notes:
(00:01): #markthetime #gloryholevirgins and #hotranchunderwearstench #crotchswanch #nowingsinthecar #recordscratch #timetravel #skipahead ***WELCOME BACK TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST!!!*** #letsdoit #tonsofanesthesia #anesthesiologists are #welcome / #hydration #hotterthanballs #environmentalASMR #alltheboosters #tequilavodka #vodkatequila #si #VladimirOrtiz #themulletofalcohol #dangole (***Don’t make it weird…***) / #nottoberacist (different shades of #alcohol and the impact of #brownliquors vs #whiteliquors!) / #blancoexotico #exotichonky #thisepisodesclinkyoftheepisode / #myhonkupdate #alottaweight #healthier (???): Old? Or ODD? / *Aging is very strange…* / #OldeFaece #math #secondfavorite / #validcomparison or #twanglifiedanalogy?
(06:39): #thisepisodesbeeroftheepisode #spaceagebottle #notalubecontainer #radalbumcover #wrestlerzombie #tenpointfiveabv #whoa ***Beer Zombies #waitforit #unprepared #ZombieMania #BeerZombiesBrewingCo #toldya #thirstyness (“You can TASTE it!”) / #watershortageinstructions / #strangevibe / ***Update regarding “The next ½ Century”… ***/ #healthwatch2022 #notonmybirthday #comfortinuncomfortableness #pictureofhealth ***Update on the progress of the #StonerNerderyMetalBand*** / #RussellsReflections #yourfriendswhat ***A strange hypothesis*** #strangesocialetiquette #offrampincomeASMR #summerbod #wherearewegonnadoit #waitwhat #cameraballs ***Please standby…for instructions from #TheMetalNerderyConcierge*** #RussellsReflections #StonerDoomRecordingComplex #MetalNerderyStonerMetalBand “FUZZ is the RULE!!!” #Twanglification #unedited #RussellsReflections and #LiveSetups (*In-ear vs stage monitors are what we’re talking about #FYI*) #markthetime #tight #imsorryontheirbehalf / #Zima or #Zoom??? #legendary /” A shitty room does everything to you…”/ #energyexchange and #liveperformanceart #productionsupport
(20:55): #burritopizza #foodjeanwree *The numbers in the seats help #amplify the #power that is #onstage * / Playing in a #professionalcoverband #johnny / ***NEW #sidepodcastjingle #gumchronicles #snortworthy #gumchoke #chokesongum #snortworthyASMR*** #sidejingle for a #sidepodcast: #MetalTurdery #WereTalkinShitah #shittalking / WE’LL PLAY YOUR SHIT-ah!!! #ThankYouBobby ***GO OUT TO THE #YOUTUBES AND CHECK OUT #METALNERDERYMUNCHIES!!!*** Our #StonerMetalVolumeFour episode is coming up!!!*** / #Druids #Shadowwork DANCE OF SKULLS #proggy #mixedbythebassplayerASMR #usethoseheadphones / sounds of #Isis and #Mastodon #noteven (*Kind of a #stonermetalvibe*) / “Sounds like #thirdstonefromthesun” …or maybe #BlackMagicWoman ***GO CHECK OUT DRUIDS AND GIVE US A CALL AND LEAVE US A VOICEMAIL AT 980-666-8182!!!*** #harmonized and #twanglified / #listenerfeedback #beavismustaine / #straightfortheintercourse or #foreplaylonghaul / #RussellsMessengesOnTape #TenHoursADay #HailToYou #TexasKetamine #Barn #Brutalism #positivefeedback ***STAY TUNED!!! We’ll be sampling these soon…*** / #meetingexpectations / #opiumfieldsareexpensive #heroinisbetterthanoilASMR #itdoesfuckingmatter / #triggerwarning #tootwanglified / #snugglersblues #ifuckingwonder #appreciatethehelpnowfuckoff #itsfine
(37:55): ***Show segment maintenance*** #notquitethereyet #TheVoiceMailSegment #proudofmyinnertwanglification #ThePost #thankyouforthat ***Some great feedback for #StonedHenge!!!*** #onmicburp #fuckallfuckbags (*Our First single…*) #iloveyou / Okay, NOW (finally!) #TheDocket: MERCYFUL FATE (and also KING DIAMOND)!!! / *No #scrotes, #labes, or #goblins…* / Let’s go back to #middleschool… “#JudasPriest but #highervocals” / #puffyshirtcore #manifestation / ***Where were YOU when you first heard #MercyfulFate ???*** It’s called #IndustrialArts (*Go check out the #DontBreakTheOath #albumcover!*) #beavisdemon / Amazing and #creepy / The early roots of #blackmetal and another #absurdlytangentional #foodreference / The difference between #MercyfulFate and #KIngDiamond / Concert memories: seeing Mercyful Fate at #TheInternationalBallroom in the early 90’s / #crazyloud #wearearplugs / The strange evolution & timing of Mercyful Fate’s catalog. / #pissfilledballs #ivegotfaith #piperisntscary #wetnoseaction / #hiddentrack #behindthescenes #asscam #eightthousandhourepisode #bonuspart #putitintheend #markthetime #onmicburp #startagain
(49:05): A moment of #tangentionalality / #MCTentacleChoice #ZombieCooper #AliceCooper BRUTAL PLANET #maximumbone / #anotherbeverageplease #offkilter / “It’s FRIDAY NIGHT!!! Time to turn off the lights and PARTY!!!” #fridaynightsession #mathtime #thesecondbeerofthisepisodesbeeroftheepisode #itsfine #UFOBeerCompany #fivepointoneabv #employeeowned #seltzerstyle #fivehourepisode #guitaristofthedecade #jeanwree (*Check out some #thrashgrass! *) / More Mercyful Fate back stories… COME TO THE SABBATH (from Don’t Break The Oath – 1984) #kindacreepy (Definitely some #progressive elements present…) #riffclock #usethoseheadphones / ***What’s the main difference between #MercyfulFate and #KingDiamond? (Or is there really a difference?) *** / More #foodanalogies / #meatpenalty /New York Strip vs Filet Mignon? #newyorkstrip vs #filetmignon (because #meathashtags #smokedmeathash) / Melissa - 1983 *Came out Halloween Eve 1983!!!* #thefirstnewalbum #AuntFunt ***Go check out our #MegaForceRecords episode!*** #tangentionalality #canyouimagine #wildgumcrop #wrigleyskudzu #gumchoke ***I’ve got the ultimate #Manowar #SME whenever we get to that…*** EVIL #killeropener #maidenandpriestvibe #justgrabone CURSE OF THE PHAROHS #StonerMaiden / This was absolutely #nextlevel in 1983!!! #bolth / Don’t Break The Oath – 1984 / THE OATH #creepysoftintro #ultracreepyASMR #creepythunder #creepykeyboards #creepyrain #creepywind #creepybell #eightyseconds #metalsnortery / **Which #metalbox did Mercyful Fate fit into? ** #subjeanwree #EarlyBlackMetal? / A DANGEROUS MEETING #killeropener #copshow #openingcredits #antihot / #guitartone
(1:16:23): We skipped their #GreatestTits / In the Shadows – 1993 THE BELL WITCH #technical #lotsofchanges #AliceCooperOnSteroids / #TheKingDiamondParadox / IS THAT YOU MELISSA? #reprise #harpsichord #pulpfictionization MELISSA (#titlaytrack back to #thefirstnewalbum) #theplacesheputsit #markthetime #complexity (Definitely hints of #Rush and #prog)
(1:27:06): Time – 1994 #idowannasayharpsichord / The coalescence of King Diamond’s sound and Mercyful Fate’s sound into one (and the similarities and differences between #bolth / #MetalNerderyOneOhSixFM / The differences in #musicalchemistry and #creativity / #thekornbag WITCHES’ DANCE #keeponrockininthefreeworld / **Let’s go back and take a look at the early King Diamond solo band for some “context” relative to Mercyful Fate** / Fatal Portrait – 1986 HAUNTED #verycreepy #betterflow / Them – 1988 WELCOME HOME #grandma (Actually we did an #albumdive of #Abigail…but we could certainly do it again from deep within our cavernous roomy #33rdfloorinvertedundergroundbunkerpoonstudios ) / #comingsoon to #bunkerpoon
(1:40:23): Into The Unknown – 1996 THE UNINVITED GUEST #thrashy #youemptyyourballswhenyoureready Dead Again – 1998 #titlaytrack DEAD AGAIN #heavy / TORTURE 1629 #killeropener / ***There’s almost no distinction between #KingDiamond and #MercyfulFate that we can tell…***/ #KingDiamondIsMercyfulFate #MercyfulFateIsKingDiamond / 9 – 1999 BURN IN HELL & BURIED ALIVE #itsnotKISS / Mainstream appeal vs underground appeal… / THANK YOU FOR JOINING US FOR A WALK THROUGH THE KING DIAMOND/MERCYFUL FATE MULTIVERSE!!! #untilthenext #staycool #lovefromSouthAmerica #SouthAmericanAdultEntertainment / #thelastword #GFY #outroouttakes #deepbreath #putitintheend #theplacesheputsit #waitwhat #fromwhere
Thursday Jun 16, 2022
Thursday Jun 16, 2022
Thursday Jun 16, 2022
Although the differences between thrash and DEATH METAL seemed subtle at the time, there was a distinctive demarcation between the two subgenres, most notably with DEATH METAL having much deeper, guttural sounding vocals, faster time signatures and much darker, supremely bleaker soundscapes and lyrical themes than thrash. There was something palpably different there, we just couldn’t quite put our tentacles on it (at the time). We just thought it was the next wave of extreme heavy metal. And quite frankly, we couldn’t have been more pleased with the outcome.
As you all know, “it’s not unusual” for us to stir the pot and be provocative, but this was most definitely an episode with a “manischewitz” kinda vibe, including some kosherly delicious “downstairs flavor” to accompany some comments that “you might even say” were “not at all even appropriate” (particularly with regard to “his O and our D”). Get Cookie Monster on the horn and JOIN US as we delve into the darker parts of the Tri-County Metal Multiverse and investigate the bands representing “the next wave” of metal extremism.
Time for DEATH METAL: Vol. I.
Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode
Leave us a Voicemail to be played on a future episode: 980-666-8182
Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – metalnerdery.com/merch
and kindly leave us a review and/or rating on the iTunes/Apple Podcasts - Spotify or your favorite Podcast app
Listen on iTunes, Spotify, Podbean, Google Podcasts or wherever you get your Podcasts.
Follow us on the Socials:
Facebook - Instagram - Twitter
Email: metalnerdery@gmail.com
Can’t be LOUD Enough Playlist on Spotify
Metal Nerdery Munchies on YouTube:
Show Notes:
(00:00): #willyougrabthem #holdmetouchme #itsnotunusual #tonightyoubelongtome #infinitelycreepier #pooptotalkabout #amanischewitzkindaepisode ***WELCOME BACK TO METAL NERDERY PODCAST!!!*** #silentunscrewing #athousandpercent #manischewitzish #blackraspberryliqueur #downstairsflavor #ladies #hehahhuh #trexarms #cheers #skeered #coughmedicenemagic #ultrarelaxers ***#fifteenpercent #thisepisodesclinkyoftheepisode #mrbostonblackraspberry #episodeonefortyseven / #thisepisodesbeeroftheepisode #thebonyfamily #NorthHavenConneticut #AbominationBrewingCompany #Harvester #Yeah #DistributedByTwelvePercent #rotatingseries #fruitcombinationbeerawesomeness #sevenpointoneabv #distributedby #TwelvePercent #theverdict #thatssour #puckerup #orangejuiceandtoothpaste #justkidding #definitelytwanglified #markthetime #pairing of the #clinky and the #beer #itsfine #itsokay #itsalright
(06:19): #correspondence ***EMAIL US AT METALNERDERY@GMAIL.COM*** Look us up and #instatwitbook our #skynet via your #email or your #messenges / #theaxebodysprayofpodcasts / #numbersix #email #socials #socialmedia ***LEAVE US A VOICEMAIL AT 980-666-8182 #yeah*** #thepost #postbirthdaygreetings #brainwarpage #BecomingDeathReview #WellPlayYourShitah #amessengefromHR #33rdFloorInvertedUndergroundBunkerpoonStudios / WE’LL PLAY YOUR SHIT-(ah) #toogated #thatssour #soursatan #taketwo #backmaskingversion #listenforinstructions #noEPKs #justalink #yeah #telluswhy #dontbeafuckbag #axe #greatslogan #nickelback #thereturnofthesonoffuckbag #thereturnofthesonoffuckbagASMR #throwemup #dontcutitout ***PLEASE LISTEN!!!*** #TheWall #DeeMauer DROP OF INSANITY #Luxemborgish #Sweden on the GRAM @deemauerofficial #TedKnightImpression
(10:29): Time for some #DeathMetal!!! / The evolution of #thrash towards death metal #thenextiterationofthrash / #TheBlackSabbathOfDeathMetal #satanicpanic #dontdenythepowerof #satanism #rocks #D&DWhores #bureaucracyisevilASMR #HoleFoods and #CousCous / #KingDiamond / #jeanwree / #imnotfrenchah / ***Should #Slayer and #Possesseed be lumped in with what we call Death Metal? *** #genre #twanglification #forinformationalandeducationalpurposesonly
(28:05): #Venom #ultradeathvenom #theaxebodysprayofpodcasts TO HELL AND BACK #emotionalmoment #youmightevensay #notappropriate #notatall #noteven / #MorbidAngel (and the tell of the #bostonkeltics or those who are #kelibate or smoke #kigarettes IMMORTAL RITES #excuseme #isgreghere / #Deicide #nodayjob #linuxsupportguy #thedeathmetalcapitaloftheworld / ***Tampa vs San Francisco*** / #verywarm #noarthritis / #discogrocogrocogrophy #excitermoment DEICIDE #BlackSabbathMoment #DeicideMoment #themostdangerousplagueever ONE WITH SATAN #killeropener #yes #fuckyeah
(39:55): #ohmyfuckinfuck #Nile (Black Seeds of Vengeance) / #amomentofdeuce is the same as a #stinkpickle #kersplush #generic / ***Isn’t Death Metal just the next level of intensity after Thrash?*** / BLACK SEEDS OF VENGEANCE #theoldmasquerade #ancientegypt #goseethemlive #cannibalcorpseplusASMR #itsnotunusual / *Death Metal is often an acquired taste…* / ***Tampa = Bay Area of Death Metal*** #Obituary SLOWLY WE ROT #stonermetalstyle #stonerdeathdoommetalcoreASMR #evilbell #titlay #similarlogo / Wings & Symmetry / #whatsthat #similar #markthetime #itsmarked CHOPPED IN HALF (*still Obituary…*)
(47:25): #whatdoyouwannahear #NapalmDeath #tangentionalburpcore #blenderduty THE KILL and also SCUM #audiorelaxers / #Possessed #SevenChurches DEATH METAL #init (It’s literally in the song title…) #foundingdeathmetalfathers / #notadeathmetalband / #yeah #Death #DeathBand BORN DEAD #Hail #ChuckSchuldiner #DeathMastermind #GoCheckOutOurDeathEpisode #progressivedeathmetal / #CannibalCorpse THE TIME TO KILL IS NOW #bigflaps #crispyroastbeef
(59:38): #thatssour #nottechnically / #Sepultura ROOTS BLOODY ROOTS #thenextwave #whoa #frequencies #tribaldeathmetal #creepysounding #wherever #nomorefourthwall #thedayoftheload #ilovegoblincock #ilovethehelmet / #nomorediapers #nocookiemonster #evolution DEAD EMBRYONIC CELLS #industrialmetal #sortof #theoriginallineup #thisisit #thebreakdown and/or #themoshpart #irememberthat #creepyharmonies
(1:07:30): #onemore #earlydeathmetal #Carcass #vegetarians #goregrind #thewordisfuckingjeanwree #notvasectomytools #bonesaw ***Actually Carcass wins!!!*** #readthosesongtitles #nostalgia #easylistening #vaginalbloodburps #ragafuckin / REGURGITATION OF GIBLETS #productionquality ***check out the #albumcoverwiki*** MAGGOT COLONY #youtellme / #justdoit #STFU #themostdeathmetalSlayersong #preReign #doyouknow NECROPHILIAC #earlydeathmetal #dontdenythepowerof #Slayer #itsfair #magic #untilthenext #novideo #freshtake #itsnotthesame #hehahhuh #itdoes #click ***THANK YOU FOR JOINING US FOR ANOTHER EPISODE OF METAL NERDERY PODCAST!!! YOU CAN WATCH PRIOR EPISODES ON #YOUTUBE!!!*** Look for #MetalNerderyMunchies / #thelastfewseconds #MetalNerderyOuttakes #waitwhat #waytooloud #aquaberryfist #bigjuicybutt #waitforit