Thursday Dec 29, 2022
Thursday Dec 29, 2022
Thursday Dec 29, 2022
“I want you to listen! I’m talking to you…”
One could easily argue that SABBATH BLOODY SABBATH, the fifth studio release from Birmingham’s own BLACK SABBATH, is their “Black Album” moment, in that there are a multitude of different dimensions present on this album that were not as evident or pronounced as on the first four albums, including the addition of synthesizers, orchestras, and atmosphere.
Get ready to appreciate the value of “projection as a coping mechanism” and embrace your “late blooming misogyny” as you find out what it means to truly be “an organ donor” when you JOIN US as we dive into Vol. 5 of “The First Six”: SABBATH BLOODY SABBATH by the incomparable BLACK SABBATH.
Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode
Leave us a Voicemail to be played on a future episode: 980-666-8182
Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – metalnerdery.com/merch
and kindly leave us a review and/or rating on the iTunes/Apple Podcasts - Spotify or your favorite Podcast app
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Email: metalnerdery@gmail.com
Can’t be LOUD Enough Playlist on Spotify
Metal Nerdery Munchies on YouTube @metalnerderypodcast
Show Notes:
(00:01): “Has anybody checked on #CharlieSheen?” / #tigerblood and #cocaine and #chemtrailmix #cokelines #TrumpTrails (“Let’s call ‘em that…”) / We call that a #hyrbrid / The first 20K years of #Eternity / “I think you may have a problem…” / #projection as a coping mechanism / ***WELCOME BACK TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST!!!*** #TheUncorking #nomoreitchyeyeballsASMR #tallboyredbull #shotglassASMR #thisepisodesclinkyoftheepisode #SinEater #CinnamonFlavoredWhiskey #CheersFellas ***WARNING: #listenerdiscretionisadvised*** Now it’s official…” / “After the shot…” / “I got all the things and everything..” / #kramerupdate #RussellsReflections / “Use your mind, man…” / “We said it at the same time…” / “It’s water drops on top…” / #monkeypoxASMR “A pearl, white, metallic…” / “Here’s the question…” #guitarpickups / “What the fuck is that noise!?” / #boatsandhoes #motorcyclepornASMR #onmicburpASMR #CGCustoms / “I’m #phonetical man…” / #RussellsReflectionsReprise #GawdDangIt (***Have YOU ever assembled and built your own guitar with the materials? *** / #guitarreincarnation “Drop that #duncan in there man…” #SeymourDuncan and a shoutout to #PaulReedSmith #Archon25Combo and a recent jam review / #Delta8ediblesASMR and #jamming / “25 watts…is loud as shit!” / “If you can add some #fuzz to it…” #addfuzz / #alwaysaddfuzz / #ampmodeling and modern-day gig #settings / You have to be entirely too smart to operate modern day #guitaramplificationsystems / “Bro…” / #gatorcase (Trusted and used by #professionals) / “He pulls it out and it all fits in…” / ***Can we ALL agree that #guitarampmodeling is at a #legendarylevel? *** / Modeling amps vs sampling amps (e.g., Kemper) #gearnerdsyeah
(14:46): #picturetime / “…and now…” / #thisepisodesbeeroftheepisode #StillFireBrewery #SuwanneeGA #CubanCoffeeStout #sevenpointninepercentABV #coolalbumcover #HailToStillFire (“She definitely used teeth…”) / #nohead #verycoffeeish #stimulated #morecaffeinated (We should definitely go have a drink at their expense and our inebriation…) / #NYE2023Plans / “It’s Thursday night…” #ladiesnight #rockfortots #MudDonkey / “If you like #Journey….” / #OMG #seriously #romantical #seriously / “He’s like you but fuckin’ ripped!” / #hesnotlikeyou #hesgothair (***Local #guitarlegends***) #RussellsReflectionsAllNightLong / “the attic and the basement are exactly alike… (in length)” / “Everybody knows the song, you get up and play the song…” / “It’s #fourstrings…” / “Wait a minute…” / #iknewit #givemeapieceoftherock and a #shoutout to #MothersFinest and also #Hail #Atlanta #oldschool / “Don’t make it complicated…” / “very #KingsX #ish (or #KingsXish if you’re maximizing #hashtags for #hashbags or #tags) / “What did you carry?” / #itsnotmetal (…but it certainly could be.) / #MosesMo / #RussellsReflectionsInfinityEdition #TheImpregnators (“That name though…”)
(27:19): “Christmas is the last magical time in the life of a child.” / “that’s how he does it in one night…”/ ***The last episode of the year!!!*** #hardinthepaint (Quick learner…) #napoleonASMR ***You can email us your #shittah at metalnerdery@gmail.com or on the #socialmedia at #Instagram and #Facebook*** / #timetraveling #footballASMR #RussellsRegressions / “I didn’t say that…” / a weird (and likely highly unpopular) theory about #femaleswholovesports / “I’ve only recently developed my #misogyny” / #justalittle / #complicatedballs #thatsalotofballs #refatheringmyballs #secondpuberty #toomuchballtalk #itsajourney
(33:26): #BirminghamMetal (#notAlabama) / “It’s recognized as the #BlackSabbath #BlackAlbum i.e., #numberfiverelease #Vol5 / “One of the coolest album covers #evah!!!” / #TheDocket #BlackSabbath SABBATH BLOODY SABBATH (“So it’s their Load…”) / ***We’ve got #vinyl at the #bunkerpoon…*** / “Looks like #MarilynManson with a #shittyhaircut” / “He’s about to take a dong…” / #backtothefront / #1973 (close to ½ a century of #SabbathBloodySabbath) / “Did you cough it out of the hole?” / When did YOU first hear the #SabbathBloodySabbathAlbum? / “It was the #Anthrax ‘I’m the Man’ EP” / “There’s enough #creepiness” / “It’s their #BackInBlackAlbum” / #BlackSabbathPreBoneASMR / #smallhousetrailer / ***If you’ve seen the #DioDocumentary please let us know your thoughts! *** / “We’re gonna relax…”
(42:48): “Really? Is that possible?” / #boredtodeath / SABBATH, BLOODY SABBATH #killeropener / #mellowmetalASMR #youbastards / “Here it is…” #thatriff #alltheballs #HailToBlackSabbath / #pushpush / A NATIONAL ACROBAT (Imagine having this as your #walkonmusic?) / “The epitome of #stonermetal” / “It’s the #GarageLoads…” / “Well we’ve gotta hear the next part…” / “I’m talking to you!” / “It’s bone every time…”
(52:08): “Two words that should never go together…” / #ilovethehelmet but #ihatethemayo / “The FLUFF portion of the show…” / #heartfelt / “This was definitely a #skipper” / #TheArtOfSabbath SABBRA CADABRA #sabbracadabraASMR (Insert #creepykeyboardnoises here…)
(58:31): “How much…?” / “Women should call their #vaginas that…” / “Most women don’t laugh…” / KILLING YOURSELF TO LIVE #yallshouldstopdoingthat #ultraheavy / “That’s #tremolo…#creepytremolo” / #doubletrackedguitarsolo (“They all go together…”) / “Smoke it…get high!” / #myfavoritepartevah / That’s either a #pickscratch or a #bonghit or #bolth / “Now it all makes sense, yeah?” / #Era #MetalNerderyBarberShopTrio / #creepykeyboards / “They had some organ before…” #markthetime / WHO ARE YOU?
(1:08:18): “I had no idea…” / “That would be #Hell…” / As long as it sounds creepy… / #fuckforcharity #organdonor #punchline / LOOKING FOR TODAY #tambourine #industrialsabbath #flutesolo #masterflautist / “Does anyone remember the commercial for #CARE (C.A.R.E.) from the late 70’s, early mid 80’s?” / #thememusicASMR / “This was before computers…” / SPIRAL ARCHITECT #bestintroevah (“Oh #STFU!!!”) / ***Actually #Styx #GrandIllusion was released on the 7th day of July 1977*** / “This is a real dick thing to say…” / #yourenotwrong / Any tracking changes? / #markthetime #asapackage / “That was Vol. 4…” / ***HAPPY NEW YEARS AND HAPPY 2023 TO EVERYONE WHO LETS US INSIDE YOUR EARHOLES!!!*** / #anothergreatmetalnerderyyear / #productionnotesASMR / #thelastword #thelastburp ***COME CHECK OUT THE UNDERGROUND BUNKERPOON #GIFTSHOPPE AT metalnerdery.com/merch ***) / #outroreel #abouttotakeadong #Era #LettuceInsideYou
Thursday Dec 22, 2022
Thursday Dec 22, 2022
Thursday Dec 22, 2022
Ahhh, the Holiday season. Christmastime in the city. Filled with “tidings of comfort and joy” that includes leaving out some special “Christmas tree” infused cookies for Santa in the hope that you will be blessed with something special from SANTA’S SACK on Christmas morn.
Grab yourself some “cocoa nibs”, settle in and prepare to “get tingly”, for the time is at hand to come together “at the same time” before you get “wiped” and take another sip of “jollyfish” infused “chumwater” which will reveal the hidden bond shared by Slayer and professional wrestling when you JOIN US for some Christmas metal memories, a bit of Yuletide themed metal goodness, and a few extra special holiday surprises from deep within SANTA’S SACK.
Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode
Leave us a Voicemail to be played on a future episode: 980-666-8182
Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – metalnerdery.com/merch
and kindly leave us a review and/or rating on the iTunes/Apple Podcasts - Spotify or your favorite Podcast app
Listen on iTunes, Spotify, Podbean, Google Podcasts or wherever you get your Podcasts.
Follow us on the Socials:
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Email: metalnerdery@gmail.com
Can’t be LOUD Enough Playlist on Spotify
Metal Nerdery Munchies on YouTube @metalnerderypodcast
Show Notes:
(00:01): “Of course, NOW you turn it on…” / #alwayswaitfortheredbutton #samewithsex/ #sciencestuff / “The most common cause of death…” / #nymphesema (“Not sure which one sounds funnier…”) #rimshotASMR #theuncorking #toight (and a note to the #FamilyGuyOstrich) / #thisepisodesclinkyoftheepisode #PeterGriffinImpression #SinEater #deepbreathandbegin ***WARNING #listenerdiscretionisadvised***WELCOME BACK TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST!!!*** #Shoutout to a new killer #Canadian show #LetterKenny / #peoprel / #coldstarts and #slang / #onmicburpASMR / “He’s just so dry…” / #freeplugASMR #eh #aboot #canadianhumorASMR
(05:14): ***THE INTRODUCTIONS!!!*** (and the regrets…) #mulligan (#anythingbutthat) #prewarmupbeer #cranberryspice #thatstheone / “That looks like a stoner black metal album cover…” / #thisepisodesbeeroftheepisode (“Uh oh…it’s a #sour”) / #NewGrassBrewingCompany #sixpointzeropercentABV #ShelbyNC #darkalbumcover #BloodCeremony (“It’s like a #bonedagger…”) / #cocoanibs are fucking AWESOME!!! #readthatdescription #cocoanibsASMR / #cherrychocolatemilk / #ohjeez #ohhnohh (“We came together…at the same time…”) / “Hard?” / #onmicburpASMR / “Thank you for that…” / #strangeaftertaste / “I hate when people say ‘per se’…” / “It’s time for that dude…”
(10:30): #alternativechristmasmovies and a shoutout to #Krampus (the #AntiClaus) and #FatMan with Mel Gibson. (#WalterGoggins) / A moment of clarification…and #preop math. / “He’s good in everything he’s in…” / #MelGibsonsBeard / #SnackSizedSlayerPodcast or #SlayerSnackSizedPodcast #Slayer PAYBACK #energyboner #insidetheoutsideofthepodcast #KerryKingVoiceASMR #HulkHoganASMR #Brother #readthoselyrics “Payback’s a bitch, motherfucker!” / #tinglyballs / Production genius and #listeneradvisement ***Check out the #outroreel…*** / Update regarding the #RobDukesEraExodus #episode and #Exodus / #productiontentacleexcellence / “It’s the same way…” / The critical importance of the #killeropener (The roller coaster of metal)
(17:34): WE’LL PLAY YOUR SHIT-TAH!!! #jingle #localmetal #AtlantaMetal #ActusReus ACTUS REUS #excitermoment ***Check out our Actus Reus #BehindTheMetal episode!!!*** Go check out the video on the #YouTube / #ActusReusASMR #veggie #doitinpost / www.actusreusband.com / #voicemailsegment (“I know you’re making fun of me…”) / ***GIVE US A CALL AND LEAVE US A VOICEMAIL AT 980-666-8182!!! *** / #thepost #thejellyfishchroniclesASMR / #jollyfish #markthetime
(23:01): “The show right before #theholidayseason…” / “Do you speak it?” / Some #DecemberMetalBirthdays courtesy of #RussellsReflections / “48 hours of…” / #thefutureofmetal #wunderkind “His son’s a genius…” / ***PLEASE SEND GUM!!!*** #boxingdaybaby / #CaptainSmiley / #theprinceofdarkness / “Bigger than Ozzy?” / #theoriginaloriginal #blackalbum / #RussellsRIPsASMR
(26:44): #TheDocket: SANTA’S GRAB SACK (AND/OR SANTA’S SCROTE!) / The #NewMetallica and a theory… / …and a #confirmation of said theory / #LuxAeterna #72Seasons and the upcoming tour / “That’s kind of a blessing in disguise…” / #FiveFingerFruitPunchASMR / “Have y’all seen the footage of the #Pantera shows?” / #Metallica LUX AETERNA #classicMetallica (and hints of #NWOBHM) / The evolution of James’ voice from #AJFA forward / “The #unangryMetallica” / #buildingtheperfectLoad
(34:36): “I had no idea that he did that…” / #preciousmucusASMR / “I can’t do that…” #eggnogASMR / #dontbethatguy GOD REST YE MERRY GENTLEMEN (#RJD #RonnieJamesDio and #TonyIommi) / #KingDiamond NO PRESENTS FOR CHRISTMAS (Seems like King was exercising deliberate #dyslexia on this one…) #tomandjerry #santa / #AceFrehley related news… / There’s ZERO context anymore… / #SpinalTap CHRISTMAS WITH THE DEVIL / #Halford (“Oh Holy Halfred?”) O HOLY NIGHT #notverymetalatfirst / #FEAR FUCK CHRISTMAS (it’s a #shawty) / “It’s just the children though…” / #omgseriously #socialmediainfluencer #vocalburnASMR / #funnychristmas / #HenryRollins #spokenwordASMR TWAS THE NIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS (“This is long…”) / “We’re in the wrong #jeanwree for #ChristmasSongs”
(47:11): “I wonder if Pantera ever did a #christmassong?” / #TypeONegative RED WATER (CHRISTMAS MOURNING) / “I have a confession to make…” / #oldpeopleshit / #newsymptoms #covidASMR #asymptomaticASMR #onmicburpASMR / “Let’s don’t do that…” / #thrice #survivor #notcoviddeniers “That’s science…I think we’ve figured it all out…” / And now, the perfect way to fuck up everything #chumwater #wellneverhavefemalelisteners #blacklightchristmas #gothchristmas #blacklightseverywhere
(52:46): “Let’s close this out on a positive note…” / Gifts of music from Christmas past… / #ACDC #HighwayToHell WALK ALL OVER YOU (“This song is so heavy though…”) / “Best #gangvocals ever…” / Going #wayback to the late 70’s… #AceFrehley WIPED OUT (There’s got to be a #stonermetalversion of this…) / “I wiped…off the carpet…” / “Awww THERE it is!” #Seriously (“You missed the chorus part…”) / #KISSASMR / “He was my favorite when I was a kid…” / “Too many years…” / #redemption for what just happened / ***One of the first ever #compactdisc purchases evah!!!*** #Forbidden TWISTED INTO FORM “Now it’s eye for eye!” / Notable #DecemberMetalReleases #backshadowing #foreshadowing / ***MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!!! #milkshake #cookiesandcream ***THANK YOU FOR JOINING US!!!*** May Santa fill your stockings to capacity… / #untilthenext #thelastword #thatsthree ***GO CHECK OUT OUR #BUNKERPOONGIFTSHOPPE AT metalnerdery.com/merch and purchandise some merchandise / #outroreel #cherrychocolatemilk #itsnotaboner #itsajizzer #perse #squeaker
Thursday Dec 15, 2022
Thursday Dec 15, 2022
Thursday Dec 15, 2022
“What’s the biggest metal boner you think you ever got in your life?”
As much as it pains us to say it, it has only been extremely recently that we finally got some insight into the ROB DUKES ERA of EXODUS, and thank goodness we finally did, because we seriously had no clue as to the level of thrashtactical brutality we’d been missing!
Not only were the early 2000’s a renaissance for a multitude of classic thrash bands from the glorious days of yore, but the ROB DUKES era completely blew our hair back and made us extremely thankful for what is, without question, some of the fastest, angriest, and sickest EXODUS to have blessed the sacred genre of thrash during the first decade of this millennium.
Get ready to hear some of the most “bad-buttocks” thrash you’ve ever heard in your life, enjoy “a moment of metal bone” to help counteract our brief moment of college football nonsensicalness and prepare to have your faces melted off like “lady juice on a slug” as we pound down “the crack of alcohol” to get in the mood for you to JOIN US for the aural onslaught of EXODUS: THE ROB DUKES ERA.
Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode
Leave us a Voicemail to be played on a future episode: 980-666-8182
Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – metalnerdery.com/merch
and kindly leave us a review and/or rating on the iTunes/Apple Podcasts - Spotify or your favorite Podcast app
Listen on iTunes, Spotify, Podbean, Google Podcasts or wherever you get your Podcasts.
Follow us on the Socials:
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Email: metalnerdery@gmail.com
Can’t be LOUD Enough Playlist on Spotify
Metal Nerdery Munchies on YouTube @metalnerderypodcast
Show Notes:
(00:01): #peanutbutterASMR / “Aren’t crepes just fancy pancakes rolled into a joint?” / #theunscrewing #thankye #thisepisodesclinkyoftheepisode #SkrewballPeanutButterWhiskey ***WELCOME BACK TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST!!!***WARNING #listenerdiscretionisadvised*** / #markthetime for #peanutbutterballs / #thisepisodesbeeroftheepisode #lowmids #thisepisodesbeeroftheepisodeASMR #buttonrub #WickedWeedBrewing #sixpointthreepercentABV #CoastalLove / #saltlife (what does it mean?) / “If you put a little lady juice on a slug…” / #theverdict #daydrinkingASMR (“I’d give that to my children…”) / #RussellsReflections regarding #Aquariums #TheChronicles and #bioluminescence / “That looks like an STD…” / #bonerpulse #jellyfish / #ScoobyFace
(08:38): “How about a little #KingGizzardAndTheLizardWizard #shittah?” / Here comes the #sportstalkASMR portion of the show… / “Oh by the way…” / “That’s the most smart thing I’ve ever said…” / “Who’s that ringtone for?” / WE’LL PLAY YOUR SHITTAH!!! / #KingGizzard PLANET B / “What does #hardinthepaint mean exactly?”/ ORGAN FARMER
(19:03): #TheDocket Rob Dukes Era EXODUS (Thanks to Darrell and/or Daryl for the recommendation!) / A brief summary of the #Exodus catalog and #RobDukes tenure with the band as frontman / #thirdshowenergy / Now we know and knowing is half the battle. / Shovel Headed Kill Machine (2005) / “It’s a big family of thrash…” / #killeropener RAZE “It’s a perfect #ExodusVoice” #itsveryfull / #allthecokelines “I’m sensing heavy…” DEATHAMPHETAMINE (“It’s almost like Slayer meets Exodus…”) #fuckyes #badassASMR
(28:40): The Atrocity Exhibition: Exhibit A (2007) / #Shoutout to #MySpace / “Don’t you think farts are dead air?”/ A lot of progressive length songs / “There’s a lot of length and a lot of girth” / RIOT ACT & FUNERAL HYMN #allthecokelines #1989ASMR / “Everything still sounds like Exodus…” / “I kinda feel guilty for not knowing this…”
(36:49): Let There Be Blood (2008) is BONDED BY BLOOD but with #modernproductionquality / “If you could go back and re-record a classic thrash album with an updated mix…if you could only pick one…which one would you pick?” / “I don’t think you could make that one any better…” / BONDED BY BLOOD (#RobDukesASMR) #softintro and #tuneddown vs BONDED BY BLOOD (#PaulBaloffASMR) #standardpitch #perfectlytimedonmicburp / “Oh my God, I’m freaking out, seriously…” / Comparing the original version of “Aggressive Perfector” to the #ReignInBloodReRecordedVersion / “Comedy is all about addressing your fears…” / “They’ll clean the bones…” / PIRANHA (Dukes version) vs PIRANHA (Baloff version) / “I shouldn’t say it…” / #cocainewater
(48:57): Exhibit B: The Human Condition (2010) / “What’s the biggest #metalboner you think you ever got in your life?” / “And now, a moment of #metalbone” / Reflecting back on the #Pantera and #WhiteZombie show at #TheInternationalBallroom / #killeropener THE BALLAD OF LEONARD AND CHARLES #softintro “Nothing but coke lines…” #goodcall / “Let’s go back and look at the #cokelineinventory” / #bolth / “Girth, brother…girth” / #beep BURN, HOLLYWOOD, BURN #antiKardashianASMR / #theblackdog / #MCTentacleChoice GOOD RIDDANCE (“I sense quickness…”) / #badbuttocks / Thank you Darrell (and Daryl) for the recommendation! / #RobDukesEra ***It’s the Metal Nerdery Stoner Barbershop Quartet*** THANK YOU ALL FOR JOINING US!!! / ***Please visit the #BunkerpoonGiftShoppe and purchandise some merchandise at metalnerdery.com/merch / #outroreel #untilthenext #longlivemetalnerdery #hehahuh
Thursday Dec 08, 2022
172: Building The Perfect THRASH ALBUM ...Vol I
Thursday Dec 08, 2022
Thursday Dec 08, 2022
“The perfect is the enemy of the good” - Voltaire
In a world infested and subjugated by the tediously mediocre, all we can ever strive for in this life is to do the BEST we possibly can (even if our best is not perfect.)
Having said that, we’ve decided to embrace “the enemy of the good” by BUILDING THE PERFECT THRASH ALBUM. We each came into the Bunkerpoon with our top 12 favorite thrash tunes and constructed (what we believed to be) the perfect collection of perfect thrash songs for the perfect thrash album.
Prepare to comprehend the transformative power of ASMR while wrapping your mind around a matching upstairs and downstairs that’s bound to enhance the soundtrack of coitus “around the corner” as you JOIN US for a brand-new series that’s “nothing but bone” as we embark on our first installment of BUILDING THE PERFECT THRASH ALBUM.
Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode
Leave us a Voicemail to be played on a future episode: 980-666-8182
Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – metalnerdery.com/merch
and kindly leave us a review and/or rating on the iTunes/Apple Podcasts - Spotify or your favorite Podcast app
Listen on iTunes, Spotify, Podbean, Google Podcasts or wherever you get your Podcasts.
Follow us on the Socials:
Facebook - Instagram - Twitter
Email: metalnerdery@gmail.com
Can’t be LOUD Enough Playlist on Spotify
Metal Nerdery Munchies on YouTube @metalnerderypodcast
Check out THIS playlist on Spotify - and go buy all of these ALBUMS!!
and go buy all of these ALBUMS!!
Show Notes:
(00:01): “Got yer ears on?” / #carefulwiththataxeeugene / ***WARNING: #listenerdiscretionisadvised*** / #thisepisodesclinkyoftheepisode / ***WELCOME BACK TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST!!!*** / #liverjuiceASMR / #thisepisodesbeeroftheepisode #StillFireBrewing #HailToStillFire #GloryHaze #sixpointninepercentABV / #nospringsteen #thebossofnoone / #killeralbumcover #losttheirnuts #SuwaneeGA #ReadingsByRussellASMR #explosion #surpriseanddelight #thatsamouthful / “Not overly green; solid IPA” / #daydrinkingbeerfoundationASMR #straightweed / #novoicemails #noshittah / ***Some You-Tube links are #suspicious #suspectedviruses…so always open those links on someone else’s computer (just to be safe)*** / #MyFirstStandupSpecial and my #punchupsidehustle / “It’s MY computer…” / #affirmations / ***Apologies and condolences for all of the #twanglification from #TheChronicles*** / #IllBill #PeaceSells (***Ummm…go check it out, and definitely #readthoselyrics! It’s not at all metal from a musical perspective, but the lyrics are nothing but #classicthrashlove and so for that, we thank Ill Bill…and #Hail! ***) / #tangentionalalityASMR / “What are you talking about?”
(8:08): An #email from Tony / “A chockful #docketofdocketness…” / #breakfastsausageASMR / #RobDukesEraExodus #episode #comingsoon wherever you get your #podcastery!!! / ***GIVE US A CALL AND LEAVE US A VOICEMAIL AT 980-666-8182*** / #taketwo #yeahhh / #novocalflaccidity #gettheboneup / “This episode’s nothing BUT bone!” / BUILDING THE PERFECT: THRASH BONE (THE PERFECT THRASH ALBUM)!!! / #buildingtheperfectloadASMR / ***Here’s the conditions of this episode…*** / “The ‘perfect’ thrash album/compilation/record” / The new #MetalNerderyPodcastLabel will be #BunkerpoonStudiosProductions / “Faith greater than a mustard seed…”
(13:25): “What are we gonna call this album?” / #bunkerpoonstudiospresents / #acronyms / #killeropener #TrackOne (“Waffling?”) / “…a little more immediate…” / #howdareyou (***Go check out #TheRibLounge whenever you’re down on #COTLODBLVD***) #Testament C.O.T.L.O.D. #badassopener (#nopeonmicburp) / #StormtroopersOfDeath MARCH OF THE S.O.D. “I play this before sex…” / #bouncybone #HeadbangersBallASMR / #Slayer ANGEL OF DEATH (because why the fuck would it NOT be on this album!?) #nevergetsold / “We’re trying to keep things fair… / #TrackTwo (“How much #thrashness can you have in one place?”) / #weirdvoices / “It’s on a 500 quadrillion terabyte tower…” / “A short hair?” / #Slayer LIVE UNDEAD (aka #thesoundofcalgon) #newpodcastASMR #FuckingSlayerNerdery / #Kreator TERRIBLE CERTAINTY / “Holy shit! That’s super offensive…” / ***Who remembers the old #GeorgiaTechRadio #WREKage metal show? *** / The true sign of 80’s thrash… #polyps
(25:22): #Forbidden FORSAKEN AT THE GATES (***we cannot stress enough just how many episodes are automatically tangentionally related to this specific podcast episode, but if you dig ANY of these bands, we strongly suggest you check out the ridiculousness in all episodes noted in the appendix (there’s a BUNCH!) and also go buy their #shittah *** / #TrackThree #Pantera DRAG THE WATERS / #BobRossIsASMR #notontheboat (***HAIL and congrats to the mighty Pantera for destroying in the early shows!!!***) / #PhilAnselmoASMR #AwwwManASMR #VocalBurnASMR (“Analogies bro, that’s how I work…” / #TrackFour (“I’ll just note that you noted it…”) / Track Four historically always has to have a #softintro / #groovebeforegroove and some comments regarding “Roots Bloody Roots” / “I’ll never have bone like that ever again…” / #aroundthecorner / #standardthrashformat / #Sepultura BENEATH THE REMAINS #tribalASMR / “Just a hair…a #micropube” / “It’s the same downstairs as it is upstairs…” / #Slayer FLESH STORM (The word is “precision”) / “I wonder what his sex voice is like?” / #TrackFive of #BuildingThePerfectThrashAlbum (and a perfect impression of #TheAccused) ***Tracking the results so far*** / #TheAccused POUNDING NAILS (INTO THE LID OF YOUR COFFIN) #boom
(42:30): #TrackSix (If you’re following along on #cassettetape, this would likely be the #killercloser of #sideone) / #Exodus DERANGED (and the sound of #vomitcuisineASMR) “Life’s kinda getting’ outta control…” / #coviddenierASMR (“That’s where that comes from…”) #loreofyore / #TrackSeven (#killeropenersidetwo) / #Pantera THE ART OF SHREDDING (***Go see them on tour! NOTE: By the publishing of this episode, Pantera have already played some shows, and by all accounts, they are currently crushing it!!!***) / #Death LEPROSY (“I see what you did there…”) #excellentchoice / #RigorMortis FOAMING AT THE MOUTH (Russell was likely referring to our #obscurethrash episode) / The word you’re looking for is #cyclops, but #unieye also works (especially if you have a #unibrow)
(56:40): #TrackEight (“This is the audio equivalent of a multitude of delicious side dishes…”) / #SOD SERGEANT D (and a great #remixidea) / #COC #CorrosionOfConformity (“I’ll do that in post.”) / #backmaskingASMR / DAMNED FOR ALL TIME (“Let me have ‘All the Balls’ for $1000, Alex”) / #yeahyeah #excellentchoice / A moment of realization / #TrackNine (I’d love a to-go plate of #macandcheese) #Overkill SHRED #EastCoastThrash #goodness / #Slayer EPIDEMIC (***Let’s be honest; literally ANY Slayer song can and should be included!!!***) #sciencemath is more confusing than either #science or #math
(1:07:20): #TrackTen #Anthrax IMITATION OF LIFE #futureepisodeideas #theblackdog (I believe that’s the WRONG one!!!) / “Buckle up, children!!!” / #Megadeth HOLY WARS…THE PUNISHMENT DUE #overtimetentacles / “This fucking part…” / “What would be their #BlackAlbum? If you had to pick one?” / Reflections regarding writers / #TrackEleven #Eleventy (not sure we played #numbereleven) / #TrackTwelve #killercloser (“What better closer?”) #whatsthatnoiseASMR / #Forbidden CHALICE OF BLOOD #cantbeloudenough / “If I was rich…”/ “If you think about it…” / #Metallica DAMAGE INC. “That’s what she said…” #DamageIncASMR / #SOD #StormtroopersOfDeath KILL YOURSELF / “We basically just produced a #thrashboxset” / #BuildingThePerfectASMR #VolumeOne / “Either is less pretentious than eyether” / We’re gonna be #buildingtheperfectstoneralbum soon… / ***A note regarding a not overtly metal band but an intriguing and fascinating band to check out nonetheless: #KingGizzardAndTheLizardWizard*** / ***THANK YOU FOR JOINING US FOR THE FIRST EVER ‘BUILDING THE PERFECT’ EPISODE / ***Go check out the #UndergroundBunkerPoonGiftShoppe at metalnerdery.com/merch *** / #untilthenext #outroreel #bloopers #someoldstuff #hehahuh
Thursday Dec 01, 2022
171: NUCLEAR ASSAULT - Inside The Metal
Thursday Dec 01, 2022
Thursday Dec 01, 2022
“Why don’t you think for yourself?”
NUCLEAR ASSAULT, the crossover thrash titans hailing from NYC featuring the aggro bass thunder of Dan Lilker (formerly of Anthrax and S.O.D.) alongside the punishing riffs & brutal lyrical commentary of John Connelly, graced metal with an uncompromising attitude and visceral urgency that combines old-school thrash themes with New York hardcore aggression, resulting in an East Coast crossover thrash sound so desperately needed (and welcomed) during the late 80’s and early 90’s.
It’s time to partake of some “far beyond decently” recorded thrash greatness while deciding whether to style your downstairs into “braids, cornrows, or ‘fros” as you bear witness to a brilliantly executed “Black Album Reference” regarding “the prior episode(s)” and JOIN US for a well-deserved INSIDE THE METAL memorial dedication to the “wall of sound” that is NUCLEAR ASSAULT.
Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode
Leave us a Voicemail to be played on a future episode: 980-666-8182
Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – metalnerdery.com/merch
and kindly leave us a review and/or rating on the iTunes/Apple Podcasts - Spotify or your favorite Podcast app
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Email: metalnerdery@gmail.com
Can’t be LOUD Enough Playlist on Spotify
Metal Nerdery Munchies on YouTube @metalnerderypodcast
Show Notes:
(00:01): “Now it’s a party…” #airhornASMR #thisepisodesclinkyoftheepisode #SinEater / Some side notes regarding #akkadakka / ***WARNING: #listenerdiscretionisadvised***/ ***WELCOME BACK TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST!!!*** / #liverjuice , a few #BobRossRocks and a perfect segue into #thisepisodesbeeroftheepisode #StillFireBrewing #MidnightVoyage (Cool album cover…) #buttonrubASMR / #sevenpointninepercentABV #stout without the usual aftertaste #wellwrittendescriptionASMR / “It reminds me of when I was married…”
(04:26): #thevoicemailsegment ***GIVE US A CALL AND LEAVE US A VOICEMAIL AT 980-666-8182!!!*** The return of The Post and some feedback regarding #TheMushroomChronicles as well as a perfectly executed #wellplayed #BlackAlbumReference / “I felt a little dirty after that…” / There’s no #thrashflaccidity here… #wevenotgonesoft #wearegettinghardagain / Some excellent book recommendations, especially if you’re a fan of #KISS / “The make up and the show and the fire and the blood…” / Rock & Metal #autobios are some of the most captivating reads ever! ***What’s YOUR favorite Rock and/or Metal autobiography? *** “Is listening to a book on tape technically still reading?” / Rock & Metal #autobiographies / The book in question is Runnin’ with the Devil: A Backstage Pass to the Wild Times, Loud Rock, and the Down and Dirty Truth Behind the Making of Van Halen (Noel Monk and Joe Layden) / “There’s still time, man…” / #itsnevertoolate / #FledglingVaginas with special guests: #AssTrash/ ***WE’LL PLAY YOUR SHIT-TAH!!!*** send it to us via IG or FB or via email at metalnerdery@gmail.com / “This is from Bob…no band name provided in the email” INDOCTRINATE (NOTE: The band in question is actually #AngelusApatrida) / #farbeyonddecently
(14:53): #TheDocket NUCLEAR ASSAULT (R.I.P.) and some #tangentionalality to #bolth #StormtroopersOfDeath #SOD and #Anthrax / Co-found or Co-find? / A rather abbreviated (yet potent) body of work (quality over quantity) / The super-aggro Dan Lilker bass is what gives #NuclearAssault an extra edge / #prettytypicalgross / #hehim and the vocal stylings & riffage of John Connelly/ “It sounds like #Testament used to come through town in the 80’s like #Pantera did in the 90’s”
(20:44); “Game Over” (1986) #cokelinesaplenty SIN (“Its like this, but completely different”) / BETRAYAL (Now THAT is an #oldschoolthrash riff!!!). / Very bass centric / “Somebody’s #vibrator is going off…” /
(24:07): “Survive” (1988) BRAINWASHED #readthoselyrics / “There’s definitely an injection of balls in the mix department…” / #analogymadnessASMR / F# (that’s F Sharp, not F Hashtag, btw) / GOOD TIMES BAD TIMES (#LedZeppelin) / “I do what I can…my ass does the rest…” #markthetime
(28:50): “Handle With Care” (1989) / “Hamburgers are nothing more than #flatearthmeatballs…” / NEW SONG #killeropener #aggrothrash / WHEN FREEDOM DIES & CRITICAL MASS (***definitely go check out the #musicvideo and #readthoselyrics***) #FollowMe / #aggrobass / A quick analysis of John Connelly’s voice / F Natural (or F*) WAKE UP / “A massive boner of sound” (#wallofaggro)
(35:56): “Out of Order” (1991) / “Never got the whole #Nirvana thing…” / “You never ‘kill’ #themetal…”/ SIGN IN BLOOD (kinda “Hit the Lights” -ish at the intro) / PREACHING TO THE DEAF (Definitely sounds like early 90’s thrash)
(41:28): “Something Wicked” (1993) SOMETHING WICKED #allthecokelines #killeropener / “maybe that was their ‘Pre-Load’…” / CHAOS (definitely slower and groovier) / “Hints of the dude from #MollyHatchet…”
(46:11): “Third World Genocide” (2005) / “Sometimes we learn things too…” / #killeropener #titlay THIRD WORLD GENOCIDE / “Braids, cornrows or a butthole fro?” / PRICE OF FREEDOM (“It’s still better than #Poison”) / “I’m not against that…” / Push past your #comfortzone and embrace new things / #futureepisodeideas / Tales from the #triptapes / LONG HAIRED ASSHOLE ( that sound is either a #jewsharp or a #jawharp) / “PCP seems like a #conspiracytheory” / #QuaaludeChronicles / “I guess Ludes were too good…”/ #untilthenext ***THANK YOU FOR JOINING US!!!*** #thelastword / ***PLEASE SUPPORT METAL NERDERY PODCAST AND VISIT THE UNDERGROUND BUNKERPOON GIFT SHOPPE AND PURCHANDISE SOME MERCHANDISE FROM metalnerdery.com/merch / #outroreel
Thursday Nov 24, 2022
170: The Chronicles Part 2 - Metal Massacre III and Hair Metal
Thursday Nov 24, 2022
Thursday Nov 24, 2022
“What do you wanna do with your life?”
For everyone still trying to recover from “the prior episode” we understand you’ve endured a lot and assure you that it’s about to get even more surreal. Think of THE CHRONICLES: Part II as a 2-part episode embedded within the second half of The Chronicles, like appetizers before the main course or, using a more apropos food analogy, a “Turducken” of Metal if you will.
For starters, it’s back to 1983 for a tasting of early metal compiled by Brian Slagel and Metal Blade Records for METAL MASSACRE III including (and of utmost importance) Slayer, as well as a veritable plethora of other bands who gave us a glimpse of the future of 80’s metal that was yet to be born.
Then for the main course, we indulged in a generous cornucopia of 80’s HAIR METAL music videos that we enjoyed as youngsters coming of age during the bygone days of yore when Music Television was still a new concept and five bucks in quarters bought an entire day of bliss at the video arcade.
Prepare to embrace 80’s metal Zen through enlightened states of twanglification, be sure to keep your “Fast Times” and “Karate Kid” cast members straight, and then “touch hands” and start “motoring” because it’s time to get “sideways” and give thanks as you JOIN US for a heavy metal double header on this, the exciting conclusion of our trip through THE CHRONICLES.
Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode
Leave us a Voicemail to be played on a future episode: 980-666-8182
Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – metalnerdery.com/merch
and kindly leave us a review and/or rating on the iTunes/Apple Podcasts - Spotify or your favorite Podcast app
Listen on iTunes, Spotify, Podbean, Google Podcasts or wherever you get your Podcasts.
Follow us on the Socials:
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Email: metalnerdery@gmail.com
Can’t be LOUD Enough Playlist on Spotify
YouTube: Metal Nerdery Munchies @metalnerderypodcast
Show Notes:
(00:01): “I felt a little weird earlier…” / Can you believe we actually made it through a #KISS episode on THIS show? / The word is #pica / “This is the next one…” / #thisepisodesclinkyoftheepisode #SinEater / ***WELCOME BACK TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST!!!*** WARNING #listenerdiscretionisadvised / Shroom Chronicles Part II: The Peak / #Selfabuse from #theblackdog / Positivity at the Hetfield house #ReverendHetfield and #positiveaffirmations (and #ReverendBon) #imstillgonnasayit / “#Powerage is the perfect #inbetweenalbum / #slowadultDamone #arresteddevelopmentDamone and “knowing the difference” / “I think she gave #greathead in #TheKarateKid…” / “You can’t even let people know you have those thoughts…” #ifeelworse / #shesstillhot / #bossbitch vs #bossasshole / #relaxerlatebloomerASMR #cricketsASMR #WelcomeToTheMattShow / #greasygrin aka #permagrin
(12:21): #thisepisodesbeeroftheepisode (and #RussellsReflectionsASMR) #elevenpercentalcoholABV #NewHollandBrewingCompany #DragonsMilk #youguysarefuckedASMR #brewerering #alottaauras #badprobrem / “C’mere, #Dragontits!” / “We can do a combo…” / The #predocket #Docket: #MetalBladeRecords #MetalMassacre Metal Massacre III AND Various Hair Metal Selections #thepriorepisode #herestherules / “#Thegreatestfarts” and “a deck of cards” / ***CHECK US OUT ON THE SOCIALS, SEND US AN EMAIL AT METALNERDERY@GMAIL.COM AND IF YOU REALLY WANNA TELL US HOW YOU FEEL YOU CAN FEEL TOLL FREE TO LEAVE US A VOICEMAIL AT 980-666-8182!!!*** #yeahhhh
(18:58): “There’s gonna be a LOT of reaching…” #markthetime / The Chronicles Part II /Side A: The Psilo: Metal Massacre III / (Put on your #1983 hat for this…) / #Slayer #nottheReignInBloodVersion AGGRESSIVE PERFECTOR #killeropener / “What was the evillest thing you’d heard from ’83?” / #BlackSabbath (From Born Again) STONEHENGE #creepyASMR #OMGASMR #IDKItsASMR (This is NOT on #MetalMassacreThree) #PinkSabbath TRASHED (#DeepSabbath or #BlackPurple) and thoughts on “Pyromania” (the album) #FisherTexMexTrailMix #foodnoiseASMR / #Bitch (back to #MMIII) RIDING IN THUNDER #metalPatBenatar / #Tyrant ARMAGEDDON #KingDiamondish and/or #MercyfulFateish (Think Cronos meets King Diamond) / “It was shoved in there…” / #VenomMeetsKingDiamond / “The word is #genre” / #ComboMegaMixASMR (including a touch of DISTURBING THE PRIEST)
(37:30): #Medusa PIRANHAS (NOTE: keep in mind that a lot of these were likely from #demotapes back in the day…young bands sending in their #shittah to try and get signed to the mighty #MetalBladeRecords) #earlymetal / #faceyourfears #piranhagloryhole and a #rimshot to boot / ***“Is #GunsNRoses considered #hairmetal?”*** / *Moments with #MrUnicorn* / More #RussellsReflections and the fall of hair metal / #GNR #LiveAtTheRitz/ #onmicburpASMR / “I guess we can all be #timelords now”/ #TestPattern BITE THE KNIFE / “#YngwieMalmsteen IS #DungeonHairMetal” / #BlackWidow BLITZKRIEG / “Dragons shouldn’t be allowed to have tits…” / “How many riffs can YOU cram into a single song!?” / “Is it Poem or Pome?” #exhaustingoffputtingandirresponsibleASMR
(53:38): #Warlord MRS. VICTORIA (King Diamond meets Styx) / “Lets all go the way…” / #VirginSteele LET’S GO ALL THE WAY (“It’s like a weird Foghat…”) / #Sexist FIRE AND WIND / “I’m makin’ shit up…” / #GNRTangentionalASMR / “You have to mine for art…” / ***INTERMISSION*** / “It feels so good to empty your balls…” #itscalledscience / #theloudestfartintheworld / “I like that you used ‘thunderous’…” / #waitforit / Making up fancy, big words… #bifurcateASMR / #Znowhite HELL BENT (See also #CycloneTemple) / #Marauder THE KID #cowbellASMR / NOTE: Mr. Unicorn is actually #theblackdog / #LaMort FIST AND CHAIN #killercloser #MotleyMetal / “We needed a palette cleanser in between #KISS and #HairMetal…”
(1:09:25): The Chronicles Part II / Side B: The Cybin: 80’s HAIR METAL / ***“Where (and with whom) did hair metal begin?”*** / Early predecessors of hair metal / #thirdshowenergy / “Assless is the word you’re looking for…” / #asslesschapsASMR / #Whitesnake SLOW AN’ EASY (Fun Fact: Whitesnake is directly tangentional to #DeepPurple) / “It’s how female roast beef should be handled…”/ #musicvideoASMR (put your #1984 hat on) / “Growing like a soft boner…”/ #leatherballs #MCTentacleChoice #NightRanger SISTER CHRISTIAN (*technically, this is WAY worse than KISS*) / “We are way too wasted for this…” / #NOThairmetalASMR / #AldoNova FANTASY (Refer to #thepriorepisode) “All he’s missing is the #glovesofshame” (Put on your 1981 hat for this one…) / #Autograph TURN UP THE RADIO (back to 1984…we’re doing the #musicvideoversions of these songs). / #Ratt ROUND AND ROUND (more goodness from 1984) #guitarsoloASMR
(1:28:26): “When I was a kid, I loved this band…” / #Cinderella NOBODY’S FOOL (actually, not New York: but Philadelphia) from 1986 / #Warrant UNCLE TOM’S CABIN (1990) and the justification for liking it / #StrongerThanBalls #FarBeyondBalls / The 2nd #SkidRow album in 1991 SLAVE TO THE GRIND (NOTE: Skid Row and the mighty #Pantera actually toured together on this album)
(1:37:38): The true beginning of hairmetal: #MotleyCrue LIVE WIRE (1981) #myhonk and the downfall of the mighty Motley / “So where is it, Jimmy?” / Ummm…what? / SMOKIN’ IN THE BOYS ROOM (1985) ***LEAVE US A VOICEMAIL AT 980-666-8182!!!*** / “On some level, they ALL talk like that…” / From 1984… “What do you wanna do with your life!?” #TwistedSister I WANNA ROCK (definitely peep the video) #officialmusicvideo / #QuietRiot (1983) #killeropener METAL HEALTH (The Marshall full-stack of metal voices…)
(1:49:47): #Accept BALLS TO THE WALL (1983) #NotHairMetalASMR / The definition of hair metal vs glam metal vs just metal (there’s a very specific look and sound to #hairmetal) #GreatWyattShue / “That was NOT soft!” #markthetime / #YngwieMalmsteen TRILOGY SUITE OP: 5 (1986: Three headed dragons and the master of neoclassical #DungeonHairMetal) / The middle acoustic part of this song is insane! / “Here’s where it gets better…” / #MCTentacleChoice #hairmetalclassic “That’s their Load…” / #verticalnothorizontal / #DefLeppard #allbonedup (“You know how it is…when you get #songbone”) STAGEFRIGHT (1983) “I said welcome to my show!” / The Bob Rock of the 80’s… / “Dude would you ever marinate somebody?” / ***What is the #greatesthairmetalsong ever!?*** / “Step inside, walk this way…” #thevideoversion POUR SOME SUGAR ON ME #jumptheshark / #Warrant CHERRY PIE #recordscratchASMR / #hairmetalmindrapeASMR #untilthenext / ***THANK YOU FOR JOINING US FOR THIS, THE COMPELLING CONCLUSION TO THE CHRONICLES!!!*** / Go check out our vast selection of items at our #BunkerPoonGiftShoppe which can be found at metalnerdery.com/merch / #longoutroreel #chroniclesoutro #theend #fromthebeginning
Thursday Nov 17, 2022
169: The Chronicles Vol I
Thursday Nov 17, 2022
Thursday Nov 17, 2022
“We’ve got a little surprise for you tonight…”
We’ve been talking about doing this for so long now that many of you (ourselves included) had almost given up thinking it was ever going to happen, like it was just another instance of the usual psilly nonsense that manifests deep within the Bunkerpoon Studios whilst surfing relaxer fueled waves of madness.
Well, the aforementioned “psilly nonsense” has finally manifested into a multi-dimensional, multi-tentacled reality!
Now, just so we’re perfectly clear and we’re all on the same page here, we are absolutely NOT talking about “Knights in Satan’s Service” or “Kids in Satan’s Service” or ANYTHING having any affiliation with “Satan’s Service” in any way, shape, or form!!!
And we’re definitely NOT talking about “Keeping it Super Simple” either.
But actually, in all reality, we definitely kinda are…
And we definitely kinda did…
A lot. (“Yeah, yeah…”)
It’s time to strap in for “a hard day at the office” and put on your finest “cheetah skin boots” to go with your “gloves of shame” to ensure you’re outfitted with the proper ensemble to do “The Paul Dance” before Mr. Unicorn gnaws through another mic cable again. Always remember that the code word is “airhorn” and JOIN US for a multi-part trip through The Chronicles.
Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode
Leave us a Voicemail to be played on a future episode: 980-666-8182
Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – metalnerdery.com/merch
and kindly leave us a review and/or rating on the iTunes/Apple Podcasts - Spotify or your favorite Podcast app
Listen on iTunes, Spotify, Podbean, Google Podcasts or wherever you get your Podcasts.
Follow us on the Socials:
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Email: metalnerdery@gmail.com
Can’t be LOUD Enough Playlist on Spotify
Metal Nerdery Munchies on YouTube @metalnerderypodcast
Show Notes:
(00:01): “That dude was me…” #crispyjello / “We FINALLY made it!!!” / It’s the wild wide mouth… / #thisepisodesclinkyoftheepisode #SinEater #shroomy ***WARNING: #listenerdiscretionisadvised / ***WELCOME BACK TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST!!!*** #thisepisodesbeerbeforetheepisode #Abita #BubbleGumJuicyIPA / ***Shroom Chronicles Edition*** #shroomchroniclesASMR #psilocybinASMR / #rubbingthebuttonASMR / #thisepisodesbeeroftheepisode #AkademiaBrewingCompany #DeathRipperVolumeEight (cool #albumcovers) #sixpercentABV / #costcoboozebythedrum / “You can’t tell the difference if you put it in Coca-Cola”
(6:54): #TheVoicemailSegment ***GIVE US A CALL AND LEAVE US A VOICEMAIL AT 980-666-8182!!!*** / #pissingpost #thewordisairhorn / “Somebody #buttdialed us…” / An update regarding the week… / #SixFlags vs #DollyWood / #rollercoasterASMR / “Boy, that’d wear your ass out…” #markthetime / #spiritualASMR #whatsthatnoise “He’ll do anything to NOT listen to #KISS” / Sabotaged by #theblackdog / #chewedcableASMR / “At some point, don’t tits transform into boobs?” / Dolly Parton and Rob Halford and Jolene / #bigonmicburpASMR / Russ says #boobs the best / “I want to see what the downstairs looks like…” / “Have you seen Madonna lately?” / #justbeyourself / “#daylightsavingstime is the longest day of the year” #endDSTforever (Actually it’s Arizona and Hawaii).
(19:44): #TheDocket KISS and going back in time to our younger years / “I did have the KISS lunchbox…and the posters” / #KISS on #ScoobyDoo / “His real name is #GeneSimmonsFromKISS” / #shroomchroniclesASMR / “You only get one Parasite…” / This is NOT an #insidethemetal of KISS / #Anthrax PARASITE / “If mine was catching you, it’s gold…” / “That was a juicy one…” / A note regarding the #KissMyAssCompilation / #Motorhead SHOUT IT OUT LOUD / #DeathAngel COLD GIN (from Frolic Through the Park)
(29:44): “We’re doing good…” / KISS ALIVE! II #guitarsolo on SHOCK ME (about 4 minutes in…) / “It’s built like a tank…” #guitarpicktappingASMR / “Who was one of the first guitarists to do tapping?” / “Can you imagine #EVH in KISS?” / “What was the first KISS song you remember hearing as a kid?” / “That’s like the Enter Sandman of KISS…” / “They had the stereo turned up to #twelveteen back in the 70’s…”
(36:35): #kabukiASMR / The future of KISS will be continued by #KISSKlones / KISS was all about “The Show” / the impact of #disco on 70’s rock / DETROIT ROCK CITY #killeropener (from Destroyer) “That’s a sloppy eater…” / “The most progressive #dualguitarsolo they ever did” / “It’s almost like Maiden…” / “Okay, seriously…” / KISS didn’t really explode in popularity until after the release of ALIVE! / Remember the #KISSsoloalbums?
(47:27): “Did you find the one I showed ya?” / #shoutout to #MrUnicorn and #theblackdog #cablechewingASMR / #Sershen&Zaritskaya I WAS MADE FOR LOVIN’ YOU (It’s time for #ThePaulDance) / “It’s hotter when she sings it…” / “This is difficult for me…” / Fast forward to “Music From The Elder” … / “It’s like their Loads…” / “You know what’s sad when I look at this…besides everything?” / MR. BLACKWELL (“I don’t hate this) / From Creatures of the Night; I LOVE IT LOUD #allthecokelines (Eric Carr pounded the skins with a Bonhamesque intensity).
(57:01): If you were gonna play just one from Lick It Up and a word from #Damone #killeropener EXCITER (It’s their #ExciterMoment) / And now, a #longdistancededication… / LICK IT UP #deepbreathandbegin “Look at those boots…” #cheetahskinbootsASMR #thecomplicatedpart #thatwashilarious
(1:02:45): “Yessir, they’re workin’…” / #microdoseASMR / From Animalize HEAVENS ON FIRE #ThePaulDance “He got a lotta tang in the 80’s…” / “Before we play the good song…” / “This is the hardest thing you’ll do all day…” / From Asylum TEARS ARE FALLING #theglovesofshame “What are they wearing?” ***Go watch the #musicvideo for this!!!***/ KING OF THE MOUNTAIN #drumintro / From Crazy Nights NO NO NO #BruceKulickSoloASMR / “That man has never willingly done drugs…” / TURN ON THE NIGHT and #KarateKidReboot / “Don’t you dare get them confused…”
(1:12:50): Carnival of Souls (aka their heaviest album) / “Make-up or not make-up?” / RAIN #groovemetalKISS MASTER AND SLAVE “It’s pretty meaty…” #grungeKISS JUNGLE and IT NEVER GOES AWAY #doomKISS / Various contributing song writers / Psycho Circus (“…sounds like a better produced 70’s KISS album…”) #pulpfucktion YOU WANTED THE BEST
(1:26:50): “What’s the most offensive KISS song?” / “Gene Simmons vs Wilt Chamberlain?” BURN BITCH BURN #nocokelines / And now back to Lick It Up to close things out / FITS LIKE A GLOVE #readthoselyrics #noteven / ***THANK YOU FOR JOINING US FOR THIS EPISODE OF THE SHROOM CHRONICLES AND METAL (KISS) NERDERY!!!*** / “Is that a full bottle of nuts?”/ Unintended #BlackAlbumReference / #untilthenext “Go buy some #glovesofshame and do #ThePaulDance” / ***GO PURCHANDISE SOME METAL NERDERY MERCHANDISE AT metalnerdery.com/merch *** / #outroreel #hehahuh #nosebreathingASMR
Thursday Nov 10, 2022
168: AC/DC LET THERE BE ROCK - Album Dive
Thursday Nov 10, 2022
Thursday Nov 10, 2022
“In the beginning…back in 1955…”
While it’s the first album sporting the trademark lightning bolt logo (and the last album with Mark Evans on bass), AC/DC’s 1977 masterpiece LET THERE BE ROCK remains a quintessential chapter in the AC/DC catalog and is without question one of the most blistering albums of their legendary 70’s output.
Featuring the furiously unrestrained lyrical genius of Bon Scott, the limitless kinetic headbanging and scorching guitar pyrotechnics of Angus Young, and the rock-solid rhythm section of Mark Evans, Malcolm Young and Phil Rudd reinforcing the backbeat, LET THERE BE ROCK represents the ferocious next step in the evolution of hard rock and heavy metal and contains all of the requisite sleaze and debauchery you’d expect from the lads down under.
It's high time you “put on your jorts…grab a banana” and “strap in for the ride” as you prepare to receive numerous “parking lot” employment opportunities and all the “all-you-can-eat crabs” your junk can withstand. Pop the cassette in the tape deck of your “8-dawg”, turn it up to angry, and JOIN US as we reflect on the Aussie angst and blazing riffs that culminated in the miracle of music known throughout the world as LET THERE BE ROCK.
Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode
Leave us a Voicemail to be played on a future episode: 980-666-8182
Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – metalnerdery.com/merch
and kindly leave us a review and/or rating on the iTunes/Apple Podcasts - Spotify or your favorite Podcast app
Listen on iTunes, Spotify, Podbean, Google Podcasts or wherever you get your Podcasts.
Follow us on the Socials:
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Email: metalnerdery@gmail.com
Can’t be LOUD Enough Playlist on Spotify
Metal Nerdery Munchies on YouTube @metalnerderypodcast
Check out AC/DC on the InterWebs: https://www.acdc.com/
Show Notes:
(00:01): “You keep it right there…” / #fartmistress / “Peanut butter or cinnamon?” / #strangerinthetub #thisepisodesclinkyoftheepisode #SkrewballPeanutButterWhiskey ***WELCOME BACK TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST!!!*** WARNING #listenerdiscretionisadvised / “We are training for #TheChronicles” / #RussellsReflections and a #HalloweenPartyStory / “Like #Gettysburg or #Arlington?” / #massivefartnoise / “Hangovers are hard in your #middleages” #stopfortherightreason / #thisepisodesbeeroftheepisode and #alcoholetiquette / “Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy” #sourceneeded #eternalhappiness / Always choose wine, more mileage out of your buzz and less abdominal gas. #imgoingwinebar / (But for the purpose of this episode…) #wickedweedbrewing #PerniciousIPA #sophomoricASMR / “I can’t not see it…” #sevenpointthreepercentABV #highergravity / #RussellsReflectionsASMR (NOTE: this was recorded #prehalloween, hence the #horrortalk) #greatthememusicASMR ***#shoutout to the #DevilTownPodcast for this segment of #RussellsReflections #thatswhywerenumbertwo *** #SatansBumpkins and #fielddressing (not what some of us thought it meant…) / “Don’t blame me…” / #ChristianTestamentPodcastASMR / ***NOTE: Go check out our Sabbat “Dreamweaver” episode!!!*** / “That’s the reason why…” / #itsgonnahappen
(17:37): “Is it #docketthirty?” / #thevoicemailsegment ***GIVE US A CALL AND LEAVE US A VOICEMAIL AT 980-666-8182!!!*** #pissingpost and a horrible Robert Plant #TheSongRemainsTheSame impression / “Do it, do it, do it, do it…push, push, push…” / We’ve got #worldwidecoverage. And a pretty huge crowd in and around the #IcelandicTriCountyArea as well as everywhere else. / No jingle this week (and #noshittah for WE’LL PLAY YOUR SHIT-TAH!!!) but if you want us to play your #shittah you can hit us up on #instagram or #facebook or email us at metalnerdery@gmail.com / We’re gonna grab something else from #KingVolumeRecords #HouseOfTheDead #Ordos THE WITCH / “I want the rabbit with the #boobs” / #TheWorshipOfSilence (IT’S NOT BETTER THAN THE) DRUGS / #loadthebowl, fellow #bowlloader/ #proggyspacedoom #grabitinthemiddle / This is for all the #chainsmokingweedsmokers / #iwanttherabbitwiththeboobs #MetalNerderyTechnoMix
(26:00): #TheDocket: “And on the 8th day…” / AC/DC: LET THERE BE ROCK and a trip down #memorylane back to #childhood / “If that’s EVEN imaginable…” #alotofimagination / “Remember #ColumbiaHouse?” / “How did highschoolers actually attend high school HIGH on #psychedelics?”/ Thinking back to our initial #ACDC purchases / “I might like this one better than Highway to Hell” / The AC/DC logo on #LetThereBeRock is the first Bon era album with that classic logo and the logo that stuck / Poorly orchestrated #BlackAlbumReference / “It’s their #MasterOfJustice…or their #JusticeOfPuppets…” / A note regarding this record from the #VanHalen family / #morefoodreferences #steakanalogyASMR #thethrashofrock
(36:57): GO DOWN (“Where you been, Ruby?”) / “Now I understand…” / Problem Child appeared on #bolth #DDDDC and #LTBR / DOG EAT DOG (“Do you know who you can trust?”) / Music heard in childhood prior to hearing AC/DC / “Yeah you did…” / Easily the heaviest thing ever heard in childhood prior to the discovery of metal / The punk energy of AC/DC (#FuckYouInThreeChords) / The dual front man concept of Bon + Angus / Other releases from 1977…
(46:23): #Inthebeginning LET THERE BE ROCK (***Go and watch and enjoy the #musicvideo for this!!!***) #turneduptoangry “He’s missing a tooth too…” / “And the music was good and the music was loud…” / “I’ve never seen Angus play guitar without doing that…” / #AngusYoung is a verb because he’s always #Angusing / Matt’s impression of a #scythe / #RIP to #JerryLeeLewis and some sound advice to headlining #headliners acts regarding how to treat your opening #openers acts #benice #dontbeanasshole
(56:21): BAD BOY BOOGIE (aka the #killercloser of #sideone) #goodoldfashionedgoodness ***Check out the live version from their “Let There Be Rock” #concertvideo filmed in Paris in 1979!!!***/ PROBLEM CHILD (cut or top?) #metalnerderymegamix “It’s actually ‘Cop this’” #STFUASMR #taketwo / #freakingoutASMR / “How about a side 3?” / CRABSODY IN BLUE (it’s the “Ride On” of Let There Be Rock…this is from the Australian version…and it’s also about #crabs and/or #pubiclice) #stdtragedy / OVERDOSE (the mighty #Exodus did a killer cover of this as well) #introASMR #init #yeah #ExodusCrushedThisASMR / “A more pissed off ZZ top…?”
(1:06:40): HELL AIN’T A BAD PLACE TO BE (almost has a #BackInBlack vibe to it) / An update from Damone / #killercloser / “This is the third thrash song ever written?” / Rosie’s dimensions are a lot (42-39-56) / #comfortride (“It was all me in there…”) #pleasureride and #togoboxreprise / NOTE: Delta 88 and Delta 8 are NOT the same thing! / Well, she weighs nineteen stone according to the lyrics, and a stone is 14 pounds, so roughly 266 lbs. Actually, she was also over 6 feet tall!!! #pleasedont #amazonlady / WHOLE LOTTA ROSIE (“That’s like a #sixflagsride”) / #orgasmnoiseASMR #cricketASMR / Track listing changes and an example of songs that don’t “fit” on an album / #killerclosener / There’s the #blackdog … / #ParanormalActivityASMR and #ghostballs / The punk, hard rock, and metal elements embodied within the sound of AC/DC… / “I’ve gotta go home and #washmyballs…for the #parkinglotblowjobs” / #ShroomChroniclesAreComingASMR / #TheNewNORML and #crimesagainstnature / THANK YOU FOR JOINING US FOR THIS EPISODE OF METAL NERDERY PODCAST!!! ***Please visit our 33rd Floor I.U.B.P.S. #GiftShoppe at metalnerdery.com/merch *** #untilthenext #ShelbyASMR #outroreel #hehahuh #washingmyballsASMR
Thursday Nov 03, 2022
Thursday Nov 03, 2022
Thursday Nov 03, 2022
“Step inside, walk this way…”
The world just wouldn’t be the same without Dave Mustaine and MEGADETH. No one else in metal embodies the same snarling, vengeful angst against the psychopathic “powers that be” as Mega Dave, and the band’s 16th studio offering, “THE SICK, THE DYING…AND THE DEAD!” once again proves it. With topics running the gamut from space travel, war, and (actual) plague to nuclear disaster and shameless celebrity selfie queens, Dave has once again masterfully unleashed his passionate disgust and contempt for everything that has negatively tainted our world with furious thrash-tactical precision that is intricately woven together with thin threads of progressive metal grandeur.
Go ahead and get your “cortisone shart” out of the way before you slip into your “finger pants” and “request a to-go box” while preparing for the imminent “air horn frenzy” that awaits as you indulge in “a handful and a mouthful” and JOIN US for a dive into MEGADETH: THE SICK, THE DYING…AND THE DEAD!
Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode
Leave us a Voicemail to be played on a future episode: 980-666-8182
Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – metalnerdery.com/merch
and kindly leave us a review and/or rating on the iTunes/Apple Podcasts - Spotify or your favorite Podcast app
Listen on iTunes, Spotify, Podbean, Google Podcasts or wherever you get your Podcasts.
Follow us on the Socials:
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Email: metalnerdery@gmail.com
Can’t be LOUD Enough Playlist on Spotify
Metal Nerdery Munchies on YouTube:
MEGADETH on the InterWebs: WEB
Show Notes:
(00:01): “That’s not what I was gonna say…” / #GrandmaBeavis / #theuncorking (“That was a wet one”) and a #bigmouth / #cortisoneshart and the joy of #superfarts / #thisepisodesclinkyoftheepisode #SinEater (Cinnamon flavored whisky) #itleaked because of #thebigmouth / ***WARNING!!!*** #listenerdiscretionisadvised ***WELCOME BACK TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST!!!*** #tainttightener / What dimension did you materialize from? / #thisepisodesbeeroftheepisode #layoff #adderalldeficitdisordermoment #WickedWeedBrewing from #Asheville #FreakOfNature (excellent #albumcover) #highgravitybeer and #properdaydrinking tips. / “That’s the loudness that you taste…” / #eightpointfivepercentABV (aka #loudbeer) / ***Shoutout to local boys #ActusReus*** / #whatsthat #didyoumarkthat #TheyDidSomeTool #ultramegaremix #pitchshiftedhilarity
(09:11): “Be teased…” #psychicblueballs (or you could just read further down in the show notes) / “Blair Witch meets Evil Dead…” / #DeadStream #spoileralert / “Man, her tits were I-rated…” / (Russell says #boobs the best.) #Wokeshitsucks especially in #horrormovies and #RussellsReflections and an #editorial regarding the mass #boobdeficit in horror / #thevoicemailsegment ***GIVE US A CALL AND LEAVE US A VOICEMAIL AT 980-666-8182!!!*** #thereturnofthepost “How do #guitarsolos affect you?” (NOTE: the answers may vary between guitarists and non-guitarists…) / The emotional (and sometimes physical) impact of songs and/or guitar solos are very similar / “That was recorded in one single take!” #onetakewonder #Xanadu / “Damn I wish I could play guitar…” / And now, a rebranding: there’s #bassguitar and #trebleguitar / #onemorevoicemail #thereheis #numberonepodcast (thank you for that, Johnny-O) #thatmanisablessin / NO ONE is handing out the #goodcandy to children on #Halloween…even in the #legalweedstates (because it’s too expensive!). / Teachable moments…
(24:46): No #shittah from those of you in the tri-county area, but a recommendation… / #KingVolumeRecords (Not sure of the artist). #stonerdoomgoodness #artistunknown #fuzzy #fuzztease / #JurassicWitch “BLACK MASSES AND ASHES” VELOCIREAPER (“Someone needs to load a bowl for this…”) ***You can also find this on #bandcamp*** #killersongtitles (Not really #WellPlayYourShittah but also, kinda…) / “It’s time to get the band back together…I want to scream again…”
(31:45): #TheDocket MEGADETH “THE SICK, THE DYING, AND THE DEAD” / Quick first impressions and Dave’s uncanny gift for picking gifted guitarists to be part of #Megadeth / Production critiques / “Maybe that’s why it’s fun…” / #guitarbliss #awwwmannn and the evolution of Dave’s vocal style over the years / “Is it just as easy as asking for a to-go box?” #Poorlytimedrimshot and #poorlytimedlaughter #sadtrombone and that absurdly annoying buzzer siren noise (see also #airhorn) / #themostobnoxiousnoiseintheworld #thatnoise #homemadelube
(41:53): Excellent #MontyPythonReference (NOTE: Actually, it’s from #TheHolyGrail) #killeropener THE SICK, THE DYING…AND THE DEAD! (The riff with the harmonies is total #guitarbone) #yeah #killerharmonies / Remember when you first figured out how to play #complexicated riffs? / “Yours is #moreannoying…” / #pastawithattitude / The first Megadeth album without David Ellefson / LIFE IN HELL #oldschoolthrash (Wait…#fingerpants?)
(50:56): NIGHT STALKERS (feat. ICE-T) #sickriff (definitely thrashy, old school style!) / (NOTE: the part in question is actually after the acoustic, interlude part) / #ilovethehelmet / “Mites grow on a chicken’s ass”/ DOGS OF CHERNOBYL #justkiddingASMR #softintro #killeracousticintro #MegaProg / “Let’s say you had an amazing butt recipe…” / A word about Kiko’s genius / “What are you doing with your life?” / #vaginahaircuts and #genitalbeards
(1:00:24): SACRIFICE #thatriff / Amazing guitarists and the power of influences / Speaking of #guitarbone (#dualguitarbone) #markthetime / “So that’s a yes…” and more #adderall please / “They’re made from a mold…” / JUNKIE (“Is this Def Leppard?”) #Fuckyoubolth because “you can’t unhear it…ever!” #gothim / #MegaLeppard / PSYCHOPATHY #spokenwordpart (and the different kinds of #psychopathy) / “I’m not laughing at the fact; I’m laughing at the delivery…”
(1:09:35): KILLING TIME / Guitarists (like Kiko) with multi-tentacled tentacles who take home the gold in the #guitarolympics / #motivationalmoments / SOLDIER ON! (Very old school sounding…) #killeroutro (#DrillSeargentMustaine calling cadence…) / “Handful of pussy and a mouthful of ass…” / CELEBUTANTE (and a flashback to 1983…) and #weirdrifftiming (“Where’s the 1?”) / #perfectsegue into the next…
(1:19:36): MISSION TO MARS (“It’s got a lot of bottom…”) / Cool middle part…and a #catalogcallback / #supernaturaltentacles / “Dave would make a killer #voiceactor…” / Update regarding #TheShroomChronicles / #nogagcomplex (or #gagreflex) / #weirdlegaldumbness / WE’LL BE BACK #killercloser / “He might be A.I.” / ***BONUS TRACKS (on the #digitaledition of #TheSickTheDyingAndTheDead)*** #boneustracks POLICE TRUCK (#DeadKennedys cover) / WTF is that voice anyway: maybe #LarsDamone or #NewYorkLars? / THIS PLANET’S ON FIRE (BURN IN HELL) #SammyHagar cover / Favorite tracks / Released September 2, 2022 / ***THANK YOU FOR JOINING US!!!*** #untilthenext #timetoemptytheballs / ***PLEASE VISIT OUR 33RD FLOOR I.U.B.P. GIFT SHOPPE AND MAKE A PURCH OF SOME MERCH AT metalnerdery.com/merch ***) / #outroreel #hehahuh #longlivemetalnerdery
Thursday Oct 27, 2022
166: Halloween Metal and Movies
Thursday Oct 27, 2022
Thursday Oct 27, 2022
“How could The Exorcist be your LEAST favorite scary movie?”
Gratuitous thunderclaps, ominous church bells ringing in the chapel, creepy haunted castles, ghosts & poltergeists, witches & werewolves, paranormal and supernatural activity, candy…
That’s right: candy!!! And with any luck, hopefully some fortunate trick-or-treaters will be blessed with some of that “good candy” on their door-to-door quest to satiate their sugar fix. All overly concerned parents are encouraged to send any suspect candy you may find to our 33rd Floor I.U.B.P. Laboratory for further testing, confirmation, and (potential) enjoyment (by us). Because it’s HALLOWEEN: the most terrifying time of the year. A season that celebrates ghouls, horror movies, and spookiness in metal. (And also candy.)
Time to don your favorite costume for the masquerade and enjoy “The Love Theme from The Exorcist” as you comprehend how “the Nickelback of metal” correlates very strongly with this episode. Get ready to cackle like hysterical witches “for all the wrong reasons” and JOIN US for a celebration of All Hallows Eve, Metal Nerdery style.
Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode
Leave us a Voicemail to be played on a future episode: 980-666-8182
Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – metalnerdery.com/merch
and kindly leave us a review and/or rating on the iTunes/Apple Podcasts - Spotify or your favorite Podcast app
Listen on iTunes, Spotify, Podbean, Google Podcasts or wherever you get your Podcasts.
Follow us on the Socials:
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Email: metalnerdery@gmail.com
Can’t be LOUD Enough Playlist on Spotify
Metal Nerdery Munchies on YouTube:
Go Check Out ALL of these BANDS and buy their Shit-tah!
Show Notes:
(00:01): ***Cue up the spookiness…” #MetalNerderyHalloween #HalloweenSpecial (“Should we do a half or a third?” #medicalwoman #butchcocks #cockorectomy #retractedtentacles #meatdrapesselfie #attentionladies #cheers ***WARNING***#listenerdiscretionisadvised ***WELCOME BACK TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST!!!*** #CaptainMorgan #CherryVanilla #thirdshowenergy #segue into #thisepisodesbeeroftheepisode #contfont (“Looking for #Wireman…”) #AlmanacBeerCompany #RocktoberFest #SeanConneryASMR “Good sausage beer…” / #backshadowing (“That’s masterful backshadowing…”) #fivepercentABV (It tastes very German…) #noaftertaste #gooddaydrinkingbeer / ***#ShroomChroniclesUpdate (“What IF!?”) “We should probably go ahead and get those chronicles out of the way before #nuclearholocaust occurs” ***NOTE: The #33rdFloorIUPBStudios is secure…*** #worstshowever #breakthroughmoment
(06:17): #HappyHalloween #prehalloweencore ***HAPPY HALLOWEEN TO YOU ALL!!!*** / #halloweenmovies (and the different #horrorgenres in #cinema) #halloweenmoviereviews / The #blackdog is waking up… / “Nobody wants to be positive and nobody likes shit anymore…” / Reaching for a poorly structured #BlackAlbumReference argument / #translantic #nosurgery #translanticaccent (“Where did I come from?”) ***What’s your FAVORITE #horrormovie? *** “How could #TheExorcist be your LEAST scary horror movie?” / “Don’t deny the power of your dreams…” #dreamscometrue #sharknado and #ominousthunder / “The first #Halloween movie…” / Art endures forever… / “Hitchcock was the #BlackSabbath of horror movies…” / #Psycho vs Halloween and a #tangentional #filmhistorystory #cuethecreepy #cuemorethunder #thunderASMR / #RussellsHorrorReflections #horrormovieedition
(16:36): ***What do you think of FIRST when you think of Halloween? *** #HalloweenCore (and a great impression of #PeterSteele #TypeONegative BLACK NO. 1 (LITTLE MISS SCARE-ALL) #HappyHalloween #audiokief / “Their #albumart matches their sound…” / Creepiest #AliceCooper song (and some prior concert recollections) WELCOME TO MY NIGHTMARE (***Remember when Alice was on #TheMuppets? ***) #creepy #awwwman #passthebowlman
(22:53): “If we’re talking about bands/songs…you’ve got to think about this one…” / #BlackSabbath BLACK SABBATH (#TheHellAwaitsOf1970) / “Always on my #halloweenplaylist…” / #scaryplus / #patronization #horrorpunk #TheMisfits WHERE EAGLES DARE / #quickinterjection “Don’t you think there should be #adulttrickortreating???” / DIE DIE MY DARLING (Can you hear that and NOT hear the #MetallicaVersion?) / #facepaint / A list of horror movies that correlate with metal (and/or punk) / #limitedtentacleaccess #limitedtindelviewing #DeathAngelSuperMedley #genre / 90’s horror movies / #TheBlairWitchProject #foundfootage and #pureprofit #marktetinggenius / #crickets #thehashtaggoeshere #sorryaboutthat #DeathAngel THE ULTRA-VIOLENCE #limitedtentacleaccess and/or #limitedtindelaccess #LoveThemeFromTheExorcist
(34:53): #RigorMortis #MetalNerderyRecommendation
(#HalloweenEdition) POLTERGEIST #earlyindustrial / “That’s called #vocalburn…” / #BobsBurgers vs #Archer #twanglification / “I taste nut butter…and we never even did an intro…” / #highschool #bullseye #laughingforthewrongreason #Volbeat ROOM 24 (with #KingDiamond) #thatsverynice (NOTE: I guess #Helloween doing HALLOWEEN ain’t happening…) / #Danzig AM I DEMON #PrimusBox (ARGUMENT: Is Danzig #notmetal?) #ElvisMorrison #metalmassacreflashback #iwaswrong #BlindWillieButthole
(46:06): #MrMicrophone and a #killerbit (“What’s the scariest Danzig song?”) HOW THE GODS KILL #GloomyDarkElvis #downer / #OzzyOsbourne as a #werewolf BARK AT THE MOON (If you haven’t already, you should really go watch the #musicvideo for this and check out our Ozzy episode!!!) #GodBlessOzzy / “Can anyone explain the weird energy of the #BillyIdol WHITE WEDDING #musicvideo*** / “We’re all #buttholes” / #IronMaiden THE NUMBER OF THE BEAST #insertflangehere “And after 500 takes…” (#TrickOrTreat and go check out our #NOTB #albumdiveepisode!!!)
(56:00): “What’s people’s deal with treating #Ghost like the #Nickelback of metal anyway?” FROM THE PINNACLE TO THE PIT #notpendulum #bigteaser #fromthetentaclestothetits / WTF is #gatekeeping anyway? #PigDestroyer JENNIFER/CHEERLEADER CORPSES (“Prowler in the Yard is the #ReignInBlood of #grindcore”) / “Everybody gets one left and then we’ll go…” / #notdoingKISS #Slipknot THE DEVIL IN I #greatbuildup #andthen / “Changing the world with an updated #chemtrailmix / #Slayer HAUNTING THE CHAPEL / #WeHeartSlayer / “I was gonna throw up…” / “How about, instead of that…” / #RussellsHorrorMovieRecommendations #tindelation #mouthfullofnuts LIVE UNDEAD #becausezombies / “And this is the first thing that popped up in my head…” #IronMaiden IRON MAIDEN #excitermoment / ***Go check out all of our #tangentionalepisodes that relate to #thisepisode!!!*** / ***THANK YOU FOR JOINING US!!!*** #untilthenext #thelastword ***Come visit us at metalnerdery.com/merch and make a purch of some merch!!!*** / #HappyHalloween #outroreel #hehahuh #longlivemetalnerdery #peanutbutterfarts