Thursday Mar 02, 2023
#184 KREATOR - Vol. I: The 80’s
Thursday Mar 02, 2023
Thursday Mar 02, 2023
For the inhabitants of the Bunkerpoon, Georgia Tech’s college radio station (WREK 91.1FM) and their weekly, late-night metal show (WREKage) was our very first exposure to one of the titans of “The Big Teutonic Four” of thrash metal, Germany’s KREATOR. In fact, for many of us in and around the tri-county, metropolitan Atlanta area, that was the only place in the late 80’s where we’d hear them (at least on the radio anyway…).
It’s time to break out your “thirstables” and bear witness to the best Jagermeister conspiracy theory you ever heard as you get “shiny” and prepare to be “thumb blasted” while slurping on Germany’s most consumed digestif. Prepare for “a clean wipe” around the old “chocolate Satan”
and JOIN US as we go INSIDE THE METAL with KREATOR -Vol. I: The 80’s.
Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode
Leave us a Voicemail to be played on a future episode: 980-666-8182
Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – metalnerdery.com/merch
and kindly leave us a review and/or rating on the iTunes/Apple Podcasts - Spotify or your favorite Podcast app
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Email: metalnerdery@gmail.com
Can’t be LOUD Enough Playlist on Spotify
Metal Nerdery Munchies on YouTube @metalnerderypodcast
Show Notes:
(00:01): “It’s time for some #thirstables / #theunscrewing #thisepisodesclinkyoftheepisode / It’s time to get annihilated…#jager #coldbrew #jagercoldbrew #ahhhh #deliciousness (and #jagershakes) / ***WARNING: #listenerdiscretionisadvised *** / “It’s got the #Jager twang to it…but it’s better than regular…” / ***WELCOME BACK TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST WITH RELAXING ANESTHESIA AND DEATH METAL BURPS!!!*** / The best drug conspiracy theory ever regarding Jager / #jagermeistercoldbrew #waitwhat #druglegalizationASMR and the old-school #jagermeisteropiummyth (That sounds “typical” af… #allbyhimself) / “That’s too much math, bro…” / #wormwood and #absinthe / “It is a different feeling…” / #uhsorry & #legalization #onmicburpASMR/ “That would be exciting…” / #staranise or #licoriceflavored (also with some evil demon infusion…) “It’s a process…”
(04:44): This was based on looks alone… / #albumcover (Oh boy…) #HazyDoubleIPA #ImpendingDoom #HazyJuicy #ninepointfivepercentABV #heavyseasbeer #puertorico and #baltimoreMD #TheVerdict (“Smells like weed…good grief…”) / “A little bit fruity…” / “That’s a potion kinda thing…” #itmakesthejagertastebetter / “I’ll get through it…” #sportswords / #NationalChampionGeorgiaBulldogs (“I’ll just say that at a bar……”) / #itsjustme #thankyou #heavyseasbeer (“I did buy this…”) #onmicburpASMR and #metalnerderyland #beerconsumers / #ValentinesDayMassacreASMR / “All the like and all the love…” / “Welllllll….” / #wellnesscheck and #dingdongditch (DO NOT DO THIS EVER!!!) / #swatting is illegal / “I’m a #misanthrope…” / #zerohope (“I would not make it through #StarWars…”) / ***Why do we only hear about negative news in the news? Is there not anything GOOD happening anywhere anymore? (That was rhetorical…Quit creating all this non necessary expensive nonsense!!! )/ “The porn version of Face Book?” / #instatits #instagina #stillIG #thevoicemailsegment ***GIVE US A CALL AND LEAVE US A VOICEMAIL AT 980-666-8182!!!*** / “He’s back…” #thereturnofpissingpost ***Go check out the recent #stonermetalvolumefive episode…*** #loveyou / “Hold your fucking horses…” / #randymachomansavageASMR (Is it #wrestling or #wrastling or #bolth?) / #darksideofthering (on #hulu) / “Go ahead, get it out…” / #freeplug and the woes of the years of #yore when #cabletelevision was something that only the #uppermiddleclass could afford in the 80’s.) #tbs #marathon (Holy fuck, that’s a lot of fucking wrestling!!! #brotherbrotherbrother) / “Cockwinkle?” / “They were like the boy band of wrestling in Texas…”/ “Yes, probably so…” / Massively gruesome tales in the #wrestlingcommunity (“They kinda go together…a little…”) #RussellsReflectionsTangentionalEdition / A documentary about #RickFlair / “That guy…” #whooo / #ooohhhyeeeeauhhhh / Some background #RandySavage #backstory / “His inner misogyny came out…” / “It’s one thing to say…” / “It’s choreographed…it’s real!” / #RussellsReflectionsASMR
(19:39): “Did we have any #shittah?” / WE’LL PLAY YOUR SHIT-TAH!!! / #ActusReus #markthetime #fatthumbs #markthetime #thumbblasting #perfectsoundeffect www.actusreusband.com (***Go check out our #BehindTheMetal episode with Actus Reus #inthebunkerpoon*** ) ***GO SEE ACTUS REUS ON TOUR!!!*** / THE COPS AREN’T COMING (on the #YouTube) #featuringvocalsfrom Luke Marlowe #YosemiteInBlack (Smite?) / ***Go check out the video…*** / “That’s The (#CENSORED) word for (Insert redaction) people” / “You can’t say any words…” #nowordsallowed / “Oh wait, so I get to do the #jingle then?” / #iguess ***You can email us at metalnerdery@gmail.com or hit us up on #instavag or #instabook*** / “It’s way better than doing it dry, bro…” / “What’s wrong with shiny?” / “Oh yeah, let’s sing it!” / ***WOULD YOU LIKE TO HEAR US DO A MASTODON episode!? Lettuce know!!!*** / “That doesn’t help…” / “I saw ‘em at #SixFlags one time…” / “It wasn’t here…” / #Scar-duh…” / “That could be the name of our band…”
(28:27): #TheDocket #Kreator (Vol. 1: The 80’s) / Welcome back to Milly… see also #episodeone / Mailing lists…the internet before the internet was the internet…” / First Kreator experience… and #TerribleCertainty / Part of the #TeutonicFour (#RussellsWrongASMR) #googleit / #killeropener (***What’s their mascot’s name?***) / #ViolentMind (“It seems so formal…”) / “It’s Charles Xmen…”
(32:40): #killeropener ENDLESS PAIN (From “Endless Pain” – 1985) / Bringing it back around to #RussellsReflectionsASMR and #DecimationASMR / “Which is amazing…For a…” / Which one has #allthecokelines? / ***BTW, DON’T BREAK YOUR BONE!!!*** / TORMENTOR (think “Hit The Lights” but next level…German thrash style) / “Black Metal and Thrash Metal…” / “It’s so pure…” / “Can we hear a little bit of #Bonebreaker?” BONEBREAKER / #truckername
(39:43): “Less than a year later…” / Pleasure to Kill – 1986) / “…landmark thrash album…” / “Death Metal?” / #WREKboneASMR / #tittleetrack #alltheballs PLEASURE TO KILL (Can YOU #drumfill like that!?) / “I’m telling you, you’ve heard this on #WREKage…” / “Just a little bit…” RIOT OF VIOLENCE #moshpart (That’s almost melodic in a weird, Kreator kinda way) / It’s almost strangely atonally melodic / FLAG OF HATE / “That’s WREK all day…in the day time.” / “NO!” / “I’ve been nice…I wanna be liked…” / #idontlikethisfuckingbeer #judgementcall #theaterofthemind
(47:52): “This is the one I bought…” / Terrible Certainty – 1987 / “I don’t think we have to, but I kinda want to…” / “There’s a lotta coke lines on here…” / TERRIBLE CERTAINTY (#justatinge) NOTE: the lyric in question is from #HallowedPoint / #waitaminute (Which one came first?) / That was Seasons, but we all missed the song…because #relaxers / “He might have run out of mucus…” / TOXIC TRACE #whoa #hammerdown (That’s fucking fast!) / “Lars would not approve…” / #andjusticeforalltreatment / #justonemore #untilitsover #softintro BEHIND THE MIRROR (“It’s like all the coke lines except one…” / #veggie / ***EP’s were not included, our apologies*** / #cleanwipe / “Warm or cold?” / #highsociety /
(58:56): “I do remember that…” “Extreme Aggression – 1989” / A little background info regarding the old #WREKage radio show #GeorgiaTechCollegeRadio / “We did not play there…” / “Chocolate satan?” / “We could do it…” / #RussellsReflectionsExtendedNonsenseDubMix / “I know they played that on WREKage a lot!”/ #killeropener EXTREME AGGRESSION (Look up the greatness of producer #RandyBurns…note the extreme Progression of the production on this record!) / “Cool, let’s give it a listen…” BETRAYER #peakingonarollercoaster
(1:06:22): “Yeah, probably…” “Coma of Souls – 1990” (Is it really their #BlackAlbum?) / “I’ll bet they’d be even more ultra-aggressive…” #uncalledfor “It was in the ‘40’s, man…” / #mathman (“Guess what…”) #allthecokelines PEOPLE OF THE LIE (elements of groove?) / “Tell me if this isn’t a #blackalbumguitarsolo right here…” / “Bob Rock wrote that whole solo…” / TERROR ZONE (“That’s Russell with the #STMoment of the episode…”) #universe #creepyharmonyASMR / “He’s still Mille!” / WORLD BEYOND “Aww yeah!” #oldschoolthrash #fullspeedahead (“That’s perfect.”) #deepcut / “When they get older and better…perfect.” #precision #awwwman #guitarbone #KreatorVol1The80s / “We’ve got a couple more decades…” / ***Go check out Kreator on tour and buy their shit-tah!!!*** THANK YOU FOR JOINING US!!!*** “Okay, you know what…?” / ***GO CHECK OUT THE #BUNKERPOONGIFTSHOPPE AND PURCHANDISE SOME MERCHANDISE AT metalnerdery.com/merch / #untilthenext #thelastword #outroreel #theperfectending #funniestendingever #ProductionGenius #MCTentacleMegaMix
Thursday Feb 23, 2023
#183 DEATH MATCH - Ride The Lightning vs Peace Sells...
Thursday Feb 23, 2023
Thursday Feb 23, 2023
With the exception of a few notable anomalies in metal history, a band’s second (i.e., follow-up) album is almost always more ambitious (and usually a ginormous quantum leap forward) than their debut album in nearly every way imaginable. And because we can’t help but “poke the bear” every now and again, we thought “Why not pick two of the most incredibly important follow-up albums in thrash metal history to duke it out in the coliseum?”
And just to complexicate this confusing conundrum even further: only one of the members of one of these bands has actually been in BOLTH bands AND has songwriting credits on BOLTH albums.
(“To be fair”, ‘tis certainly a vexing quandary to say the least.)
Get ready to “work out your traps and use your sports words” because with these two beasts in the ring doing battle, it’s bound to get intense. Time to “sacrifice some fruit loops” as things get “downright biblical” in the world of classic metal as we pit two of the finest sophomore albums in thrash metal history by two of the finest bands in thrash metal history (who actually share thrash metal history together) against each other! Prepare to discover the most sensually appealing culinary wonder ever documented in the annals of breakfast food debauchery and JOIN US as we go head-to-head, Death Match style, with METALLICA’s 1984 release RIDE THE LIGHTNING vs MEGADETH’S 1986 release PEACE SELLS…BUT WHO’S BUYING?
Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode
Leave us a Voicemail to be played on a future episode: 980-666-8182
Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – metalnerdery.com/merch
and kindly leave us a review and/or rating on the iTunes/Apple Podcasts - Spotify or your favorite Podcast app
Listen on iTunes, Spotify, Podbean, Google Podcasts or wherever you get your Podcasts.
Follow us on the Socials:
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Email: metalnerdery@gmail.com
Can’t be LOUD Enough Playlist on Spotify
Metal Nerdery Munchies on YouTube @metalnerderypodcast
Show Notes:
(00:01): “With something in her mouth…” / “Are they like the #blackalbum of #modernmetal?” /
Find out who the Poison of modern metal is… / ***WARNING #listenerdiscretionisadvised***/ ***WELCOME BACK TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST FROM THE WARM CONFINES OF THE BUNKERPOON!!!*** #bonerASMR / #buttonbone / “That’s why he’s the producer and we are not…” / “He’s really the only funny guy…” / #cheers #thisepisodesclinkyoftheepisode #FireOnTheMountain / Another #bunkerpoonguesthostepisode #radiopipes / “Ass up?” / A fantastic #footballchampionshipjoke / “I work out my traps and I use sports words…” / “If you’ve heard one you’ve heard enough…”
(05:31): “Megaman?” / #thisepisodesbeeroftheepisode #ClownShoesBeer #SpaceCake #doubleindiapaleale #ninepercentabv / And now, a label reading by #DrEviler / #buttonrubASMR (“It almost sounds like it’s talkin’…”) / “That’s a loud beer…that tastes like Willie Nelson’s weed…” / WE’LL PLAY YOUR SHIT-TAH!!! #PastTheFall (Thanks Will!) / “You don’t pronounce it that way?” / “UK or USA?” / #killeropener DRAINER / “Grab one more…” / “If she’s alive or latex…” / POISON MIRRORS (#KingDiamond meets #SerjTankian meets #PeterSteele) / “Might as well…” / The angry pterodactyl sound of old school thrash vocals. / #init #yeah “It’s always going south…” / The #EVH of #GuitarHero / MAURICE (this is still #PastTheFall) Definitely some prog influence…very technical. / “Thank you, Boris…” / “Doomy, proggy, thrashy…” (Doobieish?) / “Food porn is #myfavoriteporn” / WHAT!? That sounds delicious! / #shoutout to #breakfastporn at #Hardees / “I’m on the site now…” / “It sounds disgusting?” / “I’ll have a note ready…” / If you listen carefully enough, your arteries will harden just by listening to this segment… / “And it’s not small…” / #markallthetime / A personal #HardeesBreakfastExperience / “I like small ones…” / #sausagegravyASMR
(27:43): “You actually do the jingle for this kind of episode…” #TheDocket/ HEAD TO HEAD DEATH MATCH: METALLICA’S “RIDE THE LIGHTNING” VS MEGADETH’S “PEACE SELLS…BUT WHO’S BUYING? / / ***You can email us at metalnerdery@gmail.com or LEAVE US A VOICEMAIL at 980-666-8182!!!*** / Quick overview… #Metallica vs #Megadeth #secondalbumASMR / “It’s the pre-Puppets Puppets…” / Album cover comparison / “Here’s a question…wouldn’t it be cool…?” / “Is it a lightning dildo?” / “Which had the better killer opener?”/ FIGHT FIRE WITH FIRE #softintro / “He’s got the fastest wrist in metal…” / “You took the words right out of my mouth…” / WAKE UP DEAD #fallingdownthestairsASMR / “’86 vs ’84…” / “Just be loose…” / #lightandshadeASMR / A brief note regarding the #MetalNerderyPodcast #MetallicaConspiracyTheory / RIDE THE LIGHTNING (You can almost hear the Mustaine riffs if you listen very carefully) / #TwixConspiracy
(44:15): THE CONJURING (“This sounds very dark…”) / “Right there…that’s where this song wins.” / “Like Tom Sawyer meets Free Bird?” / “Headphones make a big difference…” / Track 3: It’s bass to bass… #industrystandard FOR WHOM THE BELL TOLLS (see also Fairies Wear Boots) / Finger or pick? #whaddyamean PEACE SELLS / “If you had to pick…” / “Which one are you gonna hear on 96 rock during the daytime?” / “When I say it there’s nips involved…” / “You live alone…” / FADE TO BLACK #trackfourenergy #timelessriffs / “It’s sad but it’s beautiful…” / #guitarharmoniesASMR / DEVIL’S ISLAND #straightupthrash / “You’re a #deepcuts guy?” / At least now we have a working definition of what constitutes a “deep cut”
(1:08:38): Side 2 #killeropener TRAPPED UNDER ICE (and perhaps a new #HTeamConspiracy) / “That’s why I don’t do it for ya…” / GOOD MOURNING/BLACK FRIDAY (the essence of creepy) / “This one wins…” / Structured vs not so structured / “One of the best thrash songs ever…” / #hoccersockey / ESCAPE (“Dude, that’s totally 96 rock in the daytime…”) #earlyvictorymetal / Ways NOT to mix an album… / BAD OMEN (“It’s already creepier…”) / “Sacrifice some fruit loops…” / “No, it’s right here…” / No comparison…and also no contest
(1:23:05): “This next one wins the entire competition…” / #tobefair CREEPING DEATH (“Iommi smiles every time that riff is played…”) / “50 thousand people at one time screaming…” / “That’s fucking #Biblical…” / “Stevie Ray Wonder?” / I AIN’T SUPERSTITIOUS (“It’s not even fair to compare the two songs…” / Potential tracking changes to make the comparisons more fair / THE CALL OF KTULU #creepyintro / “Hey Alex WTF is that noise!?” / Comparison of the intro riff from The Call of Ktulu vs Hangar 18 / MY LAST WORDS (“So he’s used it more than once?”) / “Listen to me, hold on, STFU…”/ #conspiracyASMR / Now it’s decision time…which album wins? / Totally ruined that last analogy using #sportswords / “Those first 3 #Metallica albums are like the first 6 #BlackSabbath albums” / Shoutout to #SterlingMoody / “Do you guys have any merch?” ***COME VISIT THE #BUNKERPOONGIFTSHOPPE at metalnerdery.com/merch TO PURCHANDISE SOME MERCHANDISE!!!*** / THANKS AGAIN TO EDDIE FOR JOINING US AND TO ALL OF YOU FOR JOINING US!!! / #thelastword #outroreel
Thursday Feb 16, 2023
Thursday Feb 16, 2023
Thursday Feb 16, 2023
PRACTICE WHAT YOU PREACH, the third release from “Big Six” Bay Area thrashers TESTAMENT, is a bit of a departure from the more eerie, dark, and creepy signature sound represented on The Legacy & The New Order.
There’s an almost upbeat, “good time thrash” vibe to it, with “more singy, less screamy” vocals and “more accessible” songs that radio stations could feel safer playing over the airwaves (especially during the daytime). Some might say it’s their “…And Justice For Black Album” album, others might say it’s their “…And Black Album For All” album. We feel like it falls somewhere in the middle. You be the judge.
Its time to sit back, relax, and enjoy a veritable “orgery” of quality “South American Adult Entertainment” the likes of which you’ve never experienced before. Prepare to learn some thought provoking Mario Bros trivia, discover why you should use a “gentle grip and a fast technique” when working the knotholes of naughty trees and JOIN US as we dive into the “un-darkness” of PRACTICE WHAT YOU PREACH.
Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode
Leave us a Voicemail to be played on a future episode: 980-666-8182
Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – metalnerdery.com/merch
and kindly leave us a review and/or rating on the iTunes/Apple Podcasts - Spotify or your favorite Podcast app
Listen on iTunes, Spotify, Podbean, Google Podcasts or wherever you get your Podcasts.
Follow us on the Socials:
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Email: metalnerdery@gmail.com
Can’t be LOUD Enough Playlist on Spotify
Metal Nerdery Munchies on YouTube @metalnerderypodcast
Show Notes:
(00:01): #theuncorking (“There it is…”) and a word regarding our #specialguest from #DrEviler / “Orgery?” / ***WARNING!!!*** #listenerdiscretionisadvised / #thisepisodesclinkyoftheepisode #FireOnTheMountain (“Tastes like Big Red…”) / ***WELCOME BACK TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST!!!*** / #RussellsReflectionsASMR and a word about our guest joining us in the #Bunkerpoon / “There were a couple of rooms…” / #thisepisodesbeeroftheepisode #CherryStreetBrewing #OasisImperialStout (Iron DC or AC Maiden?) / #buttonrub (“That looks like motor oil”) / “Its like when you get some good PCP…” / #10percentABV (at least it’s not a #dietWhiteClaw) / #markthetime (“Eleven pounds down…”) / “You should wear a cape…”
(09:25): You still out there #pissingpost? / The ultimate #MetalNerderySuperGroup / “Boners and ASMR…” / ***You can email us at metalnerdery@gmail.com *** / #PastTheFall (WE’LL PLAY YOUR SHIT-TAH!!!) #crickets (“Should we? Or did we?”) / “Mark ALL those times…” / “It’s always awesome when I get to do the jingle…” / “It’s just crude and we’re fucking idiots…” / Scratch #PastTheFall, we’re doing #MindEnemies INTO THE STORM (Doom meets #IronMaiden meets #Opeth) / “That’s the smallest keyboard I’ve ever seen…” / The genre is #ProgressiveDoomMetal (“I’ll bet that dude’s got great relaxers…”) / “What’s the deal with the #MarioBros?” / “I’m gonna Google it…” / #DoomGothicProgressiveMetal / “Matt was right…” / “That will never be replaced…” / Ever heard of #Slower? “Awwww Mannnn…” (Think #Slayer played at #doommetal speed) WAR ENSEMBLE / “A very gentle grip…” / #Grammys / #BestDeathMetalPerformance / #Seriously / “It’s either racism or it’s true…” / #boneyard vs #liquidmetal / “You’re just all about the bone…”
(25:32): “Wait a minute, hold on…” / #bolth / #TheDocket #Testament PRACTICE WHAT YOU PREACH / “It didn’t seem more mainstream at the time…” / “Especially during the day…” / “It’s almost #TheBlackAlbum …” / The importance of hooks re: #mainstreammetal / “Which one is the Enter Sandman of this album?” / #AndJusticeForBlackAlbum (“Does it have bass? Does it not?”) / #BlackAlbumReflectionsASMR / “This goes down way too easy…” / #markthetime / Released August 4th, 1989 and mall memories / Reflecting on Testament tour memories / “You’ll find it…” / “That’s like cleanup day…” / #SouthAmericanAdultEntertainment
(36:21): “In the Bunkerpoon, it’s all tentacles, all the time…” / #allthecokelines #killeropener PRACTICE WHAT YOU PREACH (“The solo goes on forever…”) / Thoughts on the bass tone / Flanger and chorus makes #Florous / PERILOUS NATION (#happymetal) / “They were getting blowjobs and free drugs…” / “I’m just saying, there’s 2 different kinds…” / “That was a different Testament…”
(46:01): ENVY LIFE (and early #deathmetalvocals) / #TheBigSix and Testament’s distinctive sound / “I hear it in a completely different way…seriously.” / “That was their Load…” / #TheBreakdown / #LightAndShade / TIME IS COMING (“That went down way too easy…”) / More Justice than Black Album? #AndBlackAlbumForAll / “Seven is average…” / A side discussion regarding proper compensation
(59:55): BLESSED IN CONTEMPT #thisisthrash / “That makes you the bass player, bro…” / GREENHOUSE EFFECT / “That’s what the knotholes are for…” / #lawsagainstnature or #crimesagainstnature? / “Does anybody hear it?” / SINS OF OMISSION / “You can’t say the rest of it…” (But you can have a conversation about it…) / ***GIVE US A CALL AND LEAVE US A VOICEMAIL AT 980-666-8182!!!***
(1:08:42): THE BALLAD (#moneytrack) and the typical “fourth track” #softintro in the 80’s / #Yeahhh / And now, a completely different song… / “That could have been 2 songs…” / A side discussion regarding #TheAccused / NIGHTMARE (COMING BACK TO YOU) / “It was almost like…fun.” / “I don’t think you should ever close an album with an instrumental…” / CONFUSION FUSION (#TestamentCreepy) / Tracking changes / Thanks to Ed for joining us / Old Mountain Dew memories and the impact of soft drinks on guitar strings / ***THANK YOU FOR JOINING US FOR THIS EPISODE OF METAL NERDERY PODCAST!!!*** #thelastword ***GO PURCH SOME MERCH AT metalnerdery.com/merch / #outroreel
Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
We thank all of you and your respective ear-holes for listening to our absurd nonsense and continuing to spread the wordery and we hope that you’ll continue to JOIN US and keep listening to Metal Nerdery forever!
From all of us here at Bunkerpoon Studios International, we’d like to wish a HAPPY VALENTINES DAY to you all and may you all excrete fluids of pleasure in the name of Love and Metal forever!
Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more episodes
Leave us a Voicemail to be played on a future episode: 980-666-8182
Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – metalnerdery.com/merch
and kindly leave us a review and/or rating on the iTunes/Apple Podcasts - Spotify or your favorite Podcast app
Listen on iTunes, Spotify, Podbean, Google Podcasts or wherever you get your Podcasts.
Follow us on the Socials:
Facebook - Instagram - Twitter
Email: metalnerdery@gmail.com
Can’t be LOUD Enough Playlist on Spotify
Metal Nerdery Munchies on YouTube @metalnerderypodcast
Show Notes
(00:01): #GentlePianoSoundsASMR #Romantical #ILove #ILike / (#Mustard is WAY better than #Mayonnaise!) #HanselAndGretel / No really, FUCK mayo! / “A lotta like and a lotta love…” / #PeachAndLemon / #FuckMayonnaiseToHell / #Bottoms #Necrophilia #Better / *** #HappyValentinesDay2023 *** / “I like #OriginOfTheFeces #tentimesbetter” / #PeachAndLemon / #ilovewings/ #Krokus / #DeathAngel / #GodDamnItILoveYou / “I Loved every minute of that.” / “I love #allversions of #NoQuarter / #PianoCrescendoASMR / #caprisuns and #nutterbutters / “Oooh, I like #wingsauce…” / #ilovethehelmet #ifuckingloveyou / #ValentinesDayMassacreASMR / #HappyVD
Thursday Feb 09, 2023
#181 Stoner Metal Doom Metal Vol. V
Thursday Feb 09, 2023
Thursday Feb 09, 2023
“How close can we sound like Black Sabbath without ripping off Black Sabbath?”
Initially we had planned to only do a 4-volume series on STONER & DOOM Metal, but we quickly realized that the likelihood of that was as unrealistically absurd as sparking up a spit moistened doob with a waterlogged lighter, because there is ALWAYS some kind of stony, doomy, glorious metal goodness oozing out of the wood paneled, shag carpeted, smoke filled, tri-county Stonerverse.
Awww mannn, it’s time to turn on the black lights and lava lamps, light the incense, trim up your “Drug Beard” to resemble a well-groomed wizard, and find out what Christopher Cross does NOT drink on his boat. Get ready to get “squinty” as we chug some “diet White Claws” and make sure to keep that bowl of homegrown relaxers blazing as you JOIN US for Vol. 5 of our STONER/DOOM METAL series.
Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode
Leave us a Voicemail to be played on a future episode: 980-666-8182
Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – metalnerdery.com/merch
and kindly leave us a review and/or rating on the iTunes/Apple Podcasts - Spotify or your favorite Podcast app
Listen on iTunes, Spotify, Podbean, Google Podcasts or wherever you get your Podcasts.
Follow us on the Socials:
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Email: metalnerdery@gmail.com
Can’t be LOUD Enough Playlist on Spotify
Metal Nerdery Munchies on YouTube @metalnerderypodcast
Show Notes:
(00:01): “With ribs wide open…” / #theredbutton #barbecureandamoonlight / #witchy / “Have they gathered in their masses?” / #theuncorking #tooeasy #itwasloose and the #appreciation of #ChristopherCross #lghtbeer and #sailboats and #soundtracks (#nottootsie) #ridelikethewind / #thisepisodesclinkyoftheepisode / ***WARNING: #listenerdiscretionisadvised*** / #ooohyeahhh #fireonthemountain #RobZombieASMR / “Tight like a gnat’s booty…” / ***WELCOME BACK TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST WITH A PLETHORA OF ANESTHESIA!!!*** / #thisepisodesbeersofthepisode #dietwhiteclaw (#waitWTF!?) / “You wanna go first?” / “What happened?” / #ketokomplaintsASMR #MichelobUltraBerryHibiscus (#whoreforeasymarketingASMR) / ”That sounds OMG Disgusting!!!” #organicseltzer #fullheadofhair / #samueladamsbostonlager #patriotale #manbeer #duelthisepisodesbeeroftheepisode / “Christopher Cross don’t drink this shit on his fucking boat…” / #dontdenythepowerof #carbs / “Why are we not using our #saladtechnology to its peak? Make salads taste as delicious as carbs!” / #weightloss #goodjobthunderbuns / #whiteclawlites / “It’ll fit…” / “We’re already getting hatemail after the last episode…” / #alt&nuASMR #umlauts #letterdots
(07:11): “We DID welcome everybody, right?” / #facepalmASMR #doyounotremember / ***GIVE US A CALL AND LEAVE US A VOICEMAIL AT 980-666-8182!!!* #thevoicemailsegment #awesome #metalnerdererconspiracynumerouno #youareright #seealso #SacredReichEpisode / A follow up on the highlights of #NWOOSTM that we’ve missed (Thank you, Darius!) / “We appreciate that you appreciate that…” / #bether / ***go check out #Evile if you haven’t already…they have a very ’86 Metallica kinda thrash vibe*** / #occaisionally (It’s not that we don’t care…it’s just familiarity…and also, welcome.). #annals / “We’ve got one more…” / #1983Episode #keepdoingwhatyoudo / “You ever play monopoly? / “They got a stadium…” / “That could be the name of our band…” / Some greetings from #Clovis / “I almost get the drips…” / “I believe in #snailtraills, #pawpaw…”
(15:16): #TheSnaps and #pushups / #getoutofyourcomfortzone / A word regarding the #jingle / WE’LL PLAY YOUR SHIT-TAH!!! #wellplayyourshittah ***You can email us at metalnerdery@gmail.com or hit us up on the socials #instabook #facegram*** #yeahhhh / #TheDocket STONER DOOM METAL VOLUME 5 / #awwwmannn / #itsbeenawhile / (***Go check out the Stoner Metal Vol. 4 episode for #bigbowlsofhilarity!!!)*** / “Let’s be real….” #buttoncreation #Ilovegoblincock #updated #sideprojects / The importance and power of #stonermetal #genre (“It’s so good…everything’s great about it.”) / #stonerthrash / “Just a little…” / #RussellsConfessionsASMR / Reflecting back on #Kyuss #onmicburpASMR / “We should do a #MollyHatchetDive” /
(23:00): “We’ve done 4 of these…” / #drugbeard (still one of the best #stonermetalbandnames ever!!!) / “You’re still thinking #Sword” / #AI #waitforit #pigsx7 #pigspigspigspigspigspigspigs ULTIMATE HAMMER #fuzzy #killerriffs / #OMGSeriously / “It’s kinda all of you…” #vocalburn / “Could you stand it?” / #shoutout to #KingVolumeRecords / #mannn / “That’s the closest you’ll ever get to #stonerthrash…” / “Maybe we should…” / #HighOnFire SNAKES FOR THE DIVINE / #mattpikeforpresident #IommiDisciple #HailAndThankYou
(31:43): ***If you haven’t already, definitely go check out all #RedFangMusicVideos by #RedFang #stonermetalvideofun WIRES / #stonermetal #shoutout to #BrianPosehn for helping to elevate Red Fang and stoner metal awareness!!! / “facegram or instabook…” / #Clutch GHOST / “that’s not what I was gonna say…” / “Clutch’s Led Zeppelin III?” / They don’t fit in a particular box… / #RussellsReflectionsASMR #oysters #uhoh / #rollingontheriverASMR / #AcidKing ELECTRIC MACHINE / #Melvins SWEET WILLY ROLLBAR / “Way to make me look like a dumbass…”
(42:11): Most crazy name for a #stonermetalband? / The #GoblinCockExciterMoment / #shoutout to #MetalLords / #LarsGumCornerASMR / #GoblinCock THE REVENGE OF SNUFALUFAGUS / “Goblin Cock is weird…” / “How about some Drugbeard?” / #LocalStonerMetal / #zerotoshitfaced / “Those were some amazing tacos!” / #StonedMorose MOURNING STAR (The #SammyHagar of #stonermetal) / “A lot of mucus…” / “Dude, did you get #longislandteas at that show?” / #wrongisland / ***Actually, I believe we covered this somewhere around the #slipknot episode…You’ll have to scour the show notes to find out though…*** / #burgertits #RickShawBillysBurgerPatrol #DEATH WAGON #cheeseburgernipples #filo / “The beer of revolutionaries…” / “That’s the best crunch…(and) that bass player’s workin’ too, btw…” / ***How close can we sound like #BlackSabbath without ripping off Sabbath?*** / “Fair enough…”
(54:45): We’ve slipped into a weird #ZZTop space…bear with us. / #WaitWhat? Have we finally become a #legalweedstate and #NORML “In Georgia?” Seriously? #medicalmarijuana to be used for #medicinalpurposes? (NOTE: ALL drugs are used for medicinal purposes!!!) / #Sleep DRAGONAUT / “It’s all about the riff…” / #bongwaterbubblesASMR #sabbathworship / #Witch SEER #uncomfortable / #OrangeGoblin BORN WITH BIG HANDS / #1000Mods (Nice build…very #Kyusslike) / #projectilediarrheaASMR / #AcidMammoth #Split (Balls based on song title alone) #wordballs #1782 HEY SATAN (how much?) / #AcidMammoth #forrealthistime SLEEPLESS MALICE #doomy / “They have to…” / A beautifully worded Acid Mammoth review… / The power of shaving and also the power of #Pantera / “I’m suitable…” / #DrugBeard HESSIAN GYNECOLOGY #purefuzz #awwwmannnASMR
(1:11:49): “You don’t know about the #Yob?” BALL OF MOLTEN LEAD (It’s not parted down the middle) #uniball ***Keep your eyes peeled for a #VDsurprise…*** / #justrelax / “Sounds like…” / #MCTentacleChoice #Down WITCHTRIPPER #smokescreen (I could hear Sabbath doing this…) / “He’s like our Ozzy…” / Not rill, but real. / “Maybe that’s what the apocalypse is…” / “That was OUR experience…in the 90’s” / “It’d be cooler if you did…” / “There’s just no way, mannn…” / #TheSword FREYA #lotsofcokelines #thefirstnewalbum / “You’ve got the sword for The Sword?” / #sworda #acceptancespeech / “…wouldn’t that be fucked up?” / #onthatnote ***THANK YOU FOR JOINING US!!!*** #untilthenext / #thelastword *** COME VISIT US AT THE #BUNKERPOONGIFTSHOPPE at metalnerdery.com/merch / #outroreel #classicoutroriffsASMR
Thursday Feb 02, 2023
#180 Alt - Nu Metal Vol. I
Thursday Feb 02, 2023
Thursday Feb 02, 2023
“It wouldn’t pain me more to bury you rich than to bury you poor…”
One of the quintessential principles of the Bunkerpoon creed is to arrive at a philosophically logical conclusion regarding any and all things metal, regardless of genre or subgenre.
To put it plainly: “there’s Thrash, and then there’s Metal.”
Similarly, there’s ALT METAL, and then there’s NU METAL (“ALT…and NU.”)
You’re gonna wanna break out your extended-release relaxers and get ready for a “triple uncorking” before leaving the peace and tranquility of your comfort zone and becoming completely boxless & genreless. Be sure you “don’t spill your White Claw” while writing us a nastygram and JOIN US for a stroll through somewhat uncharted territory: it’s ALT + NU METAL, Vol. 1.
Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode
Leave us a Voicemail to be played on a future episode: 980-666-8182
Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – metalnerdery.com/merch
and kindly leave us a review and/or rating on the iTunes/Apple Podcasts - Spotify or your favorite Podcast app
Listen on iTunes, Spotify, Podbean, Google Podcasts or wherever you get your Podcasts.
Follow us on the Socials:
Facebook - Instagram - Twitter
Email: metalnerdery@gmail.com
Can’t be LOUD Enough Playlist on Spotify
Metal Nerdery Munchies on YouTube @metalnerderypodcast
Show Notes:
00:01): “I’ve got a #dirtydongle…” / #heybehbeh #holdingitbythecork / “Think we can get three out of that bad boy?” / Sharted? / #init #doubleuncorked (“Triple uncorking!? That’s a first in the #Bunkerpoon…”) / #cheersfellas #clinky / ***WARNING: #listenerdiscretionisadvised*** / ***WELCOME BACK TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST WITH 1000% ANESTHESIA!!!*** / #noseinhale / #TheBunkerPoonChronicles / It’s time for the adventures of #ketoman!!! / #antiinflammatorydietASMR / #wevegotthetechnology #saladenhancements (“…no it’s straight up #poison…”) / Alcohol and impact on health / “I may have teared up a little bit…” / #AwwwMannn / “Actually…2 minutes…” / #kingsofthrash / #BranchHouseTavern and #Hardwired reviews / “They took care of ‘em…” / If you’re charging a cover, be sure to give them every dime’s worth! / #RussellsReflectionsASMR and the concept of really kickass #metalcoverbands #JamesEsque / “He really kinda stuck on that first syllable…” / C, K, & Q and the various levels of #cuntlery / #HailToHardwired (#ooohyeahhh) / The newest #NewMetallica / #RussellsReflectionsRepriseASMR / “That’s loud…” / A fantastic editing job… / “they flashed his face in…” / #standupcomedyimpressionsASMR #braincoil / “We can have an adult conversation about it…” / #yeahhh / #earshock / “Don’t ever do that again…” / #listenholes / #Metallica #newsingle SCREAMING SUICIDE / #dontdenythepowerof #teeth
(19:45): #thisepisodesbeeroftheepisode (“Don’t spill your #whiteclaw”) / “Looks like a deflated football hanging down there…” / “Y’know, the home of the #numberone #nationalchampion #GeorgiaBulldogs / “A buck eighty…” / #Terrapin #DepthPerception #ninepointonepercentABV #loudandproud #highgravitybeerASMR (“that’s strong as fuck…”) #awwwmannn / Here we go: my best impression of #PigDestroyerJenniferASMR / #TheVoiceMailSegment (“Is that a real word?”) ***GIVE US A CALL AND LEAVE US A VOICEMAIL AT 980-666-8182!!!*** #ohhhyeahhh / A message from #HalfPastDead THE EVIL THAT YOU MAKE (#deluxe) #lovetheshow (“They almost look like #powermetaldudes”) / “They’re local…(sorta)” / “That’s creepy…” / “There’s gonna be a breakdown, I can feel it…” / #guitarsoloASMR #oldschoolmetalvibes / “Most people operate at a #mediocrelevel” / “Um hush, you’re not allowed to talk about them…” / #iknowsports
(30:33): If you’d like to send us an email, you can send it to metalnerdery@gmail.com and if you’d like to send us your #shittah via #instabook or #facegram via our WE’LL PLAY YOUR SHITTAH segment / An email from a listener re: #Obituary and #futureepisodeideas and a review regarding the #DioEraSabbathEpisode (NOTE: #HalfPastDead was our #shittah for this week; thanks again, Alex).
(33:00): #TheDocket ALT & NU METAL / #herewego (this was NOT an easy episode, but it was very necessary) / #comingtogether / Thrash to Alt to Grunge to Nu and the comparison of how #genres tend to get named way down the line, after the fact but aren’t recognized at the time / #wronggenre (“Rubbed off on…”) / Trying to define #altmetal vs #numetal i.e. “Which box does this band fit into?” / “So, you think Alt was earlier?” / “The alt fueled the nu…” #AltAndNuMetalASMR / Looking back at #Death back in the day re: thinking it was the next wave of thrash vs the beginning of #deathmetal / #genrechorusASMR #onmicburpASMR / #TheOldMasquerade / #Hairmetal and #Grungemetal and #Groovemetal / “we’re 28 ½ hours in and starting to bleed…” / “That one’s fatter than that one…” #markthetime #itsmarked
(43:50): The problem with #ruiningsongs / #LarsGumscapesASMR / #FaithNoMore (It was actually 1989…) SURPRISE YOU’RE DEAD! #MrBungleVibes (“Are you fucking serious?”) ZOMBIE EATERS (“You’ve gotta let it kick in to the heavy part though…”) / ”This episode’s gonna be 2 hours…” / “Kinda like my boner…” / #GetAVasectomyASMR / An eye opening moment…not judging by the big #hitsingles #burpnotincluded
(51:44): “If you had to choose the most #AltOrNuMetal #Pantera song, what song would you pick?” / #zerothrash (NOTE: COC’s “Blind” came out in 1991) / “It was either #thrash or it was #metal” / “Are you fucking serious?” / “What happened when you put it in?” / “That was the first noise we heard off this album…” / COWBOYS FROM HELL #adifferentkindofthrash / “There was thrash, and everything else was metal…” / #DearKommies / #LevitationTits / A perfect Rob Zombie impression… / A note regarding a previous #SnackSizedSlayer moment…that was completely forgotten… / “The James Hetfield of the 90’s…” #WhiteZombie THUNDER KISS ’65
(1:02:37): “Now you’re just looking for a reason…” / #ThePinkFloydOfMetal / #Soundgarden JESUS CHRIST POSE (The perfect metal vocal sound…) / Early #deathmetal? / #DeathHelmet / “He’s talking about nails…” / “Is that a song about menstruation?” / #AliceInChains WE DIE YOUNG / What is #ClashOfTheTitans for $500, Alex / “Would? Is good…” #markthetime / DAM THAT RIVER / “When we were getting pelted in the face with cherry pie…”
(1:13:45): “Dude, our hairspray has cocaine in it…” / And now, the transition of moving from the Alt to the Nu… / The equation of the “alt” box / #Tool SOBER #duringthedaytime / #artificialintelligenceASMR / “There is no #safespace anywhere…” / “we just finished the tool…” / “That’s a cheap month for me…” / #RageAgainstTheMachine KNOW YOUR ENEMY (fast forward to the middle…) / Full blown #metalbone
(1:24:14): For the Atlanta folks: #StuckMojo #allthecokelines NOT PROMISED TOMORROW #AtlantaMetalASMR / #markthetime “It definitely fits…” (What about Prong?) #Prong #killeropener FOR DEAR LIFE & BEG TO DIFFER (“Those drums are gated as fuck…”) / “We’ve gotta play Helmet…right?” #Helmet #MCTentacleChoice IN THE MEANTIME (Alt + early Stoner) IRONHEAD #genreless
(1:39:19): “It’s time to get uncomfortable…” / #crackerloverASMR / “Awww, THAT one?” / #LimpBizkit #cokelines FAITH (“Just wait man, it kicks in…”) #herecomesthehatemail STINK FINGER / “Deftones is better than Limp Bizkit…” / #Deftones AROUND THE FUR (Doowop & Screamo?) / Balls with a breather… / #emotionalballs / The weird excess phase of #Alt&NuMetal / #Staind #thefirstnewalbum #killeropener SUFFOCATE & JUST GO / “I figured out the dill…”
(1:53:20): #Godsmack WHATEVER (#A2MASMR) GET UP GET OUT! (Yeah!) BAD RELIGION / “We’re a little out of control…” / #LinkinPark ONE STEP CLOSER / “Right now, this is what it sounds like…” / The #AltAndNuEra / #Disturbed (NOTE: they’re bolth on the same record…) STUPIFY / “It’s gotta be talked about…” / “My #BackSabbath was hurtin’…” / #SystemOfADown CHOP SUEY (“I was that dude for a minute…”) “Sugar is cocaine…” / #wakeupmakeup
(2:07:22): “If y’all will let me…” / “It makes my balls ache…” / #Slipknot WAIT AND BLEED & SURFACING #onethousandpercentballs (“The most #Slayer of #numetal…”) / #MCTentacleChoice #MachineHead DAVIDIAN / #MCTentacleChoicePartDos #thefirstnewalbum #Soulfly EYE FOR AN EYE (Hey man, you ever heard Soulfly on…?) #peaking #thelastword / ***THANK YOU ALL FOR JOINING US FOR THIS EPISODE INTO THE ALT & NU!!!*** / Check out the #BunkerpoonGiftShoppe at metalnerdery.com/merch !!! / #outroreel
Thursday Jan 26, 2023
179: The Year In Metal: 1983
Thursday Jan 26, 2023
Thursday Jan 26, 2023
“Those were the days…”
1983. A time when “Star Wars: Episode VI – Return of the Jedi” was number one at the box office, the national debt was a meager $195 BILLION (compared to the $31,000 BILLION behemoth it is today), the first mobile phones cost around four grand (which, when adjusted for inflation, would be around $12K today), and Metallica, Pantera, and Slayer had just released their first-new debut albums.
Get ready to get “shock-popped” right in your ear holes, break out your “gloves of shame” for old time’s sake, transport yourself back to a time when “the hills were alive” with the sound of metal and JOIN US as we celebrate the 40th anniversary of The Year In Metal: 1983.
Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode
Leave us a Voicemail to be played on a future episode: 980-666-8182
Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – metalnerdery.com/merch
and kindly leave us a review and/or rating on the iTunes/Apple Podcasts - Spotify or your favorite Podcast app
Listen on iTunes, Spotify, Podbean, Google Podcasts or wherever you get your Podcasts.
Follow us on the Socials:
Facebook - Instagram - Twitter
Email: metalnerdery@gmail.com
Can’t be LOUD Enough Playlist on Spotify
Metal Nerdery Munchies on YouTube @metalnerderypodcast
Show Notes:
(00:01): A great new #ASMR idea / “If your long was arm enough…” / #theunscrewing / #thisepisodesclinkyoftheepisode / ***WARNING: #listenerdiscretionisadvised*** / #SkrewballPeanutButterWhiskey / ***WELCOME BACK TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST!!!*** / #thisepisodesbeeroftheepisode / “#Pontoon in the #bunkerpoon” / #Schwartzbier #Hefeweizen #fivepercentABV / “It’s like an otter, beaver, dog…” / “Germans don’t sound like that…” / #RedAyle / ***GIVE US A CALL AND LEAVE US A VOICEMAIL AT 980-666-8182!!!*** / Some production ideas for the #wellplayyourshittahjingle / You can email us your #shittah at metalnerdery@gmail.com or hit us up on the socials on #Facegram and #Instabook
(08:47): Peanut butter’s lesser-known properties / #TheDocket 1983: YEAR IN METAL / The dangers of #virtualreality / How to avoid getting #pinkeye / “I just swallowed…” / #lugedrain / “I just caught me an oxytrout…” / Can you believe it’s been 40 years since 1983? This is the 40th anniversary of 1983. / “Where’s my lube?” / Shoutout to #Pyromania #MetalHealth and other killer releases from back in 1983 / #Accept BALLS TO THE WALL #duringthedaytime
(22:22): “C’mon…” #TheChroniclesReprise (including #theglovesofshame) #ChroniclesRepriseASMR / Go watch the video for #KISS ALL HELL’S BREAKIN’ LOOSE / “That looked like a rack of ribs… / “No you don’t…” / #MCTentacleChoice #markthetime #Metallica PHANTOM LORD / “Isn’t it crazy to think that there was a time when Metallica wasn’t even a thing?” / “Let me just take a moment…” / #metalnerderysalutes / “Too young to fuck…” / #MotleyCrue TOO YOUNG TO FALL IN LOVE / “A whole new #genre of #visualstimulation”
(30:41): #OzzyOsbourne BARK AT THE MOON (If you haven’t seen that video, go check it out! Treat yourself) / “Let’s pick something a little different…” / #Raven MIND OVER METAL (Remember to put on your ’83 hat as you listen…) / #WitchfinderGeneral (Check out the #albumcover for Friends of Hell) / Definitely has that #stonerdoom vocal range / #AkkaDakka #ACDC GUNS FOR HIRE #allthecokelines / “I think we know what that means…” / “You know what that means, right?”/ “It’s like He-Man…and the Thundercats”
(42:11): If we’re going by title… #Pantera WIDOW MAKER (“Yeah, it’s bad…”) #tobefair / #Satan TRIAL BY FIRE #dontdenythepowerof (definite Maiden vibes…musically) / I wonder if Satan had a hard time getting gigs? / “That was before Load…” / #HeavyLoad (“Stronger than Evil”) RUN WITH THE DEVIL (#earlypowermetal) / “They were pre-loaded…”
(48:27): #Krokus SCREAMING IN THE NIGHT (like a more prog AC/DC) / “That is so 1983…” / #ST #SuicidalTendencies I SAW YOUR MOMMY / “I saw someone’s mommy once…” #hyperboner #bonerdose / #RussellsReflectionsASMR Ratt and Milton Berle and ZZ Top / “It’s an insect with tits!” #Hellhammer SATANIC RITES / “They did not give me the sauce…” / Definitely early #blackmetal / “It’s not McGross…”
(1:01:19): #Fastway SAY WHAT YOU WILL / #Bitch SATURDAYS (“Can I just show up?”) #electrotwanglificationASMR / “Is that what she calls it?” / “That’s gonna be the new thing…” / #Y&T MEAN STREAK #allthecokelines / “It’s the difference between…” / ***What’s YOUR favorite metal album from 1983?*** / #assholish #MCTentacleChoice #IronMaiden WHERE EAGLES DARE #cantbeloudenough
(1:12:00): “Just a bump…” / #snacksizedslayer ***Which song from #ShowNoMercy had #themostcokelines?*** #Slayer BLACK MAGIC (Wait, there’s a doll!?) / “Y’all just heard my internal dialogue…” / Looking back on #bubblegum from 1983 as well as other fun bits of #1983trivianonsense / “Am I right?” / More 1983 goodness and trivia / #ObscureMetalFact The metal community secretly enjoys #ChristopherCrossASMR but would never admit to it. / Time to empty our balls… #untilthenext THANK YOU FOR JOINING US FOR THIS EPISODE OF METAL NERDERY PODCAST!!! / ***Come visit us at the #BunkerpoonGiftShoppe metalnerdery.com/merch ***/ #outroreel #OMGResearchShowsSeriously #heavyloadASMR
Thursday Jan 19, 2023
Thursday Jan 19, 2023
Thursday Jan 19, 2023
“So I told him about my pain and the life I’ve been through, he just smiled and the laughter came
Then I told him that I love you…and the devil cried.”
The early 80’s saw a changing of the guard in BLACK SABBATH, with vocalist RONNIE JAMES DIO becoming the new “captain at the helm” as the front man for the legendary Birmingham quartet and bringing along with him a heroic dose of wizards, dragons, clean tigers, shiny diamonds, and more mystical lyrical metaphors than you can shake a sorcerer’s scepter at.
Get ready to expand your thumbtack and yarn collection regarding absurdly intentioned speed trap conspiracies found near Bunkerpoon Industrial Boulevard, maybe crack open an ice cold Moo-Hoo (or two) & enjoy the delicious flavor of victory that could only be brewed in a city that’s home to the National Champions, prepare to get surly, “speed up the brown”, and JOIN US as we wax nostalgic and look back on the 2nd wave of Black Sabbath that is known throughout the realm as DIO ERA SABBATH.
Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode
Leave us a Voicemail to be played on a future episode: 980-666-8182
Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – metalnerdery.com/merch
and kindly leave us a review and/or rating on the iTunes/Apple Podcasts - Spotify or your favorite Podcast app
Listen on iTunes, Spotify, Podbean, Google Podcasts or wherever you get your Podcasts.
Follow us on the Socials:
Facebook - Instagram - Twitter
Email: metalnerdery@gmail.com
Can’t be LOUD Enough Playlist on Spotify
Metal Nerdery Munchies on YouTube @metalnerderypodcast
Show Notes:
(00:01): Absurdly low speed limits, #revenuegenerationtraps and #halfboners / ***WELCOME BACK TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST!!!*** / #asyettobeuncorked / #heartsandballs #clinkythirty #thisepisodesclinkyoftheepisode #FireOnTheMountain from #DillardGeorgia / “Everybody died this week…” / “Weirdly sudden…” / #thumbtacksandyarn / “Seems mighty common these days…” / “Let’s just pick a name…”
(05:41): “I feel like y’all are kinda manipulating the rules…” / #TheVoiceMailJingle ***IF YOU’D LIKE TO GIVE US A CALL AND LEAVE US A VOICEMAIL YOU CAN DO SO AT 980-666-8182!!!*** / A comment from our #YouTube channel (#MetalNerderyMunchies) regarding our #MunicipalWasteEpisode / “I figured it out…” / An impression of every woman in #sevensyllables / “That’s a bold statement…” / A question regarding nutrition / #collegefootballASMR regarding the #NationalChampionGeorgiaBulldogs / #ohmydamn #lacesout / “Everything happens for a reason…” / #worshipmusicmakeover / The word is TRANCE, not TRANS / “You’re gonna laugh at the name…” / “That’s a great name for a band…”
(17:00): #markthetime #thisepisodesbeeroftheepisode #TerrapinBeerCompany from #AthensGeorgia (home of the #NumberOneNationalChampionshipWinningGeorgiaBulldogs) #WhiteChocolateMooHoo (#MooHoo) #sixpointonepercentABV / “It’s like a carbonated beer chocolate milk…” / “The #aftertaste is awesome…” #markthetime.
(19:38): #MetalNerderyAcapellaASMR #Era #TheDocket DIO ERA BLACK SABBATH / A moment of reflection regarding movies from the 80’s / #onmicburpASMR / “Maybe I’m stupid…” / Ever notice how any band that #RonnieJamesDio joins automatically sounds like #Dio? / ***What was the first #DioEraSabbath YOU heard? *** / #youwouldknow / “They play #Slayer on #96Rock all the time…” / How bands fanbases sometimes change when certain members are replaced
(29:18): NEON KNIGHTS #killeropener (From “Heaven and Hell” -1980) / The branding differences between Ozzy’s #peacesign and Dio’s #metalhorns / “The #deepcuts have #nocokelines…” / CHILDREN OF THE SEA and the change in the #SabbathSound with #RJD / “Is that true?” / “Big football fan…never done that.”
(36:53): “This one has #morecokelines on everything…” / #speedupthebrown TURN UP THE NIGHT #killeropener (From “Mob Rules - 1981”) / Interesting production revelations … / VOODOO (definitely a strange riff) / #allthecokelines THE SIGN OF THE SOUTHERN CROSS #stonermetalASMR #hoodahah / “If you listen to fools…” THE MOB RULES / #deepcutASMR SLIPPING AWAY (check out Tony and Geezer exchanging solos…)
(49:21): Fast forward to the early 90’s… / “It’s got a #NWOOSTM vibe to it…” (re: the #albumart for Dehumanizer - 1992) / #nudesteel / Cozy Powell initially, and then Vinny Appice on drums / “Why are you driving a horse?” / Remember #WaynesWorld? / #killeropener COMPUTER GOD / “This riff is gonna blow your mind…” MASTER OF INSANITY (see also The Wanton Song by #LedZeppelin and/or Lady Of The Lake by #Rainbow re: the riff) #shouldershuffle / TIME MACHINE (#WaynesWorldSoundtrackASMR) / Looking back to the movie #HeavyMetal (“Animated titties are still titties y’all…”) #bigtittedwizardbitch / A brief discussion regarding the soundtrack to Heavy Metal… / Ever heard of Ronnie James Devo? / #yeahyeah
(1:05:55): Now fast forward to the 2000’s / #backsabbath / (Black Sabbath: The Dio Years – 2007) / EAR IN THE WALL and THE DEVIL CRIED (“That sounds like Sabbath…”) / “Do you think Iommi ever impresses himself?” / metalnerdery.com/merch / “Oooh, that just did not sound right…” / ***THANK YOU FOR LISTENING AND JOINING US FOR THIS EPISODE OF METAL NERDERY PODCAST!!!*** #untilthenext #bunkerpoongiftshoppe #purchsomemerch #outroreel
Thursday Jan 12, 2023
Thursday Jan 12, 2023
Thursday Jan 12, 2023
The NEW WAVE OF OLD SCHOOL THRASH METAL (NWOOSTM) is the sonic equivalent of getting in a time machine and travelling back to when thrash was still relatively new (throughout the 80’s and the early 90’s) and making a few subtle tweaks.
All of the classic ingredients of old school thrash are there. The sound, the album art, the band logos, not to mention the continuous evolution of 30 years of metal subgenres that didn’t even exist back then, which help to enhance the overall uniqueness of the NWOOSTM sound, keeping the classic thrash metal style from “back in the day” but with enough modern twists and turns to still make it seem like an “exciting and new” genre.
It's time to turn on the subtitles, accept the truth about bass players, prepare to go deep (insider) and JOIN US for Vol. III of our worldwide trip through the NEW WAVE OF OLD SCHOOL THRASH METAL.
Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode
Leave us a Voicemail to be played on a future episode: 980-666-8182
Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – metalnerdery.com/merch
and kindly leave us a review and/or rating on the iTunes/Apple Podcasts - Spotify or your favorite Podcast app
Listen on iTunes, Spotify, Podbean, Google Podcasts or wherever you get your Podcasts.
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Email: metalnerdery@gmail.com
Can’t be LOUD Enough Playlist on Spotify
Metal Nerdery Munchies on YouTube @metalnerderypodcast
Show Notes:
(00:01): “Speaking of C’s and B’s…” / #decorking and #scathumor / ***WARNING: #listenerdiscretionisadvised *** #thisepisodesclinkyoftheepisode #SinEater / #TearDownTheFourthWall #NewYearNewMe “People don’t avoid you at gas stations…” / “It’s a façade…” / #DIY / ***WELCOME BACK TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST!!!*** / #thisepisodesbeeroftheepisode #SweetwaterBrewingCompany (“Nobody says #Hotlanta…”) #BloodOrangeIPA #Radler #fourpercentABV #daydrinkingbeer / “I’m that guy…” / “I would drink that if I was desperate…” / It’s “and” not “in” cider
(09:40): #RussellsReflectionsASMR regarding his #bingewatching update regarding #LetterKinny (Watch it with #subtitles) / ***GIVE US A CALL AND LEAVE US A VOICEMAIL AT 980-666-8182!!!*** #TheVoicemailSegment and a comment regarding #karma / “Allegedly…” / “I guess #Nickelback wasn’t available…”
(19:28): WE’LL PLAY YOUR SHIT-TAH!!! / “I’ll have to work on that one…” / #DividedByDesign #progressivemetalduo (***If you want to email us your #shittah you can send it to metalnerdery@gmail.com ***) / “They both play everything basically…” / Sounded a little like #TesseracT and/or a #melodicMeshuggah
(26:09): “You’re a #masochist …” / “No, no…” #wordplay / #TheDocket #NWOOSTM VOL. 3 (That’s the #NewWaveOfOldSchoolThrashMetal …go check out the NWOOSTM page on the #YouTube) #dontdenythepowerof / Imagine if we older metalheads had access to this in the 80’s & 90’s? / #MCTentacleChoice ***You can get your #MetalNerderyPodcast gear at metalnerdery.com/merch *** / #Distruster NOBODY DARES / #Moratory F.P.F.W. (Is it a new #jeanwree? Or #genre?)
(34:42): #Powerhouse RAGE BRAIN (and the sound of 1987…) / ***If you had not heard of a band before, what piqued your interest? Album Cover? Song Titles? *** / “Spooky & Satanic…” #FeiticoOculto METAL & LUTA DE CLASSES / #Grob KNEBLUJE TWE USTA
(41:20): #Hellish THE ANCIENT ENTITY OF THE DARKEST LIGHT #BlackThrash / ***The #NWOOSTM page on YouTube has a ton of different #subgenre playlists*** / We’re gonna check out the #speedthrash playlist / #Insecurity DEAMBULATING FUTURE / “Let’s do some speed…” / #Outburst THE ARRIVAL/WITH A VENGEANCE (“Damn, I should have seen that coming…”) / #Tyrants TYRANTS (“You didn’t even finish yourself…”) #excitermoment / #Headfist UNCERTAINTY & THIS WORLD (#SystemOfADown combined with #Anthrax) / “People fucking are horrible!”
(54:08): “Is there a country you’d like to visit?”/ #AcidAge THE SHAMELESS LYRE & OH WHAT AN ARTIST DIES IN ME (Jazzy chord choices…) / #Demonslaught666 NEKROSLAUGHTER BATTLEFIELD #blackspeedthrash / #Panikk (“Two K’s, NOT three K’s”) INSTIGATOR OF WAR / #TheCadavorDog RETURN OF THE DOG
(1:06:55): #Anarchy REDDER DAWN / NWOOSTM is like all of the old classic thrash PLUS some modern ingredients / #Thrashra (the #spidergoat) TAKING OVER HELL & HELLRIDE / #FrontalAssault INCOMING DISASTER (Sounds an awful lot like #HellAwaits at the beginning…) / #BelushiSpeedBall (“Even the dog agrees…”) RIPPING OFF MUNICIPAL WASTE / BELUSHI SPEED GRIND #drummachineASMR MAGIC CONCH / ***THANK YOU FOR JOINING US FOR ANOTHER EPISODE OF METAL NERDERY PODCAST!!!*** #thelastword #untilthenext / ***PLEASE VISIT THE #BunkerpoonGiftShoppe at metalnerdery.com/merch for merchandise to purchandise*** / #outroreel
Thursday Jan 05, 2023
Thursday Jan 05, 2023
Thursday Jan 05, 2023
After blowing everyone’s mind with their revolutionary, self-titled debut, KORN returned with their follow up album, LIFE IS PEACHY, which took the Bakersfield, California Nu Metal pioneers to new levels of unmatched sonic aggression including deeply disturbing lyrics fueled by pure existential fury and primal rage. No band, before or since, has EVER sounded anything like KORN, and no band EVER will.
It's time to fire up the CD player in your Yugo and “break down the fourth wall” because we’re diving into the darkness where heaviness and fuzziness converge. Find out why staying in shape is important for aging metalheads, prepare to get soaked with some “seriously wet humor” and JOIN US as we ring in the New Year and “Twist” our way through KORN’s devastatingly heavy 2nd album: LIFE IS PEACHY.
Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode
Leave us a Voicemail to be played on a future episode: 980-666-8182
Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – metalnerdery.com/merch
and kindly leave us a review and/or rating on the iTunes/Apple Podcasts - Spotify or your favorite Podcast app
Listen on iTunes, Spotify, Podbean, Google Podcasts or wherever you get your Podcasts.
Follow us on the Socials:
Facebook - Instagram - Twitter
Email: metalnerdery@gmail.com
Can’t be LOUD Enough Playlist on Spotify
Metal Nerdery Munchies on YouTube @metalnerderypodcast
Show Notes:
(00:01): ***WARNING: #listenerdiscretionisadvised *** / HAPPY NEW YEAR AND HAPPY 2023 TO YOU ALL!!! / #happynewyears vs #happynewyear / #flatmaxi / “DON’T!” #thefourthwall / #posthumousASMR ***WELCOME BACK TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST!!!*** #thisepisodesclinkyoftheepisode #SinEaterCinnamonWhiskey / “When fully erect…” #accuracy / #amazinganalogies / ***We had some new décor via a fresh coat of paint in the #UndergroundBunkerPoonStudios *** #smokedlavender/ We’re going REAL dark… / #depressionmetal / “It’s called a #hairlight” / “Here’s a question…” / #notametalpodcast with #RussellsReflectionsSlightReturn #butthumped with #banjoplayers
(07:10): #beeroftheepisodeASMR #thisepisodesbeeroftheepisode / Clean up on aisle 6… / #StillfireBrewery #GloryHaze #encorebeeroftheepisode / “We’ve already read it…” / #herewego / “The vocal burn’s gotta quit.” #vocalburn #seriously #agreatimpression / “It tastes like weed…”
(10:07): New Years Resolutions? / “…that’s literally the whole point.” / #RussellsReflectionsComedyEdition / “I feel like I need to take a shower now…” / #TheDocket #onmicburp #thirdshowenergy / Shoutout to Daryl! And fond memories of the #RobDukesExodus episode / #multiplevoiceASMR #whispersymphonyASMR #whisperwarriorASMR #cricketsoundsASMR / #nojingle
(13:30): #TheDocketSlightReturn KoRn: Life is Peachy (1996) / #ubersoon / A self-critique of Mark I Metal Nerdery vs Mark II (or technically Mark III if you’re familiar with your #MetalNerderyHostTrivia / “We’re wet as fuck…day 9” / #dryhumor / Comparing “Life is Peachy” to their #selftitleddebut and the evolution of KoRn (or just KORN / Korn), particularly the darker aspects of their overall sound, musically and lyrically. / “Hear me out…” / “Heavier and darker…” TWIST #barking #killeropener #allthecokelines / “A similar opening?”
(22:22): “Sorry, that was me” / CHI (Sounds like #StonerKoRn) #creepy (Did you hear that back there?) / Watching #Korn #liveinconcert and a #KISSanalogy / #OMGSeriously “That’s why I do it…” / LOST #creepynoises / Interesting production observation… / The good part… / #Uncomfortable is the word / SWALLOW #fuckyes #awwman #onmicburpASMR / “Nine Inch Nails, S.O.D., and Primus” / That’s the new term going forward / #confidenceboostinganalogies / “Eat his ass…” #markthetime / PORNO CREEP #instrumental #creepyscaryASMR
(33:28): GOOD GOD (Cool harmonics) / MR ROGERS #cuethecreepy #StonerKoRn #massivefuzz #snapsnap #readthoselyrics #listentothoselyrics / “You’ve got nuts on the brain…” / KUNTS! (I want to do this at #karaoake sometime soon…) / “It’s possible…literally.” / NO PLACE TO HIDE (with a side of #extrafuzziness) / #newbutton #markthetime / The influence of hip-hop on the Korn sound / Korn’s 6th member defined #uncomfortable / No circle pits, only pogo. / A theory regarding the growth and evolution of metal throughout the 80’s and into the 90’s #excessmetal #newgenre / The angst of the nineties #angstierexcess / “I hate to interrupt you…” / WICKED (and some #tangentional vocals courtesy of #Deftones frontman Chino Moreno / “Beat off, beat off…”
(49:43): #allthecokelines / and the #backstory regarding the meaning of #adidas A.D.I.D.A.S / #OMGSeriouslyASMR #goingin / “Y’all are dodging that question, I can tell…” / #hehahuh / LOW RIDER #bagpipes #awwwmannnASMR #awwshit / ASS ITCH “It had some girth…” / “It’s fun to talk about…” KILL YOU #killercloser #doomballs #readthoselyrics “That’s fucking dark!” / What the #fructus? / #HereWeGo /The uncomfortable ugliness of KoRn / TWIST (Acapella) #imgonnausetheforce #hiddentrack / A brief comparison to the sound and structure of Korn’s debut to “Life is Peachy”/ “Let’s turn it down to dark…” / #thelastword THANK YOU FOR JOINING US FOR THIS EPISODE OF METAL NERDERY PODCAST!!! #untilthenext #HappyNewYear2023 / #dontdenythepowerof #thefourthwall / ***COME BY AND VISIT US AT THE BUNKERPOON STUDIO #GIFTSHOPPE by clicking on metalnerdery.com/merch to #purchandise some #MetalNerderyMerchandise / #outroreel