Thursday Jun 09, 2022
146: Megadeth So Far So Good.. So What Album Dive
Thursday Jun 09, 2022
Thursday Jun 09, 2022
While many outside the tri-county metal multiverse would be absolutely mortified to have the MEGADETH leader as the “Commander In-Chief,” many feel it’s the only way to ensure that America (along with the rest of the planet) stays metal (and awake) forever.
With the release of their third album (1988’s SO FAR…SO GOOD…SO WHAT!), Megadeth continued to hone and diversify their sonic palette, staying true to their blisteringly articulate thrash fury and passionately vitriolic vocal commentary on key issues such as total nuclear annihilation, reckless driving, and profound personal loss (just to name a few).
(Oh yeah, they also covered the most famous one-album, pop-punk boy band in history.)
Get ready to unleash your inner snarl and “give the crickets some space” while “unscrewing” because we have another incredible “Johnny Depp impression” which pairs well with our most recent one-star review (which most closely resembles the smell of moist, mouth-fart “body spray”) and JOIN US as we dive into one of the most pivotal (and also, one of the most overlooked) albums of the early Megadeth administration, SO FAR…SO GOOD…SO WHAT!
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Show Notes:
(00:00): The Return of #BeavisAndButthead and #rejoicefulnews / #tambourineflavored #industrialvodka #unscrewingsucks ***WELCOME BACK EVERYONE TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST!!!*** #deepbreath #andbegin #zeroanesthesia #onehundredpercent #bullshit #mathproblems / #showday #gigday #timetravelingtoalabama #lowbudgettimemachine #magical / #thisepisodesclinkyoftheepisode #DeepEddyPeachVodka #yummy (***You can definitely taste #bolthree!!!***) / #austintexas #healthyspeedballs #sweet / Time to #segue into #episode146 #thisepisodesbeeroftheepisode #wellknownbrewery #StoneIPA #StoneBrewing #yeah #sixpointnineabv #Gargoyle #alcoholdispensaries and #supplyshortages / ***There are multiple #heavymetalbeers!!! Go drink ‘em all!!!*** / #dinosaurs and a #definition of #Gargoyle #flavornotes include #dank #weedbeer #sameplantfamily #beerweed #enjoyslowly #markthetime #thankyougoodnight
(07:13): The “next” segment & show #choreography #organization / (*What about #corporate?*) #WWJD #cantsayit #steppingovertheline / #theemailsegment #synthsssthsss #hail / ***GIVE US A CALL AND LEAVE US A VOICEMAIL AT 980-666-8182!!!*** / #onestarreview #agreatone #thereturnofthesonoffuckbag #theaxebodysprayofpodcasts #FrankZappaTriviaHour #dontbeapussy about #mouthfarts #notprofessional #boom #exhaustingandoffputting / #thevoicemailsegment #thankyouforthat *Thank you #PissingPost for your updates from the #tricountyarea!!!* #9806668182/
WE’LL PLAY YOUR SHIT! #wellplayyourshitah #postproduction / ***Go check out STONEDHENGE!!! Local Atlanta Metal!!!*** #stonedhenge #georgiametal #tricountymetropolitanarea ***They’re playing at #SweetwaterLive in #DuluthGeorgia!!! They also host #standupcomedy there #btw!!! SATURDAY, JULY 2ND, 2022 at SWEETWATER LIVE IN DULUTH GEORGIA!!! It’s the #WreckRoom of the #suburbs…#greatfood #killervenue / Trying to recall the list of #stonermetalbandnames for the #MetalNerderyPodcastStonerMetalHouseBand TAKEN CONTROL #timeforrelaxers #awwwmannn #StonerDoomClutchStyle ***LET US KNOW WHAT YOU THINK AT 980-666-8182!!!*** #sometimesyoujustfeelit / #metalimpressions / *Remember #FruitStripeGum? *
(22:00): #JenniferAnnistonAlabamaASMR / #RestingBitchFace vs #RestingDickFace / #QuickOneLiner #bonelessdays #thewayofthemonks / #TheDocket: MEGADETH: SO FAR…SO GOOD…SO WHAT?: An important (and oft overlooked) transition from Peace Sells… to Rust in Peace… / #thrashbinge #tonguevacuum #darkhorsealbum / *NOTE: There is a method to all this madness…* / #axebodyburpspray #itsnotcovidASMR / Looking back on when we first heard #SFSGSW…what was YOUR first #listeningexperience like? / The 2004 #remixification and #remasterization of the entire #Megadeth catalog and the greater impact on the drums… / #metalconspiracytheory #neuterization #AJFA #drumtreatment / **The original version was mixed by #PaulLani / #Beavis
(30:22): Where we’re headed… being #faktczeched #thatsodd #iwonderwhy #fuckingweird #foodshortages ***Also, WTF happened to #themostdangerousplagueever? *** #chinesedoorknoblicker #onemorethingonthat #locationlocationlocation #armwrastlin / *Wait for that #PSA* / INTO THE LUNGS OF HELL #visual #aftercessor / Listening to #cassettetapes and enjoying the faint #backmasking #dontinterruptthecrickets
(37:53): #PaulLaniMix #itsbetter SET THE WORLD AFIRE and #metalconspiracytheories #deep #loadsofcrunchyballriffs / The “last” thrash album by Megadeth? / #thedrugtracker / Angry #DaveMustaine / #BigAnniversary / #onmicburpASMR #Swanch / #FutureEpisodeIdeas #whaddyamean #fluflavors #flavoredmucus #fingerspressingbuttons #triggeralertASMR / #rightnow ANARCHY IN THE UK (See also #SexPistols but don’t worry about #TheBollocks) / “The unpopular opinion…” / #poppunk and a reasonable analogy…
(49:49): Never mind the #balls…or the #bollocks / #poppunkboyband / #Swanch #superrelaxers #showerafterwards #inotherwords / MARY JANE #imgoingcrazy #readthoselyrics #soyoumustbe #JeanWree / The development of songwriting over time and the impact on an artist’s sound.
(58:22): #pullovershithead 502 #eightiesguitarheroics (**If you listen really closely, you can hear #AliceCooper #UnderMyWheels before the siren…and the crash. **) #nexttimeitsgonnabeyou / Perfect reference / Power ballad? Or Dirge? Or #bolth? / ***Go watch #MetalLords!!!*** / #iforgotwhatiwasgonnasay / Image vs content / “The Decline of Western Civilization Part II: The Metal Years” / IN MY DARKEST HOUR #noodlynoodly #tensecondslonger / **Remember how the “original” intro was? ** / LIAR #readthoselyrics #FasterWango #BangWango #badass #anothergreatsongruined #itstheendoftheworldasweknowit
(1:12:53): A great marketing technique: add #Nickelback to everything! / #killercloser HOOK IN MOUTH #freedom #readthoselyrics #thenewnationalanthem #PMRC #perfecttiming #notambourine / James’s #yeah vs Dave’s #yeah / Listen for careful instructions… / ***check out the #MegadethBeers*** / Tracking alterations and changes / #everythingisnotpolitical #whaddyamean
(1:20:45): #RussellsReflections regarding a #fanmadevideo for 46&2 by #Tool and the #tangentionalality to #PansLabyrinth ***Go check out the video! *** / Another great #impression of #JohnnyDepp #NoShit #watchthisthing #itiscreepy (not a great combination of words… or #hashtags) #pissfilledballs / THANK YOU FOR JOINING US ON THIS EPISODE!!! #untilthenext #thisepisodeslastwordoftheepisode #pepperjam #PepperjamBass #StonedPepperjam #9806668182 BUY OUR SHIT AT metalnerdery.com/merch / #softoutro #tidbitsofnonsense #listencarefully #outroentendreASMR #thelasttwoseconds
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